TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1937. News of Douglas County SUTHERLIN SI'TIIKIII.I.N, N"V. SO - A luriiH family ililllli-r nil TlintlkHKlrliiK Uy whs inlu at thf home of Mi', ami Mrs. Until Willi) "I 1'ulr "nk" Tliom' im-M-ni Wfic Mr. uml Mm Wll i;iiriilit unit ilailKhliT. Mrtry June, Kcl Alriirn, llwny Wall, all nf (iu u l on . flrPKiin; Vi'rnon Alcorn nnil mm "f iMi'Mlnnvllli', Mr. ami Mid. Jack l''"le'. Mr. nail Mm. Noah Horn- Jr. and ihllili and ih host and hnmmm. Mr. ami Mm. Walil. and rhlldivn. Mr. and Mia. IMnmltt Hi-llcik en trialni'd ai a family dinner on ThunkiKiVintc llh Mra. Sflleck's lirnthera. Hill and Carl il!trtii. und hnr ninllii'i'. Alia. r'niinle Wis Irllp. and Lewis (.'hit. whti liaa r; ronily ii'inini'd from lln vi-it-i iuih' lio8illal. and Mr. Si'llwk'a mothi-i, Mia. Sidli'cli Hr B uui-sts. Mr. and Mm. I'aul TrosfllH bad for (hull- ThankaKlvlliK Kui-sts Mr. d Mr. John Mni-y. Hny'f Malt-y of KoseburK. olid .Miss Opal Wlch ter of ColtuKa Urova. .Miss Wlt-Jiter baa aiieni the imst suvoral days vialtiliK here " '"re1"1"- Kht wk Joined on Tliumday by her hrotlmr. Hilly Wkhter. who waa a guent ai thu TroudlH home. Mm (-',,rr "am-'1"''1 Hurls ielll Ihe holiday Willi ''"'' daiiKlm-r and aimer. Mia. I., r. Biennis, of Daklr.nil Mr. and Mia. II. H. Clemmis were ThankaKlvlliK day Kileata at the home of Aim. Carrie Maialoll ol Oakland. m. .l Mia lli.vul Alieenn and aoii spent ThankaKlvlliK day with Mr. Ahi'cne" lamer aim mm Air. and Mra. Verniir Abeene. Mr and Mra. Clarenee 1'iiiaer nnil daiiKhler. Mlaa Venella. enler tallied lliiHebuiK Kdeaia at their i r.... Thunk ml'IvIiik. Mra. , .i..i f . Illioiivllle. Mia. Ililiel DavlB ami daiiKhler Muily Jean. hihI Mra. Mary lloKiird enloyeil the day. They all) all lelilttveB, TlillnkKKlvlliK day Kiieata at tin! w il,..nwi'lll hoIllO' were All- ntitl Mm. T. K. Joiie...Mr. (aiid Mia. C. T. Smltli uml aim Rklinrd. and Cecil ami unroi iiuuyj., . Mr and Mr... Arthur. Smilli and family enlertalned Mra. " father and mother. Mr. and Mia. 1). A. Illi'hurdaoiij on T'liuiikaKlvliiK ''"mY.' niitl Mm. Hulf "l '"' family had aa their Kueala on ihe Jjollduy Mr. and Mra. ( heater pavla and ftnnlly. i J ; Mr. and .Urn. Mylvealer rellaml niilerlnlned the llnliy Noi loll llani- I v on ThniikKslvlmt day. ! Mnrlnn ailll -. MlirKBral SiKlUnllllui alien I. Ihe.viM'ation holiday at their h.ini.'. i" hey inn aiiein mi verally ar. I':ui!)iei ' , I i Mlaa' Wlltim l.add. nwiimpanlnd by Mlaa HlfiKlii and Mlaa HJchniila. inll ii-m-lii-rrt In the LuKuui'w . Mia. Mary KoKaberd, Mra. J. Mc (iee. Jean Miulu Mcllee and Ol vllle Mel '... Hay While returned Snlnrday venlllK Iroin u week's bilalneBa trip to I'ortl.'ind. Kliiience I lam. no rerenuy underwent un apliendlclllB opera lion al Mercy liOKIiftal In Hone- Iniru, la re)iorteii to he well un Ihe loud In recovery. Mra. Mary SiiKiiberd returned to Uiiacliiii'K Hunday after havliiK vla- fd here u week Willi her Unuun- r, Mra. iuy Mcdee. tlur mild lall weather la a re- minder ol aprliiK. Hlua vlolela, wild Mlraw berrlea and bachelor bultona are bloomiiiK In the lielila. ' Will Finn, who baa been viait- llIK here the pilKt aeveral daa. re inrned lo hia home in I'oliliilld Tuunday. FLAPPER FANNY - By Sylvia C BV NEA ftCRVXC INC T. M. BCC. U- f. PT. Off. r i ,.a .TiiutikauivliK Kiieata at liome ol the iilinnoi'a, paienl. Mr. uml Mm. W. 3f'lH. ; ' Mr.