ffOSEStmC NEWS-REVIEW. KOSEBUKC, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1938. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER RECEPTION GIVEN FOR TEACHERS ' I.OOKINGOLASS. Oct. 21 The reception given hy the I'arent Teacher organization last Kriiluy evening honoring the teaehers was enjoyeil by a large group of par ents and friends. The grange hall was made into a very atlructive setting for the occasion by the use of vine maple anil fall flowers. The serving table was especially ntliaclivK with its Hallowe'en mo lif ami centered with a large bow r marigolds. The decorations were in charge of Mrs. A. A. Ja coby, Mrs. Al Strickland and Mrs. Krnest Voorhies. A short pro gram included a welcome by Mrs. A. A. Jacohy, president of the or conization, songs hy Joe Mat thews, nonnle Jean and Hilly Mat thews, readings by Mrs. Ted Hodges and Mrs. Walter Hunger, instrumental trio by Tom. Kellx and Tessle Zoeter and community singing led by Mrs. Don Ollivant. accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Alma LeClerc. Introductory re murks were made by A. II. Marsh with responses from the teachers. The program was arranged by Mis. Krnest Voorhies. Refresh ments were in charge of Mrs. Al Strickland nnd Mrs. Creed. The teaching sturr includes: Prof. W. V. Zuniwalt, assisted by Miss Hel en Wooden nnd Miss Hdna Smith in the high school: Mark FSeolev. upper grades;- Miss Clara 10. Moore, Intermediate grades,' and Miss Alice liltchie, primary grades. - - STUDY CLUB IS i ORGANIZED BY GROUP LOOKINCGI.ASS. Oct.1 21. A group of Indies met. on Wednesday afternoon at the home of MrB. Krnest Voorheis to organize a study club as n part of the activities of the local P.-T. organization. Mrs. Today's Pattern "SOFT" TAILORING TO THE FORE PATTERN 405S The tailored dress "comes into its own" with this dashing Anne Aditms style. Pattern 4H58 lias new feminine "softness" with gathers from the chic little yokes nnd the youthfully high waistline. Why not run np one frock with the crlBp high-Lying neckline, nnd another with a stand-up collar that's equal ly becoming? The making's simple in both short and long-sleeved ver sions, with a helpful Sewing In structor pointing out just what to do! Note that the skirt has the prettiest "swing." achieved ever so easily by slimming panels both back and front. Add n contrasting girdle lor extra style Interest in a new shape that is especially smart and flattering! Pattern 4rt."3 is available In misses' and women's sizes 14. 16. IS. 20. 32. 34. 3ti.. 3S. 40 and 43. Size 16 takes 2 yards 54 inch fab ric. Send FIFTEEN' CENTS 15c in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plninlv SIZE. NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Send for YOITR copy of ANNE ADAMS WINTER PATTERN HOOK nnd pick the style "finds' of the season for your new ward robe! See the smartest of clothes easily stitched from the simplest of patterns! Fashions for IndoorB and out! Dresses, suits, coats and acces sories! Everything from alluring party wear to sports togs and at home frocks! Slendprlzing modes for the matron! Kiddies' outfits too! Lovely lingerie! (lifts for everyone from Dad to the Baby Write today! BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TOGETHER. Send yonr order to the News Review. Pattern Department, R"se burg. Ore. ii t)on Ollivant and Mrs. John Mont gomery were appointed as leaders for the programs and it was decid ed to follow study courses outlin ed in the P.-T. magazine. It Is plan ned to hold the i.ext meeting at the g.angn ball on the afternoon of No vpmber 16. T:u preparation ot si-j'iool lunches will be discussed at 1 1' it meeting 1 1 connection with the study (juh. " COTERIE CLUB HAS MEETING WEDNESDAY OLENDALE. Oct. 21. The Cot erie club held a very interesting meeting in the parlors of the Pres byterian church Wednesday aft ernoon. A large number of per sonB were in at tendance, each member of the club having invited a guest. After a short business meeting, Rev. S. Raynor Smith, guest speaker, gave a very enjoyable talk on "India." Mrs. Smith later spoke on the same subject, exhibit ing a number of trophies which