Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 21, 1938, Page 4, Image 4

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Itiurd Dully Hxrept Sunday by (be
!ten-Uevirv Co.. lac.
Slrmhrr of The ANocJtUrd Vr
The Arinocliitel Pien8 in t,-xcunlve-ly
entitled (o the une fur republica
tion of all iiowh dUpatclica credited
to It or not otherwise credited In
this paper and to all local newa
published heroin. All rights of re-
Eubllcutlon of special diupatchufl
rein are also reserved.
Entered n second class matter
May 17, 1 UiiO. at the pom office at
Itostburfr, Oregon, under act at
lUrch 2. 1878.
Represented by
Jti-w York 271 Mndlson Ave.. Thl
roic" '160 N. Michigan Ave. Nan
Krant'lnro 220 Hush Strt.t-t 111
trull .'Mil SUplU'lisen Ithlg.. I.ii.
Anut'll-N 4.1.1 H. Kor UK Street. He-
tilt' ijO.1 Sli'WIirt .Hlroet. r.irtlHiid
Mtl ti. W. Klxlll Ktruet, Vancouver,
II. C -711 Hull Ulclg., HI. I.uulu
411 pi. Tciun mrocc Annum 1120
Grant huiiuidk.
Hiil.Mcrlutltm Itnlca
Dully, por year oy nmll in. 00
fully, ti muiilhs by mull 2.G0
Pally, 3 months by until 1.26
Dully. Ity carrier per moiiLli
Dully, liv cuirlor nor your 7.80
Real and Toy Railroads
N speaking of the sorhniB fintill-
clul dlftlcullloB which the rail
roads of the country are having
Fulton I.owla, Jr., famous WiibIi
inglon radio uoiuiueiitutor (KRNR
1:1111 p. in.) called attention to tbo
fact thal'tho Ulkbuxl -'illylildud paid
this year by any of tho largo rail
road systems whs 7V4 per cent, paid
by tho Jlulliinoio and Ohio, And'
(hen, Willi a twlnklo In his eye mid
Clninlmils in lila mind, ho obaorv
!d that the toy electric railroad
business was far iiioru profitable an
in. investment than 11m big old
ruilr'oiidB, for tho company Hint
mauufaiitiirea thoau fiiBolnutlng
electric 'trains litiH paid a dividend
of 35 por cent. '
Mr. I.ovvia went on to say thai
one of those tralna wiia given to
his children lant Christmas and
that there had been trouble over it
ever alnce. Tlio troulilo wub that
Iho cblldreu seemed to want to
play with It Ihcniuolvoa and the
pour falhcr had to Hlcp iialdo. The
manager of I he Eugeno I Intel, lu
die number example, Iiuh his elec
tric railroad running nrmmd Hie
great (iiiislmtiH Ireo in Ihe center
of Ihe loliby. And It la tho center of
atlracllon, too.
It la an iiiiiu.lng lliiug, the liold
the eleclrlc train hobby haa taken
on udullH of Ihe male persuuBlnii
In DiiH coniilry. Doctors, luwyera,
luiirchantti, chiles are upending
hours up hi tho utile with the batH
anil the family trunks, or lu tho
basement holwecn I tin furnace and
Iho wood pile, selling up anil run
ning thcae minlaturo railroads with
tlieir svvllrhcs, block signals, light
cil roaches, depola and rest rooma.
Tim Hlmple fuel Is that malcH do
lint niuliiro uh early as aa they
used to, and Home of them never
grow up at all. Hut aren't you
glad lliat men aru not all so mat
lernt fact and prosaic and sen
Bible? Cray haired hoys? Willie
haired boys? Yes, Allah ho praised!
It was Oliver Wendell Holmes who
"Where Ihe Bliow alls Ihe thickest
There'H llollllng can froo.o."
Suffering Cats!
A RECENT issue of the London
Times carried u fronl page ad
vertisement culling for 1.000 male
kittens In be delivered to a certain
pet stole lor Hie Christmas hade.
