ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1938. mm For Your Convenience Thrift U.iuuIiih (it'inty mri will ttikt Uunl AiIh fur Ih ,tM-ltfVl-M I Mil lltTllll sti;ah.s a iiii:oui:tu Onklnml SToaki:ii inti; to. 1 oni-nlla MillO N Al.ll VI'UHU i:ikton II K II A KO'X I in pt iti a.iin-; hTuitK l.llilr I. II. Mrtloi.H 11 r i-knny HOW KI.IS Sid ItH Tcinulli II. II, Hlt llTKlt CO. 1'iiniii Vnllry KI.l.lMI.N a i-:i,i, Dlllnrd a vn.vus Myrtle ( rrt-k BHADSTRHKT'S Itltlilli JlfMM.KirS liin-(uivtlle Jli;MM,KItS lilciiflnk' days c-hi:i;k stoub Dii (.'riek The nltovc Mr'M will iit'copt iiiIn mill imytnetil for tlirm. .InM tell liU- lilt' IM' It II tit llHICll it It II Vf I "I want to put mi ml In I lie Mmvh-I(vI" tintl he will luke en re of till llir UotnilM for juii. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First insertion, per word 2c Each subsequent insertion per word r 3 c One week, per word 6c One month, per line , Minimum charse 25c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of publication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility for and In no way guarantees tho flnancinl responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the class! tied columns. Headers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money in response to advertisements. . i lie ievs-iiuview , reserves tile right to reject objectionable adver , tislng." It further reserves the right . to classify all advertising under tho proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS ,ET US Loo IN ON THREE DIFFERENT HOMES AND SEE WHAT& aoiNB OA MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE The Plot Thickens By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll sSSl V , . ' S f , nrS. WHILE, -jZwi. HE WEWT IM70 yWM If , J llMSIDE J I foKel) VGHT OVEK-!) (( $JM, POUDEE. '''VA HIS PRIVATE f V Ji- T-rv 3 li'Ljh L-J , , THE MA JOB'S ' PBOJECTIOM I t; V? -' . P-Tl 5f V fi$m -1 l'i'lvV- MVSTERIOUS -l BOOTH f ?V tfe'K ' t1 j 'ACt" ' - .ftj irr BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES YE5? Yt6,60 r. OM 11 ' ' - WASH TUBBS :'if ey the wav.X peestol?Yo- '"' ' : AOOLFO, TJID VJAT V-Jr'Y 'St ' A YOU GET THE I PEESTOL?5 " 4 ' To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box bo and so, care News-Review," It is necessary to write them. The Nows-Review doesn't know who Uiey are, either. livestock TO LEASE 30 head young ewes on shares to responsible party. Luke llonnin, Happy alley Ranch. WILL trade grain and potatoes lor weauer pigs or cattle. J. A. llhoada. 4'J6 Beach street, Ash land. FOR SALE 9 head of sheep $15.00. Uo not come Sundays. Arthur Weeks, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Young team, 7 and 3 years, weight 1100, one or both. Amie Tepoit, Sutiierlin. WANTED Sixty fresh cows and oiuiiigura, i-uone a-ifc-t or call Dr. George L. Nicholas. FOlt SALE OH TRADE 7-year-old 1300-lb. horse, gentle. Floyd Mc Michael, Elkton. EIGHT choice 40-lb. White pigs, 4.uu. woiiki trade for cow. F. F. Parker, Wilbur. FOR SALE Good young cow. Freshen soon. Kruse Brothers Phone 42F2. FOR SALE 40 head choice young ewes, lamb February. John Ruhr, phone 2SG-J. WANTED Young .Guoriisoy bull. Write particulars Box 035, itoso burg. WANTED To buy feeder or fat lambs. 