ROSEBURC NEWS-RFAAEW. ROSEBURC. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5. 1938 FIVE NEWS-REVIEW Clauif iecS Ads, Phone 100 RATES Pint luuertiuQ, per word- JfUcb 0ut eo,ut-D.l Inoeriiou, per word 2o Ont week, per word .be Cue mouth, per Hue J1.0U lilnluiuni charge 25c Copy tor this page wilt be accept' d udiU 11 a. m. of the day o( pub lication. The News-Review assumes no reupoQBlbility lor and In no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers In the classified columnB. Head ers are urged to make full investi gation Before sending money in re-, eponse to advertisements Tbe tNews-ltoview jeserves the light to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the r.ight to classify all advertising under A the proper classification. Livestock SHEKP FOR SALE 100 beud of good, heallhy ewes. Lamb Febru ary. All or purt of flotk. John llolir, phone Usti-J. A l't)W Springer Spaniel puppies, both Dame and Sito are first clans bird dojrs. Adams, next to Kvertrreen grange. WILL trade three good cows, freshen ill February, tor Angela goats. Claude Parlihiirrfl, Uiock-way. VKAD and wortnieBs u7esiock re moved free of charge. Koseburg lly-Producta. I'hone 62F12. WAN'l'Ll) Two hundred or more pood young ewes. P. O. Uox yj5, Koseburg. Foil SAI.K Six-year-ohl Jersey milking ami bixl, JSd.OU. F. F Parker, V.'illmr. VKTEIUNARIAN Dr. H. U. Keith, 322 E. 2nd Ave. N. Phono 64-J. WKANLING pigs for sale. lit. 1, Box 100A. Homer Vogt. WANTKD HHP AiiKora goat. flaiide Parldmrst, ISroekwny. WEANLING pig3 for sale. Perry Rentals Smith, 3 miles west cu Melrose road. CLF.AN, furnished houses and TT! Z 1 apartment. Water, lights, dose Miscellaneous in. reusouable. 320 West L'ass. .... FIVK-1UIO.M modern unfurnished WAMIIM. MAC 11 INK BhllVlC'E house. Cood busemelit. Inquire CO. All makes of washers re- AM)a SiiuukIib Garage. paired. Ph. 132-J. Ill W. Cass, . - 2 Koseburg. NKATLY furnished house, electric slove, iiiano, washer, etc. lu- M1LK, grade A pasieuuzed or raw. quiro 2 '2 East Lane Delivered dally. Umpqua Dairy. Phone S8. FCUIt-KOOM clean ground floor ;r 77 apartment. 514 North Pine. AKUNDEL Piano tuner. Ph. 189L. . -T; FURNISHED apartment lor rent. KADIO repalrmg, Ksbg. Electne. 424 Flocd, corner Mill. Fuel ' APAKT.MKNT, cozy, icasonable. Aiitilts only. Phone til5-J. GET your wood at Koseburg Lum- 5 KOOM clean house, $15.00. In- ber Co. Dry and green. 16-iuch quire at 620 S. Stephens, and 4-foot, - yLEEPING mom for rent. 211 SEASONED wood for sale. Call South Stephens 18FH. FI IINISMED apartment, lul North Wanted Jackson. ',..,.,, Hay, Grain and Feed WANTED Turkev eggs, any breed, to be del'tered by March SECOND and third cutting alfalfa 10. Any amount acceptable. Any- hay, $15.00 ton. Clem Tavcnner, one having epgs address Mrs. Lower Garden Valley, Melrose L. E. Shinu, .Melrose lloute. Star. Work Wanted WILL exchange good baled hay . for grain, livestock or poultry. DEI'K.NDAlll.K mail wants work. - A- Howe, Wilbur. Charles McNeill, Oakland, Ore- ; : ; 7 c . KM. grass, grain volunteered. Haled 10 ton. Valentine. Siith- TEAM work wanted. L. U. Harvey, crl1"- Wilbur. it : Poultry Lost and Found 7T ; : ; ; b.MALL flock of early maturing LOST Green leather zipper purse "leal type bronze. Few tolas. containing pen and pencil set Heasonalile. Inquire at Koseburg with name ltiilh Ann Kuhl" on- Poultry. graved. Koturn News-Keview. Ue- ... , ..,,.,,7; 7. 