ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1938. For Your Convenience Theae Daugiu Cowntr Mtonm will tnk Want jUl tmm t CULVKH'9 MARKET BTHSA11NB ;11KN012TH Oakland ITONAKBII DIIUG CO. Yoncalla MCDONALD'S hTOllK Elkton . . BKUAKD'B Uniuqua ' GLIDE BTOIID Glide I. n. NICHOLS llvoclcirar UOHKLL'S HTOHHt Temulle ii. n. iiicuTicu co. Cuiuna Valley ' ELLISON KLLISO.I Dlllara REYNOLDS A ADAMS BIrrlle Creek . ImADSTUEKT'S Diddle HEN'MKtilSIl'S C'anyonvllle HblNNINGKU'S Glendale OAV9 CUKlCIt STOHB , Days Creek The above atorea will -accept Co and punneut for tliem. Juat tell the tuurchunt Hated ubove: wl want to put Q ad In the. N?wn-llevleiv" and be will take eare of all tba detnlla for yo. NEWS-REVIEW . Classified Ads ' Phone 100 RATES First Insertion, per worn , .. zo Each subsequent insertion per word .. ic One week, per word.. ..6c One month, per Hue ,....$1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of vUullcation. The News-Jlovlow assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the clasBlfied columns. Rend ers are urged to make full investi gation before sending money in re sponse to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS V rai bO "VP I'LL PUT N y -rp Gp. mavius wtm-BB RG& J f HOvV DO I DonT ASK. N Ir IP HE HAS A U -7 7 GO ON CRY OM Y L0NG V DITTO MARKS ,r THE LAST TIME 1 MAYBE rWV Yu "Wl? BpY NOW, 7 HIS SHOULDER AMD -PORKY UNDER ..THAT --- wNER WmB t5cK 'i ir;1-- : f PBEUv dUNe j' WE-r, iv ww-w. srT( w- w-w-. . , , ,A ..- HNbS ALWAT 3 tltthA hU dtff-Tf- A VI " I I u ' ' ii- , 1-1 " gyr MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE A Confederate By Thompson and Cell n.l THESTEWAEDESS' KITCWEWET, I I EE - FAEDOkl ME, MISS, WHSj i'LL 1 fjf" MO-WO.' I'M MUCH TOoT"i JUrT AiS VOU Fl I (VEIZIH& HIS OPPORTUNITY, AM' V li WC-s SPEAKS SOFTLV WITH WHITEY BUT I WAS JUST WOUDE- SBR; ME. IE SLEEPY. MAKE iJP MY SAV, MISS -J 1 d BEOSE IMTO THE KIT- IU THE PILOT'S COCKPIT IMS IP VOU COULD IWTSO- I AMBEOSE Ifl BEBTH. TELL THIS MAU LAVERE j CHEMBT, WHEKB HE BUZZES I PUCE ME. TO THAT MOVIE p" j, ' ! I'LL. &IVE HIM MY AUTO- -J, .J fJSeoWS SI&HAU. "nT "" ' 1 OKAY BACK HERE, ) 5TAI2. WHO OCCUPIES THE ,., I I CSRAPH IM THE MORWlMG " S'yMM. I . s ( CHAkltbE IM 1 1 WHITEY-BUT BE OM J LrTFLE ROOM FDCWAJ gfe , f WfM AA WE COUtlf VOUR. GUARD -IVE a .- y - V fe: ' Vs3Cs , '"iTI ' X Wvmm 6000 THEM WEWE ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES .Tt SOOT A SOT 8tVOR V WASTE ftNV TIME Wnv HER. A TrUNW. tU. V.OOK H. OP - . -5- WASH TUBBS (: - ff SPELLS, T50C. I TH1MK. YT'S ) 'if I mrL:-ramrt IAV HEART. TTT K&mr& we .h... , L'hH 3P- . tl "hrE'. r.rr 1 WAYBt A I f S6LSi' -& "-fM I 1.4 Tfc U H U VII I. 1 'II S- fcyfiff v v j&il ' w 1 1 V l '- TBf-..y :-t.i - . '-i. Kw: ?- 1 -X To get in touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and bo, .care News-Review' it is necessary to write them. The Nows-Review doesn't know who they are, either. Real Estate $13 PER acre. 896 acres river bot tom loud at Glendalo, Oregon. River through all. Will divide. Write A. U. Clarke, Glendale, Oregon. FOR SALE 320 acres, bounded on ono side by Umpqua river,-about 250 acreB could bo cultivated. Mrs. Anna Kent, Elkton, Oregon. 'FEDERAL. Land Dank farms, ln- quire ut the National Farm Loan ofCce, Douglus Co. Abstract Co. I llldg., Roseburg. FOR TRADE SO ncres, four miles north Grants Pass, to trade for residence property in Roseburg. Ill S. Flint. FOR SALE Five-room houso. Rea sonable. Terms. Inquire 1114 W. 1st. , Help Wanted CAPABLE girl or woman. Hoard, room, wages. Art s log Cabin, Sulhcrlin. WANTED Man to dig well. E. E. Uukor, Douglus County Flour Mill. Work Wanted TWO girls 22 and 24 want any profitable employment. Phone 555-R. HIGH school girl wants to work for room and board. Wynigeur, Mol roso routo. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM & X-Ray, Dr. Scofleld, Perkins llldg. Dentistry DR. O. W. Marshall. Mai. A. Hide. FRIENDS W I'LL pur LONG, V DITTO MARKS VIMOCK-OOTi YOU - IAAiY LIME Rentals WILL lease, $50.00 per year, 65 acres on Umpqua river west of Wilbur. Small house, fenced, Bonio river bottom, suitable for sheep; -goats, hogs, turkeys, chickens. C. E. Cruuflll, 1908 F street, Sun Diego, California. FOR RENT 120 acres, house, out buildings, some farm equipment. RoBcburg. $150.00 per year. Phone 3F24, or 1I1F2. BELTONIA 3-room and bath apartments, modern, well fur niBhed. Tile slnkB. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. FOR KENT house, $12.00 month. N. W. corner Stephens and Woodward, phono 121. FOR RENT Two houseB. Ono large and one small. Page Lum ber & Fuel Co., 301 N. Main St. SMALL, modern bungalow, large garden place and fruit, garuge, water furnished. 1103 Mill street. FURNISHED sleeping room. 122 South Jackson street, Bell build ing, opposite Indian theatre. FIVE-ROOM furnished house. 420 Vista avenue. Mis. C. H. Davios. APARTMENTS for rent ut 112 W. Douglas. PleuBo call afternoons. FOR RENT 1-room modern fur nished house. 315 South street. liOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. FURNISHED houso for rant Call at 128 W. Lane, Roseburg. APARTMENT. Modern. Close in, Phone 615-J after 6 p. m. MODERN 6-room house. 303 Rob erts street. Phone 3F22. STUCCO houso, partly furnished 815 E. Second street. MODERN, furnished apartment. 112 Brockway. HOW MOCW'I CARRV A.R.OONO WATrt ME. ,CERTAtti.Y COrAES HrXMOV i -X BUT TUEGOT TO LWE.BR. XAT)IVA. AT LEAST LOUG TEV1 VEARS.i EMOUGH TO TEACH V0UM6 TUBBS bOWvtTHIKJto ABOUT RUMMIM6 WV BUSINESS. HE'S TO IARRV WV DAUGHTER SOOH. SLEEPING room for rent, in mod-' eru home, with basement gur age. 1023 . Winchester. CLEAN 6-room furnished house, garage, inquire 52 Hoover. Phono 29S. livestock - FOR SALE or trade for young wont mare pureureu hiuck per cheron stallion, weight 1800. Al so purebred - Shropshire yearling ram. Kenneth Conn, Roseburg. Phone 0F11. FOR SALE One Jersey siro, 16 mouths old. Two house trailers, 18x74 and 11x72 sizes. Do not come Saturdays. Arthur Wallcn, Rt. 2, Box 114, Roseburg, Ore gon. FOR SALE One 24-year gelding. one mure, drag saw blade, 2 Bhenring heads, Dodge motor,' cream separator, Durunto mo-1, tor. Wauda Chapman, Glide, Ore gon. FOR SALE If taken at once 07 Angora goats, cheap. Nearly all young goats. C- Wilson, Rt, 1, RoBeburg on South Deer creek.' Phono 33F21. FOR SALE Ono 15-moiUlis-old filly, $80.00. One 3-year Corrle dale buck, $12.50. G. W. Rotors, Riddle, Oregon. FOR SALE Ono JeiBoy heifer calf und somo good pigs. Erich ' Seldel, 6 miles north of Myrtle Creek on Highway 99. FOR SALE Angora billies, year ling and Corrledulo rams. Mrs. J. II. Short, Box 70S, Rosoburg, Oregon. Phone 41F3. FOR SALE 3 cows, 4 heifers, 5 pigs, 7 tonB oat and vetch hay and 50 turkoys. R. Booth, Brock way. FOR SALE Pigs. 10 weeks old. Price 9c per pound. Lcuko ranch, Dioxnville. (FOR SALE Good registered Lin- coin buck. C. M. Slllbbs, Mel rose route. The Inner Man Comes First The Business Man sao a. eRo-mtw sx voasth SCOTT '. HE CA.WT St T tic fVTV He Knows What He Wants fXELL,!ELL! VOU'RE TO BE COWGRAULWECfl TUBBS IS A SPLEMuw CHAP. VERV CHARITABLE. AMD UM SELFISH.. HA'i A HEAR k ur bulu ii iiiiiwi mTT i 0U01 - T3f A M id 'j' B - M T FOR SALE Corrledale bucks.' 