she and her husband bad brought from India. Refreshments were served by the hostesses of the day, Mrs. Win. WunBch, Mrs. Fred Morey, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. Francis Nelson. and Mrs. George Gardinier, at ta bles made lovely with autumn dec orations, the harvest motif being carried out in detail. DISTRICT CONVENTION OF JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUBS TO BE SUNDAY The district convention of Junior Woman's clubs will be held at North Bend Sunday. October 23rd. nt which time a number from the Roseburg club will be present. The state president of the Oregon Fed eration of Women's club, Mrs. IT. D. Peterson, of Dallas, will arrive in Roseburg Saturday and will ac company the local delegates to North Bend Sunday morning. Mrs. William Unrath, president of the Roseburg Junior Woman's club, has nsked all members planning to attend the convention to call her not later than Saturday noon. SUTHERLIN COMMUNITY GRANGE TO MEET SATURDAY EVENING SUTHERLIN. Oct. 20 The Suth- erlln Community grange is holding open house for friends and would be friends, at their meeting place in .Sutherlin, .the I.O.O.F. hall, this Saturday night, Oct. 22nd. A pood program is arranged by the lect urer, and refreshments, without charge, will be prepared by the Home Economics committee. A lovely hand-quilted quilt will be given -oway. The following progrom is ar ranged:. Orchestra number: -vocal solo, Mrs. Arthur Austin; skit,; .grange, roll call; tap dance, Patty Wall!;, talk on grange accomplish ments, Fred GniT; duel, .lean and Jackie. Culver; reading, Mrs. Wen- del Truitt; orchestra number. FELLOWSHIP BIRTHDAY DINNER PLANNED FR WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16 The fellowship birthday dinner of the Methodist Episcopal Ladies Aid planned for the latter part of next month and then postponed, has been changed to Wednesday. November 16, to be held, at 6:30 o'clock in the evening at the church parlors. Tickets for the annual affair will be on sale with in the next few days and will be in charge of Mrs. S. Raynor Smith and Mrs. D. B. Bubar and their committee. Birthday table chair men will be aiUKiiiiUf-il wEiliiu a few days. THIMBLE CLUB MEETS THURSDAY RIDDLE. Oct. 21. The Ladies Thimble club was entertained at the pleasant home of Mrs. Perry Cornutt. Thursday of last week. A potluck luncheon was served at one o'clock. The afternoon waa spent in sewing and visiting. At the short business meeting the following officers were elected for the coming year. Josie Pfaff, president; Josie Primer, vice president; Rose Johnson, secre tary. Creations of Art With Needlework WOMAN'S JIFFY VESTEE By BARONESS PIANTONI Pattern No. 11 lr The little time it took to cro chet this vestee would surprise you. It is an essential to every woman's wardrobe, w hlch should convince you of the necpsslty of having one. Comes In small, me dium and large flizs. and is eas ily made to fit every sie. The pattern envelope contains complete, ensy-to-undprstand di rections for small, medium and large sizes; also what crochet hook and what material and how much you will need. To obtain this pattern, send for No. 1105 and enclose 10 cents In stamps or coin (coin preferred) to cover service and postage. Ad dress News-Review. Needlework Department, Roseburg, Oregon. SIDE GLANCES 3 irvv v ! i. "That's Halfback McFinncy of the 1908 lean." He Packs a Mean Wallop! Robert Taylor and Maureen O'Sulltvan, co-starred In "The Crowd Ronrs," Btlrring prizefight story which opens Sunday- ut the Indian theatre, ' ; - ' - - ,, ' '. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AT GLEN DALE LIBRARY GLENDALE, Oct 21. T h e Glendale public library, operated under the auspices of the Coterie club, is in receipt of the follow ing new books: "Midnight on the Desert," by J. B. Priestley; "Call fornio Caballero." by William Mc Donald; "The Wall," by Mary Ro berts Rinehart; "The Rutnbin Gal leries," bv Booth Tarkinglon; "The Kingbird Rides," by Max Brand; "Trouble Hides the Wind,'.', by B. M. Bower; "Listen the Wind," bv Anno Morrow Lind bergh; "Rich Girl, Poor Girl," hy Faith Baldwin: "Let Me Die Tuesday," hy Helen Hopping Mill er; "Famous l-ables bv Aesop, by Sampson: -And So. Victoria." by Vaughn Wilkins; and "The Seven Who Fled." by Frederic Probosch. A number of new books for -children were also recently added to the library, namely: "The Sunny Silky Books," by Sarah Ripney; "Cinderella." translated by Hen derson; "Hansel and Gretel." by Grimm Bros.; "The Busy Little Honeybee," by Josephine True, ami "The Adventures nf Mickey Mouse," hy Disney Rlnudlos. MRS. PFAFF IS HOSTESS TO CLUB RIDDLE, Oct. 21. Mrs. Arthur Pfaff was hostess'for the local P. N. G. club last Saturday at her home near town. The officers el ected for tho coming year ivre In stalled at this time. Maggie Logs don acting as Installing officer, as sisted by Josie Pruner, marshal. Plans wero discussed for the Hal lowe'en entertainment imd ba zaar which the club is giving rednesdnv. Oct. 26, at I he new Masonic hall. The next mppllng will be nt the home of Ethel How ard. POETS CORNER This poem was published In Tho Portland Journal: SOMETHING FOR SUE I wanted to write A sonnet for Sue Phrased with dignity. Weighty and wise. But somehow a sonnet Wouldn't ring true It stilled hr laughter And shadowed her eyes. Sue is not serious; Sue la not staid. Sweet as a primrose And gay as a breeze. Sue Is a charming. Delectable maid. Living and loving With nonchalant ease. I wanted to write A sonnet. The best Is far from being Her rightful due. But rhyme and rhythm, With renegade zest. Fashioned these verses To compliment Sue. Mnrjorle Hunt Pettlt. By; GeoTfca Clarir DELIGHTFUL LUNCHEON GIVEN BY MRS. MOUCHETTE GLENDALE, Oct. 21. Mrs. B. E. Moiichelte was hostess at a lovely 12:30 o'clock luncheon at her home on Gilbertson avenue Wednesday, wiien she entertained the visiting speakers for tho Cot erie club and the executive com mittee of the club. A harvest cen terpiece was used, nlso a very nov el arrangement of place cards, these being small slips of paper pinned to maple leaves. Places were laid lor Rev. nnd Mrs. S. Raynor Smith of Rose burg. Mrs. It. ('. Huntington. Mr. A. J. Fawcolt, Mrs. Francis Nelson and the hostess, Mrs. Moiichette. MR. AND MRS. CROW CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY . RIDDLE. Oct. 21. Mr. and Mih. II. A. Crow, who have been real dents of this community for many years, celebrated their rifly-fifth wedding anniversary Tuesday, Oc tober 18. A party of friends and neighbors gathered at their home that evening for a surprise party and presented them with a lovely chair with their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Crow are among Rid dle's most esteemed residents and their friends hope they will cele brate many more anniversaries. RIDDLE GRANGE HAS MEETING Rlt)DLE, Oct. 21. The Riddle grange jnot in regular session Thursday evening with a good at tendance. Plans were made for the visit of Pomona grange here the 29th of Oct. After the .busi ness spssion a reception was held for the teachers of the local school. A short program was given and refreshments were serv ed at the close of the evening Visit at Azalea Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Ellison, of Yoncalla. and daughter, Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, of Days Creek. Bill Gross and Bill Ellison spent the first of the week in Azalea visiting the Ellison's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Condniy. Mis. Ferguson re mained at the Condrny home to spend several days with her sister, before returning to her home in Days Creek. Here's Quick Relief for RASPY COUGHS DUE TO COLDS first put a smell lump of Vlcks VapoRub on your tongun and let It melt. The medication bathen tho Irri tated membranes a It trickle down your throat bringing comforttnis relief where you want it when you want it. then melt a spoonful ot VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Breathe In the vapors for a few minutes. As these vapor work their way down through the alr-paitft&Keis, they loosen phlegm aud ease the cough. Cit3 WICKS V VapoRub Local News Spends Day Here Gil NordUng, of Eugene, was a business visitor, in this city yesterday. Here Yesterday Claude, J. Goff, of