TWO ROSF.RURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURC, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1938 J n "3 1 i si J L ,t (St 1 ,V ' A' 1 m j if? 1 Mi News of Douglas County CAMAS VALLEY CAMAS VAI.I.KY. .lull 4 A guitar this a Ik hfin; nmiiii- un der tin ilim-ilmi nl Alt. JuuiH ill KuHeburK vhi(h will lui it join the remilur iiicIkmi ru. Tho i-laws is foinlurU'd in tin ItustMiM-Ni ui tin- HlllllH lllllll' (III 'l'llll'Sllil I't-1MIU ns the rf.'iil;tf' urrJii-siiii jira'iiri-. Thos' now inking fjintjir uiv .Mrs Vied I'ti t na m. .Min. ('. V. IVrrv, iiill Mr Full mid Arthur OHhtm will prohfibly Join lain. Dirk Huiik and Ah. and Mr llHrry I 'a not r and (hi iik liter, Pau lino. I'l'imiird fioin ophir Suit'lny aftiM'tinnu. Mr. and Mix. Harm Hhoplii'd in KoHi-hurt: Mnuday ami ri'tiinind Hi Ihi-lr Imni"' a I olipir Tuemhiy. I.enral KiIm of Ti-imilh- visil.-d Sunday at ih ft V. I'ii k lim- Mr. iiimI Mih. Ad i inn Standlt-v and three pons. Oliver, Itwli.u"! and .1 Inmi y, B''iit ChriHliiuiH In Husi' Inii'K iiMfndiiiK a movie duiinu I In afternoon. Mr. hihI Mih. FimI IMiiimni, Mr. and Mrs. Tom himMihurit and Kon, Carroll Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Whis'Mihnut uud two dnunhtiT of I lie latter tamily from KosidinrK, wpem rhi istinas dny at ih lintm of Mr. and Mix. ParUard. Mr. and Mih. Kay Baldwin an buildtiiK a new Ihhim'. John I' la in. irovi-iiiiinnl hiinlei fiom Canyon vl I m, kk-ii1 nt'vt-i a I ilnys In Hit1 valley and ailjoininir stork rail lien put 1 int! out poison for coyoteH. (iuy l.uw son and Max link Kpent Wednesday and Thurmlay at the Liiwkoii ranch south of Hie val ley lookint; after stork ('. W. Terry ami lieveral helpers imt in a new culvert near ilie Jim ComliH phtie Wednesday. Melviu Crouch retiirmd to Oak In ml. Calif., Moudny. after spend (in? tin ChriHtmas holidays here with his piirenis. Mr. and Mis. Charles Crouch. Owen linssell, merchant rroin Iteniote. attended to laisliu-ss mill tern ill the alley Vednesda. Minn Ksilu-r lironn went to Port land the first of the week to attend an (. S. T. A. n linn. MIsk llerlha l.ary. who 1h feaeh In thin year at liedmond, came otil from llosehiirw Wednesday Willi Mr. and Mm. W. II. Kckles rml viKited at Die home of Mr. and Mi-h. Kiiu-rft Wlu'ider until l-ri-dav. Mi-h. C. W. Terry wan unite ill Wednesday of lhi weeit. Warren Dick and Mr. and Mr. lfarold Dick ami ton, Uouulas. re lumed lo Coor -oimty points Sun day nriernoon after Hpendlim Christ imiH at the U. W. hick home. ; YONCALLA 'yoNCAW.A. .Ian. I Mr. mid Mr. Clinfcer uf Koselnitij have houutll out Hie Uoild's Coffee simp They moved the equipment to i)ak laud and liavo moved m-w eiptip nieut hero. They will In- open for bllHilienH in a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Springer