FIVE USE qui win 11 II fc MET U - ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1938. For Your Convenience Theae UoukIbh Count r Mom will tnke Want Ada fur b Aiewa-Ilovlewi CULVER'S MARKET Huiherlln STEARNS dt CIIK.NOHETH Oakland STOMA Iv Hit UHUG CO. Yonculla STOllD Ulkton UUUAJIU'S Impuui glidh storb Ultdo I B. NICHOLS Brovtnvar ROWEliL'8 STOKE Tenmtle B. R, R ITCH K II CO. Cam a Valley KliMSON A ELLISON DUIard nEY.VOLU! & ADAJUS Mr rile Creek. D11ADSTHEET9 Ittddla Canyonville Glrndale DAYS CHHttli. STORE Days Creek The nbor Httirea will accept udM and luiymunt for them. Jumi tell the nterehiint- listed nbovei J ivnnt to put nn ad lu the New-Review" and he will tnke care of all the detail fur you. NEWS-REVIEW. Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First Insertion, per word 2c Each subsequent insertion per word :. , lc One week, per word 6c One montli, per line $1.00 Minimum charge 26o Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of publication. The NewB-Ruvlew assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the . classified columns. Headers are urged to make full in veatigation before sending money Ib response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right" to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify' all advertising under the proper classification. To get In touch with advertis ers giving aa their address "Box bo and so, care News-Review," It 1b necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either. livestock WE stili have a few choice reg istered Jersey bulls, the Syoii strain (L. A. Hulbert, Independ ence world record strain) lour months to year and one-half. Al so have two bulls of the Holger strain. McNutt Brothers, 3014 E. Bdvay, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 221. FOR SALE Good team, weight 1600. Each with harness, $2U0.u0. Nine head Jersey cows, freshen soon. M. K. Sullivan, Riddle, Oregon. FOR RENT 5 -room modern plas tered house. Newly decorated. Close to town. Inquire 404- Weal Douglas street. FOR SALE Brood sow and' 8 weaner pigs. E. 0. Forell, 24 miles west' Wilbur on Brozio road. WANTED To buy breeding ewes. State breed, age and pnce. Box 102, Roseburg. FOR SALE White weaner pigs, 2 brood sows and boar, cheap; J. Hess, Green. FOR SALE Sheep sixty ewes. Inquire Alice Manley, Canyon ville Hotel. 9-WEEKS-OLD pigs. Reasonable. J. B. Kurtz, 7 miles east of lioso-burg. FOR SALE 50 head ewoa, also cedar fence posts.. Phil Strader, Glide. FOR SALE Weaner pigB. Glenn Young, Jr., Brockway. FRESH Jersey caw and calf. Fred FiHher. Phono 26F3. POULTRY WANTED Dressed turkoyn ut Suthcrllu Fruit Growers. H. O. Qoff. Rental FOR RENT Twenty-five acres, all 'plowuble, ou good roads, ; house, outbuildings and some , machinery. 31i W. Cans St. FURNISHED apartment' (or rent 3 rooms and- bath. Water fur nished. Close in. Inquire Bubar Bros. Phone 214. GARAGE, for rent. Acrobs Main street from Kohlhagon Apart ments. Box 467, c-o News-Review. SLEEPING room, nicely furnished: Board, if desired; Ml' North Piue. FOR RENT 5-room furnished du , plex, 411 E. Douglas street Phone 179-Ri MODERN- 4;room house, unfur nished. Inquire 1124' , Runioua Court. APARTMENTS Furnished' close in. See Mrs. Strange at' Anti que Shop. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS. Slrtotly modern. Phone 65U. NICELY furnished 2-rooni apart ment with Bhower, J, M. Judd. PARTLY furnisliod. 4-rooin house. Inquire 875 Hoover street. APARTMENT S rooms. : 42. 424 Floed street. Phone CLEAN, warm modern furnished apartment.. 926 So. Main. LARGE sleeping rooniB. Close -ini ; 131 North Muin. 3-ROOM furnisliod apartment, close in, 3-IS South Pine UNFURNISHED house. Lumuer .c Jfuet Co. Page Folt UcNT Modern turnished 6 room house. lail ut Kooiu 212, Grand Hotel. FUH RtNT 2 rooiuB, luruisheu, with batn, lignis, water. 