-and Mra. I.wreiivii ltnli'lit i -a., Ii.tunltl Khpllt tlur holt .1... P.,.lliiiid hud KieeVuler vlali'liiK- relailvea. Mr., Uyi'H waa in i-hai'Ke oT the driie alorm Mr and Mid.' .1. V. Schur and iii. i i nf fciilem were' KUeala T. i... ...,.!.-.,. 11, 1 nt the hoilie'of i.o ,.hn,'a liiolliel In law liml alaier. Mr. ii ml Mra- Hayinond Tl.ui- ..nlveil Jill 'Ihiiiika ulvinu. They were acciiiupiinleil ;by M,. loiiv on . i hull return lilp.wini went to Salem lo vlall hla wire Who 1,.,. heen very 111 In Ihe hoapMnl lllere. Shu la reporla'd In lie ill ,. i.niili liiiiniived comlltion.l - n,iil Mrif fall Invyeivof Hel Mniue. fnllloriila. ' were Sulhi rlln MKull..fa ,.n route ill Woodhuui. vl,. Kuiliiil Currier, wlm hna been very ill lit her home. Bliowa little liiint'ovenieul I,. lleWaai'd. Infill nallor. wna a liiixliiKHK vlallol' In Salem lital week Me. uml Mra. Mnilln l.loyd lie lmiied Monday fur Simla lliirniini where llle Here called by Ihe II neaa of Mra. Ulod'a hiotber. Mr. and Mra. Win. Hiadley Si i... ,.,.,ntii aold I heir plm-e i Mr. and Mra." I'aul Alhle. will move Tucadny lo llnaeliui'K wnere inej lll lei'miin lor mine lime before ileparlini; for San IUito lo make their home. Mr. and Mra. Alhle il(i, itiiMKfHslnn Hie aaiuti day A linen eiowil lllled (lie Slither lln 1,-viiimislum Tuesday lllRht ,.li,v' the ciirnlinl inn on by Ihe ulii.h.ut liodv of Ihe IllKll aehuol liilereMtlliK mllllea provided limcll iimusemenl lo pillions Hull Hum of imiiiev wn reiilied li'iun thn event which will be added lo Ihe Kenetul tudcnl body fund lor liili.r nellvlllea The pi luniry Sunday achool cIhmh f ih, I'tealivtetlan church tool. tmii In Hie Sunday itchool ronv I Inn III HiikcIiui k 'l Suuda.v. Thiw" laklliK Pall were Joyce. Fraiikle and Moid Holt-ate. June otlHK. Mniirlce VuHelpidil Jr.. Kny (arllle, .liicilllelllie I'lory, lila Slovve. Iliwella and Tally lleiin. .lack liiixidHiin. lleue and JiicK Culver. I'llleen. I'lenor and Wax tie Fourier. Ilimeinui'y Wnlil and .Mlrkev Aiilier. The udlllla intend IllK were Mi and Mra. W. (I. (ill llelHleeve. Vera 1 ;llder-lee e. Mra. J. W. Culver Sr . Mra. .link Cub er Jr. Mra. Maurice Vouelpohl. Mia W'illied I'm Hie. Mr. and Mia leo Hallcy. Mr. and Mia. (1. W Fi It. Mia. Villon llcver. Mrs. A. I' Slack. Mrs. C. K. Flinv. Mis. Frank Mel Kllte. Mr. mid Mra. W. .1. l.add Siilherlin had Ihe laiKesI del, t;i ilmi nl Ihe cnllvf lilioll outside of ltoaebillK The ladiea ol Hie I'l let Ian chinch are alainsoillii: a i luckt ii aunner and haaar at the Sutlielltn KMiinaaium on l-rldax. Ilecelllhct 3. The pulillc la cordially Invited "days creek I1AY.-4 CKKKK. IUm- 1 AtnunK hie hnliiluv uml wekrnit iniilns tcliil.M" mitt rrtin1y hiVf wt'iT .I.H'k 1 ' 111 til. MUflt lllllrllHlMili, llt .Icrvillr ami NHwell U'imhI nf Km1 Hon Stult nilltrt. hihI HukIc Unit Ii in.MU. n( HnuilM'i-n Oiveoii Nuniiiil Hi Imol. v 'itn! ,v' tttiv Mcticc liinl :th Oh'Iv (IIiiiht L-ii' sis Thit'Mtt i'it dMv Mr. mi'l Mm- W. H. JtHMUVtH, CAMAS VALLEY OA MA 8 VAIXKY, Uci-. 2.