Collapse of the CIO-AFL Parley at Washington Means That Pieces Instead of Peace Is StUl the Status of Union Labor, And the Chief Loser Jsabor Its THE WEATHER Humidity 4:30 p. m. yesterday 73 Highest temperature yesterday 78 V Lowest temperature last night 5B ' Precipitation for 24 hours .Vi. . . Prerip. since first of mouth , Pretip. from Sept. 1, 393? 3.42 Deficiency sineo Sept. 1, 18:17 .PJ Partly cloudy to cloudy. " WORST TO COME Tti Shanghai ban In enlwrtee H fiwesl s, wstft Increased jxirf! to all forKisncra, Ftt wit It ihp fcirt kftUni; of British titers means prsbafch grsye ems Miralfmut. Fttftow tt daily 4f-it(-bs in the NKWS-RBViEW. DOUGlJS COUNTY DAILY ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1937. VOL. XXVt NO, TT OF THE EVENtNG HEWS NO. 157 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW up ra n THE WISE 0)0) Sill Editorials on the DaysNewsl IJy FRANK JENKINS ' LIKRUKnT HOOVKR, addressing the Massachusetts Stale Re publican club In Boston, calls upon the Republican party to "arm It self with new facea and new blood to flKttt the New Deal's creeping collectivism." fHAT Is plain talk. but like so many of Mr. Hoover' utter ances it needs to be translated Into language understood by the man In the street. and his New Deal are heading us straight Into DICTATORSHIP, In one form or unother, and unless KOMKUODY amuses us to our dan ger before It is too late we shall suffer as other misled and bam boozled peoples have suffered. T"11K Republican party, he says, is our NATURAL LBA1IKR in Ibis fight, but the public has lost confidence In the old Republican leadership. Hence, if it is to be effective, the Republican party must find new leaders in whom the public HAS tlONKlDENCE. If it can't do that, it might as well throw up the sponge, for It is licked before it starts. Then ho COl'NTS HIMSELF Ol'T by saying flatly that ho does not want public office. TpiIE bnsybodies of politics have Iwen trying to hatch up a fight for leadership between Hoover (Continued on page 4.) STITUTE GIVES - SCHOOLS HOLIDAY Student!) In lion?. us count Bcliools will t :i joy a JouMe holi day Monday J-.nd TuK'biy, Nov, 1 i'pd : wbl. i: HT.clmrs attend a joiiMy liK'PDte at Rt.cen.. Touch pis of Up n ton, '.'ana. Lane, DougWs and Linn counties are pooling ttioir institute funds this year to hold a greatly expanded institute t University of Oregon, where out standing educators will be present to direct the. conferences and lee- tine on various topics. A special feature of this year's institute, ac cording to Stella Quiii", county school superintendent, will he a de partment for janitors, who will hold a round table discussion of practical topics. The university art museum and new library will he opened to the teachers, A bamrirt will hp held Monday, and an intorma! party is planned for Monday night. U ht announced that membership cards of the Oregon Stale Teachers asso ciation aw to be renewed Monaay mormng. Oddities Flashed (Ry the Associated Press) No Tow Car Needed ALBION, N. Y. John Coveny, Muck's second day back on the job IK. and Orrln Prost, IT, were out after a layoff because of ft frac rititng when their car crashed lured right leg, suffered in a fall, through a railing and enme to rest lOn his way home from work, Muck, dangling over Itverne Starkweath- 70. was struck by a car. This time er's junk pile and auto graveyard, j his left leg was fractured. The two jumped to safety and made a deal with Starkweather. : Stumped Mouthful JOLIET, III. Carlos Chancy, IS. had his mouth open for a second while standing along the curb in front of his home. But the second was just long enough for a wheel on a passing car to toss a coekeiburr Into his