I s ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1938. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER YONCALLA WOMEN'S STUDY CLUB MEETS YONTALLA, Tier. ft On Decem ber 3rd, the Yoncalia Women's Study club held a potlucl; luncheon in the parlors of the Community nhurrh. During the luncheon hour the 5-mintite talks were tfiveii by Mrs. Hush Warner on International relations; Mrs. Eilnnr Ith-hards, radio;. Mrs. M. H. Payne, hostess Ideas; Mrs. Frank Madden, health. After lunch the mee'tins was called to order by Second Vice President Mrs. J. If. Wittmeyer, who presided during the afternoon. The Hetter Sueech lesson was conducted by Mrs. Harvey, Cockeram. Mrs. Sam Walkinshaw reviewed two chanters of the hook, "My Return to Relig ion, which the club is studying. Miss Mildred Kruse save a very In teresting and instructive talk on t he subject "The Pvramids of Egypt." Mrs. Maud Adams of Oak land was an Invited Ruest. Club members present were, Mrs. Karl Hrant, Mrs. Harvey Cockeram, Mrs. I'm re Kin sery , M rs. John K ruse. Miss Mildred Kruse. Mrs. Lcona Merk, Mrs. Frank Madden. Mrs. Kenneth M ulkey, M rs. M. 1 1. Payne, Mrs. Ervin Rice, Mrs. Eli Ear Richards, Mrs. Gertrude Stoute, Mrs. Hugh YVarner. Mrs. Ernest Warner, Mrs. J. II. Wittmeyer, Mrs. Rum Walkiiishaw and Mrs. Lloyd Pinkston. HEALTH CLUB HAS MEETING THURSDAY YONCALLA. Dec. S. The re- ; Enlar meeting of the Hayhurst i Health club was held at the school- house Thursday afternoon. New committees were elected to care for the playground and library. The Rirls sewing club held its meeting at the home of Mrs. diet Miller. A charge of two cents, will I MORNING STYLE, SO SLIMMING! PATTERN" 1993 Be style-nlert even when you're vvorklns around the house! Here's a pretty recipe snssested by Anne Adams, ami it's ever so easy to follow. To a comfortable, slender izing skirt add a soft bodice with a yoke. Whip on two attractive pockets and a becominfr collar fin ished off with a bow or dispense with a collar and have a sweet heart neckline instead, daintily trimmed with ric-rac .braid. If in stead of cotton you choose a pood looking synthetic, your frock will have an "air" that makes it appro priate for going shopping or call ing. He sure to observe that you may have short, puff sleeves, a cap - length type, or a long warm ver sion all three very charming and fashionable! Pattern 4M3 Is available in women's sizes 34. 36. 3S, 40, 42, II. 4S and 4S. Size 36 takes 3 5-S yards 35 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE NUMIIER. Write TODAY for your copy of ANNE ADAMS WINTER PA.T- TERN nnoK. and be smartly dressed with economy! This bril liant collection of "round-the-clock ' fashions shows correct clothes you can easily make for every outdoor and Indoor occasion. Styles for the very young and for women who want to stay young! Lingerie and gift ideas for the coming holidays, ns well as fabrics and accessories! Don't miss this stunning Rook of Patterns! Mail vour order at once! nOriK. FIFTEEN TENTS. PAT TERN, FIFTEEN CENTS. HOOK AND PATTERN WHEN OR DERED TOGETHER, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review, Pattern Dept., Koseburg, Ore, Today's Pattern nwn BmiR 4993 I II by be imposed on every one absent. Miss Jane Miller of Albany and Miss Gertrude Scltosso were guests. Miss Euna Phillips will entertain the next meeting at her home. LEGION AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTINUING THIS MONTH Friendship and understanding among nations ns a basis for endur ing peace is the goal of Fidac. the inter-allied federation of World War veterans, which has a largo mem bership In Itosehurg. Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Fidac chairman of Ump qua unit of the American I-egtolt Auxiliary, stated today. Every veteran enrolling In the American Legion also enrolls In Fi dac and every woman becoming a member of thp American Legion Auxiliary also becomes a member of the Fidac Auxiliary, she explain ed. An active program for promot ing good will among nations is car I'ied out each year by the Auxiliary :md provides highly Interesting work for Auxiliary members. The name "Fidac" is coined from the letters of the French name of the federation. "Federation lntor- nlliee des Anclens Comhattants." I'he organization includes the vet erans groups and women s nuxu- ies of eleven countries allied in the World War anil has approxi mately S.OUO.oOO members, making it the largest organization in the world. Headquarters are main tained in Paris and an annual con gress is held in the capital of one of the countries. riirntiL'h ihe F line, the Amorlcnn Legion Auxiliary women have dir ect contact with the women of Eur ope. The history and customs of the various countries aro studteu, nageanls and plays given, and sim ilar activities carried out to pro mole friendship and understanding. The work Is considered especially important to the cause of peace at Its t me l lie to the tenso worm conditions. Local Auxiliary mem bers will have full opportunity to take part In Fidac activities during the coming year, -mis. i-urniusuic said. COOKING CLUB IS ORGANIZED AT GLIDE GLIDE, Dec. 12. A t-Il cooking tub was organized Wednesday at Glide with Mrs. A. O. Jlelvey elected as club leader; Alice Thompson, president ; Stella Woods, vice-president, and Marga ret lilakoley, secretary. I lie first and thiol Wednesday of every month will bo the. regular meeting davs. Stella Woods. Alice Harring ton and liernieo Weaver were ap pointed to be on Hie demonstrating team for the next meeting. Members of the club include Alice Thompson, Oracle Morgan, Margaret lllukeley, Alice Harring ton, ISernlce weaver, nope, much. Hetty Cooper and Stella Woods. EVERGREEN H. E. CLUB TO SPONSOR ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY . The Home Economics club of the Evergreen grange has announced a lellahtful Christinas entertainment lo lie presented at the hall Thurs- lay evening, December l:jth. An interesting Christmas play will lie presented and the Oakland high school will present a contest play. Games and dancing will lie enjoyed during the social hour. A cover charge will be made for bene- t of the grange. CATHOLIC LADIES TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS PARTY The ladles of St. Joseph's Cath olic Sewing society will hold their annual Christmas party Wednesday at the beautiful home of Mrs. I iron L. Miller at Dillnrd. Gifts will be exchanged. All members are most cordially invited to be present. a SYLMON VALLEY CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Sylmon Valley club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dan F.gly. All members are most cordially Invited to be present. Creations of Art ' With Needlework CUDDLE TOY FOR THE KIDDIES F,y nARONKSS i'lANTONI PATTERN No. 3110 There is still plenty of time to make Christ runs Rifts. This ador able rioc will be love! by every child. When completed, it measures iibout 7 by It inchfft, just the siste for Children to cuddle. The pattern envelope contains cut-out pattern ami complete, easy-to-understand, illustrated direc tions, with diagrams to aid you; also w hat materials and how much you will need. To obtain this pattern, send for No. 1140 and enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) to rover service and