ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG; OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1939. oqss e urn sasw Help Wanted MAN WANTED Listen to Radio Station KGW. Portland (62U on the dial) 7:15 each Monday, Wed nesday and Friday morning, ex plaining excellent opportunity for men between 25 and CO especial ly men over 40 to cull on farm or city trade and earn a good steady cash income. Mighty at tractive proposition. Extensive radio advertising creating big de mand for McC'ounon Products. No investment in stock required you pay when sold. Pleasant work. No layoffs. Must have car. Write for full particulars, Mc Connon and Company, Dept. 11-270, Winona, Minnesota. ABLE MAN to distribute samples, handle Coffee Route. Up to $45 first week. Automobile given as bonus. Write MILLS, 1601 Pop lar, Oakland. Cul. Livestock FOR SALE One mare, twelve years old, weight about thirteen hundred pounds. Price thirty-five dollars. Walter Gregory, Myrtle Creek. .WANTED Will buy boiler or fat lambs, also young breeding ewes. PHIL1PP1 AND HOUR, phone 2SC-J or leave word at Grand Hotel. WANTED Weauer and feeder pigs, also springer heifers from good dairy stock. J. A. Uhoads, 490 Uracil St., Ashland. WANTED 25 ewes. Good cow to sell or trade for ewes. Old horses wanted. F. E. Bullock, - Kellugg, Oregon. TOR SALE One team 1 Duo-pound ,' horses, or trade for tractor. Georgo Stone, Fox Farm, Glide, Ore. FOR SALE One hundred mixed Angora goatH. Price right. P. O.- liox 401, Roscburg. FOR SALE Young varmint J. M. Ware. Brockway. dog. FRECKLES AND HIS t YOU CAN'T GET s -Oi f 1 V JlMAY , I DON'T THINK. 'll A 1! f 1 DELICATE SHADINGS OUT WELL , MAKE V l YOU TREATED THAT NUMBER. ( WHATS M r WiZK- w A BOILER, LIKE- TOUR. -"OOMPS" 1 RIGHT.' IT CALLS FOR GETTIN' , 1 I WOZ&zg. THIS y A LITTLE LE9i p v DELICATE SHADINGS . I INTO YOU ? D" u s. i' e u 17, Met' s? w.-m. ii h net "su s rj . f a mmim mbm mssms- tI ' . ' '' . tftapm By f ' li,iiii. -.I . . ,.-,. , i lu , IH I Jii.--B. ... 1, ..ft-. MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll I WE'LL GET HER, SHE'S 1 SS!k I I SO THIS WA5 HO THEY MADE THE M I it- lT 1 Mpte WM JfmH I 57a!S Siciou. kJCIt MVSA CB4SW- got to climb txmw J iMlyltfFZglggnti wss JgitiMw a?MPvSj.Mmk- IVoLffTvffiaSsS- I "H? 3mS (VSTAvr avd tub trap slams shut ahd f ill ll I ooPlf LfvlnA , I -f ( IT'S ldvie lave re she 'g p r'' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 11 L. , Jl AKi -AOOH VWE. A.VWcFsOV.'auT Eg fif S V Kl Wllr me ,wffiw wt 6tTi to mmW- 3 nilv' A h,s to va-c. VE.'-b -attvi JxSf WASH TUBBS ( ( L0 L0A THE MONEV EE VI MO WAN WEEL EUER -1 fi y-i h3 t I I bp i I rc"! - - t t : h To get in touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it Is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either. FOR SALE Bay mare, good condi tion, gentle, work siugle or double or ride, 1500 pounds. Forced to cell $35.00. Box DOG, c-o News-Review. SALE or trade 1 mare wiih foal. Weight 15C0. Phono 1F5. Cliilou A gee. FOR SALE 14 weanling pigs, 8 weeks old. E. L. Watson, Route 1, Box 23. FOR SALE Jersey-Guornsey heif er, milkiug. Cheap. John Hess, Green. GUERNSEY bull wanted, about two years old. Write P. O. Box 935. 25 WEANER pigs. P. P. Sullivan, Umpqua Park road. . OCKER SPANIELS. Phono 3S6-J. Fuel 12", 14". 