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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1939)
FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939. luued Unity Except 8undy by the A'cw-U!VlMr Co.. luc. Hcpber of The Awoelaled PrM Th'i AmioclaUd Praia tit exclusive It entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and to all local news published herein. All rights of re publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor Entered as second clans matter May 17, 1520, at the post office at March 2, 1878, Represented by Aw iork 271 Madluun AVu Ulil cnxo (tiu N. Michigan Ave. una ruiicU'o 220 Huti Street 1J iron Jltf Stephenson IJldK- ' AngelCM 433 ti. tiprinff till eel, He attle boa Mtewart Street, lortlnd bZO H. W. tJUth Street, Vancouver, B. C 711 Hall BlUtf., HI. I,uui 411 Ci. Tentli Street, Atlanta M26 Grant Building. HubMerlptlun Kntea Dally, per year uy mall $5.00 JJaily, ti months hy mail !i.6U Pally, 3 months by mail 1.26 Pally, by currier per month 6b Dully, by currier per vear 7.8U Our Way (lu ii tjootl tloal of tulking " about the "American way" of doing things, but we don't often stop to figure out exactly what it in cans. The last year's record In regard to traffic deaths oflers a good example. During approximately 3 1. -GOO people In the United States ' were killed by automobiles. That, Jietvvon Jiiiows, Is certainly an up palilnfe ifgure; yet tboro is a lot of eucpuragenieht, in It, becauso it Is about 8000 halow the figure for lfl'17 and 1L 'indicates that the na tion Is at last beginning to uptvo its traffic death problem. , And It Is lu the way the problem was tackled, the things that were ,.tloiio t poly.o H and Iho way the machinery WiM-nut ,ln .motion that It h 1 h miich-tnlked-of " "Amorlcau ;way" can bo seou In action. . Let It be admitted freely that; there was a terriblo delay In get-1 ting started. Tho yearly traffic toll was a Bhocklng' disgrace' for years before anything very cffectlvo was done. NovortheleHs, tho public did without effective protest ncln of at last walio ip to the situation. laggi-oHHlon upon sister nations." Public opinion was stirred from tho Whclhor right or wrong, this, It ground up, and elaborate studios' "'"" , ,,, Ol national defense. This menmt of tho things that could bo dono to wo I!lllHt not ,noi.o(y d(.ron(, 0llI, tKo tho imzanls out or auto trar- flc wero made made bv nrlvntoi'" Bimnr .luitloim who aro attat'lted organizations and by lux-supported bodies simultaneously. Ho tho problem was studied on a broad front, Tho best brains uvull able were put to work on It. Ev ery angle was examined, from the work of school safety patrols to tho possibility of eliminating danger through better highway engineer ing. The results were pooled and made easily available to author! ilea everywhere And then the campaign got under way Llko the original study, It was curried on on a broad front. Tho nubile was given a course of educa tion. Traffic codes wero revisod, New Hj'stoms of police cojitrol wero built up. And gradually tho cam- jialgn began to he effective. Peo ple began to boo that auto traf fic was not an lrreslstiblo jugger naut but something that could be brought under control. Tho control was devised - and now wo can he reasonably confident that within a few years the death toll will be got down to a level which a civil ized community can view with some degree of equanimity. Now all of (hat Is a pretty fair sample of what we call tho "Ameri can way" or, If you prefer, the democratic way, the way of a free Boclely In operation. It was not a campaign Imposed from above; Instead it developed In response to a completely moused H ii (1 Informed public opinion. There was no censorship to keep news ot the situation from reaching the pon tile; there was no repression to keep each man trom r.pcuking his mind about it; there was no regi mentation to l;eepu score of solu tions from being tried at once, so that a process of experlmetitalion could cull out the worthless fines. Instead there whs a pooling of liraius, so to .speak; a uniliim of the nation's best thought and best effort. And because the program was