TWO ROSF.BURG NFAVS-RRVIEW, ROSF.RURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938. Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MRS. JANTZER HOSTESS TO SUNSHINE CLUB AAl.KA, Jan. l:i - Mir. William Jitnit'i' was u nio.Hi nmclims hos tess 'I'll ii iHflit v uImml Jhc I'lilcriititi (tl ilxi int'iiilx'i's and J i ji-miri ot Hit' uiiwhino rl lib, UtK'-i Imt with a fclmwcr party I'm- .Mis. William Finn p. Tim iitU'rinwm hours vveiv vi-ry ili as:iiilly pasH-d by Kin-KMing inn IhI sanies, which M o'l to Im ii lot of Inn. Al'lt-r till Mih. Sharp iipfiu'd thtj ninny lovely niftH .shi' At Uip usual hMi hour iIih m t oss, uwnlHh'il ly All'H. Men I'ln-lps, Mr. Oru Coiidiay ami Mis. John Janix-cr, .si!i v-d delicious i i-l'i t sli- Ilil'lllS. (iiifSiM Jnr Ilio iiltHriifion wpp-: Ma'.s. Cora Clmilwtfk, .Mi. 1-ouHt Curtis, Airs. Marion Smith, Mih. Wuiii-r TaiiiH-r. Mrs. lieu I'liHpn, Mrs, Mark Nichols. Meniln-rs vvt,. Mrs. Kohcrt Curliicy, Mis. Wil- hi m Sharp. Mrs. Harry Cooke, Mm. Out I'omlray, Mrs. John old uhliurR, Mrs. Champ Johns, Mrs. Jim Warren, Mrs. Forrest Farnam, Mrs. Juke Fisher, Mrs. Hemy Cae 1 ke, Mis. Ksther llazen. Mis. Warren llazeii. Mrs. Ifall.eit llnoth, Mrs. John Jalilzer, Mrs. J-Vank Tripp, Mis. Kolliu Julius alnl I ho hostess, Mrs. Janl.el'. , The noxt meeting will bo v.ith Mrs. Champ John:? on January L'o BIRTHDAY DINNER IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR 1 (M.KNhAI.K. Jan. II!. Wednes day eveiiiiij;. Mr. ami Mrs. l!oy Cih lions entertained with a birthday dinner lionniiiiK Mrs. Cihlmiis' mother. Mrs. Fred Hull or Kiddle. A lovely birthday take Kiaecd the DR. G. W. Marshall DENTIST 314 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 29 Res. Phone 293-R Evenings by Appointment renter of the talde whele place were laid for the honor Kiiest and her husband, Fred Mail. Uabe .Mai lor, Kaiheiiiio Mall, all ol Kiddle Mrs. (Jihbuns and bara. and Patricia ami Mr. and laiiKhtei-, Kar- SIDE GLANCES By George Clark 0 r MRS. SNYDER HONORED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Ii.WS CltKKK, jim. 1 ; AII.-k I Vised la Woi t Illusion entertained at Iht home Friday evening with a surprise parly honothiK Mis. Hon Snyder on her hiithday. Those enjoy i iik the evening which was spent m playinj: names and cards, lin ludixl : Mr. and Mis. hoii Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Mr. and Mih. Cin Mctiee, Mr. and Mrs. William U'uor ineii, Mr. atid Mrs. tiscar Wilhuii;, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Worl hitmton. Alls. .1. Co-ill of Unsehui'H, .Misses May ( ii oss, May l-'eiin, .Mary Talbot, Mina Lou Uervais, Jean Mazie. Mr (iee, lieverly Jinn Woll hlllKloil, .lea nine and Louise Conn, Cecil lleyers, Carl Itlvslone, I. mi Hanks, Caul Talbot, Kay llaldahl. Wade WorthiiiKtoti Jr., heiints and I'on ahl Wilioim and the hnMess, .Miss I'liscilla Woithiiiyluii. Kel reshliH-niS w ere served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wade Wnrihinivi'Mi and Airs. J. Conn. WILBUR LADIES AID HAS MEETING WEDNESDAY WILUUt, Jan. l:t. The Wilbur Laties Aid had their first nieeiinu this year Wednesday at the hnnie of Mrs. I. I McKay with Mrs Jess Humphreys as joint hostess. Mrs. T. K. Crea. president, had ha i ki of Hie He vol ioual and business session fl -CMiltnelllH Wei e following: Mrs. I KnHella llrhlp Hier which re- served in the L. A. Irving, Ali s Airs. II F. Moon. Mrs. Waller Kinsel, Airs. Clias. Sin'iliim. Airs. J. h. Aleniit, Airs. Keiun't h ThompSfUi, Mrs. CcorKc Short. Mrs. A. Hume. Airs. T. K. Hrejt and y,:r.. lnnmlas Wilson. Airs. I. I. McKay ami Mrs. Jess 1 I Inmplii'eys, hostesses. Washing Demonstration Daily at 10 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. f.r. w. rr- mm .at-:. - v i . . tv o . m MR ILL WmMJr' mm We "I know should retire, Doclur. And I could if I llf.iln't lnii!hl lliiil ynehl to net a rest." Av T'n IPut dry clothM O St two automatic Q Removt clean In dm cylinder controls ... add O cloth ... damo aoap and bluini dnr, ready for (in RADIO MUSIC STORE GROSS & HARGIS Phone 93 225 N. Jnclcson , , DEDDY NL0WA1T it i oays I've cwitte to put (7j ' more electric outlets in your home Arc- you sturrb'Irv-j over crj:, In.:n-j a hord timo o w - o the ;v:uji clcciner recich in o .ill tnr. co'-"-, vs ing fo use rho ?