Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 10, 1938, Page 1, Image 1

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    Calling All Genuine Americans: Extend Tomorrow's Armistice Observance to Include Political Differences and Join Whole - Heartedly in he Celebration.
Humidity 4:30 p. m. yesterday 6S
Highest temperature yesterday 49
!owest temperature laBt night 38
Precipitation for 24 hours 5it
Preclp. since first of month 3.91
Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1938 7.40
Excess since Sept. 1, 1938 2.02
Unsettled: Colder.
That's the mental slogan of Urn
two major political parties, uh
they lay plans for the 1940 cam
paign. Keep abreast of political
developments through the serv
ice of your home-city- dally,' the
-. I t -
- !
-jisMrWrlV HIP rt
7T rv
vvvr vf sr - vr w vr
S WM 1940
Crowds Burn
Raid Stores
Homes Invaded. Occupants
Mistreated; New Edict
Descends on Hapless
Jews of Italy.
KERUN. Nov. 10. (AP) Prop
aganda Minister Goebbels today
Issued a brief appeal to the Ger
man populace to desist, from fur
ther anti-Jewish demonstrations
after synagogues in many cities
bad been burned, wrecked or bad
ly damaged.
"The justifiable and understand
able Indignation of the Herman
people over the cowardly Jewish
murder of a fiermun diplomat in
Paris has resulted during the past
night in extensive denionstra
tions,"'said Goebbels.
lie referred to the killing of
F.rnst vom Itath, secretary of the
Pails embassy, by a 17-year-old
Polish Jew who lived in Germany.
Reports from many parts of
r.ennany showed anti-Jewish vio
lence, beginning early today, was
28 Synagogues Burned
Seven of Berlin's 20 synagogues
wore burned. All Vienna's 21
'.ynagogues were reported burned,
wrecked or badly damaged, in
Munich all Jows were tod by an
gry nazis they must leave the
country within 48 hours.
"In numerous cities, and com
munities -or-the: reich," said-Goeb-hels'
appeal, "acts of violence
were committed against Jewish
buildings and businesses.
"The entice population Is now,
however, strictly requested to de
sist immediately from all further
demonstrations and actions of
whatever nature against Jewdom.
. "The final answer to Jewry
(Continued on page 61
l.A GRANDE, Nov. 10. (AP
llenrv I,. Hess, defeated democra
tic candidate for governor, issued
the following statement yest
"On the basis of incomplete el
ection returns my opponent,
Charles A. Sprague, has been elect
ed governor of Oregon. I extend
to him my congratulations. I take
this opportunity to convey my
deepest und heartfelt gratitude to
r -INIHANAPOIjM. J:ov. 10.
conscientious supporters who so
unselfishly and willingly worked
night and day during tills cam
paign on my behalf and for the
m-ogressive principles in which
they believe."
Aim of Community Chest Program
Explained By Eagles Lodge Officials
A stntement in explanation o
the Community Chest program of
the Kagles lodge of liosehurg,
was issued today by Earl McCoy,
president, and Dr.. H. II. Seofield,
secretary, following statements
made yesterday by other civic or
ganizations that the name Com
munity Chest was a misnomer.
The camnaien of the lodge, the
stntement declares, is for direct
relief to the needy with no diviHton
of funds for any other purpose.
The formal statement by the
lodge officers Is as follows:. .
TIip purpose of this Community
Chest Is to serve those people who
are In dire need of clothing, food,
fuel and medicine and are on the
borderline between making these
necessities themselves nnd are un- i
able to get federal relief.
The Eagles lodge undertook this
proposition In the snirit that they
were doig a service to the com
munity. The lodge Hoes not re
ceive one cnt for this work and
no nart of the monev is sent east
to the erand lodge and no salaries
are attached to nnv vnrt of the
work . 1 1 ' vot ed at the n q t
nipntin of the lodce not to include';
nnv other organisation for the rea
son that the nionp- ns to be rais
ed fr t" rnpf of the needy and
nn for salaries.
T" FtitIps lodf v-'tx? instituted
'n nwiMirw in iQnfi. an'' iitir'ne
the r"ot tbirtv-t'vo veirs t'ls lodfg
"m "l'v8 wnrVeti for t'c to
tit nt t'm rntnmnnlt v nt Ire:
never has any project been under-
Death Closes Historic Career of
Kamal Ataturk, Creator of Modern
turkey and Nation's First President
ISTANBUL, Nov. 30. (AP)
Kamal Ataturk, 58, creator anil
first president of modern Turkey
who lived hard and ruled hard,
died today of cirrhosis of the liver.
