ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1938. FIVE For Your Convenience ThfHe IXiuiilit C'o'inty ulitrew will dike Want AiU fur Ihe AieWK-IU'Vinvt CI l.V i:H'H MAItKKT MiiIIktIIu kti;ak.s & i in:.Noirm Oiikliiml sro.VAKi:u oiti'i co. Vout'nlla BlcDO.VW.U Slim 10 lOlkluu IIIOUAIUI'S t'liipqim (il.llH; HTOH13 i!!tle I. II. M( IIOI.S Hrockivity HOU KI.I.S tti'Olttg 'l'tiinille D. K. UH llTIJU CO. C'uiiimm Vtlller UI.LISO.N fc 1 1 1. LI SO. V Uillurtl ltKYMII.118 AD.VMS Myrtle Crvt'k iiiiAOsi ui;i;t s Klildle 1KN.M.; Klt'S Citnyotivlllc lli;M.iKU (Initiate DAVS LltHKIv S'l'U It 12 Day C'rt'ek The nliove wtorcM will viit imIn ntiil ituyniettt fur limit. .Iimt tt'H flie inert-bunt lifted tiliut et "I ii it t 1 4i put u n n tl In the KeWM-ltrvleiv" nml lie will lnk euro of all the detail fur jou. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads M Phone 100 d RATES rl First insertion, per word i 2c A feuch subsequent insortiou per word lc : Ono week, per word ..... 6c ri One month, per lino ?1.00 .. Minimum charge 25c 5 Copy for tills page will bo ac-!'.-: copted until 11 a. m. of tbo day of : publication. Tlie News-Review assumes no responsibility for and in no wny ? i guarantees the financial rcsponsl r liillty or integrity ot tlio advertis I f is in the classified columns, f .. ltcaders are urged to make full in- Is. vestigation before sending monoy h-A in response to advertisements. f. Tlie News-Itoview reserves the right to reject objectionable adver ts i Using. It further reserves the right i ; to classify all advertising under r- the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS fW A p,me Tr I 1 ijAvg to luS "') ST No ONE "fflll eP' WHY POT tbu Y 1 THINK X IM M pAcKAS6l TO jtwB PRESENTS FROM ) IS AT THB it3Si SHE HAS A , f SHOP INi KINOSnbN, INSTEAD 'OUSHTTb-BUY 1'- THAT HEEL DUD WANGLE Tt5aT Sre M VW.YMAN HOUSE, WTl JOB SOMEWHERE, , M OF MAWN3 MB CARRY )jUNE A NICE ' ADDNS WSU TO InSULT J'' BUT YOU CAN M WHERES J BUT I DON'T Bj, STUFF CLEAR OVER FROM HEAVY IRON ANCHOR.' KI INSULT.r LEAVE THE M JUNE - KNOW WHAT KIND ; XL SHADYSIDE f J SOME DAY j 'T'' PACKAG-JI OF WORK r fcffj- ' '"" ' na - ' '' " 1 1 3 i i . iwuAy MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE AH-HA' UV VIPEBO, I ACE VILLAIU FOB. C5ILDEB. PEODUCTIOK1S, WAS VOLUN TEERED TO AID MVCA IM HEC IWVESTI&ATIOK) RCOWKI OFF THE HWAJ- ft OF THE MYSTERIOUS ATTACKS OM THE PEESOMUEL OF GLAKAOUG STUDIOS. TOPAY W6 HMD THEM JBAILINa TUB CABPEHTEIi, 'aWeo; AFTEtl HE QUITS Dg THE? rAV f BOOTS AND HER 60 MY ?VAVi b TO OO AV 1 CAKi To 6t.T "WE: SOCrt "KO CHFV6'E TWE.R. WFV Qfr (OOT VV.VW&, 0OW0 TWt CW,WbTMAi fetfiOKi . AK0 OIO WASH TUBBS VWE 1AY (TlEMcATH THE lyeRWA WALLS OF LA 6UARDA, VMHECE POLITI CAL EUEVMES OF TVE PBESICEWT AC6 TAVCEV), A CCOWD 6ATHERS TO LOOK. AT A WATCN F0UU0 W TH BELLY OF A SHARK. VWAT v ' ' 'c' ' ixficon mum nt heavier. 