TWO ROSF.BURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSFBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1937. The tank r mmpiliiiK prize HWfil'dH Of (til! ('('Ill I'll) DoUfchiK fulr, recently held at Sutheilin, ha been completed hy the fair hoard. The tn'ent h articled a re cord attendance, lor IIih lnteient.iiR exhibits, racing program, and the concert hy tin; JloHcburg Munici pal band. Dances were provided Tor entertainment each evening ol (ho two day fair. I'tl.en uwardt-d by lioKihni g hutdncNH men and 'Hnh premiumK provided by t In fill r board wen awarded to (lie following winners: fill r i Klind-shlr.-: A.:l lulu - InI. Il;iud.- Hiii v.-V. . tfrd ff lnt, I ' III III' I I M V ll-H, Yl-.ii him lino 1M. I'l.iud- H;.r vev. Vc.Kliriif -Int. Citnrit'l li.ivit-f. IfnlU Jamli IM. CoimimI Iiiv..h V.wv liitnti - Int. J .a In i- lti In-. 'iiiii I I n M'H. Hit mtirdiir.-: Aifi l I. mi Iff. J Co v .M.dl. . AkhI fv Jul. A li. C.ld.f JCttlli lit rult 1 ft. Kiiiim-I 1 Hall, k.itnl.miill.-t : AtCid 11. Kov MdlV. l'ml. Jtnv Mi-fllev. Kmm-v Marsh : A (fed nmi lt. Wind t n k-r.nti ; :n- two. II. ill. Alfi hi- 1st. Ii.-.., Hall; L'ltd. W ant .'. In-rum. V.-iirhnit . -Int. II..V M.ill. v. Kriii In ml 1ft. ..-. Hall ; J ml. IE. .V M.-dl.-v. I0w.- liiriih 1 j-1 . (.-. Hall: Jiul. (U.,. Hall. Ilrlrv I. .Mil Hh.I--1hI. lull v rink Y. T...1.1. Kid Itlllv I'ailtir. I 'ill tie .Terse v : Hull- 1st. .J.rrv HartHnw. I'uwlt-t. HmJ.Iiv Hhi-ki-. Hi.iriT Ixt. J.mIm 4i- 111. he A. 2nd. .1. .1. W. Tf.ll, ,V. Tndd; 2ii.l. W. Ill; . i: 1'arn - rnwe Hull -If I I'liw-list. .1. Tntlil. H.-ltVr Int. .) W. Tndd. I'llf-Xh-r White. Hi ill I- - - I M I . .1. K. I'.inlM-r. HllW lt. .1. K. i 'impel . inina- .J.-rs.-v: Hoar- Int. Imlnh- Itlehe. ,S.,W Int. I.l'tle Hi-In-. llariM'M Saddle hum Int. Hull ltd IliiV AliO-Ile. All nuipiisi- I. tun - ltd. Hwliidl.r. V-i.iliiiK ...It Int. Itra.l 1' year clt - 1t. Tlantld llmwii. i hlekriiM Whit.- l-tilmi ns: IVn :i li n ---lul. 1 Mm Illinium 2ml. JiIh C.-ff. :t MlllrlH Ih), Hull llnlliu.ll Ult.l. Italuli Aiiili'l.-on. V.niliK itiik.-i.-l Inl. ll'lH Huff. 11.. I: l'cil Ik-iis -I si. I 'fii i I .linn n. I'tMl :i imll.ts Isl. I'.ail .Jefies Slid. Ilnvd I'.irki-r. (Hd -iii-kcn! IhI. I'.ail J-nii-i (ml. Mi". H. M Voiiiik riii kt i i-l -1 Jml. HiiKl raiK.-r. rtaiT.-il 1 ii-k : I'.-a :i iiiill.-ts- I Hi . AU it St.-ldi-fim: -'lid. W. I Him-. Willi.- (ilaiits: iiM .n.lcnl -Int. .1. K. 1'iHin.r. HittT l n pIiHiuIhiim: ivh :i h.ns 1st. his i:.rr. imjirts- isi. T..M1 iiiiw: Slid, ,tnii I ItDiimliri-f. Old o. ki ifl - Int. Ii Ih Hirf; L'ml. fclonl.