FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURC. OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY fl, 1938. (aura tllr Kirepi Nundar br Arns-KcvlHtv l o luc. If ruber of The AaorlIrd I'rras The Atwoclated I'rt-aa i exclusive ly entitled to the use for republica tion of all newi dispatches credited to It or not ottawrwlHe credilt-d In this paper and to all local newi published herein. All rights of ri- Eubllcatlon of special dispatches rain are also reserved. HARRIS ELUJ WORTH Editor Entered as second class matter May 17. lHHQ. at tlte post office at Hoseburg, Oregon, undr act of March a. 1878. represented by Vurk 21 East 41h Htrcet, tltlrnito 3i0 N. Michigan Avi. Nnn l-'raiu-Uro 2 lid Hindi Street clruit ;il'J Hn phenf)ii Blcltf , l.tis AiiKHr 4 33 ti. Hprilig Elr'rt. Kr jllr 6U3 titwitrt Htreel. IN'rlland bid B W. Kixth Ktrettt, Vaorouvrr, B. C 711 Hall Bid.. "I. Iuls ill N. Tenth Htrsst, AtlMta - UH Orant Building. SrltJm Haiea Dillv. Pr Tr by mall IB 00 Dallr, f month hy mail 1 &n Dm 1 1 v. I month br mall 126 tllr hv carrier pel month.... " Dally, by uuirlur pur yisar 7. Kit After 20 Years Whither? LIST'S taku it glimpse. l what Auieriraus were, thinking ahout in Jamiai-y of l!lls. Those Glints, 20 years have dome Jiiniiiiry, HUH: Wlter u'iiicium leveled ul War Department lor fail in 0 of American arms piomaiii. Alter ul)it months of war, Aineri- can arms wit yet nvallahln to American mildluiH. Secretary Raker savagely arralmiod an a wobbling incompetent, aliwiKt a'traitor. January, l!Cts: Secretary linker, recently hurled, Ih widely hailed not wily us tho moatest Hecrolary of wnr the country ever had, but as it really great man. .lanuary, 11HH: (ieneral emu plalsiuico and e.peidatl(jii that (lie move, will he permanent kvm'.Ih Hie recent lakhiK vr of the country's railroads by the K"veinmenL for the war fnieiKenry. January, 1U.1K: With many rail niadH bankrupt and nearly all of lliem beneficial teH of coiUly K'v eminent assistance, Kovtirntiieiil taklim over of the railroad Ih again discussed, but In Kieeted witli cries uf "Socialism!" January, l!HS: Coal siioriaK" ac tually causes five-day Khutdown In eastern factories. "Save every tin necessary shovelful" Ih Hie war cry, its henlless days are projected. 11 Ih even proponed to done Hie churches lo nave- coal. January, l!i:ts: Coal Industry sick from lack of demand, and overn nienl price lixhiK baH to come lo its ri'Hcue while whole communi ties or miners Ho idle on relief or uiiKaKt! In "bootleg mining." January, I'.lDi; Hrltish rejoice at coiiipleiini; l lie compiest of Herman Kast Africa after a stubborn thiee year resistance. I'apera express scorn at the idea of ver giving ll back under any kind of a pe;tce. January, l!:tv Lord Halifax is just back from Ceiniauy, wiicie he discusned a propositi lo give back romo cidouies. Most popular (icr man chjldreii'H game at Chiistin.i.. a unit of parches!-variant called "liace for Hie AH lean ("olonii'H." January, I'.HV i fer indignantly iv and a cli-lu.-uou. Jauaai y, IHils : pi-a ''till I til ni ma lii'iman pr; jcctt il a.; a I 11IMII idelv Ihioughout lh' wnil-l us halotii'V. January, I!Hm ward Hie talkun; .lanuary, l!i:ts: ward lelevision: "Anolhc inovii'V "Aimthe Step o Titne mutches on. all i if, I it, I mi l that is not the inii-i i nig Hung The ihleresling thho; i:- "Whitlift does it march'.'" Will China Survive? O VIADINH Hie su if i - Hi. lnim news fioin China as lu.ndnilf of I hou. a nds ul siniai e miles m (he good earth l.i.- behind Hie ad vaiiciug Japanese lines, oiu- on ders what will be China's; laic ' Whether, in a few yeais nunc. th'Mp will be any China'.' Wo !"ok v. iih slmi ier sig il lhaii the Chinese themselves. Ki.el these beautiful lines by Cm u tang, written, il Is hue. befoie f In present invasion, but still wise and IhoughHul. I. in compares China to ll wise old dog, whose dignity and cunning enable In in to sumo in dignities and defeats. -Whatever happens, her plat id life flow s oil Ullpei tin bed. in.