fc $ ' ROSfeBUftft NfcWS-ftEVlEW. ftftsfefitme. OREGON. TUfSDAV, NOVEMBER 23, 19" B . , . I lulflp more than half of normal. i ifO CDC lIHHI 1Q0Q ttrsrS&VJZ Virginia Will P M H h AS May be Winasor III III I II. I If M l?U IiIlUI i.u I - ' . I alfli U U UUUUUIIU , 1 TT j (miffl rinSTPSS r " VMS $1.15 Pint $2.20 Quart ,iu(Dn ri'itfft vmtirii iwmnu umm Finn T.xi)li:un :imt li Ik i-ntirn or- -.. 1.. I... I I'. M.l Moil. lu, Nov. Tl. alni vt i r 1 1 :,t mhr lulfi ilciJfiH lillil -t;tu s:ufsiii-ii from inaHically i-vry city urxl inv, u iii ( ) tvon Millh-i n Wiif-hiniMuii. t' J'.lt-!iil thf i.rM riimving in thf 1'ucil.c jiurlhv-.-t tti Hit l'i-'x I'tinl tiiiH. "Thtif iil !(; Iwu entirely tlis liiMl pitf k -iif-'t-r c:i!f," Mules I -a j hit it i. "a hi ii mini ! tinil u ib? lux" .ti -.t,!,,.:, ci nit' Jil.- fili:tiit':itri ami juke. Foul ill uImi nll'T n git-ally .xmini-f m?r ics of iiuckH an. I rtiiu mt'r:iul earn IiiHikIIiu' ii new (roup of(ni"-"ii- Business & Professional Women's ELEVENTH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING BALL ROSEBURG ARMORY Dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 MUSIC DY THE OREGONIANS THURSDAY EVENING NOV; 25th BENEFIT MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND mm Wffto ' jf.MOA m.M ,7'Sfl J -sir 4 fPiY yi t'H i'i ? -fc ' 4tl .. 'try Qcnubie Cnrjrawd OleJcluirj Invitations and Cnnmmccmcnh Lowest Prices Ever Quoted- AdJi.lonal Invita tions or Announo montn at4Vicoach 50 Enorctvod At Homo or Roc-option Cards $5.50 Additional Cardj ct V.'ic each Cholco ot 35 Dilloront SIy'.os of I.olloiing. Prica Includos Insido nni Oulsido Ens'olopos FOR 50 No Extra Charge lor Enrrravlng Plato S'liuuli man be - ru til HitTi-inl i-:ir i:iiiurt. "Chii-r hiiioiik the many iinprovp liifnla in Ili4 I'orU lin are thf iMilir'-lv ti'ontal dt-.simiH oi lioih thf BtaiMhirrl and le Inxi- niO'Jt'lK. l(iui tomii iiikhI.; tin? rai n nil luxurious appointMi'-nts ni'Vfi hcloli' ol l'ti'it in I he low-ju lc i liilil In fart, in my i.oimon. Hit- I'oul V tor I'J-': olfi'in more tin money than any ollnu' ..v..!- I. mil t.v ll-nrv Foul. "I-., nl mi'i luruanl in IMS with a hioailiT lino ol anil trail,!, tiifin ft-r l'1"oit' in tin' tii.story ot the i oni jui ii v ." I'nl.lli- HlnitAiiii! lorally of tin- ni'M liioili-ls v. ill h.- alinoum i-a shortly. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE Virginia Will Wed Director I - - i ELECT fliD FEAST i 1'OltTLANI.. Nov. f AIM ! in.licinifiits H'Hiiii.mI 1y u .Miiltiiu ! until i tmiiiy kniiicI jury chaiKt-.l i Kiel W. ;'Hiiail iili'l I-'rank M. I Cfrinaii. his sun, "i'li tnil-zzln-ui' iii ami lum-ny liy hailcn on fnni t ct:inis. .inviflifiii of I'rank (It-rinan on a im-viuiiH fliiiix't r'T.'-iiily wais 'set JiHitle in tinuit court. Anolht-i ! intlit iiii'-nt HKiiinxl ' '" 'wo 'ariiiiiM Fn-rl Ci.-iiuaii ar pfiuliiiK. j lloth wcrf oiricialH of Un 1'iftl W. ilfiinan Itf-alty company. j 1'OUTLANI), Sov. 2?,. AV) J Veali - yttn can hunt pigeons in j I'tirthind, and without hn.'akinK a law. I'nlic!' iuvo.stlKatOfl a man stalk ing ihf hiniH in a r.-.