I TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,. ROSEBURG. OREGON,. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 1938. DRISILTEil Children's Teacher Flouts Judge's Warning When She Goes to Court. LOS ANfiKLEB. Nov. 15. (AP) A 28-year-old kinchirtfai'tuii touch ' er wore bluo Blacks und a rod and , white blouse Into court toduy and was sent to jail for five days for contempt by Jude Arthur Giicrln. The teacher, .Miss Helen Hulick, . who looks like Screen Actress Mar- K'lio Dietrich, flouted Judge Guer- In's warning yesterday women In Ills courtroom must dress Ilka wo . men. He told her she could not take the witness stand because she was wearing gray-green slacks and a flamboyant yellow sweater. He '. told her to come hack today, wear- inir a dross. Miss Hulick came back, took the ' wflness stand and testified against . two negnl's charged with robbing - her house. Judge Guerln ignored her as she opened her coat and dls- played the Blacks and sweater. When she finished her testimony tho bailiff led uer to the prisoners' ! bench, and there she heard the . court order her to jail. ' VWell, they can Imprison inn, but 21huy can't Imprison my houI," she said an she was led to jail. "Any way, I'll huvo time in jail to paste -tip my scrap booK wim poems, -mostly children's verses." " Judge Guerin explained 1i Ik ob- Ejection to slacks and "wild sweat--ers," by saying witneBses and pris- "onurs alike paid more attention to wornou thus attired than to tho -court. "Slacks don't Inlet-fore -with my work as a teacher," Miss Hulick said in her cell. "I have worn Blacks for several years, and to places as formal as Judge Guerin's court. I still contend he doesn't have any authority to tell me how I shall drcsH." Around the County CANYONVILLE - CANYONVII.U5, Nov. 15 Mr. 'nnil Mrs. Ilewllt Cooper hnvn niov d from Iho UiMilB house and il la r reported Hint Mis. Honiild lxlfer -will Luke poHKeKKlon mid open n beauty puilor. also Unit Hhi; will jnovo .Mr. Uiller home from the lionpitiil where ho him been for Hie -piiHt your. ' Mia. Hulph Wcnvor, who recent ly underwent a major oiierallnn in . t lie Kacred Heart hospital In lu- -Kene, Is improving. Jean Metleo is HpenililiK tlio weuk-onil Willi lier KiiinilnioUior, :Mih. Until Metlee. , Mrs. Kvclyn Ktroud went lo Seal Ho Friday to meet her husband, who is on '"a wn iifui wu.-,t.. - The (iroenwltch 'I'avern cave blithiluv narly for Mrs. Marjorle Heals Krlilay night. Those atlend- :lim were Mr. and Mra. Uirry Wir maeli. lletly Adanisou. iMai'Kiiret .Sniluli, Louis (IrlKKa, Jlnnnlo llurr -und Lola DeVore. - Kvelyu Willis of HosebuiK apenf Tlleauiiv with her paienla, ftir. ami Wis. V. W. Willis. . i n... n. It- lli.i-l. tieillllll III I'lBlhl-i imt1-ii. Tey, tieoiiielta MeClain and Mari lyn Slmw went to Job's llaiiKhlers In Myrtle t.'reeli Weilllesday. Mrs. Walter Snillli of I'oiiland Is visltlin,' relallvea In Canyon villi! and HoaebiliK. Mr. and Mra. Ini I'oole alleniled tlio Anii'i'lntn l.i'Klon danee in lloseburi: Friday niiihl. Mr. unit iMrs. W. V. Willis were lloseburi; visitors Friday nlKlit. Mrs. Niioiui Klliolt Is InipiovliiK alowly afler a week's illness at tin Home nl nor parents, .nr. mm mi.. Chaa. Vounn. Mrs, .1. (I. Gloss Ininsneted busi ness In Itosohtii'K Friday. ELKTON 1'XKTON, Nov. Hi.- Mrs. Mary 'nocklcy Is visiting relatives and 1'rleiuls in PnrLlaml. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heckley of Co(piille, spent a IVw days this week at the Clyde Jteckley home, Mi-h. .1. K. Ihiiiies has returned .from Portland where she has been -vlHiting the homo of Mr. and Mr. Jlarnld Kloodgnod. ; Mr. ami Mrs. Hill Niitt, of Port -Orford, were al the Marietta -Haines home Wednesday. .Mrs, Nannie Cox has returned lo 1mr home at Liikrsldo afler a two naoL'u1 ,iuit ill l.'ILion Mrs. A. A. Parks, of Kngenc, Hpent severul days tit Kiklon. . John Kent, o I M ain, u as in Klktuu Tuesduy altuudiug to butii liens mutters. - The Hoccas society served dinner In the 1. (). O. R-.Masuaic hull Tuesilav. Mr. and Mrs. Maishiill McClay. of Klamath Palls, who have, been visiting relatives and friend k here have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Casey ami sons dm I'M, 5"lr 1 AVAILABLE IZjf; VlN OREGON JrfSLl! (rtu Co., lK N.r.C j New 1939 Hudson One-Twelve ' v lit "W ' 1 4 rr ' 7 gg4 - , Tho now Hudson One-Twelve Touring Sedan for six-passengers mounted on 112-inch wheelbase, with 86 horse power. Many new features are incorporated in this new Hudson car in the lowest price held. spent the week -end at Suloin. Mr. and Mis. Carl Hinder and Mrs. II. L. liosseu were unending to business matters in Kuuuiie Thursday. There was snow In the hills over thu river from Klkton Prlduy. This was the first to ho seen from town this season. Yalu tJruhhe, of Smith Itiver, ia visitiiiK the Ed liruubo liome. Mrs. JIulda MeUouald and Mrs. Catherine Cheever and children were in Kuenu one day this week. Miss Azalea Andrews spent the week-end in Corvaliis visiting old luHsmates, Mr. und Mrs. V. K. Huell spent the week-end ut tho eoast, at Tillamook. Miss Andrews went as far as Corvallis with iliem. Miss Jerry Kenley H)eiit the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Waller Itowman of Kuuene. Mrs. Anna Prankliii has return ed from Glide where she has been visiting. Oliver Haines was attending lo business matters in Voncalla Wed nesday. Miss Clair Wells, who leaehes In thu Wilbur high school, spent the week-end al homo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tharn, of Hide, spent Priday al the il. U lioKHen home. A. II. Ilardesly, Mrs. (!uy Cut- Hp and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith werii Eugene visitors one day this week. Asa Andrews, Stacy Penley, A. U. McDonald und H. U Ilossen were lteedspovt visitors Prlday. evening. J. gUOrnian have taken over the A. It. Haines place which was bought some time ago. Friday eve ning tin Kellogg grange gave Mr. and Mrs. Haines a farewell party. Ilenton Haines, who is In the Tiller CCC camp, spent the week end at the Prnukltn Haines home in Kellogg. Mrs. Marietta llalues, Mrs. Kath leen Hugos and children, anil Iris Haines were attending 10 business matters In ltnsehurg Saturday. Miss Virginia Anderson, who Is attending school at Kugene, spent the week-end at her home in Kel logg. Mr. and Mrs, Lesler Ulley have moved hack lo Ktklon from Drain where Mr. Pile;' vas working this summer. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Haines re lumed I mm a (rip to Portland Priday where Mr. Haines was at tending lo business matters. The Methodist church ludd Ihi regular morning- worship with Itov. (iarbi)din nl' lim-dlncr ol'i'iciiiting. As a special the Bunnell twinn Co lo lu'd liere. Wiikc up (here. Our tivcrui:ht Pulliitan scniic wilt save you time ami cncrny. ou arrive rcstcU aiul frol' noiuicjl, Iiki. Xau know vxjcily wh.it jour train trip will cost K'fore you leave liomc. Convctv icut service eath way daily, llx tuuplc farces TO PORTLAND Otir wtr K.un,itip 1itCI.ni I'jrc $5.96 $8.95 lower 1U-nil 2.40 4.80 t M.iliil:iti I'lillut.ltlK ) In Coaches 3.98 THE SCHEDULE l.e.ue UoM-hurK . , U: Ha.ni. Arrives I uct-tic . . , 3:2St.ni. Arrives IVnUiul , . H:tX)a.nu Similar Swire returning DID YOU KNOW... Our freight iritc imliulcs free Iuk-up and dclixcry ot Icss car load niercharKlic at hundreil of Pacific 1'o.ist ioinn. with hrt niornini; ilclivcry from Porilaml, second niorntnq from Sju l-'raxi-cico. For frcti;ht and passcivcr information call; Southern Pacific J. E. CLARK, Agent Phono 11 4 itUt'Azr'&KjtJjfoi 1 'i MP, 4 '-its f idiiycd a phmo duet. The Madison family Is Invited to play un the evening of the 20th. John Sawyers, who Is working at Myrtle Point with the statu High way crew, spent the Armistice va cation at his home in Kllctou. Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers were the dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. William Hinder. Mr. and Mrs. W.'lliam Binder and son, William Wayne, und Mrs. ('.race Sawyers were guests at Sutheilin on Armistice day. The ladies attended tho bridal shower of Miss Jessio Mario Manning. Many awful and beautiful gilts wore received from the eighty guests present. A program ami I u ri t il occupied a big share of the afternoon. Mrs. Henlrice. Hancock has gone home with Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. lor, who live in California, lo speTid the winter. GLENDALE (il.KNOAt.E. Ore.. Nov. IB. Miss l-liella CnniiliiKhnin and Mrs. Hessie Ki'lmera marketed 1)00 turkeys Mon iTay. 1. T. Kparks, who underwent an emei'Keney uppendeeloniy Oetobor HI, was dlaehni'Ked from Iho Jose phine Ceneral hospital Thursday. Mrs. C. K. Illldue returned Mon day niKlil from Salem, where sho was called by tho death of her brolher-in-law. Mr. Robinson. (leoruo Gardiner drove to Klnni nth Knlls Sunday to bring .baek Mrs. Gardiner and tfntifflilor, who havo been visiting there lor the past week. Mrs. Gertrude I,ystul. Mrs. W. li. Stevenson and ilnuchtei- Dnrene were Grants Pass visitors Saturday. K. M. Tuttle of Junction City, spent tiie week-end hero. I. II. Smith attended to business ut Ganyonvlllo and Middle Monday. Mrs. Leslie Nornioyle returned from Woodburn Monday, where she attended the funeral of her Krand lnnlhcr, Mra. Ilardim;. Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Smith, Mrs. Gertrude l.ystul and Miss Alice Nobel attended the show In Grants I'nss Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. John Monro nnd family of Riddle visited here Sun day at the Ira Lewis home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heller drove up from llandon and. spent I lie u-nek-eiid at the heme of Mrs. Mntfe Heller. Mr. Heller returned to llandon Sunday evenins but Mrs. Heller will visit for a few days at 332 NO. JACKSON ST. HUDSON PRICES BUY A COMPUTE CAR Cf" ,j -Si Even in the Hudson 112, delivered prices in- Or Jf isfJ f I ffj dude a long list of features and equipment 4 A jfrgTT A A JL J A which cost extra on many cars. Icn in this )Tifr mJ 1V Iiiwcm priced llmlson, bodies arc finished in fS??T iS' .. mr-, rtTR -. , , costly h.ind-rulibcd lacquer (no svnthclic cn- f-S'iijB LttP VS'lS fi'ffl f Jkf iVf Tj anicls); fenders in body color; 7 color options, "KpgSKjSS VJ111 W including 4 opalescent colors. Q HUH on 112 D Ium. $1017 and up iS Jl liiSil JjMllijKj liidllj Uljl rl TJ VS I H 'or n Hudion Si! ill 25 i'i.rityStjtfC 4i!iKZ . X 1 ;;.irr-r Hud,on imm (MSMi CED lcliitr-.l ht rc. T jJv lo Jri. fullv cqMiprH-.t; incIu.linR S';"1 JP'fftTTaM4i'y J I lll'f JSt 1' W irnM'oM.uuuj ind KhU-mI Hmm. Price il.u- not incluUe IftjL J J 4 I ftiKf'l M 1 1 4 i'Ht I !C1 I.K .Itn, mo ur llutlvin tltjltr, A(ti..cnvlj low time ViT!' V' '7- y.v -a-f Pijimm icrm. with Hudon-Cl.T. I'Uq. - '-i 't Ut-JL-iSlL, hjm, ii mil i mii Touring Sedan v , JK :r; Grants Pass. I'at Gardner, of the 17. S. navy, returned to San Francisco Friday after spending a two weeks' vaca tion with bis parents, Mr. und Mrs. JI. It. Gardner. Mrs. C. li. Austin and Mrs. Jt. P. MeCraekeu made a business trip to KoHebure, Monday Miss Faye Thompson, Miss N'ellio Gray, .Mrs. Arthur Dobyna, Mis. J. S. Woodioffe and llruce Woodroffe spent .Sunday evening In Grants I'ass. Mv. anil Mrs. K. II. Harvey attend ed tho Armislice Day celebration In Giants I'ass. Mrs. M. A. Hales nnd children, Monte, Jr., Tommy ami Helen and Clara Winkelman visited Saturday at Grants I'ass and Williams. Horn To Mr. and .Mrs. Stanley Williams at Grants Pass Wednes day, November !, a daughter, Cam lino Suzanne, weight 8 pounds Oi ounces. .