1400-pound work horse. "Ware, Bros. Phono 5SF11. FOR SALE No. 1 grade cow. Freshens Sept. 25. Curtis Cal kins. FOR SALE 30 good owes. Ireland Bros., Brockway. GOOD inrlfty pigs, $3. Alvln Wen. ver, Myrtle Creek. EWES for sale. J. E. Maries, phono 58F4. Automobiles FOR SALE '30 Chevrolot coupe. A-l condition, $75.00. S. Kaiilng er, 2 miles north on Newton creek road. SKLL or trade '32 Chevrolet truck, 15 ton, 157" wheel huso. Inquire Mclroso Storo. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Haled first, socoud and third cutting alfalfa. Also oat, cheat and vetch. Phone 5F23. F. I. Betts. FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay. T. E. Duncan. Phone 14F2. Business Opportunities DEALERSHIP offor to the right party on Graluim-Uradloy trac tors and Bradley Implements. A good set-up for tho right vurty. Must be financially able to hnu dlo domonstrator tractor. Wrlto or phone Windolpli Motor Co., 18th and Morrison, Portland, Oro. Broadway 6037. POULTRY FOR SALE About CO early hatch ed Bourbon Red turkeys. Ralph Smith, South Myrtle Creek, Ore gon. FOR SALE Iliimpslllro Red pul lets. Cobb's Hatchery, Roseburg, Oregon. f HE'e CAWT L COPB. t93fl BY NEA ran r a ' 1 i iinmiL iftirtT ai i. t 1 1 ITT AUl K ' n-i wurtw iwiwi muuv wivfc nwni l SPLEMTJiDt EHOU&M GUWVPTION IV Y1AWO OHIO u ; 1-1L it For Sale Miscellaneous I WILL Bell at Public Auction for cash on Friduy, September 9, at 1:00 o'clock, ut 529 South Main, Roseburg, Oregon: Ono - rungo, in first class condition, good baker; one Muytug washer, ut most new; one duy bod, good con dition; one good leather couch; six good dining c hull's; two rockers; three trunks; ono li brary table; one small extension tublo, now; two dressers; floor lump; two bedstouds and springs; two good wool mat tresses; wool blankets mid bed ding; ouo six-drawer White sew ing inuchiiie; two linoleum rugs; one good battery set radio; sov en pairs window curtains and rods: dishes ami cooking uten- Bils; 25 cards dry oak range wood una laurel noaier wouu; some carpenter's tools; Ironing bourd; tubs and boiler, Kathoriue M. Wutors. SOME nico- Elborta poaches nt $l.uo lor busnel, Willie uioy last. Also fancy Gravenstulii apples. J. R. Wilson, phono 21F31. LPEACIIES to clean up at 60c anil $1.00 per bushel. Oscar Wor rell's plnco, Umpqua. Phone Oak land 22F26. L. O. Hlggins. SALE or trade for hoy Now Win chester, 12 gaugo Bliotgun. itouto 1, Box 21-A. BAHTLETT pours last picking now ready, 6 lugs, $1.00. Fred Rcnuor, Happy vulloy bridge. TOMATOES for cunning and pickl ing cucumbers. Tho Fern Green houses. Phono 37F2. FOR SALE Uii'iio oil circulating iieater. Sultablo for store. Phono 411. FOR SALE condition, street. Girl's bicycle, .$5.00. 1101 good Mill BAHTLETT . PEARS 25o box. A. II. Mursh, Lookinggluss. WICKER baby cab. Phono UIG-J nftor 6 p. m. By Blosser IP HE HAS A LUMP 1W HIS THROAT . tTS NOT SENTIMENT- ITS A CHOCOLATE CARAMEL. II By Martin BROTHER 1 LiH SHV jTM. REG. U. 3 PAT. OFF. By Crane 1 ft . a-f m. B m rz -M.