222 South Pine. GARAGE for rent. 211 West . Alosher. Work Wanted HOLIDAY- HEMSTITCHING work uone now. Leave at lies' Coulee tiuuery or ZU3 Wharton avenue. Liaribel Houck. WANTED Jobs papering, paint ing, kalsomining. Herman , Scnulze, Brockway. Phone 2F41. WANTED Contract logging on small or large scale. Write Box 8U1, Langlois, Oregon. MAN wants work of any kind. Call 648-R. Fuel 12, 14", 16" OLL gruwtn fir. Spe cial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, CamaB Valley. SEASONED fir wood, 3 tier $6.00. Rund Wood Yard. Phone 663-Y. GET your wcod at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-incb and 4-foot. ' FOR SALE 10" oak block wood. . John Marks, phone 6SF4. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Alfalfa and oatB and vetch hay. Nice Grimos Golden apples, -tne bushel. J. R. Wilson. Phone 21F31. FOKJS'ALB-WBBliuaoaf .ttrfif vetch : bay. T. E. Duncan, phono 14-F-2. FOR SALE Baled straw, $5.00. Otto Huelmor, Tenmllo, Oregon. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE One 10-gallon gaso line pump, one 30-guuon oil tank, one 4-iucn vise, one wash bowl, one toilet, three sets rope blocks, oue 3 h. p. electric motor, oue 2 b. p. electric motor, one Bur roughs adding machiue, one hot water car heater. See them at the Roseburg Garage. AUCTION Saturday, November 19. A lot of carpenter and plum ber tools, pipe lutings, eto. Two- ' suction harrow, plows and tbe usual run. List your property anead of sale aute. Unipqua Val ley Auction Co. MUFFLEKBi MUFFLERS! Why worry about your muffler when you can get a guaranteed muf fler tor the life of your car at Sarft's Auto Wrecking House, 623 N. Main street. FOR SALE 3 share ot stock in A I' pine lodge. Mrs. Elizabeth Troetscher, 5001' Second Ave., Lob Angeles, California, FOR SALE 400 feet 3" tubing, 6 -sprinklers, fittings for the pipe. C. R. Dyer, Myrtlo Creek; Oregon. FOR SALE One circulating oil beater, practically new. Dunham Transfer Co. Phone 47. FOR SALE Light trailer, almost new, reasonable. Inquire 444 Ellu street. FOR SALE Quaker circulating oil stove. P. O. Box 604, Roseburg. FOR SALE Good tone Bush and Lane piano, $45.00. Anna Kent, Elkton, Oregon. FOR SALE Balloon-tired bicycle, $10.50. Inquire Drlvo-lu Market, jiiBt north) of town. .V' -H, ,-, n-r.'t .if; FOR SALE CirunhitingVolU boater with storage tank.. Phono 120R, ' 817 Hoticl St'ov?' j ' .'. '.' ' TABLE model electric 6-tube ra dio. Reasonable.. A. M. Robinson, Looklngglass. FOR SALE Slightly uBed boy's bicycle, also wicker baby buggy. 326 Fuller-ton. Real Estate FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, basement; furnace, garage: Extra value, $2000.00, terms. Cbas. Kyes, 316 W. Douglas. FEDERAL Land Ban farms. In quire at the National Farm- Loan . otCce, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. FOR SALE 250-acre ranch at sac rifice. Write Box 477,. c-o News-Review. FOR SALE or rent for cash Good stock ranch: A. V. Ady, South Myrtle. Miscellaneous PUBLIC CARD PARTY Sponsor ed by V: F. W. auxiliary at K. P. hull, S:00 p. m. Thursday,. No vember 17. GREEN P.-T. A. cooked food: fancy work cmle and bazaar No vember 26, at Powell's Hardware Btore, Roseburg. MILK, grade A pameMKaed-or raw Delivered dally.. Umpqua Dairy. Phone 88, Rosoburg By-Products Co., 62-F-12. phone ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Ph. 169-L, Instruction AMATEUR ARTISTS Compote for Free Art Course (value $215.00). Writo today for FREE - TEST. Give age and occupation. ' Box 479. c-o News-Review. -j 'iPChiropractorU' i .i i ut ii , , i . ill., . -II ttcJuntiflb etfoipnumi. NCM & X-Hay FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Surprise , By Merrill Blosser fA&- IT X 1 fZW-nJ,, fif IT'S NEARLY TIME DOM'T TtLL f ff BECAUSE? ''APTBR THE JW tS-LL JtfwE mPH J IKSSf. JT'k 'l FOR THE OPENIMG WHISTLE, ) M6 HE'S NOT 'Mi GAMe STAKTS , TtSU'LL ONLY 'W. V- W' DUDLEY ) vJlJiT ALL , O TH'nUmIeR. V uJT llj" N ESU WANGLE,' BROKEN - ON THE FRONT . --f, TCHJTOOBAD j 7 tCT-yrT TTT 'r 0 ' ' MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Hollywood at Last By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll LMCST' BEFORE SHE REALIZES WHATT HA-& HAPPEWED, MVRAy FIWDS HERSELF EM ROUTE TO HOLLV- wcop WITH BUZZ. HOLLAR. AMD LOVIE LAVERE yoU'RE OOIWS "TO LIKE IT AT GLAMOUR, MYRA AMD MAJOR 51LI iS A PRIMCE TO WORK FOR IHb V IAAAJOR GILDER THE GREAT PRO tm t-CD ? ikmi I T mm Lf MEETWAlf SI SURE,' AND "GREAT" IS THE VVOCD FOR THE GEMIUS WHO GAVE THE WORLD SUCH SMASHES AS - ' BOMBS AMD eABIESVBACADE FOR B PEACE"; AFTER WAR, WHAir, clC. 