V I ISt. Ml vr-t i" " SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1937. i1 I ITbourbon ll (III '65c PINT lisSMI 31.15.. QUART f H0LBR00K BOURBON WHISKEY nooF SHANGHAI SUFFERS WAR'S WORST ONSET (ContiiiuM from page 1) .Ininuye Iron. Jitimiieor ufr Iwintbs. It wua lfarwd fix foreign honiHH in the wf hI cm district of Shanghai which thr JjipaiK'Hp d.-mroytMl hail hHoiiKt'il to j ii American rjil en tut a coiu-i'i'ii. The hoiiBfa were t-mtnl-d by f j-r iita iirt ami I trill; hem. ull of wliuiii IiupiK'iu-d to lt uwity whfii ilit nir liiiiitTtt catiit. Tim h(iiH-H wi;r iiuirkfd with huge flans ls Ifii.ali.it; (heir tt-iiaiilH' naiionaliy. Oiih Kriiish Iniiaiit -lirK''tl iliat til bnnilmi (lineal of Ihcsc hniisrs whh "wilifut and willioul tiirin)KM, as thiv were no rimmm- iroopri within ball a mil" and it wih iin-tOfjfibl- not i hm' Hit- flaH." It w.i -(litiaiid nioM' than ' Cliiiieso won killed u voundi'd ic ih inio-national m-n -m'iil. Sonn 5ii uiih'H wi-at uf Khiuiyl.nl an adiiilfonal 7a CIi.ih'hm i-ivlllans w.ro killed when Jap wiiiplitiit" hitfiiln-d a paHxcimer i rain on I ho Snoi hnw-Ka.hiiiK r;,llwir. .'KII'IYC Or I I f MM The SPECDAl VALUES Sport Oxfords 0 Crepe soles, flat heels. g, p. 0 Leather soles, medium heels. P WZr& 9 Calf or suede leathers. 6 Black, brown, navy. DRESSES Silks and Rayons in plain colors or prints. Values to $6.95 Sizes. 12-20 SILK HOSIERY Full Fashioned O First Quality Splash Proof. Newest Shades Blouses Crepe or Satin Plain or Printed Fussy or Tailored Close Out all Sweaters and Skirts Sharp reductions to clear out ,-tcck at once. lioniPl (.Inpatient1) news agency re ported I ha I K weifjui, capilul of Suiyuaii provinrp, approximately :N'iO miles wnt of Iipip, bad jpri raptured by the Japanese army to day. The Japanese forces operating to the soul Invent along the pHipltiK ro Hankow railway advanced to i within Uf index of Shunteb, In southern llopeli province. Other I Jiinauefie tin it ri wore aliacUint; ('hinetie poitlilrHK In NianiMekwaii ' Push on the Chenpial railway, eat i pas on Oi ft ChenKtui railway, uhi ' pf-h and ShatiHl provinces. I Oi.e t:if;antic prolr'ciile of nride termiiieil cirigln exploded in the ! Meitlernent near the foreign V. M. ('. A., killing and wound ttiR f'hinexe civilian.-. Forty more were , killed and injured when Hie km eel ! car Ihey were riding In was blown ' off the tiitckn near the barriradeH h-h.l by American marines on the northern edge of (he uetllenienl. Police reported that at least half a dozen other hIicIIs. believ ed to be Japanese anti-aircraft Khelln, fell In the Hett lenient. Ten pertfoiiH were killed and wounded when one shell clashed Into the avenue road, one of Shanghai's main thoroughfare.". Oilier projectiles h in h h Ii i I through a window of the Caiiowiu company, a Oerman firm next door i to the British-American Tobacco !'o., and near the navy V. M. C. ; A.. Ktruck the avenue road pollen ; station, and in Tlendong road In i rear of the embankment building i where Hellish military headfpiar jtera Ih located. Warships Take Part All (be Japanese warships all the way down the 12 miles of the WhaiiKpoo river to the Yangtze estuary joined In the ear splitting j crescendo as they attempted to drive off the Chinese raiders. At the same time tiie warships were bombarding the Pool ting area on the opposite side of the Whaugpoo from Shanghai's llund with their heaviest ordnance. The Chinese machine gun crews in Pootung joined in. taking advant age of the opportunity to peppor the Japanese cruiser Idzunio and other ships to drive off their anti aircraft crews. Populace Terrorized At the north station a furious battle was raging and the terrl- fic crescendo of the guns rocked j the city. The populace was i thrown Into terror as night settled ! down. Hy the evening dinner liour traf fic in the settlement streets had stopped. All pedes! rians ducked for cover, with scores hugging doorways. The usual evening crowd on the Hunfl vanished like magic Over the settlement anti-aircraft fragments and star shells looped through the air Aike semes of ,viv idlv twinkling stars. Three Chinese tilrphuies assum ed ghost like shapes as Ihey flitted 1 through I ho moon-lit clouds in a shadowy game of hide-and-seek whh the fingers of the piercing HglU from the searchlights aboard the Japanese warships. Marines Take Cover United States marines