Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 27, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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it :
r P.
Sunday, Nov. 28
Seth Parker regular meeting in
evening at '. W. Hngan liotin- III
Monday, Nov. 29
Pr. It. U Dunn's iiiiu-denoiiiliin-lloiuil
Htiifly "lass meeting
nt 7:45 o'clock In evening ui Doug
Jan holi'l dining liall. Pulilir IiivIihiI.
V. V. W. auxiliary benefit rani
parly at S o'clock in evening al
Episcopal parish li.ill. Frizes for
cards. Door pije and -itrsli nifij i n
Mm. Edward ( I iiu-H, .Mm. II. T.
Hansen. Mrs. S. W. Vim Voursi,
Airs. Ward I'uniiniugs ami Mm. It.
CI. Maker in chin ei.
Executive iiM-i-1 f Killlcrton
P.-'l". A. to meet at 3 o'clock in af
ternoon at HCllOOlllOUBe.
Special practice of nil-church
choir at 7:.ln o'clock at the l-'iist
Christian chinch.
Tuesday, Nov. 30
11. E. o. Huh nl'lcrniioil linn
ar home of Mrs. Virginia Campbell
oil Harvard aeliuc.
I'reshvierinn members ami
frlmiilH Invllcd lo (i::tn o'clock l
Jilck harvest Iiiiiiiu dinner at the
church parlors.
Wednesday, Dec. 1
Now Idea cltlh one o'clock lunch
eoti anil 1'ollyaiiiia day at home
of Mm. ('. 10. .Marks.
(ileugary Sewing cliih meeting
at home of Aim. A. Iliirileit.
W. C. T. I'. meeting III 'l:'.W
o'rlork al Methodist Episcopal
rhurcli inulorn. Ada .lolley I"'"-
Iteliekall ilislrirl. cnnveilllnll to
he held al I. II. . I'. Ir.'i 1 1 III Ifpse
burg nl in a. in. Iluskct luncheon
al noon. Aiternnon business ses
Hloll. Slate president to iay otflrlal
' visit at evening session. ;
. . Thursday, Dec. 2 ; ; ,
Country i fob ladieii contract
bridge toiirniiiii'inl JdiiV, at '.f.:W
a. in. at clnhhiniKe. I'ollnck iiinon
eon nl I2:3. (lolling In ullcriioou.
Ilellvlew cluh iuccIIiik:iI home
of Mil. Carl Cllhrealll. ' '
l.ady Lions 7:30 u'clnrk dessert
supper nl I'llll lllinh hiiine (in East
. Cass HI reet Willi .Mrs. 1 ill til ami
Mm. A.: J. Ellison jotnt hostesses,
J.llst infilling Ijolnre ('III islllins. t
I Nolihslilo Suurdil dub nfler-
noou meeting at honie of Mrs, I..
V. Ingels on Wlnrlieslor Mtrcpl.
Members linked In hrlllK sand
wiches or pie. . , ,'
Mil chniiler of Hi-Hi Sigma I'hl
livening tneutlng lit hiiilli! of .Mm.
Wilms ll'nyle on Stephens street.
EiibIci-ii Slur 111 -l i II III eight
o'clock In eveiiini!, Elccliou of of
llcera. : ltefrenhnieiltH. i
Harden Valley Woiiion'ii club
meeting nl 'f. o'rlouk do utter
llonll III ( lublinuse Willi Mm. Donna
J (Ferguson host ess. s t i ' ' s
" --Regular- praellcH of- i all-uinn ell
choir, at 7:1m o'clock nl. l''lrnt
ClirlKliaii church..
Friday, Dec. 3
I'l-eHhylei Ian Ladles Aid mum
public lunel from 11:311 to 1:30
and annua! fall haiiar and ailver
tea In church purloin.
Keyntone dub liieelinic at 3'ld
o'clock al II. II. McKay home on
1 Went I'lmt nlreel ivilh-.Mrn. McKay
and Mm, I(iimh' Nlniniem Joint
chnii iH'ii."' '
- - Clinral club practice at 111:110 a.
m. ill Karl Wiley homo til 131
North Main nlreel with Mm. limn
er lirow, illterlor, In cluil',e.
Saturday. Dec. 4
I'. N. li. dull elellllli; meelini!
al (icnrt'o t'onkey holno In l.auiel-
ivond. Mm. II. II. 1. x. rlullriniin.
Mm. I'. V. Clark ami Mm, t'onkey.
ilKninlltlK IwHteHnen. lOnlerlaillment.
Mrn. H. II. Ituaillniill. Mm. .1. K
l'lckenn and Minn May Kinder.
lOlkn club dance and floor nhow.
Klkn temple.
Dec. 8
Public invlled lo ramp Kllecerc
mouiiil In eii'iilui' al junior blub
Hcboot. Minn lle.Mots. millnmil field
executive Itnlll New York City, lo
lie prcnenl.
Dec. 9
l.ady Klkn social nieellim at S:liu
o'clock ill evellltm ill telliple.
Dec. 11
Annual hiiiiur and public lunch
eon Irom I 1 : :!n lo l::lu o'clock
Klrnt t liilsilan church, under aun
picen ot Women' Council. Mrn. It.
I,. Hud-oil, luncheon chalriiiiin
I'liblic Iniileil.