postage. Address News-Review. Needlework Iept., UoseburE. Ore. is I SIDE GLANCES cqpw. ma av za sirvice. inc. t. m. wee, v. fc m. Oft. R-n. I "I've warned him that he'll have to act hetter today or you won't lei him come to dancing class," "Algiers" Charles lloyor and Hedy Laniarr, stars of "Algiers," which opens Wednesday at Hunt's Indian theatre. , L. A. TO B. OF R. T. INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS AND HAS TURKEY DINNER The ladies auxiliary to th& Bro- j therhood of Ruilroiul Trainmen j held its installation of officers j Wednesday afternoon at the Hose-j burs Woman's clubhouse. j New officers include: president,: Myrtle Snoildy; vice-president, Olive Clark; past president, .fessie luncnn; secretary, Marfan Perry; treasurer, Kathryn Fream; conduc tress, Minnie West; warden, Leila Spray : ehn pin in, Viola Thurston ; Inner guard. Ifattte Cordon; outer K mini, Clara Starmer; leKlsdative representative, Kather Dunlap; del egate, Jessie Umican alternate, Myrtle Knoddy, and pianist, Kath ryn Dawe. Following the business meeting the auxiliary members and famil ies enjoyed their annual turkey dinner and Christmas party. The next regular meeting wilt be the first Wednesday in January at three o'clock In the afternoon at the Woman's clubhouse. W. C. T. U. TO HOLD ALL-DAY MEETING There will he an all-day meeting of the W. C. T. U. Wednesday with a pot luck noon luncheon at the home of Mrs. L. C. Davis on South Main street. Mrs. C. A. Chamber Hn, president, will be in charge. Aa interesting program 'will be pre sented. The members will sew for the Children's Farm Home at Cor vallis and will pack the Christmas box to be sent to the home. PYTHIAN SISTERS TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The Pythian Sisters will meet at eight o'clock Wednesday" evening at the K. of P. halt, at which time an nual election of officers will he hold. AH members are urged to he present. RfVERSDALE H. H. CLUB TO MEET The annual turkey dinner of the Rlvers'lale Hnppy.Hour ehtb wiiJ he held at the Christmas party Wednesday nt the Clen Cox home with Mrs. Ftewey Kruse acting as hostess. All memliers ore urged to he present. K AND R CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The K and R club will hold its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. V. T. Jackson on South Main street Wednesday afternoon. Gifts will be exchanged. Al! members are cordially invited to be present. LAUREL LODGE TO ELECT OFFICERS Laurel lodge. No. 13. A. F. and A. M., will meet at seven thirty o'clock Wednesday evening at the Masonic temple for annual election of officers. Every member is being urged to be present. B35 Geoff 0K Coming MISS BEVERLY WOOD AND RALPH RODLEY MARRY tH , VANCOUVER, DECEMBER 3 Miss Beverly Wood, of this city. daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. Marshall Wood, of Glide, and Ralph Rodiey, son of the late MiV and Mrs. Thor- vald Rodley. of Lookinggiass, were quietly married- at two-twenty o'clock Saturday afternoon, !eceni- uer 3rd, at Vancouver ' Washington, by Justice of the Peace Shaw. Miss Lavosa MeMiHin and the bride's brother. Marshal! Wood, 'Jr., of Portland, were attendants. The bride wore an attractive blue tweed taiileur with dark accessor ies and a corsage of Talisman rose buds, Bweetpeas and houvarlda. Mjss McMslfm wore a gray ensem ble with black accessories. Following the ceremony the bri- tiai couple were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grimes, in Portland, They spent a short time in balem visiting Mr. RodSey s brother-in-law and sister. Rev. and Mrs. Orval Whitman, and is Eu gene visiting another sister, Mrs, Robert Telford. Mrs. Rodiey attended school in Salinas, Calif., before moving to Douglas county with her parents. Mr. Rodiey attended school at Lookmgghiss and now operates the Texaco Oil station at the south end of Stephens street. They are mak ing their home at 70? South Ste phens street. P.