Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 05, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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News of Douglas County
DIIKW, (let. 4 (.iiif'tiU ul tin;
home of Mr. and Mm. Htewuri
Taylor hist week were Mm. Mai
V., Tn ' loi" and ilfi'l I'll lor I mm
Mumhlield. : uiul Mm. (hi 1
Iteecrnlt ol Hos'huiK, and Mr. and
.Mm. Itnlph Taylor and (Irani Tay
lor of (.'oiUllle.
Mr. and Mis. Iliu; Cox. dr. ami
Mm. Win. I lull mail tiuil liud Kline
of I'm l land visited wiih Mm. (hx'h
ki nniH. .Mr. and Mm. J. K. M
Coril, InM week.
Mr. ami Mm. Ted howuey arc
spend ln acveral week ai I heir
lioini1 here. Mr. Ihiwney, who haw
been quite ill, lit nun h Improved
in health.
Mm. (Madya Zufier ami family
of I'm Hum! have lieeii KIH-mlillK
Mime linn- vi.-Hliu: al Ihe home
of Mr. ami Mm. Klu llainville.
Mm. ZiiIUt l Him laili'i'M niHter.
Mm. W. I). Link of Kuuciie ami
Win. Reiner of Kukhiiu Hpeut Sat
urday at the honm of A. A. Lucub.
Tho Luchs mill Ih to bo moved
from 1U present location to k new
tdiu ii nhort (llHtiini'O weal of the
Jnew potitofflee.
Ol IVvtun ami Hon of Klamath
I'alli vWitd al ihe Lewis Thonia
non luime Sumlay.
Mr. iiml Mis. .hihoii Jeucti ami
Hon (liiHHii' ami Mr. and Mm. lien.
Jewell uiul son Itoner npeiii
Ttii-Hilay ami WedneHduy ul the
lioinc or Mm. Win. Harrow.
Tin- Drew Shell elation received
ll new coal ol pain I Hits week.
Mm. Wawie Dean left Tuesday
for Craml Couh-e dam when (die
will Join her husliiiml who U em
ployed I here.
h it I'. Harrow ol' I he Diamond
Lake ('('(.' rump spent l In week-,
end al his huine here.
Mr. mid Mm. Allen of I'orilunil
me vlxiiinu ul Ihe home of Mr.
and M m. Lew in Thomanon.
.Memhem of tin- Ininily or Mr.
mid .Mm, .lumen of Kunene amh
cred lllrtl week ni the home of
their daughter ami son-in-law. Mr,
mid Mm. Wlllaid I'ook, here. Kljrh't
nieinbem of the family and eleven
children mid their Hunt lien were
pli'Hent for tile reunion. Those nl
lemlliiK were Mr. mid Mm. James,
Kenneth uml Shirley. Kuneiie; Mr.
and .Mrs. II. (hilii lelxon ami .Mr.
and Mm. .1. Tidyiium, The IihIIch;
M r. 11 ml Mm. Mark .lames, Sun
Lulu Obispo. Calif.; Mr. mid Mm.
Utilcy Ki use and son, Hosehtii'K ;
Laurel .Iniuen, .luneaii. Allodia, and
Mr. anil Mm. Cook ami three chil
dren. Mrs. Win. Harrow mi l diumhter,
Mrs. Win. Jewell, istlei hiKl week
Willi Mr. and Mm. Albert Hiirmw
Hi Alumni.
L. KohlluiKeii .Jr. purchuneil two
truck IoiuIh of lul catilo from I0lu
iml .In men Italnville lit) week uml
one horn Lewis and Hoh Thiunusou
UtlH week.
Mrs. Oliver Hi alien unil nous,
1 onald mid Hoy, and Mm. .1. V.
iihori made a trip (o Atcdtord Wed
esday evelliliK.
fluents a( the home nf Mr and
Mm. .1, V. Hhoit early lunt week
were Mi (in .May Short of UoehiirK
;iml Al hiuHh of Linplie. .Mm.
Mael Dixon uud .Mr. and Mrs. L.
W, Mei'-'er pent the. week-end at
the Short home.
Frank DeUitt ol the C. S. inc
lines, hoii of .Mi n. I-Mzii Itain vi lie,
when lat leaid trom was on duly
in China. No word has been re-
ived ttoin him lor several w eeUs.