evolved lu that way, It will ntlck. Editorials on News tCantlnued from page 1.) the way of solid results from the tOmpIc, quiet, sensible transfer of administration at Salem tluiu from tho three-ring circus at Sacra mento. SKCIiKTAUV OK STATE (OR . -pEM- HI LL, arriving .home f roirt "thoo Lima coiiJVrrncu j n South America, offers tnY world the prln fiptes adopted by the eighth l'uu- American conference a' a charter for International conduct. He may be rfsut. They did noth ing buL tulk ut Lima, and if the world would do more talking and lcHH righting It would be much bet ter for the common, ordinary neo plo who have to do the dying aft er the fighting starts. COMKIIOW this thought just will pereist: If the dlplomatH who start the wars had to do the fight ing that finfHhcs them, there might bo FEW Kit WARS. Contradiction in Defense Speech of Roosevelt Found , ay joii. i . i' i,i Is . NKA Service Staff ConeuuoliUcut Tho prcsldenL'a uldrcn8 lo the cuiiKi'ou8 call tor more ininuto ox ainliiatlon than could be elvon lo It Jiuutlly from licuiinK It or merely reading u onco. 1 Imvo preferred to road and re-read It carefully, be fore offering uti analysis of It. 1 lie uremuent put the qutiKtloli of lnieinanonui turmoil, war threatn dictatorslilps, national defense first. At tile end or six years we huve 111 million people still idle, larm prices at record lows, our wheat and cotton markets abroad almost wiped out, private Invest ment at a complete standsl III. lis- inn revolt among the farmers, near ly 'il) billions In deficits and the prospects of perhaps tho greatest annual deficit of all next year. tviin an iiK'so giavo problems here lu our own yard, the presi dent Invites us to turn our eyes toward Kurope. There Is no parly in America luvoring dictatorship, but one might suppose thcro were on hearing tills vigorous argument ugaiust dictators. One might sup- peso that wo are on the brink of war mid invasion on hearing Hie president's martini cnll to arms. There were phrases about "tho de fense of our homes." Red Herrings? Wh'atovor the president . was talking about, lie cannot complain If his critics say that lie is trying to create u diversion to distract at tention from the collapse of his do mestic program. Heading closely the paragraphs dealing with the world situation and national defense one comes upon a stritngo contradiction. To defend our homes, our demo cracy, our country and our Inter ests from foreign enemies lie calls upon us to arm. Of course on the question p( ndcHtiato national do foiigo there Is no division among tho people. All believe lu adequate national defense Thy will certain ly divide on what Is adequate, llut having driven home this more or less vuguo cry for "national de fenso," tho president turus Into an- other channel. Let us follow him mm. see wiiuru wo come oill. Wo cannot continue "to lot p'aHs fioivos, but wo mum go to tho aid Hut what sort of aid? Arms? No. since 'there aro many methods short of war, but stronger and more effect Ivo than mere words, ol bringing homo to aggressor gov ernments tho aggregate sentiments or our people. How Short Is Short7 Hence we must come to the aid of sister nations, wo must protest against tho aggressor, but we must make that protest effective and to do that we must use not "mere words," but methods "short of war." Put how tar short? Is the president talking about economic sanctions? How far short of war wil Ii hut turn out to he? How lonu will that turn out to be? How long and economic blockades before It provokes violent measures? In other words, it Is not merely of "national defense" tho president lu thinking, but of stopping out into tho world and using our eco nomic Hlreuglh to supply goods to the nations he believes aro In the right and to keep goods from going to nations he thinks are aggressors. l he plan Is, not to lako our stand upon our own continent and defend our own shores und Interests, hut to hrcome the active, effective eco nomic ally of all other nations our state department favors and the ac tive effective economic enemv of all nations adjudged by it to bo ag gressors. Of course If we do that we cer