ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. R05EBURC, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1938. SEVEN - For Your Convenience TbrMe Doimlaii Vvunty Kioit Mill take Uuut Ad of OS ClliVKH'S MAUKI-T Hutlicrlln STEAUNS A CHKXOWETH Unklund STUN A K bill IIKUG CO. . . Vuuealla MvUO.NAl.I) ST ORB K Ik. ton IIKIIAUU'S Imiigua CL1DU Sl'OUE Glide I. D.. NICHOLS . llruekway noui:i,is sxorb Ten mile b. it. iiiTciu:n cu. Caw mm Yulli-y ELLISON & KLLISON IHIInrd HEVVOL11S A: ADAMS .Myrtle Creek BlU.UtfTHKBT'8 III ddle iE.M.(;i:tt'9 CuiiyonvlUe HUNMNtiHIt'S ( lr it tin I e DAYS CHUHK STOHIC Dny Creek The nlittre Biuret will nccept ml n rid (myinent for them. Junt tvll the inert-limit llMtvd nbovet 'l nil nt I (i iii t mi ail I u t ho XeivM-UvvU'iv" ami he will tuke cure of ull the details for you. NEWS-REVIEW t f v Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First Insertion, per word 2c Each subsequent Insertion per word lc One week, per word.- One month, per line J1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. ni. of the day of publication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility tor and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the classified columns, lioaders are urged to. make full in vestigation before sending money ta response to advertisements. ' The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classiiication. FRECKLES AND HIS 1 CAM ' :J'M- wot T' rAM Pvpu rz.iitz vAn ttcK Some of BEING HELD CAPVVS- ..." MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE WELL I'M GLAD TO SEE ( UH-OH.' 1 FEEL Lfltf THE- CAPTAIVJ IS FULLY I A RELAPSE J RECOVERED.' ( XAlk)e OW ' S BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 3osn 1 io sorec LOL o tE. WASH TUBBS (MX VOUR-LETTERS ARE RETURNED UWCPEWt'D, rwi. iib.n, r 11 1 TbniN T'JWK 6UL UEVER WAMTS TO SEE VOU. HADttT ninm VOU BETTER fclVE To get in touch with advertis ers glviiig as their address "Box so and so, care News-Re vie w," It is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are. either. Livestock WE still huvb a few choice reg istered Jersey bulls, the Sybil strain (L. A. Hulbert, Independ ence world record strain) four months to year and one-half. Al so have two bulls of the Holger strum. McNutt Brothers, 351 & E. U'dway, Eugene, Oregon.' Pnone 221. FOR SALE Three good milk cows, two fresh, one soon; heif er, fresh soon; 18 months bull; sow, eight pigs; G. P. John Deere tractor; two-bottom plow. Overland Orchards, Garden Vul ley road, A. B. Esoley. FOR SALE Eleven purebred Cor rietlale rams, two years old. Ex1 tra large, fine individuals (the flock formerly owned by A. E. Brock way of Mcdford). Prictf 515.00 and 520.00. E. J. Elmore, Applegate, Oregon. ONE span horses, 1300 pounds, eud one span 1200 pounds. Price and age right. Tom Short, Myr tle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Work horses and sad dle horses, one set used harness. Priced right. At Sutherlin Sale Stable. WANTED Feeuer hogs and wean ers. Will pay cash or trade grain. Write J. A. Rhoads, Days Creek. FOR SALE One male calf, week old, broken to drink, $1.00. F. M. Curtis, 702JI. FOR SALE 8 weaner pigs, Chea ter White hoar. Bolsinger, Win chester. ' FOR SALE Weaner pigs, $3.00 each.' Ralph Little, Anchor, Ore. FRESH Jersey cow and calf. Fred Fisher, phone 2tiF3. FRIENDS Ppovf roA - v7 m't our. sksnals ' HE'S SOKl.yoO UND w TOOWV --VOO 'E.Rt TWE OH, IF ILL I COULD SOME UPf GIVE UP, WOUL0 art. rr THE DEPTHS OF k N7 1 V mm : . Hay and Grain FOR SALE 15 ton fine oats and vetch hay, $12.00 ton. Take all. Louis Eggleton, Oakland, Ore gon. FOR SALE 14a lea out. and