TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1938 5CDCDEW Sociai Calendar Monday, November 7 -Dr. R. L. Dunn's nrm-denoni! na tional Bible Btuily class meeting ill 7:45 o'clock in evening at din ing room o( Douglas hotel, public, invited. Jioao P.-T. A. meeting at four o'clock In afternoon at K. S. null's room at Junior nigh scliool. Mrs. It: II. Mercer, presiden:. .Public invited to Rlverrdnlo grunge ball to attend 0:13 o'clock la-male supper and benefit five hfjndred card party to lie sponsor ed by Home Econointcs club. J"rizos. Executive board of Presbyterian Missionary society to meet at one o'clock luncheon at homo oi president, Mrs. Homer (How, on Cobb street. Fllllorton P.-T. A. meet lug at 4 o'clock In old school building with Airs. Clyde Carstens in charge. Discussion of ineusures by Attor ney Paul Geddos. Award of prize tQ room securing largest member ship. Program in charge of Mrs. Hugh Whipple. ;Lllac Circle No. 40, Neighbors or. Woodcraft business meeting at 7j 30 o'clock ill evening at I. O O. F. hall. Tuesday, November 8 "Coninio Vous Plalto club will meet ill nflernoou at home of Mrs Walter Singleton on East Doug las street. Inter-go Study club 1:30 o'clock lUisserl-llincheon at homo of Mis. W. M. Campbell. Paper on "Sculp- tnras" In charge of Sir, llrucc Mellls. Green P.-T. A. Study club oft- urnoou mcollug at lioiito o: Alrn. Fred A gee. -Budotiru club, Daughters of the Nile, ono o'clock no-hostess lunch con at homo of Mrs. lulo Stephens, Will sow for Shrine hospital. Mem bers asked to bring needles and thlniblcB. 1 M. E. Koyslono club members mill husbands to bold ( ; : : 1 0 o'clock politick supper at church par lors. 1 - II. E. O. club to meet lit 1:30 o'clock luncheon at home of Mrs. Harry Dobr un South Stephens street. Kcbekah lodge No. 41 to niecL at I. O. O. F. hall for election of uffieers. All members urged to bci present. Wednesday, November 9 : Laurel lodge No. III. A. F. and A. M. to meet at 7:30 o'clock in evening at Masonic temple. W. C. Harding to receive his rill-year pin Ail members urged to he prcHent. Pythian Sisters regular meet ing at 8 o'clock at K. of P. hall. Itivorsilale Happy Hour club aft ernoon meeting at huine of' Mrs. J. W. Smllh Jr. W. C. T. II. all-day meeting and t noon potluck luncheon at home ' q'f Mrs. I. C. Davis on South Main street. Devotions, Mrs. tlrace Pope. Ihislness meeting anil mem bers will new for Children's Fiirin Xlome at t'orvallis. Thursday, November 10 ' " Presbyterian Missionary society ijioellng nt 2:llo o'clock at homo or Miss Mnrgarol llalilwlu, Ml N. Knno. Mrs. limner (Irow in eliurgo. Mrs. Fred Fisher and Mrs. I,. 1,. Undie, assisting hos tesses. Mr. I,. Connelly, devo tions; Mrs. Carl Spaiildlng, pro grain on Slam, and Mrs. W. M fumpboll, report or Synndlcal n; eiiiHi'ton. Garden valley community Itivil d to seven o'clock dinner and Jiird-llllie party at Hie cllll'hqiiso. 1'hose not In hard-llnie costume Vlll be lined. " tireen P.-T. A. to meet In eve ning at sclionlhiiusc. Husliici.s meeting, Hocliil hour and roi'rcah Uienls. l.lldles or Counlry club to play bridge at MO a. in. at ohibhousi.. I'otluok luncheon at 12:30. Quali fying rounds to be played lor w In or gull" hauilicup loin-iuimcul, .Vealliei- penultting. In afierneiiii. lota Sigma club 7:30 lueoli.ig In fveniug at Herbert Giovch heme In Luurolwoiid with Mrs. droves and Miss Esther Spiers, host esses. I.ady Elks social meeting at S 6'clock at temple Willi Mrs. Albeit Jllcelll, hostess. Prizes lor con tract bridge ami rive hundred. Friday, November 11 Florence Nightingale lent No. 1." Iiniiglilers of Union Veleruns ir tlie Civil War, IStil-lstlS, incolhig St 7:30 o'clock in evening tit am'.. ry. , Choral cluh practice at lu o'clock in morning at Reaching Woman's clubhouse under the di rection of Mrs, Homer Crow. . Saturday. November 12 ' ltoseburg Woman's club service fjhop open from II to I o'clock al clubhouse, opposite Hunt's ludi u theatre , November 15-16 . Mrs.. F. W. Alorrlsons two-das (lit exhibit al Elks temple boll fooiu iiltcrnnohs from 2 lo f:3u and evenings from 7 to to o'clo, k. tiuall charge. . , November 16 . Methodist Episcopal Ladies Aid annual birthday dinner .it i;:3o O'clock al church pnrlois. Mrs. S Itaynor Smith and Mis. D. II Un bar in charge of ticket sale. HARD-TIME PARTY PLANNEO FOR COMMUNITY NEXT. THURSDAY NIGHT ' A" residents ot the Garden Val ley Community have been invited to iittcnd a seven o'clock pollock fllnner mid hard-time costume purlv Jio.U Tliursday night, November 10, at the Women's clitbroom. Those, not vcaiiuij hard hum cos tunics to the 1'Jity will be lined. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER PUBLIC INVITED TO M. E. AID BIRTHDAY UINNEH NOVtMUtK 16 iickois lor me unnual M. E. frolics Aid birthday dinner anil Iiriigruiu are now on sale with Mrs. a. uuyuor Smith and .Mrs. D. u. miliar as lichcl clialrmau. Tlie ulnner will bu u large allalr oi Woiliiesduy evening, November llilli, al six-lhiily o'clock at the Aletlioilist i-.piscupal cliurcli par lors. '1'lie general committee Included Mrs. P. T. llubar, ai-s. A. li. Tay lor, Airs. GranL o.sboru, Airs. E. C. Jones, Mrs. f. O. iticlill uiid Airs, li. D. McKay. Hostesses tor tlie affair include Mrs. John Weulherford, Airs. L. A. WellB, Mrs. it. W. Aiarsters, Airs. I.. 1-.'. Goodbouru, Airs. J. D. Os boin, Airs. Keiineih Ford, Mrs. Koscou Aliirsters, Airs. J. J. East lllis, Airs. C. ,M. Hugo, Airs. Walter Fisuer, Mrs, I. li. liidille. Airs. A. N. Orciill, Airs. Al. F. nice, Airs, li. A. Billion: Airs, George Chur- cliill, Airs. J. II. iiooih. Alts. Adrian I'isher, Airs. Frederick J. Poller, -Mrs. it. D. Coeli, .Mrs. E. J. Wuin- scolt, Airs. U. 1.. Whipple, Mrs. J. t.. Kent. Airs. Edv.ui Jlooth uild -Mrs. Paul CcddcB. Twelve birthday tables will he decorated by the hostesses. A light ed birthday cake will bo at each table and delightful features will be presented by Hie 11 birth months on Ihu program. Mrs. J. II, llalley anil .Mrs. E. A. Pettey are joint cmiirmcii ot the apron booth ill llckels for the dinner niusl be plirchased before the dute of the dinner, November Kith, Us no ilcueis will bo sold at the door. FRIENDLY BIBLE CLASS HAS POTLUCK SUPPER AND MEETING TUESDAY EVENING Tlie Friendly llihle class of the First 1'rcshytcrlaii church enjoyed ii ueiigniint potluck supper and meeting Tuesday evening, at which time Miss Vorua Curulhors was elected president; Mrs. William Chalmers, vlee-preslilent, ami Airs. Max Poiiulo, secretary-treasurer A program was nreseuted . hiding a luvely solo by Mrs. J, lioland Parker with Mrs. italnh Clark al Ihu piano, and vocal solos by Lowell Russell uccompanled ny .Mlfl. Pclllllo. Games were played with Miss t arotherB acting as chairman Those pi'usctil were Dr. and Mrs M. II. Itoach and children. Hobbv ivninricu and Holly, Mr. ami .Mrs. W. M. Chalmers, Mr. ami Mrs. George Ware and sou, llonald, Mr, and Airs. Alax t'euuiu, Mr. ami Airs. i-orry hinllli and sous, Albert and Leslie, Airs, Ralph Clark and sou, Hobby, and daughter, Ilarbara, -Mrs. J, Itolaud Parker. .Mrs. James .viaiildlng and children, .luck and Jean, Allss Kleuuor Sherk. Mrs. Lena Klattery am ilaiielilni- .-Vileue ami Marion, and son, Stew- irt, Airs. Harold Hollows. Airs. Hena llelhiK, Airs. Kaloll Kussell "id s Lowell, ami Itlcliard Aruii- lei. MISS IRIS RICE IS COMPLIMENTED AT LOVELY SHOWER PARTY Miss Iris Itlee. who became I lie bride of John I,. Lozler Salnrdav evening, was complimented nl a charming miscellaneous shower party last Thursday nlglil at the uy l u-K inn it hunie. when lln lllcknian. Mrs. Forrest McKnv. Allss Mae ilellolt and Allss Flor- ice Alereditli were hostesses. Hallowe'en decorations. usierH and zinnias were used about the rooms. Lovely gilts were liie.ienl- d lo the guest of honor ami liner lellciiiiis relreshmeuts were sei-veil by Mrs. lllcknian. Mrs. IN-tnr Miss Ilellolt ami Miss Meredith to -Miss Itlee. guest of honor. M, Harold llnskln. Mrs. Peyton odor kirk. Mrs. C. It. Sliarp. ".Mrs. lion- aid Metzger, Airs. Nelda Itoadmau. .Mrs. Karcher, .Mrs. Iteginald Frs kine. Mrs. Earl (laklov. Mrs. Hoy I'elerson, Mrs. Kobert lllack. Mrs. Kenneth llelllwell, Mrs. Gimio reeii. Miss Murv Kav. Mlsu VI r. Rlllla Oakley, of Por'tlaiul. Miss Virginia Guillen. .Miss Frances Metzger and Allss Edna llrown. FELLOWSHIP HARVEST DINNER ENJOYED AT M. E. CHURCH TUTSDAV The aiiumil IVIIowshin ioirve.ii potluck dinner ut the Melliodlst Fpiscopal church was a large ami lehghllul allalr of Tnes.lnv ....... nlng at ti:;io o'clock al Hie church parlors. One bundled and fillv vero preseul. The tallies were healllilullv de ornled for Die occasion. The hos- eSS I Cllllllilllee Included Mm II li. Slater, chairman. Mis. .1 l-' I'ilhud. .Mrs. I-;. Ilorgen. .Mrs. Hugh llairiMMl. Mrs. c-orge I per Mis. Karl Wilev an. I Mrs l,.,-v l'lllaid. Mrs, 11. A. Canadav bud chari;e of the tnleiestliiir m iiernm. V peelal welcome was given the eaclicls of I lie senior and inniin- lllgll schools. MRS. KENNETH HELLIWELL HOSTESS TO BRIDGE FOURSOME ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. Kcunelll llelllwell m i v arucioiisly i-nlellaincd her In tdui- lul) loiiit-onii. at a one o'clo, k luncheon at the l.inle i;yisy Tea room Wednesday allcniiion' Cov- rs wele placed lor Mis. M 11, Mlincy. Mrs. Andrew Flsll.