- Ui.iindl t . i. Ni'W HitiiinMiiii". .lun : ii'-nf - Ihi. 'rritx Ht. idn'iiH : hi. I, Itali'h All. I. iH. .ii. IVn .'1 imll.'lH - LmI, M en. .I.hI" Hiiil. v; i i . W. I. l.-.v, Uld i n. k. r- l - -1 hi. i ns !!ln; Ullll. .1. f.. I'l'l VllllllLC lll'lifl el -1 si 2nd Tom .Uiiviu. Tiirkcj h Hroii.-: Voinm h. ti 1st. , Mr. riamli-Jhuvi-v; 'Jnd. Mih. I'l If H;.r.-v. Ymiim lorn Itfl. Mih, riamli' .llarv. v: -'lid. Miu ('laud.' Ilar. . Vminu h.-ii- 1st. I'nin. iH Tndd. Voinm loin - I''i-iiin Is To. 1. 1. V.Hiliim lull - Isl. Mis. I K. Modii. llaiirlMtii It I'll YmniK h'-n- '-. M I'm. W.ii.I ('... k.-iain: L'ml. Mis. Ward i-...'1t-c rain. Y..iinir torn Int. Mis. W.iid iVk flam. .'ml. Mis. Ward r.i.k.-iaiu. V.m him: In n- 1st. Mi s. Ward I'o.-k.'iam; llmt. Mrs. Waul C.i. k.-i-n in. V.-iirllnir t.'in 1st. Mr- Waul I'.ak.iam. L'li.l. Mis. Waul ' '"' k -I'l'illil. Ilmk- 1'. kin.' e;ili ll. -lam. s lii.fl, (Mil. -Is .;iir Is). WaM- r Sli.wi-. liriiln anil iili Corn: V.-llow il.-nt 1st. .1. AshwMitli; 2ml W. ' l. i iildt-rsl. !'. Whin- iliit 1st. 11. . d I'.-itMi-. Knllaui- -Isi. Aha Mi Inn. l.n- lul. It Five of Six 'Most Wanted' Men Shlli- h. l.ov.-: rns ; ul. M.i Ul, T Idi- A"h'Hlh. T.ill. st c.i n hn uliv. W ii. ii l: SimIiiu .-hid h.-nt sin hi. iv.tnu: Jml. Ust Winl'i-r urav l'ml. H.'.-d i-iiiiie SinliiK I I Slu al w inti'i' 2ml. I.tsti-i- i'hu anil". I hi Kr-.-d i'i 1st. Hnvil I'. I si . U. cl :'nd. Mis. I K i). M.i Hurlt'v: Hit nm lii ii - 1st. Itc il i 'mini; Jt.nd I'aik.i. Slu'iil - -1st. U. i'.l ramp. .1. h: Ton i u mi i- 1st. Il. i d I 'ami. ; Kot.l I'm k. I. Allnlla: Mi. at 1st. !..-.(. t- I'auil.; It. . d Camp. Sr. d Isl. H.'.-tl Ciilllli. Suiil ..Vi i' Sr. i 1 m , I iu I Vt mi-mi. Humll.- I -t. Ki .'l I ':itnp. Talh M Hiinf l..v. r - Isi. I! . d Cu in i . K. sl sMiinsli 1st. 1 1. 1.. Hoi jui'ii- H. ans: SlihiK- tsl. .1. K, i'....p.r. 2nd. Pnii"ut W till.- ill 1st. Mis. .1. I'.. ' I I. .11 IIIVIlll. I:. .1 iln l-t. Mrs. .1. II. t ii pi' i . 2ml Anion- H-.ti.l I. lmii dr 1-1. Ail Inn Hun .1 . .'ml. Sirs. W. i". W K lli-rl-, Tallin 1t. IU-..I rauip; -m L J. K i'i- r. Slink lt, 111 I'll I ':.lllp. Mill Ciiinp. i 'ai i ot: Isi. Mrs. ha llanm -v Mini.- M.dl.v. Si i i k. 1st. Mrs Clla W . u ll. 1 1...I .-..ii. I .Mis. .1. K. r......i. h-.1.1 I'-Ml'-.Ml. i 'm-uint.. i n ' i 'iiuimon hi. M.i I i. .M l I . .ShafTrr r Dalhover Gant ilrady Hunt ' Five of the nation's six most wanted criminals arc pictured above, the quarry of ti-men, stale police and local peace udicers ns fivi? 