- .to- to C'-:? h porlod? It's n"1, ', v, o it''. f,, Cvvy and so inepe-i'- e !o pt I i rcre cuHefs, The Gdlfornia Oregon Power Company ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLU3 INVITES PUBLIC TO ATTEND TEA NEXT TUESDAY The KitselmiK Woman';! cluh has issm-d a most cordial invita tion to the general public to en joy a very channltm mush at lea to be held from two to litre. Ijii iy o'clock next Tuesday afteruo ni at the clubhouse. Ah s. I tenia rd Youni,', chairinati, and members ol the cluh music coniinittee, Airs. Homer Urow, Airs. Clyde Cnrsteiis and Mis. II. F. KtiKlish will have charge of t lie interesting al'Iair. llosiesses lor the lea will include the members ot the Itoseburg oman's Choral club. Airs. Young is making arrange nienta this week for a very charm ing program hour and hie alt ait promises to he one of the most delight I nl events of the chili year, which is open to the -eiu ial pub lic. CLASS REUNION IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OAKLAND, Jan. 111. At a re union nt I lie class of i'Xtf ill the school gymnasium last Friday eve ning .1 nh n llakanson was elected president I'm- i!i:is and Alarjoi ie Wort hen secret a ry -treasurer. J'lay ing of games and the serving of refreshments closed the evening. Those present were Celhert Spencer, Hay Conrny. John llakaii son, Kohet la Powell, Marjorie Ol then, (lie ii ll Chenoweth, lu neth .Manning, liohert Morris. Alav Feiber. Alice Miller, Thelina Piuk stoil, Joj ce III id lies. M IS. Allelic Haines Mclliimil. Mis. Ceori;ia Keeves Kimle. .1. A. Illiss. class ad viser, and Frank Ah'lltigill. Those absen l from the reunion were Airs. Alice Adams I ill I dell, Mrs. June Hader I la i ley. Fei n Cain. Howard Ciierry, Hons Moore atid l-:ioisi Hand. MR. AND MRS. HARVEY ENTERTAIN FRIENDS til.FNI'AI.K. Jan. lit.- .Mr. and Mis. F. It. Harvey were hosts lo a lew ot their friends Tuesday ewiihm. Pinner ;i served at 7 o'clock from a table att i act ive with artcolored poiiery haiim as Us center piece imtiery bowl of fruit unaided with otanue randies in candle sticUs to matt h Alter dinner an minimal evening was seii( plailii: Iripeli. lluesu of Air. and Airs. Harey included Mr. an. I Mrs he.. rue Caiiiiuier, Mr. and Mis A C Men niimer and .Mr and Airs. I,. -. Hcimitn:ei ot Canvotivtlli-. LADY LIONS TO MEET NEXT MONDAY AFTERNOON The I. ions will mei at two o'i hw k iiet M.uid.n attt'L at the hoti f M --. L. A. Wei's m l.auieluood. Mrs. J. V Halt, plesident. will have char-:" nt the busihes meetini;. whit ll will b. followed by a social hour oi ro tract biidue, tins will Ite the tirst niectiiu: ol the l.ndy Lions tei ;he lo w ear and all ineiiibeis are -ivg ed to be present DR. KOENTV TO SPEAK AT EDENBOWER P.-T. A. MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT I'r. C, II Kocntv will he -:'iest speaker at Cie 7 ::'.' o'clock nt-et-mi: ol Hie Kdcnbower p.-T. Fri tlav everuiii;, Januarv 1 I, at the school Imi i t. pi Koentv will talk on the siib.iei l. 'Vur Indian N-'iuli- HELP 15 MILES OF KIDNEY TUBES To Fluh out AcicU nd Other Poiinnoufl Wmte . 'i hrl,. ... pnf IK. ihS.. Si -M r-.,dr -It :f . 1 rf -s- . r . 'v h.'l' l- ::r bt',:--t .-I !.( -c ( h , rS ! H..01.- IM-n. I'B I IIV. I l Mrr C" lifts MP nii1-'!-. 'r,: ,..,iinf Uli.lri P-n !,,- ir ,.. f.r v.,r , ri-. u.-l u'-eiHv t-v -.vl.-ni f .f v.t; aj;c Uui Li.