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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1939)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MR. AND MRS. JENNINGS ENTERTAIN FRIENDS OAKLAND, Jan. 12. Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings entertained n number of friends Saturday eve ning at the Oakland hotel. Cards were enjoyed with hih score go lng to Mr. and Mrs. Klledge and the consolation prizes to Mrs. Sa die Terber and Alfred Hand. Delicious refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Elledge, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferber, Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Ileberly, M'kh Margaret Jennings, Miss Kloise Hand, John Rpence, Wal lace Jennings, Ilobert Sylvester :ml the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. m BASKETBALL TEAM HAS TRIP TO EUGENE YONCATXA, Jan. 12. Howard Tarks, aihletic coach for Yoncalla high school boys, entertained the basketball team to a trip to Eu gene, where they witnessed the basketball game between U. of O. and Washington State. VnosP at tending were, Howard Parks, Hill fiross, Hill Ellison, Hill Wittineyer, Max Ootid, George Roberta, Stan ley I-udwig, Lloyd and Floyd Paul,, Stewart Mathis, Howard An plegate, Jim Huntington, Donald f'ockerani,- Merle Mill key-. .Leo Morin, and Norman Main. MR. AND MRS. KRUSE ENTERTAIN AT DINNER YONCALLA, Jan. 12. Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse entertained at a dinner at their home Sunday having as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kruse and daughter. Hetty Ruth Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse, Heta May and Leta AnnKruse, Dr. II. F. McKaig, Mis. Raymond Waters and Miss Doris Hlickenstaff. Today's Pattern A VERY NEW JUNIOR OUTFIT! PATTERN -1020 Girls, there's enough iashion-ex-cilement in this entirely new jump-er-und-bolero frock to make you the undisputed style leader of your set! Just look at the way the straps curve and criss-cross. And .take note of the really lovely flare In the two-piece skirt (which may be straight or bias cut)! Why don't you send for Pattern 402!l today, and stitch it up yourself if you're old enough, or ask Mother to do Hie work if you're not? The mak ing's very easy! Choose long or short sleeved bolero and, for inli ne, wool or synthetic, with con trast for the dainty blouse. Pattern 4029 is available in girls' and Junior sizes C. S, 10, 12. 14 and 10. Size 10, juniper, takes 15 yards 54 Inch fabric: blouse, 1 yard 35 inch fabric and 1 3-S yards rlc rac; bolero and jumper. 2 7-S yards 35 Inch fabric and blouse 1 yard contrast. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME . AD DRESS and STYLE NUMHER. Write TODAY for ANNE ADAMS SPRING PATTERN HOOK just off the press! It's the best of news lor everyone planning a made-at- home wardrobe! You'll find paaes of fresh new styles. Holero frocks for all aces! Suits and their acces sories! Cruise wear, about-town clothes, wedding creations! Iludaet tips and suggestions for "dressing down your weight!" Youngster styles from kiddies to the "swing" age! Also lingerie, aiound-the-house dresses, and things to make for men! Order now! PRICE OK HOOK. FIFTEEN CENTS. PRICE OF PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. HOOK AND PATTERN TOGETH ER. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to the News Review. Pattern Department, Rose burg, Oregon. immA by CnncCyfilatnS CHARMING SHOWER PARTY IS GIVEN WILBUR, January 12. A lovely shower was given Tuesday after noon at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Parker In honor of Mr. and; Mrs. Ed Sands of Rosehurg, who; were recently married in Vancou ver, Washington. The home was beautifully decorated for the oc casion. Many useful and lovely gifts were presented to the bride. Delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. cnaries handy and Mrs. George i Ayers. Gifts were presented by the following: I Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs. Carrie Hill. Mrs. W. E. Russell. Mrs. Har old McKay, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wickham, Mrs. Virgil Smith. Mrs. Vernon LaRaut, Mrs. D. P. McKav, Mrs. Cal Henry, Mrs. Frank Park er, Mrs. Fritz Hroszio, Mrs. Tom I Lamm, Mrs. Gus Angel, Mrs ' George Ayers, Mrs. Harry Hill, Mrs. Raymond