Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 06, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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Roosevelt Message Will
Go With Blanks to 31
Million Families.
Iti-xistruilmi lihinks for llm imlli
rumliiK uiiHiniiliiyinHiit icnsus will
ran-y a incSiii;i' from Hnwlikni
Idio.sfv.'ll uskiiiK 111' ('oi)H'iiilii)ii
of every family.
Tho (iniialliinlialros were lniiiln
public yminnlay. On ''l"
14 Inquiries, anil on Hih oiImt .Ih
IIiIh slnti'lni'Ilt by tin- prnaldi'lU :
"If you tiro uii'miil".vl or mrt
Iv unmnpliiyi-il nncl urn able lo
work Mini uro neelilnK work, pli'UH"
fill out llil.i ri'iMiii cai'il riiilit away mull il In-loro miilniKliI, Sat
unli'.. November No
joHli' staniii ia neeiled.
"I u iotire ilireeteil mn to
tak"lhiii i-ensuM. It Ix important
lo the uni-niployeil and to nvory
ono In lbl land that Die census
be complete, lionenl and aiinrnte.
If you liivo me tlie inrts I Hhull
try lo use llieiu for the benefit of
all who need and ant work and
do not. now bave H."
Tlie cards will lie dint ributeil by
letter carriers on ' November HI
nnd 17 lo tlie nation' :il,uii(l,ijiu
tamilies. Where lliero is more
than one Jnlih'Hs pereou In a luin
lly, loslmen will lenvo oxtrn
'I'll;; quemlonnnire firet asks
lumii and addresses and whether
Ibe reulsliunl lives on a farm.
Tln I' luqulres:
"T o I u I I y unemployed and
want work? Partly employed und
wnnl more work? WoikinK at
W'I'A (works proKiess administra
tion) NY A (national youlh ad
inlnlstrallonl. '('(' (civilian con
servation corpH) or olher emer
Kenc;' work?"
A iuli-iiiviit preiiared by advis
ers to John l. HIkkims, census ad
iiiiuisirator, said:
"There. Is an Important differ
ence between Ibe pnilly employed
ami the parlly unemployed. Kor
exnieide, a colleiio student may
work on Snlurduys and is there
fore .partly employed; but he Is
not iiarlly unemployed because he
does' not want more work.
'Tin census does not tncliiiie
Hie ;vii'tly employed but only ihe
niicnjiiloyeil and Ibe parlly unem
ployed." oilier queries ask whether reu
Isliunls are aide lo work, their
awe, race, occupation, number of
d pendents, uuiouut of work In the
bisl "week and the last year and In
come duriiiK tho last week.
Tl xpliinalory slnlenieiit said
the card should be filled out by
evprv iierson who regards blmsidf
unetni'loyed or partly unemployed,
even "ihoUR-h the Information ho
supplies may not hear out bin
opinion. ,
Exceptions Cited
Tlie card, li said, "Is nut intend
ed for persons who have perman
ently "retired from work, inr house
wives not employed for pay or lor
children altemlltiK full lime si lioni.
"VeYy youuK and very Id work
ers vim return cards will not
usuuli'v be reiiiirdeil as einploy
ahle." Ol'flcials said they had atlempt
ed lo make I he questioim,
so that most unemployed can fill
out Ibelr reulsliatious ut home.
llooM's will be set up In various
cities," probably In postofflces.
Mayoral Aid Asked
Mior K. II. I.adunrdia. or New
VoiUas president, of the Cnited
Stale. coulei-ence of muyors, to
day listed nil mayors lo assist
Willi I lie census.
"Shire lite unemploved lire main
ly centered In ibe hii'tier Indus
trial cities." I.nliilardla said in a
slntenient released here, "It is ur
gent thai ail mayors do llielr uart."
The New York mayor said cen
sus bureau officials would ask
mayors to niime local unentplny
melil ci'tisus committee to assist.
(Contluuod from pm?fi 1)
lory, what it considered its trl
ninph at the polls.