Mr. mid Mm. o. . I'l-teiuii and
tinee rhlldietl mid Mm. .1. K Mc
Conl were ItoHi-liuri; vi.siiors Tiies-
.Mm. (. K. Cook ami sons, lon
:ilr ami Karl, and Mr. and Mm
Hoy Ski it on spent Monday in
.dr. and Mm. Oliver Hratteii at
l elided lo hilslnehs hi Hose bur;;
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Tikoii and
sou attended to business in Med
loi d and Ash land Wednesday.
fllJDK. Oct. 4 MIsh Marwuret
Millur. HUHlntunt principal of the
school here, visited with relative
in Salem over ihe week-end.
Airs. Ted Schopf left early luM
w-ek lor a i.-di with her moiher.
Mm. Ida Ciamiall. in Ashland. Mie
is expfiii-d hack uuitiday.
Mm. .Merle llaruis ol I'ortland.
loruierly .Miss Ahlmi Asaui. arriv
ed lliis week-end lor a few day's
stay ul the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mm. Fred Asam.
Annum deer hlllllcm
is C I'. Moot i', who Inoimlil in
his limit the first id last week. One
of the bucks was a lour-point.
AitondlitK the I', of O.SIanfonl
fool hall Kame Sal urduy w ei e M r
mid Mm. Uiuren Ituel, bolh of
whoni are Oregon ulniiiiii. Mrs.
Itmd visited her sisler. Miss llelell
Citlam. who allemls the uni vei ail y.
.MiS lleh'tl Welhereli, pl'illiai V
leacher here, visited her mother,
Mrs. Alvin S. Welhereli. in Hone
Inn K. over the week-end.
To Nol l ll est t lll lstlilll colleue
ill Kuucuf last
Helen ('outline.
k weiil Miss
She clitcm there
as ii IreMiimm.
Mr. uml Mrs. Joseph W. Sutler
ami ruinlly uioved lust week from
Ihe W. A. (team place to the Kail
Marker place w hid) they have
Mrs. K S. Hlakely ami sister,
Mrs, Klla Muihews, are in Cianls
Hass isit Inn amit her sister. Mrs.
Will Iniii ain. They w ill he none
ahonl anoliier wei'k.
All i tidiliii the dedication of Ihe
new Townseiul hall m Scotls Val
ley la si week were Mr. ami -Mrs.
W. It AlcMilleii ami dam;hler
Mtleen. John Alexander and Ar
thur HlaUely. nil ol (Hide. The
Sculls Valley hall Is lite first
huildiim of Us kind in (lie cminiy.
Hlhlil.K. i let. I. Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Itoml arrived here Saiurday
from their home at TnrniT and
spent ih week-end vimtiiiK at the
home of Mr. uud Mis. ii. K. Aikius.
Mr. Houd wan formerly S. P. ai;ent
ut thitf uirico.
Air ft. Maude I.jdy uud son. Koid.
hav moved here to reside, for the
. . ' ' '.'"" uud on the Atluutlu coust.
biHii a Biient at tho home of hr
aimer, Mm. C. F. Hiauffer, the pH( ' .Mr- und Mr- c- " oot left
week left WednuKdav for Hatia ' Thun,tJuy, for New Wentralnliier,
menlo to )i;ml the whiter. IR L- und ""ler noi,lt8 noMh.
Hurry Wfllfams and IVte Hidtel, Mr- a,ui Ml'8- nH C. HuntlntOTi
Jr.. wlio me employed near Klum jw'",H lleil to NewbeiK Wednes
mh Fall.-, were Ime iner lhe!llav If"' "''Iside of Air. HuntiiiK
week eml : ton's inoiher. Mrs. Frank Snow,
Mrs. I Oilsrnrth r Portland 'h" hn 'T" f"; some limn hi
visited relallves here a few day!1" "MM'M ' " !n a' ';OIH,i,Um-la-,t
week : A1H- 1la ,iIlh.v, returned Suuduy
'. . , ;i'tom a visii wild her daunhter, .Mrs.
