TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1937. Sunday fWA0 First Aid Teaching Rapidly Expanding SDailE Devotions liy hit. I'll AS. A. KlWAitlS 'e think ni Hi.' ilitiy of Chi inti(tn woi litp: n-i hiipH wtt Hhuultl think utuif tf it prtvi It'K) uikI vjtliif. TIhoiikIi wor ship lite K'-ix i'" iiiHpiratiou, bill it Khouhl iilso wi ilx Kiiiut opportunity l"r Helt-rxpn-Hsinji bllil m-lMetlititlinn. hi uni'HliIp Ginl'M t-pi i It hlioulcl rpmil in u nitmt positive mill ih-i iv way, The I'rtJtlllllft IIIKI'K iMIiri to en ter fully ami mtlVH.y Into ttiu great opportunity 'if worship ami to realize tin KpintHnl mace mid ciiKiiih of ttoiil whirl, H may hihm. Our Heavenly 1'atln-r. for the privih'ui! of ruiniiiK lo Thee, teliiiit; Thee nil r neeil ami woi tthipphiK in Thy pivMeiire, e cun inner hi Hiuh'Tnl enough. Iu Thou leach iih how to piny, how to teHpoiiil to Thy xpiilt in limine ami woinhip anil Khnl nettt of heart, thiotiKh J chub Chrlet our lxnl. Amen. meeting each Sunday evening. 1'eo-I pin' nlnhi on Tltii!rclii and pray- j er inet'iiiiK uli Tuemluy evening, i Church of Jesut Christ of Lat- ! ter Day Saint. Suniiiiy m houl 1" u. hi. i::o .Siiiitli Ja hnuii nin-H. In- ' enticaioi-H tuprruilly w el oiitu. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Corey mnl Military hire.-!. W'vat Hoselwrn. Tin- kit ice nf Htiielay. Sox. 7, Im Tins ut II a. in. The Siimiay mlion! iiifi-iH at !: !.' a. m. All pupils are in K"nl ly i i-(ii-nh-l til III' plc.-Hl IIII tilIM' MIKe piilt of thf Snmliiy h hool hour u ill In UHfil to pi ;m lire tor I In )hiiniji;i Hft v iciv f muM i iir-li.illy mv;ie all tn ullt'iiil our Kcri'iif iiiid S ii it - I 'lay school. A. S 1w.-hIt. 117m Military Htreei. pastor. Full Gospel Assembly, located at WinrheHter sheet ill htK (inapt I j timt, A. Hainhl Pertting, pastor. Km vieoM for Kutulny: Sumlay xi-hool at il:4&. U'lllUm llmnip superintendent of m-hooU. We are Intcrenteil hi your Hpiiitual wel fare ami we winli you wouhl mini'. MorniiiK worship heuinnitiK ai II o'clock. Kveiiint! hitvht ai i.:to. Hev. IVrnliiK npe;tkin al Ijoth ser vice. Hervireft lor the mnilllK week: Tuemlay nitthl at 7::io in (tpiratlonal m-rview. Thurxtlay morn iiiK al S:;tu. tune in to KHNIt ami llMeli to "Kllll Cosp.-l Church of the Air." l-'riihiy nifOit at 1:'.W pan tor will he aHHlxtcil by youiiK pen pie. Dlllard Circuit: Dillard. 1" a. in. Sunilay hcIiooI. ti::W P- in- Kpwnrih l,eaue. 7 :'A p. m. pii-uchiiii; hit Vice. MeHHnue liy ItfV. Sydney Hall. Locikingalass. lo a. in. Sun ilay Hi liool. II a. ni. pieachim; ser vice. Me(ane by ev. Sdney Hull. Camas Valley, lo a. in. Sun day Hiliool. The district Hiiperln tendent will premh hotli inornlim iind evenlnn on (he eirciiil. Vcni will waul lo hear IiIh liiHpii iim meH hhki'H. Let all Die iih'IIiIm-ih and fileiidH of the church he prcHcnl. llen IV White. Free Methodist Church. Sunday Hiliool !:li'. Clnsx nteetillK 1,1 MeelliiH of . llM . J-. S. .I'l; 1.".. Thero will he no preuchiiiK Sun iluv ninrnlMK. Sunday evenlntf Her Vlee t 7::lt. Ynn are welcome to nttend these