-cli sible to pain and lo ni:.ei , im pei virni.; lo shame and m uinbi Hon the lilllo huuiaii motions Hi at agitate young In casts and undaunted een bv Hie lb 1 eat ol immediate iniu and coiiapse loi tilt) lust two ii'Ulurk'U, i.'m.'eean anil falluiu havu failed in touch tier; culamiticn and death have lost their Ung; and (he over-shadowing of her national lit o for a few cen turies hait tettHcd to have any meaning." In fighting, even coiuiueriiig, such a fot, Japan may Hwallow, but she will find digestion difficult. Editorials on News (Continued from pugo 1.) it takctt in. Tho national debl at Hie end of Hie current fiscal (linaiicial) year is expected lo be about liTi billion ttollars and about billions at the end of Hie l't'lii fiscal year. OTK, please, lhat In the past couple of days Hie slock mar ket has gone up mote than it has gone down. Market observers re port that new Inflationary len iencies are responsible in part for this situation. Inflation causes money to be worth loss and THINGS lo be worth moro. People who antici pate Inflation has ten to exchango their money for things. When peoplo prefer things to money, prices rise. (w; Hew individuals spend until Hieir credil is exhausted and they can no longer borrow, they (i( IlltOK K. When governments spend until lliey can no longer borrow, lliey , THIN OCT the money. This process Is calb'd in flation. It is esscni ially similar to pouring water inlo Hie milk to make it look like more.) XMIK danger of Inflation is al- ways present when Hit! gov ernment Ih spending more than It lakes hi. ('resident Roosevelt, who has been the world's biggest spend er, is beginning lo recognize, this danger and is urging reduction of expenditures. ENDS LIFE WITH RADIO IN HIS ARMS CINCINNATI, Jan. 7 fAI't -With a sinitll radio lilai lug "Spi ing Hine In Hie ltoclvies" in bio arms, Charles Davis, '.U, leaped three Klorles lo his dealli today. Davis was killed outright, bis body landing on a garage roof lint the radio, lo which an extra lengl h of elect l ie cord had been allu'-hed. phiyed on. Witnesses icpin ted when they reached Davis" body a dance band was playing "Home Sweet Home." oliee Dieill. (ieorge Donley snhl the man's wile reported he bad been released Wednesday from a lail sculcncc and that lie bad be come violent during an argument a lew mluules before lie jumped from the window. COACH EXONERATED IN TRAFFIC DEATH SALINAS. I'alif.. .Imii. 7 IAl'1 Mini Slic-.-h, SI. Mary's rolli-m-Imm-hiill I' ll. IdllilV M!H rli-iilfll ul, in,- 1 in- lln il . -si 1 1 ill Call Mnlllilliy. Sail .I""' Slllli' riilh-Ki llislltninr. in all nilliMiHiliili fnlli Kion ni'ar Ih'I'1 i" l't;11'- .liulw II. (1. .liirm-iiHrn nilfl anainsl 1 1t $U.'.'i:i ilamiiBi' Kilil lili'il in hllii'lim' (unit lifii- liy llol Ihlain Blilnvv. Mrs. Salinm- ll"lli ila.v, ul San .Iumi'. MEDIATION BOARD MEMBER NAMED WASMINIiTliX. .Ian. 7 IAI'1 I'l.-Miilf'lil Huuscvill nulllinalril i;uii:i A. CuuU ul Illinois iuila in In' a ini mlnT ul II alumni ini'ilialinii huanl. I li- "ill unci t'l'il ii i.ilu .J.i li H -H V. Carmalt. I'uuK is inn linanl si'i l utai . AMERICAN CHOSEN McGILL U. PREXY MUN I IIKA1., .Ian 7. (Canailiall l-ns'.i I. .-wis Williams liunulas. luiin.'i I lllli'il Slalns iliri'ilui' ui III'- liilili'i'l. was inslallnl lu.tay as la in. al n Mi llill nuivl sity. I lunulas was Inn II ill Illslli'i'. IU. an.l lias I'l lli liis llMllie. bill lalh.T and gi and-(Jiu.