'OR S R, B OKAV, BUZZ- STOW THE SALES H THIS IS ThRlLLIWG.' TALK... WE'RE OVER THE tj ITS JUST LIKE A STUDIO. LAMDIKJ& Maatf-Tl BIG CITV IM FIELD NOW mm jJl TTl i"Wi I ITSELF P2ELOW, THERE IS GREAT EXGIT6- LS MEMT- AS THE PLANE IS- SIGHTED .' BOLL OUT te THE PLUSH CARPET ECALL MISS W LAVERES CAR m BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What to Do ? ? ? eAV,DOt 0.' PARK- PAKiT. J OST DO'T WNiOW TO TVKi- CP VMVA- 1 0H.6AX HO!0 oh--VA. GOTO A II ) f VEO.OV, WAvre.'.o"T AvO V- mome voNTvv voo - but t ioT ootsw' n-, riT V V SSM' f PAW 1 VES VvNMS JlJ; By Edgar Martin ftNV DEP WVAT Ve BROTrVcW. o DOVi6 ,00 YOL ? MO1. AA. TM' fEU.'b mSX. XtK VK'l AK.V l.orat.T. OF W S THtKt'ei MOTvW I VA CAWT COMB. KNOW OOT A(' SOU DOWM f FtV.A'S OVlii WW. 1 V HA SERVICE, INC. T. M. REG, U. X PAT. 0F, WASH TUBBS A Trick That Backfield DLL KEEPS CBOVNOIMG WASH BACKWARD. By Roy Crane V 7 C OBOV. he's settin' ii7 iPi $Ht:& 7ir2& f CUW0US1 JUST WMTU A'yioMll 7 1 imsK w opens vtamo n fir ' (fv3r FMPS T FULLA jffijL W$k& U H OOPS. CCbkiC ill At WAII? TB' UiAlT'l I vmi COWS OUTER THERE, YOU RIMG-TAILEO SCUPPER PAT.' THE PAIN AtUT EUEM BE&UM TO COMMENCE EPCPERT SERVICE When There' Semethlng You Want Donev SEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individuals lilted below speeialize In their worn. 8ee them for expert service. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Main SU AUTO ELECTRICAL 8ERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Stevh. Ph. 10ii AUTO REPAIRING Alba Snaugh's Garage, Hi W. Oak street, thoaa aus. Hartley A Fancber.. 125 No. Boae. Ph. 483. AUTO WRECKINd Doyle Bros. 621 N. Jaduon. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH Woodcuck & Fogel, Boaeburg. CAR WA8HINQ Al Kewman, 121 N. Stephens SL RADIO REPAIRING C. H. Miller, Radio Doctor, 615 Mo. Jackson St. Phi 167-R. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Boaeburg Electric, phone 123. FLUE CLEANING..' J. C. Bewley. Phone 103. GENERAL SAW FILING llowurd Casobeor, 6-15 Fowler St. LOCKSMITH Faoltlo Koy Ser. 222 W. Oak St UPHOLSTERING Gomes. UphoUL 604 Jack. Ph. 181, REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE EL 0. Jones, Phone 13S-U 8HEET METAL WORK Slnnigert, 444 N, Jackson SL TIRE RETREADING Healy's, 121 N. Stephens,. Ph. 104, TOWING Stephens Anto Co. 823 No. Mala SL Phone 682-J. WELDING Cjbg. Welding Works. 609 N. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Al7in Kiiuatson, 103 N. Jackson St, WHEEL. ALIGNING Percy Croft. 882 N. Jackson. Phona . 833.. .. BEAUTY SALONS Faye's Salon ot Beauty. Complete boauty service. Ph. 211. 126 V), CaBs SL Pearl Rawhouaer, Mgr. FENOUR BODY SERVICE Kose Uarage, Lane & Rose, Phone 66. Dentistry uti.. u. w. Mttivuiui. atbo. a. iiiua Wanted ' WANTlil Number one BUgtir pino ; loj;s, 8 .foet, 5 InuhoB in lungth i iiiifl- longer, 30- Inuhoa tiiumetoiv - uiid- lnrgfin Slite nunntity you 1 cull furuiHh. , AIbo price ou-vCuch ; and- the pliiue loga' uro to be' ' loaded. Box 481, c-o News-lie-viow. BHINO ub your hides for best prlcos. HOBOuurg Poultry. WANTED Wool aud mohair. Rosoburg Poultry. WANTRD Trailer. Inquire at Fic tion Library. Thoughtful Thieves. ! OSSEO, WIb. Thieves who stofa tile new automobile of Dr. T. j, Myheis were ut least coiiHidoratc. Tile cur wns found ut Do Poiio lu good mechanical condition. It hud boon driven 2,700 miles, trauh. liiiBBion oil wuh changed, aud aull freoze uoliitiou; was put In tho ra diutor. .' I NOTICE City Ordlnunoo No. 100 pro- it hibitB throwing of dobris of 4 any nature (including leavou) into the Btruet. Citizens pleaso 4 take notice. J; S. DUBlt, Chief of Police. Wonted Turkeys and Live Poultry We are paying today Col. Hens 18c lbM Leghorn, hens 15c lb. Douglas County's Leading Turkey Buyers Northwest Poultry 8 PHonc 210 Roseburg, Oregon "hn r''1 'tfc copa. na by urA scnvicr. twc. "Good gosh! And they can't evea vole for mc for 21 ' jcursl"