'middleweatern states joined in a campjign ;iKninst crime. Wanted most of all was Alfred Brady, notorious leader of a bandit gang whose members I lasted they would "put John Dillinfier in the Hhadc." His known companions are Clarence Lee is hu tier, Jr., and James Dalhover. JIufih Gant and Alva Dewey Hunt, brothers-in-law, are wanted as lenders of a mob operating chiefly in the south west for 17 years. The live anti-crime campaigning stales arc Indiana, Illinois, Michigan. Ohio, and Kentucky. The sixth public enemy is Ihe Malison kidnaper, unknown, o I 'finish i Jin-, n- 1st, l 'a i mi haii ; 2nd l.i sh'i' I'ninii. Toimihi.-H: I'aiiiihiK - 1st. J. I-,'. I'oopir; 2ml. Arthur Huird. I'l i-si-i vi im - 1st, i 'armi lin n. (illllh'll cliMllHV 1st, I'lill 1.111'Sllll. 2ml. Wiili.-r Slow.-. llurlli-iilKirv Anid.s: Sid i z.-nm-i if 1st. V. 1 1.; 2nd. Kd lhlliv.-tl. Johualhaii -11. Arthur H;ind: W. U. Hov... N.'W liiwn 1st. w. I. Iivt-. i Ii av.iisi.iii--Ul, W. 1 1. l,o L'ml. H.-. .1 I 'anili. Wluti-r l.auami 1st, A r t Ii ii r Hall. I. la Isi, I j. (. Asliw.irlli: 2nd. H.ih l,.-hiuanii. H. si . ..II. -.-Uun -1st. W. I . l.ov.-. t'.-a is: Hmi ll. tt 1st. W. I. I.uv.-: L'ml. Maniii l.l.ivd. 1 1..-;.- - - I si. HaiM'V Kw.'ii : 2nd. I-. c i:w.n.4. H A:ii..u - Isi. M:.llili l.od: 2tul. Mis. Martin l.l.ivd. i '.inil.'t- - 1st. W. I . H. si . oil,.. -lion K I'. Hw. us. Hi ihi.-s: Italian 1st. Co. HnlLv; 2nd. I'. J IViH.- 1st. Alva M Im,': 2nd. i:. A. I'all i. I'iil" 1st. l i'. i:u. ii: 2nd. II. A. 'flll..UII. H.-ili:iu .h i- il - It I ramp. H. n. h.s: Alli. iliis 1st. Ilaiv. v Kw.ii: 211.1. I'. A. '..Historic. K;n-lv rniwloul -IkI. II n r v v Kwii: Jml Aha Maunniu. llnhM - 1st. . r. I.'w.-n: 2nd. H. A. riiihoiin. Mull -1st. Ih:iv. v Kvv.-n: 2ml. V. r. i:w.ii. It. si i-olhrthui lliirv.-v Kw.-n. (iu.p.-H- (., in-old-. 1st. In-. Imnhi, iN'i.'iKiini- Isi. Miii Jury I Ml. Kiii-opniii Id in I h, l'sl.r Ash Worl Ii. .oM...ii l.isl-r AhIiw-mIIi. I.iuim-i- 1st. Iris I lol l"; 2nd, W. 1 1 J .ov.-. Niih. hi V l-'i-iimiiii-M.' 1st. ilh-nu Uu -Hon , 2nd. I ii'.-d i ;i ii 1 1. ii .-. ii l- i ii ii' tin- Is). M vi -HI Hi-lim: 2nd. .1. K. ri...p,.-. oth.-r v;m. -ti-s Isi. 1..- s . i 'itii: 2nd. lOid i';, inn. l- ilh.-i ts: !'ar. .-lima -1 st. I 'i j..l.-r; 2 ml, .1. I-:. ( i.i.. r. i Hint vari.-ti.-n 1st. .tun.- Mtnd- S.H., I-'I.IV I I'M 11. Ualt.-r Sl.-H,-; 2nd W.ilt.