-csj. utl VAa 1'ujl. Imhs. lie is a retired doctor, for merly engaged in his profession on an Indian reservation. K. A. Kriitoii, T'otimas c.unly I II leader, will be in uttemlum-e to present the I 11 cluh cup. All members and friends are most cor dially invited to enjoy the iiue; ing. MRS. PORTER HOSTESS TO CLUB AT LUNCHEON AT LITTLE GYPSY TEAROOM Airs. Frederick J. Porter cnler tained informally yesterday at a one o'clock luncheon in the attrac tive little (iypsy Tearoom in the Kolilhagen building for t -ie mem bers of the Wednesday bruise club and a few guests. Covers were placed for Mrs. 1.. I. Wimberly. Airs. Alaurice Hall mark. Airs. Itoya! havis, Mrs. Hor;- Hailey, Mrs. .1. 1. Wrl.nTmon anrl Airs. W. It. Chrisler, guests. and Mrs. K. Ii. Aletzger, "Mrs. Lur ing Jordan. .Mrs. J. P. Aloischen-bachei-, Airs. !alo Stephens. .Mip. If. Za elm risen and the hostess, Airs. Porter. Following I he lunch com the group went to the Porter resident e on Uesi'ivoir avenue lor contract bi'ldgo. Pries for high si ores wore won by Alts, havis, guest prize, and Airs. Stephens, club piie BRIDAL SHOWER IS CHARMING AFFAIR OAKLAND, Jan. 13. A bridal shower watt held at the home of Mis. A. L. Kgerlpston last Thursday afternoon cornplimeiitiiiK litr nice, Miss iHjrothy Hamilton. Mis. C. A. t;otf sang "At IrttwiiiiiK,'' and "I Love oi Tinly." A lovely Christ mas tree was used as the motif to present the gittfl. Ctmrnlate ami cookies vv ere served to the mote than 7'i guests at the close of the atternoon. About thirty other frit-mis sent gifts but wetw nimble to come. Ttiose attending were: Mrs. Heorge Moore. Ada Havis, Airs. W. K. hodsey, Mrs. A. Hoyle. Mis. Dora Leaiherwood, Mrs. Harold Tapp, Airs. Uert Hill and Hetty, Mrs. J. W. Deardorff, Mrs. I. -lan-Hiy, Airs. Lillian Hart, Mrs. L. ), Haines, Mrs. Arllicr Ntdson, Airs. Olive Wright. Airs Forter, Mrs. (Men Abeene, Airs. Kvu Hood man, .Mrs. O. Kuder, Airs. Loietla DIck urson, Mrs. Kuitnu Tapp, Mrs. UeniKe Wilcox, Mih. Kdna Long brake, .Mrs. Carrie Alarstou, .Mis. Cleve Aliller, Mr. II. L. Kruse, Mrs. .Martin Clark, Mrs. K. L. Ml Curdy, Mrs.' O. C. Luthterhaiid, Airs. L. V. liraut, Mrs. II. Ii. L'n derwoud, .Mrs. U. A. Oolf, Mra. Claude Coff, Mra. Frank Sparks, Mrs. J. H. Thomas, Mra. E. R. Holm, Ilertha .Stephens, Airs. Roy Miller, Alia. Kay Stepnens. Mra. H. C. Powell, Mrs, c. 11. Medley, Mrs. J. K. Stearns, Mrs. J. C. Uoving- ton. .Mrs. ji. it. worlhen. Airs. John Pelzel. Miss Flma Ijine, Misal Janice HeVore, Aliss Mice Miller, -Miss Kuth .J:::-i:tn, Miss Vivien' Hodsey, Aliss Alarjorie Itaimbridge, ! Miss Josephine Itainl, Miss Esther AlcHugill, Miss Kosemary Irving, ' Virginia Davis, .Miss Ionise Maim'-! bridge, Aliss Ueulah Todd. AUkf! Alildred Wilcox. Aliss Jean Wilcox, i Miss Stella Hall, Miss Margaret I Carsteusen. Miss PauliiiG Pelzel. Miss Lucretla Coff, Miss Pauline! Onpeland. Aliss Roberta Powell,, Aliss Hugh Young and Doral Mal lei v and the hostess ami guest of honor. I ALL REPUBLICANS INVITED TO DINNER AND MEETING SATURDAY j All republicans are bein urged j by the local Republican club lo at tend the. district rally meeting and ! 6::io o'clock dinner Saturday ov- nine, Jntmary 15. at lbs Hotel I'mpqua. F. AL nipton is acting as general i liairn-an of arrang.; ments for the interesting affair. The dinner will bo hold at i'r.'.W o'clock in the I'mpqua and will lie followed at eight o'clock by an in teresting rally and meeting. Every republican In the county Is belli, especially urged to attend the meeting;. , T. . . PUBLIC INVITED TO CATHOLIC CARD PARTY NEXT MONDAY EVENING At. a meeting of the committee in (barge of the benefit card party to be sponsored by the Catholic Ladies Sewing society at the par inh hall next .Monday evening, H was decided that high score prized would be awarded winners play ing contracL bridge, five hundred utd pinochle. A door prize will atso bo given. High ror prizes will le given the winners in the lhre games instead of a prize be ing given for