ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1937. SEVEN NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads, Prions 100 RATES First Insertion, per word.. -io acu sultu.ueul insertion, per woru .lc One week, uer Old. 6c One uioiuh. per Hue ..11.00 Minimum charge ..25c Coiiy tor this page will be accept' d until 11 a. in. ot the day of pub lication. Tbe News-Review assumes no responsibility tor and in uo way guarantees tbe financial responsi Winy or integrity of tbe advertis ers in tbe classified columns. Head ers are urged to make full investi gation before sending money in re sponse to advertisements The Nows-ltevlew reserves the rigbt to reject objectiouablo adver tising, it further reserves tbe rigbt to classify all advertising under tns proper classification. Livestock FOR BALE; 10 head good mouth ed ewes, healthy and In good condition. (.'. O. Crlteaer, Mel lose. 30 JIEAIi, real choice, young ewes for sale. Also good 6-year and 2-ycar-uld Jersey heifers, 1'iioue 1S8-J. XEAD and worthless livestock re moved free of charge. Itoseburg By-Products. Phone 62F12. KOK SALE 5 good weanling pigs, lit. 2, Box 93, Itoseburg. Over land Orchards. WANTED Chester White brood sows. Mrs. Margaret Uuucr, Myr tle Orcek. WEANED pigs- for . sale. - A. II Marah, Wilbur, Uarden Vulluy road. - .... FOR SALH-1 18-montlis-old Jersey bull. A. l( Roudiuan, Wilbur, Oregon. : - : SHEEP loi Fjilo. iiO bead young ewes. Clay Ulain, .Mi!o. VETERINARIAN Dr. II. B. Keith. 322 B. 2nd Ave. N. Phono B4-J. FRECKLES AND HIS 1 if . ' ' vTT ; , f W 'Sf2S-KSI YOUCAWT Vvt-LL, IF v,. - na-iilnf, mil! II Mil ' (' i o I I , U.jume;wvmakiqot ''7':' fl go w . A June W . Z.- TI r a-i ,yeah ? "iwere's A lot I - ., ;; ViWERE A THERE J ( HURT, I'M ( iT-xxJWf C MORE OF THEM N THERE: .... ) I i- MOB. PRECK ...I TWIKII4 1W iccuir 1 ft I f, ' vh! to itiitd ir QOMMA L CARRY ) ,,' '. . . Or fiFT otJI? eva J I MYR A NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE : icH , - Her Work Is Cut Out for Her By Thompson and Coll 2 t ; ... I I miss WORTH, AS A NURSE Y VES, I SEE VOU LATEG, JACK - I, 'l ( OOOD HEAVEMS.') HE'S ALL'S-SSIillS SI J I itW HELLO, WILLIE - I ? 'R VOL ACE FAWILIAE WITH (. DOCIOE-J I'M OOIMC IKJ TO RELIEVE I WHAT'S ALL . VOUES. KfSIS1!! M STILL FEEL LIKE ? ISARLV VOUR. DUTIES -ME. LAMB- V-N-t- WILLIE TEEM'S iTHIS? J9i( SISTEE.-M M I JBtl 1 PLAVIMG BOUGH? if WEKT MORWWO WILL STAND GUARD IM THE I WllGHT NUeSEGOOO wTTMa 'Miill fi 1 IT-" vr !. ' JACK" "-. OTHEC. .ORDERLIES f, t,;rtC - rJAyJ I ' 7VTT I'Mt, ! ! (( ' I -i C BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES All Explained By Martin 1 f 6Et Wt ,yooM6 LAOV - OJlWtO LMB CHOP ( '. '.'.'.'-''' 1 AWWW-LOOK Art ME- T 5"rTTTTS f feO 1 T II s A GOOO CAM'T AMO 1 GOT HOI OOO&l FoOTHERVAORS , OOMO A 7T- MS.VA UAOM'T BtTTEM... V LL VlOt'O BtTCre COMCtW'TCWE WlTl J RAV POTATO 1(0 6AVAO ,AVO SOUP Vvl ..'.'Iti- f -j . HtAW.T' VTCHIM' PThi - PlT A "PRVOATfc FOLM'b 60bTW M ' MARMf.(.OE WTV CWOP OW St& AVREM3V :6SU.V. 'i-V s8? ''Wc VOtK4EVSE TfcfcX : rBp tqei wtvcwEKi ooog j- i isim urn m- mmnm v bum I j WASH TjJBBS THe Worm Turns ByCrane" B UAur fl..STEN,HOU CXD BAG INPIAN5 MO HELPUM V fBl CHIEF COME ) WHV, VOU CANTANEROU -! ; r5-. t j 6UV IM LOOKiKlu PQg; &--J a'MS INTO Fj&HTINfa FOX AtoAiNi JF BONES, I NEED BOSS MAN.... LOWS TIME TO SETTLE 0K OLP POSSUM, I GOTTA, .2 t krl-r '7Xr ' 1 BgEZE lt-TOM y, .