-r Sh.u... hiihtias-Kt. Mrs. hlovd I'liik stoii; 2nd. Mis l.h.. I'inkstoii HI. nil-. hi -1st, Mrs. T. ,J. M.-dl. ; 2nd. I.illi.ili I. in. lh-. Zinnia Isi. Mis. V. i ii lh.lual : 2nd. W ill.. i Slou.v llo.s... Jut. .1in. lirit Sin.k: 2ml, Mrs W.tin.r. A III I I in. I hrd.-.l 1-1 alt. -i Sl..v..; 2nd. Mis. Ilrit Shu k Hi-t.-niiii.l in..! lit.-di 1st. Mis. . wu. r. 2nd. Mis I isp1; 1st. .Mai . ii i. . M I "n.l Walt-i Sl.iwr. Aillsil, i.;ik,.t 1st. Mis. Tipton -'lid. IV:, rl .l..i,,-s At lisio- hiiU. t. . In). I Ivl - -nd, 1 1 h'M Smf ni.iind Hons.- idaiils. th.u. i tnu It Alls. .1. . r..ok; '.'nd. Mis. .1 1st. Mi k. II-. us.. nh.nt-. r.-tia 1...I.I. 2nd. Mis Knuh- Tallinn. t...l ls. M i s ll..f m. Ist.-i . 2nd. Mix. I'i . iI I ;r-.. i ti - I'llh.u- slips l.-t. Mih. Iloiiimis hr, 2ml. Mrs. Hrti im i nmn- I r. ss.-r s.-aii l-t. Mi s. Moll' 2ml. Mrs. lira mil nu. r I'oltv Isi, Mrs. Ilultui. isl. i . 2nd Wt ii I "n v in-. ri.,li... low.-l 1st, Mrs. t.-'iiolr lii uhh; 2n.l. M i s. l-'i.-.l Mraninn-'K-'l huii- li i M is. l.i-iihu tiruldt; L'ntl. Mis. St l. I'lllow slips - 1st. M i h, Klsl,. h Inn : .'ml. .1 urn- M umlswii l'r.-ss.-r s. ;irt' Isi. Mrs I'f .l Hin .r; 2nd. Mis. 1 - (iruhh. It. d shiva.l 1st. Mrs. 1 1 null Wi.l.l, 2nd Mrs T i:. .1,,i,,-h. I'l. sx .s M Mis. Anna l.u. a -2nd, Mis .1. W I'oth 1st. Mrs. I'i(,l in.iMimi-k- i . .''id M - I .. i , . i ; ;. "! i. Hurf.-t s-t -1st. AI i'H W. ,. I.mhl; 2nd. M rs. l-. noij t ii uhh. Ijuills: I'l. . .-d 1st. M i s. II. I. M.-i i iiniin: 2n.1. Airs. I'. K. Marks. Appli.MK-.l 1st. Mrs. Nuiih Wahl: 2nd. Mrs. Al.llii- Moor.-. iuill lups: I'i.-. .-.I -1st. M;.ra;ir..l A nd-' is. in : 2nd. Mrs. W. .1. ha. Id. AppllMUid 1st. Aliirum-.l Aml.-r- Mlll. Hand s.-winu: rhthl's iIi.-hs- Isi. Mrs. U-uoir (iruhh. Ma. hin. s.-iviiiis: Aim-.iii 1st. M,s. w l. W Is: 2nd. Mrs. Kmina Williams. I.adh-s . ..I I. hi di-.-ss -1 st. r:unit-i-I i i : 2nd. Kiiui. .- Havis. Hul-s: Hook.-. I silk 1st. Mrs. II. litis-y.-tl: 2nd. Mis. r. K. .M;.rks. IhM.k.d v o .. I Isi. M a in a i el riii. i..i.. 2nd. Mrs. Mauri- .- V.-w.-l-l.ohl. i'i... h.'l.-.l 1st. Mrs. .1, K. St.-arns; 2nd. Cohl.v Sparks. Hiai.i.d 1st. Mrs. T. Kr. 2nd. Mis. Mil. h. in. I'ilh.ivs: I'iiM I i t 1st. Wlhua had. I: 2nd. .Mis. Kim i... H hdr Isi. Maruar. t Ami. r- son .'n.. Mrs I- A. i'ainph.11. White .-mliioid-l v; H:ih 1st. Mrs. .1. Iv r....i . .l . uihr.ii.h i : ' I'llh.u slip- 1st. Mrs. .1. !:. I 'nop.. i ; 2nd. M.iitii r. l A tol. i son. I . 11 ii Ii s.l Isl. Ma'Uiii.-l Aud.