1 EIGHT ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARYS, 1938. Apostoli BOUT WITH STEELE Title Holder Mauled Into Helplessness; Foul Blow Adds to Downfall. Ily UAVI.H TAI.MOT NKW YOHK. Jim. H (AIM Fifil Apostoli, HWiiilliy Sun Kian rlnnill. lifts rippi'il Mtid lorn 1 1n iniilillewi'lghL i-haiiipiiinH ut I wo coiiiIihwiih Into hW'i'ijiir-'. p-Hin;.' IiHi.Ii'kkiii'SH, ami he slill lias no thing liluli' liinnlil'' "i show lor it than tin' rli::inpiiiisliii ol I'alilor Ii ia. Last IllKlit tin- foniMT l)i!lhoi j-'avc l-'li-ililii- Hti'i'lii Hili-I) a Kiivam burning thai the limit wan HlujM"-il In llio ninth with lln- Anifiiran li;0-ioniiil lilnii virtually out nn lii Hit. "I lini'w I could do it." Iip yll fil. "Pvn only livi-il t tit- last tlirei: vi'iirs tn M''t that guy in tin litiK. Now If li (loi-nn't Kivn no- a lilh riKln I'll claim It anyway." lln inijiht Just ax well sunt (InlinliiK, lor Stnnli', a wrurk or a man as hi' lay In his ilii'SsliiK room, wouldn't ovon discuss thu Iiossililllly of a I'M urn I'lii oiinti'i' -with the human machine KU'i, at any wnicht. Aliosloli was loici'd to rami! Ill last nIkIh at Hill, so it was no dicp. "I'll never rip lit In this town nmilii," nioancil ilm linlU'icd chain plon as nn leu pad. was ai plicl to his lower Kioln, whi'i'o a wild Apnsloll left cailrht him In the seventh nillliil. "They wouldn't (Ive inn hall' llie hulliliiK" I I led for my hands " The low punch alone clouded Apostoll's victory. It clearly was accidental. Keferee Arthur Dono van held up the bailie fully Hi sec onds until Kleele had recovered minli Iciiily to t:o on. Ijiter, he hlained the pi'lich for Ids defeat. Steele Badly Mauled Steele was the perlect Inner. 1 1n- sharpshooter, enol anil uiliel. Auostoll ci'iiwded Into him. snail- liiK anil rurahiK In the clinches, ami throwing th heavier punches. As early as the second round he slaKiii'ied Steele Willi a rliihl and twice heat llllll Into the ropes, lie rave the champion another had heatlllK In Hi'' Ihlld, hill Steele never ceased tljrlltluK hack. When Steele cnine hack to lake the f til mid ("ill I the chamlilou's Hlipiiolicis. who lilld Kiven mills ol 12 lo i lli'lorci Che hunt, hcnan to breathe easier. Hut Apostoli inilsl only have been rcsllnu. r'lnin Hie niiimi'iil the sixth round opened until Donovan led Steele lo Ids corner In the ninth the Sim I'liin clacn boy was on top. The linn slilers thoiichl he would have won without the low Mow. Steele took a lerrilile I tlni; III the eighth. Aposloll clipped him Willi a KiiiKKiTliu; l,,fl 111 ""' set. and then, by actual count, measured Hie dazed champion with M more lefts nnd llislils lo Hie bead heime the hell linnlly sound- eil. It looked like Steele's head would he torn nil', but lie relll:ied to f:o down. -o- T CMDI-:, Jan. 7.- (Hide high Hclloul'H haskelball leant scoreil its rirwl victory ol' the school year here Titi'Htlny nielli when it le rent. Ml Oaklailil 1!I-1T. The last point for (Hide was scoreil alter the final whistle as llowaid Wood, tilide center, sank a foul shot for a personal foul made by Todd ol Oakland just as the whistle blew. IHlUi-point man of the nine was Stearns of Oakland Willi la points. Ills scoring spree was cut short, however, when he left the name on fouls in the third tpiarter. I.tt'oy llond of Olide was ncvl lilh with 9 points. Although Clide led at llie half, the name was hotly contested dnrillK the last two quarters. Tin1 score was lied at Hull as (he final period bewail, hut a couple of lucky breaks