tainly will need plenty of navy. plenty of army, plenty of powder and plenty ot allies. Put that Is not national defense. So the ques tion arises why (he tall to arms'.' For our national defense, or to pro vme the second line of offense be hind an economic offensive? A newly married man has found that he can give visiting tramps both lood and work hy passing out his wile's bisrulis. A dim clerk In u chain stoic is reported tn have shot a man who asked tor "foster oil." There is something to be said on Japan's side of the argument. The V. S. sells Japan all the old curs and junk In the country and then lends China money to buy new ones. It was a meat year lu Hollywood. Ft idinaud (be Hull tu-.e to stardom and I. lent. fol. James WooM'elt "I the Marines stalled at Hie top ot the ladder with Samuel tiohlwyn. fs.wholouists have determined that willpower may he developed hy relusing to do anything to de velop that power. Willi all those overcoats to be distributed by Hie government it looks like the eheertul little fellow in tho raw ou maguzlue covers Is en 1 1 tied to one. BARBS OUT OUR WAY HE'S GOT TRAPPING TO MAK-E MONEY AT ELSE .1 mui-.h tnoe oc tuic l!&J7SF!&.m- BORN VETS HEAD OPPOSES AMUJQlTtiKQUrc, N. M .Inn. 11. i tAP) Release of Tom Mommy f aftor 22 years Imnrisoument was ' of minor imporiance to American) oncerned with protfMition of civil liberties, Stephen F. Chad wick. national commander of the Ameri can Legion, said in an interview hero today. "Tho Legion has never taken official cognizance of tho Mooney caso," ho said, , "and I feel wo should pay no attention to . the matter , but should extend our ef forts to protect ourselves and chit drcn against. such things of which a court and a jury of his peers convicted him years ago. "Tho A in erica ii people did not demand Moonoy's release, but rather it was fostered by pcrsomi advocating communistic beliefs. "Naturally I cannot approve his efforts to release Warren Hillings, a man with two criminal convic tions." AN J'TtANCiSCO,' .Ian. :l 1. (AP) An . application for tho pardon of Warren K. Hillings, con victed with Tom Moouoy of tho lyiO San I-'rancisco Preparedness day bombing, will be filed as soon as Cov. Culbert T. Olsons health permits. Attorney CJeorgo T. Davis lert oday for Sacramento, expecting 10 file the application tomorrow Ills ut am, would depend on '".nlth of the governor who (ollapsed from over-work ahorlly 'tter pardoning Aiooney lust sm. KRNR PROGRAM 1.-00 Kiillnn Lewis, Jr., Mns, ..iu uauic Harris, (ossiti. Mils; Hollywood 4:.'H - Sands 01 Time. MHS. Ictio Airliners, .muk. ?:?(;r!;.l1,n-Shitrt i'kor, miis. I bu Children's Hour r:-la Danee Oivh. ' ' :Hl Interlude, 6:05 Hansen Motor Co. Nows 6:10 NeW8Rcview Ncwa Klashes. o:i,-A;n(M.ican Faintly Robinson. -l-amous Kirst Km-ls, .MHS 7:j0-.eodies of l he Moment. 7:.m tireeu Hornet. .MHS .Van-Sons ((( ,lu, ii()lu.ei.s 8:15 Don't You Believe It. Sen- nation Cigarettes, MBS. K:..0-Handicrait Hobbles, M Its ,imm' tirttM-s oreh. M US. 9:00 Alkn Seltzer News, MBS !':iri(llen (iray's Oreh., Mils !t:.l Jan Carber's Oreh., MHS !iM.r,Skinnay Kunis' oreh. M 11 S 10:U0-Sign Off. ' FIUDAV. JAI:.UV 7:tM)-"Karly Hirds." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:10 Hansen Motor Co. News. i . j, m. JudU Says Morning." 7 :ai lihapsodv in Wav NMIIl- KUht OVhick CHppe K:;tn--Huven nr r,.i. iit- "Good !:'- fl hanlel-s HilllMlho S: Li Home Town. .MILS. 9;30 Man About Town. U Swingstors. Mils l:iiii-Happy tiaim. Mils. 10: 15 Frontier Fighters, MBS. Copco, H'::t'i Dean - Austin. MHS. I0:'I5 Voice of Experience, Pink- ham, MBS. llroO-Nation's School of the Air .MHS. 11 Pauline Alpert. Plants t. .MPS. II; l.' Muse & Music, MPS. !2:uu Luncheon Concert. 1-: la Frank Vanny. TVnnr. MHS. t:;u Xomiiiuie Melodies, 12:35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. 12:43 Hansen Motor Co. News. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. 1 :00 Henninqer's Man On The Street. 1 : la Midstream. MPS. l:;tV At Dick. SongH, MPS. I : la At Yum- Command. 2:1.1 The Johnson Family, MPS. 2::i Kirkpatrick & Orgun, MPS. 2:1.1- Fresh waters Cow ho v Hand, MPS. i:oo -Feminine Fancies. MPS. :t::!"