SEVEN 013 mm V k M "W -V 11 I qL'VMm ai ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1938. For Your Convenience Thme IIoukIom County at ore Mill tnke Hunt Ada for the Aewa-llvvleivi CUM'KU'S M A It K ET Hutlirrlin STEARNS & CHK.XOWETH Oakland STO.AKUIt UltUG CO. Yom-ulla jUcDOKAI.ll NTOHB Klltton IIKIIAKU'S I'upguR GMDU HTOltB illde I. II. MU1IOL3 Ilruvkway ROWKI-L'S STORE Tenuille B. II. lUTl.'HKIl CO. CauuiM Vuiley KLLlHON A KL.L1SON IHIlard REYNOLDS k ADAH 9 .Myrtle Crook UllADMTHUUT'S IliJdle IIEXX(.tiEn'8 I'nnyonvllle llJi.XI.(iKH'S Glendul DAYS CllUHK STOItfi) Vaym Creek The nhoTe atorea will acept fltlM and imyinent for them. Juat (HI the ineroliuiit llatd nbuvei I tviuit to put an ad In the Kewa-ltevltMV" and lie will take care of all the dctnlla for you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First insertion, per word. 2c Each subsequent insertion per word '. . lc One week, per word 6c One month, per line $1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of publication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility for nnd in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers In the classified columns. '-Headers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money Im response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS m&r-S WE'LL HAVE Jf I'M SHORE V) Y5 WE'RE AeOUf ff DONT ( (Mkm , nl(, , : , if TO HURRY THE JT SORRY 1 KEPT ' 1 MOW "IWENTV-CKE JMf Go SNEERIM' : r-jS fjOSH 1 DOES IT DO if m KICK-OFf IS ONLY TWO TOU PRISOMER, ) . MANY 1 MILES AWAY IS AT IT 1 : ZT STRAIQKiT AHEAD OR. UP AND DOWN?! HOURS FROM NOW A SO LONQ J MILES FROM THAT THIS OLD Wrnnrn-.- T -.a are we shadyside , it car'll do feRSKsaBwr f, . ri Wwlmi fj t&asm. v frm but we'll v ? about 45 J .. Awr r-H MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE BUT MVCA.I DOU'T UMDEC- SVAWD... WHITEV AMD MISS GRAY.' 1 TUOUCJ.HT--- I . M1 a -J I III .1 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BUT, i ?Ott -Ht VAW TME, WASH TUBBS ISPAUL PLACES ' TO -HIDE ! TCAPPED IV) THE PPES1DEMTIAL KITCHEN, WASH TAKES BEFIJGE IU THE GARBAGE CAW. .npr: f;l O SpypL p. , -- i ii7-"-t, v-iTr, i ii m. ii To get in touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either. Livestock WE still have a few choice reg istered Jersey bulls, tue Syuu strain (,L. A. HutOert, Independ ence world' record strain) tour months to year and one-naif. Ai bo have two bulls of the iiolger strain. McNutt brothers, BMa U. B'dway, Kugene, Oregon. jViiuiie 221. FOR SALE Eleven purebred Cor riedaie rams, two years old. Ex tra large, fine individuals (the fioek formerly owned by A. J. Brockway of Metltord). Price $15.00 and $20.00. E. J. Elmore, Applegate, Oregon. FOR SA Lid Good team, weight 1U00. Each with harness, $200.u0. Nine head Jersey cows, freshen soon, fti, E. Sullivan, Riddle,' Oregon. FOR SALE 18 head agod ewes. Asher Agee, Dixouville. Rentals GARAGE for rent. AcrobS Main street from Kohlhageu Apart ments, Box 467, -co News-lie-viow. RESPONSIBLE couple wish G rooui house better type prefer to lease. Bank references. Box 4TS. c-o News-Review. FOR RENT 5-room modern plas tered house. Newly decorated. Close to town. Inquire 404. West Douglas street. MODERN 5 -room house, basement and garage. Inquire 040 Winches ter. UNFURNISHED house. " Lumber & Fuel Co. Page FOR RENT Unfurnished 6-room house. 1122 North Jackson street. FRIENDS silly i kwew it all aloug... whitey just cam't help ma.kimg EVERY SIRL. HE MEETS THIklK HE'S IU LOVE WITH HER.' ' UOOVt , SOfcrt- OOtOT V "VSX5,E. MfTOt VO COLt&t'. ANiO I'vi. EWOUGM To BE ABVf. VOO WOOVOMT OKiOEWWO .BOT W TO 60 BfCVC OKi TWtVA tOVOVJVW ,T'0 E VVi.E WSVib GAit W vERES UJUO?) XWOVH WWO I V ooTsUcilv H HE AT, . V 7 WiEAVi! THAT BLO0MIV)' VOU ARE MEE5- gvJOWAM? jpSfe I SMJAB, VWA5JJ TUBBS, TAKEN, Wy DEAB reWvBrauUiiw n- is i m' , M lart mmf' ."fur A,"'. TS.