18" OLD growtn (Ir. Spe cial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Both, Camas Valley. GET your wiod at Roscburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-lnch and 4-foot FOR SALE 16" oak block wood. John Marks, phone 5SF4. Automobiles FOR 'SALE Good model A Ford car in good shape and vlth li cense or will trade for a good horse, li. Melton. Route 1, Hox 19. FOR SALE '35 Dodgo coupe and '37 Chovrolot coupe. Phone 707-J. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM & X Ray. Dr Sooflnld. Perkins Bids. FRIENDS THESE OLD TRUMK. SUSPEC WAT THEV CONTAM. Rental REDECORATED stucco house. Oil heater, electric range ' and ' hot water heater. Cement basement. $20.00. 4 ROOM frame reduce - rated, $15.00. (ID-ACRE ranch, i mile city limits. See owner, Lon nie Deun, 915 East Second street, back of Union Oil Plant, North Roseburg. FOR RENT West Roseburg. 6 room home. 3 bedrooms. Bath. Garage. Outbuildiugs. Garden and fruit trees. $15.00. G. W. Young & Son, 2U5 W. Cuss St. Phono 417: A WELL furnished house, electric ' range, oil heater, overstuffed fur niture. Inquire S10 North Jack son. Phone 356-L. 'moDFUN five-room house, newly (lecoia.-.ed, well ruruished. elec tric equipped. Inquire C. W. All drus, Riverside. FURNISHED apartment with two bedrooms. Furnace heated. New. Modern. 630 E. Douglas. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Lights. Garage. $15.00. Adults. Inquire 520 Stepheuu. SMALL apt. for working girls or cuupie. aee Airs, strange at antique shop. . 2-ROO.M apartments. Close in. Call afternoons, 3-5 o'clock. 112 W. Douglas. CLOSE IN. Two-room downstairs apartment. 3o2 West Wasliing- KOHLHAQEN A PAKTM ENTS Strictly modern. Phone 650. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. Phone 12. 421 Floed streot. UNFURNISHED house. Lumber & Fuel Co. Page 2-ROOM furnished npartment. 112 iHocKway. HOME in country, electricity 112 Brockway. NOW CALL THE AIRPORT. V TELL DAWSOU TO LEAVE J NO STONE UPTURNED TO ASSURE AW SAFETV. FOR RENT 5-roora furnished j home. Garage. Poultry house. , Several lots. Garden spot. $20 per mo. 5-room unfurnished house. Garage. $10.00. G. W. Young & Sou. 205 W. Cass St. Phono 417. FURNISHED housekeeping room. Lights, water. $6.50. 828 Hamil ton street. tot Sale Miscellaneoua GLASS, GLASS it In need of glass for your car come In.' We cut and grind to the right size at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 623 North Main Street. - . -. FOIL .SALE Good seasoned .red cedar, 7-ft. felico posts, 10c each, delivered in lots of 100 or 111019. 11. C. Kelley, Box 125, Camas Valley, Oregon. ' Miscellaneous HATCHING doue here Will take eggs in trade. Also Jersey sire 11 years old, serviceable (Bone brake stock). Arthur Walleu, Roseburg, Oregon. Highway 99, Routo 2, Box 114. MILK, grade a pauicunzefl or raw. Delivered daily. Umpqua Dairy Phone 88. ,i Roseburg By-products Co., phone 62-F-12. ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Pb,- 189-U Financial WANTED $2,000 loan on real property, first mortgage. Bos 505, c-o News-Uoview. Personal .MADAM FAY Palmist and advis or on all affairs of life. Confiden tial reudiug. 1 to 9 p. m. Camp View, Cottage 25. Hay and Grain FOR SALE uaied on. and vetch hay. T. E. Duucau. phone 14-F-2. KOU SALK 50 tons baled grain hay at Krogel ranch, Dixonvillc, OKiVX . TVe AW WOVM THE DlS6USEi 60VERWJAEMT FALL ! w I, ADOLFO DE LA CUCAOACHA, WEETH 56,000,000 ttVJ FOR SALE Clean baled alfalfa hay, $13 ton. Ronald Hurst, Myr tle Creek. FOR SALE Good alfalfa Bromps, Curry Estate. bay. Wanted WANTED 2 copies National Geo graphic One November, 1937, ami one December. 