FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1938. nurd Pnllr Etept Humlny l7 the SI ember or The AMMOt'inJcd Preptu The Associated Press la excltiaive y entitled to the use for nipubllca tlon of all neWH dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this puper and to all local news published herein. All rlffhtu of re publication of npeclnl dispatches herein are also reserved. HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor Kntered as second class matter May 17. 1920. at the post office at Koaeburff. OreKuo, under act of March 2. 1878. Represented by Km York 271 Mndlson Ave.. Chi- .- a r.n N. Mleiilcun Ave. San Krnncl-eo 220 Bush Btr-et lle troll 319 Stephenson HMB, !. AiiKeleit a. aprniK nireei. nr Itlr 603 Stewart Street, Portland 520 S. W. KUth Street. Vncouer, n. i: 711 Hall Bliltr.. fit. I.oul 411 N. Tenth Street, Atlantis UM urant uuuuiuk. Dally, per year by mall 5.00 Ually. 6 months by mull 2.&0 Daily, 3 months by mull l.Zfi Daily, by currier per month CO Pitllv. bv carrier per your 7.80 The Next Crisis A IH'AItKNTLY the next terrl- tory to be taken back Into the Ccrninn reich will bo STitt square miles now within (ho boundaries of Lithuania but which, according to the yote of la laU.OOu popula tion Is 9(i per cent nuzl In sym pathy. This area is known us Meinel. , . ; ( ' ' The principal Importance ; to (Germany of the strip of territory is to give that nation more coast line on Die Baltic ea.( ; Lithuania in a little country, not .quite oiie-fuurlh us large us the Btute of Oregon, with a total popir latiou double that of thiH state Hinder tho:' Russian ' einpi;t), uud ; prior to VJIH, Lithuania' was u grand duchy. Although the treaty of Ver sail lea gavo Mcmcl to Iiilhuaniu, Vllva with a strip of territory, about 10,000 square miles, was giv eu to Poland In iiUJIt by the league of nations. Thus by the juggling Lithuania wuh loser to Iho extent of about 2UU squaro miles of area. Lithuania is one of thu old Bal tic states. Theru lias been trouble up in that part of tho world for many years. To one ou this side of tho world, having only thu his torical facts of the past two de cades available, those countries seem somewhat uncertain us to buundnriea. Therefore, barring tho usual Friday European crisis headline which will doubtless come along this Friday us it has most Fridays for some months, there will probably be very little Btlr over the acquisition of Mciuol territory by Germany. Kettering's Contribution IT is characteristic of General Motors' slow-spoken, inventor Industrialist Charles Kettering that be should urge the patient ac curacy of the laboratory as a guide to co-operative uction by business and government. Appearing before the govern ment committee Inquiring into the economic organism of thu country. Mr. Kettering said: "If we could only have an in vention congress or conference here In which wu had business men and economists and represen tatives of government, and could Kit down and nay, 'Now, what are the most probable things that wo can do?" "Iteniember, some of the mosl Important things to do you can't do in a hurry. It lakes a long while. We have had men at work for jr. i'uiH on some problems. and ue haven't lite .solution to the thing yt" That Is indeed a leavening ad mixture in the government recipe for com billing to best advantage the contribution of govn nineiit, business ami labor to the economic whole. Science and Alarm Clocke JKN THOUSAND nights ol scientific sleeping at the 1'ui versity of Chicago have produced a conclusion which may be soi.l Mir ring ill some" quarters, but whi.h is no great news in others. Employes, graduate students fiont many states, teacher and physiologists have combined their findings in