enabled Glide lo eke out its two-point u in in retaliation for a one-point defeat at Oakland Several weeks uKi. Oakland IT Glide I!' I lull. I CD Sltmtetoii W ooil (t I A-;ant I 1 1 liill.el) I,", I Sleai us lu i Hah hiisoii Todd Cl- !",) IlHlid I 'J) llellllett Hammond Kefercc Hlitutions Parrel Cnpeland. Sub Oakland llemiett lor Stearns, Haiuiuond for Cole. I'relituinai y lo He- I K 1 1 v 1 1 f;aine was a volleyball contest be tween K'llf of the two s bonis, in which Oakland won casil, ;il l'iJ. Hih point server for Hi. wmh HoviiiM'"'!. play inn t he line-up, who made I Kvetyn lllukely scored 7 the losers. u nmers I'ciind in points. to lead EDDIE SPINA LOSES DECISION TO DANO PORTLAND. Jan, S. i AP)- -Pablo Dano, 1 L'L'-pound Kllipiuo of 1,08 Ants'eles, naltietl a decision over Kddle Spina of Portland alter 1 n rounds in the main event of a box ing show here last nlht. Greater speed, experience and punching ability irave Ha no an ede In six roumls. Spina, w bo welMhed 127. took two rounds and two were even. Mike Ixanskl. Vnrxa, N. P.. 1 M pounds, knocked out Larry Capulo J f ; 1 , Portland, in the first round ol the nix-round neml final. Beats Middleweight Champ Gains Fistic Glory But No Title UiMjiuf tin; il-ffiitliiiK irmlillfWfiKht champion, Krnddle Sti:le, forced him lo enter llio rhiK over the cIuhh wcijrtit, Frod Ajio.stuli, abovw, former Sim IY;miHro bellhop, run chiiin no tille after decisividy whip ping Steele In New York City hist night. Steele vjih Imtlored into mill mission In nine rmind.s. Hm n;iined decisions over Apo.sloli In their two previous liuiih'K. jiml wjih a netting favorite to win last night. 0. 0, BASKETEERS El Champions of 1937 Lose by 54-33 Score; Huskies Are Victors Over Idaho. KI'fJKNM, Jan. N.- (Al'l - The I'ni veislty of ne'ou bat:kid ball team conformed lo pre-seasou pre dictions of not I In-ill division con ference ;;h last nittlit by hand- iiiK the Washington Stale cnllei team, last year's title holder, a XI healiiiK. The Wehfoots juinied Into a Tel h-ad In llie first few minutes, hut a scoriiiK spree hv Carlson of the Concurs brought a li d lie midway I (;(!oim'! StaniK-r ramp and auxil of the period. After thai the Wei) j ;iiy will held a Joint Installalion toots dominated, leaning lo J 1 j at liallltme. Tte- irenoniaus pulled farther ahead in the last hall, and Coach Howard llohson had ihiid suinnem on the floor at the finish. I.addy Gale of Oregon was hij;h scorer with 1 1 points. SKATTM:, Jan. . basketball team of 111 ( Al'l - The) of WashiiiKtoii opened it: cure season last iiiKhl by the I'uiversily of Idaho ;Ss o s. lowniiiK; quintet, 1 I I'dllTLAMi. Jan. S. (.P) Hilly Keanl's flashing baskets, tossed oni' -hamied from the mi ners, helped illainetie university liarsketball team defeat Signal Oil beie bed nir;lil. ::i lo l!s. The Oilers trailed, 17 lo !), at the half. l.A GltANHK, Jan, S. A1') Tbe Lewis! on, Idaho, Normal schoal haskelball team won its ailie nn a (tee throw after llie li nal whistle, defeat inn Kastcin Ore Kou Normal, II to lil. last infill. AI.I1AN Y, Jan. S. (AIM The I'iral 's of Albany ccdlee defeatetl the Norlouia hotel baskiiball team of Portland, f.e to -7. last nlht. Other Scores Southern California I; V . C. L A. ;il Whitman r. I; Gonaa 17. College nf IMet Soillhl I I ; lle llni:hain Normal VI. I.lufiidd 'is; 1'adfic I'arkards (Portland) IN. High Schools Cheiuawa IV; Canby ;t;i. hallas f.l: Wesi Linn Ti. Grant t Pot Hand i is; (I. S. C. looks Hi. Ibiisim iPojllaud) II: Astoria UN. The Dulles IT; liend :tl. Oreumi City 17; Tillamook ;ts. I-Tankliu ( Port land l L'L' ; I ireuoil Krosh Hi. Klat.:atli Kails :i:., Ashland 11. Wilbur :':t in i:;. kethall c defeated Camas Valley, in the fitst li league bas Itlie of the season tor the ilbur led b ;i uai tow 11 ol the ijKirn; the til tu I. Icadinc at half- O !", ;(Itd etllel'lltK tile li IWll le-II m. ii ; iti a Hist pen time. I I na, mi.itti i with a mat nm ef P.) tt I I i at Hanie was phicd ca He ilbur one de fell' le by .. deei.hn:: ll.ini. Itnth teams Used i lease and showed nood de al-ilil) l.oni laiii'.e shot; dy and Kit.b piocd lln lai lor in . ileni s faor III the pieliininai ni; i, ill name. ielied the Is hv de- Hie C.itin all. r.U Is botiois for the lul sch te;itia- w i : inii to The has!,,.;!,-,!! Ihieiip Minn (::,) V iLi Camas Val. I I I leiihiier Sin eis ( 1 t Woody 1 1 sinnt i:i Wjatt LM Kiteh i I'.i P it on i J s t ') V. Johnson (tii Lock wood Slandley C' t Murt ay K .lohti-on OAKLAND HIGH FIVE DEFEATS YONCALLA MaKl.lllil litrh . Iimd won nn m. K iliui; basketball aine, lit to la, over i he Yoncilla team, at Oak la ml last hi Kht. The Heore was very Hom I hronghoilt Hie contest, wilb Oakland holding a Ho-x h-ail at hall' lime. MYRTLE CREEK FIVE BEATS GRANTS PASS CHANTS I'ASS, Jan. X. (AP) Grants Cass high school lost its l ii Hi basket hall frame in nine starts last night at Myrtle Creek In a return eonieKt III to 25. Ilakersfieht, Calif., Is the site of the deepest oil well ever drilled in the Tinted States. The well J 1U.1I 10 lent deep. U. S. W. V. CAMP AND I AUXILIARY TO MEET I NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT !' of fi m s follow iim their respec tive business sessions next Thll.T day niKht ai the armory. Preceding the business nieeliiiKS. an oyster supper will be held at six-thirty o'clock to which all members of the camp ami their wives and auxiliary members and their husbands hltvn been inimt cordially InvIIimI to attend. I'liiversity ii,.m, CHniibell, of Portland, (lo in router ; partrienl nri'sideul of OreL'on nf I'nited Sjianish War Veli-rans aur.iliarie.'i, will act as insiallitiK officers fur the auxiliary. MR. AND MRS. THOMPSON CELEDRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY THURSDAY To mark their L'oth wedding an niversary Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Tlmmp tnn, of Coos Junction, entertained at a very charming turkey dinner ami card parly on last Thursday veiling. Mr. ami Mrs. O. T. Henry were dinner quests while those calling later in the evening for raids were Mr. and Mrs. K. K. John son. Mr. anil Mrs. Win. Person, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepler, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chambers. Kenneth Uiurance, and Mr. and Mrs. o. T. Henry. Lillian, Mable, and Irving moinpsoii, niid the host and hos less, .Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Thompson MR. AND MRS. THOMASON ENTERTAIN AT NEW YEAR'S j DINNER ON SATURDAY Mr. ami Mrs. T. W. Thotnason entertained at a lovely family din ner party al their home on Kleser st reel New Years day in honor o their son In law and (laughter. Air. ami Mrs. Kenneth Wlmer. nf Washington, I . C. ! Covers were arranged htv Mr. and Mrs. Wlmer. Mrs. Lillie Parm er and daughter. .Miss Mabel, nf Poii land. Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Wimer. Mrs. Hael Denton and two sons. Kenneth and Michael. Miss Kvelvn and Miss Kern Thomason. ami the best and hostess, Mr. and .Mrs. T. W. Thomason. f WINSTON P.