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Dobyns and son, Illlile, spent Arniistlco day In llosoburg, where they attended the football game and visited Mrs. Dobyns sister, Mrs. Snoddy. Mr. and Mrs. K-ui Powell and family of Hoseburg visited Mr. Powell's sister, Mrs. Carl Sotlior unit family, on Armiatlco day. Mr. ami Mrs. U, It. Harvey wero Grants Pass visitors Sunday. Miss Lily Angel spent the week Mid in Kugene. .Mra. Hen C. Hunliuglon returned I'uesday from a short visit in Port land. She was accompanied home by her father, John Llllldliulst, of Kntlat, Wash., who will spend the winter with tho llnntlngtons. Mis. 0. I. Wardi'lp of Corvallis spent last week visiting friends here. She was joined by Mr. War- drip and daughter, Marjorie, on Thursday, all remaining until Sun day morning. Miss Marjory Stewart and Miss lua Johnson spent tho woek-end In .Meillord. Mr. and Mrs. Kinmett llclcher visited ill Granls Pass Sundav. Win. liauglitry, who recently re turned from a business trip to Texas, was culled there Sunday ev- nmg by the serious illness of bis mother. George Ollughouso returned Sun day from a business trip to Portland ind I acouja. "!:. de union membership In Great Ilrilian und northern IrHand In errused by 550,1100 to a total of r.,!ini nni itHtinu' i:t7. , ' ' it PERCY CROFT 4-HWIlVAiERSTOGD At Least Five From Oregon Listed on the Basis of Achievements. Oregon 4-II club winners will be Well represented again this yeir in competition at file annual Na tional Club congress in Cbicago, to be held November 27 to Decem ber 3, according to H. C. Seymour, state club leader at OSC. At least five club members from Oregon will go to Chicago .iis year, hav ing already won tlv.1 trip on their slate achievements. Others may go if their records win in district or national competition. Those who have won Chicago trips in state contests, and whose records have already been sent In lo be judged for national honors, are Krma Mencken of Pilot Hock, Oregon winner In the style revue contest, sponsored by the Chicago Mail Order company; Allen If. Parker, Portland, rural electrifi cation, sponsored by Westing house Klectric company; Jane Will born, Portland, food prepara tion contest, sponsored by Servel ICIectrolux; Mary Louise Arm strong, Portland, girls record con test, sponsored by Montgomery Ward and company; and Francine Sharp, Clackamas, canning achievement contest, sponsored by Kerr Glass company. Western Entrants Entered in wesRTrn district con tests, winners of which will go to Chicago, are Jacqueline Jean Mor ton, Cottage Grove, home beautlfi cation contest, sponsored by Mrs. Charles It. Walgreen of Chicago; Kayuiond Wvss. Tillamook, liaiirfl. fVral't contest snonsored hv tee flutch crart corporation; ami Wil liam T. McBurney of Mullno, meat animal production contest, sponsored by Thomas E. Wilson. Selected as Oregon's entries In the famed Moses trophy contest this year are Mary Lou Paetzhold of Portland and Clayton Nyberg of Tualatin. Kxlher Maasen of Portland will represent Oregon In the 'l-H achievement contest. The 'national winners in these contests receive trips to the club congress. The Willakonzie Wide-Awake 4-H club, led by .Mrs. Edna Michael of Eugene, will represent Oregon in the National Social Progress club contest at Chicago, and should It win first the leader and throe members would receive trips to tile congress. Those who nro going from Ore gon will loavo Portland on Thanks giving day, accompanied by Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state leader, who will also act as chap etone for the Idaho gills' delega tion. SHANGHAI. Nov. 15. (AP) Cluingsha, capital of Hunan pro vince and next