TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8 1938. GARNER SILENT ON Nomination for President Unlikely but Vital Role Sure to Be Played. Iiy W. H. RAGSIMMO WASHINGTON. Upc. 7. (AP) John Nance Garner is likely to treat the capital to a fine brand of political poker during the next two years. He will bring expert knowledge to the game. Garner not irniy knows politics but he knows all the ins and outs of poker, though he has retired from active prac tice. His friends believe he' will keep silent about the' presidential boom started for him in Texas ,yeterday. Talk of Garner for president now brings an til together different reHponne from some of these same easterners than it did In 1932. Most pertmiiB agree Garner will play a powerful part In the l!itO democratic convention. Home go so far as to say the convention and tbo party may bo torn apart by two factions u - conservative group led by Garner and a liberal one Jed by President iioosevell. Party Harmony First Hut Garner, astute politician though ho -Ik, is first of all domin ated by a deep sense of personal patriotism, and next he Is a strong "partisan. The democratic party and patriotism are pretty well In tertwined In his own mind. - Friends say hs' sensq of .patrio tism might lead him to accept a presidential nomination If lie thought, be could he of servl despite his age and1 personal de sires to retire. Hut these mum' men suggest his iloviv of party probably would prevent htm Irom joining in n fight for such a iiom lnation If ho' felt n party spllL would result and ' smash (lie chances of a democratic victory. Homo ai'gue that tho Novem ber election results may have put Gnrner and men or like mind In a position to get a more sympa thetic hearing in white house councils. Age Seen as Barrier Their bet is Mint (Junior will be preaching a coalition of democra tic factions to wage a common hut , tie ..against republicans of all breeds. ' They think be will not put his own mind too strongly on his own presidential possibilities in 19-10. ' Ills situation Is u little differ ent now from what It was in V.2. He was speaker of tho house then, and had quite u few delegates. Hut lie -was much younger. Me Is 70 now. Tho nation never- has in augurated a president that old. William Henry Harrison at 68 was tho nearest approach, and he died a few munths after his Inaugura ! tlOll. 'I ' . i WASHINGTON. Dee. 7. (AP) A S7B.00" lihul siiil nA filed anuinst Secretary lckes h-tlay l.y .Tohn Ii.'CrlasS. Tyli'r, Tex., law yor and former chief InvestlKiilor , of federal petrnlemn li;:ency No, 1. Tho H)?ency comes under li kes' f jurisdiction. Lilass asked Hie foil era I district court to award him S.Mi.liOO mc tual d u ni n Ken and r(i,000 as pun ltd) men t to (he Interior secretary : liccausu of a inemoranumn wliieli (ilass claimed 'defamed him.-'- The memorandum, Claiu s.ild in 1, Ids petition to (he court, "advised -, mid warned all oil opentlota to in YPsllKnto 'the Idalntirf." 1 ' i 1 JI added the iMenun andum ,' "made false mid defamatory stale. - tnenls lo the effect the plaintiff - had been prevented ami r,u led from practleliiK beftire the fciferal " tender hoard because he bad sobl or uttemded to sell confidential knowledge which he previously ' idi tallied when employed by the . government." 45EE YOU NEXT YEAR,' : MAN, 106, PROMISES VOItTLANH. Iec. 7. (AIM .Tohn Nidson lililli-y, uinhalh-nt;-' ft as Oregon's iddest cllizi'ii. ci'le braleil bis 10i;th birthday today and announced to newsmen: "rieo you next year boys!" HldKley, w ho lives with a ilaiiKhter, built bridles duilnc the 'lvll war.