.. .. and Mm. ( on.tney 'l,v.m, ,, TlH.k(.r ln ,;;il.skaIli
and !r. ami .Mrs. Ha(li!tinti moior- ....
ed doun -:iuein Satui.lav
and isited over
Ikhih. of tn i
Sunday in ihe
Mrs. J. Al. Cor-l
null. The men of the parly en j
joyed u hum while here. ' Air. and Mm. K. It. Harvey and
(Mill Alellor of Seallle visited Air. ami Airs. Walker K. Hurvinn
ht-ie jit ihe home ul his brother, rei urneil .Monday from a week's
Will Alellor. lasl u. ek. j huiitini; in easleiil Oieuon on WII-
The nieuiliei.i ol Hie local Kds-biw creek. They report exception-
copal km l Id announce tlial tliey al ;;ood lin k.
will resume their regular meetnoisl Charles Kafer, (Hen Kafer und
net W ednesday Hr tlm :;umuier j H. Kesh left Tuosduy lo hunt
holidays. A silver tea will he kIvcii in eastern Orvgou. They were
on this iiftHinoon lo which the pub-'joined Wednehday by Fred Kafer
Hi: is invited. Mr. and .Mm. A. G. Hennlnger
Mr. und Mm. Frn'att, who have nd son, Larry, Iratmacted buelneas
heon vlHitlim relative here the 'in firunts Pans Thursday,
past wei.k. left Wpilneriday to re j -Mrs. ( h. Austin and John Ron
turn to their home at Portland. tto"'t'indt werp hitrtiiieng viHitore in
Mm. Pea 1 1 local pogt- U rants Pass Thursday
mistress, and Air. ami Airs, Kllierl I
Halt alien. the .i.-.h. .it ion cen -
monies al Houue ille dam lust
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hnnu of ls'
I.w I., M... L'
..k- ..iin. ... rmiir III j ,
!!:!;.. I li..hl I 'it I il-I... 1,,1 I....... l,.,l'S
111.. iu.rlli.Tii .:..' ... 11... iui. l
i 11 K relatives, stopp.-d over here'
last week ami spent
several days
visililli; at Die liomr
of their
niece. M i h. C J. Aspey.
Airs. I. m y Louey, a former resi
dent of Riddle, vvho now re-tides in
Hnsehinu isit.-d friends here Sun
Frleiiiis hern or tin- former .Miss;
Aliie Hoiluu have lecelHly reciMVed
auiiounceilieuts of her marriage to
Al r. St a ill oil Charles Alnz . at
t tconitei oa. New ork. An, llb.
Aim. .Muzzy is employed in the
s. hools ul Weston. Ore., (his year.
Slie formerly resided here and is a
graduate of the Heidi.- IhkIi school.
A party composed of members
from the local Kcbekah Indue ut-i
tended tin- di-mv-e work put on by
the Hosebllli; lodnn at lllat place
ihe trip were Lizzie Crow. Mama -
ret Kiminel. Alaiiie Lok'sdmi
lllanche Wood. Alia Asp.-y i;iaclvrt
Williams. Helena Piddle. W: ,
Cosmove. Sarah Phillips, Lorn
Hiddle. .lo::ie Primer. Kihel How
ard and I. A. I lean
- -o
lr. ll.l Mi s. CIi;ii1hh Cunnrr, of
Lima IVm-h. Culil.. nr.. visillni;
Mi s. Ciiiin.T's liilhiT. Kriilik Woinl-
l.-y, mnl I'lijnyiiii! llii- hiinlhiu- in
ihis c oniiiiiiiiiiy. i,-. I'limuT is a
.l.Mlni iii Hi,. I', s navy. .
llr. ami .Mis. i;,.,iin ('. Knoll
anil .Mr. anil .Mrs. .lamos Mart. hn
ivori' on Ihi'lr way limno lo Inil. -
Ofiiili'iii-i' irom a risliint' I vi p. mil-
by Mail
For a
The Roseburg
ed on ln uud Mm. A. J. Fawretf
Monday, unit other friends in (i lea
da le.
.Mm. J. S. Woodiotfo uud duiii; li
tem, Al isB Hetty and Mm. Arthur
Ijobyns, returned Wednesday from
. ,M . ' " M"Ml ituil
M,t4- Winchell visited In
My",L' -'n'lt ul"l Hiddle Wednea-
MKI.HOSK. Oct. 4 Airs. Klizu-
' " I
owertt ot Omaha. Nebraska.
isitinjf her uenhew ami f:n.ilK-
1"' i""'
AI-. ami Airs. (JenrKP Felt. Mrs.