-mk-ntial li ' iih l. )' aitl liiK laniily wns hun Jfji'y. ho Hit'y islif.l hi in luck after inspfctiim liin w capon. It u an a bean Khoott-r. ; la chasm:. Nov. 23. (api I Tho third huiKlary In thriM diiyn 1 in I'niun county occurred ovnr tin 1 ivt-i'k-i'nil w ln?u t!io Haf( of a flour mill at Tnion wits blown and $ Jttoh'ii. K11 tlicr in tint wttelc, two La (Jiiiiide biiini'MH t'H(nl)!isIitiiciitH wens hurKlarieil. tor ,- t c 11 i- .1 si I I Douulas County Post m us- H-rs iiriKticiuiion held their re",nlur lilt-t-tUlK tliht mplit at the I. O. M. V hall in Suiherlhi, with Pottl-inawtt- Krank O. VounK as host po-iu-asler. Kollowing the ban quet u program of tap dam-hiK by Patty Ann Jordan and Kdna Kutti Itt nl and sotifcn by June Vouiik wan t-iijoved. The biisiue.Mi Bession was conducted by .Mrs. Pearl La whom, ret in 11: president. Alter the busi- nestj session, talks wt;it nlven by I larrv .Mahoney of Oakland and Clvdo C'ar.stens ami J,-Hitr Wim- h.-ilv of kotit-huTK. followed by an iiifornml (NacuHiiiou of postal mattein. IliiriiiK the heHton, beo. Mct ullou'-'h tf keedsport vn el- filed president for the coilliiiK vear and Mr. Vounn of Sutherliu ji-tdecteU Hecretary-treasurer. An liivitatitin exiendetl by PostmaHter li:au lieieknian of Myrtle (reek to met-t lilt-it for the next me i inn wan at-cepted. llesitles wives 1 and uue.siH of iiostnianteih. the f(d lowing postulate i'H were in aitentl- ante: liiyan Deickman. -Myrtle ( reek; Mih. Pearl LawHon, liitltile Ilari'V Mahoney, Oakland; Prank t. Vounu. Stitlieitin; Kdward K, Kt-lho. Yoncalla; (J. V. Oilllam Winchester, and Lester L. Wim- berlv, UosehuiK. Clyde W. CaiHt ens. assiHtant postnianter of Koh'1 bui'K, also attended. SCOUT CONFERENCE WELL ATTENDED NKWI'OHT. Nov. 23 (Al1) O. V. Ih'itwn. sirei't KiiiH'iintiMnlcnt, li.'i:iiiMl to Hlulco out llio catch ha nins of I ho ('it'ys ilrainaKo .systom. Ho ultuWieil a Iiohi' willi a curvctl 110zli' to a liyilrant ami turncil on tho water. Tin !ul-poiiinl pn'ssuri! turn it out of ti 1 k hanilH ami heforo in; coulil Kot it uniler control, thren lar-'c i)lalO:KlaHH wiuilow'H ill a store were hlown nut and u hIiow case ilitimiKeil. VirKinla Uruce. lop, who lor more than a year since the cicnm ot Actor John Gilbert has been j hy uui,,,, v. Donian, field j-lollywooa s mosi popui.u we ow, will mnrry at Christmas time her director, Jack Walter Ruben, below. Miss Eruce be gan her theatrical career In th follies and is considered one ol Hollywood's loveliest blonds. . i : ? J $- M 11 mmm i 7 - , 4 it sr t 1 ...in. ,.,r iIiaii half of normal. Sales by wholesalers to reianeio ranped pt-nerally around 221c and up to 2:tc for toms ami " to 27c for best hens. The demand chiefly was for hens, a yhortaKu be ing apparent. TWIN BABIES OF W. P. PERRYS DIE Funeral services were held in Eut-'eue Monday for Infant twin daughters of Mr. and .Mrs. V. P. I'irrv of Itoseblliy. The Kirls died at hirlh Saturday lit til" KuBene llopttlil. CHILDREN'S OXFORDS 98c Goldie's Booterie Roseburg's Only Exclusive La dies' and Children's Shoe Store ALLEGED LOLETA BANK BANDITS HELD 1 1 iei talks j An inirresiiiiK aim wen auenuod llov Scout coni 'erenco was held last nittht at the I'mpqua hotel, with K. J. Wainscolt, chairman presiding. Following group Hing iiug. P'tl bv Hoy Pettey, and the invocation by Itev. jv Itaynor Smith, discussions were directed exeeii' j livo; L. P. Heesley, m-out exoeu- tlve, Medford, ami K. w. Mull, coin niissioner for the Douglas tiistiict. Special features included talks on various phases