O'Brien Rejoices
n'Mricu did not participate In
Ihe festivities, hut he said his sup
porters had "every reason lo tie
In a formal statement, he said:
"This is the Tirst siep- and a very
Important one- -low ard 1 he final
victory In the election ni Nov. i
which will result in a fine, clean,
progressive government of I e
troll, responsive to the aims of
liberalism and labor in this coun
try, "We can all rejoice tnget her
that the cause of pmgrexs, huuiau
itv uikI liberalism has won a sub
stantial victory in Detroit thai will
not be without Its repercussions
in the nation"
I Mii lug his campaign. O' Hi ion
declared l tinl "la hoi- must seize
ihe reins ol goveinnent in I lei roil
I Ailradive Outside Roams
M You'll find comfort, grnumi hotpilnl- B
U lly and oninty ht of tSa fitter of B
D Portland lif. 3 to A blorht to lending TO
jp ilorei and bunk. Oaroya oppntite. Dj
fW rmnor for "and fooa ah
mid t'Vury other Anieriruii city."
Reading Spurned $30,000
KuliiiK auiii:
'l fiiimiilHr the victory not ho
much u peminal out- utt an imrut-
Hlle ufliiinution of the fuith of
the voKtu in tho nuti-parllhaii
(til ni of K"VLinin'Ht and their
remliiiewrt lo spniiK .culoiiKly to
it B ill reriHO."
lie also Haiti a Kioup of Deirolt
mh ulfr i(l him t';:",oiHi luxt month
io iftiie limn tile run beraii'i) "I
coulilii'i win uikI ih'-y whm1 ii
nt ni i in- way ui ;!itlr 'Uiuli-
Sinllli, a veteran in lieinul poll
lictt, iiiinhf iio Hiaiemr-nl.
(i-;i. line's caiiipalt-'n lenders mitfl
I hey helieved ilieir candidate
would hae iIih advantage in I Ih
ronteKl on election duy for the htl,
UUn voti.'H cast for tho linen udhuc
cestnl iiiayoraliy candidateH yen
lerday. They naid that O'lirlen
imiMt talte 71' jar cent of those
voten ii) order to overcome, Head
inji'M lead in yesi erda j "h primary.
Brakeman Killed
.MAKSHJ-'IKI.I), f)ct. 4 fAI)
Kaliiii? beneath a fieij-hl (rain an
he attempted to brake it near the
.Mai Hhlit ld round home, Thomna
."on, .H. was killed SumUy.
Record Plani Ooencd
IIO('I) IilVi:U, Oct. 4 ( Al') A I
halt-million dollar cold storage
plant, lite lareiil Unit reti igerulln
libit in tlie world, was opened Sat-
iinlnv bv the Hood Itiver Apple !
CrowfuH attsociatiou with more than
IIMK) immibcti.s and other growers
uti lmnd to r,ee ihe .mart of the foil;
project. It can More o.'tM.nhu boxi.
ol fruit.
Knife Used in Quarrel
KMI'lltl-;. Oct. -I. ( A I') Slashed
ncrott the abdoinnn, Howard
Ilrrtwii was in a crfiical condition at
a Norlh liend hospital today while
police held Clarence Carrol, Norlh
Hciid, OJi'jeeis said the wound
was sintered during an allei cal lou
which occurred Sunday.
(! HANTS PASS, Oct. G. (Al')
'."ouch Loren Tullh? assiiined a
Simon I -eg roe role as he pointed
his tlrauts I'ass high school charges
today toward the Klamaih Kails
fit id game here Friday night. Kadi
I en in has been twice defeated.
(Jriintx I'iiHH having lost a (-ouler-
elH t; game.
Tuttle warned tlie Cavemen they
must spued up. He illustrated bv
t'olliiwilj:? the p!i!.vM's in scrlmliiace
and swinging a puddle on Ihe delay
ed rears of slow players.
(Continued from page I)
cai ry in (iencva.
Mr. Uoosevelt's
was spread on toe
pages oi ;
Madrid newspaper
w il bout com-1
meiit but with
the headlines, !