-r. Mrs. I-!. It. Walloll and Mis. Il,,lliu,,ll I'ollowlllK the luncheon Hie lour- some enjoyed eon! I act !! i..!i;e at Hie llclliwi-ll heme ill the Kohllia 4CI1 apartments. llu-li score or Ihe alti-nioons plav w.ia bv Airs. Fisher. MRS. M. H. ROACH IS COMPLIMENTED AT CHARMING TEA THURSDAY To introduce Airs. AL H. Itoach,' wife of tlie new pastor of tlie Prea bylerluu church, the Dailies Aid society sponsored a very charming tea al the cliurcli purl&rs from two to four o'clock Thursday after noon, inviting church members and friends to enjoy tho occasion, Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Airs. Fred Hamilton were joint chair men with Airs. J. P. Alotscbeu liucher and Airs. George Alcllce in charge of decorations. Tlie church parlors wele lovely w till lighted floor lamps, numerous bouipicls of colorful aiiliiinn leaves and gor geous chrysanthemums. The ten table, covered by an at tractive lace cloth, wus centeribl Willi a bowl or lovely Angeio chry santhemums from the J. Kolauil Parker guldens, anil six tall light ed Ivory Inpers. Airs. Fred Hamil ton and Mrs. E. S. Hall, past presi dents or the ladies aid, poured. .Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Airs. J. P. .Motschenhacher ussisled ill serv ing. Guests received hy Airs. Earl Ullrich, president, and introduced lo Airs. Itoach Included llev. and Mrs. Perry Kinith, Airs. S. Itaynor Smith, .Mrs. J. It. Turnbllll, Airs, liuldah Thomson, Miss Emma ilris- lol, Mrs. V. Al. Campbell. Airs, .1. P. iMotscheiihaehor, Airs. Fred 1 1 a ij i i 1 1 Alias Sylvia llrown. Airs.' McNabb, Airs. G. Solherg, Mrs. J. ,M. Penlliey, Airs. .1. Itolaud Parker, Airs, it, It. Chamberlain, Airs. L. L. Ilodie. Airs. Hose Clayton, .Mrs. I. II. .Meyer. Airs. li. W. Taylor, Miss Gladys II. Strong, Mrs. George Campbell, .Mrs. James Campbell, Airs. Willis Myers, Airs. A. A. Wilder. Ahs. It. 11. Grlnsted, Airs. E. S. Hall, Airs. li. W. Mars- loin, Mrs. L. ltobinsou. Airs. Thom as Summers, Mrs. James E. Saw yers. Airs. G. W. Aim-shall, Mrs. 10. P. Croft, Mrs. George Ware, Mrs. Alargaret Itoilgers, Mrs. D. G. Clark, Miss Gertrude Curtis, Airs. Karl Wiley, Miss Hlaille llrown. Mrs. Guorgo Al. llrown, Mrs. A. .1. Mellows, Mi-b. G. W, Voung. Airs. C. II. Wade, Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Airs. Charles A. Edwards, Madame M. J. Shoemaker, Airs. C. II. Fies mid dllllglller. Miss Eleanor. .Mrs. George Cookcy, Allss Verna Caro- lliers. Airs. C. P. Caylor, Airs. John H. Htinynn, Airs. D. II. Alorgan, Mrs. C. K. Uoberls, Mrs. Chester iMorgun, Airs. Alaurlco .1. Newland. Mrs. W. W. Asherafl. Mrs. W. L. Scott, Airs. II. S. Nichols. Airs. ICinnia Lenox, Miss Alargarei Clapii, Airs. F. A. Ueinla, Allss Frances Howell, Airs. Lucy Dnzeu- ilorl', or Sail Francisco, Airs. Georgo Kohlhagcn, Aliss Clara lllllard, Mrs. E. G. Kohlhagen. Mrs. K. L. Kmipp, Mrs. E. li. Alelz- ger mid Mrs. Frederick .1. Poller. I lie dcliglitrti! iirogriiui w as in charge of Airs. II or Grow, chair man. Miss Gladys II. Strong played two beautiful piano solos and ac- 'ompnnicd vocal selections snug by -Mrs. Willis Alyers. Airs. li. R. f hamhcrhiiu played tlie violin solo. 11 lravmlore." accompanied bv Mrs. Grow. Original reading writ- Ion by Mrs. Karl Wiley, presidenl of Hie Molliodlst F.plsciipal Ladies Mil society, and read by Mrs. W. M. Campbell, who also gave nu mber delightful reading. "When Hie Minister Calls for Ten." The tea was one of the largest and loveliest social allalrs of the' week. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO PLAY QUALIFYING ROUNDS OF TOURNAMENT I ho ladles of Hie ltoseburg Conn Iry club plan toplay their qualify ing rouniia ol llie aniuuil winter liniultciip golf tournament next I liursilay iillernoon at the, club limine, weather permuting. I he ladles met Thursday of this week at the clubhouse ror con tract bridge wllh Mrs. Harris Ells worth winning high score and Mrs. Wl. M. McKachcrn winning Hie sec- mil high. Last week's golf prizes er lonnced as Mrs. It. 1). Illldges. first flight; Mrs. C. II. Van Ness second flight, ti ml Airs. Ed ward Illlles. thin! rlighl. Pollock luncheon was served at noon lo Mrs. li. ('. Davis. Airs. P. 11. Wehh. ol' Klaiuath Falls. Airs. II. C, Sleiirns, Mrs. !,. K. Fles, Mrs. K. AleClinlock, Mrs. lidwim lllnes, Mrs. C. II. Van Ness. Mrs. W. K. Oil. Mrs. w. M. MeKachern. Mrs. Harris Ellsworth. Mrs. J. E. Marks. Airs. E. J. Itoilgers. Mrs. J. Al. Jildd. Mrs. li. D. llrldces. Airs. F. llillard and Mrs. F. II. Coen. The occasion marked the blrth- lay anniversary or Mrs. Dillard. who cut n hcniil irully decorated hlllhday cake made by Mrs. Steal us. BADOURA CLUB TO MEET ON TUESDAY An interesting and deliebHiil one o'clock uohosiess luncheon has been planned by lladollrn club. Daughters r tlie Nile for next Tuesday lo be held nt the home ot Mrs. lalo Stephens in I.aiirelwood Members will sew lor the Shrine hospital .irhig tlie afternoon and haw- been asked to bring their needles ami thiiuhles to the meet ing.' Mrs. G. Ii.; Hates, president, will he in charge of the business session. LAUREL LODGE TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING NEXT WEEK min i lodge No. 13. A. F. and A. ,M, will hold a very Important and Interesting meeting nl tlie temple nl i :..