Brown. Mrs. FJd Rus sell, Mrs. Jeos Russell, Mrs. Fnr rell, Mrs. Roy Quinton, Mrs. Jess Humphrys, Mrs. Edith Shroder, Mrs. Chas. Sands. Mr. Tom Gad ley, Doris Sands -and Dick Sands. ROSEBURG STUDENT IS HIGHEST ON HONOR ROLE OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Jan. 12. Margaret B. Adair. Rose- burg, earned a place on the highest honor roll for work in the fall quar- at Oregon Normal School. where she is completing a course in elementary education. M r s. Adair is president of Omicron Pi I Omega, a Greek letter society for ! women. Mrs. Adair is also on the i highest honor roll for work com- ! pleted during the summer quar-1 ter. In order to achieve this dls-1 Unction it was necessary for her j to complete a minimum of IS credit ; hours with a grade point average i of 3.5 or better. ONS STUDENT WILL TEACH THIS YEAR . j OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, j Jan. 12. Charles Robert Montgom-1 eiy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Montgomery of Lookingglass, is one of the 222 graduates of Oregon Normal School to be placed in a j teaching position. A report of the i placement bureau indicates that j 95 per ce nt of the graduating class I have been placed at an average sal- j ary of $00.35 per month. Mr. Mont gomery is a graduate of looking glass high school, class of June, 1930. He is teaching this year at ! Myrtle Point. - I E. S. SOCIAL CLUB HAS MEETING GLENDALE. Ore.. Jan. 11. Mrs. Rr E. Place was hostess to the Eastern Star Social club on Wed nesday afternoon. After a short business meeting, the afternoon was spent in sewing and visiting. Later refreshments were served to Mrs. Matie Heller. Mrs. Gilbert Ol son, Mrs. Dora Harper, Mrs. Earl McMullin, Ms. R. E. Robinson. Mrs. Harry Stum ho. Mrs. C. It. Austin, Mrs. M. F. Nye. Mrs. F. N. Harrell. Mrs. G. II Ashman and the hostess, Mrs. Place. MR. AND MRS. SETHER ENTERTAIN AT DINNER GLENDALE, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sether entertained at a delightful dinner at their ranch home Saturday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Culbertson, Mrs. Ella Leach, -Paul Eldredge, Miss Faye Thompson, Miss Nellie Ginv, Miss Lily Angel, Mrs. R. B. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wunsch and Gloria, Mrs. Clara Sether. Earl, Carl and Blllie Sether, and Mr. and Mrs. Sether. MR. AND MRS. GOIN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER DAYS CREEK, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goin were the hosts at a lovely family dinner. Sunday, places being laid for Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Goin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goin and children, Billie, Jfinmie and Dannie, all of Glendale, Violet (Join and the bot and hostess. Creations of Art With Needlework ELEPHANTS FOR YOUR TOWELS Hy HARDNESS PIANTONI PATTERN No. 1080 Tidy up your kitchen with these new towels on which Mrs. Elephant goes about tasks lor each day of the week. Each design measures about C by 7 inches. The pattern envelope rontalns 7 hot Iron transfer designs, averaging i; by 7 inches each. cnmpMe. easy-to- understand directions, with 11 I lustration of stitches and color sug gestions to aid you: also what ma terial and how much you will need. I To obtain this pattern send for No. 10S0 and enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) to cover service and postage, ao dress News-Review. Needlework Department, Roseburg. Oregon. (Copvrlght 1939, by The Hell Syn dicate, Inc.) SIDE GLANCES COPR. 19 BY NEA StRVICE. INC. T. M. RtC U. S. PKT. "This is the third straight winter Fve come to Florida to land a husband. Maybe I'd do better if I got a job as hostess on an airline." LODGES INSTALL NEW OFFICERS UYRTi.E CHEEK. Jan. 12. The Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges publicly Installed their respective officers for the coming six months at a very impressive and attractive ceremony last Saturday night. Itoseburg, Canyonville and Rid dle lodges were represented and following the installation more than 100 members and guests sat down to a delicious luncheon in the din ing room. Klbert Nans, district deputy grand twister, and Mrs. Capitula Abbott, district deputy grand pres ident of the Rebekah grand lodge, assisted by the following grand in stalling