'Amerieaiu want
iv It energetically
!' invasion iinl fa:
'ltliOir t'll
peace ; Hoose-)
condemns policy
cist idackniail;" j
i provocathe na-1
In Nanking a spokesman fori
Hciiei alissimo hhiug Kai-Mick H
government declared Ihe speech;
wioi KiuMijing m i inim
to China
Hence lliai America IS einei muj;
ir.ini isolationism ami neuuum.
mid neutrality
he said.
"is Mr. Ituusevdt's Implied con
demnation of Japan when lie said
wltnout warning or justiuc.nion
civilians are being ruthlessly niur -
under dand why Ihe I'nited;
Stales desir
to avoid this (Sino
not lh
el war hut isolationism is
way. China agrees Willi Hie
president's statement that
loving mil lens must strive in con
cert to hall treaty violnlois.
inn mis must ne mm tore it
is mo inie. i lima unpen .uin-ncaii
pumic opinion soon win crystaiie
in snne definite form, such as the
enforcement of sanctions."
Cheat llritain. taking the presi
dent's words as an offer of co
operation In the far east, sought a
formula to give i
i his Idea to
"niiaiantiue" the
The cabinet weight
measures to si ifle I hr
I emeigency
ats in peace
in ine uncut and In l.urope where,
Spain's "interiiiitinnal" civil war is
me mosi imuieiiiate concern.
Germans Pick Flaw
The Hents. he I'oli
tische Kori espoiiden.. Herman for
eign office organ, said :
"Mr. Knosevolt talked in very
general terms a limit 'Hie sacred-
liesw of t reatte-' w itlinnl .Ii- I :n-
We will be in the
1alley Produce Co.
Phone 646 Cor. Washinpiion and Main
Turkey Pickers please register at office.
Kiiihhiim which treaties conform to
international morality and which
do not.
"He Hpoke of ooimtrieH eaer to
attuck and othei-H Wtl. h ttniiK omy
of defending Hipuwelvi, without
even here indicaliux any udequate
marks of diHtinctiou. He avoided
diKciKtuliiK llie role of bolrthevUm
which menaces all ataten and
"Ifilie prettideiit of I he 1'nited
Statei ti-eit salvation in union of
)ea'ful tiattoiiK and fi iKhieniiiK
off the had. Ihen a pruportai
can liave a ira-iical va.ue only If
clarity alieady has heen ehtahliHh-
ed as io which are good ami witich
are had.'
In Vienna, Mich headlines as
"Itoo.t'velt declare war on war"
typPal of the reaction Uliile
ediioiB awaited Home hint of th
publication "Die Htunde" observed:
U. S. Isolation Held Pst
"HooHovelt haH Kiveii up Ihfl
American policy of lnolntlon and
HtandH now beside 90 per cent of
the world's population which Ioijkb
for peace and oppoHes treaty vio-
latfnn and irreHponsible yiehhiiK to
eckle:is instimiH.
l.ei lillllij llie pit-.nutriu itir,i iuji
propose to be drawn deeply ut
aflaiiK of Kurope or the (Jrienl.
hut neither will America wtand
aside idly when confronted with
the problem of prenerviiiK worhl
A Kr;ol;e:nian for llie chaiic;dlery
k;miI "a siroiiK declaialioii for oh-
from such
a powerful
is a great comfort to small
i,iL I'rensa, in linemn AlroH. said
Hie president 'found it indispeus-
able, "in Iron! of internal j:nal I
unarchv," to stale ihe peaceable
determination of the I nited Slate;.