(! o clock next Wednesday ev ening at which lime W. l Harding will receive bis llttv-vcar pin. Le,i member it uifed lo be present, NON-PARTISAN GROUP ENTERTAINED AT LUNCHEON AT UMPQUA Allss Jeannelte, Culklns, of Eu gene, entertained a group of Hose burg ladies interested in the com ing election, ut u delightful uoou luncheon ami uou-parlisuu niccliug at the Hotel L'uipqua Wednesday. Covers were arranged for the hostess. Miss Calkins, and Miss Helen Casey, Airs. Harris Ells worth, Airs. L. Wimberly, Airs. C. E. Huberts, .Mis. F. W. Morri son. Airs. Hoy O. Young, Airs. 'il. C. Waddell and Airs. Frederick J. Porter. Miss Calkins is executive secre tary for the county health depart ment of Lane county, where she al so holds tlie office of president of i'ro-Auierica. During the past few weeks, she has been spending a greater part of her time in travel ing in various counties urging the passage of Hie bill regulating picketing and boycotting In Ore gon, which will be voted upon at next Tuesday's election. Aliss Calkins gave a very inter esting talk on the hill, stressing points which those against the bill are urguiug. Discussion of the bill was held hy tho ladies present and ijuestious were asked. Aliss Calkins is well known in this city, having visited here a number of times and upon several occasions was a guest speaker at Hie ltosehurg Woinun's club. Yes terday, following tho luncheon Miss Calkins was interviewed over KItNIt during llie Man on the Street program conducted by Alar shall Pengra, manager of the sta tion. JAMES DEXTER HELLIWELL ' ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT HALLOWE'EN PARTY FRIDAY Jimmy llelllwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. I). W. llelllwell, celebrat ed Hallowe'en at a delightful ai't ternooii party at his home on South Kane street Friday. The rooms were beautifully decoraicd in the Hallowe'en motif nut! games ami Rluiils were enjoyed through out, llie ulterliooil hours. Later refreshments were served al a large table decorated In the spirit of Hallowe'en with clever laviirs at each place. Mrs. Helli- well was assisted by her mother, .Ntrs. Dexter Rice, Mrs. William Franzwa and Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Guests invited to enjoy Hie party with Jimmy included Jon Pickens, Alolly and James II y Ilooth, Michael Coen, Murcla Newland, Ilarbara Franzwa, Sandra liapp. carolyn Ilurr, Prlscllla Wade, AI llllly lllloy, Larry Fisher, Dorren Illly liley, Larry FlsJier, Dorren O'Malley and Patsy Ilollllan, of Swiss Home, Oregon. SALEM SPEAKER TO BE GUEST OF WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING ON NOVEMBER 15 Honoring national book week, Hie lioseburg Woman's club has planned an intensely interesting 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon meet ing at the clubhouse for Novem ber 15 with Mrs. G. V. Wlinherlv, general chnirinnii, and Mhss M 11 dred Oleson. city librarian nt Sa lem, us the guest spoukoiv Tho regular luncheon flvc-inlniito roll-cull speakers will aive talks during the serving hour and hos- lesses include Mi-b. Will II. Genet- sen, ATrs. Clyde! Carstens tin Scott Williams. Airs. T. Ollivant and Airs. Hurrle Hoolh. Mrs. F. W. Morrison, president, will be in charge nt the meeting. Following the meeting llie members. nuil guests plan to attend itnsn. burg Women's club art exhibit at Hie lOiks temple, which Is in ohnriro of Airs. Alorrisoii mid will be held November 15 ami 10. o NONA BELLE BRUTON CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY AT DELIGHTFUL PARTY Nona Hello llruton. daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. lioyd ltrllloii. celebrat ed her ninth hirthduv aiinlversarv at a (leliglittul party from 3:30 to f-:.lll o clock W ednesday arternonn. llie Hallowe'en niolif was cleverlv nrried out In the room, table de cern' Ions and in the games played. i.oveiy guts were presented to Nona Hello from Sally and Hettv Smith. Shirley Hone. Donna Heryl Cracrofl, Shirley Wilson, "Donna Dunham. Ilnrlmui Ann Heed, Nuncy Carol Hadubaugh, Marilyn Hlxon, lean lley, Marilyn Matthews, Ha- niona Felt, Putricla and Orval Urll- tou. Lntor Airs. Hrulon served iovelv rerreshments at one large table. A prelly decorated and lighted birth day cake was cut and served, MRS. HOMER GROW IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY .Mrs. Homer Grow was n most gra cious hostess Wednesday afternoon, when she entertained her bridge cmo in a lovely 1:3(1 o clock des sertliinelieoii ut her littrnctlve hoino on Cobb street. Hcnutlflll hoiuiuets or chrysanthemums were used as n decorative motif for the occasion. Covers were placed for Airs. Clair K. Allen. Airs. Marshall Pen gra and Miss June Wharton, guests, and Mrs. L. M. Wimberly. Mrs. licit Courtney. Airs. I.eroy lllalt. .Mrs. I'. M. Lee. Airs. 11. H. Turner. Airs. A, H, Taylor. Mrs. T. It. Ilurr, Airs. A .1 Ellison ami Mrs Frederick J. Porter. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing tlie allernoou Willi Miss WJiar ton winning the guest prize and Mrs. Ilurr tlie club prUo. MRS. W. A. BURR IS HONORED AT DINNER ON BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY .Mrs. W. A. ilurr was honored al a very delightful family dinner parly Sunday, on her bu lliday an niversary. A locly fruit center piece and a lighted birthday cake graced tiie am actively appointed table. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ilurr. Hill Hurr. uf Los Angeles, Calif.. Mrs. Flavia Dark er, of Sallla Alia. Calif.. Miss Hel en Heach, Mr. and Mrs. T. li. Hurr. and son. Larry Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Hurr and daughter, Patri cia, and son. Hillv, ami .Mr. and Mrs .1. . Muitii Jr . and 'Ills were piesented lo Mis. Hill GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS FlrlST FALL MEETING ON 1 HURSDAY Airs, tiurvey Eweus ' was a chauuiug hostess to the members of tue Garden Valley Women' club Thursday afternoon ai me ciuu bouse. This was the first meeting of lue fall and an excep tionally pleasant afternoon was enjoyed. During the busiuess session, plans were made for a community seven o'clock potluck dinner lo be held Thursday evening, November loth, at the club house. The party will be In the form of a hard-lime affair and anyune attending not in barn time costume will be fined. lively refreshments were serv ed hy the hostess. Airs. Ewens, as sisted hy Mrs. W. li. Love to Airs. W. D. Hess, Airs. Emma Williams, Airs. Albert llrown, Airs. Fred Wood, Aliss Anna Geer, Airs. G. C. Ilailey, Airs. It. A. Calhoun, Mrs. John Daniels, Airs. H. E. Graham, -Mrs. Ii. S. lliitluii, Airs. V. D. Love, Airs. A. Niday, Airs. George Niday, Airs. Heatrice Vermillion, Airs. Peter Sinclair, Airs. C. I.. Spray, Airs. William Vaughn and Airs. Gilbert Wood. Tlie next meeting will he held at the cluh house the afternoon of November 17 with Airs. Donna Fer guson us hostess, 4 JUNIOR BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD HALLOWE'EN PARTY SATURDAY EVENING The Junior Baptist Young Peo ples union held a very enjoyable Hallow e'ewi party Saturday eve ning al the church parlors. Games were played during the evening Willi prizes going to Alary Peter son, ltoy Knigge and Poilyutin Fllllay. Later refreshments were served to Mrs. J. H. Turnbull, advisor, Cutherine nnd Francis Irving, Wanda, Miriam and Lois Jurgens. Phronia Perry, Patricia Weather ford, Until Snoddy, Hilth and Uetly Lewis, Pollyann Finluy, lioy and Myrle Knigge, Alma and Perry Carson, Elaine . Strausbaugh, Htlth Duller, Hulb Heck, Ueraldlne Stephens, Julia and Carolyn Perk ins, Mary Louise Rankin, June Lysler, Aiary Peterson und Alar ciua ilarrett. EXECUTIVE LUNCHEON OF WOMAN'S CLUB IS HELD AT HOTEL ROSE Mrs. F. W. ' Alorrisoii, president of the ltosehurg Woinun's club, presided over the executive lunch eon meeting held from 12 to one o'clock Tuesday at the Hotel Hose. A lovely bouquet of cosmos graced thu serving table. Covers were arranged for Mrs. Alorrisoii, Airs. W. M. Campbell,- .Mrs. li. L. Whipple, Airs. L A. Wells, Airs. Foster Uutner, Mrs. 15. G. Kohlhagen, Airs. J. C. AlcCal llsler, Airs. Thomas Parkinson,' Airs. Earl Ullrich, Airs. W. It. Chrlsler and Airs. Frederick J. Porter. . HeportB of officers and commit tees wei-u presented. Following the luncheon thu group uttellded ther Hose burg Woman's club an nual fall birthday tea and piny at tho clubhouse. MEDFORD VISITORS ENTERTAINED INFORMALLY DURING STAY HERE Air. and Airs. H. Zachariscn and daughter. Jean, of Medlord, who were guests hero over the wet-k en", or Mr. und Airs. Phil Ilarth on East Cass street, were honored at n delightful eleven o'clock break fast at the Ilarth home Sunday. Air. nud Mrs. Glenn Owen were additional guests. Saturday Mrs. Owen entertained Mrs. Xucliarlsen, Mrs. Phil Ilarth and Mrs. J. F. lllllard at a delight ful one-thirty o'clock luncheon ut' her lovely home in Laiirelwood.' followed by a foursome of bridge. High score ror the attcruoon was held hy. Airs. Owen The Zacharlsens mado their home here tor several years, be fore Air. Zacharisen was trans ferred by Copco to Aledford this iasl summer. HALLOWE'EN PARTY ENJOYED AT BEAVER HOME ON SATURDAY Mr. and Airs. Harold C. Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Davis gave a Hallowe'en party at Lie Heaver home hi Edeubower, Satur day. Fall leaves and jack-o-la litems decorated the rooms. Hallowe'en alums and ol,7 fashioned games were played, after which home made doughnuts and coffee were served to: Mr. ami Mrs liov Peterson. Air. and Mrs. Adrian Howen. Air. and .Mrs. Edwin Card nfr. Mr. and Airs, l.aiirance De l.iuey, Air. and Airs. George Hair Mr. and Mrs. Cllflord Aten, Keu iielh Dufl'leld ami the hosts and hostesses. BRIDGE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED TUESDAV AT LANGENBERG HOME -Miss lolelta Laiiuoiihm- mined her bridge club at n very lovely seven o'clock dcsserl-snn,,..,-. I'nesday evening at I,..,- I,.., South Jackson street. Covers were ranged for .Mrs. p n u-.,i.i. ... Klamath Falls. Mrs (' v ivv'l.i icy and Miss Inez Crosta. guests