of scouting by local scouts, KpnukerH being Jack Josse, Mike Sullh'n, Oalo Horgen and Winston Taylor. It. A. Mollis of Itoseburg. and Alton K. Haker and K. U. Sallee of Kuj-nnt hIho mnde Bachrach. When the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visit Washington, charming Mrs. Harold Sims, above, and her husband, an at tache ol the British embassy, will be hosts to the couple, ac cording to Washington reports. Mr. and Mrs. Sims are old friends of the duke. Mrs. Sims has refused to comment on any entertainment plans. o - PKNI-LKTON, Nov. 2:t (AIM Henry Arkell, IVndleton patrol man, leii an ovcit inn; parking tick et on the car ol' In. Fred K. Fur rlor, local dentist , Saturday. The dentist pleaded lnilliy to Hie Inli ne charge today and paid SI fine. He said he intended lo move Ills car sooner, hut was kepi busy o eit ime coin plot I ng dental work tor. the patrolman's daughter. rcrClli.NK, Nov. An uniden tified k unman w ho shot through a window of the K. 10. llfltibraml home ; while occupants played bridge Sunday night narrowly missed Mrs. Ililtibnind ami Mrs. O. L. Kieuzle. SILVKltTON, Nov. 21! Paul Coyne of Monitor, Ore,, is renort ed In a serious condition ul a local hospital with injuries received when his automobile collided with auolhci' Monday after noon. The driver of the second vehicle, whose name w as not Known to the au thorities, brought Coyne to Silver (on. PORTLAND. Nov. 2:t Hilary Hell told police he was wanted at Louisville, iy., wlieuce he had fled when he found some $:tiu) had been taken from the safe of th st on he managed. Police, tele graphed an inquiry and found Hell was not wauled hut his store keys were. DOUGLAS HOTEL HAS NEW MANAGEMENT F.t'RKKA. Calif., Nov. 23. (AP) United States ( 'oniinisHioner Nuves bound Italpll K. Johns, .1.1, and Welilon McAllinch, 2S. over to a federal nnml Snw chaiKcs or hank robbery and assault with a daimerous weapon, Willi hall Bet at $.riOtlMlil each. A complaint sinned by nil I'Td lifcnnt chai Ki"! I lie I wo, who runic here four months alio from Port land, lire., held up the bank l.iileta lit .( Krlclay. lakhiK 23!l.!)i) In carh. 'stocks and bonds. Sheriff loss said all hill approxi mately 5:I,imiii in cash had been re-,,,v,.,,.,l nail WPA HEAD COMING TO DISCUSS WORK A lame altenilance of persons ! Interested ill WPA activities for ; HoukIils counly is lli'Ked lor the j ncr niectiiiK to he held Monday, Nov. 2!l, at the Umpinia hotel, li. J. (Iriffitli. WPA adininislrator for Oregon, will he present and will iIIsciish llin acllvilies of his depart ment. .1. A. HnrdliiR, chalrinan of tile county plininiliK conimlssioii, has called a meutliiK of thai lioard, and invilations also are extended to the city council, chaniher 01 dinner meetitiR lo be held Holiday, m. The date is Monday. Nov. 2, Instead 'Of Saturday as erroneous ly announced previously. TURKEY MARKET IN PORTLAND REVIVES PORTLAND. N.iv. 23. (AP) A complete chance in lurkey mar kets here appeared today, with the slllftirish tone of Sunday and Mon day beliiK siipers'"ded by unexpect ed activity, with prices firm to a fraction heller. liecliils were a "A Dinner Without Wine, Is Like a Day Without Sunshine." Ben Johnson. FOR YOUR Thanksgiving Dinner Haut Sauterne or Burgundy, delicious Dinner Wines Pride of McKenzie Blackberry, Cherry and Orange Wine, Qts. $1.00; Pts. 55c A fresh shipment of Tom & Jerry Batter All kinds of Mixers Santa Lucia Pints 40c Quarts 75c gallon $1.25 Senorita Pints 30c Quarts 50c 4 gallon .1 90c Gallon .