ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1938. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER TURKEY BANQUET AND DANCE ARE ENJOYED YONCALLA, Dec. 28. Schieman brothers were hosts at a t turkey banquet and dunce, for their entire mill ami uuods crew mid" their wives and friends Friday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. Turkey and ull the trimmings were served, fol lowed by a dance. Music was fur nished by the Yoncallu orchestra. Thone present were Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Schiennin, Mrs. Flannlguu, Mrs. Cieorge Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Putchin, Mr. and Mrs. C VV. 1'eart and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kcclestou, Miss Marian Kdes, Miss lioreen Cockerani, Miss IJsther I-ee, (inirie I' pshaw, Farrell Cox, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wornian. Jack, Hoy, Karl ami Bobbie Wor nian,' Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Ilruwn and son, Uichard, Keith Cramer, Miss Doris Jllickenstaff, Miss Het ty Huth Kruse. Krnest Thiol, Dave Haskins, Dlfk Wedling, Myrl Seh lin, Lester blickenstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Francis L'OKKswell, Ceore Tavenor, Mr. and Mrs. Melviu Kirtley, Mr. and Mrs. IJHekenstaff, Claude Henry, Miss Cleona Hast ings, Harold Do ft', Calvin Peter son Marvin Sutherliu, Itoburt Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Thiel, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Miller, Miss Iois Wittman, Mrs. doore Kdes. Otto Schieman and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Schieman. POST AND AUXILIARY TO ENJOY BANQUET THURSDAY EVENING The lliilcd Spanish War Veter ans post and auxiliary will hold a six-thirty o'clock banquet Thursday evening, December 2Kh, at the armory, to which all members are urged to attend. A Christinas program and party will follow, at which time gifts will be exchanged. The families of A FROCK JUNIORS CAN MAKE! 1'ATTKKN 4!30 Just what well-dressed young sters delight in donning dirndls like Ihose that their grown-up sis ters are wearing out to "dates!" Particularly smart is Pattern 4!t:t0. Simple to make too so simple that 'twixteeners should be able to stitch it up with hut slight assistance fro mtbeir elders! Only a few pieces to assemble, counting every thing from the curved, button trimmed yokes to the sleeves! As for tiie dainty waist, either shirring or elastic is ensy to use to get that pretty dirndl effect. You'll like the long-sleeved version in wool crepe for school and first spring days and for parties, the short-sleeved style in printed silk or cotton. Send for this pattern today! Pattern 41.30 is available in girls' and junior sizes G. S, 10, 12, 14 and Hi. Size 8 takes 21 yards ,lfi inch fabric and J vard contrast. Send FIFTKKN CKNTS lfc) In coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZK. NAM K, All DKKSS mid STYLK M'MHKK. Write TODAY for AN'NK AD AMS SPH1NO PATTERN HOOK just off the press! It's the best of news for everyone planning a made-at-home wardrobe! You'll find pages of fresh new styles. Bolero frocks for all ages! Suites and their accessories! Cruise wear, a-bout-town clothes, wedding crea tions! Budget tips and suggestions for "dressing down your weight!" Youngster styles from kiddies to the "swing" age! Also lingerie, around-thehouse dresses, and things to make for men! Order now! PRICE O FBOOK. FIFTEEN CENTS. PRICE OF PATTERN, FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER. T WEN TV -FI YE CENTS. Send your order to the News Review. Pattern Department, Rose burg, Oregon. Today's Pattern ... Jil the members are Invited to enjoy the affair. CHRISTMAS DINNERS ENJOYED AT GLENDALE OLENDALE, Dec. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Tho's. Laws on entertained at a delightful Christmas dinner for the following guests: Mrs. flrace Lyons of (J rants Pass, Will Fi field, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarke and daughter Lorraine, Mrs. Jean Heller and Edward Law son. Arthur Dobyns of Tule Lake, Calif., and Warren Moody of Mod ford were guests at a lovely Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dobvns and Hi Hie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cunningham and daughter. Dorothy, had as guests for Christmas dinner. Miss Luella Cunningham. Mrs. Bessie Seiniers and Jack Hicks. Mrs. R. H. Gardner was hostess at a lovely Christmas dinner at her home on (iilbertson avenue. CoverB were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Y'blood and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wunsch.and daugh ter, Gloria, Wardell, Jim and Mil dred Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lesh enter tained at an enjoyable family din ner at their home on Christmas flay. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Morey and daughter. Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morey and daughter, Nadine, and Hob Morey. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mouchette and son, Benjy, were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Win. and Miss Mildred Mouchette. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seth er were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Seth er and daughter of Med ford. Mrs. J. S. Woodroffe was hos tess at a lovely Christmas dinner for Mrs. Arthur Dobyns, of Tule Lake. Calif., Lee Crow, and Bruce Woodroffe. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Nye enter tained at a lovely Christmas din ner at their home on (iilbertson avenue. Guests were Ml', and Mrs. 10. L. Nye and daughters. Helen and Merle, and son. Roy of Portland, and Mr, am Mrs. Al Phillips and daughter, Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Chuney of Eugene were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B." Austin on Christ mas day. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Belcher had as guests for Christmas din ner Mrs. Hattie Shilts of Central Valley, Calif.. Kenneth Bailey of Grants Pass, Tom Fee and daugh ter, Veneta and Lee and Blllie Belcher. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cnntway enter tained at Christinas dinner at their home on Willis avenue. Cov ers were arranged for Mrs. Freda Gilhum and daughters, Marie and Bene, j Shirley Gilliam, Sum (Tar away oT Canyon vi lie anil Troy Caraway of Portland, Nadine and Betty Lee and Mr. and Mis. Car away. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mis. Nora Hritt. were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tripp and daugh ters. Lynn and Sally, of Klamath Falls. A lovely family dinner was en joyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kafer on Christmas day. Covers were placed for Miss Verna of Portland, Glenn and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Kafer and "Dad" Kut'er. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harvey en tertained at a delightful Christ mas dinner for Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Henninger and sons, Larry and Wayne. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gar rett were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gil Ions and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gar rett, Mr. and Mrs. Olger Sether en tertained at Christmas dinner Tor Mrs. Seiher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, of Monmouth, and sister, .Miss Edna Scott, of Portland. .Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevenson and daughter, Dnrene, were hosts at a lovely Christmas dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Jones, Mrs. Margaret Stevenson, Miss Alice Nebel and Mrs. Gertrude Lyslul. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lewis and family entertained Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Eberle al Christmas dinner. Mrs. Dora Harper was hostess at a delightful Christmas dinner Creations of Art With Needlework 1054 THREE INDIVIDUAL DOILIES PATTERN 1054 By RAROXESS PIANTONI Keep your lovely tables and ta ble cloths protected with dainty little doilies. You'll also enjoy making these doilies, knowing that they can be made up quickly. Their respective sizes are. 5J, 6 and 7J inches in diameter. The pattern envelope contains complete, easy-to-understand di rections; also what crochet hook and what material and how much you will need. To obtain this pattern, send for No. 1U54 and enclose 10 cents In Btatnps or coin fcoin preferred) to cover service and postage. Ad dress News-Review, Needlewoi k Department, Roseburg, Ore. SIDE GLANCES cent Mt a sccvkj ix t.. '?-m "I'll dress for dinner just once more. After Unit our daughter's friends will have to judge for lliemselves what kind of a family we are.'' Deanna Durbin "That Certain Age," Deanna Dur bin's latest starring production, comes to the Indian theatre Thurs day. " ' ' C ' The picture is the fourth to come from this remarkable singing youngster who has made screen history ever since she "first ap peared in "Three Smart Girls" some two years ago. Charlie and Edgar Charlie McCarthy and Edcar Du pan coming in "Letter of Introduc tion," which opens Thursday at the Hose. for Mrs. Belle Brooks and Norman Hemingway of Eugene, and Mrs. Huby Hagen. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Olson enter tained at a lovely Christmas din ner. Covers were arranged for Mr. ami Mrs. Cornelius of Alberta, Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowers and son. Leo, of Teanesla, Calif.. Lloyd Vaughn, Dorothy and Del bert Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Ol son. Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Olson are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cor nelius. U. S. W. V. AUXILIARY TO HOLD PARTY AT V. A. F. WEDNESDAY The ladles of the ir. S. V. V. auxiliary will hold a paity at the veterans facility this evening. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet ni the Grand hotel. POETS CORNER LIFE WITH A THOUGHT By G. M. Keeper If it wasn't for the thought That clings to the deed, We would find life empty Of so much we need. For it's often a thought That claims the night. When from the heart Life takes its flight. Then as we sit alone Our thoughts parade. And on our empty path They cast their shade. A thought at twilight BriiiL's back the day, That we could have No other way. The deed was not there But lo; "the thought" When It had spoken We nay forgot. Bz Geor. ClatS Dated at Indian "That Certain Ar?or' will present Deanna as a fifteen-year-old girl undergoing her first pangs of school-girl romance when she falls roniaiilically in love wllh a man many years her senior. The plot is more comedy than any of the previous stories, but it has the same heart-interest and Stirling ehmlional. finalities which have dist inguished all of her pictures. ' CHRISTMAS PROGRAM IN CALLAHAN TRAIL SCHOOL Friday evening. Dec. 23, n pleasant Christmas program was given to the patrons of the com munity by the school children. The following program was giv en: Song, "Merry Christinas," 2nd and 3rd grades. Dialogue "A Peep at Santa.' Sonir. "Upon the Housetop," school. Dialogue. "Poor Papa's Christmas Neckties." Song. "Tip Toe," 2nd and 3rd grade. Song, "I Think of the Same Old Sweet Story," IClutnc Hall. Dialogue, "Three in a Bed," 2nd and 3rd grade boys. Song, "O Come All Yo Faithful," Mrs. Frances Garrigcr. Dialogue, "Hiding Christmas Pres ents." Song, "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas." school. PUBLIC INVITED TO ANNUAL C. OF C DINNER TO BE HELD JANUARY 5 The annual chamber of com merce dinner will be one of the largest and most interesting of coining events at a fi:30 o'clock fried turkey banquet at the Ump qua hotel, Thursday evening. Janu ary fi, to which a most cordial Invi tation has been extended to (lie public. Rr. Donald M. Krb, president of University of Oregon, will be the guest speaker of the affair. Tick els may be purchased at either the chamber of commerce office or at the hotel desk. A number of Roseburg service clubs plan to cooperate with the chamber of commerce by attend ing the banquet in a body. TRY MODEL BAKERY FRENCH BREAD Fine Flavor. Fresh Daily. BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER CHRISTMAS PARTY IS ENJOYED FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Conn enter tained a group of young people at a Christmas party at their home on South street. Friday. December 2X Chinese checkers, bingo am) oth er games were enjoyed during the evening. Gifts were also exchang ed after which refreshments were served to Misses Grace Mont gomery, Alice and 1-Urille Crow. I.ila Miller, Betty Russell. Walter Carrier, Leonard and Darrell Munson. John Hudson, Bill l-oom-is, Frank Hudson and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Conn. OLD-TIME DANCE TO BE HELD TONIGHT The Progressive Townsond club has announced an old-time dance for tonight, December 2S, to be held at the Maccahee hall, to which the public has been invited to attend. The club met In regular session last Wednesday, after which an entertaining program was present ed and Santa Clans appeared , and distributed gifts to everyone. 1 aucing vas enjoyed during the remainder of the evening. WESLEY BIBLE CLASS TO MEET FRIDAY AT POTLUCK DINNER The Wesley Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal church will enjoy a short program and a ti:H0 o'clock pot luck supper at the church parlors, Friday evening. December 30. Those attending have been asked to bring their own table service. Members are privileged to Invite friends to the supper and program. e COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO MEET THURSDAY The ladies of the Roseburg Coun try club will meet at nine-thirty o'clock Thursday morning at Hit clubhouse for the weekly play of the winter contract bridge lourna- inent. Potluck luncheon will he enjoyed at 1 2 : :H o'clock. If the weather permits, golfing will be i'ii joyed during the afternoon hours. All ladies of the club are most cordially invited to be pres ent. a MRS. EMMA SPRAGUE ENTERTAINS MOTHERS OF KINDERGARTEN CLASS Mrs. Emma Spiague entertain ed the mothers of her kindergart en class al a delightful program and party Friday afternoon tit her