ol Mount Houd spent sei-ernl days last week lsiihiK Mih. Sprlimer's piiienls, Mr. and Mim. T. Teter huh. ;.MibH Thelina Teleisou and .lane Miller of Alhaiiy returned home Sunday nfier Hpeiidinn the holl days lien with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Uodil. I'M Hiittd, MIhh .lean .hdiiitiou and lloii Johnson motored to Kunene l-'i i day. ! Clyde KeMo left Krlday llinrm Iny tor Washiimliui uhere he i , with the V. S. engineers, I'. S i nriny. I Karl Thorpe and Mini Viau s cars collided Krlday ninht north of town ! hliwhtly dauuiKint; hoih cars. No one watt hurt. . Mrs. C. Ii. Alh n in vhutin her 1 .on ami family in Pallas, iiic. tnr a- mouth. ! MYRTLE CREEK . MYUT1.K CltllllK. Jan. i. S tlv.emlovlu Weaver, daumiler Ol Mr. and Min. T. K. Weaer. who sieni Hie holidaxs at Home. ha: li'luriled lo her :cl I at auias Valley, v.heie :die i:- leaching llu I II st and sei iiiiu ui ;el Mi,'.. Mary I.. Ilivwr cMied oier the weekend ai tli- hmne m )HM' m phew. ,lons- Jo:ie.J. and lumily. I. kenm from a two children in I el in imd :-;mn il;l rnli lu imelr Up his wolk anaill a I'.ele local I 'In I.- Huh linn h. iMi. and Mis. U.-me alid I aby. .laii'e I.. . . , Ih tUe holiua; h v. illi Mr.-;, phleiits. Mi. and Mi.-. I'i vi-r, al their i.i.-om i Holt i lilt.f 1. 1 , Mill I..M IlllVe fe ill lied lit their llou Palla.4. Mis. Child. r siM-r. Velnia Weavet . who I .- e!ille' sliile in I 'all,;S. .ll-o w lit 10 lui otk. ; MYRTLE CREEK myhti.i: ci:i:i;k. lin.l Mrs I :il on hi.h (runitlii, iiml Mi :i I . lily mill .'ti I: lK-lil. h'M Miin.l.. .11 Vlsll in smith. Ill i llll.l .hi I HI K' Ii lOillls ilH til cisi'o. Iitl.n.. t It.- Wl'.'k Miss , hn isltril lui. tlln wi'i k ,'lnl Iiml Mrs. I... It .1- S.m I'' 1 1 t in tun- I In l.i-i in, in, m i.i Km. I'll! istiinis. iilnl n w nh Inn' I'liH'iits. n IllllllilW .In .1 I' Mis -on,' il Ih Snll .In-.' I itlll . Inst : till Iinlny l.nnvim: h.-:.. mi ilm II I lin k Sllnslil. tlln 'hirlin ntt. Sup il.iy ilttili. 'i with Ills f.'lni i is. linn litiiuhl Him Iniin limk iiml ii Ji hi nlttiv l.ililv In i:n in ..r). Hli'illl.v. tlllnr II , n , 1 1 Mnlulnv ..Mm .linn- Kniuhl h.'iii In I'.iri lllllll lill Thill siliiy mi-l visit, ,1 Villi hi'r itiinthl,'!' .ilnl tiinntv l i II NH lilt .1 S. I'm limn iin.l ,, nmli li-r. miiin.. nniH S'nnl.iy .MIssoh .Mn. I.-Inn. Vliin.s Ttlil .ti'fi.' .l.illlls.'i. vi iii.l v. itli Jlililin liilk.s iIiii.iil'.i ,1,.' i...;i,j.,vs J rctuillln In roMnllls ,i( p, ,,.( I end, lo lake up Mi.-lr sludieH at (. S. C. Mr. and Mi h. Kd Keul m of C.f 'p'llle Were calleis al Ihe home of Air. and Mix. lieote Noiuiau Wed nesday, while wailinn Jor Ihe tra in on vvhi'h ilicv veut to I -on Angeles lo alh-nd lite tuiieial ol Mis. I en I i oh sister in la w, Mrs (I race Nte !!:-! 