Efforts to Pry Mussolini and Hitler Loose From Spain Are Like Mark Twain's Comment on Bad Weather: "Lots Said About It, But Nothing Being Done." THE WEATHER Humidity " . m. yiTthty Highest ttm pru I urts yesterday... Lowest temperature last night... Precipitation for I'l hours Prerip. since first of month Precip. from Sept. 1. 11KI7 2 IWiciency since Sept. 1. 1!CJT... Not much change WAR Will an aroused public sentl iiii ut stop it? (r only h ail to ser ious international romplhiitions, involving the V. S.? A showdown of histoi if. magnitude may even mail. Keep posted through your hiin- it y (Jnily. THE DOUGLAS COUNTY DAILY VOL. XLII NO. 136 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW ROSEBURG. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1937. VOL. XXVI NO. S6 OF THE EVENING NEWS if5! W E3 Editorials on the Day's News !ly FRANK JENKINS TJItANCE and Kngland Kay to Mussolini: "Take your soldiers out of Spain, where they have no business to be, or we'll open the border be tween France and Spain aiul let in tht; Kusslans or any hod y eke that wants to come in anel fi,Hu on the side of tho Spanish loyalists." npIIE point is that they probably mean business. , France,, with Fascist Cormany at her front door, doesn't want a pnppt-t fascist state controlled by Mussolini at her back door. Lng- f laud doesn't want both (Jibialiar controlled by Italy. So they are beginning to turkey. F .Mussolini rally b,!!. tli..y I wo1"" he. :"-""'- a"t" ,!"" a general meeting at which avail mean business, he will probably ablo information was presented ithdraw his Italians from Spain.! and sentiment of representatives lint if he thinks they me bluffing. he will run a still taller bluff. To! ;late, Mnsrollui has been tile iot j . successful bluffer in Europe, J THE great nations of the earth I .,,. ..i.,...,.!. ch ,(tnr ..(..u.An. ! "HE great nations of the earth I that already i:re sitting reason ably pretty DON'T WANT to : KIC NT. Shrewd Mus.--.olini knows lhi.-i. he stepped in and stole Ethiopia. In Spain, he is moving cautiously to see just how Tar Franco and Lrilain will let him get. Shrewd Japan knows -also that , :he great nat.ons don I want to fight, so she is stepping in and stealing China. THE pacifists, who are' well-in-l ... ,. ... ..... lentioaed but eveeennmly H.. lell us the way to prevent war is disarm so that, we can't fight.. can't fight, j That is fine In theory, but in prac- tice ttomit hard-boiled realist is al-I, ways stepping in and taking what i J " h . I !ie wants while the surrounding : . . (Continued on page 4.) iniPPflirn r MSI' P 'HI hMl'rr! TI lilUbllLll LLbbLU F('SSII Oct. 5. (AP) -Offirei Bought today for a man believed to be John Krancen, 23, who escaped from Sheriff Kd Kelsay of Wheeler comity and a deputy last night af ter an exchange of shots. Patrick JtniPK. 22. Vranceifs com panion, was captured. The pair were wanted in Palo Alto. Calif.. on charges of car theft and rob bery. Kelsay said. The sheriff said ho and his deputy visited a farmhouse near here iast night where the two had been staying, ami soiipht. to nrrest them on suspicion, and that lie "not the drop" on Jones whom ho found in an upstairs room with a drawn gun. As he handcuffed Jones, the sheriff related, his prisoner shout ed, "scram" to his companion, who tipped over a table in the path of the deputy and fled from the house. Kelsay said he pursued France", behind the house where the two exchanged shots, neither being hit. fM!F n i UI1E.I.II I lid UWuly Greater Deer-Elk Killing to Meet Food Need Urged by Game Official WASHINGTON, Oct. T,. (AP) It is time for man to right n tilt ed natural balance and convert i certain number ot deer and elk In to venison lo prevent others from starving, contends Dr. H. Shanty, director of the wild life di v'siiin of the L. S. forest service. There are areas in eastern Ore gon, northeastern California ami central and southern Ctah wluye the Jeg game population exceeds the food .supply," and the only wav cnn"'"l 'an bn acrnmplNhed is bv declaring open season on does as well us bucks." Ir. Shantz, former rre-ident of the University of Ari zona, said. Some states, he added, are now doip this. Among the