How liave our enterprising mcr
cliuulM iiverlonked Ibis possible
louree of revenue! What child
would not ralher have a live kitten
thull a elolll Teddy Hear? And we
know whom a considerable number
ir these ChristmaB gills might be
bad for a very low price, lu fact, to
allow the true Christinas spirit, we
believe- Jibe owners wuilld pay n
small bonus to anyone who would
take them away In lots of sl,x or
Editorials on News
(Cnullnued from page 1.)
weakened Home as to rtart her en
lllis deelino Hint led to her down
fall. Hitler might do well lo re
piemliir Hint lu bis rockier nio
mcnis, when be Is thinking of ton
ijucting lhu world.
npillS obi Cain was known as The
Ceu::or, and be seems to have
been a good deal like all Ihe cen
sors who have followed him. He
spent his time snooping around
nml gelling something on some
1 oily, and when he managed to
bang a choice scandal on someone
be went to town with tt In a big
nay. He bad a long face and
holier-than-thou manner, and he
uecms to have gone around whis
pering in a ahocked tone: "Have
you heard about so-and-so, and
Isn't It AWFl'L?"
Quite the rort of person one in
sllnctlvcly yearns to throw a ripe
egg at. Wo have plenty of bis
kind yet, unfortunately.
T.V fact, that Is the exact point
that Is Bought to ho niado here
that human nature huRn't changed
much in all the thousands and
thousulida of years of wl-lch we
have a historical record. Maybe
some of the meaner traits have
been skfmmcd over with a thin
veneer of what wo call modern cul
turc, but it is Hill! truo that when
one man geta too much power hell
is apt to pop.
That is why dictatorships urc
such a nieuaco to the world.
A NO, Bpcaklng of the historical
record, it la an Interesting fact
that written history was started
by a garrulous old Creek named
Herodotus, who hud tho ileblug
foot mid wandered from place to
place much llko ti modern tin-can
tourist, writing travelogues about
hat bo saw. And I hen cornering
his fiicudi; and reading his sturf to
them when he hud llieui where
they couldn't get away.
Moro proof, you bco, that human
uuturo hu-'.'u't changed much.
(ll.KNIMWO. Dot;. 21 Tho (ilon-
lull! (.'iciin.'iitiiry uradus. t'lrut lo
Hlxlli incluHivti, will preHont u
uiiriHiiuiiH opcnMta "In OtiOHt 01
Sanlii ClfniH" on Thurn(lny evonlug.
Tho iroltit'tlon 1h unitor tho dlioo
llon of MIhh Lily AiikgI, -iihihIo In
Hiniolni' in tho irnido ami hiKh
Hc.luiolH, with the iiBHiHtitnco of tho
olhor Mi'iulu touchoi'H, Mrs. Netto
Tltoroiix. htiH vhut-Ko of .cOHtMiiioK,
IMiKB ftlnrjoriu Hlnwiii'L imd Allah
AlUortii' ThonuiK liave iiHKlHtod rtt
uhuurwilH, iim'l Mrs, Klmti Archiun-
I) ouu and iMIhh Itui JoniiHon will
diuHH mill in ii ko up Lhu chuructorB
fur Iho por for man co.
ItOtWOOIl HL'OllCS tho IiIkIi hcIioo
Mit'la' kI"o club and it lnlxod o."ur
tot will hIiik it mimbor of Cln-lHt-tiiut)
uolootious. i
Tho cuot for t';iu onorolta la uh ,
Juno, tho lllllo kIi'1 In nuoHt of I
Siium CiuuJ, Uuy Lou Iho NoIkoii.
iinnta CIuuh. Homy Konnoy.
WoiiKuloo, tlio tJohlln Chlof, Hob
by Kokuii. I
HplrU of KimmoHH, Uonna Ruo
Murlin. I
Spirit nf (iood Will, Alonla Smith.
Spirit of Jovn, (loruldliio IhiyoH.
Kilrtt of loliifuluoMH, Francis
Spirit of UiiHoiriKhnoHK, Anna Loo
ChrlHinuiH ItabhllK, Dorothy Phll-
IImh. Myrtlo I'm Icihuii, KItno Itall,
Collooii Condray, Huth Allou, David
Pay no.