- lie recalled the Chi cniko (ire and his veto fr Lin coln. Ho conlessed he didn't think much of Hitler ami Itie Ktunpeun Hituallon "because I don't expect to ko over t here." I (nucha 11 ve nial us one of his prime interests lint football "bah! It's Ion roauh." UidHh-y'H appetite has diminish n somewhat lliese last tew years ltnt he still loves placet and three s(iiares a day as long as they Include oyster stew and ej:s- II OK. EX-TENNIS CHAMP ; SUED FOR DIVORCE t.HS ANCKLKS. Pec. 7. ( A IM ' Helen Vinson of the stage find ci'wn tmlay tiled salt for dhoice from I'red I'eiry, former world's nnmtt'iir tennis champion and t'ow one -of the world's lending proles fionul plhyers." ' " ' 1 " She charged vat ions acts of mental cruelly in her com plaint. Mie said the Ittitlsh net star often l-ecanie enraged at her without Jirnvocation. ' ' '' 1 1 Miss Vinson and Terry were Jnarried In Harrison, N. Y.. Sept. J'-'. l!35, and separated last Nov. I lIBEWGTIIIIITS h SECRETARY ICKES ! OUR BOARDING HOUSE FOR A' Bl5 MOKISREL '' '' FlPl -HE'S' (SOT THREE I?I HE 3CT MlPPEP BV ' Hf CHIMS AUD A BUL- ' A VO& AMD WE AREU'T P SOUS SCHMOZZLE jilfli? TAKlW ' AMY CMAWCES Pi JL l. A.KJD A LOUD fL AMD SEE rsS'TZJm l"- 7 BARK, AMD HEfe J IF OME W f ' ' V . ( AUWANS BITIMO A WILL TIT. Jp l,5mT 23 ----- tiiwiimtMiifiiiirwrMiiiii(iirfif mmwmnwitwwmmiivmMNW IIcnHlile.st1 of two million 4-M club members nro llicso boys nnrt girls, selected nt the 4-H congress in Chicago. Loft to right: Kendull Wilson, Iowa; Hubert Ltttlellcld, Louisiana; Gerald Huwley, Ne braska; Britt l-nlllips, Georgia; Barbara Bcodo, 'own; Jeiuo Poland, Louisiana; Rum Mason, Norm ' " -" :" Carolina; Louisa Johnson, Alabama. ' . Air Salute to Notion Planned By A$socicstec3 Press on Dedication Of J: Home in Rockefeller Center EVrY(JniC, Mfed'. ' 7.-'-(AI') Tliu vivid pageant of ninety years of news MUtheiing crowded with drama and excitement will be pre sented on tho afi' lo Christmas day audiences ihrnuKhout the nation in a special N1IC broadcast saluting the Associated 1'ress on tho occa sion of the dedication of Its new buthlfnK in Itockolctlcr Outer. i'hu hour-lotiK program will be presented by the National liroad casting company over its blue net work Irom lu to II a. ni.TST. as a salute to (he world-wide coopera tive news gathering association. A special feature will be the timiuul dramatl.ation of the -len best stories of the year, as -selected by Associated Press -editors. It will recreate a number of the greal events which have made thrilling history since the founding of the Associated I'rcss in ists when the telegraph was a lour-year-old infant ami newspapers tiad meager news. Tliu hlrtlorlcjil panorama Includes such outstanding stories of bygone ri'ont paws as the beginning of the Associated I'rcss, the assassination President Lincoln. (Jeaeral I'ns- ler's celebrated lust . stand, llie tevastuliug Samoa disaster of is.s'i. the sinking of the battleship Maine, the great San Krancisco earth inake, the World war and the rapid march of news down to Hie present time. Hyrou Price, executive news edi r of he assocl:il ion, will sneak t the news gathering of todav. Great Idea Realized flie uew.'AsstVfatod MM-ess build lug. -nerve center tor a isri.ouo. mile system of leased telegraph wires, represents the realization of long-cherished Idea. For many ais Kent Cooper, general maiia r. has looked lorward to the dav When more lideiniate headouartei s loahl tie obtained for (he nation's imly mm protit, cooperatii e press issoriatton. The move lo the modern new 17- story building, which is just off l-'ifth avenue at Kittlcth street, is the fourth in the Associated Press's long history. Hack in Ms a small ramped room up a flight of 7s steps on lower Itroadway boused the heudtiuatteis. -n,,, ti,.s, oral manager. Alexander J ones. Hill one youthlnl assistant were Authorized Maytag Sales and Service Ott's Music Store W. Casa A. Sheridan. Phone 461 Roseburg Dairy brails A Pasteurized and Raw Milk 'ORINK MILK FOR HEALTH' PHONE 186 with' Healthiest in the Lan'd by 4-H T7r T'f ' ' imeaT, the entire staff, doubling as office boys, reporters, telegraphers and messengers, as tho occasion de manded. 