1'. o. Box 102 or phone 2S6-J. FOR SALE Young varmint dog. J M. Ware, Brockway. FEEDER and weaner pigs for salo. 1'iione iiL'l' l, FRIENDS ( 7 VI ! miMMtfo m x.t ii ii - -. .. -mz. ....besladto vj-Mmm rrr but, pop. ive got to 1 ri&?- s CHRISTMAS SlrT DADDY, AROUND f ! fOR, CHRISTMAS ?" ) & EARN F MYSELF ITT-J57 ( AND LOOK FOR T- - -Pr( I 3 I IT will MAKE THE II U.W L-J I V A JOB I I fT' rrr f vap'll uic FA 7m S: r ? -PLtAt TRY TO VJMDtRSTAMD WtLL.MO'bT OV tT S l-AORS. Lb& Pfc&OKbf, euv Vt.t, IbMT &0M&TOTt..VOU VOVAtTOE: WE & AMD OOfc&M'T WK1T VOU TO "TOV TO PV0D OW. Wfc b VjJOW.Vi.t& AMD CrtO eAUK)& tWOU6H TO PUT WtffcLf THviOU&H LWER. PEESOM. Rental 3-ROOM, strictly modern apart ment. Steam beut. Venetian blinds. Overstuffed furniture. Phone 869-J. FOR RENT Apartment. 3 rooms, bath, lights, furnace heat. 112 West Douglas. Call afternoons, 2 until 5. FURNISHED, clean apartment, $15.00. Lights, h. water, garage. Adults. 520 Stephens. FURNISHED apartments, steam heat, hot and cold water. Doug las Hotel. FOR RENT 6-room tunnelled du plex. 411 E. Douglas street. Phone 178-R. NICELV furnished 2-room apart ment with shower. J. M. Judd. KOHLHAOEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 650. UNFURNISHED house. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. APARTMENT 3 rooms. 42. 424 Floed street PARTLY furnished 4-room house. Phono 225-Y. Financial LOANS We make loans on homes for building, remodeling, repairs, or refinancing. Inves tigate our new 6 direct reduc tion loan. UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Work Wanted WORK WANTED Painting, pa pering, kulsoniiniiig, Sue per hour. Phono 2F41. llurmnu Sohulzo, Brockway. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM & X -Hay. Dr. Scofleld, Perkins Bide. - VgpenW j DR. G. W. Mai-Shan. Med. A.bWr The It's A VjOUBLE-BARREI.EDX HCi ! hho! ANTIQUE, FOR YOUR THAT Set COLLECTIOM. I CAM'T A SOOt UWDERSTAWD T. AY OU BEAMCH MAMA6ER. , -DAWSOM PROKAISED TO DE- IT. 1M 4 ?) For Sale Miscellaneous NEW Olympic range, $39.35. New Olympic wood circulator, (37.50. Duo-Therm oil radiant heater, Jill. 95. Wood heaters, $2.95 up to $5, Floor covering, 21c per loot. Felt baso rug Dxl2 only $4.39. Bed and spring, $6.. 10x12 tent, $7. Used wood range, $17.50. All kinds of rifles and shotguns, (chea for cash). See these wonderful bargains at Powell's Hardware Store. IFOR SALE Second hand gasoline washing machine, electric wash ing machine, sewing machine, wood range, electric range, stu dio couch, club chair, bed daven port, kitchen cabinet, electric radio, all cheap. See me quick. J. M. Judd. GLASS, GLASS ii In need of glass for your car come in. We cut and grind to tho right size at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 623 North Main Street. FOR SALE Good, seasoned, red cedar, 7-foot fence posts, loe each. Delivered in lots of 100, or more. H. C. Kelley, Box 125, Cam as Valley, Oregon. LOOSE-WILES fancy chocolates in beautiful gift boxes. Also bulk candy. Sulllvun's Cufo, 211 Wost Cass street. FOR SALE Graded and tested walnuts, 15c pound. A. F. Hoff melster, Route 2. PRUNES Dates and Petites, 3c pound. A. J. Y oung, or Greenhorn ' runch, Curry Estate. FOR SALE Girl's bicycle, 2(i-lnch whcols, junior size, in good shape. Phono 5F23. DELICIOUS and Spltzenberg ap ples. P. E. Beaver, milo south Ed enbower school. FOR .SALE New Superfex oil heater-? U3 oMVtf'MA 'Urockway sD'eet. BUTTONS and buckles covered at Fishers. See Mrs. Moore. Eternal Triangle Tsk, Tsk vtj 60W6 TO 6NE OP CQL.V.E6E V'OR. TVWi. VAt SAX?. VAt'"b MORE 05.