a lengthy report which lias tor Us conclusion the state ment that an alarm clock normally cuts about a half hour olf it niglifs sleep, us without the clock the persons slept (hat mueh longer. This will be important news to anyone who has never licaid uu alarm clock Editorials on News (Cantlnuea from pate 1.) BKOKli. fMIEKE 1b much talk of "liberal ism" in the Republican party a lot of ft undoubtedly inspired by the keen desire of Republican politicians to gut back ou the pub lic payroll. Ilefore throwing in our lot with this new urogram, let's find out definitely what is MEANT by lib eralism. IF liberalism means equality be- BODY, big and little, rich and poor, may have as nearly equal op portunities as Is humanly pos sible to make a living, this writer Is for It But if it means merely being li beral with other people's money and going ou with a career of reckless spending, regardless of where the money is to come from, which MUST mean national ruin in the end, this writer, for one, Is AGAINST It. PRICE OF TURKEY HENS CLIMBS TO 24 PORTLAND, Dec. 13. (AP) Turkey hens gained strength i tho market here today. The buying price for toins was quoted gener ally at 22 cents u pound uud 21 cents for hens. A fulr supply and demand exist ed for toms. Swift and Company announced it had selected Oregon turkeys for display at the New jork world s fair. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 13. (AP) Net prices paid producers tor live poultry delivered San Francisco: Turkeys, young loins, under 18 lbs., fresh, 23; over J8 lbs., 22i-23e; young hens, fresh. 25i-2Gc. GIRLS INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL HEAD QUITS SALEM, Dec. 13 (AP), Her 18 years as superintendent of the state industrial school for girls was terminated by Mrs. Clara Patter son when she submitted her resig nation to the slate board of con trol, elfectivo Dec. 31. Shu will be succeeded by Mrs. M. Wilson Sava'TC un employe of the school for 15 years. KRNR PROGRAM (UJSMA1NINO IIOUIIS TODAY) 4:0(1 Klilton J.uwln, Jr., AIDS. 1:15 Nmv, AIMS. 1:30 I'rlviilo .School, MILS. 5:110 Thrtio Graces, AMIS. 5: 15 Slmrtor liirki-r. AIMS. G:0 Tim Children's Hour. 0:00 Wulko OrclioHtru. (i:l5 AiniM'Irun Family Hobiugon. (i::io Dinner Dunce. 6:50 Hansen Motor Co. News, 6:55 News Flashes. 7:00 Illnry of u Young Woiniin, MIIS. 7:15 Symphony. 7:3n Tho (ircen Hornet, AIMS. S:00 duo. Hull Orchestra. 8:15 Don't You Believe It, Sensa tion Cigarettes, MBS. 8:30 Sulllte to thu Cities, AIMS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. J: 15 Interlude. U:20 (ien. Dutnllton's Orchestra. A! IIS. 9:30 W'illnmctto U. Glee Club. Mils. 10:00 Sinn Off. WHDNHSDAY. DKCICMlllilt II 7:00 "Karly lllnls." , 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:40 Hansen Motor Co. News. 7:45 J. M, Judd Says "Good Morning." . 7:50 Itluipsudy in Wax. 8:00-Klnht O'clock dinner. A1IIH. Iliiveu of ltcsl. 71 US. :00 Man About Town. 3M Welkes' On-li.. MILS. 15--Women's Club Alovla Hour. AIILS. :00 I lu l.v (iilllR. MILS. :15 Mamma Blooms Brood, Couco. :in Silhouettes lu Mine, AIMS. 45 Voice of Experience, Pink- ham, MBS. :mi lluinu Town. MIIS. : 15 Radio Christmas Stocking. ir. -The llookshcll, MIL-i. :oo- -Luncheon Cono'ft. :lf. Mill Lewis .i Oik.iii. MilH. : 30 - Noontime Melodies. :35 Parkinson's Inform ition Exchange. :45 Hansen Motor Co. News, :50 News-Review of the Air. :00 Hcnninger's Man on the Street. 15 Mlilsticiim. MIIS. ::;ii I'.-T A l'rocnim. .mils. : t -r' A I Your Comniiiuil. 15- The Johnson Kuluily. MI'S .lie Nai ion's School ol' the Ail. MIIS, :ou Feminine Fancies, MILS. :::" To lie Announced. :t:.