Itiierndnlc maimc l.idien i uol.i d
Idlld mile ,-il I'owclln Ihittlwiiic
more. i
Oec. 18
Harden Valley Ynnicll -i clllbpie
lioliday conki-d lood nalc al I'miell
I ill nl w 11 1 c nlole on Nnllh J.I k.snli
The Ah Nenli Nik. i riinipliie
il-nuli met Vt'ilncKila lintht al
lliuolhy Criiluiucit n A nliorl bunl
liens l liliK wan h,.!. I ice,. nil.,, r
II wan net an Ihe dale I'm the iial
Ian dinner which in lo he al liie
liarlsb hall.
Ml S. Cl llUilliell Ki-i ,i d. li, ie
relrc.-dllliellU to Mis. I.cs rum
nilniin. ChhiImi Alien. CauiKti lot
don. Kaitb VoiiiiH. I. ii llilttiui. h'l.u-
ence llalulllou. liall I ehiinl. Iioio-i
thy While. I'al Miller. Julia l.iw l
l-euee. Helen While, I'hillm Ni ls, ui.
The next meelini: will he U-( , iul'i '
I lit the home ol I'hvlhs Nc1m.ii al
7 o'clock. 1
The I'l esb teriun Miusinicn mi '
ci(-ty will hold lis Cbrinlnias ue .,- j
lllv llecemher II at l':30 oVIm k al !
the W. M. Campbell home on
N'nrlh Jackson street Willi Mrs. j
Campbell. .Mudaiiie M. J. Shoetn.i j
cr lied Mm. Ilouier (liow hostesses .
Mrs K. S. Hull, proi'iaiii (halr-j
mnli. has arrapueil fur .Mm. Cuy
Moore. lormer nilnslonti ry lor i
American Indians, an the yuent
npenker Mis. Homer llrow will (half' of lie- deuilteun null
Mis. Kail I'llrb h. pu-iilelll. will
V"iidit(l the bilniiiess liivotilitr. r
Thanksgiving Bride
V. "" yigmimpmmim
Lucy Pinkerton Strachan
' MifH I.iiry May I'lnkciloi), nl
liom-buiK, ihiiiKlilt'i' fr Mr. ;nnl
Mih. .1. K. Fliikeiuni, of IIiiIxmIh
cifHk. I)fi aiiii lli'i hi lilt uf lli iici'
Hniiui-li Stliirlllill. Hon ttf Mi. hikI
Mrs. S. S. Htrnrluui. ol' I'or Uuml, hi
11 bruulJIiil iiihI imjiifSHlM ci'ic-
uiony nl IhmIi ikmhi Tluink.KKlviiiK
diiy, NovimdIht J.r, u( llit l iiiit'il
I'lvuhx teriaii cluiirh . In ' Alhany.
ItuV. .1. It, I'MllQIHOIt i(?rlOIII.. ll tilt'
iliftilliilrt In Hit pi fn.'iicH at niily
l'clHliv-it ui' Hit.' (nil lt:.
'J'lit rhun li nltnr ; vvim ) h;inki il
Willi rhiyn;iiiitH'iiiunin. Juki in 11.
M(lh'C, it AHmny. nnftly mi
tlnf nvAun ttiriiigliMiL tli Mi-rvifc.
Thtl lniiif wn$ aiiin.Mnc In n l-1 r
ItlUti twt'fd (titit with u lupi , Iihj
fax citllar. H r ih cckhoi Ih w.ti itf
iiisi ami him1 unit Iht voiuhw vhk
oj'.-HIiIm ami lili'K(r-tli. --villi. -, ir
flMit-r, Minn Vi-ia IMiiknrluii, ' (it
I'oi llaml, who whs luvuly in u
bi'o.Mi ninl' rh-i'Ii '(iihiiiiIih mid a
.iHrui;' or yellow iokcIhuIh, vviih
Kciji Slj-a-il-iitii, .ori-'oitlaml, hroilf
nl ilii- Ijritl.'Ki'ooiii, ai-tt'il uH'ut-
IcilillllltK. 'rile; Illiilc'H UIMlllfl' WOI'U
ii liidwn iiilil Ui'n 'i-iiK(nilif will)
ti Kanli'iiin i'uihiiu and the hilili--Mlouin'ri
ihoHh'I- wary an lisiiiihlc
of Innwu willi 11 khi dfiiln cniKiint'.
-r I-'oJluVyiUK lllL'4 UHlllllim CHl'L'lllllMy
U' llWll'tltiOll WHM-Httl Vifti Hi Ilia llo-
IijI Alhaiiy lor tlh! wnliliii parly
anil iwenly Ktit'rii h. IniiiifilitiH'Iy Inl
lowinn, Mr. ami Mis. Si riu-tum It 'It
ror Mil- t-oni Ity anloiiiolill and
aif iiinn smith on tiii'ir Wfti.liiiK
tri. Thi-y will sLop ovur in San
I'Vaiii'lsco, l,os Ani-lfrt ami San
IMt-Ko en I'ontH to Mi-xii'o. Arii-r
iMit wt'ttkK, limy will n-Hnii to
Portlmul to lnaktt llit'tr tunnt.-
M1M4 Sdiu'linii, who oin of
liost'liurKK most promim-nt yoniiK
women, wan Kiailuiitt'ii from hinh
Hi-hool Iimii' In litli ami latt'r at
lenth'tl Alhuuy I'tilh-f. For ihf ntt
flvo yciiiK ulic i;ih Ih-i-ii i'iiafil
an mlvt'iiishiK iiianiift' of iln
HoHt'hniK NfWi--ltfVit'W. Sin- has
Ih-i-ii I'Kpm-lally actlvy in ilnh wink
in I his city ami at thu liim ot hr
iiiarriaui' wan in--juvmmIhih of ihu
Hnsiai'SH and 1'ruiVnsional Worn
t'li'H chili.
