ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1937. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MR. AND MRS. NICHOLS HONORED AT FAREWELL PARTY BY GRANGE At the regular tiH-uiii of the Kvt'fKreell Mrtumt Moiuiity ninht the im-niltr.s f.',n-i' Mr. ami .Mrs. Krenrh Nichols of Roberts Creek a furewell party. ' Mr. and .irs. Nichols have been members of KverKreen (iraniit for yeura and as they ;re leaving lor their new home the Kraiiers lire nenled llieni with lovely clfts, af ter which Nellie Lander served a didicious lunch. Suite Deputy Urown was pres ent tit the meeting and nave the grangers a very interesting talk on w hat it takes to make a success ful Kranste. , The lecturer thanked those who helped put on such a successful in-OKram booster uteht. The relief committee reported Jlertha Hlake and Itemi McCulloch ill. The ladles of the Ki'itniie are In- Ylled to meet at tne r.isie npucn man home at Iiillard Octolier 11 for an all day meeting. She will perve a not lurk dinner at noon. The nieinhers of the grange are working on rf. play for the neat future. It promises to he tqual to those that they have previously presented. GLIDE BAPTIST LADIES TO HOLD SILVER TEA GUDK, Oct. 12. A silver tea to be held next W ednesday, October 20 at the church, lias been an nounced by the l!;iptist chinch la dies' aid here. The affair will be to raise funds for the group's work. which includes contributions to charity and missions. All women in the community arc invited to call between Hie hours of 2:oo and 4:30 by .Mrs. Albert lJelletuardi. Mrs. Charles Christen sen and Mrs. I'll il Klruder, the- pub licity committee. A musical pro gram is being planned by -Mrs. tiny 11. Moore, who is i:i chursa of arrangements. Itefreshmenls wiii oe served by the hospitality committee, con sisting of Mrs. Win Shrum. .Mis. K K. Illakely and Mrs. Keorgc Casebeer, assisteil by .Mrs. Walter Mc.Mllleu and Mrs. licit l:oss. REBEKAH LODGE AT ELKTON MEETS KI.KTON', Oct. i l. '!''' T'nipnua Kehekah lodge met in regular ses sion Willi Mmui liydell, N. (I. One visitor, Mrs. (Irifl'et, and fifteen members were present. At the close of the meeting a lunch was served in the (lining rooai where tile tables were set with while cloths, pink dishes and pink dahlias. Iiuriug the lunch a birth day cake was presented to the members w hose birthday came in October. There being only one present, Mrs. Crnco Sawyers. YEAR OLD "STRAIGHT" BOURBON WHISKEY . Distilled in Canada A quality whtily at a bargain price made poiiibe by UDL's constant popularity. Matured in Oak Barrel. FULL PINT $fl 2. 85 PROOF J.&. J. Dunbar & Co.,Searte,UX QUART $2-30 1 III LHHIISJ Lil V UDL Cinidiin WMiVty never varies from itl htjh quality and dtUcUbk Rye flsver. AGED IN WOOD v 5 YRS. 6 MOS. . ti mart - n I kl T SM I A BT I S1.45 S2.83.tti l - mtm wmsiri fell v " V .4 o(i PRESBYTERIAN AID ANNOUNCES SILVER TEA FOR NEXT WEEK Among the many Interesting af fairs of the coming week is the l'reshyterlan ladies Oetober silver tea w litch w ill be held from three to five o'clock next Thursday af ternoon in the church parlors. members of the church, congrega tion and all of the ladles of the various socielies,of other churches in Itoselmrg have becu most cor dially Invited to enjoy the affair. A delightful musical program has been arranged for the occa sion. Mrs. Kred Hamilton, presi dent of the Aid. is acting ns gen eral I'hairmuu of the uffair and is being assisted bv Mrs. K. S. Hall. -Mrs. C. V. Wharton. Mrs. A. A. Wilder. Mrs. J. F. llarKer, Mrs. Ilroadway, Mrs. W. Pemberton and Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Preceding the silver tea and pro gram the Aid society will hold a short business meeting at two o'clock in the church parlors. Kv ery member is being urged to be present. ALICE MAY ADAMS AND DONALD BURDEN MARRY IN OAKLAND SUNDAY At the Presbyterian church at Oakland. Ore., Sunday. October 10. Miss Alice May Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adams of sol I) street, Grunts Pass, became the bride of Ilonald Royd Uilrden, sun of Mrs. Pearl llurilen of Dull Eust C street. Grants Pass. The ring ceremony was read by Rev. Thomas Robinson before the following friends and relatives of the couple: Mr. anil Mrs. Sidney Adams. Mrs. Hllen Adams. Miss Gertrude Slariner, Miss Sharon niaruiei and Mrs. Robinson. Mis. liurden graduated from the Oakland high school in 1S37. Mr. lliirdi n graduated troiu the lirunib Pass high school in r.l.ib. alio at tended the Southern Oregon