-bec. I ; 1 1 H i i sere liali of Creations of Art With Needlework ?! CNUiiCAL CHOCHL1LU CHAIR ShT iu in i n mil; i'in:i!N u.s t HI III' tile u,t , h.lll Mlh die " i ll s a nie in,e ll In .11. in... I. J. and MUM s llu tilel ci simple l he coillph ii iti d , lie 1' in un.le llll'e. IUMI-. ! t T I 1 M'ace diagi.iin m ciochei h-nK ,n, ti l i,i and how iniu Ii mi To obtain 1 1n I'-tn. i n No IliS and I'll, lo-e In si, mips or coin unin pi on er service and pei,i.. New -lte iew. Need lew ui incut, lloseliuii,'. Oicgou, l' pail- OUT OUR WAY Wrk v ' y V T WAKE THAT GUV UP- U COPH 19H BY MA StWVlCt INC. T M tITQ. U. t MADMAN'S ISLAND By NARD JONES Copyright, 1937, NEA Service, Inc. CAST OF CHARACTERS KAY DKAIUiOUN heroine who inherits a yacht for vacation. M Kl.l'l A II o W A U D - K a y'a room male- and co-advent uror. I'll I SCI I. LA 1)1 INN- -Hm third adventurer. F (I It il K S T HliOTIIKKH and CHANT II AltPKK - young scien tists whose i-xpediiiou tinned out to be a rare experience. Yesterday: Well along on their cruise, tin; girls anchor on I heir Hist night out, are invited lo come aboard the huge while yacht by a good-looking young skipper. Hill they desist. CIIAl'TKIt VI "Well," mcnliniied Kay to I'ris cilia, "I hero was your chance lo give the man a piece of your mind. And you never opened your moot h." "How could I?" asked the blond member of the Irio. "After Melita had pulled the boner with the loldiug anchor and be was so nice alum! it I couldn't very wtdl be unpleasant, could I?" "Not possibly," said Melitu. ''He was too good -looking." She hur ried forward lo have a not her I ry at anchoring the "Chinook." This t ime. I ol lowing Hie advice of 1 lie oung man from (ho ".Mislral," she was successful. Soon the lilllc cruiser was riding pleasanlly, and Hie three girls busied themselves with Hie preparation of a belated dinner. "I wonder who our friend was," mused' Kay as they sal down to Hie table. "Do you suppose we should have accepted his iuviiu- lion to breaklastV ."And run Hie chance of being shanghaied?" exclaimed Melita cant iously. "Not on your lite! ee goi our own lilllo cruise to take care uf." She. peered out of t he window low ai d Hie w hile yachi which could slill be seen in the -ratheting dusk. "I'll admit it won be pretty nice riding in that haiHcship." "lie satisfied Willi what on have." suggesled ri:. cilia com placently. " Didn't our friend say Hint wed probably see him again.' What mure do you w ant ?" They were washing dishes in Hie galley w leu a hail drifted across the water, ohuously limn a megaphone. " A liov. Chinook' !" The girls looked at vmU other. 'I'll bet,'- said Melita, "lliey watll lo play bridge." "Don"! Halter yourself." Kay Id her. "I'll mi all and see w hat I bey want." She went lo the cock pil and yelled across the water. ilei tei not loi gel our anchor 1 1 iih I ," a pleasant oice called. nh . . . t hanks." Kay yelled back. She relumed to the galley sniiiew lial subdued. "I forgot about the while lighi torward w lien at nlichni . ' I'l isc ilia's tad was a comic Mhulv "Is Hial all he wanted.' I wish he was longer on sociability and shorter on advice ' "That w as good adi ice." Kay deiended "And don't loigel we I in tied ilnwii his break last inula lion " ' You did." 1'viscilla pointed out. True to their plans, I hey were mm ing out ol Fail weal her Cove al daw n 1 lie hcl moi nilig. To then niter asiouishiueul. Hie "Mis li. il" had already gone! "Thai's darned tunny." said Melita "The niiisl hae had that bn il.i.isi id ihens pretlv early." "I'mb.ihlv thcCie going to catch a 1. 1. liable lute." Kay told her. In last boat thev could catch a tide we coilhlnl hope to lilt ill Hie ThiuonK' Willi ils slower speed e'll haw lo make use ot the -hails lo. lay. hcurhr! Mid. will on get out i he nai I aim n kc marked ' Number i ne Fail w eat h el Cm e to I 'eilion s Point .'" Hoist ct cd with I he out idem e oMenlays ciiiising had given l In - til . and alert alter a dieamlcfs -hep in i'au wealher Cove. Hie kipper and crew oi the little "Chinoi'k" goi along l.tmouslv I ale Dial alleinoou thev slopped at a -in. ill inel and supph dock, .hm I'ike h:td recom nieiile. thai i he i duel i here, as tin t her on a wilder count r where fuel stations would be lew.