- TO 'btCOt-'Yr. A OOCTOR. '. I TWMW. VOU HAO BtT TtW. PtAO THE P-t-bT . No Joke to McKee f HO-HO.' HE THOUGHT THE PECSOM i WAS AU ASSASSIM-HAW HAW HAW- ' ,A.WD HAT) HIM ARRESTED.' Jf FOR SALE Ortley, Newtown and Delicious apples, 40c per box, do-1 lirered in Roseburg. Phone 13F15. GOOD 1938 crop English wulnuts. Bess Clougu, CauyonviUe. Miscellaneouk BIG turkey show dunce, Oakland gymnasium, Wednesday, Decem ber 7. . MILK., grade a pasteurised or raw, Delivered daily. Umpqua Dairy Phone 88. HEMSTITCHING whilo you wait at Fisher's Sture. Roseburg By-Products Co., phorte 62-F-12. ABUNDEL riano tuner. Ph. 18IHL Help Wanted WANTED Woman to cook In re sort. Room, board, wages. Slate age and oxperience. No children. Write Box 488, c-o Nows-Roview. MAN for Coffee. Route. Up to $15 first week. Automobile given as bonus. Wrlto MILLS, 1601 Pop lar, Oakland, Cal. WANTED Man who understands stock and poultry to work on runch. Call in person. C. II. Bar ber, Suthurlin. EXPERIENCED girl for house work, part time, mornings. 223 South Kunc. POULTRY FOR SALE Wild turkeys for your Christmas dinner. Order early. Hens 811 pounds, tolas Il ls. W. L. Hlanii, Rifle Range road, 2 miles north of County Barn or Mrs. 1). B. lioone, 025 . Second Avenuo, Roseburg. FOlt SALE 50 Rhode Island pul lets, healthy, (iuc each. Do not como Saturdays. Arthur Wallen, Route 2, Box 111, Roseburg. VSOW,30CfT&- I OO'JLDtO'T ftL TOO BADLY VOL) CtviOA HftMOV vb OLD OOU&H TO WtOV) WHAT rVt'S OOtVia OE.AP. L COPR. 1939 BY HZA SERVICE. INC. T. M. RCC. V. 9. PAT. QfTImJ I I CAN'T SF.F AUVTHIl(i Cllimu VAH.VES. A VEC FRIEMD OF WIME. IAE A PEPSONAL '.OR 1 .' Ml !i CQFa.iaM ii uu Fuel 12", 14". 1" OLD growtn nr. 8p eial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. CHOICE, medium sized, seasoned oak wood 3 tier, $7.50. South End Fuel Co. GET your mod at Kosoburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-Inch and 4-foot. FOR SALE 16" ouk Dlock wood. John Marks, phone 68F4. Wanted WANTED To buy sugar pine and old growth fir stumpage. Must be good. Seven Iversun, Myrtle Point, Oregon. PREMIUM price for bench land dried Italian prunes, sizo 35-50, uo dry-rot scub. Rlddlo Valley Canning Co. UR1NG us your hides for best prices. Roseburg Poultry. WANTED Wool and mohair. Roseburg Poultry. Lost and Found LOST Halt grown Persian kit ten, gray with white on face, Saturday afternoon. Answers to name of Cleo. Reward. Finder re turn to Valley hotel or call 686. LOST Probably at postofflce small coin purse containing change mid koys. 121 West Doug las. Phone 722-H liot'oru 9:U0 a. in LOST Gurnet earring, star shape, valuable as keepsake only. -Re ward. Return to California Ore gon row.or .Company. LOST Gray Persian cat. Call Florcnco .' llmiuicutt lib i-Wool- worth's.. . .. .. , ..i LOST Small white and tan , Spitz dog. mono u-ir-j. By Merrill Blosser Its The spirit BEHIND IT THAT COUNTS, but a3 long as You're Trying u , CUT CHAT Eoerk-i pc MS.SOOSEY, I GUESS WE'LL HAVE To MAKff SOMETMINO PRBTTY NICE By Edgar Martin By Roy Crarre HE WAft DOlUCiW'EESTAKE. BUT FAVOR. DOVl' UJOBCV. MAT. OLU.ROV I AOOI Ffl M LACUCARACHA, .VJEtL FREE HEEKA WWEOlATELY. 