- 1" r"ttny I I yaw, I I Al UtaaV t FOR RENT Ranch 15 acres. 12 acres river bottom, 5 acres in La aiuo c.over. Two miles south of myrtle Creek on hignway. U. U. Lyer, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FURNISHED apartment for rent 3 rooms and bath. Water fur nisned. Close in. inquire Bubur Bros. Phone 214. SLEEPING room, nicely furnished. Board, if desired. 131 North Pine. . FUR RENT 5-room furnished du plex. 411 E. Douglas street. Phone 179-R. FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Garage if wanted. Inquire 940 Winchester. FOR RENT Niceiy lurntshed apartment, either one, two or three rooms. J. M. Judd. B ELTON I A Modern, furnished 3 room and bath apartment. Tile sinks. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. APARTMENTS Furnished close in. See Mrs. Strange at Anti que Shop. K..OHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 660. NICELY furnished 2-room apart ment with shower. J. M. Judd. APARTMENT 3 rooms. 42. 424 Floed street. Miscellaneous MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. Unipqua Dairy Phone 88. Roseburg By-Products Co., phone 62-F-12. ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Ph. 1SU-L For Sale Miscellaneous BARGAIN for quick sale. $376 takes new 4 -room cottage valued ut $ti00. City water . elect rivtty. Lot 80x120. Needs some finishing work. Box 470, co 'New Re - view. i KiOW WV.Y,OT fOW SOME VOSSNWOE. ?o ME TO 60 ftWW OCVY To OOT W OOT&V1. yoo rmuy n n ci' CAM YOU EVER DOKJ'T t 1 B3RGIVE ME J ALWAYS, I FOR. BEIMG I JACK? i A JEALOUS t lr ' L FOOL, J Y AUCTION At. the.. Sale Pavilion in rsorta itosebuig ou 8y -higu-wuy, tjaiurduy, .November iZ. Have out ok lowu buyers for ieeder and w tuner pigs. Bring .wuat you have to , awl. 'irucK loud ot jsioce heels auu carrots. Lmpqua Valley Aucuon Com pany. ' FOR SALE One lu-gallou gaso line pump, one 30-guiiou oil iuuk, one 4-incn vise, ouo wash bowl, one toilet, three sets rope blocks, one 3 h. p. electric motor, one 2 h. p. electric motor, ouo Bur roughs adding machine, one hot water car heuter. See them at the Roseburg Garage. FOR SALE Two good milk cows, fresh. One heifer, fresh January; 120U lbs. White Zimmerman seed - wheat; 50 hens; DeLaval cream -separator. Overland Orchards, Garden Valley road. A. B. Essley. MUFFLEKSi MUFFLERS I Why worry about your muffler when you can get a guaranteed muf fler for the life of your car at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 623 N. Main street. WALL paper for snle 60 dte couut for rest of 1938. Papering, 'painting und kalsomluing. Her man Schulze, Brockway, -Phone 2F41. " FOR SALE 3 share of stock in Al pine lodge. MrB. Elizabeth Troetscher, 6001 Second Ave., Los Angeles, California. FOR SALE One circulating oil heater, practically new. Dunham Transfer Co. Phone 47. APPLES, 6 varieties, 10c box, up. E. L. Haskell, Riddle. FOR SALE Good cedar fence posts, delivered, 9!c each. Tom Leatherwood, Sutherlin. FOR SALE Quaker circulating oil stove. P. O. Box 004, Rose burg. FOR SALE Good tone Bush and Lane piano, $45.00. Anna Kent, Elkton.rOregon. And He's Busy JMe EAKJ- TIME., IK1 THE WAITIWe EOOAA, BUZZ. HOLLAR. IMFWIIEWTLY WAITS FOR. JACK TO RELEASE LOVIE LAVE RE Co Not of a Kind Some Jaloppy t ""' ' Y1 Ort NOW P-3 f TWSS T IM SO - M rEV..0, V'VO, Mi W MX "&OTrtER 6-rXO i TO UrSKOX SOOTS WVVIi iOSV I TO 0.T OV ' J'y' pT y-w ' ' Z I,TPP L- COPR. 1C3B BY NEA SEhVICE. WC.T. M. HgQ. U. 8- PAT. OFF. 1 What a Spot for Wash 'AH! WOT'S ALL THESE ROTTEN I Aviu1 Acnnun? uiuu rvMfr weo CIEAM UP VER KITCHEV1? Wanted WANTED To buy a tow Bucks of large size fllborts. Also some walnuts. Call or write Wutzlg 'Hatchery on hiKhway north. BRING uu your hides (or prices. 'Roseburg Poultry. best WANTED Wool Roseburg Poultry. and . mohair. Fuel 12", 14", 16" uuu gruwtn lir. Spe cial price tills month. (SHtlaluo tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. GET your wiod ol Roseburg Luin- Dor Co. Dry and green. 