homo. Following the program gifts, made by I ho children' in the class, were presented lo their mothers. e S. D. C. G. TO HOLD WATCH PARTY DEC 31 South Deer Creek grange lias announced an Interesting watch parly for the evening of I ecem ber 31 to be held at the hall. Bin go will he in play and dancing will be enjoyed. A quill will be given away during the evening.. Mem bers and friends ant most cordial ly invited to enjoy the affair. POST AND AUXILIARY TO ENJOY BANQUET Members of United Spanish Wa r Vet era us post and an x i liary and their families have been In vited to enjoy a i!:30 o'clock ban quet at the armory Thursday eve ning. December 20, to be followed by a Christmas program and party. Gifts will be exiJ'.inged. W. B. A. TOMEET THURSDAY AT PARTY The Woniairs Benefit associa tion has planned Its annual Christ mas party and exchnuge of gilts at two o'clock Thursday evening at. the Maccahee hall. Everyone attending has been asked to bring an inexpensive gift to be ex changed. Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS The Associated Press. Compiled by Dec. 28: 10 1.1 15 M Ind'ls lilt's Ul's Sl'ks ' Wednesday .. 7f,.2 22.'! 111. 7 Prev. day .... 7-I.8 22.0 III. 8 M.l Month ago ..71.8 :i.V4 f.l.J Year ago .... fit.3 1H.2 Ill.S -12.7 i'i::s high .... 7!t.r. 2:12 :t7. fii.7 ui:;s tow 2 12.1 2 i.: :t.7 BONDS 2U lo ID Hi , Bit's Ind'ls Ut's Fgn. ' Wednesday .. fiK.7 UK2 !t).S 1.7 Prev. day .... fiX.4 !H I ( Month ago fiS.7 UH.i ji:.:i i Year ago .... 71.1 fifi.O . I!i:is high .... Hut u itfi.i i;7.b i 1!K!8 low 4(1.2 ttH.O S.YR fi!U STARTS THURSDAY Three Cheers For Charlie McCarthy! His Feature Trhimp'h! Aided and Abclted by Edgar Bergen Adolphc Menjou Andrea Leeds Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25c Eves. 35c Kiddies 10c Local News Move to Coquille Mr. and Mrs, R A. Gross have sold their home on South Main street and havo mov ed to Coquille to reside. Visits in Canyonvilte Mrs. Ida Bailey, of this city, spent the Christmas holiday in Canyonvllle visiting her brother, Rev. Schaeffcr. Visiting Mother Mrs. Walter Gordon, nee Eva Rice, of Los An geles, is here visiting her mother. Mrs. M. F. Rice, on South Jackson street. Returns to Medford Mrs. Fitz gerald has returned to her home In Medford. following a visit here with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chambers. Riddle Couple Get License Wll lis E. Love and Alma Sims, both of Riddle, obtained a marriage license at Vancouver, Washington, yester day. Leave for Corvallls Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie DuFresne have returned to their home In Corvallis, following the holiday week-end in Roseburg as guests of Mr. ami Mis. George Ii. Singleton. Visiting In San Francisco Attor ney and Mrs. I. B. Riddle, of this city, are spending the holiday in Sun Francisco visiting their son ami daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ju lius Rid i lie, and family. Return From Portland Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. McLennan returned to their home on East Lane street Tuesday, following a three-day visit in Portland with relatives and friends. Return to Corvallis Attorney Harrison R. Winston has returned to his work in Corvallis, following the, holiday week-end visiting his pa rents, Mr. ami Mrs. II. A. Winston, at Winston, Visits in Sutherlin Miss Opal Paraxon, of this city, has returned to Roseburg, following a visit over the holiday week-end in Sutherlin wllh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pnra.oo. Back From Eugene Mr. ami Mrs. Leslie ( Cununings have re turned to their home on Harrison street, following a visiting over Christmas in Eugene with the for mer's mother, Mrs. II. H. Hiimer. Return From Mills City Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Chapman and grandson, Fritie Chapman, have returned to Iheir hoineri here, following the Chrisimas holiday in Mills City vis iting Mrs. Chapman's mother. Visit in Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Patched have re iiirucd to their home on North I'ine street, following a vltdl over he holiday week-end with the for mer's mother, Mrs. I.. J. Brink, in Klamath Falls. Here From Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hewid and two daugh ters, of, Seattle, are hern visiting the former's mother nnd sisters, Mrs. J. A. Hewitt and Mis. Edwin Month and Mrs. Hoyd Males, and Mrs, Hewitt's lather, Napoleon Rice, until the first of the year. Mrs, Hew it t was formerly Miss .