-Mr. atifl MtH. Wayne Huetz ami ilmiKb tor, Juunltu, ent ThaukHKlviug at t ho home at Mm. Hums' broth er uml MUtur-in-luw, Mr. mid Mik. Pitn HdiiMon, at MyiUH tiurk. Mm. Itt'ct.' hiollii'i'lii lavv and Kin- ttT. Mr. uml Mi-k. 1,. JDliiia ami two MIIIIH nf (iunti ii Villll'.V ur 111- ho KM" at tint HuitKoii holm. Thr Smiiliiy limniM llm IIuiihoii k ami JiiIiiih worn AiifttlH at Mr. uml Mitt- AmIht , Harry ot Myrll? INtint vlHlti'tl Ih'Im tlm fiiKt of lnt wt'k with hilt xfHleiH, Mih. Nol.l- KihihI- ly ami Alfivda llany. lln rtciit (iu to KitK'im WiHliifMilay to npi'iul ThaiikMKlv Itit; w llli frtitmln. Ualph .lii'ltoii huh Ih'oukIiI liouu Inat vvi'dc fioni thu (ioll HtMM'h l)(M,iital wIihih tin liml Ihm'H for tint punt two wi'ekri. Mr. Slml tnu Kiifft'ti'il a brokfti ami liadly t-riiHhril leu when a 1 1 uck minim i Inln hlt( car wtiilo iIiIvIiik I Tuoutli (Inlil hH( li. - . , Mm. Lnitlii Cloy uf Marnlilfi-lil vlmttol laKi wtM'k with lior pmi'iiiH, Mr. uml Mih. Hay llalilwin. Mih. t'roy hail Iiiii workintf In tilts voiimmi plant w Ii It'll , ilno to laliQi Iron hlt Iuih Hliut down. Mr. or -'oat us iinU'wl wonl 'from Imr broihor Warnm )li k. Ibat his falhtT, Itlrhanl Dick, and hliiiHclf nriivcil In Okhilioina Nov lii, uml wlib two nf, Mr. , Hick's brolliHrH, .lurry ami WVmioji Dick. bud It-It ftir l'finiH) Ivantu Nov. I IL t'. Iloylu of Minnliticlil Hpcnt tw ui'tjk cml at his linum In tiiior Cainas. , I - - Mr. ami Mrs. I-'rank t'linn h ami ruur (liumiiiorA Wfiit to K In ninth KiiIIh WftliifHibiy tit HpHiii ThiinkH kIvIiik ami 1 1m wH-k-fiiil with "Mih!. ('(lurch's puivnlH, Mr. ami A1iH.ti. it. Coon. Mr. ami Mrs. U'IIiikm' Whidt 1.- tnintMl um' w.-ok from ii'riU in WnshliiKton anil hroimht Viola Uii'inr with lh.-ni from Mi MUui Villi U) K)rllt I hi- 1 ThHllkrtRllllK holitbiyM at I ho hn'in of lnr par mitH, Mivuinl Mrs. It. U Hlclilor. Mr. uml Mih. Hcniy thilrih Icri noihiasilay noon for1 NoWbciK to spomi ThauksuivinK ami tint week dill wilh fricmls. ' lister CohIhh ami Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Dick and Hinall Hon, Ikmik las. caini' up tioin AllcKhiiny Wod liusday to HMnd ThaukHi:l Inn nl tlu It. , Dli-k houif. Mr. mid Mrs. Dick Hiiiikm arrived from Op Mr, ( nrry Co., on Salunlny and visited at tlm Dick homo ami with Mr. ami Mrs. Harry I'arroll until Mm 1 1 11 v urieriiooti. Mr. and Mrs UiuiftH have recently relumed tnmi a tmHitb's trip to Arknnmts ami Okliilioiiia but huw not bin k of Utchiinl Dirk and son. Wart during llieir visit. The local letichors ull left either WYdneHduy evenltiK or Thurmiuy moriiiiiK 10 spend 'l'huukHf;l in at llieir Homes. Wllliuni loier went lo Knueno Willi Air. ami Mrs. Ileury Chuicli ami spout TlimiksKlviiii: with Mrs. lot ler. Kennuth llnlton .' Point spent ThatiliHKivini! at Hie borne ol Mr. uml Mrs. Nohie Stamlley. Mrs. Mailt tiertle and daiiKhler Meil Met II, Ol KOrteuuiK lllllle Ollt wilh Mr. ott hist Wednesday mKht ami uiiemieti onrliestra practice. Airs. Coin Hush of Spnkiiu WiinIi., spent I lmnksKi iiiM at Hit liouiM of Im-i tutlmr and sisier mnieH Hehiii ami Mrs. MnliHsa Ti ueinaii. Miss Ksther Pelerstitl. teacher lit ileihhilo, anil a nieuiher of lln leueuniK Nliili Here it lew years ami. speiil 1 hanksiviim and Ihe Week-em here til I ho homes of Mr kand Mrs. Krnest 'hoeIT H)H Mi and Mrs. Wilir.-d Urown. Mixh hMllier Hiowii o Medtttlti spent ili. ThiinksKiviiiK holnlay ' 'be b e ol her patents, .Mi and Mis. Wilfred Hiimn. Mr. ami Mrs. K. II. Thiush, Mr mm .Mrs. l-.meiy Thrush and thll tit on, .Mr. and Mrs. IVrcy Uoh oti ittul Mrs. Myrtle Wolcolt ami soil Menu, eiijoed a liuiiily diuner Belhei- at lit.