Sutherlin, was n business visitor In this city yesterday. Here From Oakland Mrs. Brady Burnett and Mrs. Harry Ma honey, of Oakland, spent yester day in this city visiting relatives and shopping. Here on Business Charles V. Lovegran, of Clatskanle, lias ar rived here to attend to timber in terests in the Camas Valley com munity. Attends Funeral W. B. Poole, of San Diego, Calif., baa arrived here, having been called by the death of his brother, Vernon Poole, of Days Creek. neturn From Portland Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Rodgera have returned to their home at Hill Crest Auto court here, following a visit of several days in Portland. Visit In Eugene Mrs. John Lander Jr., Mrs. Elmer Lander and son. Bill, and Mrs. Ira DeBolt Mann have returned to their homes, following a visit . with friends in Eugene. Spends Day at Glendale Ham ilton K. Johnson, assistant district fire warden for the Douglas For est Protective association, spent yesterday fa Glendale on busi ness. Expected Home Mr. nnd Mrs. James S. Campbell and family are expected to return to their home in Oaks addition this week end, following an extended tour of the eastern stales. Attend to Business Fred L. Southwick nnd Ira DeBolt Mann, of tho Douglas Forest Protective Association, spent Wednesday and Thursday in the southern part of the county attending to business. Visiting Here M 1 s a Evelyn Cloake -and Miss Rosie Neuriter. nurseB at Sacred Heart hospital in Eugene, are visiting here until to morrow with their respective par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Coake and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neuriter. Grange to Meet Riversdale grange members only have been in vited to attend the Beveu o'clock" potluck supper tonight at the hall to be followed by a program by Po mona grange under the direction of Vivian Dominico. Will Visit In Bend Mrs. Kittle Von 1'essl, of thia city, -plans to leave Sunday .for Bend,. Ore., to spend a week visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1 1. R. Anderson. The latter was formerly Miss Ruin Von Pe&til of this city. Quite III Miss Frances How ell is reported to be quite ill at her home on South Jackson street, this week. Miss Howell has been in poor health for the past year, but had been improving the past several weeks until she suffered a relapse a short time ago. Stop Over Here Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nelson, of Coquille. and their niece, who Is a resident of Portland, stopned over here this week to visit Mrs. Bertha Parroll, on South Jackson street. The Nelsons are moving this week to reside near Pendleton, Oregon, Move to Salem Mrs. Nova Bates and two children, Sally Zoe, and Brent, bnve moved from La Grande, Oregon, to Salem, where the former has accepted employ ment in the secretary of atate's of fice. Mrs. Bates was formerly Nova Iough ofthis city. Arrives From Portland Mra. C. N, Day Jr., nee Clarice Payne, has arrived from Portland to spend a week or ten (lavs vlaiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Mr. Payne will come to Roseburg Inter to take her back to Port land. Will Attend Convention Don ald Boyd, son of Mr. nnd Mra. C. R. Bovd. formerly of this city and now of Eugene .has been selected as a delegate of Scabbard and Blade al University of Oregon to Attend the convention next month in San Francisco. He is a first lieutenant in the R. O. T. C, this year and a member of the Oregon year book staff at U. of O. 'He Ih a brother of Mra. William Unrath of thin city nnd before moving to Eugene, attended the local high school. Eat Model Bakery's Non Acid Bread Having much less starch than other breads makes ft less fattening. No refined sugar Is used, consequently it contains an invert or negative sweetening instead of pos itive, which Is Important to all bread users. BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER Here Yesterday II. P. Rice, of Myrtle Creek, was a business vIh itor in this city yesterday. Elkton Visitor Here A. R. Mc Donald, of Elkton, spent a few hours here yesterday attending to business. Working at Style Shop Mrs. W. Pemberton, of this