FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1938. uer of The Associate PrfM The Associated Frsss Is sxchmivsi lv aEtitlpd tn tlm usa for reDubllcs, lion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in tbli paper and to all locul news ubllshed herein. All rights ot re-a.-bllcnlloa of special dispatches Mrslu srs also reserveu. HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor Entered as second class (natter Hay 17. 1S2U, ai mo pool oiuue &seburs. Oregon, under act arch S. It7l. IMprtMnttd by Ken York271 MudlHon Avo., Cbl fjiko :ttiO N. Mli-'ltiKan Ave. Hao --niBcli.o 220 UuhIi Street lle r 3l'J rit(rpllclinon lllUtf.. I.tis ADHeleN 433 . ttpring Street, Be adle 603 Stewart tihreet, Portland 620 B. W. SUth Street, Vancouver, a. 0 711 Hall Bids. SI. lul Ml N. T.nth BtrtsU Atlanta Brant Bulldlna. kaolvtlaa Katca riallw nv war bv mall II.M it - MO ii i.ii mtft.... . ar.,..,. IJO DallT, 1 months pr mall rtTllw S mnnthl h ma.ll I Dallr. br oarrUr per month Lfftiir bj Hrntr vmr rr Talk Too Much IT H13UM8 an though ncoiilo tn nubile llfo Just cannot rental (lio toinpUUlon to tulk. Many of them tullt far too much and bc cuuso they uro iu public life what tlioy nay in broadcast and pub llBhod. A cIuhuIc cxainplo of 0110 in a high ilaco who talked too much recently wan. the case of Hai ry liopkliiu, WI'A administrator, anil his "Influence" upon Ibo Iowa primary elections. Ilcfora tlio election Hopkins, though In hlu position lio should not liavs (lono so, plugged for Otliu I). Woarin an a new deal can Ulllato, Iowa democrats thereupon nominated, (illletto, Woarlu'B op ponent. Now Harry Hopkins issues a statement for publication in which lie says In part: "The Iowa vote shown that the repeated reminders I gave to WI'A workers (hat they wero to vole as tlioy pleaBCuSworo liot':di'srogardcd, as some proillet cil they would be. I am glad to wlinosu this rofiitatlon of those who licensed us of playing polities. In addition, as ; onu bom and brought up In Iowa, I want to Hay that I sincerely hope Senator (illl etto will bo returned to the United StutoH soualo." Small boys hayo a term denot ing disgust which is aptly applied to that , statement "llorsc-fcath-ors." Since when tu America lias It been necessary for any official to HHMIND voters that they may ' vole as they please? Undoubtedly Iowa votors uro reil-hloodeil American citizens and viewed Hopkins' political activity in their stale With disgust and voted lor Gillette. Ho surely mik ed, too much before election. Ab for the post-election sluto. ment quoted above, that it also may bo classified as redundancy. Public Hearing rAY after lomotTow, Friday morning at 10 a, in., at tho Douglas county courthouse In the circuit court room, the district en gineer of the uriny engineer corps will conduct a hearing on the pro posal to provide navlgutlou on the Unipciui river from Scotlsbnrg to ltouohiii'K for light draft bonis and bal'i Ml. This will be a public hearing. All are Invited to attend. No luoro Im portant inatlor has ovor been ills- cusHcd in ibis county. Home have professed to liilsimderslanil Hie purpose of this hearing. Let II be clearly understood by all (hut whut Is wauled l an EXAMINATION of the llmpqun river and Ibu econ omle resources of this urea In do tennluo whether or not the expen diture of public funds for the pur pose of providing navigation Is wulTiinled. No one wants Blleh an expenditure made if it Is foolish ami wasteful. Hut until the mill tor is fully Investigated by Hie government eiiglueura charged with ilolug Hiieh work, we have no way of knowing whether or not Ibo resources of this area should bo released by water trausporla Hon, or kept In "cold storage'' for development In nlmnl llu yea 2IIPH by the i-ailroad company. Editorials on New . (Continued from page 1.) good fertilizer." TpiilCSK turkeys, II suems, are ro markable birds. They grow fut on the gias.