mouth. Carlos f unable to tell others of ' his predicament, ran to a physi- gjg Grain Men clan's office and had the burr re moved from his throat. PALLAS City Detective Cleaned Definitely HARRINGTON, N. J Earl Sttap pll cleaned up his filling station. He gathered up all the loose paper, empty cartons and boxes and burn ed thpm Th nlnre looked fine. Then he remembered $102 in cash had been tn one of the boxes con- signed to the flames. MAJOR POINTS OPFfiifii Flf I Committee V 3J Conservatie Payments, . Plan Favore, Retain lefit rol WASHINGTON, Oct, 29. (AP) Chairman Jones D Tex.) said today the house agriculture com mittee had reached a "general ac cord" on three major feumreB of a crops control bill. It was generally understood, ne told reporters, that: The present soil conservation program be continued, an "ever normal granary he established for those crops to which it is most adaptable, and any benefits paid rarmera be on a basis of tilled acre age rather than production. The chairman added the commit tee was making "progress on get ting together," hut it had not reached agreement on any specific legislative Innmutgu, He said members would meet HKain Mondny. The onestion of marketing quo tas, penalties and processing taxes hits not yet open covered, he added. Wants Cotton included. Chairman Fulmer (D., S. C.) of subcommittee in charge of form ulating provisions for cotton told eiiortms he would recommend cot ton farmers be given sou conserva tion benefits, a subsidy of three cents a pound, and perhaps addi tional benefits to be paid from pro ceeds of a small processing tax. Kiilmer said be favored, applica tion of the granary thestoring of surpluses for use m lean year to the cotton crop. Some spokesmen from cotton states, however, have argued cot ton should not be brought under t he gra miry provisions because lean cotton crops are rare. Members disagreed however, ov er making the proposed crop con trol urogram compulsory or vol untiiry. They will not make a final choice until subcommittees have drafted ail other details of a bill for presentation to the special ses sion of congress. Control Held Essential, Secretary Wallace has said defi nite control over surplus crops Is essential to success of the propos ed ever-normal granary program. "If we have high loans (on stor ed crops)," he fwid, "then there is no question but that strong con trol rdiould accompany them. Otherwise the government would let itself in for a tremendous loss." (Continued on page i) GERMAN ADJUDGED GUILTY OF LARCENY PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 29 (AP) Kritnk M. German, the former vice-president of the Kred W. Ger man Heal Estate company, was con victed last night on a charge of larceny by bailee. The prosecution alleged money turned over by n client for invest ment was used to conduct the firm s business. The circuit court jury com mended leniency. From Press Wire i Speaking of Breaks MILWAUKEE U was Richard PHILADELPHIA Franklin H. Price, chief librarian of the free library, says there's hardly a ques tion he can't find the answer to but he had to admit defeat, he said, when a woman demanded on her rights as a taxpayer that he tell her the name and rank of the un known soldier buried in Washing ton. R. W. Corn put in call for a fellow of ficer In Fort Worth. "Mr. Cobb is ready," said the Fort Worth operator. "Mr. Corn is ready," said the rtallas operator. Tho Fort Worth operator Utter- J "They ought some time." to get together His "A" Initial Means Abstention This man I C. A. Hartley, 81, who'has lived in Pomeroy, O., for 60 years. He ha never owned an auto, never touched a steer ing wheel, never entered a trail er, never smoked a