ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 1 , 1938. SEVEN For Your Convenience ritrite Douelaa County mtorrm rill takr Mntit Ada for Ue . k m- II e view i Ct'l-VKH'S MAItKKT Huthrrlln sti;ah.s & ciiksow etii Oakland STO.NAKUIl Ultt'G CO, Yuaeulla 3leUOAl,l STOKE Klkton littHAKO'! laipgan GI.IDK MUKS Glide I, B. MCllOI.g llrockii' . . Trnnillf U. H. lUTCHKft CO. - tawiM Vnllry KM.fSO.t & KI.I.tMO.Y IHIInrd ItUVMH.DS A; ADAMS Mrtlr t'reek iiitAiisriiciirs I Hit ilte iicM;i:irs Can you vllle IffciWINUF.H'S (He ml it I c IAVS CKKKK STOItE Dny Crevk The nloTe torM will ntuvpt it Un nnd iinynu-nt for them. .Ittxt tt-11 flit; iiierclttuit I luted above I I mint to nut mi ad l the S . w-14evit" and hr will tnke care f alt tlie UvtnlU fr you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First iMortion, per word.... 2c Each subsequent Insertion per word lc One week, per word .. 6c One month, per line $1.00 Minimum chargo 25c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. in. o the day of publication. The News-Uovlcw assumes no responsibility for nnd In no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers In the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money in response to advertisements. The News-Keview reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify' all advertising under the proper clussllicntion. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS iMfIDDI 7 1 BET HE'S - f CAN'T YOU WE DOnY NEED NfcU f AREN'T YOU F NOT vj) f COME ON, T iii VTrl MAD IF MB GOT" f PUT MB IN, f lK THE ScSAcn - GONNA ) UNLESS WEBLEY1 ft f 1 ZX ff60! 'N THE GAME NOW ; VA OTACM ? A SWADYS! WeSS W ME W WEBLEr i GO GT J. O.SJ THE BENCH.' NE'O TEAR. THE OVHER. lV V -OACH SHADYSIDe 13, WEBLEY O j AT ALL, SUDDENLY K 'EM' A fp. V ltAM APART' "J, -AV fr -15ISSm3 OOACH? COMES To LIFE "' '.J , 072J MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE WE E-LL, PAL -WHAT WE PO NOW? X BOOTS AND HER OH-'. AAMDY , 1H VOO WtRE A iXSOMOtRFOLftVOtW iOST TOOfsY.' il VOQ YOO WASH TUBBS feEMOeVTA WckEE HAS AV! UWVWELCOWE WTOB, BULL. SWE COM' WEESH HEEMt TO REMAIN N JAIL, OR BE VET SHE DOM VNEESH HtEKA TO AMM0V HER, OVSWERSTAWD? hi asL . To get in touch with adrertiB era giving as their address MBox bo and bo, care News-Review," it la necessary to write them. The Kews Reylew doesn't know who they are, either. livestock FOR SALE OR TRADE 0-year-old cow, giving 3 gallons milk. Will trade for electric washer. O. L. GHdersleeve, Oakland, Oregon. FOR SALE Thirteen huudred iwuntl mare, absolutely gentle and well broke, $75.00. Chester Uais, Sutherliu, Oregon. FOR SALE One bay horse, eleven fifty; one bay mare, twelve fitly. V. N. Moore state Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Young, full blooded Hereford bull, eighteen months old, 40.00. Earl liryanl, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. LARGE brood sow, weight 500 pounds, extra good weaner pigs. John Wyatt, 4 miles north Pa cific highway. FOR SALE Young, Jersey cow with heifer calf, fifty dollars. W. E. Smith, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED Feeder hogs ami wean ers. Will pay cash or trade grain. Write J. A. ithoads, Iays Creek. FOR SALE Nice weaner pigs, $3.00 eucti. J. J. Kester, phone 3S-F-22, Route 1, Box 36, KOH SALE 7 young cows, fresh. (Iiierusey and Jersey. M. 11. Payne, Yoncalla. WANTED Feeder hogs. Will pay cash or trade grain. Write J. A. Rhoads, Days Creek. KOH SALE Angora bucks, 3 yours old. W. G. Paul, S. Deer Creek. FOR SALE 208 Court. Toy bull pwps. Cheap. QUICK.' COVER THESE 1 BIBDS WITH THISrreAW- 1H&W WE JUMP IMTO rl THEIR VESTS AUD HATS.' BUDDIES HMOY ,OtAR-V-VSEM ,CAW VOO COMS OOtR. TO OCR ORORVTIV DAMCE. M LOOMvX KSOY,OK TW,' Rti4 A&AiKi '. iPLEA&t-- KEEL 1WM U VNfS n 1N II OVSCOURAGEO A BIT, iieL r I i t-r- I I J V Va IV Ik r TUAT'C I I TU&'C UC I CT Real Estate FOR SALE 620 acres in Wallowa county, Oregon, 435 acres irri gated, in cultivation free water right, pasture, 50 acres tim ber. W A LLOWA LAW, LAN 1 & ABSTRACT COM Enterprise. Oregon. 