--liop Iters thai out the grass, nuil thru tioy uru slaughtered fur human food. Aflcr Unit, lllelr fealhera g; hack lulo I he ground lo enrich the soil so as to grow more grasa to feed moro grasshoppers to fatten nnrn turkeys lo provhlo inure feathers to enrich the soil to grow more grass to feed more grassbop pira to fatten more turkeys to Hoy, for the love ot I'ete, will somebody pleaso shut this thing off betoro It gets to the ours of (Secretary Wallace and; gives him boart failurel IT looks like a special act o( con " gresB might be necessary to save us from this dastardly threat of over-production. Fl GILLETTE'S VICTOHY Good System Carried Out Perfectly, He Asserts; Hopkins Backed. WASHINGTON, June 7. (AP) President itoosevolt, comment ing today on tlio ronomiiiation oi Senator Gillette in tho Iowa democratic primaries, said it was a perfectly good carrying out of a perfectly good system of party govern incut. Hurry L. Hopkins, the works progress administrator, who had said he favored Representative Woarin, Gllletto'a principal oppon ent, commented earlier that the senator's victory showed PWA was not playing politics. The president, when usked at a press conference whether bo would send a letter congratulating Gill ette, roplied ho undoubtedly would sco Gillette when bo returned to Washington. Woarin lias claimed white bouse support. n rcsponso to another nuery whether be deemed it proper for Hopkins to endorse Weni'ln before uio vote, me president, uaciccu up Hopkins and said If bo bad been born In Iowa and had gone to college tboro, as had Hopkins, 'lie would have fell absolutely ul lib erty to express his views on the primary. Hopkins Comments , "The Iowa vote,'" sal dllnpklus, sIiowb that tlio repeated remind ers 1 gavo to WI'A workers that they wore to voto as they pleased were not diBi-cgurdcd, as some pre dicted they would be. 'I am glad to witness this refu tation of Ihosu who uccused us of playing politics. In addition, as ono born and brought up in lowu, 1 want to say that I sincerely hope Senator Gill ette will be returned to tho U. S. Hunule." Hopkins told newspapermen be fore Iho primary that if he wero a cmen ot Iowa ho would sup port Wearln on the strength ot the epreseiilallve a "new deal" rec ord. IAST1NGS, lu., Juno 7. (AI') Iteprescnlallve Otlia D. Woarin, defeated In the Iowa democratic Hunutorjul primary, disclosed today thai he hail sent a lulogram ot congratulation to Senator Guy M. Gillette, Iho victorious eandldute. Tho ropresentaiivc, who has the support of WI'A Chief Hurry L. HopklitB and tho inferred backing of Juntos Itoosevolt, would not comment when asked whulber he would support Gillelto In tho fall genoral election. "1 lpay have a statement in a few days," was his answer to the support query. Woarin said the text of his tele gram was as follows: Congratulations. Guy. lOxlend my best regards to Itoso (Mrs. Gillotto) and Mark (Hie senator's sou)." TBDWL HORDF BUTTLES TO EXIST 'OUTI.ANII, Ore., Juno . (Al) "New pioneers" the Pacific nortll- wes trails a fugitive horde of weary men urn! women and Ilielr children who, In dilapidated automobiles, are rattling today out of thu nation's iIiihL bowla, ucross Iho ltoeky moun tains and on lu Oregon u country thuy thought was u hind of promise. For every (armer resettled with money and land from Uie goverir ment, a dozen others have drifted to