ChrislmiiH Urowniow, Karl Holhor,
('ml Sutlior, l-'orroHt l'oll, Doun
Smith, (no Smith, Arnll I'uyno.
(lohlliiM. Tommy Hatoa, Stanloy
MUcholl, Danny (Jlpn. Kennotli Uta-
iiy, Mruco V'biood.
rapluin ol SoltliciH, Jack KparKs;
Soldlor, Vol noil ltt-iill, Hilly Dob
yiiH, Sonny Harbour, Hilly Lowa
lon, -Frank tit. ('lair.
StiouilaUoH. Kdllli Hrady, Paula
Mao Swank, Mary Ann llownmu,
Dorothy ltnad, Molty Harbour, (ior-
y McNool.
DoIIh, Donlocn lluiitluKton, Nil-
lino (!araway. 1 Hano Moroy, I )on-
mi lhall, Vnoua Woodloy, Mary
Until SparkH.
Sun boa ins, Hovorly LowIh, Molh
Motsiior, Doll Harbour, Itoa Anna
(iralf, Kayo I'laoo, Marjorlo llousu.
I'OliTI.ANI), Dec. im-IAl'l
The Oregon federal district court
must decide whether the Ineeudiar-
sm blamed lor the destruction of
the West Halem llox factory Nov.
3, 1M7, can be classified as "riot."
'I'll,. Salem Manulaeturlug enm-
puny Hiied Ihe First American Fire
Insurance company of New vurk
lor 5-n,lilHi on two policies cover-
lug Ihe destroyed plant and Its
couIimiih fronl loss by riot. The
suit was shifted from Ihe circuit
court ol l'olk eouuly lo Ihe (ederal
court here.
Plans have bci-n coiupletod fur
tho annual ('lirimuiim party to bo
hi'ld Saturday nmrulUK by Hose
hiir lot I mi if Klk.H for chlhlrru of
Itnxohui'K and vtolntty. A ttpoc-ial
hIiow at I tout 'h I ml hut 1 boat or,
Martin); at !:;(0 vill bcln lhu an
nual ni fa tr.
Following Iho Khow. thoso ntlond-
lug will bo prosi'iitcd bans of
randy, mil mul nut a by Santa
('. Clark is chairman of the
oouimitloo in chnrno of Iho parly,
Judlni; of outdoor Christina:'
docoraiitnis will takv place Sainr
day uIkI". it uus annoiituod today
by (be KoHrltutu l.innn tint), wlmii
is olt'tM'ltlK a handsome tiodiy lot
Hit niot beaut i fully tin orated
nsebiUK botiie. There are many
entries l bib year leudtiiK unit b
hfauty to the Christmas season.
The prize last year was won by
Dr. K. J. Wulntitott.
Visit Powell's llaitluarc. Theiv
on will find rlasbliKhi.t. watches.
elotks. -knlven. skates, rooiballs.
olley balls, (tailing taiklo. , and
many other fluo thiuti for ChrtaL-
mini. Adv.
t y " - 1 " 1,1 i 11 lu ...... .1. L
.--'xr-' "TRV S1TTIN' OUT OF A,
V V M Ptr. u s PAT.OFf WHY
t.tlPU lvlAffT NEA SERVICE. INC .... .
nuns, 1TI
IIANOOON, Hurma, nee. 20.--(AD
A hundred studenls, in
cluding small boyB and girls, were
Injured today when police made
two charges to dlsporso "alt-down"
strikers protesting against "llrit
isb imperialism."
Many wore taken to hospitals.
Several iglrls warp rentedfoit!Ji.
Juries, others fainted during the
Tho strikers, launching n civil
dlsobodionce campaign against tho
Hrltlsh-guldcd lltirmese govoru
ineut, liold up traflle by uriuultlng
In streets and around government
buildings, lu front or tho Bocretai-J
bit, military polleo Stationed
guards with bayonets.
l'olleo slated they tried concil
iatory talks wilh the studenls bo
fore making Iheir rirst charge.