Powers visited fn Washington and
in Portland beinre coming to .Mel
rose, and after her visit here will
o to Imh Aiik'eles where she will
visit before coiitiuuitiK on lo her
home in .Nebraska.
Mrs. Alice AlcAlexander of Itov.
Washinijioa. who has visited her
sister. .Mrs. Al. Woodruif. for the
Past two ueeks. left Saturday ior
Coos Hay lu visit relatives, und
in reiurn lo .Melrose later for
another visit with Mrs. Wno.tii.ff
i Mis. Ale Uexiiiider was formerly
lAl.ce Clinkeiibeard and taujiht
j school iu Alelrosi! for , several
j vein s.
W. (). Sandstrom returned home
from several days spent at KiiKene
yn business.
Air. and Mrs. Alol Anderson
mnl daujiliter lleverlv Kav left
1 Si" urtl:,y lnr ,ls',," Oreuon on a
!v,rt" u,ul ''!. They were
! "-"imiiil by Mrs. Anderson's
U'arents. -Mr. ami .Mrs. Henry Al
parents, .Mr. and .Mr
tiayuiond Olson bM't Thursday
lor Oakrlde where he will be eni-
j ployed- on railroad construction
lunt'k Hi. t..t-,,i..,-lv ),.'
j lloy'il :tt KfiMlspori tituil hist w,.ck
, wh.-ii his work nvw was hhui ilst'-
v hfie.
I Mrmnl Mrs. .1. T. llui'rillHlnll
;,n.l 1 : m M v . hn haw ivsicliMl lnr
lu yi'ius mi ihi Sain l.uiuhih:
iil.u i-. iii.iv. .1 iliis n.-i-k I" tlin
j.lnhiisoii plut-v on Hie l.inilmvu
j .Mrs. I.oni llrlni-r ol I'orllanil anil
.Mis. Ij.un.i Kriikson ol lios.'liuii!
.-iniv1!) lasl l-'i-i .;i y at Mflrosi' lo
After October 16th the new prices will go into effect. They
higher $2.00 per year higher by mail, and $330 per year
by carrier.
Sensible and Bona Fide Saving
-mTiiTaiii in iniiHiicim
visit their brother and family, Mr.
and Mm. Fred Bone brake.
.Mr. and Aim. Oliver (Conner
Hid baby of Kou Angeles arrived
last Tuesday to visit relatives and
h-lendfl for sevaraL days, and left
Thursday lor their borne. They
were accompanied by Mrs. O'L'on
ner'i sister, .Mrs. Otis Center and
on Sketer who are movlnie to
Lou Angeles to Join her husband
and son. They have resided on Oh
Kiothers place for the past six
YONCALLA, Oct. 4 Air. and
Mm. It. W. Uavis of Albany spent
the weekend vIMting al liie Wak
inshaw htune.
.Mr. and Airs. Ptiil Herman of
(hunts Pass visited at the S ton-
it ker home last w eek.
.Mr. ami .Mis. Fred Aleek and
family and Airs. Leona Aleek spent
Sunday near Scottsbui'K.
All1, and Airs. Fred Seftou and
daughter Charuiaine left Sunday
lor Ashland where they will spend
several months. Shirley Sefton is
Maying at the Kdes home during
their absence.
Air. and Mrs. Walter Moore of
Alumhfield spent Sunday visiting
at the Joe Shoppe home.
bunas und Irene Daugherty left
Tuesday for SeHttle where they
will attend school again this win
Ah s. K. Sanlo. and .Mrs. Alex
.Martin of Spokane. Wash., uud Mr.
ami Airs. Russell Martin of .Mos
cow. Idaho, visited ul the J. W.
Adams home lu Shoestring last
Aim. Hoy Imdtl left .Monday for
a month's visit with her mother
in OwiMisville. Indiana.
Ilallie (ieider. who has been
working at Waiiuu, Ore., all sum
mer, returned home Saturday.
Al r. a nd Al rs. 1 ). N . I verson of
Kuuene vislied at the Jean Cowan
home last week-end.
Attorney Harold Johnson of F.u-yi-ne
spent Ihe week-end visit inK
at Ihe Carl Johnson home.
The Church nf Christ received a
new coat of paint the past w eek.