-:r. Van Wck, MPS. :t:1o News. MPS. I 4:tHFultou Lewis, Jr., MHS. TO STOP THIS HE'LL HAVE HIS SPENDIN& SOMETHING CAN'T STANP THIRTY VEARS TOO SOON Daily Devotions DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS It would seem that humility was a kind of, cornerstone of goodness, lending not only sta bility to it, but. grace and beauty as well. The good book has much to say In the way of condemnation of pride, as not only a very serious fault but a very posltlvo sin as well. It can easily he seen how It stands in the way of human kindliness and sympathy and umtcrstanfU lug and makes fellowship of a helpful and upliftng sort quite Impossible. I cannot do much to h-iip anyone until I am ready to stand alongside them In a bond of true friendship and any touch of pride that makes that impossible Is a wicked sin against my brother man. We pray our Wod, for the goodness which Is kind and helpful and ready to give itself to others without stint or question. Kor bid that we should In any way cherish lofty notions of our selves that would keep us from a true understanding or our fel low man for Jesus sake. Amen. I: Hi Jhck Mel.uln Orcb., MPS. I :.'M Dramas ol Youth, iI IIS. fi:U0 .Marriage License Uomanc es, MPS. f: 1,1 (ien. ShuTler Parker, MPS. B::iti The Children's Hour. .1:1.1 Dance Orcb. fi:00 Interlude. 6:05 Hansen Motor Co. News. 6:10 News-Review News Flashes. (i: 1.1 Tho Phantom Pilot. MPS. ll::iu .luigens' Oreh., MPS. 0 : " Frank Hull, MHS. 7: 0U Curtain Time, MPS. - 7:30 Roseburg'- Coquille Basket ball Game, Sunset Thrift. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. !): 1.1-Mcoll Smith, MPS. !l::Hf .Ian Harbor's Oreh., MPS. IU: 00 Sign Off. Takes Family Back to Portland Willard Johnson, of Portland, came to Itoseburg the first of the week to lake Mrs. Johnson and their daughter. Agues Until, back to their home. Mrs. Johnson has been here since Chrislmas with Agnes Ruth, who underwent an appen dectomy at Mercy hospital during the holidays. In tli( Cmmly Cinirt of th Slate t.f ih-.'Hon fvr DiiIikIus County. Nittire is luri-liy Ktven that an ii')IKMl hllS lu'MI l ll. d (nr I hp iiVohitinent of un ;nlmi nisi nil ur l the I'-ititlf nf Siiinu' . fiuiuul. ami H um'cariiiK t hut SjiIiuicI l. I 'nut ;nl Iuim I li linsslim uiel ha lint Ik vll he. II (or HUM v 1 luill i ll yea is. and ii also nppi-ai ini; Unit ( 'iirl ( 'mii ail. n son ii nil h.'lr f iiimi.'l t . ( Vni rat, has lii'cti nilss i ii K n ml 1ms nut tti t-n scon in- hcanl uf sin.! I it li 1 , Itleierern tint Ice : 1.- Ii.-i.liy kwi Pint on .the Xilli diiy of I'Vlirimi v. ly.iii. ut the hour uf I ii -tn A. of hit ul iluy, in lliy I'l.umy eniiil riiuin mit( the County ciMitt li.Miso ul Kesfhtli-K. Oregon, ii lieiirinir wPl U' held (or tao Ink lie; of test I in on v wit Ii n-sptit i lo Hi ' .Lath ..r the waj.l Samc.l I). Co n ra.l und uf the suiii Curl Cou nt. I and at thai tun.- th- ...tut will h.-ai evuleii'-e i .ni. ei iiiitii the ul e! il ii hseiiee ! t lit- t-aiil I'el'ii'lKs ami tin- . h.uiustaitee.s ami din a I i!i il Saul alisen.'e. Aa ) rsmts Inteiested hi ftiiid tnaU'-r or havlntr k iin leiliieiir in liu ination Willi respeet lu Mild per-.-lis may ni-l-enr niul he heard ut stint heuiini;. 'I' In- firm piihlleat inn of this nn 11' e Is on Ihe Ulli ilav u( .huni'iiv. !:;:. and the pt piildU.ili.i:j on Hi, Hill dav uf 1-Y!iiuurv. IWt. -o - .MTlt II TO HCIHTOItN In tb. intv Mii-t of the Slate of r-moi .'- I lniml.i.t Cn a m v. In to,, matter ot tb.- estate of fh.ts. 1". Hopkins, deceased. Not ii is lo'i , Uy i veil that the illel.-i -n.-m d l.v .oder of the above emitted com i dulv made and -I.M..1 of record lias been a.M'oint--d cvnuinr i.f the lust will and l.