-T.A.. TO MEET FRIDAY EVENING IXJOKiNGGLASS, Dee, 12 The regular monthly meeting of the P.-T.A. will be held at the school house on Friday evening, Dec. Iti. An interesting Christmas program is being prepared in addition to the business session. The monthly meeting of the Study club will be held on Wed nesday afternoon, Dec. 14 in the FeChamiieau building, which has recently been acquired for use as a club room. A goodly attendance is desired and each lady is request ed to bring scissors, thimble, need les .etc., as it is planned to devote the time to the making of costumes for the Christmas plays which will be given by the school on !ecero ber 21, Sewing machines are to be provided and as many ladies as can do so are asked to come for the day, POTLUCK DINNER IS GIVEN MRS. SCHROEDER AZALEA, Dec. 32 Mrs. Frankie Schroeder was very pleasantly sur prised Monday when a group of la dies gathered at her home for a potluck dinner,. The occasion was Mrs. Schroeder'a birthday. Those enjoying this delightful af fair were Mrs. Schroeder, guest of honor. Mrs, John Feldmiller, Mrs. Allie Garrison, Mrs. Jake Fisher, Mrs Warren Hazen, Mrs. Ksther Hnzcn, Mrs. ILilhert TJooth, Mrs. Rodney Smith, Urn, MilHe Spald ing and Mrs. Henry Gaedecke. The afternoon hours were spent in playing Chinese chicken and cards. Local News Comme Vous Plaite Club to Meet -The Comme Voua I'laite etilb will meet Tuesday afternoon nt the home of Mr. H. T. (Doom at Sui -Mill street. Vititino In Salem Mrs. Kellie Rodiey, employee at Carl's Taveni. is spettum; a cnume of days fn Saiem visiting her mother and sis ter. tnter.Se Study Club to Meet The Inter-Se Study clttb will hold its animal Christmas program at a i:.10 o clock (lesaert-mncheon Tups- day at the home of Mrs. IC. S. Halt oa Military street. Rtbefeah Lodge to ..Meet Rose bttrs Uebekah lodge, No. 41, will meet In regular session at eight o'clock Tuesday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall. Home From Portland Mrs. A. It. Taylor ami Mrs. H. H. Turner have returned to thetr homes m this city, following a visit of several days with friends in ForflamL Receiving Treatment Alfred Ze nor, of this city, is reported to he improving nt the flood Samaritan hospttal ttt Portland, where he is receiving medieal attention. Badsura Club to Meet The Ila- doura club. Daughters of the Nile, members and their husbands wttl piolti their annual Christmas ban quet at 7:3(1 o'clock Tuesday night tt the Hotel ltosc. tittts wttl bo exchanged. Forester Here C. 1.. Clark, for merly, employed as assistant ?n pervuiar on the L'mtmtia national forest, now serving the Oeschntes forest in a similar capacity. Is here from Hend lo visit wiUl friends for a few days, Returns to Work Ralph Kar- eiter returned to his work at Alba Snaugn's repair shop this morning. following the past several weeks al his home convalescing from a ser ious neck Injury, suffered, while cranking a tractor. Return From Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodley have re turned from their honeymoon and are making their home at 707 South Stephens street. Mrs. Hod ley was formerly Miss Beverly Wood of this city. Back From California Bob Col lins, son of Mr. and Sirs. O. ti. Col lins, of this city, has returned to his home here, following a trip to Los Angeles with Arthur Drnliner who remained there. Bob spent a couple