Tho students were said lo have re
plied with a barrage of shoes,
sticks urn! stones.
ltuports from provincial towns,
meanwhile, Indicated that the cam
paign of defiance, heralded by
many processions, wus Bprond
lug. Tbo strikes were sponsored by
tlio inyoohlt (patriotic) nart v
whoso slogan Is "llurma lor Hnr
niaim." '
Thinks Hatred of
Roosevelt Taking
Shift to Reason
NLCA Sorvieo Staff Corrosiondont
From tho National Manufactur
ers unsocial ion which ended it
labors in Now York last wool came
tho first breath of sanity which has
emanated from n poworful organ
ized business Kioun since hatred
of Kooaovolt ruined thinking pro
cesses. Tho umnuraeturers issued to the
American people a document noted
for its calm, sane. Informed nronos-
als lor business. You do not have
to agree with this document, but
you do bavo to respect II. It will
do more for business than ail the
furious denunciation of the lust
four yours.
One ot the strangest oplsouos In
public, relations and business
statesmanship In tho last half ;
century has been tho attitude :
of business toward Iho Hoosevolt
When the president camo into!
power business was flat on its back j
and business men -bankers, utility i
executives. Investment bankers, 1
promoters were lu a state ol' dis
grace. The public naturally sup
posed that ltoosevelt would turn '
upon them with unexampled vigor
ami enmity.
Roosevelt Called Business First
The president, of course, in
speeches and addresses did attack
huslness abuses. Who would not
have done so?
Hut the moment ho was Inaugur
ated he invited Ihe business men of
the nation to Washington ami lit
erally turned things over to them.
Few will recall I tils out oT (be
mists of Iho last six years. There
has been so much confusion. Hut
it Is true.
A prominent big business execu
tive was mimed secretary of the
treasury. A vice president, later
president, of the American Hunk
ers' association wus made assist
ant secretary, and a member of one
of the biggest business law tinns
was made under-seerelary.
The N.IJ.A. was headed by a
group consisting of the chairman
of the board of the I'nion Pacific
railroad, and head of one of the
greatest Wall Street banking hous
es ami by the representatives of the
tobacco Interests, one or the big
gest business iuleiests in tbo com;
t ry
Uepresentatives from great Wall
Street linanclal and reporting and
accounting bouses were put at the
heads of the departments ami the
economist of a huge Wall Street
linanclal fiim was made economist
of the administration.
Biggest Men Asked to Advise
The secretary of commoive. with
presidential approval. Invited about
l"t of the biggest business men to
Washington as the administration's
Industrial Ad isnry Council "to
chart the luluie couieu of Ameri
. .. . .
Daily Devotions
t makes a great difference
In our lives as to how wc think
of tho great fact of tho divine
knowledge of us. God Is not the
stern critic of our lives and
deeds that some people seem to
thing Him to be, watching ns
cvory minute, to sco wlureof
to condemn and find fnult. J0
parent over watched n cliilll
with such tender solicitude as
Ho feels toward us, hoping for
the best from us but nitl of
understanding and sympathy
whou that boBt Is not' quito
achieved. Wo caricature Cod
when wo think of Him only as
our critic and Judge aiul standard-maker.
Wo bless Thee, our
Father, that we think of Theo
as our Father and our Friend.
The Helper of our way, the
Guide and Companion of our
life from day to day. Do Thou
help us to trust Theo, that wo
may grow strong and good in
the fellowship of Thy love.
can econmfc life." Tho council in
cluded Iho president of tho Cham
ber of Commerce, chairman of tho
board of U. S. Steel, und ko on.
In those days men liko Donald
Uichborg were looked upon as the
loft wing of the reformers. " The
Kraln Trustors were Itaymond
Moloy, tienoral Johnson, j Clcorge
Peek, Ado) pit JJerlc (later a gov
ernor of tho New York Stock Ex-
The only tlnngerous gro.up was
the group investigating Wall Street,
but that had been organized before
Uoosevolt was elected. And when
the S.K.C was formed, the presi
dent put a well-known conscrva
tivo Wall Street figure, right out of
a brokerage oflicc. in us chairman
and it Wall Street broker us assist
ant to the chairman.