Mr. Slrathan aMndM hiIiixiI In
Canada and was ratlnalt'd iVmii
W'iinilpi-K iiillt't, Mnniioha, Can
iida, laid- lakinu his masici's df-KHM-
al OivKon Sialo (ndh'n' in
Cor will is. wlH'iv hi is a im-nth-'i
tn ihu llawliy Hall ori;aiiiaiion.
Mo is now oimimod as Held rcpro
celllaiive lor Ihe Noriliwest Ta
filif ,'ool Crow el s assoriai ion
with heathinaitei.s in I'oiilainl.
AlliMiduii; (he wi'ddum fmin
ItnsfhuiK in.'d (hr hihk's par
cnis. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. I'ink.-r-lon;
hi'i hmlh.'l in law and ishl
Mr. ami Mis. Iloivnid 1 1 .1 1 1 d '1.1,
atid h.'i am 1.- and aiini, Mr. and
Mis. .1. I'iliU.'Mini ami tht-ii'
danhi. r. Miss Nadiiii- rink.'iion.
Thi- Voiiiiu Man i-d I Yoplr's Ihe First rhiislian chnnh
'iMovi'd a di'linhnnl sixlhiity
01 In. k potlm k niikey dinner Fn
da ieniiii; at Ihe ehtireh pathos.
o ei s w ere ai i mined tm Mr. i
and Mis Carl U'eiine-. Mr and 1
Mis. W illiam I math. Mr. and Mis I
t.. A. Miles. Mr, and Mis. Wallace I
Kehei iHim, .Mi . and Mrs. I i. W.
liadiihaiuh. Mr. and Mis. Karl 1
l. kei, Mi, and Mrs. Kvrell Wi 1
tnn. Mi. and Mis. Harold linn i
oi k. Mi. and .Mr.t. licit Smith. .n !
ami Wis K. .1 Sthntnpt. Mr. ami
Mis I) K. Koltz. Itev. and l 1 s.
I.iiul. n t; l.i .(v ot ami daimhter.
Kram-es. h and Mis .h. Heh
:tid. Ml and Mrs, Chester lliuillli.
Mi- and Mis. Wesley Ashworlh.
Mi and Mrs. I'aul M.tjowan, hi.
md Mi- I'. Ii i-.ihhs. Mr. and Mi, j
V l llii.s- iihark. Mr. and Mrs. 1
i.i Mtrt li. l. Chiiuh.:
' ' H" .1 lit uion and ). man ,
Ihnn.r. ' 1
mo-t eiijoyalde social i veiimi:
ti.llowi t Me- diiiner hour
Mi-s 'I'helina Matle ol
tt'iimile, and Ivan Allien Simpson,
or San Hiroi, Calil., were ipimll)
inaille.l .11 the Hales home ol T,.
milf Wednesday. Nov. :. ev.
Cleil 1'. While pel forum! Hie ccie
Mr, It.ile.- i ; a radio opeialor on
or. ot th- t . s 1 i-iistei- nui -in.
MOMI - i,, 1.1. p,, htle t!le
Uuikt' tllMI' Ijoilie.
One or the most rhai mint; af
faiis of ihe Keason wax ihe very
loviily ha t-lveii Uy Mrs. .1. I . Oh
horn, Mrs. I. (I. Kiddle. Mrs. Wash
inuton Hul'Im-s umt Mid. I'. T. Hit
Imr 'i'lienday Hfteniooii in cuinpll
nieiu 10 Mrs. W. II. Fisher on her
hiitliday anni ersa 1 y.
Kiiemls callcil at the beautiful
l-'islier lioille hi I.uilteluood lit en
joy the occasion lie(wteii lie hours
ol I a (i-thl ity and fonrl hiiiy
o'clock. Attraciive hiitliday nifin,
lllllliei'itns hoiltpielK and potted
plan Ik ami many fan Is vero pre
seiiU'il to Mis. Fisher in honor of
Hie occaHlon.
The tea table, lovely with a luce
11 ml linen cloih, was centered hy
11 Kllver howl of deep blue tlelphitl
linns, pink mid yellow- snapdragons
and maid hen -hair fei 11s. Tall pink
tapers lighted Ihe table and room.
Mis. S. Kiiynor Smith, Mrn. Fos
ter lliiiner. Mrs. I., li. Skinner and
Mik. Waller Fisher nlleinaied in
IKH1I lllK.
The liiislesses. Mis. Oshotn, Mrs.
Ilithlle, Mrs. IIiihIi.-h ami Mrs. Un
bar, were assisted aboni the rooms
by Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mrs. (irant
Osborn and Mrs. A. It. Taylor.
A KoiKeotis birthday take, deco
ra ted in yellow, Kl'eeil ami while,
was sent hy Mrs. C. H. Heinline
from Cheyenne, Wyoi.iin, airhliiK
111 Hosehnif; 111 time to Ki'ace the
heaniifiilly appointed tea tuble.
The cake arrived without the
sliKhlesI daiuai to Its aitracfive
Hess and wan cut hy Waller
er, son of the miet of honor.
Those boiioihiK Mrs. Fl slier nu
011 the tieli(;htlul occasion were
Mrs. I,. It. Skinner, Mik. Fouler
Milliter, Mrs. A. C. Maimers, Mrs.
O. M. NIcholaH, Mrs. .1. K. McClin
lock. .Hh. i,. A. Wells, Mrs. II. W.
Marnier, Mrs. Conine McHee, Mm.