city, has ac cepted employment at the Style sliop. : Back From Eugene Mrs. A. C. Marstera has returned here from n short visit with friends in Eu gene. . Here Yesterday Mrs. Clarence Tlllotson and daughter. Joanne, of Idleyld. were here shopping and visiting friends yesterday. Attends to Business Deputy Sheriff Clifford Thornton spent yealeiday in Riddle and Conyon vlllc attending to business. Here Few Days Eston Lough, who is mining on the North Cmp qua, spent Wednesday nnd Thurs day here visiting friends and at tending to business. Back From Buying Trirj Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yaruall, owners of i lie style shop, bavo returned to thia city from a buying trip to San Francisco. At Smith Home Miss Jean Stubblefield, of Cottage Grove, nas arrived in Roseburg to visit indefinitely at the home of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith. Trophy Dinner Postponed Mem bora of the Roseburg Country club are being notiiied of the postpone ment- of the trophy potluck seven o clock dinner, which was to have been held nt tho clubhouse tonight. Around the County yoncalLa YONCALLA. Oct. 21. Hlivld AVIllfmitH of Kxt:el.sior Springs, Mittsotirl, and Clydo KelHO are vis- ItlliK nt the Kdwunl kelno home. Hoth Mr. WillinniH nnd Clydo Kill- no nio Willi tlin united stales en- Kineer coin of Hie U. S. anny sta tioned neur San Kraneisco. They are home on a 45-iiay nirloiiKli. Itaphael Toner, tencher at ros ter, Ore., and Kenneth Toner, stu dent nt O. K. C, silent tho week end vislllliK nt the Jim Toner homo. Mrs. Nora Ilnoy of Reatlle was called here Wednesday on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Martha Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. f:oorp;o Kdes, liar old lOdes and Wlllinonl Dodil spent Tuesday In lOllKene. Mrs. Uric Ktenselli spent Wed nesday transacting business In Uoscbui'K. WILBUR WILDER, Gel. 20 Mrs. G. W. Gruhbe left Sunday for Seattle, Washington, where she expects to spend Mho wilder with her niece, Mrs. Morgan Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKay of North Umpqua and Ait Greener nf Kugene were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mra. I. I. Mc Kay, Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Frank Parker and Miss Kay Godley Hpent Saturday shopping nnd visiting friends In Kugene. . Mra. D. M Moon spent Monday in Hoseburg attending to business am) shopping. Miss Claire Wells was .shopping fn Hoseburg Saturday. K. H. Ol linger of Hoseburg spent Monday in Wilbur looking after lits property !n!erela here. MIhscs Miizic nnd Olive Walker of Deer Creek and Mr. nnd Mra. I). IV McKay vlsiled the Garden Val ley walnut orchards Tuesday. Pick ing wan In progress and the yield of crops was good, Mr. nnd Mrs. Curtis and the for mer's mother, Mrs. Adams of Phoe nix, Arizona, have purchased the Dave Merrill nlaco on I be west side. They took Immediate posses- slon. Mrs. H. I,. Irving was called to Vancouver, Washington, Saturday by the dealti of her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Merrltt have moved lo Hoseburg to reside. Mrs, C. It. Sperling uccompanled her sous, A. J. and Herman Sperl ing, lo Iloise, Idaho, for n few weeks visit. A. J. and Herman Sperling of Hnise, Idaho, Mr. and Mi-h. Onel Demeuls and children of Prairie, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Slinm berger and daughter of La Ilabra, California, Mrs. Hussell Grey and daughter of Hedstone, Colorado, who had attended tho funeral of their lather, C. U Sperling, all left EVERY DROP 2 OO at Tht tvhftUo Tkm an On HH Vn Old -90 Ptoof Tuesday for their homes. Miss Jessie May Humphrey, who was quite ill, is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Short had i their guests Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trozelle. of Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Russell were I inner ruests Sunday of Mrs. A, Hume. OAKLAND OAKLAND, Oct. 21. Mrs. H. F. Kngllsh. Mr. and Mra. Louis Kgle ston, Mrs. Godaev- and Mrs. Ttoy Miller, attended the state conven tion of the W. C. T. IT., which was held nt the First Christian hurch of lCugonn. Wednesday. Clarence Leltzer