-llil Makers. MILS. : lot - Fulton Lewis Jr.. MIIS. : 15- Nes. MILS. :3il- II s llo twice, MIIS : nil -CoIIckc of Music. MIIS. :l."i Cell. Sliuder I'nrker. M IIS. :30 Melody Lane With w.inda Armour. :iii Horsey Mros. tMch 15 The I'luiuloui I'ilol. MMS : lie - Dinner Panre. :50 Hansen Motor Co. Ncwb. :55 News Flashes. : imi l'"ainous July Trlfils, AHjii. ;30 Lone Ranger, MBS. no - Interlude. 05 Pioneers. 15 - 1)1( k llarrle Orcli. 30 - Anson Weeks' Oreli.. MIIS 00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. 15 -Ssinuiv Kayes' (Irch.. -1HS 30 Clyde Lucas Olcll.. MUS. 0l Sign Oft. OUT OUR WAY BATS A-H.TT1N' THEIR WlNJGS tYc$r .,IW . ASIM JERKY WIRES STRETCHED YzZ f 11 Mr ,ltl lUh.mA ,N THE ATTIC f I NEVER l5ELlEVlp rivet !a nnRrQ' kWi Wl lllllllllDViil. CAN'T YET- BUT TH' GUM o 4 B V l Q j R.H.S. Indians Will Make Season's Debut Against Myrtle Creek Five. . IdiKketball makes Its seasonal lebut In loeal cage eireles lo: night at 1:'M) on senior high maple cmrl, when t'oaeh Jim Walts 111- dlan ipiintet meetjra strong I! lea gue five from Myrtle Creek high school, the first of a series of oh staeles the loeal warriors must hurdle in their quest for mylhieal hoop recognition. Upon the husky shoulders of fivo well-built lads which t'oaeh Watts Is gradually welding- into last-passing, hard-driving, quick shooting aggregation rests Iho ti tular hopes of this season's In dian team. With only one veteran to lead them I h rough the tough spots and steady them In I heir moments of uncertainty, much de pends upon four willing but un tried men who have won ' the starting assignments for the open ing game ou whether or not a new day has dawned at Itoseburg high school as tar as the game of basketball is concerned. Acid Test for Three The eyes of a critical audience will be focused upon three new men particularly. t o of them sophomores ami the othor a sen ior. These three, Jim Kinlay, Karl Wiard ami Jack Pat rot t, an? the trio of lads on the spot, for teain- il with "Chub ' Church, reserve from last season's quintet, and ergo Sanders, leltcrman veter , round out tho 1!C!8-;.'J varsity. which is potentially one of the strongest to represent the school in the past few years. Kinlay anil Wiard are two names which are not new to local age followers, for they are up inin Coach Hod Turner' great ! am of a season ago wncre they I lemons! rated that they have i he ; stuff to become really gtenl cage j stars. Hut lor Parrolt, there is a I different story. Though a senior. he has never tried out for the vars- ! it v until I Iiia fall, and ha (level- j )ped so rapidly that he is last be- ontiug one of the smoothest work- on the team. A southpaw by i nature, he has an uncanny knack f flipping in baskets from seem- i ingly impossible positions and I hould provo lo be a decider) scor- i ing threat from the keyhole posi tion. . Sanders In Final Year Sanders and Church need un in- I redact inn, Tho former is play ing his third and last year on itic n, is a close checking, smoolh- workiug floor man. and allcouier- lice guard. W bile not the best shot on the tenia, Sanders Is ia- aimihle as a leader and director ol team play. Church played con siderable ball last year as a re- re. He Is the fastest man on the sound, uiul an accurate shot. WW, plenty ol ht'iiiht pro ided by lard's ti teel. ;! inches. I'ai- .tl's li It-el. and Kinlay and lunch's h feet. 1' inches, the In dians ale well lortitied in Mint de partment ur the tirst time m a is, A weal Ih of dependable rves are also available. jmt 1 most ol them small. Destined to plenty ol action is Virnil Saint one of the smoothest floor men on tin I'lin l.aurance. all ItaUer. l.onetl AUeiburv, Hale Itorgen. Kddie Nordy ke. Itill nod low, Taitl Cacy and Kay uckcit. A preliminary game between o Inter-class teams will start lomplly at t : 3 p. m. . MAYOR SENTENCED ON GAMING CHARGE IMHiT OIU'HAItH. Wash.. i. c. I'.'