Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 20, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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Portland Beavers Win Place in Coast League Playoff Series
mnnnip nrmrm !i rr
u . tmnru ru
Los Angeles Drops One
Game to Give Portland
Fourth Place.
(By l ho AHnociaiol Ph-hh)
Afl-r a week of iiiwtliiiK base
hall tho Port hind Hhjivwh were
fouthwurd hound for Sun Krun
rlsco unci San IMepo "h In-iided
for Saciniiii'iilo I inlay with the
finil minion of tin- Shaii.'liui'Hny
playoffs to deride the 1H.17 I'aeifle
Count leiiKuo h;tiieb;ill i ham lion
nlilp If.sti-il for '1'iH'nilay.
Only two ti'iniiH tuduv held the
name poi;i.loiiH tUiey fere in .1
week uko, Siirnimento Marled
tho week In tin- top Hpot and fin
lulled ilium $l!.iitm richer. The
MiKKion.s remained In tic rellar nl
thoiiKh Ihcy adminlHti-rcd a wound
Irouinlm; lo Ihe Sail lib-no I'adrea,
takiUK five out of Hfveii and fore
lug them Into third place.
Sacramento had a diHiiHtrnus
week at Seattle, IosIiib fiv out of
even. They wound lift on the
short, end of both K'ieH of u twin
hill yeHtfiday, lo 1 and 11 to 2.
The MIkkIoiik took a pair from the
Padres, f to li and U to 4.
San KianclHio'H Seal started
the week In llilril place and woum!
up In Herond Hpllltliin two with 1 1n
l.os AiigHt-H Aiiki'Ih Sunday. The
Angela took the opener, d lo 2, hut
dropped the ninhluip. ( to 2. I. oh
Angele.s lout four out of Heveu lo
the Sralu while Portland was tak
ing flvu out or six from the Oak
land Acoiiih. Portland, lHHii ehiim
ploiiH, took a (win hill from the
Onkn, 7 to 5 and 4 to 1. to crowd
I -oh Amielen out for I he 1'ourt h
place, playoff.
Oakland Htarted the week off in
nlxth place mid flushed in sev
enth. Seattle wound up Its Hche
ilule in nlxtli place.
SAN KltANriSCO. Sept. 2.
(A) St. Mary's 1 nhersily of
Texas' roothall team and iu uuiit
contiiiciual has were en mute home
thduy after opening Ihe l!:i" loot
hall HcaKon In San r'rnmimo by
dropping it 7 to u decision lo th
PnivfrHlly of San l-'ranciHCo ye:t
tciday. A Iti-ynrd juihh over the goal lino
hy the )oiih after repealed assaults
on the Texas line hatl luiled gave
them victory early In Hie fourth
The final ipiarter had barely
Htarted when Left Mulfhack Karl
HolHler of Sun l-'ianclHco dropped
hack and hciiI a high past over Ih '
una I Hue when it wan collected hy
Walter Kodnittve, Kiibntituto right
half, despite the fact he wuh sur
rounded hy defeimho TexatiH.
The Texan team came in Kan
Krau-lHco trom San Anionio in a
bun driven hy meinbeiH of 111
TACOMA. Sept. 20 t AP) Tlw
Tacoma Tigem, newly crowned
champlotiH of the western Interna
tlonal league, will meet the Seal
lie Pacific eoant league IndiniiH to
night and tomorrow night for the
"profewHional ham-ha II champion
ship of Watdiiimlou, Idaho and
M i i f i mIi Columbia."
The TinerH derealed the Wniit
chee Chiefs 11 lo 1 last night to
take their playoff series 4 to I and
the western International longiie'M
first pennant.
The new champs wasted no time
in linking the final encounter uu
der their nrin-mnring eight runs in
the opening (nntiiK.
They were never threatened as
their ace (wirier. Tlovd "Leflv"
Isekile kept tlm ChlefH' ' (iht hits
scattered and hcoi eless until the
(Hy the Associated Press
Team W , vi.
