c SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938. Episcopal Dean Trying to Show Inferior Need of Material Life. MKMF'HIS. Ton n.. Jan. 12 f A I ) Tb? J'p'sh Sciniitiir said n ftiiy 1 ln very Itew I si ik-I I lanlinu No', ili'iin of Si. Mary's Kii.scopul f.it!h'(li-iil, is in Oh mllst fit' an fima.iiii; fast niifl'-ri liking "to pro vi' tliat tin- hoiiI (h alio vi' t In iici'd of malarial lil'i." Tin jtaiM-r nairl lilciuls of tin rliTKynian rf'jjnrifil I trail Nm wciil on nil I'Xi'hiHfvi' oraiir jiiir-n diet I iiTi-ioln-r 'J'.i, 1 ami niiK January 2 of thin yi-ar haM -aten only (i tiny (-ttininijnion wai'r and drunk a sip of wine at tin i hurrli's r'i;iiiar comniiiiilon y.tr in-s, helil ihri'i" Itmi'.s a wi-k. 'I'ltc hi m y said lhin ild t "prob ably" liud not b'-i-ii mi)pl nii jit'-d even hy water. It eontinuedr " I :i it No- la not. nn f-xliihit imi ist, Ih not trying make an 1m predion, wants no jm Illicit y a ml does not care what people think. W'hiln In hiiK made no Her ret of Ills fas), lie lias not made any pub lic HiHteinenl. about it. . . . "He is tiyitiK to provi! Ibal tin; Botil ftj ubove the need of mater ial life. lie believes be can (five nn all material life and yet not dio. If we K'-t the theory correct ly from his frlendM, he believes that he ran live a wholly spirit ual life in an earthly environment. "The dean is a student of ma terial science, Iml he hat! a set of theories of the iiniveiHe nil his own. All life, he sayn, Ih electro chetnkal. All utterly conies from tlio eosnu.H. Man ban always tak en eneiKy in lin- form of food de. rived from plants or oilier ani mals. Tlli'.e, however. d'M ved their lile-nivlriK substance from the universal cosmic rays. "Tin process of life is simply a ron version of elertro-cheniinii en ortiv. Dean .N'oe believes he can. or is tryiiiK to see if he can. reach a state in which lie takes his life energy directly lYoni the original Hource. If he can attain Hitch a shite, ho will be free of all early needs, fiilirHy imlep-mleiit of lint normal processes ol lite by which 11m human hoiiy eveiitnally deteriorates into deal h." INFANTRY UNIT AND BAND ENTERTAIN The Seventh Infantry b;mt and ilemousl ration unit from Vancou ver barracks entertained a large itoseburg audience during the iiooii hour today. The band present ed H very enjoyable conceit, while the spectators were privileged to inspect some or tin' latest types of infantry equipment. The unit Is on a recruillng mis Hlott mid visiting Ihe principal cities of Oregon. Following the appeal ance here, the detail, traveling in twelve trucks, left for Kllgelie where it will spend the night. LIONS CLUB PLANS VALENTINE DANCE IMstrlct. Oovernor Ira Snyder ol Knlerprise and Meputy hisirict (lovernor A. I. Hawn of Kugetie wero guest speakers at the l.ose burg Units club meeting last eve ning, which was a I (ended by members. O. ,1. Fehlluunp. presi dent, conducted the meeting. Plans were made for a Valentine dance lo be held the evening of February 12 at the armory, to which the general public has been invited, (ilenn Owen was appoint ed chairman of the dame; ,1. P iMotschcnhucher, chairman of mu sic; Albert Micelli, ticket sa.v manager; .1. A. Hart, decorations, ami 1,. A. Toe, advertising. R. O. THOM AS OUT FOR COUNTY OFFICE (Continued from pane I.) .South I'uipmm disl i b is. t'amlidalcs have uulil April t to file nominating petitions or del ineations of candidacy. Her, ist ration id oters for the primary elect ion will close April lit. The primary election u ill i -held May L'm, and the i:em-ral elec lion November s. SOUTHERNERS STILL BATTLE LYNCH BILL (Continued from page 1) court nomination Is ma-b-" I I'eried to Ptesi.letll l!oos. fotlhcomiug uoinlnalmu in ; cesser to