.-lAI'l I'espite a juiy kvoiu niendat ion of leniencv. Supe'or Judgf Hoilce today seut'li'-ed Ktiahh. Hremertou mayor, to a car in jail and lined hnn ?I.imi for conspiracy to establish a gambling game. t.eoi gi "under veer, Seattle, ot defeiit,e counsel, gave oral n.llce ot appeal and Knabb was pel nut ted tin ce days' liberty in whkli to raise JoaH'O appeal bond. Daily Devotions DR. CHARLKS A. KD WARDS To be able to put a true value upon each one of life's varied good things is to have learned now to live wisely and well. It is so easy to be Impressed with the show and the glamor and the bigness and to miss the inner core and substance of tho life which is fruitful and sittis fying. lu the main, life was nieunt to be gloriously enjoy able, and It would be to every one of us if we had only learn ed to seek Us happiness In the places where it was meant to be found. Until we learn to do that, any complaint against life on the score that it is disap point! and unsatisfying is un wise. Wo thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, that life has in il so much that is good. So many places of joy and of sat isfaction along its road. We know that Thou dost intend that we should -see and use them. Do Thou give us wisdom toward that end, for Jesus sake. Amen. Tho Yellow .ookingglnss high school Jackets suffered their third straight defeat in their pre season warm-up, when a strong and more experienced Oakland quintet took an easy 22-to-9 win on the losers' floor last night. The lookingglass five composed of tall but inexperienced hoopsters made a battle of it the first half, leaving the floor trailing only 10 to .". but they could not match the drive and shooting of the visitors iluring the final two periods. Iloth teams played raggedly, displaying many "jitterbug" tendencies such as wild passing, fumbling and the like. Cole, Oakland center, walked off with scoring honors when he sunk ti Held goals for 12 points Kelt. l.ooUiugglass forward, was high for his team with 'A counters. In a preliminary game the Look- ingglass second team took a de fensive battle from the Oakland re serves, 1) to 5. Lineups: l.ookiiig'glass (!)) Davidson Kelt C!) Creen It. lluell CD liiehards CD Meredith (2) Marsh Ward Kiefer i (22) Oakland V (;il Ilennett. K I lakanson C (12) Cole (i ( 1 ) Hammond (I CD Itaird S Minter S " ; s S j Referee: H. II. Turner, Roseburi;. DAYS CREEK QUINT SCORES 32-20 WIN I A VS ( 'ret-k miiut. . I spts DAYS C K K K . I ee. 1 3. I 'ays Crei'U h i c h school basketball team defeated the 1 .ookingglnss team "2 to 2" on the former's court December f. It was the flrat game oi the season for the Days i icch icain ami leaiureit a nam touch! game, with Days Creek :, lim t)i.-,...,.) It... .,Mtir game. 'The hall time score was In a vnUt'ball .canity preliminary the I.iKiktncKlas-t uiils forced their way ahead in the laM tew minutes lo wiu hy a score of ti to "1. Lineups: I'ajs t'rrek (",: I'eU ltl i l'J) . I ' hint. 1). ( HO Ham. ('. (5i ItlllT liachor (1) ... Substitutes: i Looktusghiss (l'i I' Davidson t'Jl l-vii tlreene .. ( I") linell : Kichanls Days Creek, li. Jackson it). Iloyd IL'L Howell. V Ula.