factions to be pl ed by the division In such mutters fIFJUR f p SPURNED Roseburg Chamber Turns Down Plan Because of Adverse Sentiment, . Involved Cost. Iieseburg chamber of commerce directors tin ued thumbs dov ti on a proposal to revive the iioitglas county fair, following a public hearing last night. Representa tives fioin various parts of tlie county opposed tht county fair hit a, contending that the present system of four eimmiuniiy lairs i.s of greater benefit to tin agricul tural industry. Persons interested in iv iving CO' RTIflA! ides ofl,llL county tair, abandoned in j i mugias county more than L'o I years ago, recently appealed for" talk chamber f coiiiinerce endorse jineiit. IMrectors estimated the cost lot' nrovidimr grounds and facilities 1 of all sections of the count., de- J leriiiined. The vote to reject tin proposal v.a.i unanimous. Action Explained "Moth vocal and written e:;pres- i-ious from district fair board iiianageni and from representative per; mis ju all sections of the coun- clear and concise in ! reasons opposing the county fair,' 1 said W. C Harding, secretary of ; tin; chamber of commerce, cmn- i menting upon the action of the di- I rectors. "Expression was general that at least eight out of ten fanners ; tlira,l"',ll1 ,llltl lTmpiia valley , were absolutely for main taming , llu, (.omimini,v tair and anainst the experiment ol a county tair, which I they all felt would fait in a short I while. "It v.as also brought out that it 'would lake at least ?;u.Oimi to se- t.m.u R,0il)(1 U1111 ,.;.,. tmil(lilll., .,, rut-ilit U-i and the expression was general and conclusive that ! the taxpayers of Houglas county f v., hi Id rebel at an expense of this lfitui tor tlm nnrnnse iil'msIiiI . . , Our chamber of commerce nas iu,(M1 studmK this mailer a long lime and the final conclusions of j cur director: have been uniform. y ! tlie sa.tie. i "It has been simue:ded. lm. - I' - ver. tl.ut all winning exhibits for UvM 1111,1 h(,:' pnzes iniglii tie j gallic, cd and exhibited In Knse- i burg, where final prize decisiiiiis juid be given." State Fair Display Favored Th.' dinctois at last uighi's : meeting urged that the county fair bDard and county court cooperate lin arranging for a proper Douglas 1 j county e.xiiioit at the stale fair. i oe nojim nisi nignt sei tne uaie of Jainiaiy li lor the annual meet ing and instructed the secretary to incite Kai 1 Spell, secretary of state, to be the speaker. lOndor.wment was given the rec ommendation of the taxpayer: (Continued on page t EX-CO.J LOSES PLEA IN BRIBERY CASE ' SAUKM, Ore., Oct. a (AP) The state supreme court today af firmed the conviction of Orey (,;. : Col fey, ex-Salt 1)1 police ol fleer. 'who is under three years' peniten tiary tentenee for accepting a bribe. All seven members of the court concurred in the opinion. The state alleged that Coff.-y had received vaiions sums of I monev from Klwood lliown in on- sideratiou of an agreement not to interfere with the operation of a slot machine fn lirown's cardroom. of pr'ity. he explained, are the dude rant hers who want as many animals as possible to provide "at-inns'-'iere" for client s evil if the ra;i;e would be damaged by over giaing, farmers inspired by rav c d haystack.s who urge exterm ination ed the animals, and others I who are opposed to killing of any I name and who want to domes!! cale the beasts. The forest service, )n said, at. ; tensTds a middle course a Fane ii' "ii" m'Miagenient program, j Pointing out that ther Is "pl' iiiv of elk hunting at present" in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, M 'n'fia. Colorado and Wyoming, he p;i id annual elk hunts would nor ',M damaging to the herds, lie j 'stt'- ated th" elk of national for I est lands at l-tl""! hfad, with thousands of others on slate lands. Ace Southpaws, Hubbell of Giants And Gomez of Yankees, to Duel in , World Series Opener Tomorrow Betting Odds Favor American Leaguers Chiefly Because of Their Superior Batting Power; Giants Will Rely .on Strategy and Possibility of Stellar Work by Melton, First-Season Moundsman. l!y (JAY El'- TAEHOT NEW YOKE. Oct a. (A V) The Ciants and tlie Yankees, both fit and lint li oniMetit they hold a fist ful of a'es, lotnorrov, smack into each other in the second Mraignl "subway surit s." Two nmre stibstant ial, compla cent ball (dubs probably never met in a world scries since the annual fall follies were inaugurated hi l!tu;j. Neither appears to be unduly excited nor aved, but. just the same, the series promises to he hard-fought ami exciting every foot 01 the way. The bait le lines are definitely drawn. pending a la.t-iuiiiue change by Manager Iiill Terry of the Ciams. and Vernon (iomoz, an-Yauk.