Hervtcea. The church Is maintained tor your nood and the Kuutl of Hie coniiniiulty. I'hh lor, .Marvin KiiIkk Calapooia Free Methodist Church. Sumlay. Nov. 7. Sunday Hehonl 1" a. m. rreachinn: 11 a. h. Vn wish to welcome tlione who live In and near the Cuhipnnhi com iniiuit v to at lend I hem' nei vice. Siindav Hehonl Ih held every Sun diiv mnrnhiK al m. and on the lirsl Snmlav of Hie month pieachln iiniueiliately urter Sunday school, rarttor, Marvin Kni'e. First Church of Christ. Scien tist, :II2 Kant I limit Ih Hlreet. Uej; uiar Her vice Sunday at 11 a. in. Siihleel ot Ii'hhuii, "Aihiin and Kal- len Man." Sumlay school coineneH ut i : 4 r a. m. Wednesday eveinn meetlUKH w men lliciuue m'huhh-"-te of healtnn ami leimukH on Christian Science, are held at S ii clock. The rcadiim room In the front of I he church eilitice in open ilailv except Sunday and holiday from 'i to I p. in. Here the Hilile and all anihoi l.ed Chrlsilau Sci ence literal lire may he t end, bor row ed or subscribed lor. The pub lic i cordially invited to attend the church services and lo lslt Ihe readtiiK room. The Churches of Elkton linite alt people ni the communiiy to be preseui at their meetinnw. I lie M K vhvueh worships both nimlium and eveulnu ot eiich Sunday. Ynnnu people" meetiim each Monday uilit. Sunday school at lo a. in. each Sunday. The iVniecusiul chinch worship each Sunday inmn and cveniim. Yomm people's Glide Baptist Church. In n, m.. Sundiiy Hehonl, Mrs. l-'red Asa in. superintendent. t'luKsen lor nil. We welcome you. 1 1 n. in., pieuchiiiK Hervice, Hieme, "A Model Church." p. in., Ii. Y. I'. I'. Come and enjoy Hi Ih nei vice. 7;3o p. tu., buiik nericp. H:rn n. m., tireacliiiic erv-i ice, "Thu King of Kinj'.4 and His ProKiam for Tliiw World." .Monday,1 7:u0, prayer ineetitiu at paisomiKe. Wednesday, 7 :.'tn, prayer nieeijiiK. i "Whiuliin Souls." 1. S. Cox. piistor. ; The Salvation Army. A w mm welcome iiwailn ymi at Ihe Salva tion Army, I07 W. Cuss slreei. Sun-i lay Ni iniui ai Hi: no u. in. iloliitcn , nieeilni; ll:on , m. ami evening! servhi; ut mom p. m. Ciipt. Sibyl1 Jensen mnl l.ieut. 'ilud;..s I will I lie SpeiiKiliU ill both HerviceH. I First Baptist Church, .1. I!, Turn-1 bull, Minister. !i;:t(i m. m. inaver im eliim. ii; l.'i n. m. Hi hi 1 Hclmol. .Mvin Tipton, supet inteu.leni. (!l;isert lor all iwvn of bolll Sexes. A liVe-depill tmelll h hool. II 11. III. mm 11 jut; worship, broadcast over KUXK. Fie minute message by IV. (I. ViillSleellbel uh, of the lte uinll (iospi l .iifi.--i(iii. A 111 ll-m. "Take My Life." Solo. "Keipiii-m" lSydnc Holier), . I. M dains. Ser mon. "The Km) 1 lold Vision." ii:Ho p. in. Junior :tnd senior II. V. I'. I'nions. 7::!o p. in. (iospel serviee'. Tell minute hy inll-siliK. l ive uilu-1 ill it carl 0011 talk. M ixed t marl el . : MesuailleH Itill'lel and TllDllluil. 