11c t m dec u a t. of 'Mi. LiiiwlbliM . To get in touch with advertis ers giving aB their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it is necessary to write them. The Nows-Review doesn't know who they are, either. Livestock TO LI5ASK 30 head young ewes on snares to responsible party. Luke llouuiu, Happy Valley Kauch. . l'OK SALE Weanling pigs, J3.G0; cow, six weeks fresh, $-10.00. Al bert Martin, Myrtle Creek, Ore gon. FOIl SALE 1 high grade Jersey bull, 15 months old, ?25. L. M. ltice, Glide. Phone 36F21. FOR SALE40 head choice young ewes, lamb February. John Hour, phone 286-J. FOR SALE Four horses, cheap. well broke. S. A. Laurance, Olalla. FOR SALE Young varmint dog. J. M. Ware, Broukway. COCKER SPANIELS. Phono 3SG-J. Financial LOANS We make loans on homes for building, remodeling, repairs, or refinancing. Inves tigate our new 6 direct reduc tion loon. UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Chiropractor Scieu title equipment. NCM & X-Kay. Dr. ScotlelU, Perkins Bids. Work Wanted HEMSTlTCIilNG, buttons and buckela covered, elastic shir ring. Mrs. Moore, Fisher's Store. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Baled oat. and vetch hay. T. E. Duncan, phone 14-F-2. OUC OLD MOT TOO CLOSE. BUS TURNS PLEASE-HE MIGHT BOULE- RECOeullE VOUR. -,1 BUDDIES TrtM'fe A 6RAMD tfs.TV ,tTC. HAVE L0VJ6 SUSPECTED EcT, FBAWS, BOT THEES PBOVES HAPPEM TO THE . EMEkAITS OF THE t-' f w.: TVRAMT.' , ARt -tD Rental MODERN, unfurnished, 5 - room house, newlx decorated. Phone 3F22 or call at 303 Roberts street between 2:30 and 4:30. RENT reasonable a furnished home, small acreage, close in. Route 1, Box G-ll, Koseburg, FURNISHED, clean apurtment, $15.00. Lights, h. water, garage. Adults. 6-0 Stephens. SMALL apt. for working girls or couple. See Mrs. Strange at antique shop. FOR KENT 6-room lurnlshed du plex. 411 E. Douglas Btreet. Phone 179-R. WELL furnished 6-room bungalow. Inquire (ioi W. Luuo street. KOHLHAUJSN APARTMENTS. Strictly modern. Phone 550. UNFURNISHED house. Lumber & Fuel Co. Page APARTMENT -3 rooms. Phone 42. 424 Floed street 9-HOOM huusc, partly furnished, close in. Phono titil-L. POULTRY FOR SALE Wild turkeys for your Christmas dinner. Order early, liens 8-11 pounds, toms IMS. V. Li. Blann, Mile Range road, 2 miles north of County IJarn or Mrs. D. 13. Boone, ti-u Second Avenue,. Rose burg. 70 NfcW llAMrsHlKti pullets. Blurting; to lay. Henry Crane Umnqua. Educational MKN to take up Air Conditioning and KIcclriu Hefrlgeratlon and belter tlientselveH. Must bo me chanically inclined, willing to train in spare tluio to qualify. Write. Utilities lust., Box 4D5, c-o News-Iteview. TELL ME, MISS KJORTH- VJHAT HAS THIS CHAP DOME TO WAERAK1T (" VOUR SUSPICIOUS? III THNV?) "Trtt .tA- . O CW2-b"MAA . SAX SRNOO.' THE WATCH BEARS TW UAWE OF EMANUEL ntY TO THE ricinri i ue uj&cl i i v y r.nuvp thi- y i . i i : i i For Sale Miscellaneous LHH1STMAS TIME at The Strange Shop, luti South Main street. Thiugs like new Elec tric range, wood range, Aladdin swinging lamp, electric lamps, tables, chairs, rockers, quilts and many antiques ono very old coverlet in blue. Tables of lue, 15c, 2bc articles. GLASS, GLASS ii in need of glass for your car come in. We cut and grind to the right size at Sartt's Auto Wrecking House, 523 North Main Street. FOU SALE Number 12 DeLaval cream separator in A-l condition, flS.00. 12U2 West First street, Koseburg. liKJS CHOP walnuts, Se and luc pound. H. II. Kleist, Coos Day Highway. Phoue 4GF12. LOU SALE Graded and tested walnuts, 15c pound. A. F. Ilolf mclster, Kouto 2. 