-Miiin. iit of ('has. F. Il..pkhis. de- "''ii, ana lias duly mta litied its h. .l P. i seu?i 1 1 il 1 li c I a t m s said estate are herebv re tn present tile Same, dulv I. to the uml-islaiied at his ' '' in llos, bury, Dotii las Di-U'M). within sl mo'Hlis he Hi t publieatli.i- of this w tm h the 1-U. d..v of n. w. sTiioxn. Iat .11 and testa Hopkins, de- f th. Cha HIJAl, I'ltOTKIITV i Pursuance of a decree of foie uie and outer of s.'tli iiimlc and red in the Cm oil Couil "f the e of treon for DoimUs v'oun lated December s. !:-.. in the of Tlie Cttv of KoNelnirf. ttf a municipal cojt-o ration, plain- By William AWP . GET AWAY" A DOWN DOWN.' I J I WHOOH.' WHY I CAWT HE STICK I TO MUSKRAT AND 1 I 0-.F?WlU'M2, I -IX tiff. vs. John Hunt and Caroline Hast, husband and wife: Gertrude Hast, an unmarried woman; Dell V. Itnst and lluael ttust. huMhand and wife; Aland Ilaat Kidder and Stanley Kidder, wife and husband; lU'Kina Knsl Sawyers and J. ii. SawyeiM. wlfu and husband; Marie WilHua, an unmarried woman; The Chun-h of ChrlHl. a non-profit cor poration; u. w. llradlord. solo stir vlvlntf minted of said The Church or tjiiriHt: Mary K, I look, an tin married woinan; also all other per suns or purtioH uiiKiiown, clalmiiiK any rlKhl, till;, ;.stute. iion or In torept In the real uatato dnscrllied in the Comphihit heroin, or any part thereof. Defendants, being- u.iunu on i .i. i or i no nirociosuro ol ccrlain city improvement liena held by the plaintiff and lor the l-oi-nt'- urv oi' the following named sums of money wun liiiereHt thereon ut six pur cent tier annum from the datu of auid decree until paid with the uirttier Hums as attorney s Iuob and costs and ilisbuiHeinenia herelnaft av nii;atioiH!d. and of an execution upon said deereu duly issued out of said court on the yth day of De cember, J li;tS. 1 will uxpoae, for sale and sell at public auction us the law directs, at tho courthouse door .of said county, in the City of lioae-but-K'. OreKon, on Saturday. ihe tun day of January. I'JZi), at ten o'clock A. M tho respective par cel or reiM property situ it ed in tlic City of Itoseburg. County of Doimlas. and State of Oregon, and described in said decree and 'order of sale as follows, to-wit: 1. That certain real property de HCiibud as follows, to-wit, be-Ki li ning at il point Iliifl feet northerly of M'o corner of Douglas Street and Itast Avenue and runnitiK tlieiieo northerly along the easter ly Hue of itust Avenuo 142 feet; thinco Kasterly parallel with Douglas .Street 80 , feet; thence .southerly panillel with Itast Avo iliie I 1 feet; tiiettce westerly par allel with Dou:,'his Street KO feel to the phiee of beginning, for the re covery of the sain of $HS:t.r,s with interest theteon al six per c-nt per annum from December S. IIKIM, until piiid. the further sum of $fo.uo as attorney's fees, and plulniiff's costs and disbursements taxed at $17.00, all of which sums consti tute, a first lien against said real property. 2. l,otn numbered Ihreo Ot) and four (-ij of Block numbered thirty four CM ) of Kali road Addition to the filly of Itoseburg, Oregon, as shown by the leeordtd map or plat of said Addition, tor the rocoVery of the sum of $I77.;I7 with Interest ihereoti at six per cent per annum from December a, l:t;:s, until paid, the further sum of $;:.. OH as attor ney's fe..,4, a tut plaintiff's costs and disbursements taxed at tX.fiO, all of which sums constitute a first u.ti llltll(llt,t SJlill ,.,., property. That certain real Piooerlv de serilied as Dot numbered' sixteen (Hi) of isiock niimlierod eighteen (1H of Waite's l-'lrst Addition to tli) City of Hose h nr g, Oregon, as shown b.v tho recorded map or plat thereof, for the recovery of the sum. of JUKI. on with Interest there on at six per cent per annum from December X. inns, until paid, tho further .sum of JO.Oa as attorney's fees and plaintiffs costs and dis bursements taxed ut 1 1.70. all of which sums constitute a first Hen against said real property. . 4. Dots numbered eighteen OS), nineteen (DM. twenty (it, twentv one (-'D. twenty-two twenty-thn-e CJ") and twenty-:mir ('ll of Hlock fifty-three :.;! of Kinney's Improved Plat to the Cily of tturg. Oregon, for the recovery of the aunt of x:if.,r.O with Interest thereon at six per cent per an num from December K, 1 !:(, until paid, tht; further sum of $:T,00 as ut I nappy's fees. and phi in tiff's cost and disbursements taxed at $1 l.'