cigaret, never worn a finger ring," never drunk liquor, doesn't owe a cent. Since returning frcm , the Spanish American war 39 years ago he Hasn't touched a firearm, hasn't killed an animal, a fish or a fowl. He never gets up later than day break, never sheds tears but from one eye. DIVORCEE. ESCORT BEATEN 10 ROBBED Mrs. Guggenheim, Young Man Attacked as They Leave Restaurant, MINI20LA, N. V., Oct. 29. f AP) A woman identifying herself as Mm. Klizaheth Raton Guggenheim, divorced in Reno Tuesday from Col. M. Robert Onggenheim, and her escort reported to Nassau po lice they were beaten and robbed of $!! by two men early today at they were leaving a Jamaica avfr : mie restaurant. Mrs. Guggenheim, whose chiv and cheek were cut, said the men to&k $3Wl from her while her es cort, who idenlifietl himself John Krey, Jr.. 23. said he lost about $100. The robbers escaped. Frey suffered a split scalp and a black eye. The couple were treated at Nassau hosnltal after telephoning police about the at tack. Mrs. Guggenheim, 35, won Iter divorce in a private trial on urounds of cruelty. She married Guesrenhcim. one of tbo heirs to the Guggenheim mining fortune, in li)2S. Frov said Mrs. Gnggenheim took a nlane from Heno to Oeveii'mt where he met her, and that they were on their wav to their Im"es In Rabvlnn. Long Island, when tliev stopped at the Commercial C lub. Queens village, for something to eat. ' When they came out and walked to where their car was parked, he said, the two men attacked them, knocked them unconscious, robbed them and fled. HUNTERS THOUCHT MISSING APPEAR JEROME. Idaho, Oct. 29. AP R. U Corn well, Jerome publlsh- iml his 10-vear-old son, Dean. mrht for two davs In the central Idfho wilderness where thev were ht!pvd lost, .were, en route to th"r home here today. relatives said. Te two. who left on a deer hunting tHp Fridav planning to re turn Sundav, continued their hunt until thev found a deer, they told forest officials at the Sea foam ranger station. 2 oft miles north of h ere. u non e e rg i n e from t he nrim'M- area late yesterday. Par ries had te searching for them since Wednesday. TOMMY MANVJLLFAS NO. 4 GET DECREE Rt-'NO, W. Op. 29. fAJM Tm FrtnV'fn (Tommv Mn viMp, Jr., hplr to a huge New York Asftpgtntt fortune, wart divorced for n fourth time toda ,vhe(j mettv MarreMe Fdwnl Manville won n tmrontepd decree Pt a private trial before TiRtH Judge Mornn Sh rharsed cruelty. J ud re Moran unproved a proper ty settlement agreement which re- iwrtedlv will net the blonde former Hollywood nnd New York show girl at least $2W,WW. TUHKEYASSN. 1 TO ESTABLISH KILLING UNITS Roaeburg One of 4 Placet Designated for Plants; Dates for Douglas Pools Fixed. Following completion of plans for opening killing plants at Canby.j Albany, Kngene and Rosehnrg. the Oregon Turkey Growers, through McKmley BmiUHgtoH, president. announced today that marketing will start November 4. Supplementing the usual pools of the faH and winter season, th association this year will maintain four plants where growers may de liver live turkeys to be kiihd and dressed, and these will be shipped out in carload lots at frequent In tervals, Huntington reports. Growers residing near the kill ing plants may deliver either live or dressed birds, or will have available a truck service from the plant to handle transportation from the farm to the station. Other points will ship by pools as in former years the first load ing for the season being scheduled for the second, week of November, Poof Dates Set Pools will be organized at Myr tle Creek, Nov. t2, at thf Weaver warehouse; Riddle, Nov. 18, at tbp Rradstreet warehouse, and at Oak land, Novesn tier S. 36 and IS. at the Stearns warehouse. The