-.,7 -.SOME HELP' JS&OSS MAKJ TREATUM Wnr, MINC TO BUST SOUiekfc r. I; - "S tjwfl WmM I Wanted WANT small saw milt to Baw per thousand. 1 will deliver logs and take lumber from mill on a main highway in Coos county. Uood waiter show. Tell all about your outtit in first letter and if you will require financing before sawuig lumber. Box 45!, c-o News-Kevlew. TWO single or double windows. Sush only or with frames. Size and price. P. O. Uox 422. City. WANTED TO KENT Sheep ranch, 300 to 600 acres. f'.Z llayues til. Fuel QET your wood at ItoBeburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-luch ana 4-iool SEASONED wood for sale. Call 1SFU. Work Wanted WOKK wanted by myself and team, Plowing, logging, etc. C. A. Perkins, liox 196, Melrose Route. Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and iJallou Adding Macbines, sales and service. Roseburg liooK Store. Phone E90-J. Lost and Found LObT Small brown leather purse, containing money and receipts, - at or near Hellllinger's Mart. Leave at News-Review or 4US Ituwe St. Reward. Poultry WANTED -Roseburg , Eggs, and poultry, 'uultry. Phono 279. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM & X-Ray . Dr, Scofleld, Perkins Bldg. Dentistry IIR. O. W. MARSHALL S14 Medical Arts Bid., phone 59 FRIENDS For Sale, Miscellaneous KOIlLKIt electric light plant, in good condition. Will take tattle in trade. Write to U. UeUeinaidl, lillde, or call 3tiF15. WOMAN'S black, fur trimmed dress cbut, like new, size 16. CheHp. If taken at once. 419 Uuu bou St. MAYTAG sales and service. Radio Music Store, phone S3, 2li N. Jackson. TRAILER HOt'oK for sulo 16' long, 7' wide, ii nille south on hlguway. Automobiles "WINTERIZED" Used Lais mean less whiter trutible und mure comfort for you. lllol Dodge deluxe -1-door sedan. Motor overhauled, brakes and chassis checked. (525.00. 1929 Chevrolet couch, all ready to go. Worth J50.00 more. S145.0U. 1929 Ford coupe, a good running car, good tires and motor. 150.00. 1936 Dodge lSi-ton truck, almost! new tires, dual wheels, 1. v. b. ?695.0u. (6Ha.UU. winter driving. We trade aud give easy terms. ' Rest Used Cars in Town "SI" D1LLARD Ml 'TOR CO. USED CARS LOW PRICES DROP in and sec tills lino lino of used cars. Every car is clean, good rubber, good motor aud ready for the road. Your Willys Dealer 128 South Stephens SACRIFICE for rash l!):tn Pontine tudor sedan. Room 318, Hotel Grand. - Hay, Grain and Feed VOLUNTEER rye grass and grain , baled bay, $10.00 ton. Dick Val entine, Sulhcrliu. Trade FOR TRADE Radio tor piano. Gross & Harglfl. Finders Rentals FOR KENT 6-rooin modern fur nished house. Basement and garage. 118 Commercial avenue. Mrs. F. D. Newluud, Melrose Route. 2 COMFORT A RLE front rooms tor rent. Hot water, Ugbt aud beat furnished, close in. 216 South Jackson. FOR RENT .Modern, unfurnished bouse, close in. lteady by Christ mas. Phone 759-R. NICELY furnished, largo one- room apartment. Ready Decem ber 1. J. M. Judcl. FOR RENT Unfurnished, modern house on South Main St. Phone 3F22. FURNISHED apartment. 