-s. Word (.'o Uefei-re: Ayi lch. Kor Looking , Marsh. Meredith. tiive brother a fish reel, creel or line, l-'ly rods ami easting rods, tackle boxes, bass lures and spin iters, u inarhU waterproof match case or flue hunting kniie. Vow ell's Hardware Store. Adv. By William. T Seattle Boy Hurler Draws Four Players and Large Sum of Money. SEATTLE, Dee. 33. (API- Freddie Hutchinson, star "fresh man" hurlcr of the Pacific coast league with Seattle last year, was leauiliK against a wall in a hieh -school gym watching a basketball name last nigiit wncn Informed ot his sale to Detroit. The ID-yeur-old, 200-nound hurl cr gulped, grinned, and said: "Don't ask me whether it feels good to know you're going to the majors. You know how you'd feel, don't you? Well that's the way I feel liekled to death. It's a 15-year-old dream come true.' "What?" he was asked. "Were you dreaming about going to the majors when you were ouly four years old?" "Darn . right," Fred answered. "That's whore I've wanted to go ever slnco tho first time 1 saw a baseball." It was recalled that his father, Dr. J. U Hutchinson, said in inter views lust summer he brought up Freddie with a baseball instead of a rattle. 4 Players In Exchange. Hulchinson goes to tho Tigers in exchange for four players and an amount of cash the Seattle owners lold newspapermen they could "guess" was 550.000. Hutch dis closed that he will get part of the purchase price, but he wouldn't divulge the percentage, it was a condition of his signing with Seat tle last winter tiiat he receive a piece of the purchase price. He ulso received u bonus to sign with Seat tle. He wouldn't say, either, how much the bonus was, but it was understood, to be in the neighbor hood of WW. If such was the case. Hutch would have been cheap at twice tile price. All he did last year was wiu 25 and lose 7 games, lead the league's pitchers in the number of games won and in earned runs, turning in an average of 2.4S. He fanned 115 and walked !19. He was responsible for 80 of tho S3 runs scored off him. Besides, ho batted .313 and clout ed 13 doubles and two home runs. winning several games with his hilling as well as his pitching. He jumped straight from biKh school and semi-pro ranks into the coast league. Players received are Tony Piet, inlcihle who hit .213 last year Jo-Jo While, fleet outfielder who hit .262; First lhisemun George Ar chie of loledo In the American as sociation, and Pitcher Ed Selway of Beaumont in thu Texas league. Hutchinson never has seen a ma jor league game. BEAT RIDDLE, 35-34 DRAIN. Dec. 13. Drain liiuh school basketball team defeated KitWIe Friday night. :io to 31, in tine of the most spectacular iianies played on the local gym floor. The contest was played at a terrific pace, with both teams hawking the hall and taking advantage of every I scoring opportunity, ttitd Sehave, Drain gourd, sank a free throw to j break the deadlock with 1 u seconds to go and managed to stave off a last desperate Kiddle drive as the game ended. Condi ne. center on the winning team, amasseil a total of 21 points to take scoriae honors for the eve nitu. followed closely hy liecker. Riddle forward, who rang the hoop for t". Coach Connor of Drain was w-ll pleased with the showing of his boys. On Saturday. December 17. Drain will entertain in the lo cal gym. Lineups: Drain (35) 1'os. (3D Kiddle Kdelt K Hates Kirk H) F ' (1) PhilHra RAMBLIHGS by Paul Jenkins YKSTKRDAY afternoon lira. F. M. Curtis brought an old ledg er to this office, pasted full from cover to cover with the draw ings of J. R. Wil liams, author of those delightful cartoons in the News - Review featuring the kids in "Out Our Way." These par ticular ones had been drawn a dozen years nso. I took the ledger home and that night, after supper, I pulled a chair before the fireplace and settled down to a couple of hours of the very pleasantest preoccupa tion imaginable that of hearkening- back to the days when I was a boy. ! reckon after all that heaven is something like the golden days of one's childhood. 