Justice Sutherland will relimpiish his :upieiu" si 'at next Tui-sday. Senator llaib-y 1.. N C the senate yes1eida that the 1M I oh! 1. Ill ocralic party "'is beiie: made to cater to the nemo tote'' ami thai A Three Days' Cough Is Your DangerSignal No mutter how many tncdudncs you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you cut pet relief now with Ctconuilsion. Serious trouble may he hrewitur ami you cannot nllottl to take u chance with any remedy less iotent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and anK na ture to soothe and heal the intl.imal mucous membranes and to loosen and exjwl the erm-laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, try Creomul skm. Your druggist Is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion is one word not two, and it has no hyphen In It. Ask for it plainly, sec that the tiaiuo on the bottle is Crcoinul.sinn, and you'll pet the, genuine product apd the relief you want. (Adv.) thiH in if hi "dt.itroy the party." "When we won lite victory of )U','J." he ib-clarerl,' 'we won it as a ibinociiitic patty. Then a ""!p of socialists swooped down on tin party and they have not left. "Ill (.oil's name." he shouted, "an- we (.'.oiiiy to let tlicin inn in out of I be parly?" "Persecution" Charged Senator Smith (h.. S. '.) said off the tloor that southerners are NkMiiik with "rtroiiK spini" au-ainst the aitti lytu hirif bill, which be described as .ifil)lar "to the leiseciilioii of reco II H t f lC I i o n da '." S'-naior Mi Kellar (., T-n I, another opponent ol the bill, add ed: "We are fi(;)itiiK with our backs If) I He W all. bill we are I'Ultltf to keen fiiflitiriv,. If lli'-y would i-'lve lit' five yeais. we could wijh' out lyin-liiiiK in the south." CHINESE MAKES JAPS PAY FOR TSINING (Continued from jiajio 1) lary damage. One- aain friction resulted from action of Japanese forces at Shanghai. Urir ihli n;i a I authori ties pi'otesled to .laanes- b'-caiise 1 I'.rit isli-owned Ih-hri-r.s ami live t utfs i-oriniiandeeri-d by .lap;in' sc liee. 1.") bad not been n t nrried. .la n anese irnniiiu-d to five them lai'k. Ilrlllsh consular officers til Nan lii u v. report wl two Iti it isli em bassy aiitoinoliiles miysiim after .lap-inese oceiipation of tin- foi mi l' f'hinese caintal. Japanese bad re turned t lii '-f Amei jean embassy cats and J'.o gallon;- of borrowed yasoliii'-. PLAN TO SALVAGE SUNKEN GUNBOAT PAN A Y GIVEN UP SHANGHAI, Jan. KI, (Al'l ('nlted Stales naval authorities an nounced todav that efforts to salv age the Ameiiian j-'tinhnal I'anav, sunk by Janatiesc bombs in the Vaiif.!'! river h 12. bad been abambiiii'd a ltd t lie .ship's safe anil ollicjal pap-rs had lecn re covered. A sahare crew taken by th uunboal tabu to the point abov Na nl inn w here the I 'a nay w-n dov, n announced t be f-unboat wa daaoii-ed be ond p'pair and be hull was abandoned. o ROOSEVELT WANTS CREDIT TIGHTENED (riiiiiiinicii riiini piniii! 1.) closed. Al a press conference last w Ihe president crilicl.ed t mobile industry for Helling ' i firs on i a 1M mouths credit arraimeiueiil instead of the previous Is months.! and lor over-selling by telling pros pective purchasers t hat the price j was roing up. William Kriudseti, president of ietiei a) Motors, also denounced ibis practice in testimony before a semiic conimliiee. In his discussions nt over-sellim; and high pressure salesmanship, the president has tied up the (pies t Ion with t he whole problem of imluslrtal planning to even prodiic lion. . One of tlx' administration's busi ness advisers said coopeiation be tween Industry and government in such planning w -mi hi be s moot bed hy revising t lie anii-irust law s to let business men k now w bat I hey can do as well as what they