There was plenty moro of this.
Is it not strange that with all this
powerful inside grip on the ma
chinery of the First Now Heal bus
iness let the president slip out ot
Lhoir bunds? Why? Because they
permitted the hatreds and fury of
a few men who had a quarrel with
the President to poison their whole
relationship with him. He was
theirs. Ho was in their hands. And
they threw him away.
Since then they have done more
by their attacks to build him into
a great popular figure than all tho
t propaganda of the so-called New
Deal publicity agents put togothor.
At last they aeein to huvo recover
ed their reason.
(Copyright, IMS. NEA Service.
Weather Hem from noi-so-sunny
Spain: Haiti, no war.
Overheard at the Joneses: "Or
son Welles vill girt jou If you're
nut good."
Wo could almost feel tbe. charm
rays clear over here when those
two personality boys. Kdcn and
lloosovell. got together.
s:,i,....,i...i ).,,, in,,,, r.. 11... ..i,.,--
of Policeman lever of Indianapolis
wno alined at an Injured cat anil
noi 111s tool: noots at cat. hits
An inventor has been granted a
patent on ti device which cuublcs
back seat driver to control a cur's
speed. Our device doesn't need a
patent: it's a gag.
Ill- Itiiu- Mo f l, ,al
bavo realized he was "putsched"
around picttv bailly at Munich. . .
Australians tearing up phone
books at a preal rate In a rash ol
pal riot ism alter Cermauy's Count
Von l.uckner tore one lu half Hi
Sydney lo d e In o n s I r a t c his
strenuth. That seems a harmless
way of settling International dis
putes ... if the phone company
doesn't object.
A bone specialist auuouuccs
device that repairs broken collar
bones with hut little discomfort.
Now if he could only think up a
men eonuv way to break them.
ll.'op light, l'lns. NEA Service
IV1U1 MtK tot toRAX
Tho American Federation of Labor
called togcthor today the repre
sentatives of Its U)2 unions to sur
vey lis legislative program for the
next congress, Including revision ot
tho Wagner labor act.
Housing, roller, and the presi
dent's government reorganization
bill also were expected to bo dis
cussed. Federation attorneys nro working
on drafts of amendments to tho
Wagnor act, approved at tho annual
convention. Their exact nature has
not been Indicated. The conven
tion' also voted to oppose confirma
tion ot Donald, Wukofiold Smith
for another term on tho labor rela
tions board.
The federation opposed tho gov
ernment reorganization bill In the
mat - session, organized; govern
ment cniployos nfflllated with tho
A. K, L. objected particularly to
substitution of u single administra
tor for tho hl-purtlsau civil sorvieo
Tho fedorntlon Is expected to
support continuation of the relief
program, although somo unions,
notably tho building trades, huvo
criticized WPA building activities
on the grounds that incxperlonced
relief labor wus employed for skill
ed work.
Tho A. F. L. leaders also are ex
pected to support any expansion of
funds for tbu United Slates housing
authority for slum clearance and
low cost housing.
SHANGHAI, lice. 20. (API
Japanese army officers today out
lltiod plans for a five-year cam
paign designed to pacify north
China and establish a strong Chi
nese government friendly to Ju
pan. It was to help carry out Ibis
campaign, they said, tioupi were
being moved northward from the
Yangtze vnllcy, slowing the tdinpo
of tho war.
They said tho swiftness of Ihe
Invasion of north China necessar
ily left many tlliconnucnd pock
ets in which guerrillas were now
operating. They based tlieir fore
casts of a prolonged niopping-up
drive on their cxncrienc.e in linn.
At present, according lo neu
tral estimates, tbo Japanese ac
tually control only 13 of llopeh
province's 130 districts. Ill ol
Sbansl's 10S, 110 of Shaiitung'i 109,
aim live 111 isortn Ilouuil.