1 AleHsiH. Adams nud Tiirnlmil. "Thouyh Your Sin- He as Scarlet." Sermon. "The I y, . of Atonement and its Antitypes." Tuesday 7 :t"i inchest 1 a practice. '.) : no choir re heaiHal. . Wednesday 7 :-:al ' j.. ' 111. . prayer, praise 11 ml llible h 1 1 1 I . Suhiec,,"The Ailvvnt 01 '"the Holy Spirit." s : p. in, h ml v foi' per soiial workeiH. ThiiiMlay I : l'i p. in. Armistice ilay dessert liiiiclieoli ot Ladies Aid Hiicieiy. Church of the Naznrene. One block east of I he court house on Doimlas si reel. Sunday school at In: 1111 under the supet vision 01 Hurry Webb. Siipt. Children not In attendance elsewhele ale extended a cordial webome to attend our Sumlay school. I'aietiis, you ow e It to your children - the oppoi tiinliies of a spiritual education. PriMchinu service at ll:on, "The Christian's Stteniiih." and ouiii' people's service at 7 : " p. in. I'reacliiim ai;;iiii at 7 : on 1 he j Hiihiet-t. " Kfim Ciindlut: Corn"' r few frJU is . :. HOW TO LIFT AN INJURED PERSON Too oftan an Injury ) com pounded through wrong handling of the Injured person. Red Cross First Aid teaches how to treat victims of accident. Serjeant Paul Parson of the Mate police, chad man of thu first aid committee of tlui American Ut'd ( 'loss, states I bat I lie Douulus county chapter is inakini; nipio progress in 1 each i 11 k first aid llnounliout the county. The slate police, tiienn-11. industrial riouis and many others have ImiK heeii aware that improper ualiillinK 01 an injured person often aniawite. the injury. sometimes causing death. People trained In first aid know how to take care of ictiiu of sudden illness or accidents in the proper manner while awaiting 1 physician No community should be without it corps of first alders. PlaiiH hip being made now to hold cluHttfH tliroiiKhout the county dur ing the enduing yeur. IlTi people were trained In first aid in the county this past. year. Particular credit in this work is Kiveit to lalo Stephens, file chief, and Kdna drown of the telephone company, who jjave many hours of time to teaching of first alid. Oth ers, amonir whom are the doctors in the CCC -auiis, also graduated many people in this fine work. Your contribution in the I toll Call. heuinnhiK on 'November 11. will make it possible to continue this wink. inp church worship at 7:30. Theme, "KeshapinR S'our Person ality." Youths' meeting following ihe evening worship. Professor bra id of the local btph school will .4111!; (o the proup on the theme, "Are School Teachers Human Ue iiiL'a?" Public ieakimt cIiihs on TueHiluy HveniiiK ut 7:u. Open to the public without charge. Mid week Hi bl Htudy on Wednesday evening ut 7:3". The prayer uer vlce hegtns at 7:00 and doses at 7:2-" P- in. First Methodist ' Episcopal Church, S. Itaynnr Smith. .Minis ter. Sunday school at !i:l-V Morn ing worship at II o'clock with Armisiici day Hertnon by Ihe paH tor lui- by the choir, with Mrs. Gordon Stewart playing the Ham mond concert organ. Epworth League, al 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30 when the pastor will speak on, "Yep, I Can Know God." Pray er meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. We Invito you lo worship with tin. First Presbyterian Church. Dr. O. Vanuteonberghe, of the Belgian gospel mission, will speak ut the Pi ehbytei iu n church at 11 u. tu. Sunday. At 7:L'fi p. in, organ ves per service conducted lry .Pra. Homer . Grow. T(f;e evening ser vice will celebrate the century of Missions in t h e Presbyterian church. A tit ereopt Icon will be used with exceptionally fine sl'des illustrating the mission work eon- ducted in different parts of tbe I Attend to Business-Sam MUler, world hy the Presbyterian church. 