-T. A. I HAS MEETING FRIDAY , The regular meeting of the Win 'stun P.-T. A. was held on Kriilay I with Mrs. Kenneth Monk, presi dent, in charge. It was decided llp- on to hob) a pie social ami enter j talnineiit on Saturday, January HI', I in cooperation with the Kvergreeii grange. The committee decided to charge a small rover charge with refreshments t,i he sold after the piograin with free entertainment and mustc tollowing The general public is urged to attend. SHERWOOD NICHOLAS AND JUNE U LAM MARRY AT LAKEVIEW, OREGON ! According lo word receh ed here. 'Miss June Clam, formerly of Days i reek and Koseburg. and Slier iwood Nil-hulas, son ol Mr. and Mrs O. M. Nicholas of this city, were i niai t led I ei ember iHU at Lake , view. Oregon, and have left for California to make ihetr home. Potb Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas for- nierly attended the local high school. MR AND MRS. BLACK CELEBRATE 62ND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY I Mr. and Mis. S. J llkuk. promi nent Kosebutc residents lor many 1 years, rebtbtated their sat'-set'-I ond w etldlng anniv ersary quietly J Thursday, January ti, at the home I of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Unborn. Society I., i i I (Continued from page 3) graciously presiding serving table in the dining room. Those culling on Mr. und Mrs. Wimberly and sou. Don, included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Celaud und daughter. .Miss liurbaru, Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh Kitchie Jr., and daugh ter. Miss Jean, Mr. und Mrs. How ard Cui ties und du iik liter. Miss Carol, Mrs. L. li. Skinner, Mrs. W. C. Winston, Mis Alice, Miss Cora, Miss Kinmu I'eland, .Mrs. Ness No land, of Kugene, .Miss lirss and Miss Jane Wharton, Miss Mere dii h Anne Jenkins, Hill Wharton and Lyman Skinner. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEDNESDAY Mrs. Zella Keller gruciously en tertained the Art and Knibroldery club ut the home of her sister, Mrs. Krskine Wednesduy uftfcr noon. luKrunre rosebud boiniuets wero used about the rooms. A mis eel lu neons shower was given to Mrs. Minnie Cox and Pollyuntiu day was enjoyed. At the tea hour Mrs. Keller, as sisted by Mrs. Krskine served love ly refreshments to Mrs. Cluck, Mrs. Kloru Cox. Mrs. Virginia Campbell, Mrs. H. F. Snyder, Mrs. L. W. Ingels, Mrs. Karl Decker. Mrs. C. J. Hradley, Mrs. Gladys Iturke, Mrs. J. G. Stephen sen, Mrs. Kllen Cornell, Mrs. Palm, Mrs. Hoffmeister, Mrs. Wll liam iiulley, Mrs. A. Neal, Mrs. Waller Stuhhlel ield, Mrs. l.lston Darby, Mrs. K. Khouds, Mrs. An draierf. Mrs. S. 1,. Hebard ami Mrs. Minnii; Cox. The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Andraieff in lliver side January 19. MRS. DOWELL HOSTESS TO H. E. O, CLUB ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. Anna Powell was a most gracious hostess to the H. K. O. dub Tuesday afternoon at her home on Military street. Sewing, five hundred und bunco were en joyed with Mrs. Itoy Campbell win ning the five hundred prize and Mrsv Virginia Camphell winning the bunco prize. Later a lovely pot luck supper was served and Mrs. Virginia Campbell was honored on her birthday anniversary by receiv ing a lovely gift and large birthday cake lighted by candles. Covers were placed for Mrs. Vir ginia Campbell, guest of honor. Mrs. Clifton Hooper, Mrs Harrv iu Lohr. Mrs. Martha Krskine, Mrc Laura Hounshell, Mis. Percy My ers, Mrs, Hoy Camphell. Mrs. C. W. Owen. Mrs. Virginia (i ruber and I ho hostess, Mrs. Powell. The next meeting will be