the back roads on Hie fringe of civilization, scratching out pitiful garden patches lu the limber working for subsistence In Iho Holds and living lu hovels. The records of the rami security administration are rilled with happy Interviews from families who (nulli fy iu money, implements, stock and Inlelllgenee. l-'or the majority of others, iinneard of aud unknown, mere is only llCHolunon. The northwest regional planning commission estimated that Jili.oiiO lamilles loll dust bowl homes iu seven years. About lo.aiio.iiiio ncroa, or 150,000 new economic iarm nulls, may ul ilmntcly add lo the eiililvaled area lu Oregon, Wiashlnglou ami Idaho through Irrigation, drainage, clear ing and flood control. Unless pres ent construction schedules are speeded, only In.ouo n,.w fnrnis win no iivallable lu Ibu next five years mud snort ot Hie number needed lo euro for the rofnuoos ar riving lu the northwest In Ibo last i.i mourns, VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES in:wi:iTNi:iiiiiiiiiiis i:u gene Weldoil How oil anil Kvolyn Umbel Neighbors, both of Kugcne Tllll-:i,-IIOl'tll.AS Alfred Ar thur Thiol anil llessle liouglas, both of Uralu. AiAit-r AM.S I'nui Lester Lour and I "oris Katln yii Kails, bolll ot .iiaiouueid. I OUT OUR WAY f MOST OTHER FORMS OF . - .. . EXERCISE DETRACT FROA 1 I PRODUCTIVE THINKING , - 1 SO My FATHER COT ME- C I THIS E.CECTRIC HORSE,... A gassasl now i can get plenty ' ; rZZl OF EXERCISE WITHOUT v7 WASTING My MENTAUT j iu y ON BASEBALL AND 7 rJJ- rf , OTHER FORMS OF (" ' S?' f k TIME FRITTERING! ) Vcow. tw by we ftvier imc. T-m.bu.8. PAj.errVn imii m njiu.ti ,i BS WlH I DssTfi-ar T I 0 T 1 Teams Face Doubleheader Today; Cleveland Holds to American Lead. I)y HUGH S. FULLEJITON Jit. (Associated I'resB Sorts Wrltor) The Cubs, triumphant lu the opening battle of pitching and homo runs, have a Ii gamo lead in Die National league today, but lliey can lose It all iu this after noon's doublehuader. Hubbell is duo to hurl one game for the (Hants, and It's not often ho gives a rival a chance to pull away. . Chicago won tho openor 1 to 2 yesterday bu tho combiiiuliou of Lee's seven-bit flinging and tho four-ply swatting of Herman and Marly.' Leu, who had pitched llireo struigiit shutouts, bad his string brokon utter 25 innings by Oil's 11th homer or tho year iu Hie fourth fruiuu. The Chicago pitcher tied the count Himself in tho fifth when be singled, took socpnd on a flulder'B chojeu und galloped homo on .Reynolds' base bit. .--' , 'Ibo rest of ho Cubs runs caiuo In the seventh und ended Melton's slay on the mound. 1 lei loan broke thu deadlock witli a homer, his Hist of the season; Uoinurco singl ed and Marly finished the Job with his homer. Indians Stretch Lead Meanwhile the Cleveland In dians, whoso nearest rivals in Iho American leuguo all aro In tho east, won ono tho hard way from iiostou, v lo 6. Sinco leuvlng homo lust wuuk, Iho Tribe has won iwo out of Ibruo each from the Philadelphia Athletics and Ihircl placo Washington Sonutors, and tho first from lloston. which is a good fourth iu the stundlnga. I no victory again slrotchod tho Indians' lead lo four games as Iho second-placo New York Vnnkoes went down, 8-5, berore tho Chlcugo Whim Sox. Thornton Lou, Chi cago hiirlcr, scattered nine lilts well und paslcjl a homer himself to send Hurting lo tlio showers iu the sevenlh. Klvo blls and four runs in thu second already had ruined llulHng's chances. Ill tlio day's other eainoH. tlm SI. Louis liiowns smacked lour Washington pitchers for 15 bits and won, 11-8, doaptto a flvc-run nenaior rally lu Ibu sevenlh. Aided by York's eleventh homer, Ibo Uu troll Tigers beat olll the Athletics, B-l, ulthoiigh tlio Mnckmcn hud the winning run on huso iu Iho ninth when John's drive fell Just short oi me siuiiiis ami was taken for llie last out. Ilrooklyn's Dodgers hung up their rillh victory iu seven games In Ibo weal. A rour-nin fifth In ning, plus brilliant relief burling by Taiuulls urier Medwieli and I'adgell hud lilt lor the circuit lu the sumo rriinie, enabled them to turn back the St. Louis Cardinals. 