- inn of .Mr. .Mis ,ioe K 1 1 kcndiill. Mi . ami Mis. Jim k I'armtt ami diiiifchler. ',.y, and Mi. ami Mrs H.iriy I'arnnt ami daughter. 1'iiu line, penl TbankMtiviitit la at the home of Mi. and Mis. Adrian Stamlley. I''i :111k Hi own ;ind son, Howard, and Neal llroun weiil lo I iuikhih Knd;(y to the nincli latel) puichas cd by Kialik lilouu. Mis. I K.hlnns. who has brer- isHillt; lot ,Kefl. liioiilhs wub her sku, Kveieti McKail, it Kii tiny for her home in Kansas. Ii wn Ciildilns returned from Coos enmity Kiida to it snnie wmk fin Mis. Malissu Trueimui on her poult ry ram h. Slinidan Cry returmd S.itniday rrotn a wet-k's lst with Ins dauli ters 111 Alarsblield. Haid Itrtnvn took a loud o tipple 10 Htindoii I 'i ul.i . ret in li lt a S.iluid;i. Mr. and Mis. I'niest Whrehr nt lehdetl tti business Hi Cotpulle rvidiiy morning and then went on lo .Mnrtdifk-hl to hptild Hie dnv "'tMi ttttir -tvr-in-l iH ;nid tuplu'w' Mt. .Mn j lHon and tji )ti ow n. '" ' ' il Jt, 1 , i rJKi.,1 1 1 , ,'i.ih. n.ilf,.,., ,1 1, ii, , I,,, 'iiiti- m'iirii - J I ESTATE.GIFTTAXES TO BE SIMPLIFIED tax, or both, he amplified, ineic will bo no other exemption. 'Thus. If a person in bis lifetime used up I2O.OU0 of bi gift lux exemption, that amount woum oe deducted from his Hu.000 estate lux exemption. If ho uel up all bis gift lax exemption, he would have no estate tux exemption." "You'll have to knit fat to finish Chuck's s enter (or Christmas." "Well, il I ct rushed lur nine, I'll just make it a necktie." Hitler Becomes Personification of God In Eyes of Nazis as His Iron Rule Puts Principles of Christianity in Background Ity He WITT MacKKN.IK Associated I'ress Kotein Affairs Writer. NKW YOKK, Dee. 2. AI) p- Kute has provided Ml Iuipl'UtiHlve luturlmlo for the ureal reliim)s Irama unfobhim in (iermaiiy-Hie Htruiif-'le of Christianity aKainjtr torees w hii'h would substitute i HtniUKe, new faith. Aged (ieueral Krieh laidendorff, ruinous World war commander. U' very III In Munich. Me is iu u. Cath olic inmiuial and is behm cared for by Catholic sisters. ' ' ' ' 4 ' i And what dlfferenctt does It leadership, us apart from his tem poral power. Is one explanation of the- tremendous hold ho has on Ids followers. ' t Christtahily ' as seen through Nazi eyes is at best tolerable only if shorn of Its so-calh'd 'Jewish 1 rimiuiuKs. These Include tbtr Old Testuhient', tlnJ wrilliiKs of the Apostle I'aul, and the iiii-denmuilc exiolliiiK of meekness. ' 1 To a lot' of the' anti-Semitic, 1) veil' If it' he granted that Hod 'may haw revealed himself to the world through ' s ' (ind home ' uazi leaders deny this), make about, the hospital? Just this there Is now at band the period ---HudemlorlT Is a leadinii exponent for a new revolution. , of the TaniieiilierK leimue. which Is I , ' , God, Via Aclolph a paMiiu organization and holh ai- Hod bas revealed' himself, Iu H-ChrisHan ami anti-Semitic'. Chns-j their opinioiu to the (iermau peo tlnuily Is giving an enemy a typi-jplc throuKh Adolf Hitleri.a supor-t-al coals ot-fire answer for his vio-f man. mn h a its born only once In lent attacks. , 1 ' 'jimmy hundreds of yeans- 1 ; . . Holh Catholic and IMoleHlanH dliHcr' nission is to make (lor churches have bet'ii eiuluriiiK , a i nuttiy (be real est 111 ion on earth. hsperal lime since (he advent oi l the M)idMlieiHmnic-. race lias a the ua.i reKiuie four years alio.' 