.al all of which sums coast i tute a first lien against said real pmperlv. ."i. Dot numbered eighteen (IS) nf Ittn. k numbered fifty-threi nf Km lo'V'il Improved I'hil to tin- City nf Itoseburg. Oregon, fur t ! i ecov- of the Hum nf J."i:;.iit; Willi iiiter- vhi uiereon hi six per cent per an- iiuiii, lioni lli.ts, until Paid, and ulaitiliff s costs and dis- b.irsemetits taxed .ut all nf which sums i.aslitaie a lien aiialhsl said i,ot numi.eted eighteen of the phtiutlff set forth abov ii.-NBuipjrii miiv iii me prior nen Ihe s'liil respective tracts of real properly will bo sold separ ately and said sale will be made tor cash in hand and will bo sub ject lo confirm at Ion bv t be said coiirl. and will be sut.Jeet to ie denmtiou as itiovlded bv law. 1 ated at l;os. biu k. OreKon. De cember lt Ii. i;t::s. ri;itt'v a. vi:im. Sheriff of Douulas Couiitv, On umi 1'" 1 1 K I) J. ivINSKL. Deputy. -o - MlllCt; Tit CHMII! THUS In tho Count v Court of the State l Ur.'K"ll for DotiMla-t Cmumiv, In lie matter of the estate of Wil liam Klsen. deceived. Notice Is hereby niveii that the im.l..fsiyned. bv order of Ihe aloe... entitled eoiill dulv made iitid entered of i e, ord. hn been d Iv apt.olut. ;1 adni.ittJtrati ix witli i be W'll minexed of the e.-lal.- of Wil liam Klsen. de. ea.s, d. and ha j dulv it'allfivd as stab. All persons havlnc rial tn s SK.nnst satd estate are hereby te-uuit-td to present the same, d-tlv verified, to the uuilersimnd at her residence at tiakl.-iipl. In Dtomli ''ounty. Oregon, within six months from' the first publb allou of this noi b e. which u the 12th day January, ln.ltt. l.KXA 11 A 1 Kl. Adinlnlstratrix with the will an nted or the esute t'f William Mf&rfiSS&TP . Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of vale Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tiiu State of Oregon for Douglas County, on the ZJud day cf December. 1 'J'dH, upon and pursuant to a Judgment and decree duty given and made by vaid court on tne 21st duy of December. l'Ji&, in a suit for the foreclosure of a mortgage pendiuK therein in which 1. N. l-'arr is piaiatiit und W. V. Weaver and Mary il. Weaver, hia wife; George D. Weave i ; Wolf Creek Chemical Products Company, a corporation; and Oregon faint Products Corn puny. Inc.. a corporation, are de fendants, which execution and or der of sule was to ine directed and commanded itie to sell the teal property hereinafter described to satisfy certain liens und churgus in aaid decree specified. 1 will, ou Tuesday, the 31st duy of January. I'J'SU, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said duy, at Ihe court house fiout door, in itoseburg. Douglas County. Ore gon, offer for sulo and sell ut pub lic auction, for cash, subject to re demption us provided by law, alt tho right, title and interest ol tlie defendants In said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, since the 2bli day of November. Iif28. In and to the following described leal property, to-wit: Tho West naif of the South cast quarter and the East half of the Southwest uu'urter of Section 2. In Tuunsnip 3;t South, itungu 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County. Oregon. Dated this 2'Jtn day of Decem ber, lyjg. PERCY A. WEBB. Sheriff of Dougias County, Ore gon. NOTICK To ritlilHTOHS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tiie County of Douglas. 'In the matter of tho estate of Hel en May l'isher. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by -jrder of the above entitled court dulv made and entered, appointed administra tor or me estutu or Helen May i-' is her, deceased. All teisom hi. -ing claims against the said estate aro hereby reiiuirud lo piesent the same, duty verified as by law re tiuired to the undersigned; at the law office of Ira 11. Kiddle. Itoom 2 Douglas National Hank Building, Itoseburg. Oregon. within s 1 x months from llie date of ths first publ lent Ion of tills notice. Dated and first oublished De cember aiind. 1038. FltED rtSIlEIt, Administrator of tiiu estate of Hel en iUav i isner. deceased. NOTIUH TO ItKDl'l OltS Notice Ih hereby given that tho .undersigned has tieeji by an oruer of the County Court of me Mate, of Or.cgnti for Douglas County, duly appointed administratrix uf the es tate of Andrew .1. 