424 Floed, corner Mill. NICE, clean, warm room. -102 West Lano. Real Estate FOR SALE 179-acre stock ranch with river frontage, 9 acres good tillable laud, bulanco pasture with 8iiiull amount ot timber, 8 rooin house with electricity, old bain and other out-buildings. This li a bargeln at f21l)O.UO. See 11RLCE COMPANY ot Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE or Undo ror Roseburg property 50 acres, good im provements. Water in house and barn. Lots of wood. Handy to market. 81 miles out. 139 Sheri dan St. FOR HALE Real estate sulo con tract, balance $2200.00 (ij) 5. Address Box 156, c-o News-Review. MODERN home, close In, bargain. Will lake good auto In trade. . Arnold Rodley, Roseburg Motor Co. Miscellaneous MILK, grade A pasieurlzed or raw. Delivered daily. Dairy. Phone 38. Keepers BEWINU machine repairing, makes. 223 W. Oak. All FARM Auctioneer.' John Abeeue, Oakland, Oregon. ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Pb. 18L. Financial LOANS We make tonus ou Ira proved city property, for re modollng, building, refinancing. New low Interest rates. UMP QUA SAVINGS AND LOAN AS SOCIATION. CAMAS VALLEY CAMAS VALLEY, Nov. 21 Mi ami Mrs. Ernest Wheeler had their flock of Hiiiniishii'e Red chickens blood teste.d by poultry men from Corvallls last week. Lester Coutcs of Alleghany spent the week here with his wlte ami daughter whllo recupei-uline fruni having several teeth removed. Irvlu Crlbblns. who has been working for Mrs. Malissa True man for some time, left last week tor Coos county where be former ly made his home. Mr. and .Mis. Wllmer White are visiting in Olympla. Ou their was there they visited Miss Viola Rich ler, wlio is attending Linfield col- lego in McMtunville. and with Mr. aud Mrs. James right in Port land. .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Standley have a new Ford V-N purchased last week from Ihe Roseburg dealer. Jack Smith Is worKing lor Nel son brothers at the log pile below Holmes creek. The men are saw ing up the cull cedar logs lor bat tery slock. Mrs. Rosa Dobbins chiuo back last week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Vorn Simpson at Garden Val ley. She Is at the home of her sou, Everett .McFall. Mr. und Mrs. F. It. Drown spent lust Friday at their new i-aur-li nt Uinnqiia. Mr. and Mrs. V. It. Purl. i'l- of Myrtle Creek are going In siny on Ihe place for a while. Mr. Cross, who has been there lor a tew weeks, came home wilb Mr. and Mi'B. Brown on Krldnv even ing mill the next day went up to miry nnil l.lni-olii Thrush's I visit Tor a while. Mr. Cross spent some time at the Thrush homo and also worked for Frank Brown sev eral years ago. .Mrs. llernlece Stobie came from San Francisco last week where she has been staying with a sister fur several tnonliis. Alter visiting here with friends for a short time she went on to Portland for Barbara who now is quite well and able to leave the hospital. s. H. t'roy went to Marsmteld Friday to visit relatives for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. T. . Selgel ana children, Leslie and Marie, spent tbe week-end si the CoaBt. A. Larson of Looklngglass at tended to business mutters here lust Wednesday. Mr. und Mrs. Frank Albro and family of Tennille attended orches tra practice Wednesday evening. G, L. Coon returned to his home In Khiiuath Falls last week alter visiting hero wilb relatives tor some lime. Cumus Valley Blurted lu Satur day ou its third week ot ulnioBt steady rain. The river and all the small streams are bank full and outlying roads are getting in very bad condition. Mr. and