can not do under these statutes. The president expects to send cinitiress a message soon asking changes In these laws. Oneoflicial. however, ev pressed uncertainty whet her a product Ion cont t ol plan uoulil be (ompb-ied for submission at ibis session or next. MADRID DISASTER CLAIMS 500 LIVES l lt ihe Associated Press) llelwceti fmn and tinn lives were today leporti-d lost in a Madrid subway disasler apparently a byproduct of the Spanish civil war. Iietalls ol the disaster were not directly fori heomi tig from Spain because ol government censorship. So tar a-; the IS-iimnths-old war i I self Was concerned. go el nnielll t roops w ei e said lo have uaitied a half mile on i he Teruel front in eastern Spain, a step Inward driv inc insurgent from (be oiii skii is ot (he city. o MARKET REPORT WHEAT PoliTI. NH. .Ian. I :t Open llu-h (API. Low Clos B 0 U R B ON WHISKEY n ruiF QUART PINT . CtNtUlf D I t T I t l I N CO WASlll.MiTON, Jan. 12 -IAIO ;uy T. llelveriiiK, internal rev enue commissioner, warned -m-I ployerH tiday they must tile tln-ir ' t' dei al uueiiiiiloymeui iiiHuniiice I lax returns for Ji:J7 by January ! -I. 1 After that date, penalties w ill be assessed for delinquency. Me I vej inK .said an extension of time ( was granted last, year t-aiiHt of ; the newness of the law but no hx- I tra time would be granted tills i , ear. I Kuiployers of eij;bt or more per- sons last year must pay 2 per cent tax on thejr payrolls for un lemi jyim:u linsin aiice, but may 1 'bducL it j to !m per cent of sine J ilar taxws paid to the states. The jsuiie taxes. llelveriiiK added, also j must, be paid liefon- January :it to be eligible as credits ajaitisl 'be leijerul tax. GAS STOVEBLAST KILLS HOTEL HEAD fOALI.NfIA, Calif.. Jan. :!. (Al')-Aii explosion which shook the entire t'oalinna business dis trict today lore a larne part of one Sjfle from the Iflifkley hotel, killed the proprietor. Airs, ibirhara Huck by. tin, and seriously burned two 1 guests. I The pm.sis. J. K. !ean and W. f'b nient. both of Orange, are in the Pleasant Valley hospital under j ireatiri'-nt fttr fust, second ami third d'-yn-e burns. t The men were in bed at y a. m. "ben Mrs. Huckley went to the . .T-t om-i sum y room a i ter receiving ft report (hey had ti led to light the gas stove ami failed. i Itcspite a picitest from the men i (hat ibey could gel abmg without' jibe stove," .Mrs. Huckley struck a match. The entire top f the j i Sixth street side of the building HIT-RUNSTER AND VICTIM SOUGHT SAN liKItNAJiOINO. Calif., Jan. 1:! (AP) Confronted by a strange mystery, peace officers searched today for a body and a speeding motorist. The moiorist ran down a man walking along the highway l-1i IMiles northwest nt' I:m-1;ii- estetitay and sped on with tin 1,,,, - v ,.,),.,.,! i.i.i.. .. der. The driver outdistanced pnr si ers and disapieared. Neither the identity of Ihe drfv- nor of Die victim was known. ;DR. TOWNSEND HITS TOMPROMISE PLAN .ON; UKACll. Calif., Jan. IK. (AP) Dr. Francis Towusend. founder r the old age pension plan bearing his name, today de-, mninced efforts of contressnieu in lerested in age pension plans tol oiiiinoiuise (lii-ir dlfleienc Me said he condemned 1 IUOVI January Tow nsi'ii Hi by laiseiy-name.l I plan commit- BASKETBALL Roseburg High School Myrtle Point High School First Home Game of Our Conference Friday, Jan. 14, 8:00 p. m. ADMISSION ADULTS 35c tata out1 OOli $1.20 . 65c tee" to call the compromise meet ing "We have long predicted," Dr. TownsHiid said, "ijiat this compro mise movement, would !