major objective of the Japanese, appeared today to be doomed to destruction by fire be fore tlio Japanese arrive. Fragmentary advice reaching .Shanghai indicated the populace of the city was panic stricken ut tho prospect of quick entry by the in vaders, wliile Chinese troops burn ed buildings in keeping with their "scorched earth" policy. The majority of Changsba's for eign reii!e'!!s wir kiiM In tiiive taken refuge In the Standard Oil installations on the banks of the Slnug river iitslde the city, where ROSEBURG, OREGON they were guarded by the British gunboat Sandpiper. A group of foreign missionaries, however, mostly Americans, re mained within the compound ot the American Kunan Bible Institute, in side tho walls of the burning city. It was believed they would be rea sonably safe there. ARGENTINA PEGS PRICE OF WHEAT IIUENOS AIRES, Nov. 15. (AP) President Ortiz by decree today pegged the price of Argentine wheat nt seven pesoB a hundred kilos, the equivalent of 43 cents a bushel. ' Planters may sell either to ex porting firms willing to pay the pegged price or more, or may dis- nORA Of tllnlf nrnna a n nn,l.nn1 grain board which Ortiz created In auoiuer uecree. The decrees followed three con ferences at which the minister of agriculture declared Argentina was burdened by an over-supply of wheat. NEW GOVERNOR TO NEW YORK N'nv -K AP Governor-eleot Julius P. Heilj of W isconsin, said today he was going io De a "tinnR line" governor and work tn rfistnrft (miner naaa hv "courteoua" oust ins: of labor rack a- lift Sillfl hfi llifl nnt liiform-ot Ma victory over former Governor Philip F. LnFollntlH II H (1 hlmv fit tho nnw deal, declaring purely local issues neio mvuiveu. . "The LuFoIIhIImS hm nmlnurnrl lheingelvtS IlV Wni kiliP- fm Jll uatira on the state payroll," he said in on interview. "Mayoe you'd better put that 'endeared' In quotes." Hell came here to attend the au to show. 'Wo ni.fl nnl..n 4- i i-.ii. and no picket lines," he said. "Labor disputes are chiefly caus- j iiiioiuuuuKuinuiu ana oy racketeers who try to coerce work- i-dii own ueumii. i am go ing to run thoso racketeers out of We,.-Mlal 1.. . v,uuiuuuaiy u i can. i - r .7 111 Buing ouc on the firing-Hue." o IMPOUNDED T'nloSR flnimnJ' within ac u I I'OIll lllltP nf linltoa tli f,.ii...i 'described dog will he sold or killed iia proviueu in uity Ordinance No. .1 If I. 'I . Lariro whlln ntwl i,lnL. ...!- i.....t dog. - Tom Ftetehpr riK. 1.-,, r,.,. Officer, phone 2F4. 'November 15. U0- p. m. Adv. In Fnilnnd n Ci.,,,1,, ut. i states that Vent flowers, can be tboufihtron the Snjbbath, but no potted plants." ' GROUP I 1 lot Official Scout Shoes. Never sold for less than $4.95. Mostly iight elk. Rubber soles. $1,98 SALE STARTS THURSDAY GROUP III 1 group Fancy House Slippers. A 1 1 colors, beautiful styles. Soft soles with heels. Would make a lovely Christmas gift. 98c COME EARLY n GROUP V 1 group of Ladies' Straps and Ties. Arch support shoe. Brown and black. These are high grade shoes. $5 and $6 values. Special $1,98 Goldie's Bookers e Roseburg's only exclusive ladies' and children's shoe store. 233 N. JACKSON ST. GIFTTURKEYSEWT Tl A 30-pound turkey gobbler left Roseburg by express Tuesday to provide a Thanksgiving fea3t for the entertainers who present "Feminine Fancies," a radio pro gram heard daily ove tne' Mu tual Broadcasting system and station KKNR. in a program held recently re garding the coming feast dy, the entertainers discus sed thei; Thanksgiving dinner and the lack of a turkey. The Douglas couuty junior chamber of commerce tele graphed' a reply that famous Umpqua valley turkey would be forthcoming; and the r-iaultant publicity called widespread atten tion. to the Northwestern Turkey show, to be held at Oakland. Marshfield followed with an offer to furnish cranberries to go with