Mrs. Tbolmar Farmer and family of Remote visited Hun- day at the homo of Mr. aud Mrs Kay Morgan. The remains of the late Charlie Belieu were laid to rest Silllduy alieriuion in the family lot in the Marlllldaln cemetery. Mr. mid Mrs.. .1. R. Wilson and Will. Urns! of Winston. Slellll lie- lieu and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cur ler or Itoseburg attended the fune ral of Charlie Belieu hero Sunday Mrs. T. G. Lavvson attended the Sunday school convention in Rose burg Saturday. YONCALLA YONTAIXA, Nov. 2fi.-Mi und Mm, Sum Wiikmittluiw left Tluu'H- ilsiy for n nix-wmk visit wllh rnlu Uvea In Sun KraiiL-lKCo und Simla Ana, (.'nil!.'. Mr. mid Mrs. Jim Tonur, Ken ncth Timor and Mrs. Mario Swear t'liKi'ii urn viHitiiiK rtdativoH in Klamath I'alla tor a fmv ihiys. Mr. and Men. Herman of (iratits By Blosser Hold Everything! "Mochslo Hnl Shop? One Vw.iH HpiMil TliankHKivliig day ut thu Stonaknr lionio. Mr. and Mra. J. (1. ApplcKaln eli tnrtainiMl at a turkey dlnnur at I heir tiiimi! ThunkHKiviiiK day as tlndr caputs, Mr. and Mi-h., Hiy lndd and family. f Mr. and Mrs. 'Ciarpnro MrKcrn ami Ktin, Hilly. 8 petit Tlninuhiy al li'iidinc a family reunion of the Mr- 2 Cones for 5c Saturday, Pints 25c Choice Strawberry ' Black Walnut Butterscotch Raspberry Pumpkin Hunt's. Super Creamed 328 N. New England Landmark HORIZONTAL 1,8 In 1 020 a irrouo ot li'JKllll colonWla landed at 1 3 Dpccpllon. 1.1 CotiKtcllatlon 14 Urn. Ill Nimlile. 16 Kvcry. 19 To coat with , nn nlloy. 20 To rnlunclc. 22 Worth. 2.1 French. 2!i Miirarnl spring 2H Form of "n." Answer to 44 To snarl, 46 Chinese money. 27 Musical note. 2R I.lon. 30 Type standard SI Lnrae. 40 Matter. 4D Assembly place, s B2To tear 32 Queerer. 34 Olrorenin. 3G Obnoxious plnnl. 38 Money ehnnRinff. stitchC3 54 Sun. 50 To makf ready. 87 Inlet. SO These in F.leelriciil unit 40 Mooley apple. colonists were s. 42 Street. 43 Cuble. CO Some had migrated from TUP KlElV JPHEAJ5ANjT AVAI L B o O OlT BP L EIA P "U T f 5 b n sBhjo mj:!s A L AD S A R blElNlEIR SDt L AH W i N D U HMir! dm& A THE JC a i fa ArrBBEE; T.QnI AlmKL A N d IeTm 9 V cBti l f BwohTDdBtii e la n d tab 6toJB c on RAlRjEtlToL I OBaiAiTlc BtRioiNiziEpCrlelDlfTa lie li : li 14 Vj l I I IS ' !o II n "V'p ft''4 rir sz np ttts """a35 ia ' 4 su r5i. ii I"1" lis l ' 1 Uss V mmimmmmmmmkmBliii jll o! your Tints Is sprouting!" Korn family in IlroiSnHvlllo. Ml, and Mra. McKer. Mr. and Mi'B. fionrnn Coon a and Mrs. Uio lln attended the county council of lho Townneud ellllm held in Hao burg Saturday. -o- Spend Day in Eugene Mr. and Mih. Arnold Uodley.of this city, spent ThankselvhiK day In Kuceiin. November 27 . Quarts 45c of Flavprs Vanilla r Chocolate , ,' ' Maplenut Banana ' ' r 1 Orange Sherbet Jackson Previous Puzzle carried the, colonists', 15 The pilRiimi came for . . freedom. 17 Candle, in Vestige. 21 Mattering machine. 24 Proverbs. 27 To Imitute. 20 Poem. .11 To implore. .11 Paradises, .15 Tardier. 37 Resinoid extract. 41 MiKlicr. 42 South America. 44 Aquatie bird. 43 Anything steeped. 46 RootMock. 47 Italian coin. 48Toro psste. 50 Jewel. 51 Hurrah! 5.1 Brooch. 54 Spain. 55 Pair, 56 Ell. 58 Paid publicity, VERTICAL 1 Chum. 3 Lixiviums. 3 Ken tales. 4 Hawaiian bird 5 Russian mountains. (i Sesame. 7ij)w river land. S Liquid part of fat. 10 WaRon. 11 Relative. 12 The ship