-? ;unl towns not at an While Kay stayed wuh the ebip O C5OO0 GOSH.' I DIDM' THIMK. THAT GEAR WOULD KMOCIc THE. CHAIR OUT 1 1 FROM UWDER HIM THE BULL O' TH' WOODS IS OSJ OWE OP HIS NIGHT VISITS Am I JUST MEAMT TO WAKE THAT GUV UP- 1 LL EXPLAIW TO HIM, MODESTV PT OFf. to ovursno the rufueling, Melilti and I'riscilla could not resist an intriguing path w 1 n d 1 u g up through iho woods. They had Iheir first slight experience with "sea legs," lor after I he bouncing on the little boat the earth beneath them seemed actually insecure. Forgetting tho passage of time, they follow ud the path further than they knew then suddenly Melita looked at her wrist. "We'd better get back. Kay will be wild." She was. "You've, been gone an hour. I was just about to start out after you." "Wc'm sorry," said I'riscilla gaily. "We didn't think you'd worry." "Worry? 1 wasn't worrying about anything except fcelting to I .arromoi o island hy nightfall. Now wo won't mako il without running at night." Thn gas station attendant grin ned helpfully. "You wont have any trouble.. Cso your searchlight on Iho shoreline. On this end of Larromoro there's a blinker." "I didn't plan to run at night," Kuy lixplained. "Isn't there a good, anchorage I his side of Larroiuoru island?" "Well, there'H one or two," the attendant said. "Hut you can maku Carromore without any trouble." Fervent ly hoping ho was cor rect, the throe, girls climbed aboard. Darkness appeared some how to fall earlier 1 hat day. It seemed no (hue at all before Kuy waa lorced lo turn on the "Chi nook's" running lights. Taking l heir inexperience into account, ! Jim I'ike had planned their cruise i tor day running. Now Kay be came confused and a lilllo fright ened, and wasn't at all certain she could 1 i ii il Darromore Island. A blinker lighi, the marine station attendant had assured her, would guide her right. Itut suppose the tight was oui of commission? "I'm afraid we've run past it." Kay said at last. She stood with Melita and I'riscilla in I he pilot house. Over the binnacle light her face was strained mid (pieer. Melita was operating ihu search light which was mounted atop the pilot house and controlled by a lever inside. Suddenly sho tried out, "There! That looks liko an island. Do you suppose t hat's it ?" "I don't know." Kay confessed helplessly, 'II we were on our course we should have reached it i hree -quarters nl an hour ago. Hut maybe the engine isn't up to ils sieed . . . Anyhow, let's lake a chance and anchor here. It's noi w ell protected, but there's no wind." "Look!" e claimed I'riscilla. "There's a cabin hack in Hie trcea. And it looks as if there's a light or a fire iu Iho fireplace." "Hood . . . ." Kay turned the igniiion switch. "Let's drop an chor and go ashore in Hie dinghy. Al least I hey can tell us w here w e are. and if we can Hud a sater auchoiage near here." Soon lliey were rowing ashore in the dtimhy and Kay was out with a flashlight the moment Hie Daily Devotions By DR. CHAS. A. KDWAUH9 Doubt less you Inn e observed how often Jesus had a good word lo sa lor the active, courageous, enthusiastic iv pe ot man Many ot His pa i a hies speak vei v highly ol that sort ol heoplc, in tact. He ahnord gloiilies that type ol man. Those who made much ol their op poi t unity , w ho did nil her than talked about doing, w ho t In en heart and soul into lite and cheiished a Uohlo enthusiasm tor it weie not only spoken well of. bill weie used as illus tiating some of the gteai prin ciples and ideaU ot His King dom I'll r 'Oscfuluoss, foresight, noble endeavor, were tpialities that He nllrii commended. IbcuHie on lis. breath ot God. and fill us with hie anew. Do Thou tome into our lives with all the etiei u and tile gi Dig povwr ol Th spirit, and make l s o er alter Thine ow n ihougbi and purpose, uninu us thai abundant lite w bn h w as Hie promwe of Thv Son Amen J. plXLEX PLAW TO HIM, , ji-.', -----7J :: I J By Williams VOL) LL PO MO SUCH THING THAT'S OWE KIND DEEP THAT MUST DIE WITH US- VOU'LL BE WO HERO TO HIM! J.RWlCLiftMS 1 