pools are to he closed by the 20th of each month, according to present plana, in order to give the association time to close its books on each shipment before the endof the month. ' The killing plant at Rosehurg in to be located in the warehouse off Pine street, where birds were re ceived last year. KiLane Matthews of Rosburg has hen selected as foreman. The plants will be oneu daily excent Bun-day for the killing and dressing of birds, or the re- (Continued on pyre 6) mm n time TWIN FALLS, Idaho. Oct. 2! API ?oug!as Van Vlaek of Ta- conm, v ash,, slaver of hm formes wife and two policemen, heard to day after evading two prev ious dates with death on the gal lows that he will be hanged Je cember li. The date was set by Judge Por ter, third jurist before whom Van Vlack bad appeared to hear such a pronouncement, In the district court in which the Slt-year-old for mer HniversHy of Washington stu dent was convicted Feb. 8. t'XW. Van Vlack appeared calm throughout today's proceedings. He was convicted of shootine to death his former wife. Miss Mild red Honk. 22. of Taronuu Wash., near Twin Falls a year ago next Nov. 25. liming bis trial, with insanity as defense, he admitted he fatally wounded two no! ice officers who attempted to stop him at Buhl, Idaho, as he fled with his ktonspeo ex-spouse through south Idaho. JEFFREY GROUP TO PUSH SESSION PLAN PORTLAND, Oct 29. (API- John Jeffrey, third congressional district Townsend leader, said his group would continue to prcits fori a special session of the legisla-i ture to provide increased pension payments, "We are going to take off our coats, not our hats," .Jeffrey said, declaring that Ofen Wade, Pendle ton pension leader, did not speak for the third district in a statement indicating the Townsemi forces would abandon the special session ami resort to an Initiative measure to secure its program. Jeffrey added that "I fonot be lieve that the view expressed by "Wade is the view of the second district." RADICH FREED OF MURDER CHARGE Err.ENB, Oct. 2 (Ain A fir phH court jury a;f?uUwl Frank Its d&eh, Cottage (iroye Mtmbrfr work pr. yesterday of seeonM dfgrep itmr (Mr rharsts In connirt(on Hh the slsytne OrtobHr 9 at Cottsg? Orovc of Harry Hanson. Rsrifrb, on the stand eartJT in (he day, tBBtlflci) be Kbot ttaDson 'm self ttr-fenso. New Deadlock Hits Parley On Spanish Strife LONDON, Oct. !!!. A!) fler ntauy and Hussta forced tho sub committee on Spanish noninterven tion into a new and tiRhter dead lock today. tiermatty'a Von Ulbbentrop again declared the BranttUB of bel ligerent rinhtB is an essential pre liminary rendition for the with drawal of foreign volunteers front Spain. Von Rfblwntrop said Bovfet Rus sia's Insistence on ?Hhdrawa! of itw bulk of oreiitnera before Mich rights are grunted meant the com mittee could not nroeecd further. Maiekv, Kusslan member ot tne subcommittee, delivering new Xtoacow Instructions, declared the Soviets could not accent present Anglo-French proposals for KetliiiK fighters out of Snaiu "In their en- tiroty." Yon fUb&emron suggestea some oew plan be devised by the chair man and Russia bs itersimded te full in line. The Anglo-French plan, far which there had heeit some hone until todsy, contemplated sending t-onrmissums to hnam to arraime and supervise volunteer troop withdrawals. BKRLIM, Oct. 29. (AP Ger many formally noUfled Bwigium to day he would not paiticijsjUti m the nine-power pact conference starting nest Wednesday at Hrna sels. The formal reason given -was I hat Germany was neither a sig natory nor an adherent of the treaty guaranteeing t'hina's terri torial integrity. REPORT AWAITED DSIMWSBOO? Further Charges Against Mrs. Ledford Depend on Menne's