7. r1 T Wiir(j i WANTED Live poultry, highest ' price paid. Koseburg Poultry Chiropractor Company. Scientific eqiitpm&nt. NCM & X-Ray. Real Estate Dr. Scofleld. Perkine BUlg. HIVEUSlbH HUM 15 5-room Iiouho, Pix lota, near SoliiierB' Home. Typewriter! Inquire Kiveraide Stoic. G. Kaiis, Kosebunj, Ore. RUMINGTON TYPEWHITERS and 1 'niton Adding Macbinaa, sales Sl'.W, mmlorn house mi highway, and Bervice. Roseburg UooM 3 block noiiii of city limitH. ri. Store. Phone 690-J. A. Wlls. Kosnbnrg. Automobiles WlNTKKl.KI)" U3ed cars and trucks ut bargain prices. ikni and price our cars before buying. l!::s Chevrolet 4-door serin n with trunk. New tires and koo.1 con dition. flirj.uu. lyiil Ford deluxe 4-door sedan with trunk. A wonderful car. $125.00. lyiiti Chevrolet deluxe coupe. Just the cur you have ill ways want ed. $f!i.u(t. I&;i4 Ford truck, 1-J-Ion, 1. w. b. Almost new 10-ply dutil tires. $:I25.0. All our cars are "winterized" for your consiort and convenience. Wo trade and give easy terms, llest used cars in town. "SI" P1LLA HI) MOTOU CO. FOR SALK $500.00 equity in 1937 Pontine coupe. 12,000 miles, like new. Hox 33, Oakland, Ore. For Sale, Miscellaneous PKKSONAIj MKN OLU AT 4o! GKT PEP. New Oslrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigoratora and oth er stimulants. One dose starts new pep. Value 11.00. Introduc tory price S9c. Call, write Ful lerton's Drug Store. Trade 1 FOU THADK Radio tor piano. UroBM & Hargis. MILL WATCHMAN COMMITS SUICIDE LA (IHANhK. Ore., Jan. I. (AP) Cul lletricU, j;VyerKld niht wuuhiimn ut the ltounmn Htcks Luinher company aawmill at Walhnva, ore., was found dead in a haymow this morning. Hetriek, report received hero said, left lhre: noten, one addressed to his wife, one to the mill nmuiiger and a third telling where bin body would bo found. In one note he snld he planned to shoot himself at 5:30 a. ni., re ports said. Searchers found his body at six o'clock wttn a bullet wound in the head. Tae bedy was taken to Enterprise. LIBRARY BUILDING I , r ... . . PLAIK APPROVED 1 EveryMi.ngl CALL FOR BIDS ON WOOD NOTICE I am agent for Triple A batteries. Call and get my prices. Also, one .Motorola six-tube car radio for sale, $15. ho. Alba Spaugh's tiar ge. PIIACTICALLV new cream sepa rator. Trade for cow or springer heifer. Ked Ilorton. Kiflo Raugo road, Koseburg. Phoue 41J2. FOIt SALE New t.ixfvlo, for less than V4 price, siz 39. Phone 92 after 6:00 p. m. The Hoard of Directors of School District Number 13. Looklngglass, I Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to Bix o'clock p. m. baturday, Janu ary 15, 1938, on 80 tier of 16-inch oak and laurel block wood and 5 tier oi 16-inch fir