Sacramento Jul! 7ti ,!:
San Pranciscu !is SO .fi.M 1
San DleBii .. H7 M .r.l.'.l
Porthuiil . ' !Mi sti .Ml
lns Anncles !HI SS .,"ieil
Seattle SI !Ml ,i:sl
Oaklaml 7! !'S . 1 1 tl 1
.M isHions ... 7:t ln'i .lie
New YoiU M r.:l ,t;i:i
t'iiii iittu r-7 .."'i' l I
St. Louts U Sr I
Plit.-bui'tth M ,W2 '
Itostnn 7 1 7 . nu
Hioo!,lMt HI 7! .i:t.". !
Philadelphiii fr sr. t
Cincinnati . "4 s
New V.nk 1't 4T. i;:t
li froit . . s:t Mi ,;.H7
Chii-nt-n 7 il", .-'
Itoston 71 ':! .":l"
t'leehuid ... .. . 71 ...-'.
Washington '17 7:t .4Tn i
Philadelphia .. .. 47 VI .:u I I
St. I.oms -11
(CoutJnued riom pnfte 1)
forced abseiue. Kuithevmore. tho
Luzon, and Ihe tiuam. whili iiNo
a.e gointi lo Wuhu. can rniih
.Nanking In a few hum.- tl the
i nieigeiu y iciiuin s." 1
Johnson's tlccirion t. withdraw j
rn lined bitter dlsa( p initnent
nmoUK Nankin: offu iul . unae r.f
v. tioni felt I bat the Hin'.'assi.dtU' I
slumld remain ns a gesture of loy-J
i t7
KrJKNK. Kept. 2.--(.P)
Coach Prink Callisou pointed Ore
gon's fool hall ti al flint; h tjcdnlc
for (he clash with C. C. I,. A to
day wUhoul definitely pick int.' u
starting Mn"up for the 'metier Fri
day Ht llH AllKeles
'the team went Ihioul. a tiff
m-rlieiniii'e Hess I nit S:itid:iV tinin-
ahlv the last hefore (he C.C.K.A.
jranie. The lineup included Vein
Moore. Cap tui ti Tony A ma to. Mill
Koskell, Joe Huston, Mill KsIcm,
John Jerhy and Kud ohertK4in,
all lelienuen, iu the line, and
Hunk Nilscn, Jim Nicholson, Hon
Kennedy and Paul Hove, hack.
'Cry in; John" Warren, I luck 1-
Iiik riiejitoi', announced his '.
freshman foothall nuad, will play
KaiiieH this season, all on l-'il-tiny
nlghiH, hejiinidiiK Oiioher h
and coiitimiinK six Hlraiht w.'eh
ends. Oplionent.s will Include tlire
clashes with the Oret-ou Slate col-
rooks, the Cnlversiiy of
WiishiuKtou hahe, Kustern Ore
('on uoi nial and Southern Oregon
iKMjnal. Cames will he played at
Portland. Ku;ene, l.a Crautle, (jr-
nl lis and either 1 1 run Is Pass or
Ki.iM.iilh r.ill.-.
MOSCOW, Idalio, Sept. 20. (AIM
- In jurh s today thrcaleiied lo
take iwo supposedly mho starters
out of the I 'Diversity of Idaho
llnep when they meet the On-rn'i
late ( idle -e tei:ui here Satc.r
hiy. (ifiald DelliDKe'', 1)11 ll 1,. irk , lore
the muscles in his rihl sli'-iildiT.
anil Kd KHioM, end anil ace Valid tl
punier, is on cri.tche. with mi in
jured ankle.
priJ.MAN, Wash , Sept.. jo.
CP) W it tl hill live day left he-
fore his Coii-ii'-s face l)ie Oon
y:ma Mulldos in SpuKane, Co:m h
Drill (Itahe) IImIIiiikIhmv sfarl'd
wtokili-i the kink out of his Wash-in-;
ton Stale fool hall suad in
earnest today.
Special al lent lou lo hhn kin-;,
which wai ratAed HL-ainst 'h(-
maii Satin clay, was uiveii hy the
nlire siptad. PasinK cimtinue.i
In he I he Pin offensive cotlcellM .l
tiou. altv niul sympii'liy with China'si
cruise In Ihe conflict wilh Japan.