0f the state forester's office at ba Our Ribl school meets at y:4a a. i,n mid Leslie C. Cummlngs, m. Wa welcome strangers. Young jHiate inspector with headquartora tifionie's nipetinps nt fi:ao o. m. In- iin ii.a iiniirias County Fire Patrol termediaie and senior ages. All young people not attending else where welcomed. Hible slum ut Eden bower Tueaday evening at 7: So in the Bradley home. Wed nesday evening at 7:30 Dible study and praise service iu church par- 1 1 V (Subject : "The Dual Na ture of Christ." Thursday evening Hible jn Cleveland churcti. Win. C. Fuucette, minister. , Episcopal Church. Holy com muuiou 7:30 a. im Commemorative Armistice day service ll:0u. Kiddle 7:30 p. m. Perry Smith. association office, ultenueu i buHinesK at Glendale this week, and yesterday Mr. Miller returned to Salem. Constipated? 1 bad stubborn eooiUptUoa. svfut ll blMUnC bndulies tod bade ptJo. AdtolU trtpod riibl tway. Now. I cat uumc. bantu. 0. aA7ttU Kverrdtbetur." Mw. Mabd Bcbott MslUJgllWil Chapman's Pharmacy Tuesday, col i age prayer ser ice will be aiinouiii ed Sunday. Itegu lar Thursda eveiiiim pi aver meet ing al tlie chinch at 7: Leonard C. Johnson, pa.stor. Glad Tidings of the Air over KKNK S:l-' to ii : no Sum fay morn iu. Subject, "The Parable of the Three Measures ol Meal which He came Lcatencit." Begin thw Isold's day by Hsicning to HIk glad tid ings. Ira K. Kaukin, inlliiKter. 3 Till South Main street. First Christian Church, corner of I oui:las and Kane streets, l.ludi-ii G. I.eavitt. niiuisie;-. Church school be-ins at Ji : a all gi oiiiM. The people's class JH .school worship, worship a) lu:3 Sei r t ol 1'ow er to eondiict the Morning church Theme. "The Christian En- d avori' el al (i:3u p. tu. Even- in. Classes tor iimii - mari-ii! Cause ILL HEALTH FAILING GLANDS Pri'inatiin-ly wciik, fuilinn Klaixinofl'" -tribiiti-ioiinii-hilllifallh. Men and womi-n often r'H'il tlie I'lniiil ntiitiulruiM n inpiiiiiiiteit in naTo GHAND MOGUL PELLETS. Try them on thin money Imrl. .ifT. r. Jl f'r 2-week h treal inent.'l k.'T tay. If vlirrtHift htvlth nl hi'lpiil. munvybuck. Niriik,mchaiiee. You're Ihojudtfa. I'hapiuau'H I 'liar mac y Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 6S1-J R. R. 2, Box 22C Roseburg, Ore. If cpn h! SNOW FLAKES FOR FLAVOR Wings wf the Morning! . It's the FUvor mellows his morning mood anJ sets his heels a'tlitking '. , that Schilling Flavor. Schilling Coffee One for l'eruil.itor-another one for Prip or Glass Maker. " Here in the West we're proud of our crisp, crackling lettuce, and equally proud oi our favorite salad accompaniment, dainty, mildly salted Snow Flake Sodas. Just as our lettuce comes from nearby fields, so Snow