The Japanese foreign office -om-
itemed that "the Ideals of right
as conceived by weslern peoples Is )l(t (jj,,,,,., .nupi do. Moore. Hist
iiicouioailbl;- to that of the Orient." ; dribbled a single through the
japar. Needs More Room i middle of the diamond, hut Itar
A K(iokesinan said Japan s de- t(.( ft(,,i lo Selkirk, Ott fouled to
maud was that ihe Japanese people Catcher Dickey in front of the
he permitted "to enjoy the freedom ;ii,,iis' dugout and I.eiber hit a
of movement ami happiness-, which OI,K fv to Hong,
is rightfully theirs." . pins, ono bit, no errors, one
Tlie Japanese exclusion law.
passed by the I'nited States hi
l!i2l, was injected into the com
ment, the foreign oil ice spokes
man characterizing Huh law as
"one which Is againsl tlie natural
laws of mankind nnd Is greatly de
plorod by Ihe Japanese people.
"Japan's population has doubled
dining ihe past 50 years." he said.
"Being crammed in such a limited
area, Japan wanls to send her pen-
pie elsewhere httl all millets are
denied by counl lies every where."
Lague Stand Bolstered ,
In Ceiieva. league of nations:
slniesmeii reminded the league's
condemnation of Japan for timid j tin" count tln-ce and two. ami IH
ing Cliina as si renut hened hy.j p.-nr-do, ra"piug out his second hit
President Hoosevell's declaration. ,,f iho ganie off Hubbell's first
A French government spokei- pitch, scored (lonie ami Crosetii
man in Paris characterized life wph ItolTe Inking third and Joe
Koosfvclt sjieoch as marking tlie .,.tHnti to second on the t!irow-lu
"real entry of tlie great mma f,.0in left center,
force of ihe I'nited Stales" into, (lehrig. next up. was hiteniion
ihe world's troubled uiTairs. ,iv punned, filling Ihe bases again.
"The speech will have thunder-; ftickcv brought in the third inn.
oils repcr iisHhmV h said. "The scoring liolfe when Whitehead
lull hacking of the I'nited Slates i faileil to hold n sharp grnumler and
for mil ions who are working l;Ht went tor a single. Willi three
preserve peace means Hint they'nms in. Huhhell got lloag as his
will lie greatly strengthened." j lii-st mil, the fielder grounding to
-o- .(hi nnd Hiiimgcfo. Irving to get
(Continued from page 1)
I.a.zerl. who in. nle a shoe-top
catch, and Mnncuso lined to Sel-
No runs, no bibs, no errors, none
Yankees-The Yankees could do
bet ter n llielr liulf
l!l nllll(Mii.. .ml Itui tull 1 1.
itiy. Selkirk bounding out. WhW.
iu ad lo Met arthv. ant l.azzen ire-
ing down after Huhhell madX; a
nice, gloved stab of his hopper und
nm,w i,iiu ... ... tiriit
i No ruiB IIO lilHi nu errors none
Third Inning
( ! hints ( Umiipv. wet I lin ( Hun's
. down in order for the second time,
(Yoselti. inakimr a neat stnn nf
peace- Whitehead's bounder behind sec
11 "m ,ond base, threw him out. Huhhell
las lied a long drive which Selkirk
rimKtlt 0n the. hank
few feet
lr(mt nf tho HlumRi
while Moore
was I In-own out. (iomez to (lehrig,
the pitcher making a fine stop of
a hard Ktound?r.
No runs, no lilts, no errors, none
Ynnkees-Likewise the Yankees
fvn fl ,.,,,,. ni.fore Hubbell's
contagious o. beautiful pitchiim. Come ground
t ing out. CroHctti flvinii lo Moore
uiti, ihe count ihree ami I wo ami
Kolfe hoisting a short fly to
u runs, no hit
no errors, none
I lefl
Fourth Inning
Ciaills-Tlie Clants were down,!"'-"' '(" - b"t Ce'-ri-'
one-iwo thren again. Kartell riving I rcc'-nd ihtd. Hh-kev eii; c-t -m
ttt Hoau in deen left ; Lazerl grab I second. Selkirk left him there,
long - ott's tricky hopper and I rounding out. lhu-'ell to McCn'
throwing him out to Cehrig on n 1 thy. (lehrig and Unrtell ctdPiletl
.Mwl cHiev nn-'ienr to -t ow when V-inrllsn f(eil to
market for
the 15th at
Ycur business appreciated.
id, . ho hm kf-d up on tho
f;ranH for the catch.
