ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURC. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1938. SEVEN Y For Your Convenience Turne Douwln County m turrit nill tnke Want AtU fur lite t'ULVKlt'9 MAItKliT Suthertlu STfclAU.VS A ( IIK.VOH Ki ll Otiklund STO.N'AKttlt UltUG CO. Vtiuiuiln MvDONAl.U STUUU Klktoa I1UUA111VS . I'mpguk CUUH STOItHl Glide I. II. Klt'ilOLS Urovtavnr . ROVi;i,i;s M'OHB Ten mile U. 11. lUTt lllill CO. InmuM Viillry KI.L1MJA & ICIXISUN Ulllard IlliYNOl-US Jb ADAMS Myrtle Crvt'k lllUVUSTHUUT'S Kiddle IICNM.-MiKU'S Vn iijonvlllr UtM.Kirs (leudnle PAYS CHKKIv .STOIC 15 Unym Creek The nbore toren ivlll nccrpt ndN nud pnynii'itl for lliriu. Jut tt'H the lucrehuut llntrd nlmvri 1 unnt tu put mi ad In the Kr WM-ltevtcM' and lie ivlll take cure oC nil the delalla for yon. NEWS-REVIEW . Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First Insertion, per word 2c Each subsequent Insertion per word - lc One week, per word . fic One mouth, per line J1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for tliis page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the Uuy of publication. The News-Ruview assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money U response to advertisements. The Nows-Itevioiy reserves the V right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves tho right to classify all advertising under tho proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS iHE.. BIG GAME IS READY TO START AMD THE STANDS B IM A PAMDE MOMIUM I . ii-n MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE get a load of 1 1 I lovie? I've I I have vou THIS RECEPTIOM, , - - -wr BEEN SO I RE-AJ-LV, MVCA - LOVIE'S --A' WOCBIED VAL, DAR- CJUEEM OF THE J rfSS? ,ivffi ABOUT J LIN& ? ( N." BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES OW ,T iUGT MASitS ME SCV4'. V0A6 "VHt. MOW CAA?OS aWOBE THW WASH TUBBS ' HltE WASH IS HAVING HIS TROUBLES IM w FAR OFF PAMAXUELA, HIS RIVAL, R0VJOV SPLEMDIK. IS HAVIMG HIS. TOO. NINE O'CLOCK, MASTER THIS IS THE DAY YOU ARE 1 l All it I. J I To pet In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it Is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who tuey are, either. livestock WE still have u few choice reg istered Jersey bulls, the Sybil strain (L. A. Hulbert, Independ ence world record strain) four months to. year and one-half. Al so have two bulls of the Holger strain. McNutt Brothers, 3511 E. Bdway, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 221. WANTED Twenty head of cows that will freshen lu 30 days. Write, stating price, age, etc. Carl Wood, Murphy road, Grants Pass, Oregon. FOR SALE Good team, weight ltiOU Each with harness, (2U0.UO. Nine head Jersey cows, freshen soon. M. E. Sullivan, Riddle, Oregon. WANTED To buy breeding ewes. Slate breed, age and prico. Box 102, Roseburg. FOR SALE White weanor pigs, 2 brood sows and boar, cheap. J. Hess, Green. FOR , SALE Sheep sixty ewes. inquire Alice Mnnlcy, Canyon vllle Hotel. FOR SALE 50 head ewes, also cedar fence posts. Phil S trader, Glide. FRESH Jersey mow and calf. Fred Fisher. Phono 2(JF3, Hay and Grain FOR SALE Alfalfa and oats and vetch hay. Nico Grimes Golden apples, 40c bushel. J. R. Wilson. Phone 21F31. FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay. T. E. Duncan, phone 14-F-2. FOR SALE Baled straw, $5.00. 