officers: grand marshals, Iris Ally, Ilryan Hieckman; grand wardens, May Shirteliff, V. N. Rust; grand secretaries, Jane Knight, R. Kate; grand treasurers, Emma Ledgerwood, J. M. Martin; grand inside guardian, Alice An lauf. C. A. IJorton; grand chap lain, Addip llaxson. Isaac Selig In stalled the following members into elective offices: noble grands. Rose Martin and E. A. Sliirtnliff: vice grands, Veta Norman. Lee R. Con ley: secretaries, Capltola Abbott, Bryan Didukman; financial., seere tarv. Orilla Peters; treasurers! Hel en' Vfrrell, Alvln Wen ver. The a'l- POETS CORNER t'ltiiftwintr u-iis nnblisbed in 1 the November number of Reflec tions. THE SPECTRE She came to pace the "Widow's Walk, An . obiect. formless, white as chalk. Half mist and half reality, She melted into rock and tree. Akin to Asetan world she seemed. As shadowless as something dreamed. Son.1 evil force had chained her here. An earth-bound spirit, breeding fear. A wraith whose substance none might hold Mere ectoplasm, pale and cold. She made no sound, nor did she stay. Hut vanished silently away. -Marjorie Hunt Pettit. r J J .i-3tA -W' MS '-. m The closest wave to the head ever developed, that's why Koolerwaves last , longer. Cool we'll prove it ! We'll actually put a waver on you to convince you. Featherweight No machine on your head. Feels pounds lighter than the average wave. Quick 6 minutes, no longer. That's all this featherweight equipment is on your head. Soft An accurate heating time is absolutely assured. Results Lovely, lustrous hair no dry, brittle ends. Only soft waves and ringlets, alive and vital. The new Rilling Koolerwave is a miracle wave. You can even rewave over your old per.-nanent no waiting till the last one has grown out. Try the new Rilling Koolerwave. GRAND 202 W. CASS ST. Bje Georg ClatK OFF pointive offices were filled by the following members: wardens, Mona Stearns, K. V. Weaver; conductor, Golda Dieckmau; inside guardian, Mary Hamnett, C. Weaver; out side guardian, Wilma Mickleson C. A. Horton; K.S.N.G., Jane Knight, R. Fate; L.S.N.G.. Emma Ledgerwood, H. It. Ady; lt.S.V.G.. Addie Maxson, C A. Strong; L.S. V.G., Ethel .McDougall, J. J. Ail lauf ; musician. Ernestine Ledger- wood. M. McDougall; chaplain. Christine Eastnn, J. M. Martin. Joe Deurdnrff and IVira. Muriel Hickman, retiring noble grands, were installed as past grands, REV, PERRY SMTIH TO SPEAK AT WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING NEXT TUESDAY Rev. Perry Smith will be the guest speaker at the one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon meeting of the Roseburg Woman's club to be held next Tuesday, January 17, at the clubhouse, to which all mem bers and friends are invited. Mrs. F. W. Morrison, president, will be in charge and will intro duce interesting roll-call topic speakers, who will give five minute talks during the ltmcheon hour. Mrs. Paul Geddes will be the guest artist at the meeting and Mrs. L. A. Wells will he chairman of the hostess committee. EASTERN STAR SOCIAL CLUB TO SPONSOR FOOD SALE SATURDAY As a project to raise funis to purchase dishes as a gift for th Hose burg chapter of Eastern Star, the Social club of the chapter has planned a cooked food sale for all day, January 14th, to be held at McEvean and Dald win's furniture slore on Cass street. Mrs. A. J. Young, president of the Eastern Star Social club, has charge of arrangements for the sale. Various types of cooked foods, as well as salads and inmates will be features of the sale. BENEFIT BRIDGE TEA ANNOUNCED FOR FRIDAY, JAN 20TH The Gray Ladies organization has announced a very charming bene fit bridge tea for two o'clock, Fri day afternoon, January 20th, to he held in the Civic room or the Ump qua hotel, to which the public has been most cordially Invited to en joy. A door prize will be given In ad dition to several contract bridge prizes. Tea will be served at tht close of the card play. FIRST IN ROSEBURG T PpAfAni Ala a hi sMr iw cad iiiir ivn wv nuasTing rermanenr wave Ihe sensational INew Rilling Koolerwaye Permanent BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP NEW OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED TUESDAY CANYONVILLE, Jan. 12. Ber tha Rebekah lodge No. 1SS of Can yonville, Installed the following of ficers at the regular meeting Tues