400 Now Employed In contrast with the one-man stuff of' lsis, the association's headquarters now has four hundred employes. The l!s(i,iH)i)-mlk) leaned wire web radiating from tin; new building will carry the news to I, leu mem ber newspapers in ..very stale of the union. The headquarters will occupying foiir floors with the news center on the fourth floor where, one thousand reel of shallow trench has heen laid In the floor lo accommodate 2,01 lit pairs of cables necessary for Incoming mid outgoing dispatches. The giant con trol swiicliboaid for the vast net work has been described by engi neers as the most complex of its kind in ihe world. The difficult task of moving the Associated Press's great arrav of news printers, picture machines and other equipment without an in terruption in service is to get un der way within the next several days and will bo complete by Christmas.. -O- AZALEA AZAI.KA, Dec. 7. Sirs. John .lanlziu- anil .Mrs. William Janlzer and son. Ilillle. nltcnded lo liusi nesH and shopped In (Jraids Pass Salnrday. .Mrs. Ivy Saikelle niriwd here Ihe fii si of llu- neek from Kacra mcnto. Calif., lo help .are lor her molher. Mrs. Alary Health. Mho has heen cpilio 111. Mrs. Henry dnedorke and son. Ail. and Mrs. Henry smith shopped in liosehar Wednesday. .Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. Voi lliinKton. and Mr. and Mrs. liny Hotdalil and hal.y. of Hays Creek, visited .Sun day with Mr. and .Mrs. (Ma Con dray. Mr. and Jhs. .lm 'i,kelt lea I'YIdny afternoon (or lull v and Sweel Hem., whom lliev will visit VISIT 1 h. mnftt hoAuli ful cncktnil lounfrs In Snn KrAnciico. "Il'i Diffarent." CARDINAL RICHELIEU ROOM Vnn Neat nt Geary m rJl5 com-nint location hfrWJ$giK$ m U oJlttV ilL in " cinlir of VI Major Hoople Verdict Marguerite .Tonka, James and Jer alfl Pickett for a couple of weeks. ' I.. S. Johns and K. L. Johns were in Koseburg Monday on busi ness. Among those shopping' and nth tending lo business in ItoseburB Saturday from Azalea were Mr. and Mrs. Lea Grant. T. C. Johns, Uert Downey, Ora Condray, Sr., and Virgil MeCoilum. CIVIL WAR TOLL IN 1 SPAIN DISCLOSED 11AUCKLONA, Dec. 7. (AP) l-'igurerf available 'here "show in surgeiit air raids and naval at' tucks have killed -1,01s persons and wounded , 1 71 in Catalonia, a province in northeastern Spain, in ;i little more than two years of civil war. Statistics up to Ocinher SI show Ihls government capital alone suf fered 17n bombardments, which killed L'.r.on, wounded 3.2tnl ami de atrnyed c.v damaged 1.2HU .i:i:!.l iugs. These figures, which do not in clude the latest raids throughout Cataloniii,. listed attacks on 7S towns by air and on IN by sea. A total of (ii!7 air attacks were made on these localities with Ifi, 1SS bombs loosing approximately I, hum tons of metal. In Catalonia, r.!M:t buildings were damaged or destroyed, B. P. O. ELKS Hcgular meeting Thursday eve ning, December S. All officers and members urged to attend. Ira 11. Kiddle, Secretary. BLATTNER'S HALL CANYONVILLE Saturday, December 10th with Dale King and His Band Admission Gentlemen 40c Ladies 10c DANCE "' ' ' at Newly furnished 1-2-3-room suites for transient and permanent guests. Popular price dining room service. Low permanent rates. Transient rates $1.50 up. i ST. LOUIS, Itec. 8 (AP) Outline, New Jerseys Rift to box- nil,', beer-KUjzlliiK Tony 'Galenlo, set u renewed howls today for a ehiinca at "that bum." Joe Louis, heavyweight, champion , of the world-. . -.' . ' i . That was despite "the touehest filiht I ever had." last iiinlifs knockout victory over Otis Thom as, rising young Chlcaeo Negro, in the ninth round ot their scheduled 12-roum!er. .. . f "Two-ton" Tony almost lost to Thomas on fouls. Three rounds went to the N'eitro rn low blows from Tony's sledee-l like