1 suppose that 1 could have look ed at the pictures in the old ledg er, and read the captions and the conversations floating in the bal loons, in half an hour. Rut heav ens! Every once in a while I'd catch myself mooning over some half forgotten experience of my own which contemplation of these cartoons had recalled to my mem ory. So I used up a lot of time. It was a gorgeous evening. Many a night in the past, grown up and wintrier years, I've picked up .Mark 1 wain s Tom Sawyer, or Huckleberry Kinn. or Booth f ald ington's Pen rod, and succeeded in half capturing the tantalizing and elusive spirit of boyhood. The books are line. Hut it remained for lust night's experience with Mrs. Curtls's old pasted ledger, to bring home to me a complete un derstanding of the full worth of the cartoonist s art. In these pictures of Williams's, the small sorrows am) the great joys experienced by the average boy, are pictured clearly and un- derstandingly lu a manner no mere words lu a book can hope to duplicate. w v v Have you seen Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney in "Roys Town," now playing at the Indian It' you go, be sure and look for little IJcewee, too. His real name is Hobby Watson, and he is a cou sin of Story Ilea, of Koscburg. lie's pui'ty good, himself. CAMAS VAI.I.EY, Dec. 13. In a close checking, fast, passing bas ketball game, the Camas Valley five nosed out the strong fllen dalo Pirates, 21 to 18. on the Cam as Valley rloor December 10. Hoth teams showed very Rood form and very few fouls were called, lu the second quarter, Gleiuijle forged ahead to make the score 9 to 8 but a foul shot from tho local team tied the score and the half ended with Camas lead- i ins I t lo 9. The lead was never relinquished during the second half although the score was close at all tunes. Tho Clendale girls defeated the Camas Valley volleyball team, 3 1 to IB, in a preliminary game. Tuesday night the Camas teams journey to Days Creek and on the following Saturday night Camas plays return games with Clendale at Clendale. I he lineup for the boys was: Camas Clendale Keiley (2) Ware (6) Lockwood ffi) Johnson (2) Standley (f) McFall Dick Laurence (9 Hall .V Lewis C Helcher XI Cardner -C .... (8) Normoyle ,.S Dradv .8 Peil .S (1) Paulson DOWNEY BACKS $60 MONTHLY PENSION WASHINGTON. Dec. 12 fAP) Senator-elect I 'owney ( D-Calif.) said today he would not introduce in congress the California 3:tu-a- week pension plan but would sup port a modified Townsond plan es timated lo give SttO a month to un employed persons over t0 years old. "I am more interested in pension legislation than anything else," Downey said. The California!! praised the ad mill ist rat ion's speiid-h'ud program and said if it was slopped suddenl the financial structure of the na tion would collapse. catherineIhXrker, EDUCATOR, PASSES IWLO ALTO. Calif.. Dec. 1,1 AIM Miss Catherine Marker, who toiinded the .Miss Marker school for Kirls here in I'.mi. died at her home as a result of a heart attack last niuht. She was bin n in Port land, (he., a member of a pioneer Oregon tamily. a n d previously laimht at Mills college in Oakland. Calif. She was a craduute of Vas sal. Survivors include a sister. Miss Sara D. Hat ker. associated with the sciioui. During the last ien yeais. motor car registrations ihiough iiie world have increased 45 per cent. It is estimated that there is now one car for every -is peions in the world. Ctorsliuo 121) Ci Mellor ( 17 1 Hecker i 1 ) Moore (M Cornutt Kigsl.j of Cottage Sehave (10) Peer C ; s s Swan sou Paris lefeiee: yj Cirove A STATESMAN OF FRANCE HORIZONTAL 1 The premier of France, 14 Streamlet. 15 Wand. 1 16 Blackbird. ' 17 5280 feet. 18 To buzz. It Subsided, j 20 Climbing I shrub. 21 To cheat. 22 Price. 23 Compass point. 24 Northeast. 25 Insect. 26 The shank. 27 Mineral spring. 28 Vigor. 29 Cut of meat. 30 Afternoon meals. 3! Lengthwise cut. 33 Imperfection. 34-To lave. 35 To bind. . 