Tho remainder of tho 2011,100
square miles nonh of the Yellow
rivnr and Ihe Lunglial railway Is
nriu ny ininesc irregulars and
guerrillas, who are constantly bar
rassing Japanese communications
and preventing effectlvu political
and economic control.
This area corresponds toughlv
In size lo the region in the i'nit
ed States including the New Eng
land slates. New York. New Jer
sey. Pennsylvania, Dcluwaro and
VANCOUVER. II. c. Dec. 50
1CP1 A World' war veteran ot
Lyndon. Wash.. In n letter to a
Vancouver newspaper, today offer
ed to give one of his "good blue
eves" to some blind person for
enough money 10 buy a home for
his luniiiy of seven.
The man. whose name Ihe pap
er withheld, added that he could
not work.
"All I ask is enough uionoy to
buy. or build a homu for my fam
ily of seven."
Heruian Ebi u( Vancouver made
a similar offer last week lull so lar
there have beeu uo bidders.
HONOLULU, Dec. 21. (AP)
The securities and exchange com
mission pressed an Investigation to
day or reports unregistered Japan
ese emergency bonds totaling one
million yen (about 1280,000) were
being offered for sale in this area
of heavy Japanese population.
Roger Kent, SEO attorney of San
Francisco, revealed the investiga
tion after two days Intensive work
during which witnesses were sub
poenaed and Questioned.
Hawaii's totul population of
396,715 includes 151,141 Japanese,
of whom 113,289 are American citi
zens and 37,852 are aliens. About
25,000, although born In American
Hawaii, remain technically subject
to the Mikado as well as citizens
of the United States because their
births were recorded at tbe Ja
panese consulate.
Kent explained that by unregis
tered bonds was meant bonds not
registered with the SEC in Waili
ington, and therefore Illegal for
public offering in United States.
He said he had no statement to
make at present on whether the
law had been violated.
Federal officials said offering of
unregistered bonds could bo pre
vented by Injunction proceedings
Instituted In federal courts. They
said criminal charges If filed would
be handled through the United
States prosecutor's office.
JUNEAU, AbiBka, Dec. 20 (AP)
A trupper-giilde released from
a city jail drunkenness charge bo
cause ho knew tho perilous Cape
ralrweatner country led 10 ship
wreck survivors toward I.ltuva bay
and ultimate rescue today.
Tn guide, Nols Ludwlngson had
served six days ot a ten-day sent
ence here when bo was roleased so
he could accompany Pilot Sheldon
Simmons to tho scene nf the ship
wrecked motorshlp Patterson.
Simmons left Ludwlngson with
the survivors, and returned two
survivors, who needed medical aid,
here in his plane.
Ludwlngson Immediately organ
ized the survivors into a hiking
party, und tho men set out on thclr
10-niile hike to Lituya bay. Today
two navy planes from tho Kilka
base wero to take a landing party
of coast guardsmen from the cut
ter Cyane-at Port Althorp to es
tablish a camp at Lituyu bay.
4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr., MIIS.
4: tS Dick Stabiles' Orch., MUH.
4:30 It's llox Otllco, MHS.
5:00 Marrlago License Ro
mances, MHS.
5:15 (ion, Shufter Parker, MHS.
5:30 Melody Lane With Wanda
6:00 Melodies of tho Moment.
6:15 The Phantom Pilot, MHS.
6:110 Dinner Imnco.
6:50 Hansen Motor Co. News.
6:65 News Flashes.
7:00 Kuinous Jury Trials, JH1A
7:30 Lona Ranger, MBS.
8:00 Interlude.
8:05 Pioneers.
8: 1.1 Symphony.
8:30 Anson Woeks' Orch., MHS.
9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS.
9: 15 Sammy Kayos' Orch., MHS.
9:30 Clyde Lucas' Orch., MHS.
10:00 Sign Off.
7:00 "Early Illrds."
7:30 News.Review Newscast.
7:40 Hansen Motor Co. News.
7:15 Rhapsody In Wax.