Findings, ALBANY, Oct. 29. (API IEs- trfet Attorney J. K. Weatheiford Jr., of Lias county, said tmlay he would await a final report hy lr. &Tank Menne, pathologist of Ore- goe university medical school, on poison Feortodiy found in the body. of John Malson !efire con sidering filing charges in conttec-. tloti with MatROft'a death la 1M2 Mat son's body was exhsmmd dur ing investigation of the deaths of ; Ruth, 13, and JJorolhy Infold, tfi, : o? St. Helens, whose Btep-mother, i Mrs. Agnes Ledford, in in the Mult- ' nomafi county iail facing first de gree murder charges. Mrs. Ledford Is the former wife of John Matsoit. Coroner Fisher recalled that re fusal hy the county court to pro vide fund prevented nw autopsy after the death of Mataon, at Brownsville, ascribed by his physi eian to gastraeniarltes and by the corner to 'inflammation of the stomach due to food poisoning. " It was recalled here also that Mrs. Ledford, then Mrs. Mat son, spent a short time in the Albany hospital, claiming to be suffering from food poisoning, at the time of her husband's death. Sheriff Herbert Shelton salt! he was considering s possible con nection between Mat son's death and a fire which occurred at about the same time and destroyed aid ers! Jjiiildings Jn Brownsville. A drug store and Its records were dn- stroyed, preventing a check on possible sales of arsenic, the sher iff said. An autopsy showed the deaths of the Ledford girls to have been I caused by arsenic pobwming, be lieved to have resulted Erom eat ing spray-coated berries. Sheriff Calhoun of Columbia county filed information charging Mrs. Ledford with the death of Hnth following discovery of quantity of arsenic at her hmie In Rt. Helens. SUPPORT PROVISO SUSPENDS PENALTY A Rtt&nenrietf sentence of one year in the state penitentiary was Imttosed in the circuit court here today on f'harlea iioclan, recenUy returned here from Power to an swer to a nn-sport charge. He pleaded guilty I a riisfrfet attor ney's information. The sentence was suspended eondit hmed tiKtn payment of $20 per month sapiuiit monev. HOT WATER BURNS FATAL TO INFANT FOSS1U Oct. Tt (APf Kloyrt Alvin Rwtori 22-mnnthsold. re ceived fatal scalds when he over turned a ian of hot water. LIII COME SES EYED BY ROOSEVELT President Hopes to Boost Purchasing Powers of Mill ions in Budget Balancing Plan HYDE PARK, K. Y.. Oct. 23.- CAPt President Roosevelt indi cated today that his budget bal ancing studies ar centered aroumi his hopes for increasing the Income of 'tt to 4 milHcra persons he mid have no purchaalug power now Shortly before meeting Secre tary Mordent baa and Under-Secretary MggiU on budget problems this evening, the president toW his press eonfersre that th iro posed wages and hours and sur- phm crop coat rot measures were aimed at mstlng the siMSity citizens to M Air. U(Sfcev.l hmi no direct com mem on spe-.uhttv.i that th capi ta! gams and ttmlMlnnHtea sur plus tases would be rvlsed but said noted that newspaper stories from Wnshingtou speculat ing on that musla ia reference i& that portion of the population which has very llttlo money to live on. He said he was struck by the fact that all the speculation was from tlm point ot view of the peo ple, who havo ami not front the viewpoint of Uiose who ain suh- KtRnditni is far as living goes. Income Decrease Sh&wn 1I called attention to a lnbar flepartment MaAy which he mlg showed a S2,fiw,ftVittt ilecreaae this year in tmtmn&t Income the mromo oc thtt jHople to gov ernment actioiK A redact tcm sf vtts noted because 'lie government: unttE ant thn much on the hamm last year ami .Continued on page S CRUSADING JUROR'S NOME IS BOMBED ANOKJJSS, Oct. 29 (, Ctlffmif K. t'ltnton. Pftmtuiit: Brann juror. Ifnkmf (atlny she mnmnm of Mi Mallvvraod holtti with hiss Invi-K'.iBiUifi'i fta fff, mua. snroWPr, tasl Monday. "I think (he same hunrb rtiil (hi: jon tnt iiirt ttm Ilrunemttn km fiiE." stit (;iinfmt. "ily tht I ttou' tmr- iiwix. httf (l mime mob. 