-i. Carl iluhhel will try to win his third straight series opener loi the Hbints. ami Vernon Comez. an other leftist, will (oil for the Yanks. They are perhaps the leading southpaws in the game, and the prospect of a thrilling due between them ha. led optimistic ciub of ficials to hope to break the world F1CES mm ib move Japs Stage Air Raid Near Shanghai's Alien Zone; Damage Inflicted. lly JAMKS A. MILLS SHAM Jl I A I. O c t. f. (AP I lilted Mate marines were spray- ed with shrapnel today and forc ed to evacuate their defense out posts along the northern boundary of the International settlement when Japanese war planes rained la bombs on one of China's largest flour mills just across the 40-yard wide Sooehow creek. The Japanese claimed to have driven ( 'hina's warplanes from the air, a spokesman asserting that some Son Chinese fighting craft had been destroyed in the three months of undeclared uiir, The Japanese drive in crack the Chinese defense post I inns in the Chanel sector was baited on laud, however, and Chinese machine guns mowed down Japanese mar ine like ten pins. As the battle raged just across the narrow creek from the Ameri can osilons. Urig.-tien. John C lieaumont, ordered his marines to wit lid raw temporarily out of the line of fire. The marines reorcupied their posit ions I wo hours later, (ien. lieaumont explained tlie withdraw al was orden d because the Japan ese bombardment did not endan ger the international settlement and therefore it was needless to risk AneMican Uvea in holding the endangered outposts. Both Lines Holding The Chinese and Japanese lines wiM-e no farther apart (ban ten vards at many points of the Hup through the devastated Chinese eity. The Pantheon theatre was (.i!;ino,t jnto n no-man's land with Japanese sand has barrieades at (ContiniHMl on p:iK( 6) 16HU3TIN CRASH; AUTO DRIVER HELD I'OHTLANI), Oft. 5. (AP) Sixteen persons in a city passen ger hi is were cut and bruised, none seriously, when the driver, at- lentpiing to avoid an automobile, jumped a euro, inn ous oreaKin off a power pole and carrying -t - feet. Poliee arrested Nathan S. Koth, allerM driver of the automobile, on a'rharue of failing to give, right of v.s'v. Merle Leinard. driver of t'e !,. said the autemioblle strmk his vehicle near the front. REEDSPORT MILL VOTE FAVORS A.F.L. KFC.KNK. O't. ii. (AP) Km jpie'c: in lie- .ijik ''""l""' " nii'I voted Vt to f.l Sunday for af plovs of the big Keedsport saw filiation with the A. F. ; P'xidoiJt' lumber union C. A. official. said tin I't-v MMiuit", national labor relations board fie'd examiner, was t.Tucin here today to discuss with union officials charges of rgnmir ji"rr emeiits with the In dustrial Fmil'iveft un inn against a number of Willamette valley operators. si'Hi's iittcnttiiiici' rcronl of lill.M!! set tit lhi simlium u yi'ur ugn. Selkirk Back In Game Tlx. Viink' lin. mi ..tllf1 fur llw. s,.ii.. uitli tlw. n iirrav ll.nl I swuniiH-l the Aiiiciiiaii l.imu.- un- .lor h ih-lner of lB.-hlts. .-xi elit I km b-.-n tun t.-. luilny ollli-ially ru that luuil-liklinit Ceow Selkirk i l""'"'.'1 Jill""1 violalcd Irwilli'S anil has r..iviMH,l from a iniil-s.'nsou I "ivii-Jfil Chum, anil tho ilraftum hul l jital In Umo to lain, ovm Ills ! " I H U t o aKi oeil thai MiKnatorifS riuhl m-lil post. H... with .loe Di- '" th" '''"'-nowi'i- livaty, inrluil Mauuio, l.ou Ci-hriK nnil Hill ""i "'" s,""'a' '"' Mii k.'V. i i.ini.ris.. Ihi hai khon,. of I mvit.-il ul th.. i-arll.'st imsaiWo mo tile Viiiiki'i-H- ih.vastaliiii; altai k. I""'"' i'"'i"' H sllnal Tin- Cianta, who an" tin- WHali(!l-l Th" si!l!lllllilti'i ri'PortillK lo hitMiiK nutf ul thi-rffoip i-oiii-i""' """" ""imiitw, ilfiiari'il Ju- p.