Ataturk lived hard. He often
worked or listened to musicians all
night, for many years he was a
chain cigarette smoker, a marthon
coffee drinker and celebrated often
with champagne and rnkl liquor,
which was banned for British
troops In Palestine during the
World war.
He ruled hard as the iron-fisted
"grey wolf" who forged a strong
new westernized state out of the
war-crushed ruins of the Ottoman,
Aide May Be Successor.,
Turkey, strategically placed, be
tween east and west in a rapidly
changing world, quickly and sadly
sought his successor.
Abdul ITalik Ren da, president of
the national assembly, -assumed
the Interim presidency while a
government proclamation announc
ed immediate convocation of the
assembly to elect a new chief ex-'
ecutive. The assembly was expect
ed to meet tomorrow.
General I a met Inonu, the "mili
tary bookkeeper'" who was premier
tor 13 of the 15. years that Ataturk
headed lb,e state and was a Hie-long
collaborate. of the president, was
expected to be chosen;- s.
The streets of Istanbul were
CATHLAMET. Wash... Nov.. 10
(API A coroner's jury here yes
terday recommended Clarence Kim
ball, 72, who allegedly fired a shot
which falally injured Alvin And
erson, 4(i, Deep Itiver rancher Sun
day, be tried on manslaughter
charges Coroner Doumit announc
ed today.
Kimball will be held In jail with
out ball pending the filing of
charges, Doumit said.
Anderson died in a hospital Mon
day of a gunshot wound Inflicted
during a bunting expedition along
Sisson creek near Deep luver.
Kimball was an employe on Ander
son's ranch. . -
Six bandits armed with subma
chine gun, shotguns and revolvers
hold up n Railway Express Agency,
Inc., truck driver and Ins Helper
at a mid-city station early today,
and fled in an automobile.
Their loot was 26 bags of cancel
led checks. "
taken that the community has not
been thought of.
Before this Community Chest
project wus undertaken the lodge
went to the central governing
body of the city of Roseburg,
namely the honorable mayor and
city council, and obtained from
them their unanimous approval
and we believe that every civic or
ganization in the citv of Roseburg
is an auxiliary to Roseburg. The
Junior chamber of commerce was
elad to give their apnroval. Why
rffrl the Senior chamber fail to.
thev were asked first?
We could relate manv past activi
ties, of our lode which have been
for the unselfish advantage of
Roseburg community, and many
citizens point to them with- -nride.
In summary of the above, let us
The Community Chest Is for
emrtrgecv relief;
Th rommunttv Chest is not for
salaries of any kind;
vour Cnmmnnttv Chest dollar
will not he divide,! between tbe
needv and anv group It will nil
ntraieht. tn the needv. The
Eap'es lode has bonded officers
(n rharf of all monies.
In the future, let us have nil
c-ivic. organizations work tofrpbr
"ml cut out nettv personalities for
tb rood of Rnpnhnre.
Vnitrft fnf p better community
1e fHctfon.
Mn. MrCOY. President.
pp ?r
F. O.
Kama! Ataturk
thronged with saddened Turks
mourning the man who gave them a,
new national consciousness. -
Most Turkish leaders, whether
approving of Ataturk's dictatorial
(Continued on page 6)
All Wounded in Fight, One
Later Dying; 2 Officers
Also Hit by Bullets. .
NASHVILLK. Tenn., Nov. 10. .
(AP) One of six-' convicts who
kidnaped two officials and escap
ed from the Tennessee peniten
tiary today died of" gun wounds
about three hours after he and Ifis
companions were recaptured.
Millard Kdinomls of Chattan
ooga died in the prison hospital
where he nnd the five other pri
soners were curried.
' Deputy, Warden' C. C. Woods
seized In his office inside the pri
son walls, was wounded seriously
either by the escaping Inmates
ufter they had fled penitentiary
grounds in a truck or in a gun bat'
tie with ofricers. Utte hope was
held for his recovery. The other
kidnaped officer also was wound
ed. ' . .
M. A. Warren, assistant chief of
said about twenty ofricers discov
ered the prison truck about a mile
the state highway highway patrol,
from the penitentiary and opened
fire when the convicts kept going.