No rtiim, no iiitB, no erroiH, none
Yanltees Dltraeio could do no
leiter fir the Yanket1.-., rollliiK out
lo VK'hiteheud. who loaned lo Mc
Cariliy; CAni funning with the
fount two and two and th? crowd
roared, and Idckey KioundinK out
io McCarthy, unaKsiKted.
man. no hits, no erroiH, none
Fifth Inning
(iiuntH ,ijt, (m. (I.HW
f, , . i(1 .. vi(.inllu ihree-hii
attack on (iouiez which produced
one run. Hippie led off with a
Hiiitfle into i -it; tit field with the
count two and two. and McCarthy
rifled a siiiKle pant luuzeii on the
lhlrd piU:i,eil bnU Toiiy getting
b,9 gjove on (t but' faijng l0 rr
Mancugo drove in the first. run
of the Kame W((h t,e count two
,trj,ftS inj a lmn, he hit into a
(iuble plav. CroHetti to Lazerl to
c. nut the maneuver let in
njIint(, who (,a( t(lhpI1 tMrt on
McCarthy's single. White hetd
iah(l a (nutile lon the riKht
fiM line, but Tlubtiell couldn't
Peiii him out. tfroundins out
(Gehrig, nnassiHted.
One run, three Mis, no error.',
one left.
Yankees- The Vankee were
lielnle.Hil before Illlhhell. lloag
I'fted a high flv to IPirtell on ihe
fi,.ul ,..,,.), lin(i uiuiik
whh Iinn(j,er fly lo IMmil
in stiort
,. , I .itvi'ii was Ibe third out.
uulillvllll, ... f..KT lllu. uith tlu
,.)nn, )Wo and two. mak-ii il the
foitrih Hlraight inninf that Hnti
beii bad put the Yankees down in
Vo ruiiH, no hit.1!, no errors, none
Sixth Innina
filnntR firmie- viehled another
il(t ,., ,hl, Kivh but that was ull
Yankees The ankee sluggers
solved Hubbell's hurling mntrif
with a hliist of nasehiis which
blew him out of tlie box nfier ho
had h'i in five runs and put the
Yankees way In front.
Huhhell. weakening with Ihe
first nitched hall of the inning,
walked Come, and Crosscut fol
lowed with a single to left. Come,
inking second. A break saved
c.nnie. when Maitcuso caught him
second only lo have IlartMl
ilmp the ball.
liolfe filled the liases bv dnio-
utlK single in short left
with j
ho.o... was caughi al Ihe plad
n-i.l II. ,1,1. ,.11 iv,. u
'shocked nun. SrlkMk ingHn-r
jthe I bird pitch sharplv to right.
sco'ing firhrit: and Hickey and
( sending Hone to third.
I Terry ierked Huhhell. rcuhiclm
' the southpaw with Harrv (lomhet i.
enntinuon ti-e as-'aoii.
L'roupdlng through Whitehead f''
an error ami scorn r (long, ine
sixth - run, with Selkirk taking
i llH-d.
I Terr ent in Ins third id tehee-
lip'k ('off ma ll replacing (,ittileit,
and he nromntly walked !ii'"'".
I'aui filling the bases. Crosse! i
f'bd 'ti loorfi for tlie second net
fMid ltolfo walked Willi Hie rr
th"0e 'nd two. ftuping in
vu' H seventh run.
Tm Ciants' ntFrhtptin f'nallv
I etiine in "ii end wtlli the next ht
!'". m-iiggio. flvhl" out (o 1 elb-
In tlen eente' on t'r flrt idi-tv
'"'"i inu'ng put thi Yankees ahead.
SeeM hius, five hits, two errors.
t'i'iMf lefl.
I Renth Inninn
I Obq The rpnn's il'd netin
to temiir the dn"". eoin out m
ow ifpnip riiod to tTer 1m
' -'-nri left. Ver-thv rol'ed o't.