'baiurul rlnht to dominate,! het-ausc Exemptions Decrease Also in Plan, but Revenue to Remain Unchanged. WASHINGTON. Dee. 1. AI') A bouse tax subcommittee agreed tentatively today to simplify the system of estate and gift tuxes and to lower exemptions. For Ihe present complex raiiKement it decided to substitute an arrangement of true" or eftee tive rates, Cbairmau Vinson (I)., Ky.) said. The first Itn.OoO of an estate would be exempt from taxation, Vinson said. Therefore, thu rates would range from zero on a flu, mid (state to t7.3 per cent 011 es tates of (KiM.ohti.nmi and up. On estimates up lo l,MOU,(iOij 1 which make up the hulk of ull es tatesthe rates would run like this: 0.4 per cent on a $50,UU0 es tate, 1.7 on 170,000. 4.2 OU 8100,000, 9.9 on $200,000, 14.7 on J400.00U, 17.2 on $600,000, 19.3 OU ?SS00,0GQ and 21.1 on $1,000,000. Revenue Yield Unchanged ' Vinson said the revenue yields would he ihe same as under the present estate levies. These start at 2 per cent on the first SlO.ouij of a taxable estate ihe portion over $40,'mu with higher rates graduating up to 7' per cent on the part of a taxable efftAto. in excess of f5ii.Hliil.uni). Hift tax rales now are three- fourths of the" estate rales and would not he changed 'under the new plan, Vinson said. 'We feel the new plan will he milte helpful to the taxpayer uml in giving iLtrue picture to the pub lic of what the reul rate is," Viu- mm asMorted. r The chairman Ha id a present $H.p0t 'exemption for money in vested In insurance would not he duingt-td. Hut a $10,000 exemption ntmi'the estate tax and a like ex eihpUoii from the gift levy would be cODAiluluteu, he said. !, 'Jui therinor, he added, tl,e $5,- jnj'i pr. year per person exemption from lite gift tax will be reduced to $8,000. it.., , ; j'lwhen, $ln,uoo is reached In ipijot ' to either tho-gifi.-or estate l'Hll.AHKI.PlII A, !ec. 2. (AP) Pennsylvania, carved from the 17th century w ildenteas as a haven where all might worship In peace, was uci-UBed today of denyiiiic a modern sect lull religious free dom. Auron King, picturesque Amisb- man from the heart of the Pennsyl vania "Hutch" country, pleaded In federal district court that the ommunwcalth waa trying to take from the "plaiu people" some of the right thut William Penu guar anteed to all iu 16U2 In bis famous "frame of government. King, with flowing beard and garbed In the sombre frock of his j sect, came from his fertile farm at Honey brook to Penn'B "City of llrotherly l-ove" to protest the state's effort to force hi daugh ter, Rebecca, to attend school. Judge George A. Welsh took the case under advisement after near ins testimony of King's daughter. Itohcccu, that "she didn t want to go to school. lie ordered Join: N. I.umlberg, counsel for King, to submit additional briefs. - The Amlsh faith. King assorted,! frowned on schooling lor its fol lowers after the age of II as con ducive to undesirable "worhlli neas." Hehecea is II. Pennsylvania's school law re quires that all youngsters attend classes at least until they are 15. RED CROSS DATES FIRST AID CLASS Ralph Carlson of the American National Ked Cro will be in Itnbure from December 6 to 11 m conduct a firm aid aid cuurse fop instructors. This cluaa will l)c limited to thoa puoule who