Waller Fisher, Mrs. Adrian Fisher,
Alia. Marrle Mooth, Mm. (Jratil Os
hotn. Mis. A. It. Tnylur, Mm. Doiik
las Waile, Mm. F; J. Fllison. Alrrf.
.(. II. Fulleiton. Mrs. A. .1. Vouiik,
Mrs. Fmily Maxwell, of Vict 01 iy.
H. C, Mrs. A. S. Coeii. Mis. I.oins
Fnllerton, Mrs. Clyde Fnlleiioti.
MisK May Fisher Miss Uertrude
Hihlehiinr, 'Mis Helen Casey., Mrs.
It. Casey, Itev. and iMrsj S. Ilaynor
Smith. Itev. Ferry Smith, Mr. and
Mm. Karl Wiley, Walter and Adrian
Fisher, Mrs. .1: H. Mooih.1 Miss
Frances Howell, Mrs. John K. Itmr
yan. Airs. A. .1. Lillnirn.'Mrs. Ceoie
Conkey. Miss Isohel mid Miiis
Kllzaheth Curry, Mi's. (Jeorfie Sew
Mll. Miss KutQ Ihtchanaji, Mrs. ,;
C. llimm, .Miss Alice ttdaiid. lis.
C. A." I'M wards. M is." K- 1 1. Char
chilf. Mrs. M. V,. Iiibiv'frs. h.
Kohlhaifen, Sr.. Mm. (leorre Kohl
haKeii. .Mrs. ,. F. Marker, Mrs, Hex
tor Itice, Mrs. Mertha larroit. .Miss
Itosa I!. Carroll. Mrs. liittler. Mis.
H. II. Lenox. Mrs. W. C. Ilardiiii;.
Mrs. I . II. Morj-an. Mm: -It-. Hu
hai, Mm. K. A. Ilritloiij Aim., If. W.
t'hafi3 ami Mrs. Frederick J. I'orter.
Kuests. and the. 'four' hostesses,
Mm. J, l. Osborn. ,Mr( I.' H. Kid:
tile. Mm. Washiniou H 11 hen nd
Mrs. I. T. I In bar.
HuiiiiK the eveuiiiK liours hiiiner
oiis li lends called to foiijirntulalo
Mrs. Fisher and wish her many
happy returns of the day.
Nancy McCllntock, dauhler ol
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. McCllntock,
cidebrated her ninth birthday anni
versary Saturday afternoon by in
vilitm a Ktoup of friends to enjoy
a matinee ;t Hunt's Miealrt. and a
party at her home on Hamilton
a venue.
Followini; Ihe matinee the Kioup
w em to the McClintock lionie.
where loely yllls werti piesi-ntetl
lo Nancy from Marlon and Kileen
Shillery. 1'iiseilla Wade. Mary F.l
leu McKay. Klixuheih .Murray, Het
ty lam Itariel. .lean Wiley and
.lac iiiel nn Lauioi eux.
Mrs. McCliutiH-k. assisted by her
thnmhter, Miss 1'ntiicia. and Miss
Mary Ma run ret FUsw in lb, ser eil
lovely refleshllieltts to the quests
and an atttactheh deiorated and
li.Ht'd birthdav cake was cut ami
Hi. and Mrs. Ceore K. Houck
entertained al a veiy charming
v.nison dinner at their attractive
home oil South Stephens street
UiM i vi-nliiy to compliment the hit
ler's daughter. Mis. Adeline tiivh
er Fields. o( I'ortland. ami .Mrs.
Helen Holt Wilson, ot Medfonl.
Covers were placed at a heauii
fully appointed t a bio for Mrs.
Fields ami Mrs. Wilson, i-uesls ol
honor, M Iss Naomi Scot I. Miss
llideti Casey, Mr. ami Mrs. Fdwin
liooih. Mr. ami Mrs. Frederick
Chapman. Mr. ami Mrs. Itoyd
Hales, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick '.I.
I'orter and lr. and Mrs. Iloin k. A
pleasant social evening follow ed
the dinner hour.
Mrs. (i. KohlhaKen was a most
macious hostess, when she enter
tallied tier hridi;e club at a de
huhtt'ul oiie-Hiirty o'clock salad
luncheon Monday at her home in
the Kohlhauou upurtnieitis.
Covers were placed at attractive
ly appointed tables lor Mrs. F. S.
McCHin. Mis. Paul H.lwc::. Mrs.
II. C. Wells, Mrs. Chester Morgan.
Mrs. Ilarrie Month and Mis. II II
Turner, members, and M is, T. i I
Watson and Mrs. Frederick J.
Cot icr. uv. f.-.
HIkU ncoie for the i'dtrniMui'?
jdsy was wou by Mrs. Moiyun.
Itorothy Winston louder, Ja up li
ter of Wd Winston, or Arcadia,
Oieon, urid Adolpb I. Ruksdotf,
sou or .Mr. and Mm. A. t. huk
dorf, of Coos Junction, were mar
ried at a quiet ceremony at three
o'clock at the Methodist ICpiiti-npul
ciiun 11 in tins city Sunday after
noon. N'oiember 21. Itev. S. Haynor
btnith iierlonned trie impress! v
servile in l ho presence of close
friends and relatives of the couple
Mm. Vera McClintock Jones
suiiK, "At the Dawn of a New
Day," accompanied by Mrs. Lynn
lieckley on the organ. The bride
wore a tailleur of black with
matching accessories and corsageH
ir gardenias. Iter sister-in-law ,
Mm. Kenneth Winston, wore a tail
lour of Kiey with black accesso
ries and a gardenia corsage. Ken
neth Kinstou, brother of the bride,
acted us benl man to the bride
groom. Those attending the wedding in
cluded Mr. and Mm. A. P. buks-
dorf. parents of Ihe bridegroom,
Martin Suksdoi f, brother of the
bridegroom. Mm. Irmu Gourlev,
sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. W.