-lli-il to c-uiixiiliir i-vorv iioHsililn i ":1-''s military o)i rations in China i li.,.!,. hii-ii,m,i r,,.- f.i.w ! belie lier i-ont enl ions . that she Uill .111 l-niwiilel-lillle Kllil'll.l.r .ilin.lt AnainsI Coinez tomorrow they will have bi(j llanlt I.eiber, rinht-haud. i e;t jiower hitter, playiiiK (f-nter Miiteil lifdd and li.-illliu- cU.-iii-iiii lied UulfiiiK. a iiuhl bander, take-i the hill for the Yanks in the sec. o.ld tussle. I nn ('liinrzfi will in me middle pasture for the Giants, with .Jimmy Uipnle hat tint: fourth. Terry, who has so far recovered (Continued on page ti) ITALY'S El nil! lb!' Participation in Valencia Raid Hardens Task of European Peace. , LONDON. Oct. a. (API Opera lions of a squadron of the line.-t- . Italian bombing planes, piloted by llilllio .Mussoliui and other aces ot the Italian air corps in the service of Insurgent Spain, today thrust a grave, new factor into the problem of Luropean peace. Authoritative sources regarded the disclosure In Home of the1 aerial expedition as a very serious turn in an interna tii.ua I sit nation made more critical by a new out break of piracy on the western Mediterranean. The squadron of 23 fast bomber;; the host Italy has piloted by the 20-year-old son of the Italian pre mier and 22 other prominent air men, including veterans of the mass flight to the Chicago Century of Progress exposition, was be lieved Mi have made its inaugural attack in a h:inhard incut of Va lencia. The disclosure came- at a mo ment already intensified by Ht it -ish and French waiting for Italy's reply to an in vital ion to discuss withdrawn of Italian aid from In surgent (ieiieralissimo Franco. The secret of the identity of tlie latest submarine attacker lay (Continued on page (!) THOMAS H. RUNDELL PASSES ON AT 68 Thomas Harry Kundell, fiS, resi dent of houglas county the last nine years, died Monday after a long illness. Lorn in Minnesota June 11, lMifl. Mr. Ilundell. prior tt; I., eating ill Itosebnrg. lived suc cessively. In Oklahoma and Califor nia. Surviving are his wife, to u bom he was married at Itush Springs, Okla.. May HI. isJUt. and a daimhter. Mrs. Joseph Maldwin. both or Reselling, and a son. John L. Kundell. of Longview, Wash. Mr. Kundell was a member ol the Christ ii.u church. Funeral servie will be held in J t!i p chapel ,,f the Loulas Funeral j nomp Wednesday afternoon at two) ;oVnck. with Itev. f. It. Tnrnbull J officiating. Interment will follow in Civil Mend cemetery. BUSH ARRESTED IN PINBALL TEST CASE A complaint charging !a'l Lii'di. I louglas e'Oimty pin ha 11 operator. with conducting a lottery wiw filed in the iusiice court today and Hush I was placed under arrest. He hih i subsequently released UU'm hi own recognizance, rending the f;i. inn of a demurrer to the complaint. Tef"iiiif CouiiHr I Attorney Kay IJ. I Coir.pfin. nnnounced that the d" murrr will b filed vnn be prepared. roo.i ;ii It n nnlfei'.nted that nn anneal ' '-nn-nimns. was approve.t o v. HI be taken from the jusiiro court ':,Pitol Pat No. Americ.m Lf deriRhm on the demurrer. h h jgi'-n. a m- iiiiu h-re hist niglit. will bring the action into ihe cir- Thir. was said to be the first cn't court Tor heaiing on the ,e committee of its kind organized in sues. Oregon. JAPS BRANDED VIOLATORS DP PEACE PACTS Friendship Claims Belied by War on China, Says League Board; U. S. Gets Parley Bid. tlKXKVA, (let. S ( A P I TIlO l':iaui- nf naliims' SliK.-.liuiani's.. WillllS friendly cooperation be- tween the two nations. iH t,1,U' thul u, ,vvo (;oun- 11 11 " lane very uiiieii'iii view. jl W'heul'0 ,lH' muli'lyluK grounds of tin (l'M"ul ll,ul aH to incim',,,, which Wii 10 thB n,'Hl 'break of hostili- ' Sll DcOmilllttee said. "It cannot, however, be chal lenged that powerful Japanese a'-nis have invaded Chinese ter ritories and are in military control of large areas, including Peiping itself; that t he Japanese govern ment has taken naval measures to close ihe coast or t hum to t in nese shipping; and that Japanese airc'.'ft are carrying out bombard ments over widely separated re gions of the country." War Held Unjustified T e conclusions continued : "After examination of facta laid beTore It, (lit coinmltteo 1.4 bound to take Ihe view that millliu'V op erations are carried on by Japan against China by laud, sea and air out of all proportion to incidents that occasioned the conflict! that such actions cannot possibly facili tate or promote the friendly coop eration between two nations that Ja'ti;eju statesmen have affirmed to be the aim of their policy; tlinl jit can he justified neither on the oasis oi existing legal iiiHiruiitcni nor on that of the right of self defense, and that it was in contra vention of Japan's obligations un der tlie nine-power treaty of Feb ruary (, 1!22, and under the pad of Paris of August 27, l!