ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG; OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 1 2. 1 939. FIVE News of Douglas County DAYS CREEK DAYS CREEK, Jan. 12. D. O. Crispen attended to business mat ters in Itoseburg Kriiiuy. Fritz Snyder was a visitor in Oakland, Thursday . Jack Oaulke was a business visi tor in .Myrtle Creek and Riddle, Monday. Joe Khoads or Ashland was an overnight guest at the R. A. Moore hunie Friday. Mrs. Gladys Cuibertsori, Irene liertrand and Tom KniKiit nvere RosebuYg visitors, Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. Jack Gaulke, attend ed to business matters in Itoseburg recently. Mrs. Henry Rachor is spending several days at Grants Pass as the gust of her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter. It. A. Moore and Marl Sumner went to Coos river, Saturday, re turning Sunday evening. w'hile there they were guests at the Law rence Simmons homo. Mrs. Fritz Snyuer, accompanied by her daughter, Barbara, went to rortlanil last Tuesday. They ex pect to visit Mrs. Snyder's mother, Mrs. Chapiu. lor several days. Ralph Gerko of Yuma, Arizona, called at the A. E. Mooro home Sunday. Mr. Gerko has been spend in? several months traveling through the eastern states unu Canada. , ltay Itauch has returned to hie home in Roseburt; following a visit of several days at tllo D. O. dis pell home. George Rosa and Albert Jancko have returned to their respective homos after spending several days at Tillamook where they were transacting business. .Mr. and Airs. L). N. Poole accom panied by the former's mother, Mis. V. N. Poole, went to Glendale, Su)iii!ay, where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A'. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and daughters, Doris and Delia, were Sunday visitors at the J. D. Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tison and son, Jimmie, of Drew, who had been attending to business inter ests at Tule lAiku for several days, were overnight guests at the Ray Wright home, Saturday. Mr. anil Mrs. Ronald F-offer and son, llucky, of Canyonville, were guests of Mrs. Lolfor'H parents, .Mr. anil Mrs. Jack Higgins, Satur day night nd Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ulam, who hud been spending several days in Grants Pass visiting and transact ing business, returned Saturday evening. They were accompanied by iMr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, who returned to their home In Grants Pass Sunday evening. Albert Jancko, Mrs. A. JS. Moore nnd .Mrs. Louise lllghein transacted business in Itoseburg, Monday. Other local people seen in the coun ty! seat were Earl Sumner, II. A. Mooru, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Purdue, and M is. Amanda Wldrlg. Howard Moore, Charles Mather and irvin Mather left Sunday for Camas Valley where they have employment. They wero accom panied by Ira Hrock, who ulso hoped lo obtain work. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Goiti, and Mr. and Airs. Ray Coin and chil dren, Jimmie, Diliie and Dannie, all of Glendale, visited over the week end at the Dan Goin home. Joycu iladger returned Wednesday- lrom Blaine, Oregon, where lie hail beeii spending liie holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kostic and Air. and Airs. Leo Westley. Kosiic. and Mrs. Westley are his sisters. His rather. David Bad ger, who had been working in that vicinity lor several mouths, also returned home. .Mr. and Airs. John Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Ilruce Ferguson and Mrs. Arc-hie Ferguson shopped and vis ited friends in itoseliurg, 1 nursuay. They were uccompanicd by Aliss Jnsj5.t Lauder, who returned home a I far spending several days at the home of her grandparents, .Mr. aud .Vr .lnlin Fergusun. Among local people going lo Myr tle Creek, Saturday evening lo en "Mv l.utkv Star" starring Kdn ja lleilii, were Vera lllenz, Alablo Aliiore, Kda Mae Poole, Irene lier i mud. llnllv Widrig. Charles Sewa, Wayne Smith, Edward Burr, Mr. and Airs. Alva Purdue and son, Johnnie, Airs. Gladys Culbortson. Ali-3. Amanda Widrig and Mr. and Airs. T. L. Weaver. The Home Economics club of Hie South Umpqua grange plans to hold its first meeting ot Ihe year, Januarv IS, at the T. L. Weaver home wilh Mrs. John Ferguson act ing as hostess. As there will be election of officers tor the coming year, it is hoped that thuro will be a good attendance. The January meeting ot the local P.T.A. is being awaited with a great deal of expectancy as 'not only are there a number of very woitli while projects being under-t;rf-n but John Ferguson and T. I.. Weaver are Joint chairmen ol the entertainment committee for thai meeting so a really hilarious evening is expected. 