1-iOMKMADU Divinity. Uox 41)4, c-o NewB-Keview. KOH SALE Two wheel trailer, 1114 West First. Wanted TO buy government poles on roll way, also peelers and f alters wanted. Pole timber wanted. Prompt pay. F. A. Fenley, (i31 S. Stephens street. Phone blO-L, WANTED To buy sugar pine and nlil pmwth ffr uliimnntvp Must ho good. Severt lversou. Myrtle Point, Oregon. WILL pay cash, or trade grain, for weaner and feeder pigQ. Write J. A. Uhoads, DayaCreek. 11K1NG me your furs for best prices, ii. F. Shields, 135 S. Stephens St, UU1NG us your hides for best prices. Koseburg Poultry..-. WANTED Wool and mohair. Koseburg Poultry. Sympathetic Dudley, What's the Use? PACOOM MV FEAVJKWESS. ME. VIPEEO- BUT THERE. ARE MAK1Y PEOPLE. IM. THE STUDIO UIODER. SUS" PICIOkl-INCLUDIMG ' YOURSELF I Premeditated E.V TVt VOW ,St?HE. CWRV'bTMK'b ,OXO VOO OO TWM t AEO VOO To ? A Clue to Carioca's Fate 5 AH, POOR C7 BUW FOR V 1 CJJSSS 1 fellow: v your Livtay hekc m, rj, ivt" ) ( i i MisceQaneoiu ATTENTION LKGIONNAIHES Meeting of Legionuaires and their sons will bo held Wednes day evening, December 14th, at 7:30 o'clock at Koseburg cham ber of commerce. All interested in organizing u Squadron of Sons of Tue American Legion are re quested to attend. Ben tMtzaim mons, chairman. MILK, grade a paHiotiriEud or raw, iAjUvorea dally. UmpQua Dairy Phone 3S. Koseburg By-Products Co., phone &2-F-13. AliUNDEL riouu tuner. Ph. ius-U Real Estate MUST SELL. 5 ucres river bottom soil. New 5-roum home. Plaster ed; Owner leaving state and will saerifico equity. Ha lance in easy monthly pifymeuts like rent. G. W. Young & Son, 2U5 W. Cuss street. Phone 417. SAijE live acres New house, barn, water, wood. Mile Sutherliu. Five fitly terms. Truck, car considered. II. Clemens, Sutber liu. '12DEUAL Lana liana, farms, in quire at the Notional Farm Loan, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Koseburg. SACRIFICING lor quick sale 10 acres alfalfu laud. Box 1U2, co News-ltovlew. Help Wanted OPENING NEW LOCAL COFFEE AGENCY. Need man Immediate ly to supply regular consumers. Start with earnings up to $15.00 fa a week. Must write quick. ZANOL, 1G01 Poplar, Oakland, Cat. BAKBEK, 521 North Jackson btreet. Dentistry DR. O. W. Marshall. Men. a. mn By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll BUT THAT'S NOT FAIR..' 1 ASSURE VOL) MY BAD-MAN BOLES ARE CONFINED STRICTLY TO THE SCREEN, KlO1. SiOW . CORA I VOV VOii'O A'OP RVN llviOttOl MR&.ToTT'.'.'.'S. (OOVjO VOO IcOPH. 1P3B BV NCA Fuel 13", 14", 16" UIAj growtn flf. Sp clal price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles itotn, , Camas Valley. GET your wiod at Koseburg Lu La bor Co. Dry and greeu. lti-tuch nud 4-foot. FOU SALE Hi" oat mock. wood. John Marks, phoue 58F4. Hi" OAK. und laurel, ?2.Ul per Un delivered. Phone tii)o-J'2. FOU SALE Wood. Phone 22F12. Business Opportunities FOU SALE or rent Service sta tion auu caio coinuineu. bteep Gables Lodge, Cauyouville, Ore gon. FOR SALE Business any lady can handle. Bux Vj'o, eo News He view. CAMAS VALLEY CAMAS VALLEY. Dee. 12 Mrs. Miriam CalKlns and four children left last week for their former home at Harlan, Ore. Mrs. Cal kin's parents, Mr. and Mis. Grant of Harlan, came down and assisted her in getting