Nor mal school at Ashland two terms. lie is now employed Willi ine state higliv.ay ih-liarinieni. i lie ouple are making lln ir Home in Grants Pass. . DRILL TEAM AND HUSBANDS HONORED AT LOVELY DINNER i MKI.IiOKK, Oct. 11. Mrs. T. 11. Ilusenliark was hoslesH to a very delightful potluck dinner and card pally held at the Melrose grange hall Friday evening honoring her drill team and their husbands. he lovely dinner was served at one long table covered wiui wnue linen clolh and centered with u hoiiouet of zinnias and splrea. Sprays of colorful vinemaple placed attractively the length of the table was flanked by two tall yellow alio blue tapers ill crystal holders. Miniature lamps made from tiny candles placed ill gum drops and Willi small paper shades, were and at the close Otl,mor for Standard Oil used ns favors the (linni'r uurh snosl limited their liunp. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Itusenhark, .Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. t.ofl' of Hoseburt;, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Wnoilruff, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Horn. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Ueece. Mrs. Kdith Kelly of ItosehniK. T. H. Ilnsenlmrk, Teddy Keece, T)imno Conn and the hostess, Mrs. Ilnsenhark. Following the dinner sanies and curds we enjoyed until a lute hour. MRS. ROY FOSTER IS HONORED AT SHOWER SI TI1EHI.1N. Oct. H. A lovely shower parly was held on Wed nesday for Mrs. Roy Foster, for merly Miss Betty Barge, recent briile, at the home of Mrs. John Cook. Miss Norma Bundy acted as joint hostess. After the presents were opened and inspected by tin; guests delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Kay Parker, Mrs. Nellie Parker, Mrs. Cecil Carr. Mrs. F. L. Young, Mrs. George Shamp. Mrs. Viola Shamp, Mrs. Emil Hall. Mrs. A. Ottingm, Mrs. Myrtle Sutherliu., Mrs. Ella Werner, Mrs. Jack Cnler, Jr., Mrs. John Musurove, Mrs. Vein Holgate, Mrs. Clyde llolman. Mrs. Wilfred Carlile, Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Maurice Vogelpohl, Mrs. George Beller, Mrs. LSrittain Slack, Mrs. Dick Valentine. Mrs. Bertha Barge, and the Misses Vera Bratton, Juan- ita Allen. Helen Allen. Elvira or ford, Esther Beller. Pauline Beller, Pauline Trozelle. Doris Carr, Edna Barge and the guest of honor, Mrs. Foster. DEMONSTRATION DINNER HELD AT MATTHEWS HOME MELROSE. Oct. 14 Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Matthews entertained with a six-thirty o'clock dinner ut their home Sunday evening. The dinner was a demonstration of ! cooking utensils. ,Tl;c (Jii;i;i table was decorated 'with a ljoufiu't of red dahlias and Hull red tapers, and covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Per ; i in of Hoseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Jost of Eimene, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. MatihMws, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. BEATRICE ON THE AIR, IN PERSON KRNR 11:45 A. M. TUES., WED,, THUR., FRI. PRESENTED BY SILVER DUST A" GOLD DUST SIDE GLANCES "You go hunt up some kindly.'. up uny more o Woodruff, Bonnie Jean and llillie .Matthews, and the ' host and hos tess, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. Following the lovely dinner vis iting was enjoyed. MARY EVELYN FLETCHER AND R. R. HAWN ARE MARRIED IN EUGENE Mary Evelyn Fletcher, of Itose lmrg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Matey, of Wilbur, became the bride of It. H. HuAvn, of San Francisco, son of Mrs, A. U. Hiiwn, of Rohh buig, at un impressive wedding eeremony at the home of Hev. .Mr. Tnlley, Presbyterian minister in Kugene, Monday evening at seven o'clock. The bride was attractive in a royal blue tailleur trimmed in gold. She wore dark blue accessories and a corsage of dark red rosebuds. Mrs. Walter Fredrlckson, of Rose burg, sister of Ihe bridegroom, at tended the bride and wore an at tractive black tailleur with black accessories and a corsage of gar denias. Mr. Fredrlckson acted as best man to the bridegroom. Following the ceremony the wed ding party was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hawn in Kugene, Mr. and Mrs. Ilawn are leaving the first of I be week fur Sun Fran cisco to make (heir home. Mr. Hawn is employed as traveling un co m San pany with headquarters in Francisco. DORCAS SOCIETY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ELKTON, Oct. 14 The Dor cas society held Its regular meet ing ednesday with Ella Flnley presiding. An all day session was hold in the M. E. church where the ladies spent the time quilting a quilt for Mrs. Mollie Weatberly of Ixmg Prairie. A potluck lunch was enjoyed at the noon hour. On Wednesday of next week the ladies will meet again to finish the quilt. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET NEXT MONDAY St. George's Episcopal guild will meet at eisht o'clock next Monday evening at the II. Zuchurisen home on South Main street, with Mrs. fichu risen and Mrs. E. H. Kenny joint hostesses. The business ses sion will be in charge of the presi dent, Mrs. L. A. Dillard. All mem bers are urged lo be present. CAMP FIRE GROUP COUNCIL FIRE TONIGHT The Pot u w atomic Camp Fire group will hold a council fire cere inoniul tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Charlotte Hiney. The members have, been asked to wear their ceremonial gowns or a middle and skirt uniform. Hi-Jiix Fri.. Oct. 15 8 HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Benefit High School A. S. B. Fund Admission: Students 25c, Adults 35c By George Clark I won't liave you choppiu' me House. REV. PERRY SMITH WILL SPEAK AT MELROSE GRANGE MEETING SATURDAY NIGHT Melrose grange will meet at a most enjoyable potluck supper Saturday evening, October 10, at the grunge hall, at which time Kev. Perry Smith, rector of St. George's Kpiscopul church in Hose burg, will give a talk on the mun llKhls of his recent trip to Europe. A business item of clmnging the meeting night will be considered at the regular grange session and practice of the officers' seating, drill will be held. Every member of the grunge is heing especially urged to attend this meeting. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS TO MEET ON FRIDAY The M id-Wee Hibie class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet at two o'clock Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emil llrust, opposite the Itoselmrg Lumber company. Plans will be made for the birthday luncheon to be held at the close of Ihe month. All mem bers and friends have been most ordfally Invited to be present. LEGION, AUXILIARY MEET, DAYS CRLLK. Umpquu post of the American Legion and lis auxiliary held joint open meeting with the Days Creek post and unit last evening ut Days Creek grunge ball. Adam Flurry, commander of t'miqu" post, presided, with Mrs. Roy O Young presiding tor the auxiliary. Orchestra numbers were fur nished by Mrs. Joe Hhoads and daughters, Jean and Betty, and Mrs. II. C. Church. Mrs. Church accompanied the community sing and Gus Lapp and Andy Moore played for the dance, which fol lowed the program. Refreshments were served late In the evening. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH -GRIFFITH Hurold M. Smith. Ouklund, and Margaret Frances Griffith, Elkton. BORN NORTON To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton, of Myrtle Creek, Monday, October 11, ut Mercy hospital, a sou. ALLDHIDGK To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alldridge at Mercy hospital, Saturday, October 9, a son. CHCRCH To Mr. and Mrs. R. j M. Church, of Hoseburg, October 11. at Mercy hospital, a daughter. LKONARI To Mr. und Mrs. K. K. Leonard, of this city, at Mercy hospital, Wednesday, October 13, a sou. P. M. Local News Leaves for Poitinnc? Mrs. J. l. (iillinore, of 'his c'ry, h-ts It ft fi r Portland to n few iaa in tending to :u-:iwks. Ill Wednesday II. O. Peterson was unable lo be at his work at ihe News-lleview office yester day liecuuso of tllnes.s. Improving Mrs. Albert Long, who has been very HI at her home the past two weeks, is reported to be slowly Improving in health. At Staplcton Home Mrs. W. A. Anderson, of Portlund, has arriv ed in Hoseburg to spend a few days as the guest of Mrs. H. 11. Stupleton on Chadwlck street. Returns 'to Portland Mrs. Charles KdeUon left Wednesday for her home in Portlund, after spending the past week in this d(v us the guest of Mr. and Mva. J. I.. Yarnall on Masher Htreel. In Town Yesterday William Blackaby, divisional manager for Western States (irocers Wholesale company, Portland, was a business visitor at the local plant yester day. Returns to Portland Ttoy Wol ford left today for his work In Portland, after coming to Hose burg lo attend the funeral of his uncle, Pearce Wolford, and to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wolford. Mothers Club to Meet The Mothers club of St. Joseph's Catho lic school has been invited to at tend a 7:3o o'clock dessert-supper tonight at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. M. H. Kichnrds, on East Douglas street. Home From Portland Mrs. E. It. Metzger and M is. L. W. Metzger have relumed to their homes in this city, alter enjoying few days visiting in Portland. While there thev saw the famous Colleen Moore doll house. Leave for California Mr. and Mrs. J. Yarnall left yentciday for San Francisco lo purchase fail stock for their Stylo .