I Con-P to Cdirlf. nnd Mfncn,,f.
'"-'sted to Dlmaggio in short cen-
No runs, no hit.., no errors, none
Vankeoc- Coffn ao pilehed I'1"
e"1 tv nf n ti-rht R'tot. after
"ilkit"' lr rtrsf l-o Vnnkee hut.
(lehrig and Hiekev. lln",
f'ci' li vln-r i0 vierffe I !.. "(
tn n doe'e nli", OM In hif-
Turkeys either LIVE or
pick the first h(temuii off with
HoaK at bat, IlarteK beinp knocK
d linwn a-M Oehi itf tore back lo
second and dropping the ball.
No runs, no hits, no error, none
Eighth Inning
(iianlR (i o m e 7. coniinued to
handcuff the IJianlK. Whitehead
flyiiiK to iJimamiio, Iterrer hoiMt
intf another to Jo nnd Ueii-ll lin
inc oi' lo Iloa: in front of the left
field barrier afier Moo-e d"'d;-d
a '"'"Vai leafier mi!tIh Mi'o left.
vo ruiiri, one hit, no errors, one
Yankees - I neri rn" '
rrU linmer of tl " series t 1-noc1-
t.e b-'H ilXTthp Pever lefl
m'.ihI- With ' C"Mt 'If''"
, ti.-no ITe rot t.p PM
t-'q ftMHM ' ' "It Af pntttn
rrt-1"0'l Cfiffmon fit the Ft"'-'
.It, trnt n- H.e t'.fnt 1 -
rrQ In o'-de". rinrf -n'nii '
1tlnlf, r-' i1
ine ,i-tira rriH I'"1"" t" OH en
tl.n th-tt 0"'1 Ttnlf' l",ln"'"'
t Tlit PCnrft was S I fw
n'to. ri'ii. cie ti't. in errcirs. none
fMl" . Ti.n rTn r-w"n f
font.ln r.ff"- t" " I "
. ... i , ,
Tit... IV I ft f ''
"in ""-I - -nuii'led t
-..t.r ,.,,.,-,('' --1
runs, no lii'H. vn ei-co'-"
ii DAM UADKirn DV ris '"'"'"ding his second son, and
JAP WARNM) KY 'reports thai the Italian Hlack Ar
LEAGUE ASSEMBLY I row brigade had reappeared in
the northeastern Spanish fighting
fPontiniieci frcm page, tl
Chinn wfir one. ,Innin"e claimed I
that the'r tioi".'P' T-iebn'ziMi n'
unin bail mvit'ie'i suniitiing .-
l?ie. coni'dete-l tee cuillive ol me
v !Ued ritv of Tediow ani w-w
nrestin-r on p""lt Tsinanfu. Hie
provinefjil r-tdhtl.
Jan PftoortcH Ri-ouIp-H
C"vr"nOte'"tt'' fir t Aoeiat-pr..r-
qlid other foretfii oleJe-'-
es at T'nanfii r'"1",,l,'l. howevei.
t i-jit n vt"oioim fdnce cnnnle"
aitnc't had forced the .tamineso to
abandon their sieire of Techow and
rei'nrit m the north.
The Shantung P-elo-w of (Pn.
llan Kii-Chu wet'., suramin' north
and foreign residents in Tsiuaufu
declared thev felt no anxiety.
Farther inland, the Jnanes col
oinii advancing aloii" the railroad
from Piening lo Hankov w:i s-ud
in Pave been oulflankcd at Pan-
tingfu. the captured capital
Ht'Oi'h nrovince.
foreign reports agreen vnii vui-i
iiese that Ihe Japanese push had!
been slowed no at Pantiiigfu and
that strong Chinese units were '
striking at the flanks oi' the Mi
tnile long Janancse line if coin-,
implications to Peiping.
Informed Chinese and Japanese
circles in Peiping reported that
Japan ola nned lo form the five
north China provinces of Hopeh,
Shantung. Chabar. Suiyuan and
Shansi into an autonomous repub
lic if and w hen they are captured.