reatly to go. Mr. Calkins was killed iu a logging ae eu.L'itl recently. William Poller received word a short lime ago of the death of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. b red Porter, in Lethbiidge, Canada. Mrs. Porter had been iu very poor health the past two years due to cancer. Mrs. Ethel Broun and Mrs. Kuth Law. so u attended the Sunday school convention in Koseburg luesday Everett McFall is having his poultry , housu remodeled on the inside nud providing more room lor brooding chicks. Hu is also putting in -a new typo or wood burning brooder which he thinks Is going to he n great Impiovemeui over his oil brooder. The carpenter work is hying done by Joe . Custer of Olalla. The orchestra has been re organ ized and will practice every Friday By Merrill Blosser. rjM ! WHAT'S BECOME OF I THE BROWN CAR?.' VOL) MUST HAVE MADE THE WROW& turkj; By Edgar Martin I MOW KifeST v . "A 1 Am SIRVICC. INC. T. M RFf.. U. V PT5f F By Roy Crane EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Done 8EE AN EXPERT The flrme and Individuals Hated below specialize In their worfu See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUE8 The Strange Shop. Ill S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R, Brown, 121 N. Steph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh's Garage. 234 W. Oak street. Phone 308. Bar Hoy & Funcner, 125 No. Rose Ph. 43$. AUTO WRECKING Doyle Bros. 621 N. Jackson. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH Woodcock A Fogel, ItosoUurg. CAR WASHING Al Kewman, 121 N. Stephens St. RADIO REPAIRING C. H. Miller, Radio Doctor, 616 No. Jackson St. Ph. 167-K. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Koseburg Electric, phone 123. FLUE CLEANING C. llewluy. Phoue 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casobeor, 615 Fowler St, LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Eor. 222 W. Oak SI TUBE TESTING liiiaco Haillo Bor., 610 N, JackBou. rtcrnoon for un hour or two. A. W. Geilur Is taking charge Jor tho present. llowuru llrown, who Iuih boon spciuling several weeks In CulM'or nia returned homo Tuesday even ing. Adrian anil Noulo Htiunlloy .spent several days the I'irst of tho week al tending to husluess uiallers .ln -MaiBhileld. Miss Mary Thrush of upper. (Juni us Is uuitc 111 und has been coin lu ll to her lied tor several days. Mrs. i 1 1 In ii Colo has been taking care t her. Pied Cockcll, hatchery man from Alllwnuklc. Ore., spent Wednesday afternoon visiting poultry minors n the community. Mr. Loekell had been iiUondlug tho turkey show at Oakland. (.ieorge Sanders ami Miss Marian .und of Kiikouo spent Wednesday afternoon in Hie valley. Mr. Sand ers Is from the IHdco Light plant ifflee In Kugelin and was servicing he pl:iu(H owned by T. tl. Lawsou Hid Cluudo t'liui'eh. Mrs, C. J. O'Neal mid son, Dan- y. of Mai'Bhficltl visited Thursday morning at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. KrncHt Wheeler and during the ai'ternomi at the homo of Mr. ml Mrs. Wilfred Drown. They re turned to Marshlleld hue In the af ternoon. Hov. and Mrs. C. K. Drlllaln of Dllhird spent Thursday and 1'Tlday ii the valley making calls. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. lirnest Wheeler. A soil conservation meeting was held hero Tuesday afternoon and John Standley cleeled u field man for this community again this your. RIDDLE 1111)1)1. H, Dec. 12 Miss Kkiluo Merritt returned to her home here ecently after visiting at the home of her grumlpaienls, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill of Corvallls. Mrs. Ida Ilurgoynn has been quite ill tho past week but Is re- Dinted to lie Improving. Mrs. Lucy l.uney ol Koseburg visited friends hero lust weekend Mr. ami Mrs. G. N. Itlddle, Miss Melba Wilson and Miss Myrtle Griggs motored to I'.ugeuu Saturday whore they attended the opening of "Oltl Due is u hiiociulibl ;tl -i Hold Everything! ,.5ct?l , Y UPHOLSTERING Gouius Uphl. &. Mat. Shop. Ph. 161. REFRIGERATION SERVICE K. G. Jones, Phone 13S-L. SHEET METAL WORK dlnalger'a, iU N. Jacksoa St. TIRE RETREADING riealy a, 121 W. btepheoa. Ph. lui. TOWING dtepbene Auio (Jo. 4Z'i o. .uu WELDING Weiuiug WOikH. oust M. Maw, WATCH REPAIRING Alvlu hjauauuu, 1U3 N. Jackuou tit. WHEEL ALIGNING Percy Croft. 832 N. Jackson. Phoai 83H. BEAUTY SALONS Fayo's Sulon of Beauty. Complete beauty aervice. Ph. 211. 125 W, Cubs St. Pearl Kawhuuiser, Mgr. PAPERING PAINTING Also kal&omlnhig. Winter rates. Kcfeienced. E. Sloan, puono Hi. STAMPS Uasco Stump Co., 610 N. Jackson. a new llelhel of Job's Daughters there that evening. They returned here Sunday. ; Mr. lliidges, proprietor ot tlio ltiddlo Furiilturu Co., is having ex tensive additions, mado to part of his "building. A. P. 'Johnson is do ing the carpenter work. The rooin will be occupied by Frank Ilubi lie's grocery and meat nuirkut (is . souii as completed. ' L. S. Howard, who has conducted a milk route here for a number of years has decided to give up the work on account uf 111 health. Mil ton Acker purchased Mr. Howard's dairy cows and will have charge of the route In the future, Mrs. Arnold ITul'f loft Thursday to return to her homo at Ulendals -after visiting Bovural days at the" homo of her parents, ..Mr. und . Mrs, -Alfred Jloward, 10. I. Iiluudnll wus attending to business matters iu Koseburg Thursday. Mrs. May Walluco of Grants Tass was the guest of her cousin, Miss lleHsle Cain, tliis week. The bimiar aud tnuialo supper given by the Guild ladles last Sat urday evening was attended by a largo crowd. The procoeda of $:I5 will be used iu the Guild work. Out of town visitors present were Mr. aud Mrs. Perry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Uoger Uailey of Koseburg, and Mr. und Mrs. Joauph Cusati, Cauyonvllle. YONCALLA YONCALLA, Due. 12 Mrs. (3. F. KliinnlKiin of Selo la veiling liuf diiUKhUT, Mih. S. A, ScliL'imun, lor a oouplo of wnolis. MIhh Itulli Sholton, Nowlln Shel dm and l'ntil Hpshaw left We d tics lay for Pamidnna, Cullf. ftliHH Ullaii Hnrtoii of TravciKO City, Mich., Ih viHltluK at the J. V. Adtimu homo in KhocHtriim. Air. and Mrs. A. K. l'oniuroy and son, Kueno, of Kiikcmk-s vlsltud at (ho AduitiH and Cowan home luat Matt Ma torn or KulrltaiiUs, Alas ka, viMllod at the Gcon;e llamlllon liomo In HayhurHt and Itlt-hard Thoi pL' home In town last week. Mr. and Mr. Van Wonnan and .son have moved tu a cottage at 1 Hoswell HiM iiiKH. lusl lie's only gol one pulicut lcltl" - - --'