fistB the first, seventh and CIK'UU. lteferee William Heisner held up warning llncer in the seventh and halted the bout in the eighth, threatening to award it to Thorn- iony Tonmcci. the Neflrro's trainer, said Thomas .would con llmi, but a fourth unethical, punch wouiu not ue lorglven. '. ( . . A tremendous left hook to the solar plexus sent Thomas down niter one minute 35 seconds of the ninth, lie was counted out on one knee. Onlento weighed 227, to Thomas' MX. - . . Thomas gave Clalento a stiff but tle all the way, hut his punches didn't seem to bother the husky Italian. Mis defense did, however. .Max Baer will be Tony's next major opponent, matchmaker Joe Jacobs confided. Calcnto ' lias signed to meet the former Cham. ton renruary in Atlantic-City, he said. GAMES BILLED BY DAYS CREEK TEAMS DAVS CIIKKK, Dec. 7. The Days Creek basketball und volleyball teams will open tbo season with games with Lonkingglass Friday evening, December i), nt 7:30, in the loca gymnasium. The following Tuesday, Decem ber IS, the Camas Valley teams will come here to play both basket hall and' volleyball, . These games will be the only games played by the local teams before the holiday vacation. TRAINER HAYWARD " OUT OF HOSPITAL Kl'ORNK. Dec. S (AP) Col. OKI Haywaril. "Riand olil man" of I nlveisily of .Onjscm athletics, w;is -!-(;(ijisotI from a hoHpititl' yes tciiliiy vhero ho had been resting from Hie 'effects of a heart attack. Tho veteran foolhall trainer and track eoaeh .was' not permitted to see Tisltors at his homo. TINY COOPER LOSES i IN 3RD ROUND K. O. HAI.IC.M, Ore;. Dec.- S (Al'l I'anl Williams, 2U0, Sealtle, ltnoek ed out Tiny Cooper. 1.S0. Hroolis. iormer Oreaon heavyweight cham pion, in Die lliinl round of a sched uled 10-rnimd bout last night. Wil liaina had his opponent on the floor in the second round. NO LOUIS BOUT AT GOLDEN GATE FAIR SAN KHANCISCO. Dec. S (AP) Mecause ot tho uncertainty of suitable opponent for heavvweighl I champion Joe Ixiuis, there will he 1 no title bout on Treasure island, I no sue ot the (iolden (late Inter- SI VVfiitFil &MBJ LP JL J1JLUU muliirBJAB. e . Kl'PS " m : ;P" "oswto road-for safer niKht ji ' n pictured above, alracost n''ar ,he ferin;; wheel at no7exlra coal! , Decide For. Yourself! ; 1L - F,oor IT takes a heap of Rood looks for any car to' stand' out in a t Jy '' '-' W b ' ; fr'T ' today's sparklini; style parade! Frankly, wo think Dodge gSagfe iSi'W' vWi (f VSS I, 'fCE A i does. But we're not ROinR to insist. Instead well leave it GSiaSriaV nV&7' K-M ''i'lS'VA'-' I t Tkier t. V OOlemlL to youl "Take. Look., .that's all Dod askr!" - MVn&i M&F, r ' Wf LOWt o tt And after you've feisted .-our eyos on its windstreamed akHsJl .1 AnSTRitf lW(Ss9s pe . "'CS' if beauty, its sorceous interior, its "Jewel Case" Instrument "'5S2S'LAi. Masim ' 8f'ES:S ' Sen ' panel, take a look at the many new enfrtneertng ideas that I ijV d"s S O m .. " g make this the Rrratest car Dod(tevr bniltl .. R:!MMN'iS " " -n. ffOt.,r 5 antt B And then tae a too at the price taRl YouU be sur- !U4-tSrSi.;;4Ml.4j- fit IT? WSeii, prised because DodKe pHces ate as much as $55 loss than rX"''"""1" 'l-V-w -t.'S "'rSi"'I.c';,'' :." 'ea " B lastyearl .r-.t-i.r- ..... , ; TAKE A LOOK1 New invisible Iurrbrq com- ''.rV M TIP TO FATHERS! Hptp's how to enA C!1rLtma wnf. rmcnt -completelT concealed, yet i, n I WSJJ oi T,Si,'i?(R''a f ' ' rli-a riahtoowl Th, rear bur lu.toa. .H for ttit whole l.mdr than Old "trunk-stTle" compartment! Lil'''EO piCC DuT?