'l ilt- Walter Hutchinson family is now occupying their new home re eentlv constructed under the sup ervision of Carl Peals of Canyon ville. The modern seven room house replaces one constructed about fifty-five or sixty years ago i in? corner of tile original part of the old house there Is a huge maple by the late William Graham. By tice which was plumed many years auo by Mr. Graham's daughter, the late Lutie Graham Fate.. UMPQUA IMI'Ql'A. Jiin. 12 Ni'W Year's party whr pnjoyoil at the community hail Saturday evening-. Potluik refreshments, a. program and pamo? wero enjoyed by Mr. and .Mrs. K. Kdald and familv. Mr. and Mrs. L. Leonard and family Mr. and Mrs. ;. Mimsou an.l family- .Mr. and Mrs. Hirst, Mr. and -MiV MeCall and family, .Mr. and Mrs. K. Thontnson. Mrs. U Fritz son, Jean and Laura Lee Wlnni fred, Dorothy Haines. Bessie Ha gan, Era Wandell and Roy Long, Edwin Buckle, Bill Gardner. Cecil Alount, Wayne Petersen, Stanley Long. Charles, Darrelt and Leon ard Munson. The Umpqua Bible Study club held their weekly meeting Sunday. June Munson gave the lesson, "Giving." Special numbers were given by Johnny Snow, Edwin Buckle and Jean Edwards. Miss Jean Winnifred was a guest at the Henry Hebard home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Munson left Tuesday ror California where they will visit relatives. They were accompanied by their sons, Leon ard and Earl and Miss Bessie Ha gan. Wayne Petersen returned to his home at Lookingglass after spend ing several days visiting bis cou sin, Cecil Mount. Dickie Dickerson, nephew or Mr. and Airs. S. Leedy, had his tonsils removed last week. Mr. and Airs. L. O. Higgins and family, returned, rrom southern California where they had spent the Christmas holiday with rela tives. Air. and Mrs. R. Edwards , were guests at the Seymore homo in Garden valley Sunday. Aliases Jean wlnniterd, Mildred Hebard, Lila Alillor. Doris Leon ard, June Alunson aud Edwin Buckle, Johnny Snow, Darrell and Donald Alunson, Stanley Long, ac companied by AIi and Airs. G. W. Alunson were Sunday guests at the Hagun home in Melrose. SUTHERLIN SUTHERLIN, Jan. 12. A. L. Real, who was severely burned about the face nnd hunds, when a gas burner exploded, Friday is re covering in the Mercy hospital at Hose burg. Mrs. Huby Drydsen, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. culver, returned to her home in Seattle, Friday. She was accompanied us tar ifs Portland, by her lather who went there on business. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jordan left the first of tne week lor jLiver more, calif., where they will spend about tea uays visiting their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. und Mrs. Ciordon Applewnite, and their son, Sterling, at Sun Francisco. Mrs. H. H. Kirk arnvadt Monday from eastern Oregon ana is visit ing at the home 01 her sister, Mrs. Jonn Musgrove. She was called here by the death of their mother, Airs, jane Quant, who passed away Sunday evening at theMusgrove home. Mrs. Genevieve Ncttieton, of the resettlement oltice ot Itoseburg, ,was a business visitor in various homes throughout the Sutherlia valley Friday, Word has been , received here of the aeatn of U. F. loss of Kugene. Mr. Doss is tne broLhcr-iiwaw ol Bert Owens. At a recent meeting of the city council, Wilson i-lartsnoru was re appointed to tue ottice of city mur- unal. 'iue first conference basketball games of tne season are slated lor jan. 13, wnen the Drain teams will meet tne Sutnerlin teams on the Sutneriin gym floor. As - both teams nave been victorious in all practice games, this . will undoubt edly be u ciose game by both the uuys aim gins teams. school re-opened January 3 with Goebel Fisher, installed as prin cipal, tilling tue vacancy lett when iN. B. Murtin resigned before Christmas. Mv. and Mrs. Martin auu oauguter are living at Jtuedar port where Mr. Martin is employ-t-U by tne government. MYRTLE CREEK MYRTLE CHEEK, Jan. 12. Wora has been received here by relatives that idajor Oren A. Aim Key, who baa been stationed at i-t. iiisinarck, A'. UaKola, lor the past two years, has been ordered to Jt't. .vicijowelt, ban irancisco. Tne transfer will be made Alarch 1. Ma jor Atulkey is a brothor of Frank iulkey and Mrs. C. C. March ot Myrtle Creek. it. a Way of Medford is visit- Iiir in Myrtie Creek with his chil dren this week. Airs. It. it. Ady unci Mrs. . 