-hop. and from there will go to Santa Cruz, Calif., lo spend a few days with friends. They plan to he gone a week. Corvallis Visitors H e re M,r. and Mrs. John Lamb, of Corvallis, are spending a few days here visit ing ut the W. W. Chambers homo, before moving to San Luis Obispo, Calif., to make lludr home. Mr. and M rs. Lamb are former renl dents of Douglas county. Home From H o s p 1 1 a I Mrs. Charles Rice, who has been very 111 of pneumonia at Mercy hospital for the past three weeks, has been discharged from the hospital and is reported to be convalescing satisfactorily ut her home in Myrtle Creek. W. B. A. to Meet Tonight The Woman'. Benefit association, re view No. 11, will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at ( lie Muccabee hall to honor all pa si presidents of the local unit. All members are ut god lo be present. Spends Two Days Here R. C. McKnifjht, s a w mill machinery salesman from Dallas, spent Mon day und Tuesday in this city vis iting his two aunts, Mrs. II. O. Par geter and Mrs. Kdyth Gilmour, and also visited wil h Mr. und Mrs. Charles S. Collins, In the Kohl ha gen apartments. JihjJ- BIG STAGE and SCREEN n fVfr1" SHOW of Ihe HEW SEASON (V TOOAY Matinee and Evening AMERICA'S FASTEST i -r AND FLASHIEST '"llfet ALL-COLORED REVUE! Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Man. 30c, Eves. 40c, Kiddies 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY e "IT'S ALL YOURS MADELINE CARROLL FRANCES LEDERER Visiting In Salem Mrs. Merlin Tippet is and son, of this city, have left for Kulem to spend u week visiting relatives. Here Fom Manhfield I. E. Ileiny. Sale way district manager from Marshfield, was a business visitor in Hogeburg Wednesday. Leaves on B'jalnesa Trip K. It. Meizger, local contractor, left Wed nesday for southern and easlei u Oregon points to spend a few days attending to business. Rummage Sale Saturday The F.piscopal guild has announced an all day rummage sale for Satur day. October lo be held at the parish bull on Kast Cass street. Leaves For East Mrs. Kffie Jor dan, mother of I.. W, Jordan of this city and Mark Jordan, of Sutherliu, icft Wednesday lor lies Moines, Iowa, lo visit her daughter, Mrs. 1. G. Williams. Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Glenn lleuch, of Camp McKinley are spending a few days in this city visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Ilea eh was formerly Miss Uny nise Reese of this city. Leave For Home Mr. nnd Mrs. Toepelinun have left for their homo in Walnut Grove, Calif., after spending a few days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Metzger and Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Metzger. Returns to Portland Mrs. Wal ter Call has returned to her home in Portland, after spending several days here visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wlurd. Mrs. Cull was formerly Miss Juno Winrd of this city. Townsend Club to Meet The Townsend club will hold its regular meeting Fri day night at tne EWnioso school playshed, with Attorney J. V, Lout; and 11. H. Roadman as rpeak ers. A chili supper will be fur nished without chnme. The bnf ness session will hegju ul elht o'clock. Returns to Eugene Mrs. Ken neth lawson bus returned to her work In the telephone office ut Eugene, utter spending a few days hero visiting relatives ami mends. Mr. Lawson remained here for a few days longer to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Luw- sou, and his brother and sister-in luw, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Luwsou Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs, Frank Miinuu, of Woodlund, Calif., spent 1 uesday In Itoselmrg guests of Mr.s. William Fisher on Winchester slreet and left for Kla math Falls, Crater lake, Oretton caves und Modoc county. Cullfor uiu, lo visit en route home. They enme north via Ihe coast hlgiiwuy, slopping in Marshfleld to spend the week-end mid Monday at Mel rose visiting the former'. cousins, V. S. .Woodruff nnd M. Woodruff. D. A. R. to Meet Next Monday The D. A. It. will meet with Miss Adeline Stewart, local regent, next Monday evening at her home