vetch hay. T. E. Duncan, phone 14-F-2. FOR SALE Cheat seed, 40c per busheL R. A. .Moore, Days Creek. Automobile SACRIFICE Okiamobile club coupe. Radio, heater, excellent rubber, perfect condition. Seo this car if you want a good buy. No salesman's commission or garage fees. Must sell- 119 North Jackson or 760 East Lane. 2S PONT1AC sedan. Must be sold before Tuesday evening. Leav ing town. 314 S. Stephens. Chiropractor bcioutuic tiuuipmeut. MCM A X-iiay ' Dr. Scot 1 ol a, Poi kino Bide. Help Wanted WANTED Woman or girl to do general housework for two. In quire 230 South Rose. Real Estate 13 ACRES 1-mile town. G room, semi-modern house, good out buildings, electricity, running water. 5 acres, 5-room house, good water, electricity. These priced lews than cost of build ings. BRUCE CO., MYRTLE CREEK, OREGON. FEDERAL Land Banx farms. In quire at tho NatioLal Farm Loan offxe, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. Business Opportunities MEN, WOMtiN MAKE $30 WEEKLY growing mushrooms for us, cellar, shed. Year around. Write today. Free book. West ern Mushroom Co., Dept. D 5, Portland, Oregon. The I1 iir 2.4 FORMATlOM RIGHT I 1 X TAKE THB BALL , THE LEFT 1 I HALP3ACK BLOCKS OUT THE OPPOSINS J I I ii END .' X FAKE A PASS , BUT" S PLEASE SO, JACK- VEAHl OU REALLY i ' LOOK m QUITE WEAK.' I BiT PALE YOUE MO, BOT VtAWO T THt TOAiVi '.fOtWOMt. VOK'b VOO 0bT t A ik i umu nk'r voi vut - X . OVN VSIVO'c. CAR. OOT OWLV GIFTS COST V.0EV, THINKA , AND THECS'S 6IFT THAT ONLVSIO BETWEEN EXPRESS US AND STARVATION! UVVC. X Rental 5-ROO.M house, fu.t concrete base ment, turuace, garage. Keudy Ipr itumuuiaie occupancy. See ftome UOUtiei, N. JUCKSOU, run itbNT 5-room modem plas tered house. Newly decorated. Close to lowu. inquire lul West Doug 13 street. UAUAOtt tor runt. Across Main street from Kohlhugeu Apart ments, liojt 467, c-o News-Ko-vi ow. FOR RENT Nicely luruisued apartment, either one, two oi turee rooms. J. M. Judd. BELTONtA Modern, furnished 3 room and bum apartment. Tile sinks. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. MODERN 4-room house, sleeping porch, basement and garagu. In quire U-iO Winchester street. UU KENT Modern 3-room fur nished house. ElQctric range. Closo in. Roy E. Bellows. LOVELY room fireplace, private bath, furnace heat, garage, walk ing distance. Phone 12-L. LARGE, pleasant, front room. Fur nace heat. Reasonable. Walking distance. Phone 12-L. NICELY furnished 3 or 4-room apartment. Electric range. Gar age. Inquire !M0 Winchester. FOR RENT Partly furnished house, $6.00. Braughton, Miller's Addition. CLEAN, 3-room apartment. Lights, water. $15.00. Adults. 520 Steph ens. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room house. Inquire 875 Hoover street, FURNISHED house, 3 rooms and bath. 401 North Jackson. KOULHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Pbone 550. UNFURNISHED house. Lumber & Fuel Co. Tage Wrong Argument Jack Didn't Know . r J . ILl I I UOCCMERE- J JACK, PLEASE- S QUICK ( :f1 I I. ..THAT IS... r-J. ,r J I ssu to- it ill . I I Nothing to It CIKSL VAOVO.. f ... VOrttWE. D0 VOO GET To "BOV A OW ', . OvDKi T Bov . VOKS 50S"V OOW.MG AT CAW The Censorship SUT VOU DON'T KMOW WOT THIS WEANS TO ME, EASY. I JbtTT GOTTA BIW .llUDul In,, J- urv i nnv :v; win FCRNl.SHED irst;flo'qr apartment. Furnace heat,' hot and cold wa ter, garage, laundry, drying room, inside and out. b26 South Main. ONE 4-room furnished House. 4 room furnished flat. Phone 222-R or call 517 South Stephens. APA KTM ENT 3 rooms. Phono 42. 424 Flood street. 2-RoOM furnished apuriuienu 112 Brockway. Miscellaneous DON'T destroy your and worthless stock. Wo H' the pbone call. Ros&burg By Pro- ' ducts. Phone 62-F-X2. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. Unipqiu Dairy Phone 38. SEWING, mending and sewing as sistance. 214 North Main. .' ARUNDEL -Piano tuner. Ph. 189-L Lost and Found STRAYED from my ranch in Looklugglass, about two weeks ' ugo, our small, light red heifer calf. Finder please notify A. A. Jacoby. LOST Gold belt buckle. "C. P. C." on gravel road between senior . high and 1038 Corey avenue. Re jward. tilu-J. LOST Dark red hound, since Fri day. Answers "Lady." Reward. 612 W. Lane. Fuel 12", 14", 16" OLD growth fir. Spe cial price this, mouth. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth. Camas Valley. GET your vtod at Rosoburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-iuch and 4-foot. FOR SALE 1G" oak block wood. John Marks, phone 5SF4. F Them we huddle COME OUT RUN OFF K-ia To THE R.I3HT, ON A FAKE REVERSE THAT DRAWS IN BOTH ENDS AND WINDS - UP IN A LATERAL. .' X TAKE OUT .THE OPPOSINS FULLBACK I wSiiic. u. S TT. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll THIS ISM'T SURPEISIklG. MB. LAklE-. AFTER ALL SHE'S BEEk) THROUGH- AMD THEM TO IWSIST HER BLOOD FOB. I THAT TRAMS- r7S? ti FUSIOM AUO . tttG6tO ME CAKi OO AWU- -OA , VOO k n ("LWEfc, V4THE OFRCEOF THE PAUAZULAM LJcCz-OCT " J l W !- L. I Vj-KM mta POLICE.. SHALL I. RETURW THEE?; IMTACT. LIKE THE LETTERS, EES A BOX OF f OH SEW0BTA N IT 1-CiCiyV t-ii nuru 1- if (nuT fLCNlT For Sale Miscellaneous MUFKLERSi MUFFLERS! Why worry about your muffler when you cau get a guaranteed muf fler for the life of your car at Sarft's Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. FOR SALE 3 share of Btack in Al pine lodge. Mrs. Elizabeth Troetscher, 6001 Second Aye-, Los Angeles, California, FOR SALE New washing ma chine, oil circulating heatei $33.00 discount each. 112. Brock way. WALL paper for sale 50 dis count for rest of 11(38. Papering, painting and kalsominiug. Her man Schulze, Brockway. Phone 2F41. 1 U R K E Y S Broi lers , d russed to order. M. II. Doering, Box 461, Roseburg. FOR SALE Dalltuoun and Spltucn burg apples. P. E, Beaver, mile south E clou bow or school. FOR SALE Fresh sawdust from Deady mill. Call Deun-Gerret-sen, phono 128. FOR SALE Small sawdust burn er, complete with heater, $20.00. Phono 121. FOR SALE Quaker circulating oil stove. P. O. Box 604, Rose burg. BRING us your hides for best prices. Roseburg Poultry. WANTED Wool and mohair. Roseburg Poultry. Work Wanted YOUNG man, dependable, wauls work, room, board and small wages. Farm preferred. Bo.x 475, c-o News-Review. Wanted WANTED 3-bottmn, 14-lnch Oli ver plow. O. C. Stauwood, Ouk land, Oregon. By Merrill Blosser A MBHTY FU(JNV WAY TO SO ABOUT PROVIN' YOU AIN'T CRAZY OFF- OJ DOWATIkJCj J )- By Edgar Martin V TO.Q TVtM WHO J ACXOPV.Y TO Tftvte. AM FOR HERE' J I I CG-jl.J93B.BXL'tA.SEnVIC. IfC,, T. REO-.U. ..PAT. OF' By Roy Crane CAPTAIM? 1 CAMOy lAtKEE. itA Du -rln it ir-r. ll ICETURVJ ITOPEUE BV IAISTAVCE " y ' STEV UP. IAE- EXPERT SERVICE When Then' 6omthlng You Want Don 8EE AN EXPERT ....... Ths firm, ana Individual, lilted below specialize In their work. See them for expert ervice. You ehould profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Mala SL AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. K. Brown, 121 N. Stepa. Ph. 104. AUTO HEPAIRINQ Alba Spaugh's Oarage, i! W. Oak etreuU Pboue SOS. BarLley ft FuocDer, 126 No. Rose. Ph. 43S. AUTO WRECKING Doyle Bros. (21 N. Jaoluoa. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH yV'jodcock & Fogol, Itosoburg. CAR WASHING M Newman, 121 N. Stoplioaa SL RADIO REPAIRING C. II. Miller, Huilio Doctor, CIS No. Juckaou SL Ph. 1(17-11. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Hoseburg Eleotrko, phoue 123. FLUE CLEANING J. C. llowley. Phoue 1113. BAKERY Caylur'a lliikeiy. Phono lilB J. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Caseboor, 616 Fowler St. 1TDK to Minneapolis. Share es pouses, driving. Curl Peterson, Winchester. WANTfciU Cleuu, COTTON. rKS. ' No buttons, snaps, etc. ItOSIC UUKU NEWS-UHVIBW. WANTED' Svcoudhiuid office desk. Must be suutid mul u bar gain. Box 471. co Nows-Ueviow. Dentistry OIL Q. W. MarsbiUL Med. A. Bldg POULTRY FOH SALE 100 choice Huinpshlre Ited pullets, luylug well. Also. '2t Studebuker couch, sell cheap or oxebungo for HvOBtock. O. A. Howe, on highway utllo north Wilbur. NOTED QUARTETTE , , ENTERTAINS HERE Tho "Ilavan of Huh." nuilo quiir IctUi. noti'd kokix'I aliiKOi'H, on tor liiiiK'd lliroo Iui'ku audlenceH in KnHobtii'K lynt nlKlit and tndiiy. Tho KosobuiK ainioi y wan ciowdod lant nlKht as tho Rionp, hoard roRiilnrly over K UN It thmimh tho Mutual UroadcaHtliiK HyHtom, prOBOiitod a public program. Tho concorL at tho armory waa followed with an appearance Tor an ovorDow audi ence at tlio l'roHbytorlan church. ThroiiKh tho courtpBy of Hunt's Indian thcalor, tho public was per Roseburg Undertaking Co. Established 1901 M. E. RiTTER, Manaoor Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 600 Oak and Kane 8t. W'fC Wallace A. RAPP ft' A ' i a J -"At 1 "MiH'H1ll'riTfT'll-L,l n Till It is 'not more laws ihnt we need, birit more people, more capital, and more energy. ' I will work for the development of Douglas County's resources Mills, Payrolls, Irrigation aivd Transportation. i Have Ihc endorsements of llic CXJUNTY COUNCIL OK TOWNSF.ND CLUBS and RAILROAD HROTI ll'.R 1 IOOD LEGISLATIVE LEAGUE OF OREGON. Vote 29 X Wallace A. Rapp., for Representative (!M. Adv.) LOCKSMITH Paciflo Key Ser. 222 W. Oak SL UPHOLSTERING Gomos. UphoUL 604 Jack. Ph. lliL REFRIGERATION SERVICE B. C. Jones, Phone 13B L. 8HEET METAL WORK Sinulger'a, 444 N. Jackson SL TtRE RETREADING Ilealy's, 121 N. Stephens. I'D. 104. TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 823 No. Mam St. Phono 6S3-J. WEuDINQ lUbg. Weldiug Works. 609 N. Main. WATCH REPAIRING Alvtn Knuutson, 103 N. Jackson SI WHEEL ALIGNING Percy Croft. 332 N. Jackson. Phone 333. BEAUTY SALONS Kayo's Sulon of Uuiiuty. Complete ' beauty service. Ph. 211. 126 W. Cuss St. Pearl KawLouser, Mr, FENOER A BODY 8ERVICE Hose Garage, Lane & Hose. Phone mitted this morning to witness broadcast program from the theater Ktugo, Tho program waa taltou by remote control facilities of . station KRNIt and waa tmi' ia' station K0O3 at Marshfleld in addition to being broadcast .loyally. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINTS , URKIS Evn IiIb: against Robert Paul Kroitj; in a mod Nov. 1, lUiiT. ' at Stockton, Calif.; cruelty. LKCLUYSIO Cyrilla against Ac tio Leeluyao; inarrloil June H-l, 11)12, at Portland, Ore.; cruelty. DIVORCE DECREES , LENNOX Mildred train Wesley H. Lennox; married at -CorvuLUs, . Ore, May 22, 1921); cruelty. MARRIAGE LICENSES IIOLM-UUATTON Elton Orval Holm and Vera Theodora llratton, both residents of Suthorliii. LON(i-WILLIAMS CJooiKe II. Long, Koseburg, and Clmrlottu Fa ye Williams, Melrose. MILLEU-MOUI AN Hobcrl Vic tor Miller and Lois A lyd a Morlan, both nmidonts of Howeburp. Licensed Lady Embalmor (Rcqistcrcd Republican, was a wrlte-iu on Demo cratic ticket) Whether you are a Preacher, L a borer, Lawyer or , Farmer, let us get together and make Dorj;la3 County, Oregon, a Real Para-disc. of "V rr T. M. me. u s. r.ryiTaltS, I .0 B l)jlisil