of weeks visiting in south ern California. United Workers to Hold Party I'he United Workers class of the First Christian church will hold its monthly meeting at a Christmas party at two o'clock Friday after noon at the' home of Mrs. It, U Hudson, (lifts will be exchanged. Townsend Club to Meet ftoso- Imrg Townsend club. No. 1, will meet at T:t) o'clock tonight at the Maecahec hall for a program and business session. I'lnns will he formulated for the Christmas celebration meeting to be Held l ttember 26th. Following the meet ing tonight, a session of the advis ory hoard will be hem. On Last Trip.!. !f. Hanks of Portland, who for more than .so years has been a regular visitor in Hoseburg as representative of the llova! Insurance company, was here today for the Inst time In his present capacity. On his return to Portland this week be will be pen sioned ami retired by the company with which ho has been contlttuous- ty employed for III years. SPREE ON HIGHWAY BRINGS FINE OF $10 A fine of $10 wns paid in the justice eourt here toilay by Michael W, IHohan, rt. Salem resident, who pleaded guilty before Judge It. W. Maisteis to a charge of being drunk on a public highway. The arrest was made by the state po lice. JAS. HOPPER FREED OF BURGLARY COUNT James Hooper, recently arrested at North Bend oa a ebarge of fir- giary, was released from custody today following a motion for i!is missal of charges. The motion was made by District Attorney J. V. l-rfing. Hopper's brother, I-ouiH. re cently was sentenced to three years In the state penitentiary after pleading gniity to a charge of forg ery. SEAL SALE SOOTH AT POST OFFICE Members of the Junior Woman's club are assisting the annual Heal Kale committee by maintaining the booth at the postofltce this week. Those in charge for the week in clude: Mrs, Paal McGowan Mon day; Miss liettibelle Knott, Tues day; Miss Ivois Sehaerer, Wednes day; Miss Elaine Hrown, Thursday; Mrs. Ernest Peterson and Mrs. L. C. Latham. Friday, and on Satur day the boya of Scout Troop No. 7 will have charge of the booth. The T. B. Chris! mas seals are also on sale at Chapman's drug store. Chest Colds RELIEVE MISERY of your told at 3 out of 3 people do massage throat, cheat, back with VICKS VAPORU8. in direct pouitice-vapor action bring prompt comfort and relief. RAIL ASSN. OPPOSES LARGER TRUGKE SA.Ef, Fe, 1 (AP) HaroM Turner, representing the Asnoeia fion of Oregon, Railroads, conferred today with the Marion county court in opposition to a biit he said would appear in the Oregon IfKisluture to increase the length, heiphth and load limit of trucks carrying for hire. Turner was said by a member of the court to have stated that a third of tiie railmadn of the coun try are in receivership and others in dnxer of xoinj? the same way. umi that the cumins session of eon press may have to determine wb- ther private ownership of railroads wlU continue or the govpramtnt take thfMn ovm County Commissioner Roy Mel- son said the comities, he beJieved, lid not Intend to encroach oa any (Ittostion of ioad limits on stato highways, this helnK for the state to im Uo, but he believed the coun t iett would u ntmet iona hly oppose any hitl that woultt tuko from the potmtirs the rtKht to control load limits on county roads. lSch a provision wits tit a mil before the Jesislatum", said MelKon. "County opposition im mediately developed and U was eliminated without mat-It argu ment." HENRY M. DEWEY PASSES AT SALEM Henry Martin Dewey. 