were I forced to take cover in their sanil j bagged barricades along Soochow ! creek when three of a dozen or j more giants bombs lauded danger- I i lull inure oi ine miKiisias per sonnel were not Injured by the Japanese shower of shrapnel was probably due to Ad'Mltal Yarnell's prompt action. In ordering all bands below. Willi the big push about to get under way. I he Japanese army of ficially announced li.o-lti Japanese tool tii t.n kill...! ..i.l ii;i7 1.. ' wounded up lo Oct. 10. PLYLOCK MILL IN PORTLAND REOPENS fContlnupd from page 1) Ihorize CIO unions lo extend fi nancial help, jf possible, to the In ternational wood workerH. of Ore gon. who:e representative. Al liar tiuig. said members bad been lock ed out by an AKL boycott near Portland and needed aid. Adopting a permanent national policy lor the first time, leaders unanimously approved a resolution yesterday to co-operate with em ployed in udmfnist ration of col lective bargaining agreement l which, they sain, must be writtHii toiiinicts. DKNVKIl. Oct. I (.(API The American Federation of Labor con vention today was mg.d by Mayor John F. I lore, of Seattle lo make the Pacific coast the focal point of its Html to overthrow CIO unions. I lore told debates, "if you keep the CIO off Hie Pacini: coast, ft will never be a national organiza tion and the end will soon come." There are more than 2r!7.ilon churches in the 1'nited Slates; communicants number more than 17.(Mio,(ioo. -o- The silence in parts of the Rocky mountains is so great that the flapping of partriilce wings can be beard for several miles. VATICAN THROWS SUPPORT TO JAPAN ("Continued from page 1) war against the spread of com- lnunlsin as inimical to the church. Tltis same quarter said that Jap an s action tends to arrest bolshe vist pdnetpttion lb Asia." anti-lynchTng bill in congress tasks (Continued from page 1) man Vinson (U., Ky.) asked mem bers of a house ways and means subcommittee today to report Nov. 4 to start drafting the statute It will be considered in the regular l!i:tK session. For the first time in years, rev enue aspects of the bill will be secondary. The major object iveH Kill be to codify, simplify and Im prove tliH tax laws, removing in- equities and easing the tax load in instances where it imposes hardship. .May Free Wage-Hour Bill Members of the house rules com mittee may met In advance of the special session to discuss possible terms for releasing their strangle hold on ibe v age-hour bill. Chairman O'Connor ( OS. Y.) said today he w& considering sending such a request immediate ly to all commiUeemeh. Failure of congress to enact the bill last session was one lactor which prompted President Ttoose-vt-ii to call Ibe extra session. The senate passed the measure. The house labor committee approv ed It. lint the rules committee held it up when republicans teamed up in the opposition with southern democrats. "The hill," O'Conimr said, "In my opinion will be paused b the house without more than 75 votes against Mt." Forbids Child Labor The wage-hour bill would create a labor standards board with broad powers to fix minimum wages up to 4H cents an hour and a maxi mum work week of not less than 4" hours in industries engaged In interstate commerce. It would forbid chitd labor, but would exempt agricultural and! mosi seasonal workers. ' The house labor committee add ed amendments to prevent ship ment In Interstate commerce of imports produced under sub-staji-dard labor conditions, to forbid the board to fix minimum wages lower than the rates prevailing in a Riven locality or lower than those et by collective bargaining. Southern opposition has center ed largely on the wage features. Because living costs are lower in the south, opponents argued, lower minima should apply in thai section RE-ROOF NOW PAY LATER- A Certainteed roof protects your home and family. DEIIN-GERRETSEN CO. PHONE 128 402 WEST OAK, STREET END CORNS MS ; Instant Relief - Quick Removal IoQQQQQQQQq JUNG'S Sanskin Pads Nw, toft and Huffy, sooth- Inftly meditated. Nothing like them. Give perfect pro- m-iiun. omootn, round edtfei. Can't stick Co hone. Medicated pi on tern, called Meds, re mo v corns, and calluses quickly, soot lie 35 Size 26e ROAST TURKEY Dinner FRIDAY SULLIVAN'S LUNCH Perkinc Bldg. OOO' R & G cars with money-back Guarantee included in sale! Many Car In this Great Claaranta bear Ihm RAO amblam. which meant chackad at 30 vital point., to moot Ford Factory Specification! and ,old with your Ford Doctor's WRITTIN OUARANTII ot IOO"o Satisfaction or 100.g Refund. ifiii'tfiiT wffiim Your Ford Dealer's Entire Stock of USED CARS and TRUCKS at Special Oc tober prices for immediate sale . . . Your choice of the most popular models of to day's leading makes .... Liberal Allowances . . . Easy Terms . . . ACT NOW GF3E1 nnnmHi 1936 V- Fordor Sedan with Radio. Our price of ic below book value. 