7-li. Tho I'llllaileliihia-Cliieliiinitl and lloston-l'iiisourgb games were lly liOllKItT MYKItS l.OS AMII'M.I'IS, .lime 8. (API llaby Arizinenill upset many an iii' pie from Hie earl, last night when be ballled Lightweight t'bampiou l.ou Ambers in a ilraw in a wild In-round nun title right beloro In. onu screaming runs ul Iho Olym'plc auditorium. Today the veteran of a thousand ami one nights in a prlxe ring, came out rtatly uud predicted thr Welterweight Chninplnn Henry Armstrong would knock Ambers out when lliey ment In Now York July 211. ArUmendt should bu an author ity on the subject. Two mouths ago ho look a healing but nuver a knockdown from Armstrong lu a vicious leu-rounder ut tho Ulyui- "Armstrong Is stronger than Lou and throws too many punches. Ambers is easy to hit, I staggered blin und while 1 took my best shots at Hcm' I couldn't phase him," Arizmendi declared. Ambers, a tbrco to one ravorite over the Baby, said after the tight mat ho fell sluggish und couldn t get started. 1 hope to do better ugalusl Armstrong," ho said. EX- Tl SPOKANI5. June 7. (AP) Aftor Hiiddculy chunking bis plea tu guilty ill' tor a jury was ghoseu to try him, Jay II. Juhi.tjou, former power com pany manager ut Spraguo aud past president of tlio chamber ot com merce, was sentenced today to ten years In McNeil Island federal peni tentiary tor robbery of the Spruguu brunch of tho old Nat tonal bank. Judge Webster castigated John son for liis defense contention that lie did uot have a loaded pistol when ho held employes lu the bank until thu vutiiL release opened, but loaded ft afterwurd la his hideaway under uu adjacent building. , The bank was robbed of $(i,4S;j. Johnson ulso was u former city councilman In charge of the town's law enforcement. TheSfandinjs lly tho Assoclutod . Coast Team W. I.. Pet. Sacramento .. '. 11 27 .603 San Francisco 38 3(1 .509 I'orlland .........30 33 .515 Sun Ulego J. 35 33 .515 Scuttle .. 35 31 .51)7 Hollywood .. ,.: 33 35 .'185 l.os Angelos ...32 30 .-171 Oakland .'. 21 46 .318 National Uhlougo 2U 10 ,(iH Now York ,...20 16 .019 lloslon 21 17 .553 Cincinnati ;22 21 .512 Pittsburgh 20 20 .500 St. Louis 19 23 .152 Drooklyn 19 27 .113 Philadelphia 11 27 .289 American Cleveland' 29 1 1 .071 New York 21 17 .585 Washington 20 21 .553 lloslon 23 19 .518 Detroit .. 21 23 .477 I'biladelphia 17 24 .115 Chicago H 23 .378 St. Louis , 13 26 .333 TENNIS COURT IS BEING IMPROVED The public tennis court sponsor ed by iho Business uud Profes sional Women's club and loealed on Commercial Ave., North ltoso- burg, is receiving several im provements. Workmen ure pro paring tor a 15-font asphalt sur- laeed border around the concreto playing court, eliminating the dif- tleulties cuused by tho rock dust borders. . A now net is to be In Mailed, lilies painted, and general repairs made. Tho court now is closed io pluy but will ho reopen ed upon completion of tho work, probably early next week, it was slated. The court is maintained by the club which coiiscrucled it and dediealed ll to public use LUMBER WORKERS SPURN WAGE CUT MrMINXVIM.K. Jnuo 7 (AT) Members of Ihe CIO internatioU' ul woodworkers of America rcfus ud yetdurduy to accept a 10 per rout wago cut and resume ope lions of a high Hue rig at the Flora Lumber company, Carlton. The- plant, which clotted May 20, throwing r.'jr, men out or work, of fered employment lo 275 .I.... M'k., ...1.11.. elalty voting down Ihe otter, tail- I'd to send out crews. .1. (i. ttourus. eompuny secretary- treasuror, bhio tho cut of to red was lu be not mure than per cent or 74 cents per Hour. By William Game Nearly Ends in Riot as DiMaggio Protests 1st Base Out. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. (AP)-Donilnlc, 'youngest and most docllo of tho baseball 111 Magglos, outfielder for the San Francisco Seals iu tlio Pacific coas't baseball league caused a near riot as the Portland Beavers trimmed the Seals, 5 to 4, iu elev en Innings. All Dominic did was protest ho was not thrown out ut first in the last of tho eleventh Inning last night with tho buses loaded uud the whole San Francisco team anil most of tlio cash customers streamed onto the field. Dominic claimed bo was hit in the foot by the ball thrown to first base. Umpire Colo ruled him out, retiring the side and end ing the gum'e. When the fans aud nluyers swarmed the field, and threatened Colo with an untimely end. tho boys with Ibo big 'feet aud brass buttons from tho law ami order leuguo came to lis res cue. . Tho Ileuvers look au early lead by scoriug three runs in the first inning. Tho Seals scored two iu the. fourth and tied the scoro iu tho ninth. Tho Beavers made two runs In their half of the 11th and Die Seals had scored one ruu when Dominic was ruled out. Solons Boost Lead The leuguo leading Sacramento Solons increased their leud to three games by dimming the Hol lywood Stars, 6 to 4. Cullop, Solon outfielder, accounted for two runs when ho bluslcd a homer with one After losing to Los Angeles, 4 to 1, Manager Levlivelt of the Se attle team announced he hud bol- slorctl his pitching staff by sign ing Walter Hock, right handed miner who was l'eleasod a week ago by the Hollywood Stars. Bock won two games and lOBt seven for the Stars before his release. Although he allowed nine hits, Sua Diego s Hubert fanned 7 and defcutcd tlio ccliur o a k I a n d Acorns 8 to 1. It wus Hcbert's rourlh win of tho season. The t'adros hunched ten hits oft Slice ban, who won a l-to-0 victory from Ihem lust time bo faced the Padres, and Fluyd Olds. MEDFORD STUDENT WINS HARVARD BID MGDFOIID, Juno 7. (A V) Hoc- er C. Huiiaelnmu, 17, valedicto rian of the 11)38 KrHduutiiiK darts of Medford Bun tor hlh school, has been awnrded a national scholar phip to Harvard univoraity, accord' lug to word received yesterday by Ills parents. A similar award was received by Kulph llenuett, Jr., of Ihe Dalles. Coder tho award, tho youths will receive u maximum stipend of $1U00 for the first year uud ?12U0 for each year thereafter. Ilenseliuan will take four-year ac-adeniie course, at Harvard In preparation for a law course. locaiTelksmay ASK STATE MEET A special reuuest to all officers ami members of the Klks lodge to attend thu regular lodge meeting Thursday uluht was made today, Tho lodge is considering inviting tho state convention to this citf aud a final voto will be taken .t thu meeting tomorrow night to da ermluo whether tho invitation shall be extended. The Htate meet lug will be held in tho latter part of July. REFRIGERATION BUSINESS OPENED A new refrigeration repair and HIO-Vll-ll hllttillOMA U'llH II (itlflll IK tune today by K. C. Jones, who has Ut'fll fllll'HIJ l!U 111 UIHl IIIIU (H "ll fnr tlm tmnt II vmin Hit tviil maintain hi repair shop and off toe ut uie uoue. SUING SURE HE'LL WHIP LOUIS German In Fine Condition for Battle; Braddock Praises