and Airs. G. M. lies. Mrs. P l i ..' Mrs E. c. Patterson. Airs. Owen Walker and Miss 1 -,ni...,,l,..,-,. . members. . ' Conlract bridge was e,,iov,l ,i,. lug Hie evening with Aliss Crosta winning the high score and Airs Webb, second high score a MISSIONARY SOCIETV TO MEET THURSDAY Mrs. Homer Grow will ,,,l,,..i tho meeting ' of the - Presbyterian .Missionary society at 2:30 o'clock next Thursday nffernnon at the Haldw in home nt 327 N. Kane street with Aliss Margaret Baldwin, Mrs. Fred Fisher nnd Mrs. L. L. Ilodie icling as hostesses. Mrs. I Connelly will have chnren of the devotions: Mrs. Carl Spauid- nig will have charge of the Pro gram on Siam and Mrs. V. At. Campbell will give a report on i n son. Bob I synodic;! at Pendleton. All lUelu Mis. Dun '!' -vis and friends ure cuidially lu ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEDNESDAY Mrs. Heury Wortniugton very graciously entertained the Rbse burg Art and Embroidery club U ea-uvb-Jay L.tfuuoou af her home on East Lane street. The euiertaiu meut committee had charge of the social bour aud Airs. E. Hhoads was honored on her fifty-mnetb wedd::ig anniversary 'by receiving the congratulations aud a lovely gilt iroui Ibe club. 'iwo guests were present and memoers enjoying the afternoon with Airs. Worthiugtou were Mrs. .V Andraieff, Airs. William Bailey, .Us. Gladys Hurke. Airs. Virginia Campbell, Mrs. George Cluck, Mrs. Minnie Cox, Airs. Flora Cox, Mrs. Liston Darby, Airs. Ethel Decker, Mrs. A. Hottuieisler, Airs. D. W. Ingels, Airs. Clarence Miller. Airs. A. Neal, Mrs. Palm, Mrs. E. Hhoads, All's. H. F. Snyder, Mrs. J. G. Ste phenson und Mrs Etfie Stubble neld. Ellen Cornell will entertain the club November llith at her home in the Kohlhagen apartments. RIVERSDALE GRANGE ENJOYS MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS tiiversdale grange met last eve-1 uing at the hall with Alaster Dar ley Ware presiding and the third, and fourth degrees were given to Frank Harrager. L'lection of officers included: .Master, Darley NVIare; overseer, Hert Patterson; lecturer, Wanda. Ware; steward, Harry Alarks; chaplain, Frances llelmboldt; as sistant -steward, Hert Kruse; treas urer, Elvin Cloake; secretary, Aiable Patterson; gate keeper, Eldon Ogle; Ceres, Jean Cloake; Pomona. Vivian Dominico; Flora. era Dominico; lady assistant steward. Alice Kruse, aud musi cian. Avis Harmon. L. L. Aiooi'e w-as reported ill at Sacred Heart hospital in Eugene und John Sinclair was. reported to have suffered a fractured arm. Tlie executive committee will be appointed at tile first meeting in December. Refreshments were served following adjournment of grange. CORINNE HARPHAM ENTERTAINS NEBO DRAMATIC CLUB Aliss Corlnne Harphani enter tained the members of the Ncbo Dramatics club of the Hoseburg senior high school at her home on Winchester ' street Thursday evening. The party wns In the form of an initiation potluck sup per in honor of the students just recently elected into the club. The new members were required to dress as their tavorite character in fiction and after the supper were asked to take part in a short skit from a comedy play. Several interesting games were played and many tried their luck at showing ofr the various tricks they knew. Those enjoying the delightriil eve ning were Iloyd Jackson, adviser lor the club, Aliss Alnauda Auder son, honorary member, Sally Clarke, Faith Young, Hob Slater, Miles Anderson, Jack Craig, ini tiates, and Hob Bellows, Eva Dull er, mull Knigge, Cot'inne-Aiine Perry and the hostess, Coilnne Harpbam. MARION CLOAKE HAS. SUPPER PARTY ON SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY 'Aliss Marion Cloake, daughter ot .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cloake, celebrated her sixteenth birthday ininversury ut a very delightful supper parly at her home Alonday evening. Thu Hiillowe'en motif was beautifully carried out In the deco rations. A prettily decorated birth day cake was cut and served -and lovely gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Covers were placed for Aliss Ala- ""'on CloaUc. Miss Dorothy Crimi mett, Aliss Hetty Helinboldt, Aliss Jean and Aliss Ella Alae Cloake, Miss Juiinila Reding. Aliss Alice Alyers and Miss Efl'ie and Aliss Annette Calkins. Various types or games were en joyed during the evening huurs. ' CATHOLIC CHOIR HAS DELIGHTFUL HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT WATZIG HOME ' A delightful costume Hallowe'en party was enjoyed by the choir of St. Joseph's Catholic church Sat urday evening at tho O. H. Wat- zig home in Edeubower. The rooms were decorated to carry out the spirit of the holiday ami games and stunts were also of the Hallowe'en nature. Al miduighl a delicious potluck supper was enjoyed by Air. and Mrs. C. M. O'Malley. Air. and Mrs. P. II. Jurgensen, Air. and Mrs. Harry Mathls. Mrs. O. II. Watzlg and son, Francis. Father Edmund llylund. Aliss Coletta l.tingeuberg. Aliss