10. A. Shirtcliif aio Jim (iaugliters and liis sons, Guy und Don, also live here. miss Lela Weberg, assistant cashier in the bank, was called to her home in Maui) in, last Monday, oy tne serious iiiness of her la mer, who hud sulicred a stroke during the holidays. Miss Weberg was joined by her brother-in-law !tnd sister, Mr. and Airs. Dan Vv. I'oling, who live at Albany, and who accompanied her to their home. Mrs. Italph Stearns is filling Aliss ebei g s place ut the bank during her absence. Mr. and Airs. Herbert Hermann of Grants Paws were Aiyrtle Creek MANY' NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES ( This Old Treatment Often 7 Bring Happy Relief Many -uffeffra reliera riinit harkaehe quirltly, -ore tby chscover tbt the real cauaa ot thtir trouble my be tired kidney. The kidnpys are Nature 'cfijet way ot tltin tbe eifss mcidn and ete out of the tikixi. Matt pcr,pie pM about 3 pl&ta a day or about 3 pouD'il o( trwte. t'rctuent or acanty paMxres with immrtlnc and lurnirm thows there B-sy be eorut thing wrong with your kidneya or bladder. An en-ess of ariis or poisoua in your blood; when due to fuc-tiinsl td&ey diftonlem, mar te the cau.- of OAttxn bckacbr, rheumatie paina, lee jiaios. I'M of pep end energy, get ting up night, aoelhrtg, pulaaeaa under the em. headaches and diitiaen. Pont wwtt Aak your druit for Dun'l PilU, u-ed auoees-ifully by rr.illione frr over 40 vpara. They give happy reiieJ ud hIp the 15 miles of kidney tunee tinth out piioaoug vute Item your blood. Oat bout Fuit , . Headline in f -' v V - , t k7f feverIy.Robefts.and Jo.E,.Browri.ln."FlitingWith.Fate,,, Beverly Roberts and Joe 15. Brown in "Flirting With Fate," at Rose theatre tor three days, starting' today. Second feature on the double bill sta.Vs George O'Brien in a western thriller, "Lawless Valley." ' DEFIES FATE Joe E. Brown. Cavernous mouthed joy produc er starred in "Flirting With Fate," at Rose theatre today, tomorrow and Suturduy. visitors Saturday night, coming down to attend the joint installa tion of RebeUahs and Odd Fellows. Their son, Sheldon, is now a prac ticing optometrist, and is in the office with his father, going to Crescent City for the week-ends where lie has an office also. ' The unfortunate D. H. Dart fam ily, who lost all their household goods in the burning of the Claude Smith home last Saturday night, have been moved into the small cottage formerly owned by the lute Mr. and Mrs. Ktl Strong, aud the Red Cross aud relief agencies have helped them to get together a housekeeping outfit., . Mr. .Dart is suffering from numerous, burns on his arms and hands and about his face. . , . . WHY drive around "Flirt ing with Fate" when you PAY leas for our insurance and enjoy MORE Security Serv ice and Stability ... LOW COST For Careful Drivers FRED A. GOFF 122 So. Stephens Phone 218 IT J, - i 1 - A NOW-and save Be a wise bird, and don't delay ordering your full winter's wood supply. You'll save now ar you'll pay more later! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DRY WOOD I ft., per cord . $3.00 16", per load . 4.60 Hard Wood, tier 2.50 3awdust, unit - 2.50 Delivered In City TELEPHONE 282 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. i J Mirth-Quake v. f - " i AZALEA AZALEA, Jan. 12. Genet Spald ing, who has been heru with her mother, Mrs. Mary liooth, for the past month, left Saturday for her home in Toledo. , Bob Jones of Glendale spent the week-end wilh Stanley Jautzer. Mr. aud Mrs. Warren Ihizen shop ped and. attended to business in Itoseburg Monday. . .Mrs. Rachel Jenks lett last week for Portland where she will spend several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aud Mrs. Francis Johnson and family. Mrs. Mat Dolil of G res ham ar rived here the last of the week to visit her mother, Mrs. Mary Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Italpli