every table in play. Following Hie raid play .refresh mems will b served by Uie com mittee including Mrs. P. H. Jur getixen, chairman, .Mrs. C. M. o Alallev. Mrs. L. A. Coe and Mrs. C. F. Pien e. The general public has been niiiMt cordially invited to be present. MISS JUNE KENT AND ( CHARLES PIERCE MARRY IN VANCOUVER FRIDAY Aliss fJune Kcr.t, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent, of Rose burg, ami Charles Pierce, of Ver- nonla, were quietly married at Vancouver, Wash., Friday, January 7. They will make their home in Venionia, where the bridegroom is employed. Airs. Pierce is well known In Itoseburg, having resided here all of her life and attending the local schools. Mr. Pierce Is also well known here, having resided in Koseburg until about two yeam i ago, when he moved to Venionia. Leave For Corvallis Mr. and spend a lew days visiting their Airs. Fred A. Knight, or this city, son-in-law and daughter" Mr. ami it H. Houser. and family. Bouquet Given to Office Mrs. C,. . heznrtee, ot lu2 Flint street, presented a bouquet of rosea to the News-Review otfice yesterday. Auction Sale Property of the late Mrs. Emma J. Currier will be of fered for sale at one o'clock p. m. Saturday JANUARY 15TH at the residence of A. Coen enberg, Waite avenue, Sutli erlin. The following articles will be offered: Two couches, oak library table, rocking chair, dining table, two tables, three chairs, phonograph, Flamo gas range, Flamo water heater, kitchen cabinet, circu lating heater, writing desk, medicinal chest, child's bed, Philco fanTo, kitchen" ,-ble, cooking utensils, dishes, pic tures, lawn mower, sewing ma chine, electric iron, electric toaster, linoleum, ironing board, screen for fireplace, flower stand, tea kettle. D. E. Barnes, Auctioneer TERMS: CASH lf!t this ninrnmtr for nrvnlfM to Mr II 1 1 A I WVVI-. ll, I 1 If you've an eye for economy and' a taste for the finer things in life, here is a whiskey that will truly de light you. It is Cream of Kentucky, "donble-ricb" straight Bourbon, made in Kentucky, the good old Kentucky way. 90 proof. SftAtSMT $Q(JftBQff wutsxtr PINT 85c QUART1.55 Schenley brings you Golden Wedding, 2 famous name, a quality whiskey that has ' had no peers for fifty years. It's rf whis key,? whiskey! 90 proof Dolden tVcddutg BOURBON BLENDED STRAIGHT WHISKIES PINTM.15 QUART 2.20 You don't have to be rich to enjoy rich whiskey. Just try Old Quaker. There's a barrel of quality in every battle and you don't have to be rich to buy it. This whiskey is two years old, 90 proof BRAND STRAIGHT WHISKEY Available in Rye or lionrboit PINT 80c QUART 1.50 (.'opr. 1938, Schunlcy Distributors. Inc., N. Y. C v -s,-- SXV H, ?" . jit I T A i -m,' I jfWi 1 mm Veteran Jim Edwards fells why tobacco experts prefer Luckies 2 to 1 ... "I recently sold 489,000 pounds of tobacco in one 6V2 hour day," says Mr. J. N. Edwards of Farm ville. North Carolina. "There was a buyer, naturally, for every one of those 489,000 pounds. ..But there was as much differenccbetweenthebest grades and the inferior, as between a pretty girl and a homely one. "At auction after auction, IVe seen Lucky Strike go after the prettiest lots of tobacco. It's no wonder Luckies taste so good. I've smoked them since 1917. "And another thing . . . even after yelling out tobacco bids all during a seven hour day, Luckies are still just as easy as ever on my throat." Only Lucky Strike offers you the finest tobacco plus the throat protection of the exclusive proc ess "It's Toasted". This process takes out certain irritants found in all tobacco even the finest. Men who know tobacco from AtoZ experts like Mr.Edwards are surely good judges of ciga rettes. ..Sworn records show that, among independent tobacco ex perts, Luckies have twice as many exclusive smokers as have all the other cigarettes combined. 0 WITH MEN WHO KNOW TOBACCO BEST-IT'S LUCKIES 2 TO!