Genevieve llargis. Miss El eanor and Jimmy Alorun und Clair Sliirey. BETTY HELMBOLDT CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY AT CHARMING SUPPER At a charming supper party. Miss Hetty lleltllholdt celebrated her sixteenth birthday anniversary. October 21st. nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Helm- ooldt. bull flowers lent u colorful note to the occasion. lovely birthday cake was cut In honor of the occasion and gifts were presented by Miss Hetty rrom Miss Jean and Aliss Ella Alae Cloake. Allss Freda Barker. Aliss Dorothy Crummett. Miss .Marion I loake. Miss Alice Myers. Aliss j .luanila Hedilig aud Aliss Belty Fin, Hoy. .' Chinese ' checkers were enjoyed ' ouring ine evening. IOTA SIGMA CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY Members and friends of Iota Sig ma club have been invited to a 7:30 o'clock meeting next Thurs day at the Herbert Grove home with Mrs. Groves and Miss Esther Spiers acting as joint hostesses. Airs. John Weatherford. presi dent, will conduct the business meeting and a very interesting mu- PAST PRESIDENTS CLUB HONORS BIRTHDAY OF MHS. PRINT2 YESTERDAY The Past Presidents club ot George Slarmer auxiliary to United Spanish War Veterans honored Mrs. W. C. Printz pu her birtnday anniversary at the regular meet ing yesterday afternoon at me borne ot -Mrs. Margaret Hodgers on Haynes street. A beautiful birth day cake und a lovely gilt was pre sented to Airs. Printz from Mrs. Percy Webb, Mrs. Hubert Wright, Mrs. V. O. Cliuger, Mrs. Sam Stunner, Airs. Paul JJenipsey, MrB. Will Long, Mrs. Alargarei Hodgers, members, aud Mrs. H. A. Taylor, a guest. 't he club quilt was given away at this meeting with Utile Jimmy Webb, of Klamath Falls, grandson ot Mrs. Percy Webb, Sr., making the selection of Mrs.' Ada Jensen, of Portland, as the winner. Lovely refreshmens were served later iu the afternoon. Beautiful I all flowers formed an attractive decorulive motif for the occasion. Tlie November ISth meeting will be held at the home of Airs. Will Long.. LOVELY SHOWER PARTY GIVEN MRS. BA1RD A lovely shower fiarty was given iu honor ot Airs. Paul Baird, Friday afternoon, at the home of Airs. John Poet in West Hoseburg. 'the afternoon was spent iu sew ing and visiting, and many beauti ful gilts were presented to Mrs. Uaird from a beautifully decorated basket. lu the late afternoon delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, Airs. L. J. Houser, Airs. Earl Heed and Alls. John Poet lo Ihe following guests: Airs. Gladys Uurke, Airs. Alargaret Doyle, Mrs Dave -Meyers, Airs. W. Alorgan Airs. C. Dunn, Airs. H. Hayes, Airs E. P. Preble, Alls. Mildred White Airs. Lucile Heed, Mrs. Jeannelte Taylor, Airs. Alae Tapp, Mrs. A. Balrd, Mrs. Pearl Conrad, Airs. Nellie Daird, Mrs. Glenn Aleyers, Mrs. Loiuell, Mrs. Alice Laurseu the Misses Bei'lllce- Knighton and Nellie Baird and the hostesses, Mrs. Houser, Mrs. Heed aud Airs. Poet e MRS. GERDA LUNDAHL HONORED AT PARTY WEDNESDAY EVENING Atrs. Gerda Lundahl, who recent ly returned to her home on South Hose street from an extended trip to Sweden, was welcomed, back to her home Wednesduy evening, when a group of friends called to surprise her. Airs. Lundahl spent the summer in Sweden aud showed numerous beautiful and interesting articles, winch she brought home with her Following a pleasant social even ing, lovely refreshments were en joyed by Mrs. Lundahl, guest' ot honor. Airs. Lee, Airs. Laureen Jones, Mr. aud Airs. Oscar Nelson Airs. Orvllo Hall, Mr. and Airs. Frank Johnson, Airs. Emma Erick son, Mr. and Airs. Homer- Hand mid daughter, Loletta, of Hoseburg, and Air. and Airs. Joe Keefer, Airs. Oscar Backlund and Airs. Charles Olson, of Elgarose. MISS BESS WHARTON " IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB THURSDAY NIGHT Miss Bess Wharton very grac iously entertained her 11. P. v. bridge club at a charming seveu thirty o'clock dessert-supper Thurs day evening at her home in West Hoseburg. Beautiful chrysanthe mums were used to carry out au at tractive decorative motif. Covers, were placed at one large table for Aliss Verna Carothers and Miss Johnson, guests, and Aliss Gladys Haskiu, Aliss Jane Whar ton, Allss Alargaret Curr, Aliss Vera Fredrickson, Mrs. Edyth Gil- mour, Mrs. Elizabeth Gurrett, Airs. William . Bell, Airs. J. A. Caraway ind the hostess, Miss Bess Whar ton. Contract bridge was the diver sion of the pleasant evening hours with prizes going to Allss Johnson, for guests; and to Mrs. Caraway and Aliss Carr. members. . JOB'S DAUGHTERS HAS MEETING TUESDAY Alarjorie Ott, Honored Queen, presided over Hoseburg Bethel No. S, of Job's Daughters Tuesday night at the temple, at which time plans were made for the cooked food sale to be held next Salurday, No vember 12, ut McKeau and Bald wins, The Junior Uethel will have charge of the November 22nd meet ing, at which time the officers will act as the choir. Choir practice for all members