day evening, Jan. 10: Harriett Par dee, N. t:.: tlayle Montgomery, V. O.; Ilenlta fl'ickett. swrelury; Shlrlev Cain, treasurer: Eva Poole, n.S.X.O.: Ethel Mae Worthington, R.S.V.G.: Gladys Cain.; Minnie Cornull. warden; Ann Worthington. conductor: Helle Hamlin, chaplain: Alice Oreen. in side guardian; Howard Oreen, out side guardian. Preparations are be ing made for the visit of the presl- ient of the Rebekall nssemmy. Jan. 31. Sandwiches and coffee were served at the close. " LOYALIST CLASS TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT The Loyalist class of the First Baptist church will enjoy a de lightful eight o'clock party Friday evening, January 1.1th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert liroves at 945 Lilburn street in I.aurel wooil. All members are most cord ially Invited to be present. LAUREL CHAPTER TO ELECT AND INSTALL OFFICERS NEXT TUESDAY Laurel chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons will meet at a six- thirty o'clock dinner at the Masonic temple next Tuesday night, Jan uary 17, to ue followed uy elec tion and installation oi tne new oi ficers. All members are urged to he present. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 12. (AP) BUTTER Prints: A grade. 29&c lb. in parchment wrappers, SOJc lb. in cartons; li grade, 2SJc in parch ment wrnnners. 2!Jc lb. In cartons. HUTTEHFAT Portland delivery buvlng prices: A grade. 274-2Sc lb Portland delivery: U grade, lie lb less; C grade 6c lb. less., Country dclivevv. 21 c n. for A grane. EGGS Wholesalers tmying uric i: spftdals, 20-21c doz.; extras l!c doz.; standards, large, ISc doz.; extras, medium. 17c doz.; extras, small, ltlc doz. Selling price to re tailers generally 2c doz. higher. TURKEYS Selling priced: dressed, new crop hens, 2li-27c lb.; toms. 25-2Cc lb. Buying prices un changed. Cheese, country meats, live poul try, potatoes, onions, wool, h hops, mohair and cascara bark steady and unchanged. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 12. ((AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.j IUXiS: Market active and steady; good choice 1U5-21B 11). drive-ins mostly $8.25; carload lots quotable at 18.35 or above; 225-290 lb. butch ers $7.50-7.75; light lights J7.50 7.75; packing sows $(i.00-(i..rj0; few feeder pigs $7.75. CATTLE: Market slow, cows and heifers 25c to mostly 50c lower than Monday; some bids off more; steers quotable steady; few com-mon-iucdinm steels $7.00-8.00; good fed steers quotable ?!l.00 and above; few medium-good heifers $7.00-8.00; common heifers $5.50 (i.5U; cutters down to $1.50; low cutter and cutter cows $3,00 1.00; common-medium $1,505.75; few good beer cows 5G.50-G.75; bulls mostly $5.50-6.15; common grades down to $1.75; good-choice vealers $8.50-9.50; few common calves $J. 25-5.50. SHEEP: Market strong; few good truck-In lambs $7.85-8.00; common grades down to $7.00; good-choice ewes saleable $3.50 1.25. WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 12. (AP) Open High Low Close May 118 .08 .118 .BS The brown house rat is believed to have invaded Europe from Asia in 1727, by swimming the Volga river. Since then, it has invaded the rest of the world, traveling on man's ships. TELEPHONE 150 I Local News Here Wednesday Attorney Fred E. Smith of Eugene, was a busi ness visitor in this city Wednes day. Hsro Wednesday Miss nonnle Campbell, of Eugene, spent Wed nesday In Rosehurg visiting friends and unending to business. Atteitjing to Business noun Radabaugh, manager of Hunt's In dian and the Rose theatres, is spending a couple of days in Port land on business. H. E. Club to Meet The Rivers- dale Home Economics club will hold an all-day meeting with noon potluck luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Bert Kruse. Home From Hospital Mrs. M. H. Muncy and baby duiiKhler, Maria Nan, have been dlsehai'Kcd from Marcv hospital and are now at (heir homo on West Douglas street. Here Couple of Days Archie Ferguson, of Days Creek, came to Itosebm'K Wednesday to spenu a few days on business and to visit his mother, .Mrs. H. It. Ferguson. Leaves for Cottage Grove Mrs. J. Q. W'illits left Wednesday for her homo in Cotlngo Grove, follow ing a visit here of several weeks with her daughter, Miss Halite Willlls. Move Back to Roseburg Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Marcher