Lubbe from Puyallup, Wash., visited over the week-end with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubbe and family. They wero on their way to San Francis co whore they will spend leu days on business. Marguerite Jenks from Holly and May Dumewood from Drain, spent several days this week visiting their parent, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pic kett; Mr. nnd Mrs. John Jantzer aud sons, Bennfc and Stanley, were dinner guests Friday night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Warren 11a zun. CANYONVILLE CANYONVILLE, Jan. 12. Mrs. Until McCico visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Weaver, Sunday. , Buster Stroud went to Portland Wednesday to look lor a location. . Mr. and Mrs. (luy Mcliee and daughter, Jean, spent New Year's In Gardiner with Mrs. McGee's mo ther. Mrs. DeVore is visiting friends In Drain for a lew days. Mrs. Ralph Weaver is Improving nicely alter a major opcratlout Mr. .and Mrs. Joe Casati were guests at a banquet given by the chamber of commerce at the Um p- qua hotel In Itoseburg Thursday evening, Jan. 15. W. S. Coleman left Wednesday for Portland, after . visiting his daughter. Airs. Ray Bartley, for ten days. Don DeVore made a trip to Port laud with Bill Willis last week and returned Thursday. Donald Tucker was homo from school for a few days with a sore throat. Mrs. Elsie Beals visited at the Ira Poole home Thursday. Irwin Brantley of Ashland was a business visitor in town Friday. Ray Baitley was iu Jlyrtle Creek on business Thursday. Ira Poole came home from South Umpqua Falls over the week-end. Airs. Barbara Hopkins was a Myrtle Creek visitor Atondav. Airs. Victor Shaw was taken to the hospital in Eugene Thursday. Jack Gaulke of Days Creek at tended to business matters in Can yonvllle and Myrtle Creek .Monday Mrs. J. O. Gloss and daughter Airs. Cecil Williams wore business visitors in Itoseburg Saturday, DRAIN DRAIN. Jan. 12. Miss Audrnv Wood returned to her homo here Sunday evening after a two weeks visit with friends In Corvallis. Airs, ltoy Sneed was called to Klkton Friday by the serious Ill ness of her mother, Mrs. Anna Kont, who was reported to havo had a stroke. Oliver Bartholomy and family, after spending the holidays here at the II. Bartholomy home, returned to Grand Coulee, Wash., whore Oli ver is employed. The R. J. Letsom family moved last week from their place west of town lo their Fust Drain residence. Airs. March K. Brown attemled the OSTA which convened in Port land last week. Mrs. Elsie Lanlp and Miss Mildred Young ulso at tended the convention. Mrs. Gertrude Wilder was called to Eugene last week by tho death of a relative. F. Smith and family havo moved from Oakridge to the Gilbert house in Fast Drain. Mr. Smith is ihe new S. P. section foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boak aud fam ily ot Fliiiou formerly of Drain, have rented a ranch in tho John Day country ami WfM euVe this week for their new home. Mrs. Carl Henderson and son. Ward, left Tuesday for Antloch, Calii., to attend tho funeral of her lather, Mr. lOlmstend, who died Monday. Jtev. Itobert 1. Parker has been suffering from a severe cold. The pulpit was filled Sunday by a re tired M. K. minister, Mr. Brown, who was a Drain visitor tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crahano and little daughter, Barbara Lee, moved lust week to Leona, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice have moved into tho Roy Patcheh houso recently vacated by ihe Crahane family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Godei, Jr.. moved into tho house vacated by the Rices. The cily council met last week, Mnor Cool presiding. It wus moved and carried that the cltv books be audited and tho job of auditing be awarded to Porcy urown ot t'jugene, at 5112.00. The re-elected officers were Hyorn In. lit Atlanta, (in., whenever there is a fatal traffic accident, a black fluff is hoisted In tho center of tho city and hangH there 24 hours. I TOD AY-FRI D AY-S ATURD AY JOES AvfLAT-FOOT FLOOGEY , Pl'SSlSSi OF THE PAMPAS NOW! 0SFF More Howls Than $r. C i i I M STRIKE OF BOSTON TRUCKERS SETTLED BOSTON. Jan. 11 (AP) A sev en-day strike or 5.000 Greater Bos ton truck drivers nnd helpers, -hich had paralyzed many of the city's - terminals. ended today when the strikers accepted a com promise wage-hour proposal. ' XOTICI-J Ol' FINAL (IKTTI.UIIKXT In the County Ouurt of tlio St;ilo of option fur ioutflua County. In tho mutUT of thi? eitiiiio of lU-t- Notke lu'roby'ls niwn. ilutt th undoritiKULHl. oxofulur of Will Hlld U'dtUMK'Ilt Dottle )-:. l'ii-kens. deceased. flint bin flnul account in -lie above entitled i-ourt in 8tHll'NH-;:it of aul mlnic: that by orler .t f aitl co'irt duly mailo and etitereil ol' roJoid. fiatur ilay, Januarv lUst. lin.i, at un o'clock A. At., in ihe cur tit v court room in tho court huuso In I torn' -bnrof. l-ouKlatt County. Ol'c-K'o". huvu been fixed as ills lime am! place for heuniiw nbi-'ctlont. if any there be. to said final account and fur settlement theriif. Dated and fit at published Decem ber it. lyus. IVAN t'i. V1CK13XS. Executor of Die Mut will and imm inent of iiuttij K. l'ick cn. du- Don't Drive CAMPBELL'S Complete Winterproof Service for your car per formed by experienced workmen. A complete line of petroleum products and . spe cialties necessary for the economical upkeep' of your car, featuring ' Mobiloil, Mobiigas, Mobiigreases, Specialties U; S; Tires and U, Batteries Protect your car before it is necessary to repair it In tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Orett'tn for Dontctua County. Tli- Douglas National Bunk of KnseburK. n corporation, pin hi tiff. vs. G.-ver C. Wolfe and Ke becca C Wolfe, bin wife; und Ht-rtha May t'aikiiinon and S. U. I'urkinsun. her husband, defend ant!). To itertha May Parkinson, ouo pf the above named defe.iduntti: In the name of the slate of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of Die pimntiff filed against you In t be a bove en 1 1 1 ted court and culisu on or before four weeks from I lie date of the flint publication of thin kiiuuuouk. und If you fail to so appear it ml answer tmid complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In Ha id complaint, a succinct tttateinent of which i as follows, to-wlt: For Judgment nuatnst the defend ants Uever C Wolfe and Rebecca C. Wolfe, and each of them. In the mm of One thousand Dollars 5HH)0), toKcther with Interest thereon nt the rate of eitfhl per cent 5l per annum from Septem ber 30, 11K17, and the further aum of One hundred Do I la fa (1100) at torney'a fees and costs, and for n decree forecloBltiK that certain uiortunKo tnatlu and executed by LJever IT. Wolfe and ltebecca C Wolfe ti tin; plaintiff on the Bth day of November. I'J'M, which said murliraKo covers thu followlnc de scribed premises, to-wit: IleKluninK nt the Southeast cor ner of Donation jUand Claim No. 48, and the Southwest corner of Dona- lion flnlpi No. 4!. in Srctlnn L"J Around "Flirting! With Fate" TRADE AT ONE-STOP SERVICE SfATldM Cornet' of Oak and Rose Streets Township 30 South of nan(C 5 West ofthe Willamette Meridian. Doutiias ;ounty. ureson; inencu North 4i chains: thence . East 8 halm; thence isontn is cnaina loiiir ttiH eiinr bmindarv of said claim No. 49; thenco West 8 chains to the place ol ueKirumiff. contain Iuk acres, more or less; sub ject .to riKht Pf way over . and across the above described prem ises; aud for a further decree that the prumlses ubove described be sold hv ttitt Sheriff of jUnuttlus County. OreKon. OreKon. for the purpose of sutisiyitiK sant juuRtueni: ana lor a further deeree that your mort tjaxe on said premises Is . second and Inferior to the lien of plain tiff's moritfni;e. and that you and all other defendants be barred- and foreclosed of till right, title. Inter est and equity in or lien upon said premises above described. This summons Is served upon'.vou by publication thereof for. a per iod of once each week for four, successive und consecutive weeks In the HoHehurtC News-Iteview by ordur of the lion. Carl K. Wlmberly, .ItnlKu of the above entitled court, which mild order was made and dated tho '-Sill day of December. I y :ti. and the time provided In said order for you to appear and answer plaintiff 'a coinulaint la on or before the expiration of. four weohn from the date of the first publication of litis summons, and the date of the first publication of this summons, is December 2'J. 1138. HIGH & . OUCUTT, , Attorneys for plulutiff. Post office address: UoseburK, Oregon, .. the .Misses Lila Miller, June Hod-