1 Otto Huebner. Tenmllc, Oregon. ' FRIENDS HAMOV ON BROTHER. ?$-f m i sure am LfXlJBt) !' s ! X yy All set. r and just point ' . P Sfr s4 ' ,Jf( vVriX . 'P WhiEM YOU WERE- p .Wh )l fN I FRECK? THAT BALL. R.ISHT '5 ( , M 1 (' BORN , THE NifeWSfAPERS Kl 'W, - V-.V AT MR. WANGLE gfi js&Pty-U fcf WERE RIGHT "THEY SAID WVW JTWV 1 WANNA BE SURE; ifnlk'tV ' Ji Vl 'N V YOU WERE A BCUNCINO BCY.'J PM . s ' C VlOW PEOPLE AWE. ACTOAXV AVOIDING HVM AKSO t &OtSt CMO' &f,ME THEM MOCV. 6EE 1 HOPE HE HWWT UOTCS.O! POOR HAMOV.' 1 VilOVO HOW HE MliM PEEV. ROWDEM. TO. OH, WW STARS r ONLV THREE VTUT. TUT. ROW DEN, MV BOV. WB ( ( AH, VNELL1. AT LEAST ) V" oO A ' HU HOURS' SLEEP. KAUST IMPRESS. THE McKEES VVT'S PRWATE . ijtjr V'' AVl '6, SC0 T OH, IWOTTA HEAO ) WITH THE SPLENDID WAV plTr- Varfr1 -X. JX KskJb C? n NQVJ II PA VOLfRE SETTLING fOWU. SEE ' goWWn Q 1 i"vj '"" ' nVTHE VllCE PRIVATE OFFICE I fonfl "J"T 1 A. - -HAVE FID Fgj ' V Rentals FUltiNlbiEu uimtxiueut for rent 4 rooms uuu bain. Water lur uisncu. ciose in. juu.mro liuuur tiros. I'houu 'in. GARAGE tor runt. Across Main sireut from iwohlhageu Apuiv menu. Box itiV, c-u News-ue-view. FOR RENT 6-room modern plas tered house-. Newly decorated. Close to town, inquire iu4 West Douglas, street. FOR RENT 6-room furnished du plex. 411 E. Douglas street, i'iione 179-R. MODERN 4 -room house, unfur nished. Inquire H-l Rumoua Court, FUR REN i Modem furnished 5 rooni house, call at Room Grand Hotel. FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnished, with bath, lights, water. Tit South Pine. FURNISHED house. 3 rooms and bath. Gas range. 404 N. Jackson. KUnLMAUikN APARTMENTS. Strictly modern. Phone 6bo. NICELY furnished 2-room apart ment with shower. J. M. Judd. PARTLY furnished 4-rooni house. Inquire 875 Hoover street. UNFURNISHED house. Lumber & Fuel Co. Page APARTMENT 3 rooms. . 42. 424 Floed street. Phone CLEAN, warm modern furnished apartment. U2G So. Main. CLOSE IN. Apartment. Adults. 3U2 West Washington. LARGE sleeping rooms. Close in. 131 North Main. 3 -ROOM furnished apartment, close in, 348 South Pine. GARAGE for Mosher. rent. 211 West This FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE, clean and comtortablo, with gar age. Qu paved street. 939 V. frirst, Saturday and Suuduy, 10:00 to 4:00. FURNISHED bungalow, 3 rooms, bath and garugv. Near soldiers' home. W. P. Harding, Wayside Shop, Garden Valley Blvd. . Work Wanted HOLIDAY HEMSTITCHING work none now. Leave at lies' Coniec U"nery or 203 Wharton avenue. Claribel Houck. WANTED Jobs papering, paint ing, kalso mining. Herman Scnulze, Broctway. Phono UF41. WANTED Contract logging on Etmait or large scale, vrito Box bill, Langlois, Oregon. MAN wants work of any kind. Call 64S-R. Fuel 12", 14", 16" OLD growu fir. Spe cial price this mouth. Satistuo tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. SEASONED fir wood, 3 tier t.00. Rand Wood Yard. Phono 503-Y. GET your weed at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-inch nnd 4-foot. FOR SALE 16" oak block wood. John Marks, phone 5SF4. Instruction AMATEUR ARTISTS Compete for Free Art Course (value $215.00). Write today for FREE TEST. Give ago and occupation. Box 479. c-o News-Review. Automobiles FOR SALE OR TRADE for K"d used car, $165 equity 3937 Willys jleluxe sedan. In good -condition. Write Box 4S2, c-o Nows-Review. Hit 'Em Hard Queer Questions THIS IS VOUR. BI& MOMENT, MYKA - MEET PUBLIC HcAKT" THCOB WUMBER OUE ...THE (JATIOkJ'S FAVOCflTE PROFILE, VAL ELIrORP,' Is Getting Serious A Tough Life f HE i OR SOME OV 0i , ViW HAb TO Oo SOMEAHK& '. .VOSH , WXH HS CHEAP 6A66 . K 5PoUN6 ' S For Sale Miscellaneous For SALE Oue 10-gallon gaso line pump, oue 30'guuou oil lank, oue 4-in cu vise, one wasn oowi, " one touet, three sets rope blocks, oue 3 n. p. electric motor; one i h. p. electric motor, oue Bur rougus adding machine, oue hot water car neuter. See them ut the Roseburg Garage. AUCTION Saturday, November 19. A lot of carpenter and plum ber tools, pipo xiltiugs, etc. Two suction harrow, plows aud the usual run. List your properly auead ot sale date. Umpqua V al ley Auction Co. M U FFLERS i M UFFLERS I Why worry about your muffler when you can get a guaranteed muf fler tor the life of your cur at Sarffs Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. FOR SALE 3 share of Btock In Al pine lodge. Mrs. Elizabeth Troettfcher, 6001 Second Ave., Los Angeles, California, FOR SALE 100 foet 3" tubing, i sprinklers, fittings for the pipe. C. R. Dyer, Myrtle Creek, Ore gon. FOR SALE Light trailer, ulmost new, reasonable. Inquire 444 Ella street. FOR SALE Quaker circulating oil stove. I O. Box 604, Robo burg. FOR SALECirculating oil heater with storage tank. Phono 120-R. 817 Houck St. TABLE model electric 6-tubo ra dio. Reasonable, a. M. Robinson, LookingMlass. FOR SALE Slightly used boy's bicycle, also wicker baby buggy. 326 Fullerlon. i'UR SALE Walnuts, 193S crop. litss Clough, Canyonville. Dentistry UK. Q. W. MarHhun. Med. A. Bldg By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll )peAcric.uL.y T-TONGUE L -rieo.' T H VO, COACH COPfl. 1938 BY NCA Real Estate FEDERAL Land Ban farms, lzv quire at the National Farm Loan, Douglas Co. Abatratcl Co. Bldg., Roseburg. FOR SALE 250-acro ranch at sac-1 rlfice. Write Box 477, c-o News Review. Miscellaneous PUBLIC CARD PARTY Sponsor ed ty V. F. W. auxiliary at K. P. " hall, 8:00 p. m. Thursduy, No vember 17. kiut, gran a pnsicurczed or ra Delivered daily. Unipqua Dairy Phone 3S. Roseburg By-Products Co., phone 52-F-12. ARUNDEL Piano lunar. Pn. toy-i- Warned WANTED Number one sugar pino logs, 8 feet, 5 inches In lengtn and longer, 30' inches diumetor and larger. State quantity you cuu furnish. Also price on cars and tho place logs are to be loaded, Box 481, c-o News-Ro-viow. BRING us your hides for best prices. Roseburg Poultry. WANTED Wool and , Roseburg Poultry. moii air. WANTED Trailor. tion Library. Inquire at Flo Chiropractor feciuntmu equipmuut. wCM & A-Kay Dr. Scotteld. Prk.nn Bldv. FLOWER BULB SALE Hyacinths, tulips, etc., named va rieties, assorted colorswill close out our remaining stock o( 10c packages at 3 for 25c. Just tho right time for planting for either outdoor or indoor bloom. Make your selection at once. Carr's. Ad". ( By Merrill Blosser By Edgar Martin PSST.' WHO IS THIS . DAME ? WHY IS SHE HERE? VOU iSUBE , . SHE'S MOT A. Spy I ( SAy-HAWE - VOU eOMB C STv SWIVEL- VVpJk BRAINED J &fN , OOT ... VjOHAT tt B.AZE s WROW6 viH HfWOV ? HE'i o BAY.V.EO UP.VM GOING To HAV5E. TO BEViCH 'M P HE DOEN"V &NKV OOT OV T v i i ' vrr . Av-.Jv7 SCRVICE. INC. T. M. BEG. U?t. PAT. OfF., By Roy Crane EXPERT SERVICE ' When There's 8onething You Want Don ... 