36 To throb. S7He took part I in the i conferences in Answer to ENTREE Mil ram- - i DP 5 S ONBSEiCgOEr PT. lAKSSUol FiUSEDBLEOl II- !U uui il- :w:u the recent war 38 Electrical unit, 39 Combat. 40 Three. "J. 41 Warmth. 42 Loosened earth. 43 Station. 45 Pertaining to sound. 46 Circle part. 47 Cherry red. 48 He is a man of wide T 12 13 14 5 I 6 7 6 1 9 10 III 112 1 13 gnr mzzmz - ZM feJ7 ITT tf- a5F o " t:". ENTERTAINER PLANS DOUGLAS VACATION Jerry Belcher, originator of Vox Pop" popular radio program hoard weekly, plans to spend a va- Eition in Douglas county, he re ported when he visited at Alpine loilire 111. ill- ('iniVMiirllln Un,..... "n-T ... ... .... . ..n., . ...mnij on his way through the county. Ac companied oy mis. Jieicher and uieir iwo-year-oui daugliter, lie stmnifxl id ilni Inilci. I'm' iiimw... and reported that he has been hi iy impressed uy urogoii B re creational facilities and hopes in Hie lie:if lilt il ro til rnlnn. lln,, las county for a fishing trip. Al though a nativo of Texas and a booster for the Lone Star state, Oregon, he declared, is one of his favorite states lor travel. Ho is an enthsiastic sportsman and en joys trout and bass fishing. He gofs to Maine whenever opportun A Few and m i Ln m MEXICO AND THE EAST ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAINS TO CALIFORNIA Celebrate the holidays in sunny California! You tan do it comfortably, eco nomically, if you go by train. Southern Pacific's fares are low ; trains arc fast, warm and sate in any kind of weather. Low cost meal, 10c and 15c Tray Food Sen-ice, soft scats, free pillows, air-conditioning throughout. See Treasure Island, the world's two greatest bridges, exciting San Franimo. Ride the streamlined HolljwJod, and the beaches waiiignt to Los Angeles LOW FARES SOUTH Koundt i iiw in - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SACRAMENTO J. E. CLARK. AGENT Previous Puzzle 17 He was formerly of defense (pi.). 18 Ugly old woman. 19 Broth. 4J 21 Vagabond. 22 Rooster's cry. 23 Algerian cavalry. t 25 Morsel. 26 To gossip. 27 Hardens. 28 To emulate. 29 Kaolin. 30 Japanese fish. 32 Circular wall,' 33 Exploit. 34 Harness part. 36 Small nalL 37 Fold mark.- 39 Garden wall. 40 Invigorating : medicine. 41 Stringed instrument. 42 Cornucopia. 44 Toll. 45 Golf device. 47 Crown of India. i r VERTICAL 2 To ride. 3 Suave. 4 Rubber .tree. 5 Morindin dye. 6 Percussion instrument. 7 Cathedral church. 8 Paid publicity. 9 To accumulate. 10 Small depression. 11 To bore. 12 Ell. 13 Quitclaims. ity offers a brief vacation to fish for small-mouth bass. DRUMMOND DENIES CHARGE OF SPYING LOS ANUKLES, Dec. 12 (AP) With 'he government making thy charge o.her persons soon may ha implicated In the case. Karl Allen Drununond day pleaded innocent in federal coi."t to charges of at. tempting to soil United Stales a via tion secrets to Japan. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. Jackson Minutes to Shopping Theatres Easy Parking S UTTER AT G0UGH You will bfl delighted to live ot iho beautiful new Broadmoor com plotely equipped for solid comfortf tervico unsurpassed. Rooms and suites richly appointed, all with ttfi and shower. Delicious homo-coo)(0 meals; elegant dining room. Dinners from 65c. European . . American. TRANSIENT: $2 SINGLE, S3 DOUBLE EAST THRU CALIFORNIA Sec twite as mutb on our round tripby going or returning through California for not one cent more rail fare than you'd pay to go straight East and back. i TO MEXICO See the tropical " est Coast of Mexico the gor geous Gulf of California, dreamy i-tuAiuuane raniasuc Barrancni, Southern Pacific's beautiful Hotel ue v-ortes, and stately vjuauaiajara. Coach $21.00 34.10 18.50 Tourist $23.55 38.35 20.75 KING &ffl IE 51 mm Ml b-)C-;inc:i m I Phone ,