C. Winston, .Mr. and Mra. Clay
Smith, Mr. and Mra. Karl Smith,
Miss Thelma Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Winston, Miss Beverly Wins
ton, Mr. und Mrs. George Ware,
Donald Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Heston
Gross,' Mrs. Miriam llallurd, Mr.
111. 1 Mrs. J. K. McClintock, Mrs.
KiiMi Wv titer, Hruce Wyuter, Miss
Mope W liter, Mr. and Mm. Kiory
lbs, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. lies. Miss
Ibden Casey and Miss Naomi Scott.
following a wethling trip to Fort-
land ami coast points, Mr. and Mrs.
Suksdorf will he at home to their
uds In the Cos how upartmeuts
at the corner of Watson ami East
Lane streets. They will spend
I liauksgivtng at the home of the
bride's father, Fred WliiRton, t
KMtacada. ' ,
The Older Girls club met Mon
day evening at the home1 of 'the
advisor, Mrs. Charles V. Stanton,
011 Commercial avenue. Miss Meryl
llrunncr presided over the business
session. Clans were made to send
Thanksgiving and Christmas bask
ets to a needy family. A Christ
mils missionary box was also plan
ned. : '
Miss Maxiue Hartley was chair
man lor the evening with Miss
Vivian - Hartley missionary . pro
gram t cbaiiiiian und Miss Phyllis
Cut rone In charge of tho worship
service. ' . . , , j -
, Clans weiy made. j'ty a. Kids
party , held as, a birthday at
tain Dec. tj al the lump of .Mrs.
lami'Mi Loaviti,.ut .vvhbjj time , the
meiiibers will j bring jCbristmas
gilts. Jor, cbildrun. ,.,
lit,'tieshmiMHs .were ( seivecl (o
Mm. (hares '., Stanton, Mrs,. Lin
d'M ;., i.i'iivitt. Miss Minion Ca-
den, Miss Gladys Hart, Miss '('oc-i
inne-Anne Perry. Miss H'eryl . Hrn 11-
ner, Miss Marl vu Glaze. Miss
Maxim ami Miss Vivian hartley.
Aliss Loufce Fan-flier, Miss l-oln
AMI .Miss , Phyllis I'uJ rojw , ,uud
Miss' Alavjoie OttM.f ". 1 r t
: Alr.i. S., .1.. (.'be no vvetb anil. Mrs.
C L. ('iienowetli eniertaineil at ii
chit r.ming turkey dinner Sunday.
November -U, al the hitler's home
in honor of the golden w eddlng
anniversary of Mr. ami Mrs. 'W.
S. Cheuowcth.
Relatives ami friends iuesenl in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cheno
vveth of Cheney. Wash.. Mrs. (J.
I.. Chenow oth and daughter, Miss
iiuth. Mr. and Mm. S. J. Clieuo
weth. All-, and Mrs. lieorge Cheuo
wcth ami Helen ami Glen, Mr. and
Mrs. .1. V. Chenoweth. Mr. and Mis.
J. F. Stearns, Air. and Mm. J. C.
llovinmlon. .Mrs. Fstbor llakausnn
and da lighter, Alaryanna. Mrs.
Alary Sclieil, Miss Mary llainbridge,
all of Oakland, and Mm. Fanny
Von Hragbton of Seattle.
Air. and Mrs. W. S. Cbenowetb
were married at Wilbur, Oregon,
lilt v- years ago. They have two
children. .Mm. Mildred Chenoweth
Russell and Hlatr Chenoweth ot
Spokane. Wash.
.Mrs. W. Al. Campbell very gra
ciously entertained the Inter-Se
Stud club at a lovely nne-thhty
o'clock dessert -luncheon at her
home (tn North Jackson street
Tuesdav afternoon.
The Thanksgiving motif was at
tractively carried out on the serv
ing table and covers were placed
tor Mrs. Iv S. Hall, Airs. Charles
lioerner. Mis. Clyde Heard. Mm.
V. V. Harphaiu. Mrs. Karl Cllrieh.
Mis Hruce .Mellis, Mis. George
Churchill, Mrs. Fred A sum. Mrs.
Robert Haw ley ami the hostess.
Mis Campbell. A delightful
Tbanksuiv ing program w as enjoy
ed at the table.
.Mrs. CHrlch presided over Ihe
business meet lug and plans were
made tor the annual Christmas
party tor the evening of I ec. 14
10 be held at the Hoeiiier home,
at which lime ihe husbands of the
members will be tuesis.
Roll call topics on Inventions
were enjoyed follow ing the busi
ness meeting.
The live highs ol the Tuesday
biidgt- club entertained the Iiml
low sioie holders for Ihe year's
l'ta at a delightiul dinner party
Tue--ibv exening al the Hotel
l'ni qua. atter w Inch the ui oup
w ent lo 1 he tl, M. lies home on
Fowler street for a social even
im: Mis. Owen Walker won the
high nine I or the exening' 1 on
Mat I bridge play.
Covi'm were arranged at the
dinner lor Mts. I'. M. I..e. Mis E.
C. Patterson. .Mrs. r. M. o'M;,ley.
Mrs. G. Al. lbs and Mis Doris
Jack -Mid. bos ami Airs C.