lilllo boat nosed into tho sand. Melita and i'riscilla followed her I up the weed-grown path to where the cabin was set among the trees. They saw her stand dead still as sho passed the window. Then she stepped closer, looked Inside. The two girls behind her suw Kay' i Hhouldor si iff tin and then she screamed wildly. (To bo continued) BARBS Sf (Copyright, HCiS, NT' A Service, Inc) They're feeding potatoes to live stock and running trains on milk. Hut nave the cheers until some one operates an auto on water. Theatrical magazine estimates America pays Sxh.iiuu.imh annually for its orchestra music. Well, those w ho dance . . . etc. Chinese army official says China is far from being beaten. He fails lo mention how far China is from winning. Henry Kuril is reported trying to buy a lati-yenr-old watch iu Copen hagen for I5,iinn kroueu. Doesn't he trust tho accuracy of those Dearborn time-clocks? Ka stern movie scouts interview ed ri2,iniii hopefuls iu PCJ7. but sent only to Hollywood. Why. Hie insurance odds against dying In a flight tu Mais uro shorter than that 1AM 5NEU fciwftarvot blot " Do slate molor vehicle law ply to private nuuls? HP No. All slate regulations, such as those which govern licensing, speed ami movement in traffic, ap ply only to vehicles which move on Hie public sheds and highways. May a school student cany oili er students for hire? Yes The automobile used for this purpose, however, must be or dinarily known and used as a pri vate passenger car, and must not be operated for pay except in car rying students to and from school CHOIR GIRL STABS FATHER TO DEATH .1 KRSKY CITY. X. .1. Jan. 7 (Al'l - Charged with slabbing bet father lo deal h as she prepai e.l for choir rehearsal in a church down the block, lSear-old Doro thy Schaefer sobbed in a cell to day that "I only meant lo scare him" Acting Police Inspector John .1 Cndeiwood said lh" attractive girl confessed she plunged a caring Unite into her lather's breast al ter he had annoyed me neighbors and menaced her tool her and her self in nu alcoholic fury over the pros pei i ol losing his jot). r. h7s. students ASSEMBLY GUESTS Students of Oakland high school euieilained llosebuig senior high students at the regular assembly period yesieiday morning. 1 The assembly was opened with class end school yells, followed bv announcements iiom C. li. Heard, i principal. ' lloyd Gibson then announced the I noitilii.i mi the urogram, two slim I ptas and a comic ipiarlel singing "Mary Aim. the Millers Daugh ter." STUDENTS URGFD TO HAVE THEIR PICTURES TAKEN Willi Hie deadline for taking l inpiliiu pictutes. February t. less than lour w eeks a w a v. only -il seniors. J juniors, and 2'. sopho mores haw had Iheir countenances snapped at Clatk s photo studio. Leonard Kib-y. adviser, and Tln l ma Carter, editor of Hie Roehuig senior high school year-book have been urging I be students lo be prompt in gelling their pictures laKeu. The eailiest were snapped uu December .7, STTTi"" DRIVING OREGON HIGHWAYS SALKM, Jan. 7. (AP) Unem ployment cmepeiisalioii commis sion registrations iu Oregon dur ing the first four days this week totaled 2ti;(, about half uf them being iu Portland, D. A. tlulmore, statu idministralor, said today. Registrations began Monday. The total was almost half the IiN,rjf)7 persons estimated to be without work by the federal unem ployment census. However, many unemployed persons will nut qual ify for benefits, including agricul tural workers, domestics working ; in private homes, government and stale employes, and poisons work-, ing for religious, educational, char itable or scientific institutions. Payments will start January 17 to 12,nou persons who registered Monday, when registrations began. Payments are started two weeks after registration. Payments will range between $7 and $15 and will continue lor lti weeks unless the registrant lias ob tained a job. The unemployment compensation commission's em ployment service will attempt to find jobs for persoiiB receiving benefits, the work to be compar able with the work the recipient did before ho lost his job. Pulmore said the commission would rule within a few days on whether Portland sawmill workers, forced out of work hy the hitter Cld-AFL jurisdictional dispute, uro entitled lo benefits. KRNR PROGRAM (1500 Kilocycles) REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 L. A. (lolf Tournament, M US. 