- the next move of the administration as a means of patching up the very ob noxious social security act to a point where it would tie bearable In the people. "The congress men would have participated in this emu promise and were elected by our vote will be repudiated by us at the fall elec tion in )!i;jh and will lie left at home to reflect on their stupidity." Dr. Townsend arrived today for a week or two of rest. AUSTRIA, HUNGARY JOIN ITALY, NAZIS f My the Associated Press) firave intermit tension approach ed u crisis in France tonight while the lascist lowers appeared to have won two new leu inmates In Kn tope's international choosing of sides. Premier f'hautempH put France's difficult social ami financial prob lem before the chamber of depu lies ami called the legislators hack to n night session to vote or not j vote - him contidence. Italy ;ind Germany appealed de finitely to have won A list ria and Hungary to their "axis." EUGENE SEEKING POLIO FOUNDATION KI IJKNF. Jan. Ml (AP) F.ugene citizens promoting a Warm .springs foundation lor mtantile r a lysis at McCredie Springs lined today the WPA adminis- tration at Washington was conspi ring Ihi' project. The proposed for ndat ion would cost more than S I. I'O'i. nun and would serve the re gion west of the Rocky mountains. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE ASHLAND. .Ian. Pi. (API O. A. Itriscoe. superintendent of schools since 1911, has announced his retirement in .June. Mo has been a teacher in Indiana and Ore gon for half :i century. POHTI.ANO, Jan. lit (AP) The estate of the late.Miltou A. Miller, collector of customs and pioneer democrat, included $ loon personal property in Multnomah county and Linn county teal es tate having an annual income of $1(1110, , CONFERENCE ENDS TIE-UP AT SEATTLE (Continued from page 1.) MARTIN RAPS THOSE WHO AID PORTLAND 'GOON' MEN SALK.M, Jan. 13. (AP) (inv erruir Charles II. Martin assailed "high-powered lawyers and hall men who get Portland "goon" sipiads mil of jail" at a press con ference here yesterday. Ihe goon squads are nil alike. whether they be CIO or AFL," U'c governor said. "I'm going to slop STUDENTS 25c their violence and I'm going to talk until a beat-up gang beaia h.e up. "These 'goon' squads have com plained of brutal treatment by the state police. . I hope ihey do get some brutal treatment. I'd like lo se i hem get some of their own medicine." GRAM HAS PEACE HOPE IN PORTLAND PAPER DISPUTE PORTLAND, Jan. i:i.-(.P) Charles Cram, state lalMir commis sioner, said today ha was optimis tic for a settlement in the w-tge and hour dispute between the three Portland daily newHpapei-s ai:d the typographical union. Newspaper mid union reppMit- A A J. J. j. .1..1..I..I. AAAAAA Terry Towels i $ Economically Priced! 7ic lle.Uur fuuJ ity than uu ally fuund ut this low prit-c! Convenient sizes for many uses! Solid col ors, plaids or colored striped borders. t Outincj FLANNEL I ! m sic ' yd. Warm Northland quality. X t . . yaw, , , . , 4 'I "I1 'l t 'I 'V !' jf v 'J? -I I 'I i t ,I"MMI"I' "fr COTTON Sheet Blankets 45c MEN'S Shirts and Shorts 19c Rayon Slips Tailored and Trimmed Bias Cul Men's Cords Cream or Castor Bis Pay Work Sox Now 2 lor 25c Men's Unions Heavy Weight Cotton 12 lb. 47c Genuine Crepe Twist Silk Stockings Newest Colors! 'PR. Ringless, circular knit cliiftons of pure silk! They've a splash proof finish! Sizes 8l to lO'j. IT PAYS TO BUYp PENCO SHEETS I 4 U) P ta lives held their first meeting with (Irani and K. P. Marsh, feder al labor conciliator, yesterday. The union lias authorized its executive council to cull a strike- CLIPPER TOSS DUE TO FLAME 9, BLAST (Continued from pace 1) volume of black smoke rise from the water at the time the plane disappeared. No Blame Attached Mustek was making his last flight over the Honolulu-New Zea land route which he had pioneered um he had many other nf part iji iji if i ji i iji "I 'J' I' "I I ' l 'Jf l' l" Parkway IX Unbleached MUSLIN WAS 7e A grand quality for such a low price! Cet here early for your share. It's an un beatable value. 