'l. C. A. Slelier l.-i lerooliim lit.s woiKlshed in mid liun-s and be tween showers. Main sheet has presented an al liactie iipimaiaiice all duiiim this hotldav week. Willi lis t 1 li -c ol Kuyly colored lights and Christ mas trees. 'j'h.. (.ne of II A Adams and C. Ii. Males l ;iluied al tractive (iMI-donr hi-'lii decoialiiiH. and in many homes ln'aul il ul Chi fst mas 1 1 i-e.s i I hi m ina ttd Hie wimlows. While travellnir soiiih on Hie Iiil'Iiw ay hi. I Wed m-sday, Kiuinei t Nestor and H. M Halieud lost conl nd of their car and landed in a ditch hy the joadside. Mr. Nes lor Hiiffered a dislocated iinht Hhouhler and Mr. Hals' ead cuin about t In face and bands. Just as the men were brought ( iir. MiixKon'rf offic: for trealineiit tin HoHebtiri; ambulaiue was pasutnt; i hioiiyh low n re i Mi ning to idtse hiMK. Hailing the driver, Mr N'i s i or was placed Iherein and feiit to Mercv to:idlal lor treatment. Mdiior Albert K I.ulay. of the lrte Creek .Mail, made a fly hit; liip to Siaylou ami Salem last Tbursdav rrlnrniiu: home in time Inr bis Christmas dinner, nl which Hie family enjoyed ronslinc ears nl sweet corn still !iowiiiu in the editor's Harden. MELROSE MKI.IIOSK. Jan I. - Melvin Ki ll; Ir.. of Tortlaml. spenl i'hiisi- mns ami Hie week following with his k ratal parents. Mr. and Mr.". J. W. Hums, and left for his home Sat unlay. Floyd Itiiimlinmii ami his son. lioy, passed throuub Melrose Thurs day in loute to ilu-lr home lii Los AnV'eles They visited for the v.i I wo weeks with the former's pa rents. Mr. and Mrs licxler Hnuyh uian from the Ma nub mini sett le nient. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ismi ami danuhter and the former's broiher. I.elcher, of llrldue. visited Wed nesdny wit b their moi her, Mrs. Jusbia l.-'ou. Mrs Amv Crileser left last Snn ilay lor fort bind lo visit for several days with leu sister. Mrs. Klta Ward and with oilier relatives. Mr. and Mih. Huniier Johnson and ilaiiulller, lliden. returned (mine Wednesday from Tort laud wlnu e I hey enjoyed Christ mas day and severnl days following with the fin nier's hi ol bei -in la v and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ( iscar I hinsou and family. Mr. ami Mrs. II. T. l (inn 1. muii day lor l lie Willamette valley where Hi" loriner be employed on Hie turkey pool, while .Mrs. Conn will emit inue on lo Aurora, where she will visit her fa liter, sis ter ami broiheis. .;. iar. i.-;s Mary Dfllar and Slawm-u ami Kdu. Dfllar. ELKTON IOI.KToN. Jan. r, ,. and Mrs. S. A. I'enlev ami lamilv are Hpendlim a Jew days in Tortlaml Kalph Tliomiut has ret uriie.l to j work al Seattle. Lawrence Thomas! w ent back iih him inr a visit. I Mr and Mrs. II. I, Unseen ami family e e Ko-ehtti l-. isiioi W. .ta. Ii o. Thomas v,h alleiiditiu to business mnlteis In Ijoselntm I louald Joluiyoii d Scot luii t; i -vi-il mi; rePitieH mid Mends here i dell Hinder oi S, nl l-d.m l- i.