-r-nihi; 2nd. Mrs. W. ,. To.ld. Tnwi'l 1st. Mrs. K. A. Illiim h..L!!; .ml. Mrs A. i. r.d.b, Hntr. l s. I 2nd. I'auliu I'.-lzrll. K nil I iim: HI. .us..- Isl, Mis l-'la liii.-rv. i hi. --pi. . .Ii . ss Isi. Mi s. h -Inif Hull 2nd, Mrs. Khi n n,-rv. It d siu.-iMl 2nd. Mis. II. I. M.-i riniiin. t'lihvoik: S. art 1st. Mrs. A. O. r.d.h; 2nd. I .. U Mill.. i I'llh.H slips tsl. Mrs. Iv A. Him hll : 2nd Mrs. h.-nolr . h uhh. Sheet Isl. M,. A. II, i ,,,!,; 2nd Mih. A. ii. r.,hl.. Illlk I II It lltHIM'lt It l.iulit hr-ii.t. whit.- 1st. Mrs. J I I 2nd. Mis. .1 i-h i tie It.-. V.-s. dark 2nd. Mrs. I'h.jit.r I mi is. I il'". I. dls Ul. Mrs. Kntle: 2nd. Mis. Kuiiiia Williams. his. nils. I.;.lin.i: Isl. M.tlie h.-an: 2nd. hois M'I'iimH Uner ink,. lUhl isi. Iv-.ul Ma v I.e. 2nd. .Mi s .1. K, i'..op. r. I.a.-r - al;-. daik 1st. his C.fh (.ill .-..k.-. ihu k - Isl, Mrs. W. I . I...... 2nd.,,- Mi.unmi;. Aim.l ami st tie ..ik- l-i. Mrs. .1, K. SI. . nns: 2nd. Mis. Kir-He. ('...ikies, plain loll.. I Isl. Mis .1. K. I' n r. Mrs. I-h.r. n. .- ;..((" i Mh.-i's i- il led I st. M i :imiii.i Williams; :,,d. M,s .1 K f ..-r Hroi'li.-.l 1st Mis W. I I... v.: 2nd. Hera l.. utli.-i u t. Sli.e.l l-i. Mrs W. Ii. I...M-: 2nd. Mis .' K Mai k h. I'llllle I'i.klllU- I Isl. . "herder I a is I'al.e 1st. M,s I !. .1 1 : Jml. Mrs i;ila W.-mi.-r. "..Okies Is! M,s. I"..r.n.e lu'lf. 2nd his tin IT. I'n.i.e hnkin- .tisph.v Isl. Mrs l' hue. 2nd. Mrs. Kniitia Wil li s 1'i.s. to .-rust 1st. Mis W, I ., l.ov.-: 2nd. Mis I'h.-irles Hailu-r. ! i, l;l.- Ist. Mrs. Tom inifeid. .'nd. Wiluia ha. hi. Ihu a n m in: . finnied I' i tut l-t. M,s. ,, );. per; 2nd. Mis. W .. .,,v... .lam 1st. Mis. .I.ilm ."et mi.suu : 2nd, Mrs .1 . r, .1- Ih Is) i:iiul e Hat is: 2nd. Mrs. .1 i :. I ' x r, I'ii Ides :.. ,h.s ,. .; i ' v. ,-K tahh-s 1st. Mrs. .1 Iv I-M..U-- i ; 2 m.I Mrs, K A t.-i I . Meals Isl. Mrs. .1. K, t'.-npei; 2nd. Murv ('limn. St al dlsphiv hd Mrs .1. K l '....per ; 2nd, .1 um- i luff l. hi v hotter 1st. Mrs H.-tT- melstrl. 2u-l. M t S. l-'lai.k I- inn n. t t'olliine . h, .-s. 1st. Mi s. .1 V. Kuus. white stan. laid hi, .1. 1 : ' r 2nd Mis .1. i:. i" '..l.-i -1 ; ,t ,i i.i i -' M: i I" GRADE SCHOOL AT DRAIN IS OPENED IdtAlN. Sept. la Tin Itruiii Ktade si-hool oiieiii-il Monday, S-pt. i:t, as ftelieduled. All the hitill.'irt ha vi art iv ed atul t he building i-liancd mnl Hpverul new inipiovo inents made ilurlng the KUiuitier. Showei h have h-tn iiihtalh-d as well as new hook nfielvc and eup IjouhIh and cement walkH. Land Miaping ihe Kt'tmiMl.s will be turn Ished