Others Remain I
The llrltlsh. ltiiHidau. Cermau
and 1 1 nl hm emhassies decldetl to
renin bt. :t lea si for the moment,
and llrltlsh and Ticnc'i nuv:. cun
iiuiuilei h wiirneil .hipiiiiesi' t bat
hey would be held strictly respon
sible for any loss of life or damage
to proi",ty of their milionals.
The American coiiimnudcr-lu-chief
of the Pulled Sfiter. Asiatic
fleet. Admiral Hurry Yaruell, lile
wlse declared thit lh l.uon and
her slsier-ship. tlte Cuam. v onhl
protect Aineiican nationals. With
drawal of Ihe embassy slaff. how
ever, pnvi.,1 the way for with
drawal of the w;ir craft as re-(p-ested
by the Japanese.
Urilish and Kremh naval com
manders asserted their warshius
u ou Id he ma iul. -lined ill the
Vani;tZ( off Natikhii;, so Ioiik as
their embassies were open.
Air Attack Launched
The Japanese planes, iu relays
of six to a squadron, subjected
Nanking to terrific bombardment
for three hours during the morn
iiiK. at mini; at Nankins govern
ment I'ulldiims hut stiikini; resi
dences instead.
Two squadrons of Japanese raid
ers - Japanese here claimed there
were III planes roared over Ihe
city, widely deployed, and huillched
their deadly attack siinu'taneously
oil widely distant sectors.
Seven distinct a"cas were knov u
to have been hit. tuehuiitm the
government aerodrome. Tic dam
ace, however, was believed slicht.
I'leet Chinese rli-hlinn planes took
lo Ihe air and the AincrK'u.n-mndc
machines were renorted to have
hrouuht down three Japanese
bombers. Two of ihem v. ere said
to have been shot down east of the
city, where a lun'thy lattie was
Japanest chiiiued that there were
only :tcven Chinese phi.ies (tppos-
int; litem ami tour or these were
shot down.
Cholera Serious
.-IIIN'iTON. Sept. -M. ( AP)
- Suiyeon ileneral Thomas Parian
reported today that cholera in
Shaunhal "now Is officially consid
ered of epidemic t'lotioi t ionr."
Parrau was adxised by health
service nyents that s'liit unveil
lance as bejm; inatutidTit il at
Honolulu anil Manila ti prevent
the sttread of Cie disease to t'.ii.t
Pairan said also that "ailequale
Sl ps ate betlli; taken" to pieellt
iniio.luctiou of cholera into the
Pnited States hv aircraft passen
tiers linm oriental ports.
B.jck From Riddle Mr and Mrs.
Ci'iuui. Slntli'lim and two sons.
Uoidon and I'lulli;', ol this citv,
.p.'lll tin- w.'.-l. . ad 111 Kiddle visit
111 Mis. Silul. ion'-- (mi .-nts. Mi
I 's 1 It II... si....
Htre are a few sampirs
Sh.piap $9.90 nnJ
Dimension Lumber 913.50
Clear Flooring and Ceiling S.2.50
No. 1 Five-Panel Doom 42.55
4" No. I Veneer Wallboard. Not rejects 79.70
Outside Paint, good quality St -71
Kaliormr.e. 5 1b. Pkgs. 3C
Cunipoaitmn S'ungies . 54.05
One ply Roofing ... 99c
23 C.a, Gaiv. Cortuqated Rioting 55.35
pmo- in
cf the
I.OS ANCKLKS. Se". ".-(APj
- Observers looked over the Cul
vers it y of Southern Call torn ia'.i
Inn l hull Miuail lud.iy and picked
out a "siariiiiK" hackfield fcr next
Saturday' .'aiue wilh ColleL'e ot
Howard Jones, Hie roach, hasn't
heen consulled officially. It u t
here's the way H shapes .mj;
A nihrose S( hindler. quarter;
Wayne lloulman and Mickey An
deiHon at halt, and Oliver Hay,
I tay's choice lies hi tin? uncer
tainty of All'ilo PeCeiuMli f.'eUhiK
to play. The Jailer has n had le.