8:00 Eight O'clock Clipper,
8:30 Haven of Rest, MIIS.
9:00 Man About Town.
9:30 Cordon Fleming, Organist.
10:00 Happy Gang. MHS.
10:15 Mamma Bloom's Brood.
10:30 Zcb Carver's Oreh., MHS.
11:00 Our Quartet, MILS.
11:15 Radio Christmas Stocking.
11:45 Hollywood Whispers
Clear Again, MBS.
12:00 Luncheon Concert.
12:15 Louis Rich Music, MHS.
12 :30 Noontime Melodies.
12:45 Hansen Motor Co. News.
12:50 News-Review of the Air.
1:00 Henninger's Man on the
1:15 Midstream. MHS,
1:30 Two Key Boards. MHS.
1:45 At Your Command.
2:15 The Johnson Family. MHS.
2:31 Harold Stokes' Oreh . MHS.
2:15 lizaro Ensemble, MHS.
3:00 Feminine Fancies. MIIS.
3:30 Radio Campus, MHS.
3:15 News. MHS.
4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr., MHS.
4:15 Hollywood llossip. MHS.
4:30 Sands of Time. MHS.
S:V0 Mark Love Willi Orcun.
5:15 On Shatter Parker. MHS.
5:3 The Children's Hour.
6:00 Interlude.
6:05 Hansen Motor Co. News.
:10 News Flashes.' .:'
6:15 The American Family Roh
lusun. 6:30 Famous First Facts. MUS.
": Welkea' Oreh.
7: 15 Svmphonv.
T:3u The Green Hornet. MVS.
Siuu Kay Kyser Orch.
8:15 Don't You Believe It, Sen
sation Cigarettes, MBS.
S: 30 Handicraft Hobbies. MHS.
N: l.' Chuck Fosters' Oirh., MHS.
9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS.
9:15 Henny Goodman's Oreh..
9:30 Skinnay Eunis Orh., MILS.
9:45 Ellas Hreeskin, Concert
Violinist. MUS.
10:00 Sign OIL
1 Charles ,
American air
9 He made the
Atlnntic flight.
14 State of
15 Studio.
17 Resembling
18 Kcno. ,
20 To cut oft
21 Conjunction.
22 Those who
24 Twitching.
26 Common
27 Tanner's
28 Dye.
30 Sound of
31 Metal string.
32 To contend.
34 Manifest.
35 Yllow.
36 Sand hill.
38 To. chatter.
39 Doctor.
41 To embroider.
42 Half an em.
(Answer lo
43 Postscript.
44 And.
46 Entertains.
51 Musical note.
52 Wings.
54 Royal
55 Caterpillar
57 1760 yards
59 Portuguese
60 Quantity of
61 He received
tor this
62 His wife Is
now his .
I 2 3 4 15 16 17 18
i4 rjia i6
11 I IO 'tf
""1 Li I 4& 47 9" 5?
52 53 T54
57" 50-159 f"j
6i W
Oddities Off the Press Wire
(Hy tho Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH A ruling by bank
ruptoy trustees today separated
"Buck" and John Rocktenwald,
pals and co-workers for 17 years.
"Buck" Is 11 big Belgian draft
horse und Reektenwald is his driv
or. Both worked for a provisions
Tho trustees ruled "Buck" was
"Inefficient by reason of obsolec
cence'' so he's going to a farm at
the ago of 21. Recktcmvald will
drivo a truck.
Double Trouble
HARTFORD, Conn. Mrs. Bessie
Mather broke an urm last winter
when she fell on an ley sidewalk
and she sued the city for damages.
Tho case came up in superior
court yesterday but Mrs. Mulhcr
was absent.
Her ultorucy said she tripped
over a rug Sunday and tell, break
ing the same iirin.
Bad With Good
CANON. CITY, Colo. Cleorgu E.
Hayha had good luck he won un
$S00 car at a lodgo drawing.
A public Christinas program is
announced for Thursday, Dec. 22,
at 8 p. m. by the Church of the
Nazareno, located oi Douglas
street, one block cast of the court
house. The program will be under
the direction of Miss Mvrtle Nor
red of Dlliard.
