ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1938. FIVE SSf" Churches Daily Devotions DR. CHAHLKS A. EDWARDS If St. Haul had yielded to the temptation, which he may have had just the same as we, and stayed at home to reat that Sunday morning, the chances are that Lydia might never have been brought into touch with the little christian group and been led to consecrate her talents to the service of the Master. Apparently St. Paul did not miss any chances of be ing on hand when there was ivork to be done, and perhaps It would be worth our whllo to liiestion ourselves somewhat closely as to our readiness and faithfulness to opportunity. A good many of life's opportuni ties do seem to be just chifhce ones. If we have run away from duty or been careless about meeting It with readi ness, we ask Thy pardon,- Our Father, and may Thy grace en able us to be more faithful in the days to come. Help us, in deed to serve Thee in season and out of season, and may we never forget our responsibili ties as Thy followers. Amen. Ices at tho TenniUe church were well attended last Sunday. The church was filled for each serv ice. We are now looking forward to some good results of the occa sion; especially at the Tenmile church. C. E. Bri'tain, pastor. SUTH ERLIN METHODIST 1 CHURCH ! Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Sunday ; school at 10 o'clock Steward Leedy, ! superintendent. At the morning 1 worship the sermon topic is to be, I "If I Were a Christian." There is 1 to be a meeting of the official ' board following the morning ser- vice. The Epworth League will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jC. T. Chamberlain nt 7:30 o'clock; Miss Venetta Fraser is to. serve 1 as leader. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Corey and Mili tary street. West Roseburg.. The services of Sunday, October 23, be gin at 7:30 p. m. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. The topic of the sermon is, "Some Fool ish People!" The Lutheran Hour will be broadcast at 1:30 p. in. over KRNK. Interested listeners of tho Lutheran Hour are kindly re quested to write to the Lutheran Hour care of KiiNR or to the Lu theran Hour, St. Louis, Mo. We most cordially invite all those hav ing no church home of their own to attend our services and Sunday school. We preach a changeless Christ for a changing world. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, pastor. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located at west end of Coinnier l cial Ave. A. Harold PersJng, pas- tor. Services tor Sunday. Sun day school at 9:45. Mrs. Violet Weber, superintendent of classes. Come and make yourself at home. , Morning worship beginning at 11 i a. in. Your pastor will be speak ling. Children's church at 6:30. Moyd Bjorklund in charge. Evan gelistic service at 7:30. We are having times of refreshing from the I,ord. Welcome. Services for the week: Tuesday night at 7:30. Young people in charge. A very good service. Thursday morning at 8:30. Tune in for the "Full Gospel Church of the Air," by way of KB Nit. Friday night at 7:30. Devotional service an'd prayer. DILLARD CIRCUIT Camas Valley: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Tenmile: Sunday school at 10 a. in. Lookingglass: Sunday school 10 a. m. Epworth league p. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. The Theme for the message will be "The Psychology of Beauty. "..Von will enjoy the message. Dillard: Sunday school 10 a. in. Worship service 11 a.m. The theme for the worship service will bo "Some Open Secrets of Penta eost." If you are without a church home we earnestly request your presence at any of the above services. A cordial welcome awaits you, and you are cordially invited to attend the services of any of the above places of wor ship. The union Bally day sorv- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 Kast Douglas street. Regu lar services Sunday at 11 a. in. Subject of lesson: "Probation Aft er Death." Sunday school con venes at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimonies of healing and re marks on Christian S.cience are held at 8 o'clock. The reading room is open on the lower flower of Hie building daily except Sun days and holidays from 2 to 4 p. m. Here tho Hihle and all aulhor Ized Christian Science literature may bo read, borrowed or sub scribed for. The public is cordial ly Invited to attend the church services and to visit the reading room. . SALVATION-ARMY ; v On Sunday mnrniim at 11 a. in. we art; having a special service. The special speakers will be Adju tant Durham and Major 11. M. Eb erhart. Those of you who have heard the major know that his messages are very inspiring and a great help to everyone The public is cordially invited to attend this service and receive a spiritual blessing.' The major will be here Sunday morning only so come on rly. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Umnqua and Harvard. John R. Poet, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 10:45. Class meeting at 11:45. Nellie Baird in charge. Eveulng worship at 7:30. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially in vited to attend all of these services. ELKTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter A. Barnes, pastor. Bible school 10. Worship service 11. Ser mon topic: "The Christian's Step-ladder." MELROSE SUNDAY SCHOOL Rally day .Sunday, Oct. 23. Preaching service. Everyone invited. GLIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a. m., Bible school, Mrs. Fred Asam, superintendent. Class es for all. 11 a, in., Rev. 8. M. Underhill will bring an evangelis tic message. Do not miss this good message. 6:30 p. m., young peo ple's meeting. 7:30, Rev. Under bill will bring his last message of this evangelistic campaign. Come one, come all. A blessing awnits you. There will be a love offer ing taken for Brother and Sister Underhill. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting and Bible study. Act 6 will be the scripture les son. L. S. Cox, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "The Christian Home" will be the theme of the 11 o'clock serv ice at the First Presbyterian church. The evening sermon is the first of a series of four on the book of Jonah, and is entitl ed "A Ticket to Tarshlsh." You are cordially Invited to come and enjoy tho messages on this fas cinating Old Testament hook. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. and provides classes for all ates. The Christian Endeavor society meets at 6:30 In the evening with a pre-prayer service at 6:15. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH S. Raynor Smith, minister. Sun day school at 9:45. Morning wor ship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach on "Tho Imperishable Message." Music by the choir di rected by Mins Helene Hohinson with Mrs. Paul (ledilcs at the or gan. Epworth league a,t 6:30, leader Miss .lean Cloake. Evening worship at 7:30 when Mrs. S. Itay uor Smith will speak on "The Cos pel in Distant Lands." The first part of the service will feature sacred music by Mrs. Paul (Jeddes and Miss Virginia Wright playing the ..organ and j' piano together. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 in our church. A welcome for all at these services. Roseburg Dairy Grade A Pasteurized and Raw Milk DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH' PHONE 186 tftf foi w;?wy yry' yggjffj .J.. . ,. .. .. ' , . V J. '. I ,..... - i Carefree, Economical - CfCL5 Heating When winter comes, don't be surprised if even old Dobbin tries to join the. family circle if your home is heated with gas rKwm: ' With Gas, th modern fuel, all the uncertainties," smoke, soot, noise and ashes of old-fashioned heating make way for controlled comfort Gone forever, are stoking, poking, fuel handling, storage and delivery. A finger-touch and presto healthful, uniform warmth spreads instantly wherever desired. Resolve today that you too will enjoy the exclusive benefits of lowcost gaa heating this winter. There is a heating unit to fit your individual need at a price and terms to suit your purse. f , . . x Let us help you plan for healthful, workk'3 comfort this winter. Estimates free. See us today. Modernize Economize with Gas. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. R. Turnbuii. minister. 9:30 a. m., prayer meeting. 9:4 a. ni mble school, Alvin TJnton, sup erintendent. 10:55 a. ni., morning worsnlp (broadcast over Kills K). Hrief talk to C. A. league. Solo. Mrs. J. U. Turnbull, "The Blind Ploughman." Sermon, "Bought With a Price." 6:30 p. m.. Junior and Senior B. Y. P. unions. 7:30 m., gospel service. Ten-minute song service. Special musical numbers. Sermon on Revelation. The Woman, the Child and .he Beast." Wednesday, prayer and Bible study. Subject, "The Cover ings of the Tabernacle." FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner of Kane and Douglas streets. Linden G. Ieavitt. minis ter. Church school begins at 9:45 a. m. C. G. Stanton, superintend ent. Morning worship at 10:30. Theme, "If a -Man Die, Shall He Live Again ?" Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. in. Evening worship at 30.. Theme, "God as Seen In Nature." Youth's social hour at the close of the evening worship, with Miss Taylor directing the dis cussion. Classes in speech and psychology on Tuesday evening; Bible study group on Wednesday evening. CHURCH OF QOD Just off highway on Garden val ley road every Sunday. Sunday school at lo a. in. Preaching at 11. Kvenlng service 7:30. All ure welcome. GLAD TIDINGS OF THE AIR Over Station KRNIt, 8:30-9:00 every Sunday morning. The fourth message in I ho scries on the theme: HIDDEN TKBASUKK." will he delivered uext lyjrd's day, and the subject will be: "BURGLAR 'ROOF HIDDEN TREASURES." )ou't ni iBs thin message. . Rev. Iru F. llanklin, Minister. CHURCH OF CHRIST Mnol) In Iv P hull nvnrv 1 mil's day. Bible study at 9:45. Sermon lUM.'i. suhject: "Honesty iuiu Truthfulness." Stranpers welcome. Homer Pippin. Minister. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Roseburg St. George's. Holy communion, 8 a. m., church school 9:45 a. m., morning prayer 11 a. m. Riddle Ascension. Evening pray er 8 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE One block east of court house on East Douglas street. Sunday school at 9:45 with Supt. Fred Macy in charge. Parents in response to our city Burvey, send your children this Sunday morning. Morning wor ship at 11:00 with a guest speaker, Evangelist Bertha Crowe, bringing the message, N.Y.P.S. at 6:45 in charge of the "Country Church." Evangelistic message at 7:45. Ev eryone welcome to these services. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor. CARD OF THANKS Ye wish to express our deep heartfelt appreciation and sincere thanks to the many frieuda. for the lovely flowers and other kind nesses expressed during the recent illness and passing of our dear de parted Mother. The Children of Mother Muthllde Dieckman. TONIGHT Oakland Carnival Chupman Pharmacy i iipers. y mm. auv. ROTARIANS ENJOY MUSICAL PROGRAM Members of the Roseburg Ro tary club were treated to an all nNVlcal program at thelrregular meeting Thursday, George Ham mer, accontpauled by Charles Ar undel, played a number of violin solos. One group of numbers were popular old songs which club members sang with the violin and piano. during tho general election cam-1 paign. Acting on a request by Gover nor Martin, the commission also ! told the employes not to make j campaign contributions, pointing j out this was prohibited by the cor-1 rupt practices act. I Cat's-Paw SOLES AND HEELS at BRUTON'S 340 No. Jackson St. HURRYI... ACT NOW... ONLY 10 MORE DAYS TO ROAD BODY ISSUES POLITICAL WARNING SAl.BM,, Oct. 20 AP The state htRhway commission warned its 1,600 employes today to re frain from tiny political activity Gas Gas All Time Mr,. Jai. Filler .y: "Oms on my ilora eh . io bad I coutdnl oat "'"' G even yreneed on my heart. Aalerlka bromht mo quick relief. Now. I cat a, I wl.h. eleer. fine, never felt better. ON YOUR ORECONIAN SUBSCRIPTION . , during the month of October Barbecue Fund Benefit DANCE Cctnyonville Community Hall SATURDAY OCTOBER 22ND MEN 40c LADIES 10c BY MAIL 1 YEAR TOII Kerulur NOW SAVE Daily only$ 7.00$ 6.00 $1.00 Daily and Sunday .. 11.50 10.00 1.50 Sunday only 5.00 4.50 .50 Mill Thi Order Today A Croat Big Now PLUS TREAT For Oregontan Raiders Supplementing The Ore gon! un' dominant nnwi Nupremncy, cxcIiinI ve WirepliotOH, and score of other favorite fmtures you've Ion; enjoyed. SAVE THIS M.50 ' Check One THE ORECONIAN, Portland, Oregon: Inclosed find for which please send rha Tho Oregonian as checked on this coupon. Name Bally Q D.OS. Sunday Address . City Or Stat i GO. ' ' iff Till fc JJUL!&UbJ W. iL !.,.,0 ' CHEVROLET'S FAMOUS VALVE- 5Y. ALL CHEVROLET 75 iMm PRICEl fRCDU5CD plBis kP some models as much as $Sgy IS $45.00 fe w A"!inre Come in tomorrow. See this marvelous Z,,,,,,fc rjJjZLX new Chevrolet for 1939 . . The highest o:oe0c Quality motor car ever offered In the entire i yO p"7 r,,,N l P"0 S' fC""' 1 ' nifrY f low-cost motoring . . with alj hjfl I "oxZe )Li0000P heSe 5ensa,'onal new fea,ures making tJ ''"'hf'0. 0!ff ' ' ,he outstanding ear for all-round lX! A'X Vj satisfaction as well as the biggest buy "ZXT h5G V' in motordom.' SEE IT-DRIVE It! BUY A ! 'rT-Jl Again More Quality m AT SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED PRICES HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY m OAK & STEPHENS ST. ROSEBURG, ORE.