I.OS A.NflKI.KS, Sept. 20. -(AP)
- -I nivei Hit y of Call lorn iu al l,o.
Anych-H fool hall fquad went into
Hie final siam-H of diill today for
the oieuiuK ajiie I'riday ni-'ht
uiih Oregon.
Head Coach Hill Spauldin' plan
ned to Will k the squad oil defense
today, hojiini; to stoji Oregon's i:
poried "soiihomore attack."
HKHK VA.V. V, Calif.. Sejd. 2".
(API--Coiirli SIuIj Allison or ( ali
fornia with an eye on I'm tire I'oot
hall yeiirrf, lias In en nnjmiim
Virior Motiari. Ted Hubert and
William Hitters, for the sienal
calliiiK Job now held by John
Motiari is a junior and Hubert
and HiiC is. r.ophoi.Nires. Motiari
and Alei k are i r::i iti vt action fn
'he St. .Mary's n-irii" im-m Satur
day, the VX.'.I curiain i;:i;:e;- tor tile
STA.VKOKC. Culil'.,
'A') - A doi". me im
f'lani'.i aerial attack
i us;
' lie f ''Mil's
i-tiidirii hand
Thoi nlijll.
if' I'o.itbill Tiny ! Ilitlll l,H ,;ianis behalf yester
iday they nosi d mil the ( anK
lie was salisfied Milt Paulmali's
kicl in'f was at food as il was last
year before he win in in 1 1 d and
he has plenty ef eonl id'-iire in
.linimv Cotiis's ability at the safe
ly job. What to do about Saut.i
'lai n passes was I he problem to
h la'ten tin seriouslv Ihi ; week.
The two
i Ills opcll tin
hcru ni'Xi
. t
hall sc.
;H in day.
U'onliinied froiu p:r;e I)
litelil over Mil Open telephone. I
U'hehiu oidered (be guards to I
shoot as soon as l.arkln and hisi
captors were in (he open. 1
l.uitihi and the guards, aimed t
only v. 1th clubs, caine mil fif-lulnt;1
and ten or a dozen bullets were
siioi into the sti uiij-Iinn mass from
the watch lowers. Other f-uards
ran in to help and when the battle
ended all Ihe convicts were down.
Mad Undertaking
Kvcu thoiiKli the guards had
w ithhehl their fire, t he escapiin;
pai ly w nubl have had to puss
through two barred ates to tnin
lieedom. a circumstance, tiuaids
said, which made the undertaking
a mad one.
Warden Lark In, a broad should
ered at hie to who stands six feet
lour inches, met a fate he himself
had decreed.
Only recently hi1 said In a talk
to Ihi! prison guard. "If 1 am ever
kidnaped and I order you not to
lire and ou obey my order you ;
will not be here tomorrow. No mat-1
tcr what I tell you. start shooting." j
Martin, the guard who was kill-'
ed. died when he ran into the light
to aid t he w ardeii. i
Ijirkin himself fell iu the com-'
bat. with a knife wound In his ab
domen and deep cut under bis
chin. Physicpius rave him "a fifty
fitly chance to live."
steamer California of Ihe States
line sailed for the orient late Sat
urday when (lie company reached
an agreement with the crew ou
bonus demands for entering the
St no Japanese war zone.
Closed Saturday afternoon ex
cept by appointment.
Physician nml Surgeon
311 Medical Arts Bldg.
Office phone 115
Residence phone 272
Giants and Cubs to Meet
for National League
Title Tilt.