was held at the temple at two o clock this afternoon. INFORMAL DINNERS ENJOYED AT" CHAM BERLIN HOME DURING THE WEEK Mr.'und Airs. C. A. Chaniborlln and ' daughter, Ida, entertained Shipmate Hub and his wife from Ihe Guodship Grace, and Hew Charles A. Edwards us dinner guests at their home on West First street yesterday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chamlierlln mil Ida had Rev. and Airs. S. Hav- nor Smith and son, Nevltt. as din ner guests. fi"'rv Telephone 88 New Service Lairndry 324 West ART EXHIBIT TO BE HIGHLIGHT OF NOVEMBER 15 AND 16 Mrs. F. V. Morrison's second annual art exhibit in Hoseburg will be a highlight of society Tuesday and Wednesday after noon and evening of November 15 and 16 at the Elks temple ball room from two to 5:30 atternoons and from seven to ten o'clock eve nings. Last year Airs. Morrison, with the assistance of Miss Alargaret Carr, Hoseburg art leacber in the schools, sponsored Roseburg's first art exhibit, which was attended by about 600 people. Elaborate plans are being made by Airs. Morrison -for au even larger and finer exhibit for this year. The exhibit will be most educational as well as a social event of the week. Airs. Morrison, who paints as Betty McCrait Alorrisoii, Is a very talented artist and has been re cognized as one of the leading art ists of the Pacific northwest. Her exhibit will include both water col ors aud oils. A partial list of guest exhibitors . includes: Professor Leo Fair banks, head of the art department at Oregon Slate college at Cor vallls, Dorothy Dolph Jensen, fa mous artist trom Seattle; water color by Airs. T. G. Watson and exhibit of Aliss .Margaret Carr, of Hoseburg, and an exhibit of the three addingham's from Port land. A special feature of the art ex hibit will be E. It. Walton's exhi bit of photography. Pictures of Hoseburg lore, landscapes and riv ers and homes will be on dis play. A Junior exhibit will also be shown und will include picture made by Mary Naucy Roberts, sen ior high stuuenl, and Eleanore Ali cclll, junior high student. Airs. Alorrlson will he assisted during the two-day exhibit by about fourteen hostesses and a number of the younger set. Airs. William Bell is acting as chairman of the hostess cotuuiiuee . and Airs. Homer Grow will act as program chairman. A small admis sion charge will be made - tor adults attending the exhibit, while all school children wil be admitted without charge. The ticket sale has beeu started lllis week aud early results indicate thai the ex hibit wilt be one of the largest at lairs of tlie year. Complete committees will bu an nounced within a few days. SHOWER PARTY GIVEN i MRS. JACK SUKSDORF AT D. C. M. T. A. MEETING Mrs. Jack Suksdorf was honor ed at a charming shower Tuesday . evening, when Airs. Charles A. , Brand and Airs. John Weatherford entertained at the Brand home for the regular meeting of the Doug las Couuty Aiusic Teachers asso ciation. Airs. II. F. English, president. conducted the business meeting, it wnicu time il was agreed that the association would work wilh the P.-T. A. organizations of tho schools in promoting music iu the. schools, future music activities' of the group were also discussed. Miss Eleanor Hessanier voi-v charmingly sang, "Suiniuerliuio ' Lullaby." by Gershwin; "Songs .My Mother Taught Ale," by Dvorak. aud "Slumber Boat," by Jessie Gaynor. following the presentation of the many lovely shower gifts to uirs. eiiKsuori, delicious refresh ments were served by the hos tesses. Those present were Airs. Ii. F. English, Airs. Juhn Hakan- son and Aliss Eleanor Hessanier, of Oakland; Airs. Jack Suksdorf. Airs. Homer Grow, Mrs. II. R. Ner has, Mrs. Clyde Beard, Mrs. F. C. Burr, Aliss Gladys II. Strnne ,nwl the hostesses, Mrs. Brand and. -Mrs. Weatherrord. Ihe next meeting will he tinlil December 0. the place of which will be announced later. YOUNG LUTHERANS LEAGUE HAS ENJOYABLE HALLOWE'EN PARTY A most enjovabln mat-iirnln Hallowe'en party was held last Monday evening at the h, r Rev. and Mrs. Svlwesier t,v n, ' members ot the Young Luther ails' league ot ' St. Paul's, church. During the evening varimiK. games were enjoyed with prize being awarded to the winners La ter Mr. and Airs. Andy Schliclc and Aliss Ruth . . dainty refreshments to Aliso v.,,.. Gorthy. Aliss Eleanor Misses June, Vera and Pearl Goetz. Miss Erika Brusl, Aliss Ma bel Dawson, Air. and Mrs. Charles Beecrott. Rev. and Airs. Sylwe.iter. lack Gorthy, Russell Kalue. Stuart Baker, Lewis Wilson aiul Eddy Brinknioyer. i MRS. L. A. MILES IS , HOSTESS TO SEWING CLUB TUEDAY EVENING Mrs. L. A. Miles enteltaincij her sewing club at a lovely nine oVIock liessert-si er at her home , Tucs- (Contlnned on page a. We invite yow weekly trad Feel at liberty to phone Qiur office for our pickup and delivery laun dry service. Our staff I j courteous and efficient. Lane St. lu honor uf the ucasiuu. vited lo be uieocaL Staui will be preaeuted,