(2S." WASHINGTON SILENT ON LEAGUE'S INVITATION W.'SlllMiTON. i. S (AIM Slato" (li'parlTiMMit nl'l'ii-iuls rail- (Continunl on piiKO fi) El Cilffi Virgil I- Malcnlt, arrested Sun day by stale police on at) auto I hel l charge, loiiowing a thnllinir chase thinuch city street. t and into the hills east .f town, is to be ial;e:i into the federal court, it was le pjrled here today. I le ; ill he charg"d under the Lyer act. whieh makes It a federal olieuse to transport a stolen car from one state to another. The car .Malcolt is alleged to have stolen, and which was wrecked in the chase, is reported to have been taken from Vancouver, ashingioii. Three trati.-ieiil hitch hikers, Vernon lhack'tl. Stanley Matt and Ivan Keener, who were riding with Malcott, were lined .ln each in the justice court, after pleading guilty to charges of vagrancy. The linen were remitted, however, condition ed upon their immediate d'-paiture from th" county. .. p . FARLEY DATED FOR VISIT TO EUGENE LTtJLMv C (AP) K.i- gene prepared today ;o receive postma-ter t; tietal James A. Far ley. Invited heir- October If! to In spect I'le hew post'd t ice pioneer museum project, the local airpoi t and to speak at a puMP- dinner. A number of civic bodies extend ed Invitations to Farley to extend his scheduh-d visits le Portland and Salem lo include Ku"i "BLOOD EiONORS" OF LEGION ORGANIZE SALKM, Oct. (AP- Form--- it,tii(ii of a "blood dooms" commit jteo, to supply blood ten inergt'iiev HO COURT EYES CASE OF JEW JUS Decision on Eligibility of Black May Come Next Week; Jurist Has Jewish Aide. V.S1IN;T0N, Oct. f. (AP) The supreme court began today Its secret consideration of more than tint "''tilb'us, including two chal lenges to tlie right of Associaio Justice Hugo L. Ulack to remain on the bench. The conferences, held hi a closely-guarded room at tho rear of the court chamber, will continue on Thursday and Sal unlay. Observers expect the Justices to announce next Monday whether they will consent to pass on oues- tions raised as to the eligibility of their new colleague, who took his st at V'slerday. His challengers neither of whom mentioned the controversy over Ulack s otie-timo Ku Klux Klau membership are Albert Lev itt, former federal judge in the Vir islands and Pa.'.rick Henry Kell. Irish-born Itoston attorney. They contend Mack's appoint ment was unconstitutional because, he vo'ted for the bill giving retir ed justices full pay for life. II was generally assumed that Muck would not participate in con sideration of the petitions u fleet iiu: him. After he inarched into the cham ber yesterday with the eight older justices, he listened gravely, while Kelly'aud Levitt made their slate meivts. Other Justices Congenial The opening day of the new term" was traditionally austere, and the new justice was us re served as his colleagues. As ho walked out, however, he smiled broadly, apparently at a remark from justice Hoberts. Justice Maek entertained his wile and some friends at luncheon in his three-room suite in the 11. r.o i.uo'i court building. Luto in the afternoon the couple wort gue-s at tea at trie home of Jus tice iwid Mrs. Harlan F. Stone. The summer's accumulation of petitions ami briefs was sent to Black's orflce after yesterday's ses sion. It was considered probable he would study only those which (Conllmi.-i! on !ai;c 0) BREEH RIDICULED NFW VOItK. Oct. a.