(Associated Press Sports Writer)
t .wi ui i(l..M. un.1 m unij ,
tho time to He(
of-the-iiKniih bills
ady for the end- h ( rfnrv with a country not repren-nt-but
to htK ha- .,, vi-im
urn- baseball, it looks like tin wt ek j Italy Absent
lor whirl. eve,y,,inK has been i ,la, whh (W.,rtlallv di(i noi at
headed since play hall fAa !.,, , s vtmt(.nvt whirfl
hil, k 111 AI,n!- delected Itritalii and 1'ranro to
. I nless all KiKiis are pointed 1 dominate the .Mediterranean pa
liacUward. before the week runs,trol. Italy Ruhsequently declined
nut the Yankees will have clinch to participate hy patrolling arenH
ed ihe American league pennant, jUHt off her own coasis, uud made
and the Ciatiis and Cub:; will nilh- parii v with Uritain and Franco
er have setiled the .National lea- Die onlv IuikIh for her roonora.
nu' squablilt' or t'iven ditfiuite iu-di(-atioii
as to jumi what .Mr. Cus
Kan can expect. i
Croin the senior circuit stand- ,
lioint. New York's Ciauts and Chi-
capo's bolstered Cubs, who a;?, i
at the moment, 2 kuiiu-s apart,
in that order, ko lo work on each :
other's throats in a seijes sia'f-i
iiiK tomorrow. From their three-j taken together produte only about
game fuss, either the tJian's wili I three per cent of the world sup
Magger all hm "in" with the pen- j ply of raw materials."
nam, or I he CuIh v. ill wallop their He lamented th world anna
way to a fight down to the tape, incuts race, but affirmed that Mri
Over in the rival loop, mean- lain Is determined lo spare no ex
time, the Yankees, with a M'l ! pense for rearmament "to protect
n:itne lead, only nerd any comhina- ; the commonwealth and fulfill mil
lion of five ictories or five lie- ( obligations under tin- league of nu
troit defeats, or a collection o! , lions."
two, mathematically to eliminate Eden Commends U. S.
t he Tigers and nail the flag to He declared hostility lo world
their mast for another year. trade obstacles, and commended
Itefore swinging at e:ieh other, t
the Ctants and Cubs have a little
preliminary work today in wind
ing up their series with the St.
Louis Cardinals and MrooUlyn'.
daily Uodgers, respect lvi-1 v.
It seemed "fate'' was taking
i :t. in ten innings. I!-hind LM .1
Maii:, Hill T.-.-.v re:,et,e,l I nl f
the bat and came lit) will) a fill ile :
yin.hhiiter lor his most powei-',
lul i-ounder. Hank Leiber. j (h(.
Afterward, there was nothing to1
do but give I.cibcr's center field j
job lo Wally P.erger, who has been :
tlmui as popular with the
b,.H in,- le ,hw ns n ui;l" j
I ' . , ; . .,,
. lnmirr In i . 1h' senr" lin.l lllli-!
!imt''lv h'.nl 111.- (iianls lo a hi'jii't
1 1 ...
I " " 1 " ' " ' t ...Ml .-I..-.
I Al' iini iiiif, hi Mux I.nlrhi'r Ih'IiI
'111!' iiIki Id titnr I'il-t. lull nth1 nl
(iabby HartUett's hum
er wilh a ii. ale aboard- just en
oimli lo cash iu on Curt lai
classy flinuiiij; for a 2-1 win m ei
ih"' H klyn ;. Icavln-; the
uaiil situation iu this form:
I,, lieliind Play
Cubs .
s:i r.7 L'i M
kers submarine ball
Yankees no end. and
the Timers tiauipbd the Aineri an
Va-ue lead.-ivt. S-l. The- While
Sox we.e mathematically eliminat
ed from the pennant race hy only
breaking even in
twin bill wiihK.llfi, , 1f'u,tr ,,;,,,
Hie Senators, losini; the opent
1, and taking Ihe nightcap. H I.
Philadelphia's unpredictable Ath
lel ies astonished themselves, the
huMMiall world
in general, hut
I mo.-t of all the Cleveland Indians
I by topping the Tribe twice, S I and
alt. The Host on Hed Sox-St.
; Louis lit owns' bargain bill was
rained out.
Pittsburgh's Pirates split wit li
the Ph! Hie i, winning ihe after
piece, a-l, after the Phils look the
op""er, s i The Pnstim Hee and
4 "
The hungriest moment in
n boy's life is right after
f "lit
school! That's when he wants a tasly i
slice of our delicious bread, wilh his fav
orite spread.