W- Willi jiii-. Mrs O" eM Walk
er. Me- Coletta Langeiiberg audi
.Ml! .M.u ie Langeubei g. t''ts.
1 1 r I ' .1 K - .
Fabric Wraps Challenge Furs For Evening
Broadcloth and Velvet Are Fine Foils
for New Modes.
NKA Kervk-e Blaff Cm ii-onili-iil.
I'AKIB. TI10 wuinull with lllllute
color BciiBe knOMS how lo choose
1111 i!c-uliig wiiin which 110L only
win font an enHmiiiilu with lir
hest uvenliiK unwn lint which cun
ulso he worn with other colon. For
the more fortunate who pomieHS
tiuiHl-lunnlh cape, the problem dues
uot arise. Hut in eplte nt the fact
that good furs tan never look
wroiiB, they are perhaps u little
too obtioim, und very often a wrap
without any fur trluiiuiiiK hut of-
fi'iiiiK the latest fcutureii of the
premium; fashion will look more,
or jiiHt an elegant.
There are several ntyles of eve
ning wraps to choline from this
year. Tile llewem la the loiiK, lo-mantle-
cape. Another in thi-'-luug
coat cut on more or leaa roman
tically flowing- I i ii oh. The firm
calls lor a ilel'lnile flare and
slaluesiiue ficiue. The Becoud is
heconiiUR to all types. Then also
very new are the fitted, knee
lensth. coats with flared basques,
nnil the somewhat shorter box
coat ralliiiK straiKht Irom the
llroadcloth, In beautiful deen
lolles,' jiastel shinies or while. Is
one of the most . attractive me-
lliinis for an eveniiiK wrap of- the
'edinKOtf ' type Creed's coMecJIou
includes 11 pae blue tailored mod
el In this fabric with flared hem
reiuhiiiK to the griluiid, entirely
lined in ehaniberiin, fed satin
over a dress of the latter color.
Worth tops It tdim Kold Inme Kown
with, a pure white cloth coat. Ihe
front. p( the bodice covered with
chain loops, tot mild, braid. The
.Mrs. Hoyd Rales' entertained ' at j
a charming iuiornial tea from I
three lo live o'clock at her al-i
tractive home on the North Pari-'
He highway Tuesday afternoon in
conipllineui to .Mrs. Adeline air-1
iiiei i-ieins 01 I'ortland. who Is
here this week vlsiling her molh
i'r: Mrs. tleol-ge' K. ' Houck.' Ilou
iuets of elii-ysanthi'iuiims were
used as a decorative motif (or
(he occasion.
Those enjoying the afternoon
honoring Mrs. Fields Included
Mrs. Chester Hercher, .Mrs. K. ti.
Kohlbnueii Mi-u s, will. ,.
and son Peter, .Mrs. It .Ii. Maddox
iiihi oniienier .Mollle .leanne. Mrs.
Jack Heltrich. .Mrs. Kdwln Iloolh
and daughter Mollle .Margaret, Dr.
and Mrs. George K. Houck and Mrs.
Frederick J. Porter, guests, and
the hostess, Mrs. Hales.
Mrs. K. .1. Schrlmpf was a most
gracious hostess Tuesday evening
when she entertained her sewing
club at a delightful party at her
home on South .laeksoli street.
Following a pleasant social hour,
lovely refreshments were served
at a large table prettily appointed
in Ihe Thanksgiving motif. Covers
were placed lor Mrs. Urn lit Os
born. .Mrs.. It. M. Church. .Mrs. Wal
lace Koberlson, Mrs. Paul Mellow
an. .Mrs. I.. A. Miles. Mrs. F.vcletl
W'itner, Mrs. Donald Follz. Mrs. O.
V. Hadahallgh. Mrs. II. Muriel.
.Mrs. I,. C. Carpenter and the hos
tess. Mrs. Sflittuipf.
The next meeting will be a
white elephant parly llec. 7 at tin;
home of Mrs. Wallace Kohertson.
Fnllerton l.-T. A. will observe
"Hails" nii-lit at a 7::in n'chick
meeting the exening of December
ti. at Ihe schoolhouse. at which
time all pnrcnls of Fnllerton school
children are urged to attend. Ku
terlainnieiit Is being arranged I'm
the children who will be at Ihe
school bouse that evening.
K. A. Itiilton and .lames Mess
are Joint chairmen of the Dad s
program. The mothers of second
grade students will provide pop
corn lo be sold during the evenltm
and a fish pond uitl he in charge
of Mrs. Kiigar lioser. cllaiflmiu. as
sisted by Mrs. Hush Whipple. Mrs. I
II. II. t arler. president, w ill be 111
ehurne of the meeting.
An executive meeting has been
called by Mrs. Carter for three
o'clock next Monday afternoon at
the schieilhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. II. IV Jaioby en-lerlaim-d
at a Tlianksgivini: dinner
al their home ill Lonkilu-gluss ill
honor of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Ja
cob)'s etexeuth wedding annlver
sal y.
Those eiijojug the day wre
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .lacoby and
children. Daxld. Mildred. Lurraine
and I'i.i-I Mr and Mis. Sam Thai-It-ra
. Mrs. Case and Clenu Thack
lay of .Myrtle Creek; .Mr. und Mrs.
name decorative effect ja repeated
on the sleeves to form deep cuffs.