(eanuette Rice of Roseburg. Visit at Strongs Mrs. J. (). Mel, and her daughter, Fnye Shelbourue, of Portland, spent Ibe Christmas week-end hero visiting the former'a brother-in-law. It. W. Strong, and niece, Miss Gladys II. Strong, on South Haiti street. Other guests at the Strong home over Christman included M r. Strong's son anil daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Earl F. Strong, of Rice Hill, and thcir son. Myron, of Portland, and their Hou-lu-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Franz Tetheau, of Portland. Authorized Maytag Sales and Service Oil's Music Store Cass & Sheridan. Phone 461 a Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Ruuyaii have returned to their homo In Klamath Falls, fol lowing the holiday week-end here with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. .!. K. Runyan, on South Jack son street. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams havo left for their home in Portland, following the holiday week-end here visiting their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams, and baby son, Peter, in Laurelwood. Party at Facility Tonight The auxiliary to United Spanish War Veterans will sponsor a party to night at the Veterans Administra tion facility. Members desiring transportation have been asked to meet at the Grand hotel. Visit In Eugene Mr. and Mrs. William Unraih spent the Christ mas holiday In Eugene, visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Boyd. They were accompanied homo by her brother, Donald Boyd, student at University of wregon. Return to Salem Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Groves havo returned to their home in Salem, following the holi day week-end here with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. droves, and sister and brother, Mrs. John Weathorford and Herbert Groves. Stop Here Mr. and Mm. Phil Rewley and boh, of Oakland. Calif. slopped here this week en route home from a trip to McMinuville to j visit Mrs. Bewley's relatives over t'hristmas. Mr. Bewley is the Ore gon Mutual Life Insurance agent at Oakland. Visit In Portland Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. McClaiu nnd sons, John and Donald, are hack at their home on South Jackson street, following tho holiday week-end with relatives in Portland. Mr. McClaiu Is manager of the Roseburg branch of tho U. S. National bank. Returns to Portlarvl H. T Mo Henry has returned to his work In Portland, following the holiday week-end here with his family at the George Kohlhageu homo. Mrs. Mclletiry, nee Florence Kohlhagon, and two daughters, Florenco ami Mary Frances, aro spending a week hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kohlhageu,' !'und her broth er and slstor-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kohlhageu. Starts Thursday 3 Days! Ending 1938 in a Blaze of Glory! YOUNG LADY" MOW! A" (je . 'V "3k t4f of her first crush v f i , 1 uyk Today Shirley Temple in 'Just Around the Corner" tr "Klnrf UxUlUM 1m Hit Wait) " Leaves for Klamath Falls Ken neth Winston left Tuesduy for bis work lu Klamath Falls, following a few days' visit here with relatives and friends. Back From San Francisco Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely returned to their home on East Cass street Thursday, following1 a visit since Thursday In Sun Francisco with their son and daughter-ln-layv. Dr. and Mrs. Hall Ceely and sou, Hall, Jr. Goes to Eugene Miss Frances Chapman, of San Francisco, left yesterday for Eugene to visit her sister. Miss Dorlsmno Blalock, fol lowing the Christmas week-end hero with her grandmother. Mrs. W. R. Murray, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Story Res. Leave for Lakevlew Mr. and Mrs. h. I. Mikeworth and small son, Jony, have returned to their home in Lakevlew, after spending Christ mas holidays in Itoseburg visiting Mrs. Mikeworth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Althaus. Return to Grants Pass Mr. and Mm. Floyd Althaus returned to their homo In Grants Pass, Monday, after vacationing in Roseburff for a week and enjoying Christmas holidays visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hudnell and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Althaus. At Lundahl Home Mr. and Mrs. Rloomquist nnd daughter. Miss Eleanor, of Chicago, are here as the guests of Mrs. Sam Campbell, of 2ii South Rose street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hloomiulst plan to leave Thursday for San Francisco and I,os Angeles, while Miss Eleanor plans to go to Portland. EAT WEBER'S Delicious Bread On Sate at All Grocery Stores Roseburg Dairy Grade A Pasteurized and j Raw Milk i 'DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH" PHONE 186 'VVj You loved her as a' charming child ... you II A irlnlim rifir a a winsome fi mi..... in the "throes" Jacltie Cooper Irene Rich Nancy Carroll' JohnHallida? Jackie Seail JuanitaQuigley . Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 20c Evca. 35c Kiddies 10c