Champ. Iiy GAYLB TALBOT 1 SPECTATOIt, N. Y.. Juno 8. (AP) It is difficult to slay lu this pleasant spot for a day and not break out In a rush of predictions about what Max Schmeling will do to Joe Louis two weeks from to night in the Yankoe stadium. The German's quiet confidence Is so contagious, be Is so dead cer tain be will stop the negro cham pion aguiu, that you begin wonder ing why all those people ure buy itig ?3u tickets to watch it hap pen. At supper lust night, between forkfuls of Hungarian goulasti, Max gave a wide grin und chuckled: "You know, the funniest thing Is nobody asks me now if I'm afraid of Louis. That's all I heard for six weeks before the other fight. 'Ai you afraid of Louis?' I took it good, too. Now I wonder how good Joes taking it when you ask.hlni if he's afraid of me." The man who in to mis to make ring history by regaining the heavyweight title, Is, us usuul, in superb condition. Gene Tuuuey, a visitor to the camp yesterduy, said he' thought Max probably had at 32 reached his life's peak of skill and physical fitness. POMPTON LAKES, N. J., June 8. tAP) Ex-Champiou James J. Braddock, who can speak with con siderable uutliority on the subject, doesn't think Joo Louis' suddun loss of form will have any serious eftcct on his heavyweight title bout with Mux -Schmeling at tiro Yankee stadium June 22. Braddock, from whom Joe' won the title, saw Louis put on a list less exhibition iu six rounds of sparring yesterday. The champion was poumlod und roughed up by two of his spai-mates, while Joes handlers scurried around looking for an explanation and tinaily de cided Louis was tired after spend ing a couple of hours under a but sun posing lor phofogruphs, Brad dock merely commented: "Yon'll see a different tighter by this time next week. He's not brtrri- Jng up any unnecessary ' energy, ami when he gets ready he II open up. He worked the same way for our fight, but thero's no dcuyiug ho had everything when the beir ung." HENRY WOODS GETS NOD OVER MIRANDA STOCKTON, Calif., June 8. (AP) Henry Woods, Seattle ne gro, was awarded a lu -round de cision over Carlos Miranda, Los Angelos, hero last night. Woods yeigbed JilS and Miranda, 111. KRNR PROGRAM (1600 Kilocycles) REMAIN1NO HOURS TODAY 00 Reggie Cliilds, MUS. 30 Let's Visit, MUS. 00 Bob Crosby's Orch., MUS. 15 Tile Children's Jlour. 30 Howie Wing, MBS. 15 Modern Vocalists. 00 Popeye, MBS. 15 The Phantom Pilot, MUS. 30 Frank Dull, MUS. 45 Interlude. 50 Hansen Motor Co. News. ;55 News Flashes. 00 Cbico & His Harp, MUS. : 15 Livingston's Orch., MUS. ;30 Long Ranger, MBS. : 00 Fulton Lewis Jr., MUS. :15 Amcricun Family Robinson, :30 Anson Wocks, MUS.- 00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 15 Ju.a Nocturne, MUS. .15 The Llinis & Ibo Hops, MUS. 00 Sign Olf. TUL'RHpAY, JUNE 0 00 "Early lilrtls." - 30 News-Review Newscast. 40 Hansen Motor Co. News. 15 Alarm Clock Club, no .Merrymakers, MUS. 30 Full Gospel Church of the Air, Rev. A. Harold Persing. :II0 The Happy Gang, MUS. 15 Man About Town. :30 Huttel's Orchestra, MUS. :I5 Hollywood Charm Council lor. MUS. 00 This Woman's World, MUS, 10 I Pay for My Weill, MUS. :3(l Home Town, M US. H5 This Woman's World, MUS. 00 Songs of the West, Copco. :15 Variety Show ot Ihe Air. :30 Hollywood Spinsters, MUS. :lo Paul Small, Mils. 00 Ed Fitzgerald, MUS. 10 Symphony. M Agricultural Dally. MUS 45 Hansen Motor Co. News. 50 News-Review of the Air. 00 Henninger's Man On the Street. Mm tin Ilurundl. MI)S. :3ii Discovering Our Schools, M US. 15 Johnson Family, .MUS. :00 Hunco Melodies. 