Hchlaparelll favors rust red cloth
for a coat which tastena right over
on the side from neck to waist,
with this movement stressed hy a
short panel of bright blue paillete
embroidery to match the dress un
derneath. Velvet Wraps, Too
Velvet is another of tue favored
fabrics for evening wraps. Dlack
and Florentine red, (the color
launched in the uPlou collection)
as well as all the rich wine reds,
for that matter, seem to be best
liked. One of the outstanding
models al Hatou'a showed a beau
tifully draped gown, cut on sir.u
oils, sex-appeal lilies completed by
a flowing cape, devoid of fur, ill
Florentine red velvet.
Hchlaparelll also shows u cape
In black Lyons velvet with a flat
capelet embroidered in black silk
anil finished with four perky bows
in black moire ribbon two on the
shoulders, and two under-liniiig the
arm-slits. This is worn over a sim
ple dress of the same velvet, with
deep Bquarc-cut decoilette and
F.liihroldery adequately replaces
fur trimming on evening wraps,
but II must be used lavishly to
achieve the desired effect of rich
ness, tiobl is much more, frequent
ly fealiired than silver, ami in some
eases ihe embroidery s further en
riched by ihe addition of sparkling
colored cahochoua or gold heads.
Lelong. Likes Lames
I .allies and brocades are also in
the vanguard of fashion for eve
ning coats. Lelong uses a wine and
silver broken check hinie for a tai
lored knee-length rediiigole over a
wine-red crepe dress and another
effective model is curried out in
pink, blue and gold barber's pole
stripes over an ink blue silk jer
sey gown, (leruiaine Iluilly use:-,
gold and black' lame' lined with
lilaek velvet, for a long, flowing
coat, and last but by . no means
least, comes Alix's handsome eve
ning coat in wine-red wool with
heavy gold lame broche design over
a wine-reil silk jersey dress.
Francis Daniel und children, Win-t-nlfird,--Dorothy,-
Hoynline Mind
Frnrtcl.t i, C.fnrge or Dillafd; .Mr.
amr'Mrs.' Cecil .Miller and ehildieii
Arleltie, Cleoue -and .Marvin;-Cleni-inent
Miillins of HosebuiK, and
.Mrs. Italph Cory and Perly Oar of
Callahan: Mi-, and llm nit.u i-
and .Mrs. II. 11. Jnroby, Jjeji aud
Susie Jacoby. ' , '
A very delightrul family gather
ing mid dinner parly was enjoyed
last evening at the home of Mrs.
Lena McKlhlnuv in the Oeddes
apaiiments on North Jackson
street. Yellow button chrysunUie
miims were used to grace the table.
The six-lhirty o'clock ditlner was
served lo .Mr. and Mrs. W. 10. Nay
lor. of Mend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McKlhinuy and sons, lull and Stew
art, and daughter. Susan, of Salem.
Miss .lean .McKlhinuy and W. E.
Naylor, Jr., of Corvallis, I I,. Spen.
cor. of .Medford. aud Mrs. L. I,.
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fred
rlckson and .Mrs. Lena .Mcb'lhinny,
of Hose burg.
A very delightful family gather
ing and dinner party was enjoyed
last evening at Ihe homo of Mrs.
Lena .McP.lhiuuy In Ihe Geddes
apartments on North Jackson
street. Yellow- button clirvsantlie
mnnis were used to grace the table
The six-lhirty o'clock dinner was
served lo Mr. and .Mrs. W. K. Nav
lor. of Mend. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles
MeKlhiunv and sons. Mm and Stew
art, aud daughter. Susan, of Salem,
Miss Jean .McKlhinuy and W K
N'uyloiv Jr.. of Corvallis. I. I,'
Spencer, of Medford. und .Mis. L
I.. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. J A
Fredilckson and Mrs. Lena McKl
hinuy, of lloseburg.
The Jolly-Time II club, under
the leadership of Miss Mary Leigh
met Ibis wivk at the home of Mrs'
Cllironl Ihiyle 111 .North lloseburg
lo plan the vein's activities and
elect new orrlcers. vhirh inclnil
ed: I're-ddent. Joan llovle: vice
president. Virginia Mills, and see.
n-iiir.v, ..nine Aeal.
Work books ii ii.l . i...
were disl diluted to the members
and the sonc. "Dreanilnc" was as
sIkiiciI lo the group lo he nii'timr
iied before the next meeting. Aft
er a general discussion of l-H club
work, lite meeting u.ljnurned.
The annual D. A. !. chiiim,.
pniitrum has I i announced for
7::ln o'clock the evening of De
cember lli. to he held at Ihe V
M. Campbell resilience on NovthS
.iacks.ui street. .Mrs. Campbell.
-Mis. Watsoo K. lloise and .Mis. C.
P. Cut lor will be hostesses lor the
eening. with Miss .Margaret Pate
IM-iii-rine ih.iinnaii and in charge
of calnes. All members are most
cordially Invited to he present.
, 'xr.mmiwm nnii vaiXHUWaau..
It might have stepped out of it mtislcaj ptinmfy, put Oils evening coal la
signed Worth. Fashioned of whit.e bipftikloth an 5 tritipned with loops
of gold braid, the upstanding modified, Medlei coUaris uew. Tho Para-
.11 l,a..l.l.-u.D !-., ln,.,..nuul.... r t i, .'
...o v.... .... cop.
Thanksgiving of 11(07 was' ce'lii
brated in Koseburg by numerous
dinners, informal ; gatherinus und
affairs, which closet) with the
eleventh Thanksgiving hall at the
armory under the auspices of the
Musiness and Professional Wo
men's club. 1
Among the dinners enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McClintock
and daughters, Patricia and Nancy,
had as their guests. Alt', and Mrs,
J. K. McClintock. .Mrs. . Vera Mc
Clintock Jones and small son and
Mr. and Mrs. (). M. Nicholas.