16-lnub nnd 4-fooL FOR SALE 16" oak block wood. John MarkB,-phone 5SF4. Work Wanted HOLIDAY HEMSTITCHING work done now. Leave at Hob' Coilfoc tionery or 203 Wharton avenue. Clnribel Houck. WANTED 'nursing. Maternity pre ferred. Phone 341-Y, 644 N. Pine. Lost and Found LOST One blue speckled fonntle hound. W. A. Illuckort, Myrtle Creek. Dentistry DR. Q. W. Maranan. Med. A. Bldg POULTRY FOR SALE TURKEYS. Uroad breasted, market type, breeding stock. Erviu Rice, Oakluud, Ore sou. Help Wanted WANTED Unincumbered v girl or woman for genoral housework and care ot children. Good cook. No smoking. Phone 4tiFU. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll THIS DELAY IS DlSAfcTrjOUS YM I PLEASE, DOC- W I'D SAy HE .l EVEKf MINUTE HE KEEPS m, ; WHERE tS THIS M WAS STILL. YOU SITTIWG THERE COSTS M 1 &UV LAME?" mii IM..BR.. GLAMOUR STUDIOS 7E6J rJ Jp . LJM CONFER- I THOUSAND BUCKS PRO- H'i Att , PUCTIOKI COST OU VOUR ' ' TOMATOES DOIH' ) . . .S n K J ..I. r- - SS.rttt .11 x v . v i ii v - i ' ! mmt:. Hay and Grain' FOR SALE 160 bushels corn, I' $27.50 ton. C. H. Dyer, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. t FOR SALE Field corn. Charlos R. Dyer,. Myrtle Crook, Oregon. FOR SALE Baleo oat and -retch hay. T. E. .Duncan, phone 14-F-2 Chiropractor dciunufic equipment. NCM VX-Hay Or. Bcoftald. Perkins Bids. Real Estate FEDERAL Land Ban farms. In quire at the National Farm Loan ofCco, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. FOR SALE :loO-acre ranch at sac rifice. Write Upx 477, c-o News Review. MARKET REPORTS WOOL BOSTON, Nov. 11 (AP) Tho commercial bulletin will say tomor row : "What with the eloctlon and tho holiday this week, the volume of wool business has fallen off notice-' ably from tho. volume of a weok to two weeks ago, although prlcos have been well maintained and are lending upward still- Tho etfeot of the election has boen favorable to better business. "Prices paid at country points, are reported quite equal to 'Boston levels. "In the plccegoods markets there Is a better tone and mauufueturers generally look for further advunoes in goods prices. "Foreign markets are fairly -firm ou the basis of last week's lavels. ulthough Sydney reported top mak ing wools oil fractionally1 tills jweclt. it-1. " ,- " ' . "Mohair Is strong. Reports ludl- By Merrill Blpsser By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane ( HEV, YOU UP AW AT trill -rimMil T-l a n BASE TOTH HAWGSn EXPERT SERVICE When Ther' Bomithing You Want Don SEE AN EXPERT Th firms ana Individual Hated below specialize In their worn. Sac tham for expert services. You should profit fay their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Main St AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Steph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba SpuuKli'8 Garage. HA W. Oak atreeu Phone sua. Hartley St FancSer, US No. Uose. fa. 43S. AUTO WRECKING Doyle Bros. 621 N. Jaoknon. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH Woodcock & Fogol, noHeUurg. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens St RADIO REPAIRING C. II. Millor, ndio Doctor, 616 No. Juokuon St. PU. 187-lt. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roaeburg Electric phone 123. FLUE CLEANING J. G. Bewley. Phone 168. bakery; Citylur's Ilukery. Phone 616-J. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeor, 615 Fowler St. onto 40 cents paid for iulu)t und. 60 conls for kid hair 'in Texas. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 10. (AP) (U. S. Dept. Ari'.) HOGS Mnrket active, Btrong, good- choice 165-210 Hi. drivelnsf 8:30 35, tow 8.50, 230-60 lb. 7.76-K5, light lights 7.75, packing sows -6.50-75, choice 88 lb. feeder pigs 8.26. CATTLE Market alow on limit ed supply, early sales steady, some pre-holiduy cleanups weak to 25 lower, fow common steorB 6.76 6.25, cutters 5.25, good griiHB steers salable 8.00, grain fed 8.76, cuttoi'-coiiimon heifors 3.66-5.75, inedluiu heifers 6.75, low cuttor and nutter cows 2.60-3.25, fat dairy typo cows a.50, lew good buof cowb 6.60, fow bulls 0.00, good dooi nuns ti.uo, common-meuluni voulei-B 5.00-7.00, choice suurce 9.00. ' 8HI3liP Fow truckctj ,li laiil)a 6.75-7.00, ooiiinion-iiiodliim ' "6.C0- 6.60, yoarllnga sulablo 5.00, good choice owo8 nominally Z.75-8.60. U. S. exports of ann nrnilnnlH In tho linst 111 years has avuLuund St.. aao.dou.OOO iinnually, und since 11I2U have fallen 36 per cent below the iu your average. f LODGE DIRECTORY , 0. E, 8., iRossburg Cnapier No, 6- 'Udlds stated counuuuioatlons oi the first and third Tnursdays li eaoh month. All sojourning brotb ers and sisters are cordially m T'.ted to sttend. MRS. WALTER IIERCHE11, W. M. ETHEL WEBB, Sec. K. O. T. M. Tent Hive No. iu- JMeets second and fourth Friday! of each month until furthei notice In Uaccabbe Hall, cornel Pass aud Pine streets. Vlsltini Knights always welcome, ISAAC CLINE, It. K. Union Encampment No. V, I, O. O. F Meets In Odd Fellows Templi on 2nd and 4th Wednesday ol each month. Visiting Putrlarchi always welcome. CARL W. OH MAN, C. P. A. J. GEDDES, H. P. Ralph nrmfint,r. ritim BE, eMltrTl A K DeuTlST J jl 'fcfl'fr ll'tl COFH. lyn BY WfA StUVICt, INC.' "We won't ncctl tlic novocainc on tliis guy, mirac he smashed my fender yesterday und strummed I" LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. 222 W. Oak SL UPHOLSTERING Gomes. UpholaL 604 Jack. Pn. 16L REFRIGERATION SERVICE 1. C. Jones, Phone 13s L. SHEET METAL WORK Btnnlgers, 444 N. Jaokuon SL TiRC -RETREADING Baaly's, 121 ,N. uteplieos. Ph. Xu4 TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 828 No. alma BL Phone 6H2-J. WElDINQ lL,bg. Welding Works. 60S) N. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Alvlu Kiiuaisou, 1U8 N. Jackson St WHEEL ALIUN1NO Percy Croft. 32 N. Jackson. Phons 833. BEAUTY 8ALONS Fuye's Salon of Beauty. Complete bounty service. Ph. 211. 126 W. Cass SL Pearl Kawhouser, Mgr. FENDER d BODY SERVICE Uose Garage, Lane & JOoee. phone 66. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllai Circle, No. 49 Meets on first and third Monday evenings, 1 1. u. O. F. Jiall. Visiting uoigh bors invited to attend. LYH1A MOOPflxt, G. N. ! CYNTHIA GERMOND, Clerk. : Laaies' Auxiliary o tagloa, Ttosa ourg Aerie, no. -148 aieeta u Maccabee hull on CasB street, ol second and fourth Tuesday eve nlngs of each month, at a o'clocs. 'Visiting Bisters In good standln alwayB welcome. PURL MEREDITH, M. Pres. ANNA TRUZKLL. M. Sec. v.. ts. A., KuaaDurg Rviisvf IMO. tl Holds jugular .-nieettngs on see ond and fourth Tnursdays 'at 7:80 p. in. Visiting slaters invito to attend reviews. Maccabet hail, Pine aud CasB streets. BUILLhl brLIPHUtHdUiN, Prus, MRS. JESSIE VINSON, F. bed MAUL! PUWKRH. dec I. O. O. F, Phneianan Lodge, No, 8 Moots In Odd Fellows Templq .every Thursday evening. Vlatln vbrotliers are always welcome HOWARD CASEBEKR, N. O. A. J. GrJLIUES, Sec. OaMoiay .cnaptar iiesu P. lur meeting every seo ond and fourth Thura M.1 dnya at the Masonin 435 Temple. 8 CRIME. Rotehurg uodga, .rvu. lUd?, u u O. M. Meets every second &ui fourth Friday ot each mo' at 8:U0 p. m.. Moose hall, corn of Washington and Jacksci) streeta. Visiting brothers wei oouie. HUBERT B. GRAHAM, Diet, T. C. HARTF1EL, Sec. F, O. E. Aerie 1497, meets Alacca bee hall on Pine street ever Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Visiting Bruthera alway wot come. EARL McCOY, Pros. H. H. SCUPIKLD. Who. Job's Daughters, rvo. o iumts first and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30 n m Masonic Temple. Master Ma sons and O. E. S. members al ways welcome. MAHJORIE OTT, Hon. Quoou, Hon. Queen. JEAN RITCHIE, Rocordor. Rprnrrtoi-