"We shot It out with them." he
said, "and they slopped only when
we shot them all down. I think
their guns were emptied by that
Deputy Warden C. C. Woods and
his assistant. Captain II. Sampson,
were the officials wounded when
the prisoners holding them were
shot. They were taken to the pri
son hospital where the seriousness
of their condition was not immed
iately determined.
The stab wounds of Guard Strick
land were reported as serious.
Guards Dick Smith and Toliey, also
lied up. were not injured.
A seventh prisoner, Hilly Mayo,
a trusty and driver of the truck
captured by those escaping, was
forced to aeconinany the six beyond
the prison walls. .Mayo serving
a murder sentence, returned to
(Continued on page 6.)
Buyers scrambled for turkeys for
shipment today at the season's
best prices.
Top quality toms brought 20-21
and best hens 21-22 cents. The
prices to retailers were about a
cent above the buying value.
Produce company representatives-said
the market was "very
healthy" and growers were sell
ing more freely. About 60 per
cent of the crop will be suld before
Thanksgiving, they predicted.
Armistice To :
Be Observed
By Roseburg
Program for Day Included
Parade, Memorial, Ball,
Sports, Feed; Good J
Weather Looms. j
American Legion committees aiv
ranging for celebration of Armis
tice day in Roseburg tomorrow,
were heartened this morning by the
report from the local office of the
U. S. weather bureau that there 1
lfttlp nrnneet of viti to t'1"
Stores Will Close
Armistice day will be observed
as usual in Roseburg as a com
plete holiday. All business,
houses, public offices, banks.'
etc., will be closed all day. The
Roseburg News-Review will pub
lish as usual, but its edition will
nppear at a slightly earlier time.
eventB scheduled; for the day. Fog
in the morning, is predicted, with
clearing weather later, but with
cool temperature. '
Observance of the holiday will
"start with a parade at 10 a. in,
ThiH will form at the armory nnd
puss thtvugu the business district.
It will he disbanded at Hunt's In
dian theater, -where the Memorial
program will follow immediately.
(The prognuh will feature special
lyvtsic, .vacflU selections . .by : Vera
McClintock -Jones' and an address
by Harris Ellsworth, editor of tho
Roseburg News-Review.
Kx-service men of the county will
enjoy a feed ut the armory during
the noon hour. A small charge will
be made per plate to cover the cost,
of the feed. -
2 Grid Games Billed
The nfternoon will be given over
to sports at Finlay field. Two foot
ball games are scheduled, together
with numerous contests for the
(Continued on page 6.)
( AP) A man whose ''nice
led to his failure to rob a hank was
found dead In his city .prisun cell
today nnd Pollen Sergt. Patrick
.Menhau said he had hanged him
self. Mcahan .said the man had identi
fied himself as David E. Woods,
:IS, a sheep ranch owner from
He walked in the American Trust
company office here yesterday,
Mcahan said, and attempted to rnh
the bank of $20,000. Hut the hank
official, Impressed by Woods' "nice
face," easily captured him..
Woods was taken to the city
prison and lodged in what jail at
taches call "suicide cell." The
other occupant was Frank Lopez,
Sergeant Mcahan heard I-opcz
scream early today and found
Woods had tied a heavy belt to a
chain on the bunk, stuffed a hand
kerchief in his mouth, and then
rolled from the bunk.
Frank Crone, youthful killer,
committed suicide in the same cell
two years ago by identical means.
(AP) Sen. Frederick Van Nuys,
democrat, appeared re-elected to
day in his close contest with Ray
mond iv Wfills, Angola republi
can. Van Nuys had a lead nf
more than 2,000 votes with only
Haltered nrecincts in counties in
which he has been running ahead
yet to report.
LA GRANDE, Nov. 10. (AP)
Jesse Philips was indicted by a
grand Jury yesterday on charges of
first degree murder and assault
with intent to kill.
Philips was arrested In connec
tion with the fcital shooting of
Frank Bryant und the wounding of
Mrs. Elsie Carlson, the alleged
outgrowth of a quarrel with Mrs.
Dismissal Of
LD; Morgan
Case Asked
Dist. Attorney Long Acts on
Self-Contradiction of
Girl; J. Kikendall's
Parole Desired.
A motion to dismiss an Indict
ment against Leslie Dan Morgan,
of Eugene, charged with rape, and
a statement that a parole, will he
recommended for James Kikeu
dall, indicted jointly with Morgan
and now imprisoned fn the state
penitentiary following conviction
on a rape charge, was made to
day by District Attorney J. V.