Janu ary 1!1 at the home ot .:rs. u Owen at IMS Hico street. EASTERN STAR HAS FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR THURSDAY HosehuiK Star NO. S Chapter of ln-1.1 its first Kaatern meeting nf llie new vein with Mrs. Walt Thursday evftiiun Hi'reher, win thy matron, presidiui;. Mrs. F. (1. llurr played several lovely piano ; .selections on the new rand piano I recently purchased by the chapter, i An impressive memorial service j houoriiiK the late (. P. Coshow j was presented. Mr. (,'oshow was a j past, matron of Itoseburi; chapter ind a past worthy jj;raml palnm of Oregon The next meet hit? will be Janu ary DO, at which time the TCnd an niversary of lioschut'K chapter will he celebrated and the chapter mem bers will he special quests of hon or. An interesting program is be in jr arranged for the occasion and refreshments will he served. MRS. IVAN PICKENS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE SUPPER CLUB THURSDAY Mrs. Ivan lMckens very gracious ly entertained her bridge dub at a lovely seven o'clock supper parly at her home on Fowler street Thursday evening. Howls of flowering (jaince graced the ta llies where covers were placed for Mrs. It. I. t'oen. guest, and Mrs. I). It. Huhar. Mrs. (Iny Cordon. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. C. L(. Wade, Mrs. Chester Morgan. Mrs. Italph Quine and Mrs. Kenneth tjuhie. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the evening with Mrs. It. Huhar winning the high score prize and second and third prizes go ing to Mrs. Coen and Mrs. Cor don, f BOY SCOUT MOTHERS CLUB BEING ORGANIZED A Hoy Scout Mothers club Is now being initiated in Koseburg by Scoi;l Kxecutive Salee of Wal l:um I council. Oihei cities such as Corvallis and Kugene haxe'had Mothers clubs for several years with splendid success. Mr. Sah-e will meet all the moth ers of Koseburg who ate Interest ed in hoys or young people, Mon day. January lu. at three o'clock in the afternoon, al the Methodist Kpiscopal church. The meeting will he Informal with discussion ei nteretl around boys, bey psychol ogy, boy behavior and bov nahits. Also the possihihility of organizing a Coy Scout mothers club in Kose burg will be discussed. All moth ers of hoys are being urged to at tend the meeting and benr Mr. Salee lead this interesting and lu st ruct i e discussion on boys. CHILI SUPPER IS ENJOYED MONDAY Tone Shukle. l.airy Ken. hill. James IWvley. iJlen Taylor. WTll iam Stock and Itoy Asbury. who stay at the Tire hall, entertained the firemen of Koseburg at a most enjoyahle chill supper at the hall at the Monday evening. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR THURSDAY The first meeting of the new year of the Garden Valley Wi men's club was enjoyed ut the clubhouse Thursduy after noun Willi Mrs. A. Niday as hostess, i During (he business session 'plans were mude for u no-hostess dinner to be held ut the eluh- roum at seven o clock January la to which the Garden Vulley com munity has been most cordially in vited. The president reminded leach lady to bring dishes in addi tion to her pollock contribution to the dinner. Arrangements have j been made for interesting recrea I tional games to be played follow ing Hie dinner hour. A iMjghtlul social hour was en joved until late in the afternoon, when dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Nic'uy, to Mrs. S. C. Williams, of Alberiu. Canada, Mrs. Kred Woods, Mrs. John Daniels und daughter, Janet, Mrs. W. K. Pingmun. Mis. J. Kp perly. Mrs. Harvey Kwens, ,Jrs. H. K. Graham. Mrs. I. S. Hutiou. Mrs. W. P. Love, Mrs. Hugh ICitehie Jr., Mrs. A. N. Schneider, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Peter Sinclair, Mrs. C. L. Spray, Mrs. William Vaughn, Mrs. T. L. Winniford and Mrs. Gilbert Wood. The club members have been in vited (o tin; home of Mrs. Hugh Kitchie Jr., for the next regular meeting to be held at two o'clock llie afternoon of January 2b. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES MEET ON THURSDAY FOR BRIDGE AND GOLF PLAY The ladies of t he Koseburg Country club met Thursday morn ing ut the clubhouse for the week ly bridge play with Mrs. W. K. Ott winning the high score ami Mrs. L. 10. McClinlock winning the sec ond high score. At noon luncheon was served to Mrs. J. F. Dillanl, who ueled as captain in the absence of Mrs. J. A. Harding, Airs. Krauk Coon, Mrs. W. K. Ott, Mrs. ft. S. McClain, Mrs. L. ft. McClintock, Mrs. p. J. Comm. Mrs. Kenneth Quine, Mrs. W. M. McKacheru. Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. H. L. Scofield. Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. J. ft. Marks. Mrs. II. C. Stearns, Mrs. J. M. Judd, Mrs. lioyal Davis, members, and Mrs. A. G. Me.Millili, of Med io rd, a guest. Golfing was enjoyed during the afternoon with Mrs. Quine winning Hie first flight and Mrs. ALn'.s the second flight. BELLVIEW CLUB HAS MEETING WEDNESDAY AT BOYER HOME The Hellview club met Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Kred Hoy er with members answering roll call by giving New Year's resolu lions. At the tea hour lovely re freshments were served by Mrs. Hoyer to Mrs. Summers Jr., Mrs. Summers Sr., and Mrs. Clark. i U,J- ' ixeney. .mis. Poniild Hentlrickson, Mrs. liobert Huff. Mrs. Donald Morherg, Mis. William Gilbreath, Mrs. Marv Kor ward, Mrs. J. J. Kester. Mrs. p. Two Weeks Program Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday Night, Jan. 9, COMING A WORLD DICTATOR" Will he be an Italian Fascist or will lie be a Russian Communist? Each of these opposins powers clamor for World Supremacy. Will they be disappointed? Tuesday Night, Jan. 11 "IS AMERICA GOING RED?" Alarming facts about the spread of Communism in our country. What does it mean to Bible Students and lovers of God? Wednesday, Jan. 12, NO MEETING. Thursday, Jan. 13, HAPPIEST HOME IN ROSEBURG AND WHY? Friday, Jan. 14, "THE MASTER PILOT" The F.vanRelist's own experience in Alaska. Yukon Territory, and on the Yel low Sea. The Master Pilot will be present. ' PICTURES Sunday, Jan. 16, "ARMAGEDDON" 'WHAT. WHF.RE, WHEN?" Tuesday, Jan. 18, "BABYLON, NINEVEH, TYRE, SIDON" These Challenge the Infidel. A thrilling study of the Bible. Thursday, Jan. 20, "COULD GOD DESTROY THE DEVIL?" If So Why Doesn't He? Will He? Friday, Jan. 21, "DIVINE HEALING" Why I Belie c In It. Saturday, Jan. 22, "FOCAL POINT OF PROPHECY" A Sutnmaiy of the Five Great Bible Prophecies. Sunday, Jan. 23, "SUREST SIGN OF ALL" That Christ's Coming Cannot be Much Longer Delayed SPECIAL FEATURES MOTION PICTURES, ILLUSTRATED SONGS Special Gift Book for Attending 25 Nights out of 27 MUSIC: Song Service, Specials, Vibra Harp. Lectures that are Different. Admission and seats free. All Welcome. It's a Thriller! ''a ' - rj'tW: ' WrJ i ' i hit-- IIiirIi Ilnrbert, Mari-lu Rulston mysti'iy tiiraoily, "Sh-li h: The Oi siwclal iiicvii'W picture toninht at W. Hockley. Mrs. Harry Colllson, Mrs. Hose Lovelace, Mrs. Clyde Kester, Mrs. Howard Kincaid. Mrs. . van ooist anil -Mrs. .1. at- hoi . ' The next meeting will be hold fob. 2 at