3 R acre. 896 aure river bot tom land at Glendale oregjo. River through ail. Will divide. Write A, O. Clarke, G I end ale, Oregon, FOR SALE House, tot, near school. Small down payment, balance like rent. Hake hie of fer. Box 462 co News-Beview. FOR ALE OR TRA1E Equity in ranch, 2 miles from Reseburg, for car and house trailer. J. W. Macy, Route 2, Box 79A. FEDERAL Land' Ban farma. In quire at the National Farm Loan, Douglas Co, Abatrat Co. Bldg., Hoseburg. Miscellaneous DON'T dsBiroy your dead and worthless stock. We pay the phone call. Roseburg By Pro ducts, Phone 62-F-12, MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. Umoqua Dairy. Poena 38. ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Ph. 1S9-L. Wanted THE Salvation Army is in need of clothing. You may leave them at 407 Cass street all day Saturday from 8 until 6 or leave your ad dress and wo will call for tliem. WANTED To ewes. V. O. Oregon. buy 75 head of Condray, Oieudale, DRINO i prices. is your hides for Roseburg Poultry. best WANTED Wool Roseburg Poultry. aud mohair. Dentistry PR. O. W. MarBUan. Med. A. Bldg YtAA'.VOrtY.HE's feOXT A CORMtR OKI Bull MOW.THAlS WOT I A JOS TO ME UWtf. WS. A PIRST CLASS DISC0USA6EB, THAS WE. JUST MVS NAME WS AM ' ' . Tf MAiAc IS WASH TUBBS. WE'RE IM LUCK, WHITEV j THEY EV1DEMTLV HAVEM'T I NOTICED THE FRACAS FROM THE VILLA,,. ALL WE'VE GOT J j ' RenUls MODERK, 6-room house, furnish ed or partly furnished. Furnace. . Klectrie range. Inquire 80$ Winchester street. FOR KENT Farm, 460 acres. 100 acres farm land. iiood sheep ami stock ranch. W. O. Condray, Uieedale. MODEHK, 4-room botisef 2 bed rooiiis, stationary tuba. Garage. 1002 Winchester St., phone S4, MODERN 4-room house, sleeping porch, basement and garage. In quire 940 Winchester street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment, either one, two , or three rooms. 3. M. Judd. APARTMENTS Close in. lUady to show Saturday. Call G45-J, 6 p. m. FOR R E N T ISciirooms, ateam heated. Northside Aiartmeuts. Phone 3U9 J. FURNISHED apartment. Steam heat. Hot and cold water. Doug las Hotel. 3-KOOM clean apartment. Lights, $15.00. Adults. Inquire 620 Steph ens. SMALL, gas-equipped house, with garage. Pago Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR RENT 1 large, front, sleep ing room. 244 South Pine street. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 660. TO LEASE Well Improved farm. Box 44S, c-o News-Ueview. FOR RENT Small, modern apart ment. S26 South Main. UNFURNISHED house. Lumber & Fuel Co. Page ROOMS, also garage. 21S South Main. Cioso in. 2-ROOM furnished aparUncut, Breekway. 112 APARTMENT for rent, street. Freckles Goes Unpatriotic Petro Guessed Wrong Meanwhile, r the. villa, I THE SPIDER'S I PARTV IS IM- TERRUPTED please!tctw- THOSE SHOTS AREN'T YOU GO- iwe to see wHsr HAPPENED f Around the Campus iOt , OiO YOO i VEAW. ,X NOTiCfc. HAMOY I ALX. TW VRACXtCt I CRAZY TOOAV f SWT VIA Wfc m BttT II v(CHy!Mi S OOUiki' TUttft ooutKi' TrH461 Dawson Knows Them . lac LiMie a. e&t cat, tup FOR RENT S-room furnished hsue with bath garage. 