- ! .. INC. EXPERT SERVICE When There'a Something You Want Oona ; ' . SEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individuals listed below specialize in their worla, See them for expert services. You should profit by their hr(t ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Stephens. Phunn 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba SpaugU'a Oma&(, XSi W. Oak slreoL l'liouo 5U3. Uartloy & Faucher, 125 No. Robs. Ph. 433. AUTO WRECKING Doyle Bros. 621 N. Jackson. Ph. 176. BLACKSMITH Woodcock & Fogel, Koseburg. CAR WASHING Al Kowmuu, 121 N. Stophena BL FENDER & BODY SliRVICE Rose Uurago, Luuo & lloao. Phone 66. FLUE CLEANING J. C. llowloy. Phono 163. FOR SALE Several hundred bushel prunes, nour Looking kIusb, $10.00. M. II. lOiuniltt, 12U 1'urrott stroot. FOUH-W1IEEL trullor, llcoimod, 2- ton cainiclty, guod rubber, air brakes, $10.00. Valentino, Suth oiiiu. FOR SALE No. 2 spuds, 7.ric hun dred, urn is, uurry usuuo. TH11EE box springs 3 size, $5.00 each. Valentine, Sutliuriln. FOIl SALE lloltlcB tor cunning Jufcos, Phono 3dl)-J. Fuel 12"i .14",'il6" OLb' gtWlli Inl.H ciui price luis uionin.r' baiisiuo tlon guaranteed, Charles Iiotb, uaiuus vauey 16" OAK rauKo and block wood, 11 ,lni. it,, i r. ti,.,u,.. Melrose, Oregon. GET your wouil ut KosuburR Lum benCo. Dry and groeu. 16-lnch and 4-foot. OAK WOOD 16-iui:li size. J. E. Jlurks, phono 5SF-1. OLD growth fir, 3 tiera, JG.00. South lind Fuel Co. Personal MEN OLD AT 40! CIET PEP. Now Ostrcx Tonic Tablets contain raw oyatur luvii;uratora and oth er stiniulunlB. One dose starts now pep. Valuo $1.00. Spoclul price S9c. Call, wrlto Fullorlon's Drug Storo. Lost and Found .OST Small black lealhor key cast, coiilalhiiig 5 koya. Uoturii to NewH-ltovlew. LOST $10.00 bill, jjotwoon Pioneer I Q,.... I Kl . It. Phono 12F33. Wanted WANTED Drag saw 'give muko, pi-lco and ago. It. JVI. Ayluswortli, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. ANOOliA goata. 0. M. Uoauior, Houto 3, Eugeuo. Oregon. MAN wanted to operate Servieo Station. $75.00 cash nectlcd. 720 North Winchester Btieet. tcuife q-7 coWLitmv i suvici. inc. "Y"s. "'e'ro twins, but my In other k'livi?rc' nies for z - 'F - - LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. 222 W. Oak SL UPHOLSTERING Qoiuos. UphoUt. CM Jack. Ph. 161. RAOIO-ELECTRICAL-REPAIRING KoBeburg Klectric, phone 123. REFRIGERATION SERVICE rJ. 0. Jones, Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Siunlger's, 444 N. Jackson St TIRE RETREADING Uealy's, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 104, TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 323 No. Main St. Phone 682-J. WELDING i'.d'uB. Welding Works. 509 ti. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Alvln Kiiuatson, .103 N. Jackson St, WHEEL ALIGNING Percy Croft. 832 N. Jackson. Efiona 833. Miscellaneous LEST YOU FORGET! V.e bavo a hydruullo wboel tlghtene to tighten loose auto whooln.-Urlnu them In. Work guaranteed, at Sarft's, 623 N. Main. DON'T destroy your dead and worthless Block. We pay - the Phone call. Roseburg Ry'"Pro aucts. Phone 62-F-12 ENROLL NOW BEAUTY SCHOOL. Fall class starting1. In quire 125 West Cass or phono 211. . . MILK, grade A pasteurized OT'p-aw. Delivered dully. Umpqua Dairy. Phone 88. ' ,, (... IL-rPlmio tuner. Phi 19-L. Trade WILL trade good now guitar for laurol or oak wood. 119 W. Lane, A HAYNES DRUG STORE ' .- Has lnuny now linos of (all anil holiday gift items to Shaw 0 'you. Outstanding are: Comur lottery vuhos, bowla, console sots, Caliirt flowora from Cojl- foinlii Artiriclul Flower com- puny, leather goods, baby 0 girts, gluss, imports mid a full lino of Fiesta tublowure.r Adv. POWELL'S lor Sporting Goods '245 N. Jackson St. Roseburg Dairy Grade A Pasteurized and Raw Milk "DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH" PHONE 186 Maytag Gales and Service City Electric 124 W. Cass St. Phone 233