15 I'onimnnity Hall. MUS. :30 Today's Front Page. lu This Crazy World, MUS. 011- Feminine Fancies, MUS.. 311 Headlines. MUS. .15 Old lleldleburg Concert ()F: cheslra, MUS. : 00 Wallenstien's O r c h o s Ira", MUS. 30 lladio Campus. .MUS.' 15 Reveries, M US. :uil Harmonalies, M US. ' 10 Tho Children a Hour. 30 Howie Wing, MBS, 45 Melody Lane with Wanda Armour. 6:15 N. Y. Stale Symphonic lliin.l. 6:30 Frank Bull, MBS. 6:15 Interlude. Daily Devotion Br DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDfl The spirit ot unity is very much in evidence these days. It Is allowed even by those who do not pay - this great debt that love is due to all mankind: the royal law of Clod is, "Thou shalt lovo thy neighbor as thyself." Is thy heart right with Ood? Is Jesus Christ formed in tf.y heart by faith? Is thy faith till ed with the energy of love? Then let us manifest that Chris tian love one toward the other. We arei fellow soldiers under the sume captain ot our salva tion. Let us commend each oth er to Ood in prayer. Our Father, we pray for the church of Christ, so divided In a world which needs so sorely the wit ness of a united Christendom. Deliver us from all prejudice aud sectarian contempt, which 'preveuUi us working together with members ot other com munions. Open our eyes to see the needs of the world, and muy wo labor together in love. Amen. 6:50 Hansen Motor Co. News. 6:55 News Flashes. ' 7:00 Chlco and His Harp. MUS. 7:15 Jack Cotfey and Orchestra, MUS. 7:30 L. A. Symphony. 7:45 Dr. Francis E. Townsend. 8:45 Uus Arnhiem. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 9:15 Agnew's Orcbestru, MUS. 9:30 Pirro's Orchestra, MUS. 9:45 Don't You Believe It, MBS, 10:00 Leonard Kelly Orchestra, MUS. 10:10 Sign Off. HASKINS ELECTED HEAD OF 20-30 CLUB Hal Haskins was elected presi dent of tho Roseburg 20-30. club ut tho regular weekly dinner meeting lust night. Walter Sandquist was named .vice-president and Rob Dluck, Bergeant-at-arnis. Tho new ly elected directors are Dave Ellis, Earl Wisner, Robert Helliwell, Ray Wood and Gordon .Dennett. The club heard an interesting talk by Gus Carlson of Portland, who is preparing Roseburg's brief in con nection with the Umpqua canaliza tion project. Ho discussed ' tho benefits which tho improvement would provide. ' CCC CREW ENJOYS ' RECREATION TOUR IDLHVLD PARK, June S. Seventy-two ot tbo Steamboat CCC boys under tho supervision of Lieuten ant John L. Kennedy took a recrea tion trip Saturday to Crescent City. They returned' Sunday. Tho boys reported a wonderful trip. They slopped at the Redwoods, Gold Ueach and camped .at the Oregon Caves. They stayed over night at Cmap Gnsquet, near Crescent City. Tho week before eighty-two. of the boys miller supervision of Lieut. Willium B. 'Mlckley' took the sumo trip. The trip covered 510 miles. M ARSIIFIELD, Juno 7. (API- Walter Greenlea, 23, arrested Sun day for drunkenness, will be re turned to Brookhaven, Miss.,', ot ficers said yesterday. Greonleas story of killing Zoff Summers there last June am4 -la ter of escaping from the Jackson, Miss., usyitim for the criminally insane was confirmed by Police Chief Ed Smith. Drookhuvcn. HORIZONTAL Answer to J Map ot huge island in the North Atlantic 9 It also touches the Sea. 14 Russian coin. 15 Tiny vege table. 16 Evergreen genus. 17 Sea kale. 18 Four and six. 19 Capable. . 20 To piece out. 21 Tb perish. 23 Auto. 25 To attempt. 26 Witchcraft. 28 Graphitic powder. 32 Timber tree. 33 Thoughts. 35 Circular wall 37 Intellectual. 50 Chestnut horse. 52 Farewell! 54 Reverberated sound. 56 Silly. r ' 57 Beret. 58 Amphibians. 60 It is a colony CI It trades entirely with its country. VERTICAL 39 Lava. 40 Hitting. 43 Solar orb . 4C Frozen dessert.. 