spent Sundav visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mra. John Leilzel. of Curtain. Mr. and Mrs. Kmery Ileattie de parted Wednesday for their home at llaush creek after spending a few weeks visiting with friends. Mrs. Krvln Hice and Mra. Karl Strong of Oakland and Mrs. Burr I Fisher of Kugene drove to New port Wednesday whore they at tended the convention of the sec ond district of the Federated Wo men's cluba of Oregon. After a very profitable and enjoyable time tho ladies returned to their respec tive homes Friday. Krvln Hice and son. Del in nr. de livered 22.1 nrime turkeys to the Northwest Poultry company nt Yoncalla Saturday. Tho birds will he used for tho Thanksgiving market Mra. Hugh Millor departed Monday for Cotlago Grove where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. M Inner Thiel, who has been visiilng at the home of her sialer In Portland the past few months, relumed to her homo at Hice Hill Sunday. Mrs. A. j. Wynne of Cottage Grove, and her father, Henry Cliamnafgue of Portland visited nt tho Hoy Miller home Sunday aft ernoon. Delmar Hice ami nil 1 Ttalstnn, students nt the University of Ore Eon, snent the week-end at the Kevin It Ice home. Hnlcigu Gnnt and Kmmitt Chur chill have recently returned from duty In the Umnqun national for est, where they have been employ ed during the summer. Mrs. Olllo Wnire, who was call ed here by the serious illness of her father, Nat Kvans. returned Friday to her home in San Fran cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Krvln Ttiee visit ed at Hie It. It. Clarke home Satur day evening. Miss Patricia Short of Tyee snent the week-end as a guest of Mias Klaine Worthen tf Oakland. Mr. and Mra. Fred Ilnnna of Hoseburg were vlaiting friends in Oakland Sunday. Hill Ilognn of Voncalln is spend ing the winter hero with his broth er. King llognn. Chnrlea W. Modloy nf Portland Is viallimr here with hia pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Medley. Mr. nnd Mra. M. L. McKinney and family Bpcnt Sunday at Myr tle Point. ? Guy Colo, Far Lnathenvoorr and ,'Cnrvn Ihimillon departed Sunday for a hunting trip in eastern Ore gon.' , Floyd Smith of Wilbur apent tho week-end here with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Smith. Hugh Miller waa lu Hoseburg Monday on business. Krnest .McKinney, Helen and Kenneth McKinney of Albuuy wero visitors al the Jtoy Miller home Tuesday. f On July 14. 17K9, Louis XVI of France wrote In hia diary: "Noth ing." It waa on this day that tho Hastille fell, 100 of the ktug's men were slain, and pie revolution be jjan in earnest. Gasoline ula in Oregon during ihe first seven months of thia year reached the record-breaking total of 126.4S5.S64 gallons, according to Secretary of Stale Karl Snell. The lax on this galloiiage amounted to 00,321,29:1,20. Today and Saturday There's Fun in Store for Everyone! Preview Saturday Night Peter Lorre in "Mysterious Mr. Mote" Starts Shows 2-7.9 P. M. Mats. 25c Eves. Kiddies 10c Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Oct. 21: Compiled by The Associated Press. 30 15 15 60 Ind'ls Hit's Ut's St'ks Friday 7t!.S 21.5 30.3 G2.fi Prev. day .... 76.5 21.5 36.5 52.5 Month ago .. 67.7 lfi. 30.7 45.4 Year ago .... 6S.3 24.6 31.5 48.7 l!i:tS high .... 77.4 22.0 37.1 52.0 1!I3S low 4!t.2 12.1 29.9 33.7 BONDS 20 10 10 10 Hit's hull's 1't's Fgn- Friday 6D.1 9S.S 94.9 61.9 Prev. day .... 59.6 99 1 94.9 C4.7 I Month ago .. 51.0 97.9 91.7 62.0 Year ago .... 79 ft 99.0 92.2 66.2 193K high .... 70 5 10M.3 95.1 67.0 I93S low 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 TONIGHT Oakland Carnival Capers, 7:30.-Adv. HENRY'S TAXI Phone 21 Dr. H. R. Nerbas Dentist Masonic Building Phone 488 Gas for extraction or cavity preparation SPECIAL Successful replacement of ex tracted teeth the same day. Today and Saturday BRETHARTE'S Stirring Story "The Luck of Roorcng Camp' with Owen Davis, Jr. Joan Woodbury ALWAYS 2 FEATURES snows i--j P. M. 25c Eves. 35c Kiddles 10c Coming Sunday IfiA I TllDDIWKCjC Lewis Stone Mickey Rooney Cecilia Parker Fay Holden Sunday 35c I"11 i'H:l-i'"inTrnn, '-"lirfnl"WTmf V W Uhwua in ttu Wti -1 is? m,