'Thin attempt m QttEv male me njore relentless in my elfort: to ertisii view In thm city," me fsflini), which mUcf wa of the ty used is "frlghte- rather thmt kill,3 tore uwt one r?ar corner of 4 he house hut no one was injured. The family hod i tired for the night, t&mage w CEititan told msUee this morning he revived a telephone call short-! Iy aftr the h&mhittg asidi an Identified voice safdt "We iunl wantml to know how It feettt to have She flaar boards come up fn yewtr face. Next time we'll lift the whole house," The dlst riet attorney's office Jolneti with ptilfee this tnorntog ttt an investigation of the bombing and kept a guard at the erusadr's hmiKe during the day. DOG SAVES OWNER FROM JAIL SOJOURN MEBPORn. Ort. 2S. (AP Kh bridge J, llitsklss, transient, sea tenceit to i days hi the county jail for dlFordtrty rondsipt tm the streets of Central Point, was grant ed a SHSfjf.'Htled s?tence when lh commltHng magistrate teamed Haskias baa a dg, and the county had no way to care for the pet while its master served time, Twe suspension was giatitet on condi tion that flit skins leave Jacksoa county and the state within 21 hours. ROGUE YIELDS BODY OF EX-POLICE HEAD MKtiPOim, Oct. 23 fAPt The IhmIv of fleor-ge (K Timothy. ST. former Mcdford chief of puttee, ho ttisatHsreti tuo wj-ss ago, after leaving a note staltjig, ( um going m? a long walk, and will not he back jmmh," was ft3l late yea- t eroav in t he Koeae rt er. near iold illli, bv two youths who had been waiching the waters Timothy's aged invalid wife dtrrt a week after the Hsnesrc of her mate of 5k years.partty fmm grief, tltc doctor said. CLAS "Uncle Dan" Still Active Scout at 87 The wetfiht of hi S? years fltit to keep Scout C-DmmtMion-er Dan Bcra mi hsms whsis there Is big event oo the Bsy Scouts' pre gram. Abova, in buek skin eastwme, Unciew Dan ad dresses pretest day as&ut oft their annual pilgrimage to the grave of the late President Theo dore Roosevelt at Oyster Bav? LI. " ' v NEW MUSIC STORE WILL OPEN HERE Director "Snap" Gillmore and Wife to Operate at Cass St, Location. Ait fsrltwlve munlf? siorev tt he operated hy Mr, ami Mrs, J, D, "Snap liilmsere, will be oiseueti Mmttftt Kov I, at t J' et Lam t rett it was aunoisured toay. The quarters to be occupied; have been eomplelely remssleJeit mm furniture antf fixtures Installed; prejretory to the opening. A esst piettt tine of rtmste and mustcnl iOKtrwuN-ntw wlH be handledt it is Mr. ami Ira. flillnmra earn to; Hosehurg Ilvs years ago frsmi JtemL lrlor io that time they spent ; 5 yr in Portland, vtwro Mr. Ommm-e player! in theater ami ttymphsoy orchestras arf directed jfHwieal orgaalzailnns. Since coming to Itoseburg he has served as iRatnirtor In liisslni mental muale tit Kaefotrpe schools; orgald and dlrerlei the li&m hurg sebool prise wlitoing banrf; ilms dlrefftetl the Rosctmrg mtml- eipttt lutnd, the American tgisa drom aisci the emtles J- lor drum corps. He also serves mt instructor in music aC the Suther- lin seheols, i im new ' WAGE BILL WILL PASS, MOTT THINKS PURTLANO, Oct. it, AP In s spr'rrh bore rotiCTPS robWy wotttd tmss WttKs BQd hmtra Uim taftwt tbo ernp eontml MB If ibo comtntlsoty festttre fs rtiiti- l "it I Campaign Guns Roar in N Y City As Rival Candidates go Into Action NEW YORK. Oct. . fAPJ Thamh'r of the feiggest gns fired: so far in Ne York's municipal: cttmrttlg somhd torfas in the wake of two aig rallies for Mayor Kloretis 1 1 , 5t 1 nardm