havo cotmilrfled the standard and preler ublv the ailvunced courses. Il is tor the purpose of qualifying more people to leach first aid through out Douglas county. .Meetings will be held nt 7:30 ut the state police heniinuartera at Cobb and Kiev streets. IteKlstration should be made before .Monday by railing the Ited Cross office in the court house, phone 554-il. There Is no fee in connection with the course. Rumania suffered Ihe creutest average luss in tbo World war, 44.76 per cent of her men under arms. HAPPY RELIEF FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE Ckuted by Tired Kidneyt Mur " jr""1" Mior. p' Th kidacra Me Nuu( chiti wy lUBf uid, litfwxui wuu out of Its EES Mart plJpSTibwil pUU Uy 1,,thV!05ll'3&. - don't work U. poitonom "n"r Ky la tbo blood. Too. pouoa. Buy nfWl Euksclioi, rhuaitl.Iui. wn'1,,,0lJ?Hi mu. Thy miv hppy hl w" ih & ntlM J ViUity iu mil Pw mm liea tl Wood- Oct Dot fm- POItTI.ANIX Nov. 30. (AP) The St. Mary's Episcopal chiii'eb property at Eugene has been sold to the Klks lodge, Jllslmp Benja min I). Dacwell said today. Thn bishop will confer with Rev. H. U. White, pastor, about plans for a now church on ground purchased lust vear. 1 Their main trouble bus eame Ijroin the gu eminent, futher than, from Kiih HHiveiueliU an Ihut sponsored by Uuletldnj If. Thy ' g'eperal's pag- initon wlm b litis been i .iindeiuiietl by Miller Is probably not a ,grave meinice, thoimb it is an indication of its superior ii;ilitie. i i i .lust, ns Christ Is held ! I up lo t'lirisljiius-tis, per tee L - every uiii UiHlel b lie l.fji of.lliwen pdik' at r;oeb1rIHt or. Kloering tells his "audiences ihiit Der Fuehrer U the, one and only, per- Iuih mad district, go.vernor. j it to apply reginielitntion speaking hefore u tin(,hers',-'fiid rches,' and1 'ihe . wholh rerathm to' OheiMuihse'n if Die treutl of extreme UioukIh lu,feet. lieriium und perfect, ilar.l riiiniiij iiit'itt- Miijn. , ... ii, . urn;ii ii nun iimii iitr iihii-: i lie hum e,, ever very effort to the chin' tendency nf that i'ei;iinen(aUon 'haw I "'TlHJ lo'ppreHsed '(lermns-' Irt for been to neiiu couiinnulcaiits away I eiun coinitries' look niton Adeif ilit from Ihe faiths of tlielr lathers aud Mel1 as rhmeoile sacred, holy.''1' ' bring them wbldly under the spell U anything 'more AVre nehlvd lo of mi.), principles. And nuiUm is denuinRirair Miller's stntuH irt the building lis own religion. , iuiitds of many, it could he louiul in Hitler Given Halo . I death notices in some rural com- This hew 'cult ts a sort of orien-1 ttiunlt lbs.' Insfead 'f '' tin 1 custo tal shinioirni, or ancestor worship. 1 mury "Thei-f- died- iti the. fall h ip built ahoul Ihe . heroic, figure of bis I.oVtl Jesus Christ our beloved' Adolf Hitler. 'Her Kuelirer is to hisietc, may be 'something like this! followers spiritually wh'al the mlk- "'l'h'idjvd iu .l,he QUtb Jif, -Well udo ir lo .lapiiti - and more. J Ilith-i ' - ' Miller is , spiritual leader, not ' Auinii.fs'6(.(eiMunheti Miller's only in tlertuuny, but nf Oei mans i auiohlogruphy. "Mein Kampf," is In neighboring couuirles. like A us read from , the pulpit ,insteail of the trla, lor example. Mis spiritual scriptures. Oregon News From Washington, D..C. Highway Fund of More Than $ 3.000.000. Heady if . State Cnn Match Molt Wants Oregonian for Grant Lands' Administrator Pierce Aids Farm Bill Draft. 