1933 Deluxe Chevrolet Fordor Sedan. Fender wells with sis wheels. Now paint. Good rubber and m line mechanical condition $565 1833 V-8 Fordor Sedan. Renewed and guaran teed. New paint job. New high grade upholstery covers. Excellent mechanically. Clearance price 1935 V-8 Deluxe 3 window Coupe, Radio, Heater, good rubber. Our low price $455 MODEL A's 1929 Roadster, 1929 Coupe, 1930 Tudor, 1931 Deluxe Fordor Sedan, priced from $89 to $275 1935-Chevrolet Pickup, completely reconditioned and repainted $445 Phone 80 LAPHAM MOTORS Phone 80 AGrea Eli? II mm imsmmk I Ms 11 1 n hi ul mm 14 About Ourl I I I paymnt 1 1 V r j i-' oToVo' i mm Al SAVE sJ Hundreds of Timely renter Savings MORE ON THE., Western Giant SILENT GRIP TIRE AS SHOWN . . . ond on all the other famous Western Giants for car, bus, truck or tractor. There's a West ern Giant for every purse arid purpose and all give longer, safer mile age. With, skiddy winter weather ahead, this sale offers timely opportunity to equip your car with safe treaded Western Giants at Extra Savings . .. ! Ask for LOW SALE PRICES! uProtect-A B Grille" I Guard I ' MM f i S Illuminated Torch Guide Riguhr Price $1-29 This large, chrome-plated Grille Guard protects radiator grille, or rear deck of car . . . stream lined shape, 2yHyi". WITH BULB 95 EJ877 Beautiful block and yellow illuminated Torch head, chromed shaft , and strong clamp. Combination Wrench-Set Open and Box End SET OF 6 1 Regular Prict 88c For general use around the car. Open end sizes, 716" to 7s". Box type end, 516" to 34". 12 point. All wrenches are drop forged from vana dium steel, cadmium plated. 1-13 Roadblaster Bicycle Horn Less Batteries Regular Price fl.69 . . . Streamline aluminum finish, Holds two 1 Vi-inch flashlight cells. No wires. GUARANTEED 12 MONTHS ... A big value guaranteed oil new material bottery for light car service. GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS ... A good low priced battery, powerful, long lasting, all new material. Gen uine Ebrok cose, large plotes. Ac cording to car. R1URANTFFO TWO YEARS . . Super quality yurck starting, long life plenty or reserve power. All rubber case. . . Genuine Port Orrord cedar separators. jw.vi.. iu hui. separoTors. ??:?5- $4.40 $5.95 With Oil Boll.ry $12.70$10.95 Western GIANT GUARANTEED THREE YEARS Super power ond longer life, for super service . , . All rubber case. Power plus under cover celt connec tors. 6 Volt, 57 Plat $7.95 HP With Old BotUry 0 With Old Bottery With Old BotUry Other Batteries as Low as Batteries Installed FREE -$295 With Old Battery SPECIAL PRICES GOOD ONLY TO SATURDAY NIGHT We Reierve the Riftt to Limit Quantities OL. GAVE 5eatwTBraj 1 v-vY.y and UP Wear-well ccordi'ns to model of Car andf material. New . . exclusive patterns, full width mnteriols, no seams. LEADER Cpe. or Rdstr...$ .98 2-Door Sedan or Coach.. $2. 10 4 -Door Sedan $2.10 t)UR0 (as shown I Course or Rdstr. $2.10 to $2.55 2-Dr. Sed . Coach. $3.79 to $4.65 4-Door Sedan $4.10 to $4.85 HOLLYWOOD Coupe or Roadster.. $3.00 to $4.15 2-Dr. Sedan or Coach, 100 Pure Per Quart 13 BV4c In your ran In gallon tots Thoroughly proven 100 PURE Pennsylvania oil. Provides effi cient lubrication in all service. Big value for your money. Penn Supreme ft Our Hnmtt ) OI) Purr Pfnnttheinja D-Woed Doubl) Dlil-IIUd, Specially FiUertd Per Quart 1534C , In your can In gallon lots Equal to 35c per quart oils. T!. Jdcul on tor modern high speed motors. Lasts longer, extreme heat resist- once and freedom from oil drag. it HIGHEST G1ADE WESTERN OIL bcuuiii Hum uii arag. jtii 1 a PQt.i Y2 C m your &, jl ran in gallon Intn Leader Horn $1139 attest! Rtfljr Price Sf1 Black enamel, loud, compelling tone . . Complete with $5.60 to $7.35 , 4-Dr. Sedan, $6.05 to $6.95 Empty Cons Loaned on Small Deposit SAVE with SAFETY! Prlrmt ili, htly higher In tomm lrah(Ja bracket. 3 ' YOUR FORD DEALER