1'ol'd. deceased, -ll peraons bavins olalius against mii id estate ale hereby not I tied to present tin- .same, verified as re quired by law. to iho undersigned admin 1st rat nx. at tiiu law ottices of Hico & Orcutt. in Itoseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from the Ualu of tins notice. s, .Dated this J!th day of Decem ber, 1'JSS. . NELLIE L. FORD, Administratrix of the estate of Andrew J. Ford, deceased. NOTICI3 UV l''I.YAI, SETTI.M.Iirc.Vr Notice" Is hereby given that the u n d e r signed administratrix de boms nou with the will annexed of the. uslate of Martin L. Uiishtiell. deceased, has filed her final ac count in ttiu County Court' of the State of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty, ami the lion. Huron W. Clough, Judge of said court, has appointed Saturday, the t th day of I eoruary, i:i;iU, at leu o'clock in tho forenoon of said day. in the county court room in toe court hotiiie lu I lose iMirg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place lor hearing ob jections, if any. to said final ac count and the settlement tliereol. All persons interested lu said es tate arts hereby not If led to file their objections, if any, 10 said li mit account at or be I ore the llitle so appointed for final hearing. Dated thin iiili day of Jyauary, EMMA A. SW1KT, Administratrix ue bonis nun with the will annexed ot Ihe estate oi' Martin I.. Rush noil, deceased. MITICK TO (JltliljlTtmS In the County Court of the State ot OreKon for the County of tious ins. In the matter of the estate of Dora Cam moll, deceased. Notice is nereby Kiven, that the Utldersf Llln d. I lei In I! iwni iieeu appointed administratrix of ' e stale ol Dora Cam moil, deceased. Alt persons having claims against the estate of said ileceased are hereby notified lo piesent the sanie. duly verified to the muler- siKUed al her residence it No. .s.1.1 1 loover hi leet, JiosebhrJ,'. Doutruis County, Ui e(in. Ithin six monttis trom tlie dale of the 111 fit publica tion of this not ue. Dated and fust published December lo. 1 1 H S. DKLLA GA.M.MON. Administratrix- of the estate of 1 inrii Caminon, deceased. Arthur 1. .Moultou. lloj SpaldlnK Hid.. I 'on land, attorney lor ud- iiiliUslralrlx. NOTICI-J Til t KtJDITOHS In the County Court, of the Slate of ureKun lor tbo Co in it y of Doug las. In the matter of the estate of Mary 1 1 unt i union, tie -eased. Not lee is hereby ul yen that the tlliiiersiKned ha.- lie-'U. by o-tli-r of above i lililbd court dalv made and entered, imp natt -i adminlstra- of tb estate of .Mary Ihinwim- tnii. deceased. Ml p i m,u4 having hums aKaim t Ihe a.i'l state s;ro hereby reqiiireil lo treseul the same, duly verifivil as bv law re- .liir,..! t.. t 1... .,.,.!. ....I ,.. II... law office of lia It. Itidilb-. Ii j, Douijlas .Naltmitil Jiank I in ilili n Kosehuiir Oregon within six months from tlie dato of ll,e first publlcat lui of tliis notice. Dated and first pulilislicd Decern her 2 2 ml. 1 i:s. J A MKS 1M N T I X 1 1 TO N. Admtnlsl i-alor of the est a to Alary I hint Inn ton, deceased. Minn-; to t itcm nncs In the County Court "f tin- State of u eroa for I n ui; las 'inmiy. In the matter of the etiiie, ot Mat tie it. 10 a to, deceased. Notice is hereby nt en that the undersigned have been duly ap pointed its Joint e.xecuturs t'f tio last will and l;u anient of Mat tie 1.. Kvnns, ileei.-aseil. by onUr of the ato-e entitled court. All persons having claims imatnst said est me are hereby required to present sanie. duly verified as by Liw re- l u i red to the office of Cordon & KeoIiHiie in Hie T in pt nil Savin. US und Loan IhnhlfhK. in Ko.-ebuir. creuoii. within six moriihs " triua I the date of the fir-st puIdoation of this otic f first publication January :th. r.i 1 1 a i ; i ; v li-mn i: axs WII.I.IAM li.iV KVANS. Joii.t rvi-ciuois of the last will and t-Miuneni of Aluttie 1- Kvans. de ceased. Mmn-: to ritKiirroKs .X.itiri' b.Tt'M' KlV,1!! It. ill ttie mti!..i lui.. Ik-.'ii ilnly :tpp,hit ( bv tho routitv Omit .if'tlio State 'f r'Knit. fur I'luitns fnunty, ex.'cutrix of tito last will and tes tament of I'atll U'lltbtln Kay. liv-toa$..-a. All l'! huviiiK cluiuis -vv LUNAR ORB n HORIZONTAL 1 Lunar Answer to heaver S It is the of the earth (pl.). 