47 Light brown. 48 Sneaky.' . 1 Grain. - . 1 Outline Map ARWl ETisiTOlwEL 5 O R tOdp E A MOhIa r t L OTHO C G AkJc pllglAH vlHw A HE yIIqr e.e UHa e r e c tb e felon s m oirit R I N KuT HinDirT HX RUE V O D L R HAKKItl Rl dIer CLASP SCTrtUIT 3 T All A I MWT5 JIUWL rlpnc R E TUR E PlIlN L" DUE R T SlulclclElslsnclLUfslsl I C ; i 4 5 i i 6 : ? 'Q H 17" IT "Hn- u j W 4 " If p " t ' rTitr- ST 4T - Vl Jim -Yl - 16 U? I LETTERS to the Editor AGREES WITH ZANE GREY ON FISH SCARCITV CAUSE ROSEUURG, Ore., June 7. Edi tor News-Review: Huving- read Zane Groy'a article pertaining to fish life ou the North Umpqua, 1 ; heartily agree with him. I have disapproved of the pres ; eat conditions for yeari as I have ! spent much time studying tho fish. at the racks located near Hock I creek. Doth steelhead and chiuook : commit suicide (lying to get through tb em and to their natural spawning grounds. Mr. Grey is right when ho states the large steelheads cannot get through the rucks, and It is only a short life for them there. I remember 38 years ago of mak. iug a trip up the North Umpqua. , I thought it the- (Jarden ot F.den for fish and wild life, it was great to cast a lly and lund a bright steelhead, and deer wore every where and quite tamo. I only hope to see a game pre serve made of the North Uiupquu, and no gun will be tired wilbin a mile of each bank, what a sight it would be for our tourist to view the wild deer. So lot's hope for a day when we see tbo rucks goitevand spawning grounds made a preserve, and tho inlets to the power plants screen ed. Then nature will be in its glory again on the most beuutiful stream, tho North Umpqua. Yours, DAN BOONE. HHhlill Willi I Movirn In tinv mi illlll 111 miiclr tilinni li Allm. nil that oil debt isn't a war debt. A thesis submitted at Washing ton university mudicai school iu St. Louis stated that tho bald truth ot tho matter is that vanity causes railing hair. A 01-year-old Mlssouriau has confessed that he deserted from tho army during the Spanish' American wsv. Which would bo line if ho wasn't trying to clear the record so ho could get a pen. sion. Somebody has invented u slum with a built-in shoe horn, intended to eliminate the search ; for tho horn. It sounds like a trunk with a (special pocket to keep tlio key in, ; A roport toine3 of a woinau who saved au injured turkey's life by grafting a, piece of chicken ou him. At some family's house next fall, for no apparent reason, ; Thanks, giving just isn't goingUo seem quite like Thanksgiving. ? GUARDSMEN GET m-v irDi rcc DAV ! SAUOM, .Iu no 7. (AP)--OrGgo.i national guardsmen participating In the annual summer encampment at Fort Slovens will be disqualified for benefits under tho state unem ployment compensation - law from the time they entrain until they, leturn home to resume their regu lar employment, Kalph II. Camp bell, legal counsel for tho commis sion, ruled today. The encampment provides full Umo work for two weeks, tho irnardsmen receiving wages. Previous Puzzle 12 Maple shrub. ' 13 Sun god. 20 Most of tho inhabitants are . 22 Electrified ; particle. 24 Constellation.' 27 To crinkle. '. 29 Fish. ,1 30 Measure. - . 31 Derbies.- -34 Salt springs, 36 Magneto- i ' electric -; '. ' machine.' ' 38 Varninh v " :' ingredient. ' 39 Data. 41 Irish fuel.' 42 Newspaper paragraph. 44 Measure. ' 45 To lend. 48 Supreme ruler of Persia. 49 Mineral fissure in rock.' 51 Blackbird. 53 Mover's truck. 55 Folding bed. 56 Idant. , j 59 Senior. 2 Multitude. ,3 Fabaccous tree. 4 Measure of cloth. 5 Requirements 6 Without wings 7 Born.- 8 Wnltzers. 9 Admiral discovered part of this island. 10 Eye. 11 To sing cheerfully. BARBS