1 Arm Rests Ash Receivers Cigar Lighters Fender Guides Gearshift Balls Mirrors Splash Guords WASHINGTON. Nov. 2!l.-(AP)i The bureau of public rnada end-! mated It would have a little more j (bun ?;t,non,iiiM Inr Oregon duriim the fiscal ear starting next July I. Its 'engineers sn id I hey bad "every reason to believe'' allot ments would be calculated on the "picsciil basis" w bleb would give the state approximately $L.nX'.:iiiS ler regular federal aid highways. S- 1 S. T 4 for secondary roads and .Vv.v:i77 I'm' grade croswing elimi nations. However, there remained Ihe pos sibility thai the funds would be cut. He port reaching Washington said the Kiale btuhway commlHlon would not be utile in match all fed eral gram. Whomever .Secretary Icke puis In charge of former OregonCalf tnruiii railroad grant lauds when the interior department assumes ilctU e uuiuauement will be sntis factory lo Itepresi'iilaltve .lames Met I. However. Moll said be hoped Ihe secretitry would choose an Oreuon but. The uiiiut lauds some J,.'iOii.Mt)u acres will be udmiiiislered undiT an act of congress w hich provides tlnil no nioie tinther be cut In an one year than Ihe forests are cuii- nble of prtMliiciu!; that year. The purpose If to Hrpeluute revenues lor the couniies and led eral gOMMnmeul. Iorotb' Woodnug and Mlirabeih Kletcher. secretary ami assist an I secret it ry to Itepreneiitatlve .Molt, know the luxury of a completely new wardrobe. They were robbed of their luggage when they parked their nutnutohilc at I'l III Mouse fii San aiicisco . to w. take, in the Niuhls. Au exteiisivefShoitping tour follov. ed. Miss Woodring lost her fur coal, several diamond rings and pins ami her lavorlie motion picture camera. Miss Kletcher, more fori una to, was wearing her coat. When the house finally gets it farm bill in shape for action an in spection doubtlessly will disclose the touch of ltepresentalive Walter M Pierce of jx Oraude. The 7"). year-old dry-laud wheat fanner and former Oregon governor headed the snb-contmlttve that drafted tho wheat section of the bill and his belief on crop control were em bodied in the first draft submitted to tin1 full committee. Senator t'hailes Mc.Niuy lUf -rcd congress a new proposal. Me Introduced a bill wilh a self, explanatory title: "To pi-nmoie sus tiiitied vield forest management, in onler therein lo stabilize commu nities, forest Industries, employ ment und taxable lores! wealth; to assuie a coni unions and ample sup ply of forest products: and to se cure the benefits of forests and water supply and stream flow, pre etitioii of soil erosion and amelio ration of liimale anil preservation of wild life." DIVING RECORD OF 420 FEET CREATED: Mll.W AI'K KK, is . I u-t . 1 (AP) Observers aboard the uuai d Hitter Anih iam i eput let) tliat Max lv tt.criel Nobl. Milwaukee ilner, bad descend ed I -a feel into UiKe .u higuli 111 a new type dmug suit toduv. and claimed he bad broKcn aH exitl- ilm records. IT. Kdar I'ti'l, ot Manitctte i then c-w u race or odor, un i veils ity, associate of the div er, said Nohl al the maximum Ucptii was uiiiler a body pressure I of pe pounds to i be sipiare (ueh. The record for depth in a dtwng suit was crcditi-d lo Flunk (Inllcry of the I'm ted Slates navy, w itli ;'."ti lcet. - - o Kast Indian natives haw such a keen sense