tin Chadwick street. Mrs. L. E. Goodbourn will he joint hastens wilh Miss Stewart. The regular business session will begin prompt ly at 7:3o o'clock, followed by a program in charge of Mrs. F. 11. Churchill, who will introduce Mrs. Guy Moore, of Glide, whose sub ject will be "The American In dians." Leave on Trip Mr. au.l Mrs Floyd Stephens, of Powers, Ore., spent Monday and Tuesday in this city visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Chllsou und huve now goun lo California to spend three months mentioning und visiting their son, Carl, who Ls a student lu Glcndule, Calif. Before coming here, they visited their sou and dauhlnr in law, Mr. und Mrs. Stev.nn Steph ens., ut Kmpire lor a levV days. Mr. Stephens, formerly employed by the Model bakery i.i Rosehurg, Irused his hakjry at Powers for ten months. - Back From Portland -Ft. If. Wll-'l son and Sum Campbell, of the Wil- son Motor company of this city.) huve returned hero from a busi- ness trip to Portlund. - tween 28 and 35 pounds apiece. Judge Wimborty Returns Ctr were brought back here lust night uil Judge Carl Ki Winiberly held by Eurl Powell and Charles Klin ourt in Toledo, Oregon, Wedmm-' uer. who have been spending tho lay. He is returning lo Roseburg today to attend to bis couri duties hero. , I Bags Buck and Bear Clyde Fullerion, local wholesuln distrib- utor. has returned from a huntins trip on the North I'mpqua near Heckle) s ferry, where he bugged a forked horn buck and a small black bear. Vacationing Charloft V. Stanton,, city editor of tho News-Review, left this morning for Toledo to spend I a few days visiting his brother,) George Stanton, and enjoying a va cation. He will rnsuntn his duties! here Monday. n .... SCORES KILLED. IN ATTACK ON MADRID (Continued .from page 1) power non-intervention committee, as proposed by Italy. The plan was said to provide a "last chance" Tor Italy to consent to withdrawal of her troops from Spain. France retained tho privi lege of "positive action in case or Italian refusal during deliberations of the non-intervention committee. The French reservations woum include the privileges of making arms shipments ucross the Pyre nees frontier and of taking "tech nical" measures to protect her communications lit the Mediter ranean. French nnd British diplomats were said to be uneasy over tho possibility of a diplomatic clash between Soviet Russia and Italy which might wreck the chances of an agreement at the non-intervention meeting expected to be called in London tomorrow. The French and British were likely to Introduce a plan for an international commission in Spain lo supervise evacuation of foreign warriors from both sides of tho 15 mouthS'Old conflict in Spain. MARKET REPORT WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14. AP) Open High Low Close May 90 .91 .90 .91 Dec KS .Mil .88 .89 Cash wheat: Big Bend htuestein hw. 13 per cent .92; 12 per cent .89; dark hard winter 13 per cent 1.04; 12 pur cent 1.00; 31 per cent .92; soft white and western while .SS; hard winter .91; westorn red .89. ' ' Coming Friday and Saturday ilL Shows 2-7:15-9:15 P. M. ENDS Feature No. 1 Clwim qarlT - mt Harm Jl 1 mm OPA! MFM PATP.H ruiMrtAic im rl iddv CHIINUUNO iri tUKKT Soven chinooks, weighing be- unnl few days fishing lu Sixes river below Hstndon, Ouo of Ihe large salmon is being exhibited ut Powell's hardware store, on North Jack sou street, toduy. Stock and Bond Averages Compiled by The Associated Press. Oct. II: STOCKS 30 15 15 60 Ind'ls RH'fl I'fs St'ks Today 70.2 2:1.3 34.0 49.2 Prev. day .... 71.3 24.3 34.4 fiO.l Month ago .... Hti.l 31.7 3N.9 tiu.5 Year ago 94.3 42.8 51.V 70.7 iy;t7 high 101.6 49.5 04.0 75.a 19:t7 low 70.2 23.3 34.0 49.2 1930 high 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.S 11' 3 6 low 73.4 30.2 43.4 05.7 New 1937 lows. BONDS 20 1ft 10 10 RR's Ind'ls VVn Fgn. Today S0.5 99.4 93.0 titi.3 Prev. day .... 81.5 99.6 93 5 66.5 Month ugo .... N6.5 1O2.0 95.7 70.4 Year ago 97.7 103.7 102.7 70.1 1937 high 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low K0.8 99.4 93.0 66.3 193H high 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low S6.9 101.8 99.3 U7.6 New 1937 low. H. H. Waltermire Local manager Oregon Granite Co. ha moved from 145 Flint St. - to 720 So. Stephens St. jCei's Aave a home-made cake f Schilling Baking Powder Second Big Feature on the Double Bill Program Bob ALLEN !"!Bnn&iis STEP ill I Mats. 23c Eves. 35c Kiddies 10c TODAY Feature No. 2 SWullicWeddiiii WSBSL EM A16 M m rj cm