'I:3H Tim Children's Hour. 4:45 Jack liituer's Orch. 5:00-Put Humes & Ills MPS. Harn- stunners, MPS. 5:30 Olga Packlanova's Contin ental Hevue. MPS. 6:00 Singtime, MBS. 6:30 Pres. Roosevelt Jackson Day Speech, MBS. 7:00 News Flashes. 7:15 Frank Bull, MBS. 7:30 Indianapolis Symphony, MBS. 8:15 Horace Hiedts' Orch., MBS. 9:00 Atka Seltzer News, MBS. li: IB Know Your State, MPS. it:;i0--Sign Off. Sl'NDAY, JAN. J H:n0 Reviewing Stand, MPS. X: la Devotional Hour. 8:45 Glad Tidings of the Air, Rev. Ira F. Rankin. 9:00 Veterans' Dedicatory Pro gram. 11:110 American Wildlife Piogram, M IIS. !l: la- Interview, MPS. ln:ini Sands of Time, MPS. 10:15 Pacific Greyhound Program, MBS. 10:30 Gotham String Quartet, MPS. 11:00 Baptist Church Services, Rev. J. R. Turnbull. 12:00 Poems From the Tower Room. 12:15 Organ Classics With Wan da Armour. 1 :U0- Dance Melodies. 1:30 Lutheran Hour, MBS. 2 :00 Sumner Priudle, Pianist, M US. 2: lf Rabhl Magnin, MPS. 2:30 The Shadow, MBS. 3:00 "30 Minutes in Hollywood," MBS. 3:30 Reunion of States, MBS. 4:00 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwards. 1::ti- Organ Interlude. 1:35 L. A. Golf Tournament, MIIS. 4:45 Hollywood Doings, MBS. 5:00 Epic of America, MBS. 5:;i0 Sain my Kayos' Orchestra, M IIS. G.O0 Impressions, MPS. (i:;io- Newst esters, MPS. (i: I.V--L. A. Symphony. 7:00 Louisiana Hay Ride, MBS. 7:30 Old Fashioned Revival, MBS. S::;u Hancock Knsemble. MPS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. It: 15- Hiiuber Orchestra, MPS. l):;;o- Sign Off. MONDAY, JAN. 10 7:i"i--"Karly Birds." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:45- J. M. Judd Saya "Good Morning." 7:50 Dr. Scofield Program, 7:55- Alarm Clock Club. 8:00 Merrymakers, MBS. N:3u-Biuce Real Ksiate Co.. Al pine Lodge, Youcalla Feed Store Progiaius. S : 15 - Jan Garber. 9:00 Men About Town. 9:45 We Are Four, MBS. In : no llomeiuakers" Harmony 10: 15 Carson Robinson & Buckaroos, MBS. 10:30 Hecker's Information Hia Bu lean, MBS. 10:45 Voice of Experience, MBS. 1 1 :00 "Frontier Fighters," Copco. 11:15 Variety Show of the Air. 11:30 Roseburg School Pro gram. 11!:hi -Girl Meets; Boy. MPS. 12 : 10 Parkinson's Information Ex change. 12: 15 "Singing Strings,'' Fladio Music. 12:30 American Family Robinson. 12:4& News-Review of the Air. 1:00 Henninger's Man on the Street. 1 : la Dance Melodies. 1:30 Traffic Safety Program. 1 : 15 Madligale Singers. 2:00 L. A. Open Golf Tourna ment, MBS. 2 15- Fein Florid, Program. 2:50 News Flashes. 3:00 L. A. Open Goif Tourna ment Finals, MBS. 4:00 The Editor Views the News. 1.15 Backyard .V-tiouoinei-. MPS 4:30 The Johnson Family. MBS. t 15 - The Children's Hour. &:00 "Melody Lane," with Wan da Armour. 5 .3i' lw ei once Welks' ( ircho- Uu. MUS. 6;00 Hansen Memories, HIGH RADIO SPOTS f 3 AUNT EMMA WOTS: Aired Over Don Lee U is naid that nu other film com mentator is better qualified to of fer dialers more interesting and authentic news of the motion pic ture capltol than.Kdith Gwynne, intimate friend of countless celeb rities. Miss (Jwynne, who refuses to in dulge in a gossip type of chatter or personal criticism, adhering strictly lo real news of the motion picture world, will be heard in an other of her "Hollywoodings" pro grams over KHJ and stations of the Don Lee network Sunday Jan. (Jt at 4:4o p. in. Concert by Hancock Ensemble Offering com posit tons ranging from Victor Herbert's to Hach's. the famous Hancock Knaemble will present another concert ol siring music over