Peiping. its name restored to Pek
ing, was' said lo have been selocto I
as the capital for the new repub
lic which would flv the former
five-barred Chinese flag.
Shanghai Defence Hold3
Tlie dramatic nine-day old hatll
tor the environs of Shanghai cju -
tinned unabated just acrosn Sno-
-how creek from the norihern
boundary of tlie international set -
Time after time, daring Japanese
pa flies attempted to break the
deadlock and hurled themselves
against the bayonets of the Chi
nese defenders behind a screen of
artillery and aerial fire.
Lint each time the Chinese took
a heavy toll of the Japanese aa
ttu.v Milv-nie.xl thrnneli n U nf
tnnchine gun fire and then over-
powereii ine survivors Dy sneer
Planes Raid Tovna
Japanese boiuliing planes con
tinued their attack on the great
centers of central and south China.
! midline i hi" ti m ni' litu-no in I lie
Yangtze river valley and '(Iohk the
Kwantung coasl in the smith.
One Japanese bomber was down
' ed in a raid on the capital at Nan
king. Renewed resistance by Chi
nese fighting planes prevented the
raiders from dropping but one
limit on Coacn "
mow ru...
raiders from dropping hut one HHMMiWHB
p:;.rn.h.E...,Mid:..t, sou.!..
A,,.condltio.d .quipm.nt lo t .
cl.ii 0,1"VV' , ,l meals.
Pillow'" t-oac
I ..... .mlltV in&HO-Am"-1'"''
bun "".'-...u-d. S.a.o
t::." h.r. ....r-..".
load of bombs.
A danger which Shanghai has
feared almost as greatly as the
lighting was believed to have
passed its peak today with Ihe
decline in tiie avciuge daily num
ber of chop ru cases from loo to
tiu. There was a total of 2.u5 cases
in the foreign area, but with the
advent of tool weather, doctors
said, Ibe disease no longer consti
tuted a serious menace and would
be eradicated in u matter of weeks.
The American colony leaded fa
vorably to President Uoosevelt's
Chicago speech agaiiihf interna
tional aggression and inter prided
it as an indictment of Japan s un
declared war against China.
LONDON', Oct. 6. fAP) The
British government today granted
Premier Mussolini only 24 hours
more for reply to a Franco-British
Invitation to tri-power talks on
the grave Spanish situation.
With two wars threalening world
peace, informed sources said the
cabinet had agreed to wait no long
er in the face of what it cousid--ers
sure evidence. 11 duce has sent
more planes, as well as his son,
Io aid insurgent Cenerallssfmo
Francisco Franco in defiance of
non-inierveiition pledges.
A new factor in the troubled sit
uation lhee sources declared, was
jibe "legitimate" ion Presi
dent ItooseveKs Chicago speech
aroused for (ieneva lo t xpect
American collaboration.
Premier .Mussolini's hold, new
aerial Intervention In Sua in.
ihrniitfh u force of nee aerial bomb-
presented a grave threat to Hrit
! ish anil French efforts to localize
s')ili" s Wl"'-
POKTLAMJ, Oct. tl (AP)
ItFTTKlt-Prmts. A grade. :7c !
lb. iu parchment wrappers, HSjc j
lb. in carton.; It grade, :P4- lb. in j
parch me til wrappers, IlTic lb. in (
IUJ'1 TKHKAT (Portland ddiv- I
ery. buying pdee) A grade, 374- ;
'iSc lb., country stations; A grade,
:t7.'-:iNc Hi.; It grade, 2c Ih. less;
C grade, lie less. I
KtitiS Huying price by whole- j
sal ers Fxtras. :or; standards 27c;
first.. 22c: medium 2:tc; medium 1
(firsts 2e; small extras 14e; under- j
I grades Jiic dozen,
i I.IYK P(rirKY Ituylng price:
Leghorn hens, under 34 lbs., lie
lb.; others unchanged.