stove wood. Wood to be cut before the sap rises in the spring ami ricked in the sheds at the choolhouse befoio L;ept. 1, 193s, for measurement. One half of money to he due when wood is cul and piled up to measure. The balance H payable when the wood is in the sheds. Tne board reserves the to reject any or all bids or to accept tbe one most su'.lnhln to them. A. A. Jacoby, Clerk. S. D. No 13. $54.00 DELCO radio, $25.00. Mrs. Jessie Voshurgh, Idleyld Park, Oregon. SALEM. Jan. 4 (AIM The board of control approved today final plans for the proposed $L combination library and of fice building here and indicated it would take action next week on the pirn-huso of a $700,000 state office building In Portland. Hids will be advertised noon on the three-story marble library buildin. which would actually cost $739,000 but other costs would raise the total to $1,000,000. It will be located across the street from the new eapltol. The board indicated it might buy the Portland office building next week, urging its special committee to meet this week with the own ers of the Elks building, offered to the state for 8690.000. The building'a ownr.s agreed to accept payments out of the $30,000 annual rentals being paid by state offices in Portland. The six-story Elks building has 6S.0OO square feet of floor apace, 8,o00 square feet more than statu offices now need. VAN DEVANTER NOW U. S. TRIAL JUDGE IMPOUNDED MAYTAG sales and service. Radio Music Store, phone 93, 225 N. Jackson. COME to Deady, Oregon, for bron culi crates. Hagley Crate & Hox. FOIt SALE I's-d sawdust Lurner, cheap. Pbonu 139-L. 'from" date of notice, all dogs tie- scribed below will be sold or killed us provided in City Ordinance No. 101 L Large hiiudle bulldog with har ness and nanieplale. C. C. Fristoe on uameplate. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement Officer, phono 2FI. January I, 5:00 p. m. NEW YORK, Jan. I. ( AP) The name "Mr. Justice Willis Van levanter' at peared today on the door of chambers In the United States courthouse. The plaque signalled his return to active duty for the first time since he retired from the supreme court, at the height of the court reorganization controversy, last June 2. In his new role. Van IVvantor v.-ill begin silling as u trial judge in this federal .distrft t, being as signed to a relatively unimportant case Involving narcotic sales. Next Monday, he will hear the case of Philip II. Philbin, Jr., for per 'Wall Street- broker, and 15 others accused of a $l,ooo.uoo fraud In connection with the sale of Atlas tack stock. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS "awd as the ogre RUSHED AT SIB GBEM- VILLE.SMOkE POURIUS FROM ITS WOSTRILSj IT'S EYES 3 LAZED HIDEOUSLY GREEK! : Mod ern By Blosser f ALREADY" SIR GREMVILLES f W THE OGRE SU MOMENT IS "'" KIIJD ) f USA IDEA I HAVE IW..CHILD ) 1 L SWORD DRIPPED BLOOD. r STRENGTH, AS IF BY MAO'C. "W'WQ J PAISIWG ! SCARE THE DAYLIGHTS "S. ' . '. I TIME AMD AGAIN IT J OWE OF ITS LEGS HUWG I A BABY ?J ouT OF 'EM WITH A BEDTIME STORY, ) ' ' f LASHED OUT AMD , BY A THIN THREAD, jr' -tTTL , A ' J FAt5 '''' r ' M J MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Everything Under Control By Thompson and Coll AS THE TRAPPED WILLIE DASHES FRAW g TICALLV IWTO THE HALL, HE RUMS II0TO JOHN), WHOM WE NOW WOW AS SPECIAL AC3EMT GGAVSOPO. - J WHV, WILLIE.' 