-visitim- at the II I. It.-.,.,, ,,.in.-. Mi and Mrs Carl Cinder ami T :i II li I h:ie telttllleil lo Sr;iisr In Mi. Hinder is u 01 kin Paul l.aklev (, Di.iin was an Klk. Mi iiml .Mis I'lul W.'.-H hri-h ' 'it 11 In ml win- in Hi,. :i .'nl lionn' l-ti,l;i I Mis Klui...f ;,,. ,,, ,. , Mm - I tit MilHv....,. U ,.. Ii . In,,. It'll' I IHIIIM- ;'-. S ', II i j II !' lr l.,.li.l..s ,,i ,,. . I; , ,i,;i!, It, ill,,. N.'ls li,l,.. l, li,', n ill ill Itis lii, in,', is :ilih ,t I,,, mi, imiiiti Mr I Mis U II 'I'I .is sp.-ul -Ni'V s hi h,. h, ,!,i,. ,, MS Attll.ll ': I I - :i ,,l -'i..s linn,. II"' I is s -, ,l h.n,. ih. hi.s: I if, 'I in : ,,: th,- . i- .i;iii:i:ii I ;ii i In, h tun.' th,- it.-w ,,hi, ,m s III l-il.'' ' lini !! K.-milnr li v.:-- "ill I"' It. LI Hi, s,.. oii.l iiii.i i, .mill . .In.'s.l;,, ; ,.i , ;,, t in, mih Hi' ill!. I Ml . Il.llnl.l 111,-,.,!, .ml "I I '.ii I liinil hii- i .-I ill nr. I h.iin.' ill I. i' ii.liittt 1 1,.- .it ili,-huln.- ,n Mi iiinl Mis. .1 I-: thilli.-. Mi"- l.iii-l Imi.i -i,. i, ., in 1 1.,- iv .-.-I, - ii.l .ii I !i,. hi.tii.- ..I Mi . I , ,i . li-i-l.'i I'nir i Ml -lll'l 1114 I'M IH .1 i.,1.. Ill,,, .'llllll.ll III. Ill l (1,,. (,,., ill. p. in i In i.-lin,i. i: i: w.iis . h tin- ll.i is i. M-'l" W. li M. III h. I,-. I,. ".! ..Il.l -p. II ",1 .ii .l li . ..I n :-. I,, ,,; I "i I -.11. : -i" i" 1 . II inn .11 I s M t , vi, i, ,v, 'i !' :ii'i ! K-.i In nl li- In. ..I Hi- I M ' - mil, 1 1 -s VI. Muni.'1 .i--l M- il .Ion. Ii,' W'liiit Causes Fpilcpsy? Is Thorc n Cure? OUR BOARDING HOUSE BEMTLEV 1 WILL "PURSUE 7HE FLCXJTEP.S OP LAW AkJC? OP.PEP, UMTlL. :the MAME OP HOOPLE WILL. AOAIM 5EMP A 5MUPDER OP PEAR POWM THE YELLOW PtklES OF UNDERWORLP PEKllZEkJe -KApF-P-rJMP? KGFF MAW' X WILU MOTIFS THAT THE dREAT HOOPLE,OF 5COTLAWD YARCJ HAS OILED UP HIS MAMDCUFFS' ; COPB. I9H BY Ntt 3EBviCt. 'WC. T M (tro. nulled fo llieii home at iP-rkidey, Calif,, alter ,-pemin the hoi if it .s al the home of .Mrs. Jones parents Mr. and Mrs. l- Davis. A social ew niiiK was held in t he I. U. (i. hall New Scar's nitiht I'he ''iam;e member w do invited All enjoyable time is reported The KIMon schools started Mon day. They have been i-losed yime Tbursdny heioiv Christ mas. Word was received here that the small son of Mr. find Mrs. Chester tioudal. wlut is in the hospital at Tortlaml, Is very ill. The (Joudals moved lo Drain a few weeks ami 'Ihe child was mil well when the left here. CANYONVILLE CANYONVIU.K, . 1. Ml ami Airs. I,, h. lleiminKer ate KpetulMm several days in Tort hind visiting and transacting business. John ami Joel lloskiu virtit - itur their mother, .Mrs. Moore. ' a tew days. Klbei l l.'amhei lefl for Wood burn, i re., in isit relatives. Mrs. Wade Woi'lhhigtnii Is ipiile ill w ith I In- m ippe. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Campljell and son. Paul, spent Christmas at the home ol Mr. and Airs. Wallet Curium. Alec Win Hiiii:;lt.n i.. ill u iih the llu. It. L. Iliantley and : oil. teile( of Ashland, were business iMtord in (own Kiiihi. The New ear's e.e dam e li.-l.l al ihe Coniinuiiily Iiatl drew a'e at h'lnlauce. .Music v. as i lit' nisiie-i ,y ,,. Meriymal, el:i or. ilestia, ereshlliellls and ' "Id Hi inks weie nil liish.-.l all HllOII'Ml Hie ecelllllt;. A delicious chicken dinner was to I Veil at Hie I), t ;. Alosel home Salunlay to Mr. ami Mis. I I. To. keit atid C. . ( haltneis. Mr. and Mis. Clniord CoinuH 01 Ponlaml visiied al ihe iionie ol Mi. and Mrs. Waller I'miniii Nev. Ye, n'., da. Tin- Co nulls were on their Mii lo San Plain isco lor a iwo wee:H- nip. and return bv way ot inr liedwood and Coal hifMiu ay. Mis. Curuuit's nioilict ac oiupanieri them. WILBUR Wll.lll II. .I.iii. I Mi ; r.'l.'l .l.H II ul I. in;, in. isii,- Slllll "n'i n.i inil-ili. .11 1.-.S n i: inn .'lllllll- ihlllin; h,- huliii s.'.-uii. Ilmiy lliiinl. :, mini. in m' North w.'sl I hiisliiiii rnll,.;;,. iii Ihiin ii,. S, III N. U 1 ,' ill's ,;,V hl'lM Visllih.: Ins n il- nis. Mi. iiii.i An.;, llmi i Hull, I. Mi s lih.ii l.-ili. mi h ii ,,i- S:i h'lii Snli.l.iy ;iii, r s,- inlnn. ih, s vuih h. i p., i, nts. M, . .mil ' l.llKlllll. SIlM is ,, sin Ii.' . itllllll. tin llll, ..v. i:. M . ii n i h.i.l lis hi-i I N. , 'in s , prn ij Ml . Si. III. y 1 1 -Ihw , li ii mi l.'ll mi l I hi::, nr. hunt I. I, I stltl-- ' I, I' ' 'rnnp... h h in,i I" Snth'-i Int. u;,s h.-i S.itnnliiy i . iiii .il.l f t p h. Is -.inn ii. ii:iihms Mi mi.l Mis. i r I-: l--,.raiiMiii .1 !.. ll.'lll ..' il .'I k. l.-.v nil Ml Ii ilinn in. i. . ' Msilllii-. s iiimI, .1. Mrs. rhiisii.ins mi.l .i- Miss Mill' ''"' 1 HI' ' . ,1 Imli il .1 il.l. nl illli.nilil I I II. nk. LII Illl I n i ,1 .lr in. 'I- th,. 1 nil ll-. Ilniuins ml I hn ' Chi i- Itn-i- Ih. I. Mi Mi In Ii.l ii.. i.;. I .l.niiih : I llhlll' I', , Kiiiiinin M.s i i nil.. , Mr i ' WINTER FUEL PRICES OLD GROWTH FIR ii. Orr-m. per i-nic) D. y Sl.ib. per cord In iiith Dry. prr Hi inch Oiecn. per Mill tints, per lo.ul .'It. Green per loml .' ft Dry Slali." per -.iwiln.l. per unit MAROrtOOD. Oak Mil L.iurel HAROWOOO. O.ik .mn Laurel ROSEBURG with ALL. POLICE CHIEFS D31BQ WTLEY WANTS PART OF U. 8 PAT. Off Hraunincr .New Vi Mr. ami Ahs. J. ami daughters, Ah, May, cnl lo Km en day. I I lllllplll le and .lessii tuidayand ;peni the day ,iHi III loimeih . i: ler. Mrs. K. ,. ilelitoli. .Mi.-. K. I.. IrviiiK and two sons are isilini; at Vain oir. it. Wash inwloji. vitn her parents, Mr and .M.s. Ditk. Mr. ami Mrs. i;oss McClauahati ol Kimene iiere Friday lo at tend Hie flllieii'l of Hie latlei's jiiandmother. Mrs. Nun. ulm iass ed awiy Tbiirsdav moriiiuti at ih.