the turkey, and after much discussion the entertainer finally delegated to one of theU number the task of preparing the cran berry sauce. The bird, furnished by the man agement of the Northwestern Tur key show, was crated yesterday at the junior chamber of commerce, where photographs were obtained. JUNIOR Chamber....3 ....3 All members of the Douglas county junior chamber of com merce are requested to meet at the office at 7:30 o'clock tonight to assist in preparing the county exhibit for the national grange convention in Portland. Materials to prepare a display dealing with lumber manufactur ing already have been sent to Portland to make up the main fea ture of the exhibit. It will include a showing of products from the Roseburg Lumber company, tho Saar pencil factory and the Deady Box company. Through the junior chamber, national grangers will receive gift packages of iUmpqua valloy prunes. These dried prunes are to be split and the pits replaced with walnut meats. They will bo packed in cellophane bags, bear ing printed greetings from Doug las county. Members of the chamber are re quested to meet tonight to assist in preparing the prunes and to do other tasks connected with the ac tivity. JEWS ATTEMPT TO tLEE UNDERGROUND MKTZ. France. Nov. 1R 7api Subterranean passages under the frontier to permit Jews to escape into France fmm tha r!.tn .,ti. Semitic campaign havo been dis covered, French border cuards re ported today. The guards said about 500 Jews harl been rlntPflfu! ullnmnllnn l enter Prance Illegally anil turned duck nun uennany during the cur- GOLDIE'S BOOTERIE Yes,, we are now ready to cele brate the completion of our 9lli year in the shoe business in Rose burg. Also, we wish to celebrate the completion of 26 years of sell ing shoes in Roseburg, We're proud of our record of sell ing good shoes to our friends in Southern Oregon. We celebrate by offering you these values. TO OUR 9TH BIRTHDAY SALE Roseburg's only exclusive ladies' and children's shoe store. ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES MO REFUNDS Discount on All Children's Shoes rent antl-Jewlsh outburst in tho relch. j Many of these were said to have come through underground pas sages 40 to 50 yards long running from tho Saar district into France, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 021153 United States Department of the Interior, General- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, October 13, 1938. NOTICE is hereby given that Hu bert J. Willis, ot Looklngglass, Oregon, who, on November 15, 1933, made Original Homestead- Entry Act June 6. 1912, No. 021153, for Si SWi, section 8, township 28 south, range 7 west, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof, to estab lish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register, United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 29th day ot Novem ber, 1038. Claimant names as witnesses:, Harry A. Willis, James M. Gurney, Archlo E. Willis, Josef M. Weaver, all of Looklngglass, Oregon. GEORGE PINLEY, Register. It takes 1,500,000 pounds of food every day t to feed the boys In tho CCC camp's. Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Roseburg, Oregon Phone 651 -J R, R. 2, Box 22C Radio Repairing Telephone 578-R Carl E. Johnson 634 South Pine St. Cat's-Paw . SOLES AND HEELS at BRUTON'S 340 No. Jackson St. For Qualify FEEDS SEE US ; We handle Valley Milling Co. Feeds and Pay Cash. Prices for Eggs. SUTHERLIN FEED STORE Sutherlin, Oregon , GROUP II Blue and red Fiouse Slip pers, leather soles and heels in all sizes. Special 89c 9 A. M. GROUP IV 1 large mixed group of Ladies' Shoes. A genu ine clean-up. Low and high heels, light and heavy weight shoes. $1.0 GROUP VI Just 12 pairs Wedgees left. Most of these were Paris fashions. $3.95 values. Out they go for $1.98 T