and his demmratle optnmnt Jeremiah T. MabcAtey, Thft elevtios is Tetey, It has hew a long ttam since a campaign ewgndereil soih fervor as that exhibited last tilRBt when an American Labor jmrty raiiy at Madison SHaro garden whooped It up fr ffiuardla and his runttEns mate, Thoajas K. Iewey for trict attorney. Only a few aiocks away, dnio cratic supporters la the ttippo drome rheered Mahoney and Har obi W. llaatiaga, Tammany candi date for district attorney. OTHERS HURT IN SHANGHAI AREA ONSET American Homes And Missions in Sector of Hungjao Hit by Shells. British Authorities Block Jap Boats, Preventing : Attack on Cfitrtece in -"Lost Battalion." shan;hal Oct. m ap Thu-p UrUbsfa tUter riflemea w killed and: three iseotm& ami more than 2tfi eNHans alaia inflight rturiag Jatstitese sheKteff of tEungiao, gwfoarb ts Ibe wmt of the IslefnaJtoaai tttejnent and home of m&sy Americans and mls er foreigjier lirttfeh military headstoarter asnotmcpd. Artillery sheHing asd aertst at taek la the Cliinese-Japanesis war spread dttmage nmmim Aiiierieaa mtsstoa ami other forEgQ propertt ami daring .the day British de (eas,& lines atong the settlement frequently bad been gmier fir&. American affirials estpreased! tha gruretefe anxiety tonhi lor the fa- tum safety of Ameneaa lives asa property as the asugiiBt TOttifl aPlKared t eater its mtat Eaa gertt phase. The .Risfustlorsa! setlieasenr with its thousands of Amerien unrt foreign reshJents. JHeraPY was santlwtehed hnve-pn Chlae' Japanese telllgereiits,: and Jsta-, mse warned! that further regre?-' tahle and uoexjeetcd iBefalettts mf be expeetett feeeaaaft of ta dfffteul'y of aaekiiie- rained r-ix-silloss in Naalao aad Paoiaag; Brtilah aaittarlUea iaaaehett vig- omiis protests to ib jajsaoesc eoaimaaderv Atlmtral ffaseiraa. fttrtfftbfc Cbtrsese reports Mbf that several latndrett aonmmaat nnta were killed or wounded in the Jnp&gese atr mids over smrrogml Ing to Sunklttg, where tho Amtrtri SiHrtuern MhoHt mis sion prop-erty a atrnck, Stteehaw .VtaK Wusih, trhaagsba ami others Hock ?ow ss liamhed aad maefeiae ssaaaett ai' haxi eight times, StutfcEtttfcK was ateketl ftiree limef. More lass f rff said to have heea killeti aatt E RIVER MUD SPUTE SETTLED GOU IIHACH, VkX. CAP Rearesentaiivea of W&rernor alar tin and Kogus rtver prsiterty sett ers reacheti an oitt-of-eeart aetUfr nieat yeitierday of a mining mmt stream ptdittlhm Eaiaaetian sstt. Jay M<saer attoraeyv saM Judge itoice dismissed the caKt when the governor's asaarasee that potfntton wobI cease smi be wssirf foster necessary k'gtelation to pre- veat a recarrence was deliver hy is woretsry, W. L. tiossjto. vrftjjBiwnf of a Jowr Kogite risvr rreattotiat center - asd iiwsedfata eojsstntptios M a ttsfe hatPhPFy on FatM crw-k, 33 mites ttp tis stream, M&auer saW. Kart Nt3ESBf mining bosr snper tntemtpttt, s!t be wolt ettilait (Xttittlan hf ntlnins: btwrvt orftent, Thn suit wm fmrttttiteif by the Curry toimly eourl whpn spi.v ttwn protested mining sediment de strayed fish Hfe. t Maaoney droppe! all other teaaes to Wast at wbat feo termet La fliiardla'a interest as a stoeshohter la the Ilassiaa-Amerleaa infiuatriat corratUm, "a comntnolstic sncan tstattoa,' and; declared the "iiul flower" was a k'red menace1 thaC threatened the city If he were re eiecteil. i tastings, at as earlier rally, predicted a "rlgn of Uvrror" tf Spe cial Hackets Pr6seeatr Dewe wm electet, lteweyv threaieaeti with a Khet mii Uy t'harles A Scbneidgr, j4 Tammany teasisr, reftefttetf cfcarges that SchaeMer had; tgn ptaitf nroaey collected by racketeers SoR acting as defease counsel in a mar dr case whHe he was an assistant attorney gmieral, f Sehnehier saidl he had doaa saly Wa datyt 4 ROGU