Itev. and Mrs. W. A. Slywesler
and sons. Paul. Ted. Jimmy. Da
vld and Herbert, had as their
guests for a six o'clock dinner,
Professor and Mrs. F. V Syl-
wcstei- iiml until .Vo,l.,-i,l. .lo......
Itoland. Hobby, Alfred and Arnold
nt Iln..l...l I
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister en
tertained at a lovely dinner at
their attractive home on Fast
Lane street, having as guests, Mrs. Peek, of I.os Angeles, and
Mr. and .Mrs. E. 1,. Knapp.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Pargeter hud
a delightful family affair Thanks
giving day. Dinner guests in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mar
tin, of Puvallun. Wash.. Mik l:n
layior. Airs. .Mary Norlheraff,
and Mrs. Charles S. Collins.
and Mrs. Eugene Ollivant
daughter. Hei-niece, Mrs. Fdyth
(lilmoiir and daughter, Miss Vir
ginia. Itlchard Pargeter Jr.,- and
Mr. and Mrs. Pargeter.
A delightful no-host two o'clock
nil-Key dinner wus enjoyed at
ft. H. Ijiird home on Ylnclu
street with covers belliL' nlai
Mr. and Mrs. W. It U'illi,...,. ...i
daimhler. Itnllle li..n t,. n-
Oderklrk and daughter. Miss Mar
gret. Mr. and Mrs. Merle l.owden
of Casquet. Calif.. Mr and Mrs
Peyton Oderkirk and Mr. and Mrs.
11. II. Laird and son, Murtoii
Dr. and Mrs. H It. Keith, of this
city, aud the bitter's brother-ln-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. F. W
N'abholz. of InlNiile City., Iowa,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wih
son iiartsnorn at Sulheiliu
miner. Additional guests
Mr. and Mrs. Stafford, of
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Suksdorf and
nr. nun Airs. Kenneth Winston
, of
nils city, were guests of
M is.
Stiksilnrf's und Mr. Winston's fath
er. Fred U'llalnn . I." ... ,,
' : " -' i.nmiieiia
Ore., for Thanksgiving dinner ami
lie liny.
Mr. ami Mis. It 1 Willi... ....
lerlained Mr. and Mrs. II II ltr.
us an. i Airs, .anry Tow-era
l'lll.'ene. lis Mini,- ,.....,..
, of
Thanksgiving dinue-.
Dr. and Mrs. Ocnrne I.' u..,.,.i.
entertained at a charming tnrk- v
in uer isnkSL. v tit- . .... ...
1 1 -
home nn Snutli ?4i..i,l
t. A
heaullful lace clolh graced Hi
ble. which was cenieieil
A-ilh ti
imiwI ol fruits, niiniatni-
gobblers and tall lighted g,
ers Covers were placed for
anil .mis. Walter Hamilton,
and Mrs. C. K. Marks and
Walter. Mrs. .1 W. Howard
Happv :,1. . v. M, s Ad-line Z
"r Field... i.f Portland, ''le
Hamilton and the host and
. ot
I. eh.
- -v 1 " -;
" v ' '
. -
M..,.UB1IJ.. 5 i " J
' I , t 1 !. '
tBstt, f)ii. dud, Mtn. liouck.
ir.;'4iid; Mrs. 0.'! V.. Carr 'enter
tiifc.l.(it- a very lovely four o'clock
'Uniier-havlnR as their guests tor
Th'ankSKlVlng. Mi.tuid Mrs. -(!. K.
Sheldoh -and sir. and .Mrs. Charles
V. Stanton. ,- , , , .
A dolightful turkey dinni- and
family affair was enjoyed Tbanks
gMni; day at the II. I). Carter
homej. on Military -.street. Covers
were .placed (or Edwin Weaver,
Mrs. ffllatlio .Kiggs, ,A1r. anil' Mrs.
Henry Schllinll, .Mr. and Er
niel Jtriggs and sun, Webster, and
Mr. i and Mrs. II. kv Chriet and
children, Shirley, .Ann and' liar.
Ian Jr. . ... '
Mr. and Mr. Howard Coleman
entertained na their Thaukhgiving
(Conlniuod on page 3.)
(1. M. I.EEPEK
A hidden thought
In the words of a poem
firings the sunshine .
'ntn the Bhudows of home.
Hy doing a good deed
That was hard to do.
. May leave Its rewards
All for you.
Hy climbing a few hills
That were hard at tle time,
(lave you n chance to aeo
Manhood in its prime.
Atid. by rcuehing back '
Down the slope of the hill
To help someone climbing,
Have that manhood a thrill.
Lifting a few burdens
From shoulders that strain
May strengthen your own
And lessen your puin.
Looking lulu eyes
That seem hungry and tired.
May give your own soul
That, strength It desired.
I'y lifting a liitle g
on Ihe horse thai fell. '
The unspoken gratltudo
Has rewarded you well.
And rrom the liitle inclining
That words may hold.
May gain you riches
Far better than gold.
Or by losing a little
Of their strange meaning.
You will reap only weeds
Where you are gleaning.
So sharpen your sickle
And wuleli the grain
For I hose, that learn not
Must harvest the pain.
And the litil,. wp ,.ani
Thoueli strange It sound,
Is r.-eely given to volt
Hut seldom found. '
Search deep down
In ihe meadow wide
For the one 1 1 1 1 1 - desire
That helped you ilecide.
And search some hidden poem
i-rom the master, t -,.
And walk in huely gardens A
here thy heart's own
manure", grow.