- (AP) Wili'";ni C teen's threat lo crush the e IO was answered with ridi cule todav by his arch foes and rival labor leader, John L. Lewis. (Ir'tt asked for expulsion of CIO unio'i at the American Federation of Labor meeting in Denver and promised ii would build "tho great est fighting machine In labor his tory to quench ihe CIO." "William Oreen sounds to mo like a seven-year-old boy defying his parents," said Lewis, CIO lead er at the convention of trutisport workers union last nieht. He scoffed at the suggestion the Clo would be "quenched." "In what other way will they crush the CIOT Lewis demanded. "Io they mean they will resort to force? The use ot fists, of clubs, of arms? Surely the mild Mr. Creei is not. going to declare u civil war In America." it was an "open secret," LewlH said, that some of the other fi-il-e.a',;i leaders did not like (Jreeii aiuMnat "some have all open e-on-ii mpt for him." "V.'h"ii Mr. Oreon places his "wu house in eirder In the Federa tion of Labor be will th"ii ave i.-veat''! opportunity to talk about tiimhny with his face to the CJO, i and crushing (hat organization. As a mailer oi aosonue iaci, n doesn't make any (inference lo ihe ' IO wlii I her he stands with his fa'-e to th" CIO or with his back to it. He will look Just about the mime wluther he is coming or o inn." GRID FANS BOOST "IRON LUNG" FUND FrOL'NK. Oct. fi. ( AP Foot j tin 11 ran" contributed ?3lMi ah to th" f nd I'-'n" raiseii Iwro to install ;an "iron l-'nir" renidrator at a local hooit-il for treatment of paralysis , i a'b nts. when a collection wa t t ik- ii at the (Miroii -Stanford came h 'te Safuiday. I Th" commitie' announced l ha' I tie- rum out rtbuterl and pleilged now totals ll.tJov. Earl Fehl Sues Gov. Martin on Term in Prison Asks Damages of $548,090 for Denial of Freedom Under Good-Time Credit Rule. PORTLAND, Oct. 5. ( AP) Earl H. Fehl, former Jackson county judye who sarvea a pris on term in connection with the Jackcjn ballot theft cassa, Med suit in circuit couit to cay against Gov. Char les H. Mai tin asking $518,000 damages. He accused the governor of conspiring with Ralph Moody, s..EiL.ant attorney-general, to deny him release from the penitentiary on April 1b, 1U-6, when he contended he should have been freed under a good time credit rula l-ehl charged that the alleged j conspiracy was hoi u of a itcminm lesiie In ci ush lii Ul persona lly and as judge of Jackson county "i.i rder lo assist Moody in cohering up his alleged malicious acia while operating in Jackson county under the protection of tho prosecm ing attorney's office.' Fehl's suit is the second he h.is filed since his release fro.n .risn on May 2!l, UClii. when he va. freed with the prnvb'o that lie might not rein in to Jackson emmty for a specified pel iod. The first suit, tiled in Med ford, sought lo , restore Fehl lo his place on I he Jackson comity bench, ll in pend ing. The plaintiff asserted that the governor and Moody spent $hv,t).iu of the taxpayers' monies to "rail road" him to prist 'ti. Cpon Ills eventual release, Fehl claimed ho we forced lo sigh an agieeniem, the provisions of which if not ful tilled meant death lo lti months ad ditional imprisonment. He contend ed 1 he agreement, was not. u ut ho rized by the parole hoard bill was fConlnhifMl on pnire .11 Designation of Stephens St. May Also Be Applied to Its Extension. Official designation of the new highway loute through North I lose burg was pi vn (-"nsid'Mat ion by the eity council a I its regular meeting last night, but no action was taken. The new section of the highw ay will probably lake the mime of Stcpboiis street, of which il is a continuation. As a portion of least avenue still temains on Ihe east side of Ihe highway, some eon lusion may result. Tin; new route includes practically all of Prospect street, which, it is believed, will be vacated and the name Stephens street applied. The mutter is to he held up for final acd ion until a legal description is secured and the necessary ptoceduie investigated. The meeting of the council hist nigh I was given over en li rely iu routine matter, u hich included the UHiial monthly reports and (he (Continued on page (Ii Oddities Flashed Cat-Fcoted VI NC FN NFS, lnd IVlice today nominated yeis u ho carried nv av a :,20H-pnuud sale us the world's most light fooled buiglars. The thieves took Hie safe, which contained several humtied dollars, from a lire