KHJ and stations of the Don Lee network Sunday, Jan. a, between 8:30 and &:'0 a. m. Directed by the noted patron oi arts, Capt. Allen Hancock, the en semble will play "Liehesceue" (Victor Herbert), "Girl With the Flaxen Hair" (Debussy), "Minuet in K Flat" (Mozart), and Gavotte in K (Bach). (Miss IsIjv Detter, featured so prano, is prevented by Illness irom making her regular solo contribu tions to this week's program.) Idaho Saluted on "Reunion of States" Idaho, the "(ieui of the Moun tains," takes its turn as the hon ored Rl ale on t ho K ll.l-Don Lee feature, "Reunion of t he btates, heard Sunday. Jan. 1. from 3: to 4:00 p. m. Idaho native. Harry A. Law-son. president of Iho Idaho State Society of Southern Califor nia, will represent his home state on this occasion. Selecting the life of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shirley Walgamott, early Twin Falls selllers, the week ly dramatization will disclose the struggles of pioneers iu this norlli- ernmost of Hie Rocky mountain Here From Umpqua A. L. Road man, of CmiMiua, was a business visitor iu this city yesterday. In Town Yesterday V. K. Arch aniheau, of Sutheiiin. spent yes terday in this city on business. Here Yesterday J. F. Lamor eaux, of Oakland, was hero attend ing to business yesterday. A r.ahin Mi' mwl 1 in Curl Black are spending a few days at their cabin on the North Umpqua. News-Carrier Jack Saunders, Jr., has accepted employment as a carrier lor tho Roseburg News-Review. Sutherlin Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. M. L. S(tiier, of Sutherlin, spent yesterday here attending to business. Ill This Week L. L. Spencer has been ill o; ttmueuza the past week at his home on iorth Jack son street. Oakland Resident in Town K. A. Schudeiske, of Oakland, spent a few hours iu this city yesterday on business. Elkton Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Brown and daughter. Francos, of Klkton, wore visilurs in tliis city yesterday. Mr. Weatherly in Town F. S. Weatherly, of Kellogg, spent a short time in Ibis city yesterday attending to husmcss. Able to Be Out Mis. Lena Me Klhinuy is able to be out again, after being ill the past week al her home on North Jackson street. Visiting in Tillamook Mrs. It. A. Calhoun of Garden Valley is making an extended visit iu Tilla uiook wilh her son and daughter in law, Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Calhoun. Has Station Management John William Robertson has taken over I he management ot the Shell oil i si a Hou at Jackson and Douglas .streets. Miss Strong Home -Miss Gladys Slrong went Hi Portland Wednes day and at I ended the .lose' Iturbi concert Thursday evening. She re turned lo her piano studio here Friday. Arrive Here Mr. and Mr;:. Craig Maisters, who were married in Ku gene yesterday, arrived tu Kbse- Iniig last evening. Mis. Maisters was formerly Adeo Sue Ilihleburu of this city . Canadian Visitors Here Mr i ml Mis. S. C. Williams and son of Alberta, Canada, are visiting Hie former's HMers, Mrs. S. L. DoLapp. in Roseburg. and Mrs. Harw) K we ns and M i s. W. 1 1. I ove. iu Gulden Valley. 6:15 The Phantom Pilot, MBS. 6:30 Frank Bull, MBS. il I". Inifrluiln. 6:50 News Flashes. 7 : . .. , Vinri'iit Yal Satit 7:30 Lone Ranger, MBS. s mi I'liu.-anl uf M MS. s.;:m Will ll,nrni's l Irrhi'st i h. MIIS. : IS - I,. A. S niiihiniv. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. l.i-Tininiv I nrai'v's uu lu'!trii. MIIS. 1).3'. Sign OH. Local News states. o In his role of emcee. Arthur Shank will reveal Idaho's develop ment from desert wastes to fertile valleys which now produce the na tion's finest supply of potatoes. Appropriate musical selections by Hie Paul Taylor chorus will in clude .Idaho's state song, "Here We Have Idaho," and "Py A Water Fall." Arthur Shank Honored A. C. Shank, master of ceremon ies of "Reunion of the Stales," weekly broadcast originating from KHJ lo the Don Iee network each Sunday, is