8EE AN EXPERT The flrme and Individuate lilted below apeclallze In their work. 6ee them for expert aervlcee. You ehould profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Mala SL AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE VV. R. Brown. 121 N. Staph. Ph. 104. AUTO KEPAIRINQ Alba Spaugh'a Garatsa. W. Oak BUeeL i'hone SU3. Dartloy A raucDer, 126 No. Rose. fa, 435. AUTO WRECKING Uoylo Bros. 621 N. Jacluion. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH iVuociuock & Fogel, Roseburs. CAR WASHINQ Al Kewnian, 121 N. Stephens SL RADIO REPAIRING C. JI, MlHor, Radio Doctor, 615 No. juckuou su fa. lt7-ll. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Uoaeburg Electric, phone 122. FLUE CLEANING J. C. Uowloy. Phone 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Cuaeboer, 646 Fowlor St. LOCKSMITH Pnciflo Key Ser. 222 W. Oak St SCARFS AND TAPESTRIES Seo Chit'b now lino of tapestries, scarfs, table covera. hangings, aucile carii table cov(ra, hand crocheted doilies and centers, luce scarfs, olc. Rich brocades, plush, rayon and chenillo, ploces too nu merous to mention, from 25c to $1.DK. Plush pillow tops, und back. 4Uc. Hand crocaeted laco picccB, 10c to 35c. 11-Inch fringed chenille squnro $1.25. G2-iuch lunch cloth, spccjal at -10c. Pure kapok filled fancy pillowB, 98c vuluo now 7Dc. lluy now for Christmas. You'll find a larger selection at Carr's. Adv. Among Biuglc persons In the United Slates, only one out of 10 cama 2,000 a year ami six out of 10 pnrn less than 51.000. Wanted Turkeys and Live Poultry We are paying today Col. Hens 18c lb., Leghorn hens 15c lb. Douglas County's Leading Turkey Buyers Northwest Poultry S Phone 210 "Due, boinclliiny lulls inc - us 1 Hold Everything! ' UPHOLSTERING Gomes. UpholsL 6u4 Jack. Ph. 161. REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE B. C. Jonea, Pbone 139 U. 8HEET METAL WORK Slnnlger'a. 444 N. Jackson SL TIRE RETREADING Healy's, 121 N. Stephens. Fh. 104. TOWING Stephana Auto Co. 828 No. Mala SL Pbone 682-J. WELDING Cbg. Welding Woika. 609 N. Mala WATCH REPAIRING Alvln Kuuataon, 103 N. Jackson St WHEEL ALIGNING Percy GrofL 835 N. Jackson. Phone 833. BEAUTY SALONS Faye'a Salon of. llcauty. Complete beauty aervico. Ph. 211. 126 W. Caaa St. Pearl ltawhoutier, AlKr. FENOER A BODY SERVICE Itoae Qaraee, Lane & Rose. Pbone NOTICH UV VtXAl. HG.Wlt.NU III the County (,'uiu-t nf lllo Stiilo of Ori-Kon for DoukIus County. In tilt? limtti-r of tliu uslutu uf l.oto .lonuK, iliii-uasefl. Notice Is liorohy Klvcn that th's undci-HlKiH-d, .niliuiiilHtrtitoc of the csliite of : I)lo Julie., ilfc.'iisi-il hum fllt-0 lu tho nbovc oiitillid t-ourt hlM filial uri'otint of his nd ministration of siihl uiiluto. and the court, by orib-r iluly iniulo nnd onlcrcil. has fixed Wednesday, tliu 21wt day of lltM-eniher, ln:(X. ut th.; hour or ten o'clock A, M. as t(io llmu. nud Hip county court room :ln the court house at KoHcburK 'In IioiikIiis county, Oregon, ns tlx nliieu for hcarliitf obJcctloiiK, II liny there, ho. to said filial ueenunt or to the setlleliiellt of siihl cKlltte. Dale of first publication Novetu. ber 17th. IIKIS. I.VN.N I'. ClKJNK.MILl.EIt. AilinlnlKtriitor of tho estate of Lota J one, duceased. Roseburg, Oregon I'm not mitllitl" V-' n