and sons. Dob and Terry, hnve moved back to Roseburg from Salem and are making their homo tit 30.1 Roberts street. lota Sigma Club to Meet The Iota Sigma club will meet lit 7:30 o'clock Friday night at tho Klward Smith home at (132 Cohh sheet with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. E. C. Jones as joint hostesses. A pro gram will be presented. Goes to Salem Mrs. William W. Knight, of Portland, who is hero visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, lort yesieruay lor Salem to spend a few days with her husband, who is there on business. Mrs. Knight was form erly Jliss Lota Hatfield of Rose burg. Stops Here Mrs. Roy Alspnugll stopped over hero this week to visit relatives en route home to Myrtle Creek, following a visit in Corvallis with her son and daugh ters. Alton. Marjorie. Treva and Dorothy, who uro attending scliopl Return to Astoria Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce have returned to their home in Astoria, following n few days' visit hero with the hitler's son-iu-law ami daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy llyrd. Mrs. Joyce was formerly May V. Pyron, chief tele phone operator hero. Home From Hospital Alfred Xenor, who ?ias been a patient nt Good Samuritan hospital in Port land the past flvo weeks, whero he underwent a serious major opera tion, has returned to his home here. Mr. .enor is an employee of the Consolidated Truck Lino com pel! y Friday the Silk Dresses One Lot Blouses 99 c Venus Corselettes $2.93 Tailored Suits $8.89 THE Spends Day Here Ed Steffen, drug salesman from Eugene, spent Wednesday in this city attending to business. , Returns to Eugene Ralph Hun saker. Southern Pacific; employee, has returned to his home In Eu gene, following a short time here attending to business. Chot'jl C!ub to Practice The Rose burg Woman's Choral club will resume Its weekly practices ki ten o'clock Friday morning at the clubhouse under the direction of Mrs. Homer Grow. Will Install Officers Florence Nightingale tent No. 15. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at a 6:30 potluck supper to bo followed by installation of officers Kridav niirht at the armory. By the Associated Press. Photo Fun HOONVll.I.E. Ind. Sheriff Otis nnrclay, who has taken up cycling to lose some of his 3H0 pounds, will put away his bicyclo tomorrow, Friday tho 13th. Not that he's superstitious, lie said, but he's a little afraid he might fall and ho knows enndid camera fans are after hlpi. Shot in Time CliOTilHHSVIl.LK, 1 lid. Shots rang out In the night. Jesse McQuillen, WPA worker, and his wife and three children awoke to find their home on fire. They fled in their niglltclothes. A passing truck driver, they learned, had seen the blaze and ODDITIES Today, Friday, Saturday , Zooming Out of the Sky ... to give you the screen thrill of a lifetime! 1ERRUL HTNH BASIL RATH BONE DAVID NIVEN DONALD CRISP SPECIAL ADDED ' ATTRACTION Walt Disney's "Ferdinand the Bull" COMING SUNDAY THANKS FOR EVERYTHING" with ADOLPHE MENJOU JACK OAKJE JACK HALEY 13th COATS Beautiful plain and fur trimmed cants. All the new shades in sizes to 44. $7.89 ONE LOT Silk Dresses Formerly priced to $19.75. To clean uo our stock we offer them to you at House Dresses We are closing out our entire stock of house dresses. Come in early and take advantage of this special price $1.19 Silk Dresses All sizes and colors from which choose. and colors from $4.49 nrvt 139 No. Jackson St. fired his pistol to warm them. . What Next? KANSAS CITY. Social security number canis have been chewed by goats, blown away by torna does and stepped on by horses, but .Manager Hugh P. McTernan of the board field office here got n new jolt this week. An applicant for a duplicate card whose home had been recor ated advised his original card was lost under the wallpaper. Contented Employes OGDEN, Utah. Workmen, ex cavating for a new city-county building, struck a sulphur spring. Now, if Mnyor Harman Peery has his way, the mineral flow will be piped into the 2-story struc ture to "promote health for city employes." BUY MODEL KREAM BREAD Made in Roseburg BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25o Eves. 35c Kiddles 10o , House Coats $1.95 Bclbriggan Pajamas $1.89 Feli Hats $1.89 Gotham Geld Stripe Hose to BT1 59c li E SHOW