5IKJCEWHE MARE VOU ( BOVS PLAVINe WITH WATER PISTOLS.'? SUCH CAVfcliV .' TtLL t, AKt THESE BRACELETS COMFY.' X MEANWHILE, FIREMEW ARMED WITH FORMIDABLE AES,SUR- IIClD OOCM H BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES r 1 tz rr r , i . . . I HfvvvtMto o I ' oh, n e -pRoep,avY os i WrtY,OQ.SUiSf)&'.'.'. S'bt 1 ; V WO.' ft 9tV.CF,V4 Vt&L WS OSOfV ' WHS "Vt i , . il l ORMtY SLT AKSO OST VOKKie. 1AMTE.RJJ V -L) ' i ' iTofiWMfc A 6000 COM6 A Hurry Call By Martin A MV AvPPOlMTM'cMt.. L . .a, V. . 1 ib eE ,T5 omkjv ivAt wwy oo coombs SOCrt A Iffy .Q.OMt Afe TrtWO .w.t TO WHM6JI;ACH OTHt MICK .... .t-iO ll 11 1 WASH TUBBS Mysterious By Crane , WHAT A RkFAK AM' j PODSJER! NOW TO BEVERLY A MNU IHt Kt51 U' HILL. GANG. ) ) ... AMD THE gh05tlv ruins of old more. STRANGE .' ALL THE PATH5, LEAD TO THIS PLACE, BUT WHERE THE BLADES IS ml MM &ZCA TIP TO TiP THEY SEARCH THE ISIH3, i FINDIN6 AN EMPTY B0T , , . , l' . ' 'J rVKl" 11 EvERYBDDV r iif - COPH. H3I BY UtA SEBVlCf. IMC, t-5 L' , "Just for that, young man, yon can go without your 1 fj-tnwtlOrf FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia COPfl 1916 BY HI MR VICC. IMC. T M RfG U PAT O" t Iff r V I T 1 A 1- O ! i: t r- I ihoiijiht tin iiiiyht cliccr yun up sonic tluwers for the hung, yim Ball Player HORIZONTAL 1,8 (Lefty) , buscbiill slur. 1 1 Constellation. laSolitury. 13 nillow. 15 Koblemyn, 1(1 Vends. I (1 Itnotslock. 1!) Moor. 2n Kxclamution. a I Sim. 23 Kxists. 21 Liirt. Ut I'oliccinnn. 2(1 Toward. 2f Humor. 30 Food contiiinor. 32 Twiti hmS. 31 Lewi. 3fi r.oushiible. 3fl Lnccrated. 10 Derby. II Writing tool. 12 Yournj dog. 41 Pbivlhinc. AiiHwrr io Previous Pu7-Ie ZjULIF:ICAR MMISiS CAR;EiT n Tin r n M;EINBfi f)Jt M'WHMiyiW1 A'L OSM IE nBdie ElMBl EiSBTlS AIRiS RiAiTHTiR'OlOIP E LI I BT'0;PII A B'E'TlSHDM s piEiRBHufel "JN i iplSHo D'EBlAjpiARr; oIdia LHfs'M 'eIaTHa tIop IriAiRIO'UiKHSjB i IDilIeir'J LiA'p.'pj i fcrTrU'Ri f id'aP 1Ti Dijipbunous. 17 Valued. SOOtubir. Ti2 Lens common.- 51 Toilet box. 56 Pertaining to the Kun. 57 Mule ancestor. 59 11c Is a World Series i-humpion CO lie is also an excellent (11.). VERTICAL 1 Promise. 2 Rubs out. 3 Split. 4 Christmas carol. 5 Upon. r African. 7 .lav. B Fastens a boat. 9 To implant deep. 10 Letter Z. 11 Deadly pale. 17 Plunder. 10 To blow u born. 19 It was his World Series victory. 22 Lunatic. 21 Flour box. 25 Bore!. 27 Cavity. 29 Lacking. 30 To peruse. 31 Frost bite. 33 Clique. 35 Possesses. 36 Clierry color. 37 Iteiinoid extract. 39 Wand. 11 House, cat. 43 Nominal valua 10 Narrative poem, in Kxymination. 1!) Vigor. 51 Heart. 52 Hurrah! . 53 AfllrmatiVo. 85 Musical nottf. 58 Railroad. - . M0mkM4r , "1 I 14 r 8 r is is " z id pfT rf: yr L-iis s3 w;ftni7 1 Tl 1 f 1 l-M PrH.