Cheese ami country meats un
changed. WOOL- 1!'"T, nominal: Will
amette valley, medium, 3oc l'--coarse
and braids, 2Sc lb.; fall
lamb wool. 25c Ih.; eastern Ore
gon, tine, nominal.
MOHAIR VSA7 clip, 35c lb.
Potatoes, onions, cantaloupes,
hay, hops and cascara bark un
changed. WHEAT
Oct. (!.-
Open High Low Close
May : ! 95-4 9ti
Dec !)2 !KI 92 93
j Cash wheat: Hig Bend hluestem,
hw. 13 per cent 9H; 12 per cent 93;
dark hard winter 13 per cent 1.07;
, 12 per cent 1.03: 11 per cent 95;
soft white and western white 92;
hard winter 93; western ved 93.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. (1. (AP)
(IT. S. Iiept. Agr.l HOUS: Mar
ket rather slow but mostly steady;
For 26 years we have suc
cessfully treated tho us audi
of people (or the ailments
we specialize in. Rectal
and Colon nnJ Stomach ail
ments completely done away
with without a hospital
operation. No confinement.
No loss of time from your work. Call
or write for FREE Booklet today.
Physician and Surgeon
N E. Cor. E. Burnside and Grand Ave.
Telephone EAst 3918 Portland. Oregon
.. i 1 Da.
! rr.........
.. ,..!- . ..... I iV
u ....-V....I. ,
Kood-cholce 170-210 lb. driveiutil
mostly JIl.ou. tow Hd-"i lb. $lu."5.
lb. IliLOU-fjii, few tight lights j
ami slaughter pits chou
l.rM h. up to $ln.;r; packing bows,.
50-5.1)11; choice feeder pisi tipj
110.25 or above. j
CATTLK: Quality mostly poor,
demand narrow but market about
steady, .Monday advance on bulls
erased ; few cutter-common steers
iiJ.iHi-ti.5o, medium-good grassers
sab-able at .Monday rauue of $vum
H.ti.1; few cruiiiiion-uieiium In-ifeit-iri.f.iMi.jn;
low cutter and cutter
cows i.iio-4.uo, comuioii-mediiiiii
j v i i...ur cui..,.i.iu m.
Sf. fill mill nlii.tx' r-liikii-f Vfnl.-r.-it
quotable $10.50, few medium $7.2:
s.5u. SHKKP: Market abutit steady;
good 80-tfS lb. trucked in lambs
$8.75-9.uo, some unsold, common'
medium $7.oo-S.Oo. culls and cr.
mon yearlings $, good
grassers eligible to ?7.oo; few me
dium ewes $:i.uo, good grassers
tpintahle np 'A f.0 nnd above.
4-ft. Green, per cord
4 ft. Dry Slab, par cord
Ithinch Dry, per load
16-Inch Green, per load
Mil Ends, per load
2 ft. Green Slab, per load
Sawdust, per unit .
$5.25 $5.50 $7.50
Brassed or black in a large assortment of styles.
Sets of Shovel,
$350 up
A Few Tall Frames with shovel and tone
This whiskey is 2 years old. Try thej
nation's quality drink. "There's a
barrel of quality in every bottle and
it doesn't cost a barrel of money to
buy it.' 90 proof.
PINT 80c QUART $1.50
Alio available iu Kte
Those who love fine Bourbon choose
as their favorite this "double-rich"
Kentucky straight Bourbon. Taste it
yourself and see why. 90 proof.
PINT 85c QUART $1.55
Golden Wedding has had no peers for
its famous "ALL whiskey" blend.
90 proof.
Golden tlrcD0imj
Awiilabit iu Oregon
Sanding and Refinishing.
Phone C31-J R. R. 2t Box 22C
Rosoburg, Ore.
Om eppllcattoit glwN prompt !!(. Ill
Oily bota lOftthct ths porthod ikin.
$4.75 $3.50 $4.50
Flat Screens
Curtain Screens
Folding Scresns
Wood Baskets ..
.$4.75 up
Tongs, Brushes
to $525
I Atn
90 i'..fioiW hVJ
IffB I