33 W, Masher, phone Fuel OLD growth Yellow Fir slab worn! ami mill etuis, $1.M ier cortl at mill. 3 miles sQiiih at Stither iia oi highway. IV. 14", IS" OWj gruwta nr. Sii& cial price this mouth. Satisfac tion guaranteed, Charles Haiti, Camas Valley, GET jour at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and greea. 16-utcs sad 4-toot. - FOR SALE 16" oak bloc wood Joha Marks, phone Sbr-i. OLD growth fir, B Uors, J6.CNJ, South End Fuel Co. POULTRY FOR SALK Cornish Ked-Cross roosters. Mrs. 11. B. Jacohy, Leokingglass. Phone 1S-F-12 300 WHITE GIANT -t-months-oM Bullets for sale, 1. 1. IXivis, Box 1U7, Melrose Route. Lost and Found LOST Envelope of films and pho tos addressed to Hasco Stamp Co., 510 North Jackson street. Reward for return. LOST -White eauary. If found alive, please return to Jennie Af timr, 1313 Harrison street. Re ward. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Oli account of Illness must sell Nn-Cato. . 335 North Jackson street. Come in and see us. Automobile FOR SALE 193S Ford coile. celient condition, inquire Rast avenue. Chiropractor Beienutic equipmnnt. MCM tX-liay. Dr. Seofield, Parkins Bide. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll SHE'S RIGHT, BOSS -WE'D SETTER. HAVE A PEEP SO1. CiRLi ARE AOOt I SORPRVbEO rtt tv, Too !? irTTT' u&.Ltc: J ,lr vvf.v.-. n " ( PEEP , S I tOR. -BMT feOrAEHOWS 1 I J 3 CAKi'T E'-HM A I CtH "Vi. C5'JY ,1 UiOtiVOW'T pWfcj BLAMt AWN GvRA. TOR ROSt T?S HSrAl Wt'S p.Aiv u..r.,r.. For Sale Miscellaneous KICK, ripe liose pears, fine lor canning, nite they last Sac a bushel. Concord gr. 2c Al so have Tokays and Malayas. Bring your bases. A. F. Suks dorf, t'ooa junetiua. MUFFLKHSi MUFFLKRS! Why worry about your siuffler -oea you can get & guaranteed muf fler for the ilfe of your car at Sarff'a Auto Wrecking House, K. Maiu street. APPLE CROP 5 acres KathweU orchard, 2 miles east of Snther- ihi . Spitlenburg, Newtown. Make me an offer. E. R. Holm, Oakland, Oregon. FOR SALE share of atec In Al pine lodge. Mrs. EHralHstii Troelscher, EDM Second Aw, Los Angeles, California. WALNUTS for sale, 15c pound Urade 1 and 2. Delivery every 2 weeks. Any amount. Hobenstein Myrtle Creek, APPLES Pick them yourself. from 10c to 25c per bushel. Also Rose pears. Austins ureeuhowso at Ureen, FOR SALK Delicious nnd Spitzen- herg apples. MHo south Edeubow- er school. P. e. lleaver. FOR SALE Sweet ititc prunes, 3Jc per pound. Roy Itond, Hilda, Oregon. . lhone 3S-F-2, SMALL baby ploy pea with tioors folds. Small crib and mattress. Kti9 West Mosher. FOlt SALE Fresh sawdust from Deady mill. ,Cail Denn-Cerrot-sen, phone TOM SA1,E tlood wooil heater nnd coach bed. Bos 461, c-o News-Ro- vtew. HOY'S bil-yeie for sale for $S.0, Scofteld, 7W1 Cohb. KKI'IT jars. Also bottles. MfeL. WICKER baby eab. Phone SJ after 6 p. m. By Merrill Blosser OKAY COME AUft,MYRA- I W8E WE SEE SOME. Of VOUR FWEKJS STRETCHEO OUT 1U MY 03RAL, VES ? j" By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane OH, I E?S ABREAST O" THE MISS. YOU 3ES LEAVE YX TO ME. . .'M I 6UASAHTEES YE'LL. WEVER BE BOTHERED EXPERT SERVICE Whert There's Something You Want Dsns see AM EXPERT The firms ano individuals JSsiesl below sSla31?s in their worn. See them 1m expert Mrvitet, Vest should prgrftt fe? their help. The Slraaga Shop, 111 S. Main St, AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Urown, Ml N. Steph. Ph. 144. 1 AUTO HEPAIRINO Alba Spaugli's Garage. Hit W. Oak street. Ptua M. Bartley & raackar, 126 No. Ban. Ph. 43S. AUTO WRECK1N8 Doyle Bros. Ul N. Jaoktfoo. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH Woodcock 4 Fogel, Roseburg. CAR WASHING Al Kewmao, Ul N. Btepbens 8t. RADIO REPAIRING Free tube testing, Carl H, jolm- son, 631 S. Pine, Ph. 57S-R. (For merly with itadio Music Hiore.) a H. Miller, Radio Doctor, 16 No. Jackson St. Ph. W7-R. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING fioseburg lectrt&, phono 123, FLUE CLEANING J. C. llewley, PJiona J83. OAKERY Cayler'a Bakery. Phono 1H5-J. POK SALK fine, all enamel, oil horning cirrwlsior; gol beater; fine overstuffed davenport ami chair; feilchwi cjtbinel. JiMs Furniture Store. tll SALK tilt TttAlMv Smooth top VaHa gas raile, JS9,iM new. SiiJMt to you. fail !IS-j, UOAT fifiil wotor. Also leo tos, Reasonable, 4m Klia, Help Wanted SALESMAN Work ehssed terri tory and manage sUtrv, .QuaHrt ca(,ms; iHsri'ted, lietween 23 mul 35. ear. tk 461. c Kews-Hc- Hay and Grain FOH SALK Itelrja oat anrt vh hay, T. UuHeaii, jHioiio Personal MEW I'Kl AT 4tt FOR MKH, wo men. Mow OBTHlX Tonis Ta ? ltl eosiain 3 stimuiatils tram raw oysters plus 4 general toftiea to pep u whoio body. Try pacto age tmlay. Ii not deUghteit, waTc er refunds its irice, H. $1.0, Special owf 89c Call write Fut luritm'a lrug Store. Go to PorMand Sir. Mrs, ii. A. Ymmn r (Ills city. IH1 Jsl Might for iriHsi in make ar r!minnHlg for movhiK to ihai ciiv first of ihv mmih, Mr, iin eoiuiutny i iUf I'ttttlmtA f- flee. -o- itok!siJid Carnival -Adv. ATTENTION Will Iho ijr of ihm iNniee track ishh-)) . K(lfNikr simian (iisii hart tHen Involwl t an acdnt HlHHft sis miN south of rt- (side firovM 4Jmgo. on Hun- 4t day aflprnnnn, Ktpnmm?r 2 wllli SbHdim ImiifilNK, J- Hold Everything! r s i, t "NVia-ic ! y MIows gft LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Bar, SSS W. Oak St. UCHOLSTERINO Gomes. Uphotat. 6t4 Jack. Pt-. 1SI, REFRIQERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones, Phone 12x SHEET METAL WORK Sinmger's, U M. Jackson St TtRE RETREADING Healr's, Ul H. Stephens. Pa, lot TOW1NO Stephens Aato Ca. SIS No. it lit St. Phone SSM, WELOlMa Robg. WeWJoj Works. SW N. Hals, WATCH REPAIRING Ai-. in Knuouon, VA H, Jackwrn St WHEEL ALiCiNINa Percy Crott, SU N. Jackson, poon S33. BEAUTY SALONS Faye'a Salo ol lkauty. OompJeis beauty erviM. Ph. 211, 116 W, Cas St. Peart Uawhoaser, Mgr. FEWOBR 4 BODY SERVICE Rose Gangs, Lane & Sun, fbmu U. SEAL SALE PLANS DECUSSED HERE Wise Klste Wiirhen, actiwg exe ruiive iwcffitary of the Ojoa ypsleniay in Has-bHrs in the imm psis ot 13m nisMa tiling aawaal aJ sale mjirai. Mm, C. O. Sorrier. TOny seal chairman, and Mrs, J. 1. fttaiachftnteLcfew, rfy ehainMaii, wer jireiwnt at a meet- lug with the following work ere wha are sssiaiinR in this yewKa IJaipn: Mra. Clyde Hwik, Mm, O. A, Wt'Ilee,. sad Si!. E. H Moj of Han'-buv, and Mrs. H Itartooi1 omy, Mrs Waua Cowies. Mra, H A, CoJ, Mrs. tt. F, lfiater sad Mrs, A, I. Thosnn si! of lrafn, Mte? of the limlili Mttii were jil s-o r 5 ? &t. An InterratiiiR and proOtatote dificussion ot various iu.hiB of MYHiioling Die f rtai-isiMMSs ss-aJs was ditied by Miaa Wit chr-n. - Baby Expert SAN FliANCIKCO Lula, tovor- cam for her Messed aexfc njoutii, Tlso city faliiers appropri ate $2W tor a giraffe Juater&Uy i.wia saw liftr Biaie, WliHam are said to be the only iirecsMwg gi niffvs in the untr They alccady have o&s 4-oH: torn last year Douglas Market Yes, th( 1 email cjia tout plumb fuH bargains. SAUSAGE Oyr eoun- try style, 2 lbs. VtAL ROASTS Goeil cut from choice veal, 1 ii. lf CHICKENS Yoyng hen, at plump brds, SWISS STEAK Tender tasty IT!' 22c POT ROASTS Young tender beef at a saving, ? LBS. PURE LARD Sntw whits DIXIE SQUARES jg Mild enreiS, Ih, Phcne 3S0 , 23a N. Jacn COMIC ACT DEPT. ! nil !hos idtas you jiul In lire t - l, s r- . . ...