- hoim of her daimhter. .,is. :ii(-n Kussell Mr. and Mrs. Kv rett Phillips and diiui-liier. Alaryaret Klbn. r Kn yeiie spent Wednesday and Thurs day hern visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. denize Short ami Mr ami Mis. paM of .'llthei Jill returned home Smnhiv i u ,i.i, ,, . . ' , i!" .' . , ' V ' . aim wnere I ives o er .New Year's. Siauley and Craiy :'hoit c Momlitv for Kuueiie and lrimn ' ville after s.idin.L; th huli.Liy,, ml Mrs. wjtii their iare..i:; Stanley Short. Craii; i of Hie Mc.Wiimviile , A is U SlHi;llt ' .Oil,...,. sity of On-'Aim j : 'lanley is a I uiv .Httldelil. AZALEA y.t.E. .im. 1'II illlflHli-fl Fo I' Cri-i k W..,. Mr. Mini .Mrs I .liilniMV () lillslncss ui M. .I;iv Willi:! in l-ni'n iin.l suits. Ihlli,. ;iii, .).,, I,,,., .li., n,,i .Inlllis iiml fis . II I I, ;i, lui, , H t III ll.-tl hi' V Tlll-.S.hlv llll.T VI, II, i illll HIM lll)l!llllS nl Oilmii l'.i; Uilll .';lj,.s Alt' mill .Mrs. .Iniin .l.-i m ,-u,, suns, ll.'tiiiv ii in I Sliiitl.'i- -iH-iit Kl ii'ill I'MMHUl; in linsclHIi Mr.- .loliiiiiv (iL-.h-n sp,-iit ilir I'ilsl M"'k III lil.'lllls I'ilsS Vlsilin-; . illl l.'lilliw-S llll.l ll i..,s Mi- mi.l .Mrs. K,-iiii,.!it il(, i. n iiml liiniili nl Hill, ( nl i is vl I I, I ' t-r i' Mm s i nh li.-i' i.'tu'iii r. ii-iil Mrs. Virail Mi-r.illiiiu I.. S. iiml K. 1.. .I.ihns i inl.'il liiisini'ss in l;,,s,.iiii'; Miit'ilai Mr. iiml Mrs. ,..,i li;,.v. .tits. Mr iiii.i Mi.-. ;il.r liinii.'i !! Hi" hii-l ..'!,. l.-t ; Siiiiiiihiv ,.yl.ll 111' it It.' till' lit 111 l, li-:ili.i ,- ,. j -Mn I nun.. .mil mi i i:,ni. I. 'liltll I'M l"ll llllll.'l till I- II. I'M., ill. ti-r ..'liiliiii: lliiisliiiiis .ii Mic .1 K I'ifkvll ll.Mll... Ml'- llll.l Mis K, I liitnt'W noil nis,, ,.t inr ru n li.nii. ;i! -Mi Ki'lixii- llri,li:i- ','IIIU!I llill'llt'tk.. I'.'! in n. il I.I his himii. In-r,. I'liiits-lnv mi.-' ! sp. ii.linu ill.- hiilnliiys ii I s.i.i.i ! in. lit... I'iilil Mi iiml Mrs II, -,.!!;. I i.-m.-x .,1 j I'm lliill.l is I s,-..-;i! ,ls 4 i his j .-.'I. v. il II Ins hi iilhrr. t h.u In' j I l. lll. V 1 Mr. iiml Mis. riillnril l.ns.-v l.'ll Siilnnliiy hit' lln'ir limii.' .n K.'l-u. I U ;i.- ii . Hll.-l isn mi; hi in,. 1 1, in-r limn.. n vi' Hi,- hull I t s M.n liiii'I .1 1 1 1 . ti-iic'i, i t.l 1 1". ' lllll.SMlh' S. l.,.ll. spi'lll 111.' Iinli- ' iliivs villi h.-r pitrt'tils .il T,i!.-:n 1 Wiirii'ii T:i Titi.-r l.-ll S;i'nt.i tin : llnll.i iilli'l' sl't'liiliim I lit istttii. 1 ill. mm i Mr mi.l Mis I-: u. A.h.iiK in l j I,,, ,. , .,,. Iniin Si'ii ' jl - i - iin, , j s.n nun. -ill,,. I i lii . i i... Ih.v s;.i ( h I i -I llliis r,'i IMi. ii.inn; Him ,.!i ,1 h h.-r I'.ll . " Is. Mi iiml I I. 