Flakes come freshly packed from a nearby National Biscuit Company bakery. Open the familiar red wax-wrapped package and see how they blush with the golden touch of the oven. Then you can readily understand why Snow Flake crackers make delicious salads taste better. Enjoy Snow Flakes, too, with soups, cheese and sea foods. Ask your grocer for the econ omy 2-pound "family" sizo package. Two pthp rrnvooiprd - sMauL ASK FOR ?Sj SNOWiFLfeKES AND ENJOY UNSURPASSED JOUAtlTY NATIONS I. BKrTITi COMPANY ' For Week-End of Nov. 5 to 10 Inclusive These are the buys of your life! Made possible for you by our huge buying power take advan tage of them to stock your pantry. Red & whit; CLAMS FRUIT 2.tat SAljD I Scan, 59C NU I 6 eaS 1.15 55f Red & White APRICOTS No. 2i Red & White GRAPE FRUIT No. Red & White GRAPE FRUIT JUICE No. 303 Red & White PEACHES No. 1 fancy sliced Red & white peaches No. 2J's, sliced or halves Red & White PEARS No. 2',s ... Red & White PINEAPPLE JUICE No. 2 Red & White ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS No. 1 can Red & White FANCY Our Value CUT BEANS No. . 3 cans 59c; 6 cans $1.15 .3 cans 49c; 6 cans .97 3 cans 65c; 6 cans $1.27 6 cans 92c; 12 cans $1.77 . 6 cans 57c; 12 cans $1.08 . 6 cans 67c; 12 cans $1.23 ..3 cans 65cj 6 cans $1.25 ..3 cans 65 c; 6 cans. $1.25 ..6 cans 87c; 12 cans $1.67 ..3 cans 74c; 6 cans $1.40 . 6 cans 79c; 12 cans $1.53 . 6 cans 59c; 12 cans $1.15 Red & White PINEAPPLE No. 2'2's Sliced or Homestyle 1.40 c- Blue & White OYSTERS No. Vs Tall 6 ca 12 85c 1.65 Red & While Mayonnaise Red & White KIDNEY BEANS No. 2's 6 cans 59c; 12 cans $1.15 Blue & White SLICED BEETS No. 2's 6 cans 59c; 12 cans $1.15 Red & White GOLDEN BANTAM CORN No. 2's 6 cans 75c; 12 cans $1.43 Our Value STD. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 303 size 6 cans 59e; 12 cans $1.15 Red & White SIFTED PEAS No. 2 6 cans 93c; 12 cans $1.77 Raycroft PEAS ... . Standard No. 2 6 cans 65e; 12 cans $1.23 Red & white spinach No. 2's 3 cans 49c; 6 cans .97 Pint MART COFFEE Lb. Bags Per lb. 23c SunSpun SALAD DRESSING QUARTS 37c Red & White PUMPKIN No. 2 2's 6 cans 56C 1.09 ,--!.-.,- -'I . m II I IIII I Mill -j'- lur I It'll HIM Red & White TOMATOES No. 2A's 3 cans 46C; 6 cans .87 Blue & White TOMATOES No. 2'n 6 cans 59C; 12 cans $1.14 Red & White TOMATO JUICE No. 1 cans 6 cans 49c; 12 cans .96 Brimful HOT SAUCE 8-oz. cans 6 cans 25c; 12 cans Del Rogue TOMATO PUREE No. 2 cans... 3 cans 25C; 6 cans Our Favorite CATSUP 14-oz. bottle 3 for 34c; 6 for .47 .47 .63 tTTPRl J10U LJ Lt l ,TMF- REST THE MARKTjaEEflBlrVL. Trie following merchants in Roseburg and surrounding territory will serve you: B. R. Richler & Co Camas Valley E. T. Stenscth Yoncalla L. J. AUn Suthorlin Frank Biadstrect Riddle N. D. Cool Drain N. R. Fisher Kclley's Corner C. J. Grimm Roseburg 1, B. Nichols Brockway H. F. Hebard Umpqua A. G. Hcnninrjcr Glcndale W. R. Anderson Roseburg L. E. Hcnninger Canponville Morgan's Grocery Roseburg Reynolds & Adams . ..Myrtle Creek R. O. Thomas Elkton H. R. Underwood Oakland Ellison & Ellison DilWtrd o