32, son of Mrs. Frnnk Brown of West Hose btna. illeit in Salem Sttmlny after a tirolonKetl Illness. lie was Bora at liteinlale, tjrpson, January u. llttnj, uml snent the greater part of tils life in that community. The body is belli brought to Rnsebure by the ItouKlas Funeral home. Funeral services will be held lit the Presbyterian church in Olenrtale Wertiiesilay afternoon at two o'elock. interment will follow In the Masonic cemetery to that city. NEW LAW STYMIES MARRIAGES HERE Operations of the state's new law rnnull'llKt both annllcants for tt marriage license to obtain physical anil mental examinations amiears to have out a (tamper upon tile mar- fiasco license ImslnesB ttt lloUBiaa county, nceoriliiiK to a report from the office of County Clerk Key Astee. No licenses hove been Issttett since the new taw became effec tive. In Ioccmber of last year there were 20 marrlnKc licenses, of which nine were Issued before the middle of the month. JUNIOR CHAMBER PLANS YULE PARTY The Roimtas county jtmtor eham. ber of commerce will, enjoy a Christmas dinner party at the Uiv ersilalo ftrnnKO hall at 1 ft. m. Wed nesday. Members of the Oakland Development lenKtte tittd Stltheflltt I'roBresalve club have been Invited to attend. The ladies of Rlvorsdule grange will prepare and servo the dinner, which will be followed by a pro Rrum of muste, dance specialties and brief talks, after which tiane IttR wilt be enjoyed by alt. An advance ticket sale is being made, and local members and friends may obtain tickets at the Itosebtirff headquarters on Steph ens street, ' WILD LIFE COUNCIL SETS MEET HERE The DouKlaa Wltit Life emmcil will meet lit the limtebnrK ehm uer of eoiumeree offlee TuomiHy eventHjc, lit which time delegates will report on the Wild Life federa tion convention held recently tn Corvullfs. The convention sronaaeif n Ian for reorganization of the Btitte'ft fish and gnmc ileimrtmentB. The loeul eotmetl, whieb t matio u of renreKentntlves from itl! Bportit- men a elnlta of the eonnty, ia oam cntiirly IntereHteit ' in ieKtKintlon wltleh would prohibit eommerelit! flHtiin of ateetheads. JOSEPHINE MINER HURT IN CAVE-IN GRANTS PARS, llec. 12. (Ai William FriBth, Iloltand tjalil miner buried In a eave-ln Bnmlay, was in ti hoKpttttl today while at tendant afd nf batk may 1m, broken, Kriweb told them he bad to die bia way out with hla hamla and eniwl unaided to the mine entrance from where he called for help. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE DECREES HATHAWAY (Una from Ftnby Howe Hathaway; married May 3, lft27, at Fossil, Oregon; cruelty. TRY MODEL BAKERY FRENCH BREAD Fine Flavor. Fresh Daily. BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE POUTI,AXI, Dec. 12 (XVI FSm'TKU Prints: A grade 3ie jfe. in parchment wrappers, 3$e in artons: H grade 3iic ib. in nareh- ment wrappers 32Je Uk a cartons. Hi'TTKFiFAT Portland delivery tmyiiiK prices: A grade 3IiS2e iby, Portland delivery: B rade lie Ife, Jpss; C grade 6c ib. iess. Country delivery 'Me lb tor A grade. EGGS Wholesalers buying prie : s&eeiais 32e do.; essras 3e do.; standards lame 25c doi. ex tra mediums 2Se dos.j extra small 25e doz. CHKKSK Oregon; iHpiets Hej Oregon ioaf I5e; brokers wiii pay I cent helow uotstins tWXTRV m iCATs Kmng price to retallerst CQUntr-kHleti hogn best batuner, nndsr lis lbs. trtt-tt ih viAFsi i?.e m utsht ami thin -S-Jc lb.; heavy S- Ut;i kunl)a I4e ib.; ewes 4-Te ib.; buiis S-ttc lb.; eutter cows T-Tc eaa- ner rows &-&je lb. J-eghom broilrs li tff 13 lbs., ISe Hk; 2-i ibat itfe ib.; toioreti springs 2 to lbs, 15c lb.; over 3j Ibs ITe ib.; Leghorn hens, &ver lbs., H-I5e lh.; under H th Xe lh,t eolomi hens to 5 lbs., ISc lb.; over 5 lbs. ISe th.i Ko, 2 gratie 5e lb. less. li TURKEYS FfeSUue sricesr lresseil, new crop hens 2S-2Se tb,t $ loins. 