Cincinnati Heds did the satno
iliiiit;, llostou c(tmiiiK through, 7-ti,
and then losiiiK. -n, on Ival (iood
man's two-run homer and ieiie
Sihoti's three-hitter.
(Continued from pane i)
, piracy from the .Mediterranean h a
Mill ft was felt he expected Italy
(to lake UK- firnt step, and he
i..ii.i...tii- .....-.-bo.i ii,ut it .. u
i,-1(0ssi,ll(, to ,iavo atternpt-
U (.ijiijoratft n an in neeoriii-
Turning to Ormany's colonial
demands, Kden said "the proh
lem or raw materials i.s not pri
marily substantially one of col
onies." The represent ative of one of
world's k real est colonial powers
asricrted "all colonial terrilorlcs
nited Mates t-ip the "vigor
oils, consistent campaign for their
n ductlon, under the leadership of
President IJoosevelt and Secretary
of Stale Hull." '
Fifty-two states voted on the
Valencia request lo hi 'eclared re
eligible or blank. Of the -17 tubu
lated, the Spanish government ro-
1 " "'" , wnereus .ij was
o'cessa i y io declare tier re-ellg-
' V'. '
"e result of the voting was
i Il;'t''-d wuh hy Hie lea-
Kue oe(K;Mions mat s inpallue
with the insurgeni Spanish regime
set up by (iencralissinio l-'ratico.
Although the hallotiim is secret
It was understood a majority of
( ln Sli.m ! :
,h,I the'vah.nHa Kov.-riui.nit
'H1 llll'ir MIII1MII'I.
, -o
1 . . .
iFnriTRAI I P4 nvm
- v w . t 1 J
j I' liiployi's niul inVinlH will bi en
;n,... 1 - l-t.-i ii.-l al 7::!ll-i. m, WcillifHduy
',.. I ""' ( iiipiiun lintel al u local
Kallii'i-iliK lis a purl of the A-wi-.
iciali'd l-'imlhall liallv. which is to
lleature the Columbia hrnadcastiu
system proi'iam at that hour. All
conference coaches w ill he inter
t viewed on the radio program, over
w hii li Sam I laves will preside as
master of ceremonies. The local
, olfice is preparing additional en
1 let tainn.ent for the dealers and
j others, following the broadcast.
1 I ,..,. I. li. U',hij i.l Ilia I,.,. I... U
.. ....... ..WI.) .iuih
.1....... !..... ;...-;.)
(Continued from page 1)
for an election at seven mills to
permit workers to select a union
to represent them.
.Meanwhile the API boycott
against ClO-handled lumber kept
all but two major mills closed.
PrCNDl-KTON. Sept.' 20. AP)
Youthful I, ill Mc.Maci.i.1, a rancher
from l.e Spokane country, climbed
the ladder of cuv. boy kmg.-hip Sat
urday iu the closing events of the.
world's ino.-t noted roundup.
He won the world's cowboy
championship at the 2Mb annual
ci mpetkion. He heard the roi-riiiKt
cheers of :i'i,ouu h'ctater when'
he mouutid tne wild and notorious
horse. Five .Minutes to Midnight,
ar.d stayed on for IM si-conds. Only
the late Pete Knight has ever
equalled the feat.
Mc.Mackiu. t'A, had a total of 240
points, placing first In the bucking
championships a;.:! first iu toe.
steer ropinr;. !
Lloyd l)ep(w, (i.'ilena, Ore., cow
poke, was iiinuer-up for all-around;
honors with 175 points. i
.Mickey Hicks, Jne'snn, Wyo.,
took second in the hm king event;
Pat Owens, Keimcwick, Wash.,
third, and Wayne Davirf, Knter
prlse, fourth. j
Depew took the calf rcping iion-1
ors iu 54 and 4-f seeoiitlt. H.s1
brother, Kenneth, finislied second
iu ti9 3-5 seconds, and Joe Stinson
of Yakima was jhird in M 4-5 sec
onds. The hulldogging honors went to
Shaniko Hed, Ashwood, Ore., in ati
'l-'i seconds. Jny lb pew was sec
ond in 71 2-5 m onds and Del Har
mon, Portland, third. In 7S 1-5 second:-.
time Pruitt of Yakimr carried
off first prize in the amateur
bucking, topping a horse aptly
named Widow .Maker. Cody Dodson
of Long Creek, Ore., was second
and Kenneth Depew, third.