of smell that they can !isMm:iiih between the footprint- ot a l.uiopcan mid a person 1 1 : KilKirfri spoRTS lovers Fashion's Most Dazzling Youthful Coiffures are cre ated at the Grand Shop. During the month of Deeombtr we are giving a Genuine Fred rice S6.50 permanent Sf.OO Wave for J Fredrics gives you soft, 1 u a t r ous, glamorous curls that you've always wanted. Let Mowery cut and style your hair before your next permanent wave. (Formerly with Pierre In Portland.) Gladys Lawson, for merly with Sanitary Beauty Shop, is with us. Karen Larson of Doucette's is staying on with the Grand Beauty Shop. CONSULTATION FREE For Appointment Phone 150 Grand Barber & Beauty Shop 202 CASS STREET Auto Horns Bumper Guards Driving Cushions Flashlights Key Coses Picnic Jugs Spotlighis WhAT TO CIVE" is no longer a problem, and budget worries vanish, when1 you make "Western Auto" your gift headquarters, d'ye , Auto Accessories, this year from Western Auto Supply Company. Here are nine very good reasons why it's wise. , -: Steerirtf Wheel Knobs, Rodioror Omomenri Vacuum Bottles, Gifts Under 200 Auto Clocks AutQ Compasses Boby Hommocks Bicycle Tires Center License Light Cr Brocket Clock Mirrors Gloves Cr Robes Grade Registers Grille Guards Horn Ring Buttons Lunch Kits Picnic Jugs Steering Wheel Spokes Cifts Under 500 Auto Fans , Batteries Automatic Cigar Lighters Electric Windshield Wipers Folding Baby Buggies Tires Trunk Rocks Wind Wingj Cifts Over 500 Altimeters Auto Clocks Auto Heaters Auto Horns Batteries Battery Chargers Fog Lites Ovol-Lites Road Litcs Inside Control Spotlights Pyrene Fire Extinguishers And remember you'll save at "M eslern Auto" on marry other splendid gifts, such as Bicycle Accessories, Batteries and high grade i ools . . .' SAVE with SAFETY! 1- Auto Accessories are last ing . . , ploa&ing and prac tical. 2- Your gift (or Ihe car will please the whole (arruj- 3- No matter how old or how new the car. you'll find an accessory thai will pleas. 4- Low prices enable you l give more and belter presents, 5- A wide variety of articles to select from. S-Merchandise is carefully displayed for convenient inspection, 7-Trained salesmen assist you in making your selec tions. t-If it is from 'Western Auto it is the newest and best. $-No matter where your gift is sent in Ihe West ... a nearby "Western Aut" store will exchange it if il is not the exact type- More "Sure-to-Please" (Sifts f Family gifts that bring lasting en jovment ... a Western Air Patrol Radio $15.95 and up . . a Motorola Car Radio as low as S32.J5 . , an economical Electric Refrigerator (all sold on easy terms), er Seat Covers at saving prices. For that boy or girl, a Western Flyer Bicycle low prices, S5 down, easy terms) till II h. liks to fish or go camping . , , makfl your lections ot "Wsstem Auto's" Outing Department. In addi lion to iust about eTerylhing under the sun in "SURE-TO-PLEASE" Camp ing Equipment all highest quality at lowest prices . . . you'll also find hshtajr fcuckle tnat every angler will be proud to own at prices that ore easy on your budget 1 NEW and SMART 1. Service Vanity Minon Hard rorao spaces lor servwererori,. 2. Hot Water Heater . .1 Many quick-heating mcdob . nv and Bracket,, Q! modem mng Button . . . bound horn without removing and hem wheel. 5. ! Banjo Steering Wheel Spokes modern appranc'