service store a block j rrom police headquarters. The (city's telephone exchange is ahov 1 1 he store but operators said they heard no suspicious noises. Loyalty PITTSIH'ltCII -Miss Iteka lle'i rens la vored the union and wage raises, too. she said, but she clos ed her restaurant after Li wait resses demanded hiid-er pay. Outside, belweeli two flars, vh'1 t oted ids sign : "lite per cent American the union how and forever." Young Princess III'IiSCN. Ill (iieat . haiigi-H ; a'e taking place in t he home of iMr. and Mrs. Thomas Itates. Clulh ihrr. dolls uiu'oQhcr icjs for gills are replacing ma-tciillne playthings into the home fiom happy rd: ti-.es i All because onc-month-old Mar tha .Iran Itates is (he first gfil In GIVILIZIITIDN PERILED, VIEW U. S. Determined to Avoid War, but Full Isolation From Upheavals Held Impossible. lly 1 1. HAHOL!) OL1VKR CIIICACO. Oct. fi. lAF) Presi dent Koosevelt bitterly arraigned agrecsnr nations before tho bar of world opinion today and call ed iron peace-loving countries to join In a "concerted effort " to restore fnlernational tranquility. Speaking out formally ami ag gressively on foreign affairs for the first time in months, but with holding any definite proposal for n international conference or in vocation of peace pacts, be as serted bluntly, in dedicating tho outer link bridge; Imre: " There must, he positive endeav ors to preserve peace." Me said America, determined to stay out of war, would not remain aloof from these efforts, and, as if in re;d to those who have been urging an American neutrality proclamation, declared: "The peace-loving nations must make a conceried effort In opposi tion to those violations of treaties and those Ignoring of humane in stincts which today are creating a state of international aiuirchy and instability from which them is no escape through mere isola tlon or neutrality." Treaty Breaking Cited Without mentioning any nations by name, it was clear his Indict ment iif aggressors for "definite" violations- of- agreements .umbrae- . ed the Sf no-Japanese conflict, the Mediterranean submarine attacks, outside interference in tho Span ish civil war, and possibly went as far hack a.s the Japanese Inva sion of Manchuria and Italy's lOthioMinn campaign. lie said the "present reign erf tenor and international lawless ness" began a few years ago with the "unjust Ifieil interference lu Urn internal affairs of other nations or ihe invasion of alien territory iu violation of treaties, and has now reached a singe where the very foundations of civilization are ser iously threatened." "Innocents Sacrificed" Speaking of more recent elisor- (Continued on page 6) KLAMATH REVOKES FOOD-HANDLER CODE KLAMATH I FALLS, Oct. 5. (AIM -The Klamath Falls city council last night put an effective dam.er on the controversy which has raged during recent weeks over the city's food-handler ordin ance by repealing the ordinance. The ordinance required semi-annual physical examinations for food handlers. The liundhM'8 re fused to pay ihe examination fee and at one time threatened to stiU-:' IT the ordinance were en forced. Last night's repeal art ion was taken without comment, hut city official'! expect the state will look into the situation here and that a more workable plan will ho de vised. From Press Wire i the Hates family in .in years. Soup Crisis CIII."AOO---IleHlatii-ant men are going to do something about the HOU'i. HiHican Hines. a food expert, told lO.iMiu in 'onv.'iilion here, that I hi it soup spells a watery income. "Mn. I people like roup," Hines said. "Hut iu the majority of res 'auiaiits it is looked upon as un important" lie advised persons, open in:; first -class restaurants to "give .lull consideration lo the I iiotut." I Knows His Limitations ! MKDFOItH. Ore. Fdltor I?bnr. W. Kuhl's cat is a good mouser, but ,i giant rat was too much for hint. Wli'-n last s Tabby wim two jumps ahead of the rodent. Hold That Line OKLAHOMA CITY A baseball game in which nlavers ran bases and chased balls on motorcycle woi ked very nictdv until Catcher jCharles Pickney tiied to iag a run- miles an hour. 0 Hospital attendants said Plckney would recover from severe, unuj and leg cuts. DF PRESIDENT