The men of the church did ' the
Rev. and Airs. Theodore Hneno
and family are enjoy inj; a two
weeks vacation at Modesto, Calif.
This hist week has been moving
w ee k i n Y on ca 1 1 a . ten fa n i i H es
changing their residence.
Harry Lawman bus opened up a
jewelry and watch repair shop in
Mrs. Cunuriis ot" Long" Reach,
Wash., visited her son. Air. and
.Mrs. (ieurue Kunz. and iainilv lust
The Roberts service station is
lieiim repainted, the "Work be ill';
done by the Cilmore Oil company.
Mr. and Airs. Cassius Hychard
.'turned to (heir home last week
alter speudiim the summer at the
Yellow llutie liif station.
Airs. Hultie .Meinzer of Ocean
side. Calif., visiled ut Ihe Pete Pet
erson home lust week.
Airs. Plane Hooy is spending a
few days In Kuiiene.
. Aliss (leoruia Reeves of Shoe
sirints left Friday for Centralia.
Wash , where sit.- will help her
News -
aunt. Airs. Montgomery, who is
seriously ill.
Air. and Mrs. Chatiea Muck and
son of tiugene moved into one of
the Fred lt apartments Friday. 1
.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams and
daughter of Portland visited rela-
lives here over the week-end.
Herman Schouso and Wilbur
Drlner made tt business trip to As
toria Sunday.
Mrs. J. G. Applegate returned
home Monday from Hornbrook.
Calif., where she was called due to
the death of her father.
Jason Jackson returned home
t'lom Klamath Falls Wednesday.
Krnest Vronian was called to
Cold Hill Thursday due to the ser
ious Illness of bia mother.
OAKLAND, Oct, 5 Air. and Airs
I. Flannary have departed, on an
extended trip, which will take them
lo Provo. Clah, where they will
visit Mr. ami Airs. Andrew Broad
us. Airs. BiouduK is Airs. Flan
nary's daughter.
John Stoildurt Sr. mid his son.
John Stoddaii, and Air. (Jibson, nf
Heaver Dam, Wis., visited at the
homes of Judge Stearns, Leslie
Gleason and Leonard Swift.
A son, welKhinjf eieht pounds,
was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Pel
ael on September 13.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Lehman, of
Tyee, were in Oakland Thursday
on business.
Dale Kruse, of Portland, visited
bis grandparents, Mr. and AIrs. II.
L. Kruse. over the week-end.
Airs. Fred Taylor, or Yoncalta,
visited Air. und Airs. Lyle Vogue
Hill Morris, of Salem, is visiting
at tin: home of his parents while
convalescing from a slight illness.
.Mr. mid Airs. Harold Tapp, of
Rosebuig. visited friends and rela
tives here Wednesday.
Air. and Airs. Howard Doughton
uud daughter, Barbara, of Aibu
(jueriiie. New Mexico, returned
Sunday to their home after spend
ing some time visiting ut the B. F.
DeVore home here. '
Hiram Powell was iu Oakland
Tuesday from his home down near
Air. and Mrs. Ale Adams haw
gone to Marcola to work for the
S. P. company. A!r. AlcAdums
was relief agent for tin? local sta
tion here in the absence of Mr.
Lc miner.
Mr. and Airs. Frank AlclIugHl
have moved lo Roseburg. Airs. Al
Hugill was .Miss Aileen Haines
prior to her marriage a few weeks
Aliss Flennor Lemmer has ac
cepted a position with the Stearns
uud Cheiunveth Hardware com
pany. Aliss Vesta Hall, teacher at Walk
er, spent Sunday at the home of her
parents. Air. and .Mrs. George Hull.
Caught a Cold ?
n.ii tiivi ll auuuvi,
throat and chest with
Vapo Rub
will be
L jj -
, l 'i 1 I 4 - 1
?J;vc4 mil
Running out on his wnter-mastor. Bob Me
Tavish. wire-haired Schmatz scampered
smack into pretty Kathleen O'Shan's apart
ment. And Bob quickly followed to bring
him back. But at Kathleen's door he lin- "
gered. Thereby began a romance. You'll
want to follow this very human story of two
lonely hearts in a big city in the new serial
Beginning Monday, October 11
in The News-Review
by Carrier in
1 0