currently studying the national music of eighty different countries Kach of the eighty na tions will have delegates at the convention of Rotary International lo he held In San Francisco begin ning .Uine li, Pi.'ts. Shank has been named music director of Hie world wide gathering, and he wishes to become familiar with tho national airs of each of the nations who will have delegates iu attendance. Young Film Stars Guests on "Thirty Minutes in Hollywood An imposing list of younger film aclors will join George Jessel to celebrate Collegiate day on his "Thirty Minutes iu Hollywood" program Sunday, Jan. il, between 3:00 and 3:30 p. in. over KHJ and the coast-to-coast Mutual-Don Lee network. Among his many guests w ill he Paula Stone. Johnny Downs, Kleanor Whitney, Mary Carlisle, Penny Baker and Noah Henry Jr. Also participating in the colle gian celebration w ill be Norma Tal madge, a regular member of the cast on the weekly broadcasis. Kntering the under-graduate spirit. Tommy Tucker and his or chestra will present a group of special arrangements of favorite college airs, and will accompany Amy Arnell. songstress, and 7-year-old Josephine Starr in contrasting" song selections. Enjoy Visit in Portland Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Winuiford and two children enjoyed the holidays iu Portland visiting Mrs. Winnilord's sister, and have now returned to their home in Garden Valley. , Return Home Mr. and Mrs. L. I J. Brink left Friday Tor their home I in Klamath Falls. .-after visiting j here a few days with the hitter's ! son and daugliter-iiMaw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Patchutt, on North i Pine street. Attend Concert Hoover and daughter, motored to Portland and remained over evening to attend the Mrs. K. V. Miss Ruth, Wednesday Thursday concert ol Jose' Iturbi. noted concert conduct or and pianist. Arrives Here W. Call of Port land arrived hero yesterday to join Mrs. Call, nee June Wiard, and spent the week-end visiting Hie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wiard. Mrs. Call arrived here Wednesday. Will Return to Eugene Miss Violet Ploomquist, Kugene school teacher, expects to be able lo re sume her leaching nei Monday, after being seriously ill here lor the past two months tit Hie home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iv O. Blooinquist. Leave For Sitkum Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Groal and Kvn children, Roger and Janet Marie, loft today for their home in Sitkum, after visiting hero since Thursday 'w it h tho former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harri son, on South Stephens street. Move to California Mr. and Mrs. Iledricks and daughter. Bon nie, left Friday for Pomona. Calif., lo make their home. Mr. Iledricks was employed by the Douglas County Flour Mills. During their residence in Roseburg they made their home at the C. H. Thurston place iu Laurelwood. T CARD OF THANKS We wish lo take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the kindness and sympathy extended by our friends dining our recent bereavement, and for tho beautiful floral offerings. Win. Savage. Mrs. Hatlie Kiffer and family. Stock and Bond Averages rmntiilH by Tho AsriociaU"! l're;; Jan. : :m u mi In.riH lilt'H ITU St'ua Tmlny lid, ll 2II.7 SI. I I'll' Pifv. day .... HI. 'J :i:t.a l-'iii ' Month hko . HI. I 1 X.'. Hi. I V ar am !l7.2 all. II 710 I!i:i7-S lilL-h . lul.6 IM.a 7:'..:i m-K low .. r.7 7 is. 7 :n n." l!i:lii hull '.ill.:) I3.J ;,:t.7 72.-. IMG low 7:1. 1 3". 3 IX I 5i.7 BONOS 'Jn i 1i '! lill's l l's Kill. Tnilay 711.3 'J7.5 I ,;j t;7.n l'lcv. ilay .. . 711.1 !)7. 1 III. 2 fiii.ii Munil! hko 71.1 117.1 112.1 tla.S Year an lm.;t ln-'.., 19S7-3S hicll . StU.n lul. I ti2.i 71.7 i! .i7-:is low .. t;t :t ;i.yr( :ni.:j tit. 2 licit! IiikIi . I'V2 l"l.t l'i:i.l 7:'..a r.o; low sb t lui.s ',i',i.:t '"7.ti , J Listen to The Lutheran Hour KRNR Every Sunday 1 :30 p. m. O