'I Inr 1 I'li.-v , l.''.li. I Ml -I In n I' liniiin i iillip.llli Ti'il'l'. I Iin.l ,1 In R Mf SSACF of HOPf for MFV .inif WflVf N WliMt GLANDS ,ms Mlelp II re ia n r'onrr tm.-k tr il n'Trr 'ti.t nu'ii nml I wnttirn !4iiitrinr t'-nm wink u)iniM ': w tt .Ms. .,-,.-tl" , fr., . ...,. l ..i,, I nl.i'i ill thrt i titvl Cr.ind Mojui' ; Jltv Lu a :-iTKifMi'i:y, li.'i ilumnuffft $2.00 $3.00 S4.50 S3.00 S4.50 S3.!0 S4.50 S2.50 $2.50 tier Ssl.on Dlock. tier sinjll Hove LUMBER CO. Major Hoople OKAV.' TH BUSIMESS 13 YOURS VAW-IV-MF -FAV'r PE5K W4D SIGM OM -TM' POOR ALL YOUR-S AKJC REMEMBER IP AMYOKIE A5K5 WHO OWkIS THIS OUTFIT, wn l ;aV Voi l do t Adams sister. Jetty Tripp, who ban been isiiin here. hri':j.. Imn,. lui t U,,.l u,r h()Ull. in vaklma. Wash.! 'alier vi.-iiiim her uncle and auni. Mr. an. I .Mrs. alter Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lariuiore led Saturday for their home in Dun Mini ir. Calif., a tier visiting at He- Taiimr home inr ihe past UlOill h, DRIVER EXAMS DATED HERE Ka m inations of applicants for drivers' and chauffeurs' licenses will e held in liosehmg Tuesday and Wednesday. Jan. 1 1 and 12. The examinations will he conduct ed by (tlenn Mown and nis assist a nt at t he cmiri house. wo ', tma I v V ' V j Cofvi'itii 1911 Uccm & luu Tobacco Co. RIDDLE U1DDLK. Jan. -I Mr. and Mrs. Hhoi Sacked and :;on Herald have been spending His hulida a ai Seattle viMtiii leiHtlvea. Misa Luratui Snodyiai! of Port luiid lias twen h Kuest at the home ot her (otiMti. Miss Klame Alenitt. over ihe holidays. li,-.- Km li WilliaiiiH of the Kid dle hlirh school statt spent her va cat ion at her boine near CHlduell. Idaho. Mr. and M rs. Roy (iibbous and duimhter llarbara ot (iteudale were nuewts Cbiistmns day at tin home of Mr- Uthhons' parents, Mr. ami .Mrs. Kred Mali. Mrs. Mary Ward ami Mr. and Mr. Hairy Court of KlamuHi Falls isfted at the home of A. W. Law son this week. Mrs. Ward is a sla ter of .Mrs. LH ah Yokum. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kiddle and son I 'on and Km met t Kt'Ker re turned to Lebanon Thursday afier visitum reiathes here for a few das. Mr. and .Mrs. Itotrers have, reltirn d to their home here utter spend ing Christmas at Tyee. Mrs. John Carter left n;ceiiil" for an extended visit -with her daughters at San Kranrisco. Mrs. ('aiter will also no lo Colorado for a visit with her mother before re turning to her home here. Major and Mrs. N. Lislt, who were en route to their home at Ashland, after vlsltlnn in Oregoti City, we it overuiKht puests at the home of .Mr, and .Mrs. C. P. Stauf fer, Tuesday ninht. A. P. Johnson and Harry Wil liams will leave Sunday for St. Cloud. Calif., where liiey will be employed at carpcirtr work for Ihe next three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. ii. J. Aspey have been entei laininj; a house party over the holidays, bavim? ns tbelr quests Alts. Aspey'n brother, Khner Moore of Wash! 