Dismissal of the action against
Morgan was recommended by the
district attorney because of con
flicting statements made by Pa
tricia Miner. 14-year-ohl star wit
ness for the state.
Declaring in the motion filed
with tlie circuit court here today,
that the girl bad denied to her
fathm that Morgan committed the
net charged against him, the dis
trict attorney said in tho formal
statement to the court:
"The prosecutrix and complain
ing witness upon being questioned
by Miss Agnes M. Pitchford, the
juvenile officer of Douglas county,
and myself, on the 9th nnd the
10th day of November. 1938, made
manv statements which were con
tradictory and entirely different
from. the. .atiitemenUr-miid. evidence
given bv the said prosecutrix and
complaining witness before, tho
grand jury of Douglas county, audi
previous statements made to my-i
self and othnr law enforcing offi
cers; that afler having compared
her previous statement a with her
evidence and statements now made
.and afte- carefully considering
and weighing her evidence. I
of the opinion that her evidence
at a trial wonhl bo Insufficient t
warrant a jury in returning a vor
(Continued on pneo 3.)
Northwest Will Eventually
Quit 'High' Rate Paying,
Secretary Asserts.,
Secretary Ickes predicted today the
entire Pacific northwest eventually
would switch to public power rather
than "keep on paying high rates to
private utilities."
Ho said results of public power
district elections In Washlnglon
slate Tuesday Indicated "the
swing has already started."
Of 14 proposals tn create public
power districts for the distribution
of Honncvlllc dam power, Ickes
said 7 had been uccepted with large
"When the (lino comes to expnnd
the distribution systems of Bonne
ville dam, and wheu-Ornuil Coulee
dam comes into production, the
people in many of the districts
which turned down the proposals
Tuesday will very likely be ready
for a change," he said.
"When the people in one district
find the people in a neighboring dis
trict are getting cheaper power
front n public pbtnt they are going
lo subscribe to the program."
"People are not going to dig
down In Iheir pockets to pay more
for power just to please private
utility companies. Therefore, I
have no doubt, the northwest Is go
ing lo get behind the public power
movement r'tid there will be a great
demand for cheap public power in
the near future."
IN N. Y. BY 67,330
NKW YOrtK. Nov. 10. fAI'l
DiKtrlrt Attorney Tltomnft Dewey
cut Governor Herbert Lehman's
final election plurality 2?,u votes
to ti7,?.:t) today fn complete re
turns from Lewis county, the IuhI
outstanding district.
Th" unofficial final total vote
for governor was:
Lehman 2.33,;s$.
urwe to
Returns Hoist
GOP Lead In
Oregon Race
Triumph Over New Deal's
Candidates Gets Added
Emphasis From New
. PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 10.
(AP) The voice of Oreeon voters
nnd the trumpeting of resurrected
rcpuimrun niepnmu .were iihiis-
Itngulshuble today ns returns.pour
od In from lli02 of the stnte's IBS!
precincts, giving republicans nil hut
one niujor office.
New- dcnl candidates. Including
those endorsed by the administra
tion and ono personal friend of the
Roosevelt family. Tell beroro me re
publican march of power.
Only Representative Waltor M.
Pierce, staunch now deal democrat
anil former Oregon governor, sur
vived the slide by defeating U. S.
llalontlne In the second congres
sional district. I'lnrce hold a mar
gin of 31.0112 to 25,503 in 400 of the
415 precincts. '
Charles A. Sprngtio, conscrvntlve
progrosslvo republican nnd editor of
the Salem Statesman, forged far
thor to .thai faro with n total of
200.002. Henry h. Hoss, Sprugue's
democratic opponont who was on-j
dorsed by Interior Secretary Ickes!
polled 144,764 votes. ; . .
HuIus '.C. Holnum '.(R.)-thumped
Willis Mnlionoy, (O.) Who boie new
deal endorsomont, rlOO.030 to 364,
751 for tho long-term V. Si Benator
shlp . . : . !
Alex G. Hurry (H.) won tho short
term senatorial sent froni Robert A.
Miller (D.) 170.005 to 1.41.609. . .
Representative Nan Wiood Honey
mnn (1).). norsonal friend of the
"'"'president's family, was toppled In
the third (Mullnoinajl county) uis
trlct by Homer I). Angell (R.), (il,
082 to 57,443 In 30S of 43S precincts.
In the first district, James W.