36 inches. FLOUR SACKS I Low O iji X Priced! BC Rleached and washed! IVrfeet for dish towels! I Rondo Cambric New Low Price 19c Fas! Color Handkerchiefs Lar!e White S (or 10C Men's Covert T rousers 9Sc Sanforized Shrunk Fast Color Dress Prints Yard 10C Women's Oxfords New Low Price $1.79 Cotton or Rayon Spreads $1.00 81x105 Women's House Frocks Sizes 14-44 3 for Tub fast. Many good look ing styles to choose from. and CASES were 29c now . . 25c cases, were :9c now SI. CO shetts. were 1.23 now S1.10 sheets, were 1.29 now $1.15 x108" sheets, were 1.39 now 51.25 PENNEY COMPACT American's major lines. He had flown more than I.moii.hum miles, establishing an enviable string of records and winning the Harmon trophy in lWiii for outstanding serv ice to aviation. No blame whatsoever was at tacked io Mustek his crew or the groMtd crew tor the crash. Presi dent Juan T. Trippe made this clear in u statement issued in Washington in which he expressed a belief "a way will be found to prevent a recurrence" of the tragedy. Week's Toll Noted It was the only accident in the three years Pan American craft have teen flving the Pacific, but it was the third major tniir'dy In 63 "x99" 72"x99" 81 "x99" 81 "xl08" sheets, were 1.10 now 94i 42 "x36" cases, were 23c now 19C 81" bleached sheeting, wa 36c yd. now 29C yd. 81" unbleached sheeting, was 33c yd. now . 28C yd. 42" pillow tubing, was 23c yd. now 19S yd. nuioi PENCO BLEACHED SHEETING voir Our top quality at a An bargain price! 81". WAS 47c Yd. YD. PENCO UNBLEACHED SHEETING voir Save on this fine quality muslin! 81". J i WAS Ptc Yd. YD. PENCO PILLOW TUBING voir Snowy white, with a linen.likcfinish.42". WAS 29c Yd. YD. Lunch Cloth Brighten your table and cheer your budget with this gaily woven patterned cloth. Priced so low you can afford as many as you need. Size, 50"x50". Ramona Napkins 6 33 lot Exceptionally durable for res taurant and everyday house hold use! Hemmed. 17"xl8". Outing FLANNEL YD. Warm Wizard flannelette in white, solid colors and attrac tive stripes. 30" wide. WASH CLOTHS 3 10 lor Here's a bargain! 12 inches square of frm terry cloth ic plaids or stripes. Stock up! 39' 11 , I "rptrated Ameiican aviuiioii within a week. Ten were killed when a North west Airlines plane, piloted by th vetenm Niek Manier. crushed at 1. Ati.nl llnn.lu I week six 'naval fliers perished when their bombing plane plung. ed into the sea oil' southern Cali fornia. The disasler will Interrupt Pari American's new service linking America with Australia, but, otu. cials said, it will be renewed with a new ship. I Using the Tlraille system. a J typewriter for the blind has been developed. It only has Hix key .since the Braille language is ma-p, 'up nf six raised dots. T,V0 Prtctsf sheets, were 97c now ..75? sheets, were 98c now 77c sheets, were 93c now 79 -f . -g- ,t. .9. -i--4-"T-j- -4- -4- -4- TTT TTTTTTTt TT riiiiiuws Priced for Savings! Comfortable! 1.00 4. Soft and billowy they're T fdled with fluffy chicken feathers. In serviceable X striped or floral tickings, t 20 in. by 20 in. size. lr I1 '1' "I1 'If 'If 'I '!' !' 'I "l &' 'V 'V 'V "HI"Hf ii&t COVERT SHIRTS t Sanforised Shrunk I 49c Durable, grey covert work shirts that won't shrink! Triple stitched seams for extra service. Low priced ! TTTTTTTTT UNION SUITS 10 Wool! 67c Exceptional quality at a new low price! Sturdy ribbed union suits 10 wool for warmth, service! Big Bargains, Men! SHIRTS 57c Wilt-Proof Collars! Smart patterns in fast colors! Sturdy fabrics, fully cut for comfort. Seven (not 6) button fronts. Each has pocket and trim-looking NuCraft collar at tached. Hurry in for yours!