6EviLt mc. r. u pen. u t tit. on. EXPERT SERVICE Whan There's Something You Want Don SEE AN EXPERT . The flrmi ina Individuals lilted below epeclalire In their work. See them for expert service. You ehould profit ty their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Mala SL AUTO ELECTRICAL 8ERVICE W. IC Brown, 121 N. Stepu. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRINa Alba Spaugh's Oarage. H34 W. Oak streeL Phone SOS. BarUoy Fancber, 126 No. Uoso. Ph. 438. AUTO WRbCKINQ Doyle Bros. 621 N. Jacknon. Pa. 176. BLACKSMITH Wuodcock & Fogel( Boueburg. CAR WA8HINQ Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens SL RADIO REPAIRING C. 11. Miller, Hiidlo Doctor, 616 No. Jaokaon St. Pk. 167-lt. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Uoaeburg Eloctrlo, phone 13. FLUE CLEANING J. C. Cowley. Phone 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casoboor, 616 Fowlor St. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. 232 VI. Oak St TUBE TESTING Huhcu Itadto Sor., 610 N. Jackson. Real Estate OWNIOlt LEAVING STATIC Will aacrlfice equity In 40-1101-0' im proved ranch. All tillable. Good buildings. Fiuo sot-up for poul try and borrluH, Well located near Pacific highway. Small down payment will handle. Must liavo action al otlco. G. W. Young & Son, 2116 W. Cuss SL l'honu 117. SALR five acroH Now house, burn, watnr, wuod. Milo Sutliorllu. Five fifty toruiH. Truck, cur cousidurctl. 11. Clemens, Suthcr llll. FEDI'HtAL Lana Hunk farms. Iiv qulro at tho Nallonul Farm Loan . offl-ne, Douglas Co. Abatraet Co, Iildg., Itosohurg. Foil SALK Or will rent 30-ncre riun-li. Ilox SO. c-o NewH-lteview. FOR AN EVENING OF FUN Plan to Attend the Is Night Club Dance al thg newly decorated Elks Hall, Saturday, Dec. 10, 9 P. M. Music by The U. OF O. OREGONIANS Featuring SMOKEY WHITFIELD, formerly enter tainer with Cab Calloway's Orchestra Proceeds will go (o expenses of Kiddies' Christinas Party and Elks Charity Fund ADMISSION: $1 PER COUPLE Hold Everyf lilug! 1 13 & rnfn nii"nr nfnirnmi i(rf 'y'lAiPiMiiwHtfi Sr-SsSr -4 "Souiclliiug Iclls me you ain't UPHOLf.TERINQ Gomes Uphl. & Mat. Shop. Ph. Ml. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones, Phone 13-L. SHEET METAL WORK Slnnlger'e, 444 N. Jackson SL TIRE RETREADING Healy's, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 104. TOWINO Stephens Auto Co. 823 No. 11 all. SL Phone 682-J. WELDING Cbg. Wolding Works. 609 N. Mala WATCH REPAIRING Alvln KuuutHou, 103 N. Jacksoa St WHEEL ALIGNING Percy CrotL 83a N. Jacksoa. Pboat 833. BEAUTY SALONS Kayo's Salon of Bmiuty. Complete buauty sorvlco. Ph. 211. 126 W, Cass SL Poarl Eawhousor, Mgr. PAPERING PAINTING AIho knltiomlniiig. Wlntor rntus. lioleioucos. E. Sloan, phono 712. STAMPS Hnsco Stamp Co., 610 N. Jackson. TOUVELLE TO STAY UNTIL TERM ENDS PORTLAND, Dec. 6. (AD (loveiiinr-olect Cliurlcs A. Smnguo illsclo.HCd today Judgo V. L. Tou Velle, of JackHonvillo, state high way coniinlsHloncr, had iisked to retire at the cIoro of Governor Martin's adinliilHtratlon but .had consented to rentain until tho eon cliinlon of IiIh term In March. Kiinigiio uIko coiilTruied stalo moiits ho wnulil not disturb tho gunio coinmiHslon. Hay and Grain FOIl SALK Seven Inn oats ami vetch buy. C. A. Ilorton, Myitis Crook, Oregon. FOR SALK-flalcd oiu and volch liny. T. 10. Diuifnn. pltnno M-F-2. tloiu' tlmt U'ick rijjut, bossl"