22-2:Un lb. imvmg ntteest new hens, 2:iic lb.1 toms 2tc i POTATOKH Ysklma Gems $1.2$ cental; local $t.tHMM; IJesebates G?ms $1.2 J1.35 cental; Callforala sweets $L25-$t.? for SiVlb. eratej new sweets 1.25Sl.Ta for Sft4b. craie; new Calil'omia Triumuhs, $2.ttl jver &tMb, box. ONIOXS Oregon No. 3, SS-7Sej Yakima 4H-fifie per SV0 lbs. WOOI Willamette valley warn- inaf; mwJivim, 22-23e lb.; esarss whI t brabis In.; lambs aa tatt awe lb.; eastern Oregon 1S-22C lb. HAY Sellltvg urJea t& reiaersr Alfalfa No. 3, MM ton; oat veteh Silaia ton; clover ton; tim othy, pjssterti Oregon flffw; ! Vaiiev $I4. ton, Portlsml. HtiPS Kew crefi clusters 2ffe lb,; fugglea 23c lh. MOHAIR Nominal; 193& 2&T?S lb. ........... CASCARA RARK nvvying price, ms peet ftr lb. UiVESTOCK 1 Pfm'HANK, tire., Iee. 12. (A!') (H. S. TJsiit. Agr.f IlOtlS 15 tower, fntrfsr aettve at tteettne. gooii:hoiee lfeVJir lb. rfrlvoSttB 7.76-SS, ettrtot!!l iota S.ffff, orb broil S.tR. n&n lb. butchers 7.2S-35, few 7.SU. HKttt IfeMa aek- saws 5.75-B.Stt, few heavy Fivetlm- piKS T.Z&, liKissweiKtKs CATTLK Uneven, she stscfc astrt bn!S sleady, heavy steeva SS inwer, light stHnt acllvs, stlcitrty, SrrattmBtwt 15-25 hteher, bnih mo- iHimmoatf llKht sleere 7.TK-8.8S, steera auava XttiW iiis LSTv.tb. low londs S.6A-66, ifo tootta itelil ahava S.75, HghtwefRht esisesiaicBtslly for irtnora np lo 9:tstt, mesilam Kfxwi heifers 6.5i!-T.f0, common 6.25, low cutlet' am! easier sows S.25, goiwl beef cows K.ritt-B.tiO, hitiis 5.TO-BW, extreme too e.a, "vealem aleaiiy, iiiaeiteai top Mt oihi heart MB. SHBRP Steady to weak, t loBfiK ROO!l tr!to(! 8S !h. sraalett iaavlvs S.2iv, HHi'tert 2& per eeRt l.Zh, toiirt hcttvlor htmba S.SMJ, best trttet t 7.75, shora liirahs T.rft fcts, sStmgaU'F ewe steauy, gwat-eheiee S.iMM.09. WHEAT POItTLANIJ, !-e ,TJcc. 12. (AJ Open HUtft IjOW Close May .. (is m m m liec 6! 6! 81 &i Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled by The Aaaoeiateti Press. Dec. IS. . SO IT, tK 60 i Illd'i RR Wa SfTts Monday .. .. Prev. day Month 8ko .. Year ttKQ hish .... IKiS tow n.t itU S.l SM 2il.il W,2 M.2 ?T. ill T.l SS.S . C2.J 212 MS 4I. . T.& n.t m. M.T . ta.i nx ai.a aa.f BONDS go to to to UH'a iod'ls Ut's ...r?. m.i at.5 rum. S2.S KS.T CS.T 6T.0 R9. Monday Prey, day .. Month ago Year ago liiSJt blKb .... W.x low . . tsi.T ti.a . TI.T 9T.I . 70.5 t!!.S 62 m 95.! S5.S Opening Pre-Season Game BASKETBALL ROSEBURG MYRTLE CREEK TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH 7:30 P, M, Senior High School Gym PreEraBtary inier-CJass Game Witt Start at 6:30 P. M. Admiutom 35c; Students 25c; with A, S. B. Ticket 15c JONAS SJORGREN OF ELGAROSE DIES Jonas Sorgretu le aE Ms hems is Elgaiwe tootsy Jlawisgr a ioag period of Hiaesa. H waa born in Swetlen, June S, FJhfvIvvhk are his wjfe, Atrgsssta Sjogren, and etght sons ami dsaghterar Prltz liernatti, Stan- ley Aady and Otaf Sjorgrea, Kana' Mowarti, Elsie l-GSg and Alma Sio- ' greSj, all of Eigarose aasi 5iei- Faneral sendees wlU be hehJ at the Elgaross ehareb; at 2:3 3. ni. Weilnesiia?. with iotsrment follow lug ia toe Eigarose c eme tery. ArrangementB are in charge of Sbo Roaelmrg Un4ersa&S&g company. Returns t& Meiiforrf Miss Ieona Zeuor of this eity feaa rstarneii to Medfarsl ia resume hr studies at feeaay seboeK followvng several davs here with her parents. Today and Tuesday THE STSGE HST THAT TOCLEO THE tiMIQH novl Shows 2-7-9 P. M Mats. 25b Eves. 35s Kldtftes toe Today and Tuesday f soys' town s$deaJ Greater . than tKe imagination she best THBIYRDDDElf tm mat Added Donald Duck ttt "DonahPs Go!f Game" mm Start Wednesday mmrs) CHARLES BOYER srsaio oysis Shows P. Sf. SSats 25c Eves. Kiddiea tOs if jr i fls0H I fC 1