Features of the program In
clude: Dramatization of tho song,
"Silent Night," in which Laura
Oaks. Evllo Llmicll. Arleno Maey,
Dorothy Gales, M. Llnnell and Mil
dred Tillie have parts; a short
sketch. "Mr. Growler," with Joe
Norred, Louis Sulea, Fred Macv
Jr., Junior Thllsen nml Chester
Morgnn. as principal characters:
Chlislinas carols, violin duet, vo
cal duct and olhor special num
bers. Other appropriate enter
tainment will be given by Iho jun
ior class, under the direction of
.Mrs. Craig Hays. Mrs. C. Conrad
Is program pianist.
President ltoosevelt announced
today the appointment of Mrs. El
len Woodward or Mississippi to the
Social Security board.
Mrs. Woodward, who Is an as
sistant administrator ot WPA. will
succeed Miss Mary Dewson ou the
Social Security board.
The president said he believed
Mrs. Woodward would serve for
live years Ihe balance of Miss
I few son's term. Askeii whv the
latter had resigned. Mr. Roosevelt
Delicious Bread
On Sale at All Grocery Stores
Previous Puzzle)
16 Rocky
19 Seventh
musical note.
21 He is living
22 Colleague. ,
23 Barbarians.
25 He new
air routes.
27 Poison of a
29 Lagoon. !
31 Married.
33 To recede. ,
37 Pitcher. 1
40 Small
43 Inner court
45 Powder
47 Microbe. .
48 Epoch. j
49 Secular.
50 E1L :
51 To touch.
52 Wine vesseL
53 Snaky fish,
55 Snow glider.
.58 Insect . ..
58 South . ,
60 Spain.
1 Note in scale.
2 To unite.
3 Spikenard.
4 Arid.
(Before Christ
6 Phosphate ol
7 Peasant
8 To abhor.
9 Symbol for
10 Sick
11 Public
12 Brown
13 Transposed.
9 10 111 117 113
23 "T24 25
2fT 29 "HprTT-
32 35
42 14
u51 Z
Bayha bad had luck his nams
was taken off tho Colorado old ago
pension roll. With the car. his per.
sonnl property exceeded the $254
limit permitted ponsionors.
Merry Christmas But
Doa filed the samo lawsuit against
a bank .18 times.
The 39th time, the judge said
"five days for contempt."
Tbe -10th time, the Judge said
"S100 fine.'
Tho 41st time yesterday tho
judge snid "Merry Christmas."
"But," ho added, "you'll have to
come back alter the holidays" to
answer another contempt charge,
Honest Motorist
TOPSFIELD, Mass. Tho "most
honest motorist" has been found
by Stato Trooper Stephen Weroskl.
"How fust do you think you wera
going?" Weroskl asked as he pull
ed alongside a speeding car.
"Sovenly ono miles an hour, of
ficer," replied tho motorist. "1 was
trying to see If this car would
make 80."
He'll lose his license for a four
remarked she couldn't stand it and
then added hurriedly amid laugh
ter he meant she could not stand
the pace. There was no questiou
of disagreement Involved, the pres
ident said.
Roseburg Lodgo ot Elks will hold
Its annual Christmas dinner Thurs
day evening, to bo followed by a
regular meeting of the lodgo and
The tllrkev dinner trlth nil Ilia
trimmings, will be served starting
at 6:30 o'clock.
Plans for a ladies' night and a
meeting In Which nil .-Ilru lrwirrnu nf
southern Oregon have been invited,
will, he completed ut tho regular
nieeuiig 01 ino lodge. tho -local
lodge is nlannlnc these' t
for January. .
KMiutiI Ark wright's inventions
St.irtpil thr rntlnn siiinnitur tnJitu.
try. In 177'. his wife 'IpstroyoU his
spinmnK nmciiino models in the
belief that he was wasttim time
he could better employ at barber-
- KM. ScJiMi7Pr4iKli Ce.. Ine H.t. A