13 Duet. 14 To verify. 15 Drone bee. 18 To scratch. 17 To mature. 18 Secular.. 20 Came in. 22 One that I secedes. 24 Lava. 52 Classification 25 Myth. for birds. 29 To accumulate 53 Russian 33 To burst forth community. 34 Overpowering 54 To- elude. fright. ss l niag. 56It revolves around the earth in about a - month. 57 It also s around the sun. - 35 Large towns. 37 Vestige. 38 Musical note. 39 Glided away. 44 Torture. 49 Spanish lady. 50 Mohammedan minister. il f i .-I irq i c uy Doay HAK E Mr S3 inEnA'K Al x.O R Du BsShB A W.C-.O l ,C 15 14 15 16 17 la 19 10 Ml 112 gfr- :ZS!IZZ mmawm rifafes ' w warn mrm J.. -J fl.i jLtm jLw(i n Lm..i U iiKalust the estnte of ;;;ild dicedent are hereby required to present the nine to me, proper) v veri t led its i-uuireil by law. at the office of It. t. I'Mdy, Attorney-al -Law. Masonic Huildln. Kosebnru:. OreCon, within six months from this date. Dated January fi. 1 il-.H. Ul-UtTliA KAY. Executrix of the the hist will and testament uf l'aul illiatll Kay, deceased. MITICK )! KIXAI, SICTTl.KMK.XT In the County Court "f the Stale of ureKoii lor me county ol Doug las. In tlie matter of iho estate of Y. .1. lender, deceased. Notice is herebv uiVeil that the undersigned, ad ml nisi rat or of tho estate of W. J. Lander, deeeas- 1. has filed in tho above entitled Mirt mid cause a final account, of his. administration of said estate. and the lion. J I uroti '. Clonal), udire of the above enL .t ed court. has by order duly made and enter ed or record, fixed Alonday I lie L':trd day or .January, i'J'.i'J. at the liour of ten o'clock in tho forenoon of day as the time, and the county court room in the court house- In Itosebure;, Oregon, as the plaeo for hcarliiK said fi nal account and all objections thereto, if any there be, and fr the final distribution and settle Western Auto Supply Co s li3 11? So. St.Vl.t..3 St. lW B Previous Puzzle from the sun. 19 The new moon is a thin (pl.). 21 Noisy talkers. 23 Division of a book. 26 Silkworm. 27 Inlet of water, 28 Roof point covering. 30 Scar. 31 Data. 32 Thus. 36 Plants. 40 Membranous 'flap. 41 Shrub yielding indigo. 42 To peel. 43 Opera singer. VERTICAL 2 Woden. 3 To eject. 4 Short letter. 5 To disperse. 6 Dry. 7 Peak. 8 Nights before. 9 Smooth. 10 Not occupied. 44 Tot. 45 Heavy blow. 46 Market. 47 Ipecac herb. 48 Cozy retreat. 51 Strife. 11 Leaping amphibian. 12 Great lake. 16 Its light is ment of said estate. All persons interested In said estate n re hereby not if led to f il their objections. If any, to said f ! nal account on or before, the timu set. for final liearltii.'. Dated and firsl published De cember 1! Jnd, l'J'.lH. SCOTT LANDKU. Administrator of the estate o W, .1. Lander, deceased. AOTK'K !-' FIX A I. SIC'ITl.UHHM' In the County Court of tho Slate of oii'Kiui for 1 louhis ( 'ounty. In the matter of the estate of John JI. Sparks, deceased. Notice, hereby is Klyen, that tho tiudersiuiu-d. atlministrattir of t he estate of John It. Sparks, d.-e.-ased has filed hfs final account in the above entitled court lu settlement of said estate; that by order ot sa Id court duly ma tie and entered of record.' l'riday. January i:sth, ' I yna, at ten o'clock A. Ah, in tha County Court lioom in the Court House in Uosehmx. Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and plaeo for hearlni; objec tions, if any there be, to said final n'coutit and for settlement there of. Oated aad first published De cember 15. jyns. LKO SPAICKS. Administrator of Oie estate of John i. SnatUs. deceased. our regular Low Prices 7 o make room for I be new models for 1939 cars, we offer our Diro and Holly wood clolb covers, Catalina xvalcr-firoofcd woven fibre and Lakeside woven fibre scat covers for cars up lo and including 1938 at 307c OFF our regular low prices! Four Lines . . . Many Patterns Smart, durable materials that will harmonize v.-ith any car interior, carefully tailored to fit snuqly and smoothly. No uncomfortable cross seams. Buy Now-Save More Brighten your car interior, increase driving comfort, pro tect your upholstery, preserve car trade-in value and savel Ask for prices on Seat Covers for 1939 Cars 41