-. $1.50 Open Thanksgiving Day Bell's Basket Grocery 1 24 S. Jackson St. . mice in li-i.u.iv,.. - i ,. ,ii,-,..-ir. i-fmesen'a- II I H vimnm-i -...v- - i'imi'..uuiil iiiiiilclimtlou luddup. but that McAninch tlenieu I be charges. GAS KILLS WAR VET AND FAMILY Or rUUK lives of civic clubs, anil any in dividuals desiriiiK lo attend. The Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. lnaiills, and son, ltussell, recently of Tai'iuna. Wash., have assumed inanaKeuii'liI nl the hoimlus hotel, succeedinu Mr. and Mrs. Pay Wilson, who have moved to Ciinliy. lll'i'. Mrs. hmalls is a sisler ol" I r. It. I Mm ii of ibis city. Arcoinpnnyiiic, her In this illy was I'. M. IHllin. Tacouui. father of Mrs. lim'alls and lr. Hiiuii. nitlllCKl'tlHT, Cnnn.. Nov. 23. f.M') Hayninnd l". Yeoman, l'ri Cunadhm World war velernn and star athlete diiliim Ills colh'l-'i! days, his wile and t heir three chil dren died today of lllliininatillK Has poisonimr. Medical P.xaniiiicr lii'l.ma said the i;as seeped IhroilBll a crack 111 Ihelr cellur wall from a leak in a sheet main. Yeoman vvus associate peneral secretary ol me ioiiiik. .." t'hiisiian usfoclation here. SPANISH REBELS BOMB COAST LlllbS MAllltlll. Nov. 23. (AP) Span ish coastal elites from narcelona 10 Valencia were boiuheil uiuny Liy in- sui'Ki'in air raiders operaiini! iium llieir Malliircii islanil oase. Anionic the towns attacked were Tarracolla. Iti'illcarlo. I'euisrola and Aniposla. Two planes drop ped loads of bombs on Pelllsrola and lleiilcvarlo. with rather heavy : casualties. j Three hombers allaekml Tarra iion.i and. afler a fisht with Mov ernmclll aircraft, flew nut lo sea I Alnl'oslu It's E.-isy To Be Mistaken About STOMACH TROUBLE Stomach sufferers should learn the truth about ULCERS. UAS. ACID, IMUIGIiSTION, belching, heartburn, constipation, etc.. duo to excess acid. FREE UDGA Booklet contains facts of interest. TheSth edition, justofTtho press, may prove your first step to hap py stomach comfort! Clin this to remind you to ask for the UDGA Booklet at Cii..enian'3 l'lfirmacy znm Km THESE PRICES FO R WEDNESDAY ONLY ;i r.'. Thanksgiving Specials ?; ;; WiyF A Complete rtaientdN. , BB8E& Highest Quality Mince Meat 2 lbs. 15c Si Dillard Motor Co. ROSFBURG. ORE. FLOWERS it) 1'1'V if H-?" For Thanksgiving 9 Centerpieces 9 Corsages Box Flowers Phone 2 4 0 The Fern Florists 222 North jarkson St. 1. 2. EXTRA RICHNESS QUALITY Of "SLOW MASH"6KENTUCKY WHISKYJ Oysters L:19c jagi35c Pop Corn ,lSc fhSr' s,.. 49c Crackers 2,, l&g Dates 2pounJ, 17c Cheese s?l9c Olives Sum,in Hc THAT TAKES MORE TIME AND GRAIN TO MAKE MADE AS BROWNFORMAM MAKES IT PUMPKIN DIAMOND A 3 large cans 25c SINGLE PRICE 90 PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY BR0WN-F0RMAN DISTILLERY COMPANY LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY . . . SINCE 1S70 PINT 85 QUART $1.55 GALLON $5.85 ORDER YOUR TURKEY Now for a choice from our fine selection of first grade turkeys. Cranberries Quart 9c Sweet Potatoes 6 lbs. 19c Celery Jumbo Size Utah, stalk Be Grapefruit Fancy Arizona, 4 A t 3 fo; AlfC We reserve the right to limit jRo;