1937. Rose burg Public Library. WANTED A sei-oud-haud aewing niachino. Slate make, price, con dition and age. Box 6ti, (Junius .. Valley, Oregon. . WANTED Rido to Eureka, Cali fornia. Share, expenses. South End Texaco Service Station. WANTED Used rural telephone. Box 504, c-o News-Review. WANTED Used drag saw. old Powell, Umpqua. . Real Estate FOR SALE li-room homo. Celled. Good plumbing. 5 lots on paving. Sacrifice for cash sale. If Intor VesLed in a real bargalu sue Roy ) Young. G. W. Young & Sou, 206 W. Cass St. Phone -117. TRADE for equipped ranch suit able for stock, good income prop erty, new modern homo and small business. No hard work. All clear. Glvo details first let ter. L. W. Tamo, Talent, Oregon. FEDERAL Lana Bank larma. In quire at the National Farm Loan ofrco, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. FOR SALE Three good, level lots. Dun VVhltsett, Edenbowcr. Work Wanted HEMSTITCHING, buttons, buckles covered. Dressmaking. Apron Shop, 2110 N. Stephens. Dentistry fR O. W. li am hart, Med. A. Rid Since You've beem STUDYIWG Mlftlf- .YOLl'BE GETTIN' AWFUL HK5MBROW.' BUT OOWT GO WORKING OM ME , SEE f THESE ARE DRUMS I'M PLATIN K)tG,eOR'b HANVc. VVVA VOCVttO li?.Ai A eoWlClOOe) CHARNCTEW LET THE THE YELLER UTTLE SCUPPER-RAT! SO HE'S co i careH A-HHtW TO RUN OFF W THE BOOTV, IS HE f UOELL.I AIN'T. BEEN COIN' HtS DIRTV VWOBVC per NOTWtt 60LD! "I OPPORTUNffV ' LASH SOUT cm Damage Estimates Run Up to $100,000; Barricades Now Shield Beach. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 7. (AP) Sandbag barricades spotted the shore of the Pacific from San Diego to Santa Barbara today, us beach residents feared additional losses from a combination of high tides and tremendous swells stir red up by a storm at sea. Estimates of damage in various communities ran as high as $100. 000, with several houses reported washed away, dozens of others flooded and damaged, luterurban street car tracks washed out, piers battered and dobris piled high on the sand. In Hermosa Beach, salt water oovered ocean front blocks and fish swam in a street a block away from the ocean. Tides approach ing seven feet, but slightly lower l him those of the past two duys, were due today. Ten blocks of the strand was under wator. Long Boach reported extensive damage to bench houses, with a possible loss of $50,000. yuulflu Electric railway tracks were wash ed out between Huntington and Sunset beaches, and streots of Newport beach were under water In places. In San -Ciego comity, several houses In the Mission and Ocean beach districts were washed away and many others had boon eva cuated. Houses south of Santa Barbara likewise were damaged. Near Santa Monica, u wind flat tened the heavy swells aud dam age was confined to debris strewn along the beach. Fifteen passengers aooard the liner Lurtine, which put In at Los Angeles harbor en route from San Francisco to Honolulu, were injur eU when GO -tout wuves butlored tho ship, tilting It ut one time at u 28-degree angle. By Merrill Blosser Just plain DRUM AND SNARE ! amd i'll, quit this outfit the First time you lift your nose and call. them percussion; By Edgar Martin 6AX1L'M the By Roy Crane UO.BV TMUMDER! E I'VE, BEEW VNMTJN' F( fcOMEJ sots EXPERT SERVICE Whan Tkin'a Somtthlng YM Wfnt Dom EE AH EXPERT Th flrmt ana Individuals IliUtj balow apaclallia In thalr wor. 8aa thorn (or axpart aarvleca. rU ahoul profit by thalr halp. ANTIQUES Tha Strange Shop. Ill 8. Main St AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. & Brown, 111 N. Staph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING) Alba 8paugii a Oarage, m W, Pak traoL Fboaa 0. Bsrtley A randier, 121 No. Hole. Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH H. E. Woodcock, 615 N. Main. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens 9L RADIO REPAIRING RADIO ELECTHIOAL REPAIRING Boseburg Eleotrio, phone 123. FLUE CLEAUNQ J. 0. Bewley. Phone 163.' GENERAL 8AW FILING Howard Oaeebeer, 645 Fowler St LOCKSMITH Pacirio Key Ser. 222 W. Oak SI IMPOUNDED lly authority of the Douglas County Control Commission, tho following dosiTibod doK bus beon impoiindod aud if uot claimed with in IS hours from tho hour fixed bo low will bo sold or killed us pro vided by law: Largo wbito und, tun bub-tallccl torrler typo. Picked up noar'Uixoii Vlllo. .. . i, 7 TOM ,rW'"l'CUElt. Entorcomeiit' Officer January I), 1929. 6:00 p. m; ! ' REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE : ' Farmers Security Bank At Yoncalla, County of Douglas, Oregon, at cIobc of business . December 31, 1938 v . i HESOUHCES Loans and discounts ( 59,81;7G Ovordrutls , '42.U-1 ' United Statos Ouverauieut obligations, direct undor fully guaranteed 83,600.0a Other bunds, stocks mid securities 40,013.63 Cash and due from bunks .'. 61,060.24 Total llesourcea ' $195,136.28 LlAUILlTlliS Demand PonositB: (a) Of Individuals, copurtucvshlus, corpora tions, otc. ..::.:::........:.......... '. 117.110.28 ' (Ii) Of state, county, uiiinldimllUcu, utc 21, 162.60 i Total duuinnd deposUs $138,572.71 Time Deposits: ' (it) Of individuals, conurtiicrslilim, corpora- linns, etc 18.901.(1.1 (b). Of tulo, county, municipalities, utc. ... 1,826.00 Total tlmo deposits Capital Accouut: Capital $ 25.000.00 BurpliiB 6,000.00 Undivided profits, uot (If a deficit so Indicate by ) 3,333.47 Heserves .. 2,500.00 . '.. ' " ' Total capital account (lucludus f 3, 600.00 capital debentures undor 1-1 Total llubllllles MISMOIiANDUM: Loans and luvoKtinents pludged: U. S. Oovorninont. obligations, direct andor fully guar anteed ; j 6,000.00 Other bonds, stocks und securities '4.000.00 Tolul pledged excluding iDdlscounts $ 9,000.00 Tplnl llaliilllies secured by the pledge of loans undor investments l 6,251.95 STATIC OK OUIOtiON, COUNTY OK IMJUdLA.H. ss: I, A. L. I.uhhwoII, cashier of tlig above-named bank, do solemnly !. wciir that the abovo Htalement Is true to tho best of my kuowlodgo uud bHlief. A. L. LASSWELL, Cashier. Subscribed uud awurn to before j no this Uth day of January, 1939. COHIIKOT Attest: (Seal) OTIH A. SNOOK, LASSWELL, Notary Public for Oregon. My i J. S. LASSWELL, soiiiuiIshIou expires Muy 24, 1939. i Directors. Hold Everything v -u i ' : i . ' ,r -mi, I-? CC U 8V StA EBV1.t. rC. "After 50 years of cxperitnenlint', wc litiully busted au ulom and now wc eun'l iind the picccsl'' ' UPHOL8TERING Gomea Uphl. Sf Matt. Shop. Ph, 161. REFRIGERATION SERVICE ' O. 0. Jonea, Phone 1U-U SHEET METAL WORK Slnnlger'a, 444 N. Jackson SL TIRS RETREADING HetJy's, 131 N. Stephens. Ph. 104. TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 133 No. Mai' St. Phone 682-J. WELDING Welding Works. 609 N. Main.' WATCH REPAIRING Alvln Knuauon, 103 N. Jackson St - BEAUTY SALONS Fayo's Salon of Beauty. Complete beauty service. Ph. 211. 125 W, Cass SL Pearl Rawhouser, Mgr.' PAINTING KALSOMINING .J Herman Schulzo. Phone 2F41. The first road shoot asphalt pavement in America was laid ln' Newark, N. J.. In 1S70, by Prof. E. ' J. Smedt, a Holglun chemist. DON'T PASS ON A BLIND CURVE -, You're - ' 'Flirting wlth Faf e' S 20,729.00 borrowings) $ 35,833.17 ..$195,135.28 l