Other event winners included:
Cowboy's pony race, won by
Johnny Kindred. Poise; cowboy re
lay race, won by l'lovd Murphy,
Stock and Bond
Si-i(.' 2li:
Cuinilctl liy Tiic A. s.icialt-il Pre
r.n i.i is i;o
In.lls Mil's I'fs Pl'ks
Today xM.O x;!7.4 xfiT.l
X nc-w lows.
I'lcv. day .... M.S 20.1 117.7 r.7. 7
Month utso .... ;r. :',7.:i -12.0 ; . -1
Year atio .... !nl.5 41.1 r.l.s lis.l
l!i:!7 hiKh ... 4!t..r. 7.r,.:l
lli:l7 low H2 :l 211.2 :!7.5 f.7.7
llttl! high .... !!. 43.5 f.3.7 72.K
i!i:iii low ... . 7;i.i ::ii.2 1:1.1 r.r..T
20 10 10 10
l!l;'s Inii'ls l!l's I-'un.
Today xSB.5 Kil.7 xf..2 7n.l
X new lows.
I'rcv. day .... Kll.2 101,11 !i:,.5 7o.!l
Month uko .... 1MI.2 liCl.l H7. S 71.0
Year af:o .... llli.4 ln:l.:l lu2.(i 70.1
1 ;::t liiii .... im.o 101.4 102 s 74.7
l!t7 low S,",.7 101.11
,l!i:t hiuh .... 9S.2 lot.l lo:!.l 7:1.0
I l!i:l low ml im wi 3 (!7
Tye, Colo.; cowgirl relay rate, won
by Anna I,e .Mills, Alamosa.
Colo.; all-American beauty contest
for Indian girls, won hy Annie
Kanine of the CmatUl i reservation.
CLKVFLANI). Sept. 20. (AP)
Horton Smith and Kalph Culdahl,
Iinky Chicagoans battled today In
an lS-hole playoff of a tie Tor the
western open golf crown which
eluded nearly If.u other contestants
in three days of tournament play
at Canterbury country club.
Winding up at even par -?s (or
the 72-hole tournament route, both
Uuldahl and Smith could luol:
back over their tourney play to re-
Rirle and Shotgun Ammunition in calibres and
gauges generally used. All stock fres'h and fully
4-ft. Green, per cord $2.00
4 ft. Dry Slab, per cord S3.00
16-inch Dry, per load - S4.50
16-inch Green, per load S3.00
Mill Ends, per load - $4.50
2-ft. Green Slab, per load , $3.00
Sawdust, per unit - $2.00
Green Italian
Phone 246
3f 7A
You can literally bathe your way to beauty if your
home boasts an outomatic electric waier heater. Hot
water that is entirely automatic and unlimited in supply.
Ready instantly at the turn of the tap ... no need for
anyone in the family to stint their use of hot water . . .
automatic electric hot water in your home is the greatest
convenience you can have. It is not only an important
health and beauty aid, but automatic hot water also
lightens a hundred and one household tasks.
The special, very low, hot water heating electric
rate makes tins service cost little ... so little in fact
that thi average family pays less than 12c a doy.
The California Oregon Power Company
all where they might have won lit
the regulation distance but for short
putts which stayed out ami ions
puns that came close but didn't ,
Joining them in the "might-have-been"
chorus were "slamming'
Sam" Snead, the White Sulphur
Springs, V- Va., clouter and Paul
llunyan, the "little poison" from
White Plains. N. V., who finished
in it tie tor third place, one strok-j
out of the championship playoff.
Of the quartet, Snead wns first
to finish yesterday, coming in with
a par round of 72 for the last 18
to post a card of 2S!.
Kellogg Visitor Here A. U
Hutchinson of KMlugg spent a few
hours here Saturday attending ln