-" .MIWDodse Umrlinr.l .. . , . Three bellbovs ne.dl to r.rr, t ' ,.,T TTlK"'ctS IhVMH Foe B jnc ivcyv tyy g&ssuoiw luaukj Liner latlonal exjiosition, next summer. All plans for the fight were can celled by Harrison Counick, gen ?ral manager of the exposition. Mike Jacobs, New York promotei had asked for a SoOO.UMO guarantee Co. stage- the fight on Treasure is land. He -was notified by Connick yesterday the exposition had decid ed to decline the offer. BASKETBALL Scores - Gossip DES MOINES. la.. Dec. S (API lirake university athletic officials announced today the Drake basket ball team will play the University of Oregon, champion of the north ern division of the Pacific conierence, here December 2y as. one oi tne feature events of the JJes. Moines Register and 'Tribune's annual coachiiiK school. . PULLMAN, Dec. S (AP) The Washington Slate Cougurs, whose gridiron efforts were nothing to write about, are ready to make It up on the maple floor. The l!i:!8 :I9 Edition of tho Cougars' basket ball machine' sounded a warning to aspirants for tile northern division coast conference title - hist night when they defeated the. Whitman College .Missionaries of the North west conference VI to 41. RIDDLE QUINTET 11 BEATS DRAIN, 32-30 ItlDDLK. December S Riddle Hipln school's basketball quintet Unshed enough drive ami power to edtfe mil a 32-:t(j win over a plucky, shacpshootins Uraiu team in a ame played on the former's court Tuesday - evening.- - Itiddle Hiiatchcd an early lead, re limiuishiiiK it but once' and that half way through the. first period. From ihat point- on tho "Irish" stayed out in front, except for the third (junrtcr, when Drain knotted Uie score at 21-all after flurry of basketH. The "Irish" again took command and staved off a Drain uprising at tho finish. . . ;The game wits-marked with very fast clean playing and a fine show of sportsmanship. Lineups Riddle ;i2) Metier (-1) Becker 1 15) Moore ;) Cornutt (ID) Itiysliy i C!0) Drain (2) Uylell Kirk HI) Clorsline (5) behave,. U. (7) Peer, II. D. of U. V. to Meet Florence N'ightingalo tent, No. 15, Datiijblers of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at 7:30 o'clock Fri day evening at the armory. FOR YOUR f " TAXI W i Phone 2,1 :Wi i i FrChrlB,m r.l'f,. Q 11 Bell's Basket Grocery V hWjW' " PINI I fun ouart -V tm I ALSO AVAILABLE IN, RYE i- : . DILLARD MOTOR CO., Main at Douglas'StV O.S.C. GRIDDERS OFF TO BATTLE IJ.C.L.A. COItVALLIS, . Dec 8 (AP) Oregon State Beavers set out last night for Los Angeles where they will wind up their 1938 season against UCLA. 'rhe . Beavers need a victory to clinch undisputed third place In the coaet conference stand ings. ' Because of Injuries to Mercer, quarter, and Hackenbruck, tackle, and the Indifferent attitude of the team toward the game. Coach Still er was apprehensivo on departure. He said - Mercer and Hackenbruck were doubtful starters. LOS ANGKLKS. Dec. 8 (AP) U.C.L.A. football players engaged in only a limbering up drill today for tho final conference game of the season with Oregon State. PORTLAND BEAVERS BUY NEW CATCHER PORTLAND, Dec. S (AP) The Portland Heavers purchased Vin cent Monzo, catcher, from Memphis yesterday in an outright cash deal. Monzo played with the San Fran cisco club in l!i:ii and 1937 but was sold for breaking training. MAKE MINE WITH OOP! V W U II .1 '"V. a.? Vf. H I FIRST SHOULD COME YOUI 4 rm a m "0 so plan to spend your vacation at RICHARDSON . tpRINQf Lin th mountain nar Chico, Batttl County, Northern California J You W.'!l Find Ewry Vacation Attraction; Evry Comfort and, without extra coifc, the Famous Health-Building Mineral Waters ' If you have your health, keep it If you've lost it, regain it. These Springs can do wonders for you. VVhat'll yours be whiskey mixed or straight? Whatever your answer is, the whiskey to pick is OOP (short for Old Oscar Pepper). " ' That's because OOP stands up per fectly in any mixed drink being whiskey. What's more, OOP is grand straight-' because it's a combination of straight whiskies, specially selected to give you a combination of robust flit-' ' vor and mellow smoothness. '. So try OOP today! Frankfort Distill cries, Inc., Louisville and-Baltimore; ' BRAND ' 1 A blend of straight whiskies