the home of Mrs. Love- "" loiiisou acting as Jiilllt hostess. J. C. PENNEY EMPLOYEES ENJOY DINNER AT THE LITTLE GYPSY TEAROOM The J. C. Penney company em ployees enjoyed a six o'clock din ner Thursday evening at the Lit tle (lypsy tearoom. Wanda Al moin' played piano reh-ctions: .Mrs. .Miriam Ilnllurd sung and Mrs. Kred Kinsel presented tap dance numbers. Covers were i lin ed fur fMcnn Owi lanager; Harold Whillock and daughter, K"nneih I liit'l'ielil. Larry Kendall. Crank Norton. Franklyn Wickliam, .Mrs. J. II. Hughes. Mrs. Sam Campbell. Mrs. C. W. I.awsou. Mrs. Fred Kinsel. Miss llallie Willels. Miss Ileiiv Stark. Mrs. L. Andrns and .Miss Mabel Schindler. OA LADY ELKS TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT The Lady Klks will enjov a so cial eveninji next Thursdav al eiglil lock at the temiiie Willi Mrs. Charles Healy. president, in chai lie and Mrs. Andrew J. Ford acting as linsless. High seme prizes will be given hi contract bridge and five hundred. All members are urged lobe present. Community Bible Auditorium Saturday Night, Special Subject By FRANK W. STEUNENBERG January 15 FLOODS, FOOTSTEP AND FOSSIL Challenge to the Critic's Clainr and Allen Jt-nkins, stars of the furcp - topiM," which Is heiiiK shown as a Hunt's linlliin theatre. j MRS. CLARENCE DISHMAN ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB FRIDAY AFTERNOON ' Mr Clarence Iiisliman verv gra- . ciously entertained her bridge club 'yesterday at her home on South ' ; Stephens street. A very pleasant afternoon wim enii.ve.l in .,h,vin hridfo will, Mr. ,,i,,- ii.i.,ii winning the high score. Greenery j was altracUvely used about the I rooms. I Al the lea hour Mrs. nishinan served lovely refreshments at a beautifully appointed table. She was assisted by her daughter, Miss F.mma Loll Disiiman, und .Mrs. , Hoiiushell. I Covers wore placed for Mrs. Vir ginia (! ruber, a guest, Mrs. Anna i Howell, Mrs. Clifton Hooper, Mrs. .Myrtle Norwood, Mrs. C. W. Owen, i Mrs. .Martha Krskine, Mrs. Laura Hounshell, Mrs. Arthur Jludnell, I .Miss Kniina Lou Iiisliman and the Im-Moss, Mrs Clarence nishman. Roseburg Undertaking Co. Established 1901 Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 600 Oak and Kane Sts. PAST PRESIDENTS CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT PP.INTZ HOME Mrs, M'. C. Priiiti very gracious ly presided over the business meet ing of the Past President chili, which met at her home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J. I'. Byrd, presi dent, was unahle lo he ill attend ance on account of illness. The annual Christmas party was hold durlnK the social hour and Bills were exchaliKeil. The. holiday motif was beautifully carried out and the tea table was prettily ai pointed in holly and daphne. f 'overs were piaced for Mrs. Paul Deilltisev. lrn.l nml u u- ' Stunner. Mrs. Mui Karet Koili-ers'. Mrs. Hubert Wl'iKht, Mrs. W. O. ( linuer, Mrs. W. Luim. Mrs. Percy Webb und Mrs. PrlnU, the hostess. The next meeting will be Janu ary 21 al the home of Mrs. KuiIk ers on Huynes street. MISS VIRGINIA NESS ENTERTAINS LARGE GROU F OF FRIENDS Miss Virginia Ness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Ness, enter tained a large group of college friends al a very delightful New Year's parly on Saturday evening at the attractive Ness home in Laurelwood. Following a pleasant social eve ning, lovely refreshments wro served. Iht Seal ihat Your Health'. Stella Spencer, Prop. M. E. RiTTER, Manager Licensed Lady Embalmer crm-Frcy LEANERJ n ILLUSTRATIONS