Mott R.) incumbent representa
tive, polled a tremendous lend of
114,257 in S04 of S28 precincts
against Andrew C. Ilurk (11.), new
dealer, who drew 47.3KG.
Putnam Wins Out.
Other results:
Secretnrv of State Earl Snell R.)
2S1.K02; Kmlly F. Krison (I).) 64.527.
State School Superintendent Ilex
(Continued on page 3.)
flUANTR PASS, Nov. 10. (AP)
The Hlale highway, department
today diacouruKed travel from the
Hoaue river valley to Klamath
county by way of Crater lake na
tional park.
The road was open but there
was Ii0 Inches of snow at Annie
SprlngH. Snow blocked the 'road
from Annie Springs to the rim.
Kfforta were being made during a
continuing ntorm to open it
The Diamond lake highway watt
shut today, probably for the win
ter, from its junction with the Cra
ter hike hluhwny'to The Dallea
Ciiliroruta highway.
Snow wnK being plowed from
summits of the (Ireensprlugn high
way. Ashland to Klamath Falls.
Sands wun applied to slippery sec
tions of the Pacific hfghwuy north
of Grants Pass. A thin routing or
snow on the mountain pusses
north was followed by ocruslonal
freezing rain.
The first snowfall of the season
left a 30-lm-h covering at Diamond
lake and six Inches at Hlg Camas,
according tn word this morning nt
tho local office of the Cmp'imi na
tional fnj-PHt. Snow started fulling
yesterday und continued today.
KUGKNK. Nov. 10. (AP) Wil
liam W. Ilarcombe. Kugene attor
ney, was convicted of uttering a
Toigcd check endorsement here
late Wedncsduy afternoon by a
circuit court. Sfntrnce was pont
pnni'd fn th" cuxe Ibis inoruinu by
f'lri'ult .lmlg Skipwortb v.'he.i
Harcombe'H attorney filed a mo
tion for a new trial.
G. O.P. Launches k
Regain Presidency
Election at Glance
(Uy tho Associated Press)'
Now Senate Democrats HS,
republicans 23, farmer-lnboi 2,
progressive 1, independent 1
(ono in doubt). Necessary for
majority -19.
Net senate chunge Republi
can gain of 8; democratic loss
of 8.
New House Democrats 261,
republicans 117, progressives 2,
farmer-labor 1, (four In doubt).
Necessary for majority, 218.
Not house change Republican
gain of 78; democratic loss of
70; progressive loss of (i; farmer-labor
loss of 3.
Democratic governors 30; re
publican IS.
Not change Itcpublicnn gain
of 11; democratic loss of 9; pro
gressive loss of 1; rarnter-labor
Iosh of 1. . ,
Driver of Auto in Deady
Tragedy Claims He Had
Mental Lapse. '
A plnn of "not Rtillty by reason
o( Insanity" waH entered In circuit
court hero this morultiB by William
Mayor, Blde-.'ly MaiRluleld resident,
who wuu arrestou and Indicted. on a
"ciraiW)", of ..Involuntary uttinijlaUBh
tor 'followliiK an autoindbllo' acci
dent nt Deady, Oct. 22, In which
Mi', and Sirs. "Allen K.' Moore; of
KoaeburK Wtiro finally Injur.od.
Mayor's trial Is Bet for the circuit
court term which opens here next
Monday", r i . ;. ; ,i ' (
uMayer, provlouB to tho highway
trassody, had been charged by his
wife with assault and battery, ac
cording to Sheriff 1'ercy Wobib,
who was told by, Mrs. Mayor, ho
said, that Bho had been benton by
her hushund and put out of, the cur
ut Oakland, OruKOiij '
Tho MnrshOuld man, District At
torney J. V. LoiiB reported., clnlms
lo huvo suffered n mental lapse and
declares ho remembers nothing of
tho aliened trouble with his. wife
nor of the Occident which followed.
ltOMK.- Nov. 10. (AP) Tho
appointment, of Prince Aacnnlo
Oolonna an nmbaasador to tho
United Stutes was officially an
nounced loiluy. .
The prince, who has been .rep
resentliiK Italy on tho Internation
al commission for the control of
KKyptiuu loans,, has been n dis
tinguished 'diplomat for 30 or his
5(S years.
Ills' family was one of the two
most powerful, ltoman, families in
tho middle ant's ami ban held no
ble rank 1,000 years. 'Its . mem
bers huve included a pope Mar
tin V; In tlie ITilb century many
cardinals, soldiers and scientists.