'il-. ton, bis sister, Mrs. Herzk' and son Fay ul Ore gon City, and her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Allen of Ponlaml. DAYS CREEK KAYS CHFKK. Jan. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sumner and daugh ters. Klva and I lonmi Joyce, ;r, and Mrs. Jack llini-iiis and grand son. LvIp Lofler. were supper cuests at the Pay Wright home Sunilay evenhm. Mr. and Mis. Frank Johnson of Medford were visltinu relatives here last Week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hill and d-mnhters, Carolyn mid Patricia ' It :-:-i.' , ' ;.' i Hti XtV.V AIXA J X v Vi. L v . . iv , s,. V T j. -. Anne, who have been Hvius in the Itoy Matthews house the pai sev eral months, moved to their house near the Hill mill last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hill and son Mob ami-Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Dean and sua John wen dinner truest? at the J. A. Ithoads home Wed lies day eveuihff. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Wright were business visitors in Kobe bur; 'I bursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mostalf, Mr. and Mrs. John Plain and Hons, Pete laud Calvin, and daughter Henttet- la. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Wright and! dauuhters, JoBepbine, Marjnri' , ami Maxiiie. Cecil Connor and (Jor-f don Clark Vk tre dinner quests at i the pett Plain home .New Years Mr. and .Mrs. I an Coin, Violet (loin. Kufus Dotson, Kay Dot son and Floyd (Join were dinner uuests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley (luuiuit on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wesemanand diiML'hter Hettv Ixtn wpnt to Pm"- WINCHESTER Roller Skates! $1.65 $1.85 $2.25 Double Row Ball Bearing Streamlined Nickel Plated FREE WHEELING GREYHOUND SKATES Full sized, at SKOOTER SKATES Reg. priced at $1.35, special Churchill IRONMONGERS with Chesterfield will show you how re freshingly mild a ciga rcttccati be. .it will intro duce you to that better taste that smokers like. Chesterfields will give you more pleasure than any cigarette you ever smoked. i sir. , .: ..-.V ,':..'.' :-yXtf. qua on New Year's to attend a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea WYseman. Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER lione 651.J R. R. 2, Box 220 Roseburg, Ore, Dentist . H. R. Nerbas, D.D.S. Gas anesthesia for extraction when desired Gas Analgesia for cavity preparation Phone 4S8-J Masonic Budding : $135 Hardware Co. ... a date 1 vjr?.o IVecty "ZS&XJr &l Veal. it ii res I.awrinci. TinniTi- AM)!!!' KosHUNIiK I'm l Win n man Uii ms Taylok Pall Dolclas '",! ' ' ' -- V