Two members of I ho sewer emer
gency repair crew searched for a
$9!i0 diamond yesterday and found
two hits.
' A woman reported loss of the
diamond- In
er drain. It.
rlug down a sew-
T. KlkhiB worked
from one mnnhnie and John Cunne
from another. Neither found the
ring out MKiiis came up wltn two
dimes and a nickel.
Burning of Ballots Prior to Count
Throws Pi. Townsend Into Dilemma
I'OllT TOWNKKNI), Wasb., Nov.
10 ( A Pi liecaiiHO Mf, rl(y pri
mary ballots wi'io Inadvertently
burncil befnn? Ibcy wore counted,
I'ori TowiiHcntl voters Wondered
todny who. If anyone, wiim noinfn
itled for mayor and wltat'a to be
done it bout It.
Tin; ballot bonflro occurred elec
tion illicit In the fifth product.
Volen cast (bore totaled 217 and.
contrary tn county ob'ction board
fnKtnirtlniiH. pull oTMHnlH counted
the ItiHt batch of 101 city primary
lml lot h before atarling tho general
cle'-flon tabulation.
The oilier 116 city ballots wore
mlHHlns when sought later, and It
Blows Dealt
New Dealers
I Vandenburg Man to Down,
Farley Says; Standard
Bearer Material Is.
Being Eyed.
By the Associated Press
The democratic and republican
! parties beKnn a two-venr struKKle
for power today as the aftermath
of political upheavals in Tuesday's
elections. '
With H new governorships, eiRh.t
new sennto seats nnd at least 78
more house seats firmly in their.
arrasp, republicans turned from bal
lot counting with the avowed inten
tion of trying to take . over the.
presidency In 1940, , .
DemocrntR. characterizing many
of their losses as Inevitable casual
ties to Hoosevelt coat-tall riders.'
minimized republican claims of
widespread uutl-now deal sent!- .
ment. They were equnlljr deter:
mined to use all tho vast resources
at their coinmand to continue, na
tional domination beyond the next
two years.
Van Nuys Forget Ahead'' 1
There was only one major raco
not definitely 'decided today and
and that appeared to Be going lo
a democrat, This contest was In
Indiana where' Ren, Frederick Vim
Nuys "TOT lMOulled sltghtlv uliead
of Haymond B. Willis (ft).'. Tho '
few unreported precincts . are lo
cated In. counties In which - tho
democrat has been tunning ahead.
After a see-saw battle Sen. -Guy
M. Gillette ( D)' apparently hnd won
re-bloctlon .In Iowa where revisions
of unofficial vote tabulations In
creased his lead over former Sen.
Lester J. .Dickinson (R). - -
Aside from these, the. IntoBt re
turns rrom the 47 state elections
gnvo this picture of the overturns:
G.O.P, Qalnt .Summarized
Republicans who wont into the
campaign with only seven gover
norship enmo out with IS. - Of
those won Tuesday,- nine 'previous
by a fhrmer-lnborito and one by a
by a furmerlaborlte an done bya
The ballot harvest gave the re
publicans U sonato scatB. Includ-
(Continued on nace 61
Col, Fulgonclo llatlstn, on' IJIs
first trip away from Cuba, step
ped from a train today into the
middle of n grade A Washington
diplomatic and military reception.
The Cuban nrmy bend' was greet-
ed with handshakes by army slatr
officers, bended by Gen. Mnlln
Craig.- Sumner Welles, timrersec-
como of the civil branch of . tho
United Stntes government. ;
A troop of cavalry ' from Fort
Myer. Va Blood at salute for tlio
arrival of llatlstu's train nt the
Utile used presidential entrance to
the union stnlion.
Alighting, Batista flashed a brll-
limit smile and responded to each
greeting In Spanish.
ihen, the Cuban colonel nnd his
pnrty were escorted to the Cuban
'embassy by the cavalry and
heavy police escort.
waa discovered n poll official had
Hhoved them Into a atove.
On the baHis of returns from six
other city precincts Harry Hlrtzler,
incumbent, waa lend In r Edward.
Qucnell by 2 votes for the mayor
alty nomination. . ,
The situation today summed up
thia -way:
Queue II said he would demand a'
complete new city prlmnry.
The election board announced' it'
would auk an opinion from tho
stato attorney Mineral. .
Auditor Harry I). Anderson, de
feated for reelection, xahl he had
decided to enter the fire insurancyf