tliiH. fall. Tin' h-rt. liiiiM Ktatl Ih compos il of Pilneipal II. J. K'lswf II, M vh. Itulah Loken. MIhb .Mildred Voting. Miss Klir.aheth Kite, Mi-h. Klie I jimp and MLsg ltath Louisa Voder, who will lake Mis. Hendrick s place as teacher of music and art. '.;. r: 2ml. .1 K i'.m.p. r. rt mnl I i-Hft Witrk I'rawlnu: IVri- il 1st. Mrs. C. W. Alilutn; 2nd. v Miller. J'. ii anil ink - 1st. Alien Huird. W at. r eoh.i 1st. K. .-.I l-'ati, lu-r. ml paimim.'- 1st. Mrs. i '. J. ilardinu: 2ml. Mrs. (J. Milan. Applied ail .losepliitie llamd. 1'ial't Work. Iiuvn isi. .lake :.nd 'ilellll h-IISell. .lohll K'lhhe. HlllV I l -. HfMMtlN 1st- Hiv.-isdiiJ.. lilaime. 2nd- Silt lurhti liianue. ;:rd--'iiir iiiiks In.liihliial eluh. 1 1 h J-'n i inei H union. hootli- 1st. lielinar Mur- GRANGE OPENS NEW I STATE HOME OCT. 1 I'OItTLANl), Sept. 15. AP j The Oregon grange will ojien Port-, land heml(iiarhH h on October 1 in 1 the ImildhigH foruierly occupied hy ! the Portland branch of Albany ' cjillcge. The initlii Htructure, grungu offl- cluifi miid. will hotiKe oificett for J the mute niaKter, secretary, fire re lief anHociatiou, w htilesale head I ((tiartei-rt and th (Irange lltilletin. I The warchoiiKP will he in the one I stoiy building' once used us a gymnasium. I'm chase of the property wan 'authorized ut the Lebanon conven . tiou two yeatH ago and approved anain this year at The Ialtes meeting. j The longest period of i u1-i ship of iiny of Hritain's kings was that , of (ieorge 111, who retained the I throne for 59 years, from 17BU to 1S2H. and died at the age of 81. $100,000 PRIZE WON BY EX-R0SEBURGER Th curifnt lumie of popular magazine cat rim an iniprfilng ar ticle devoted 10 William who was the winner or the lluti.- Ouo iah vrlie In the recent Old '.old puzzle ctmti'Sl. SlaKB.s. now a cadet In the t'. S. navy, was a runnel' remuent of ItoneliuiK, ilur Ins the time Ilia parents, Mr. and Mm. Hlihard Sukrs, now of Chi cago, were engaged lu business in WHY SUFFER? WHY BE DISCOURAGED? HEMORRHOIDS (Pil.a) Colin. Conalipation Fla. ur Ulcer.. All R.ct.l. Colon and Stomach double, completely eliminated with, out aurfical operation alter an otner mettioda have failed. We have dona it for thouaanda of othera we cao do it lor you. 26 year, in Portland. FREE BOOKLET aenr ar your recjueir. Call or writ Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC Phyticion and Surgeon K E. Cor. K. I.urniide and Grind Ave. Telephone EAst 331R Ponlinrt. Orefon this city. He is a nephew of Mtes Kdith Staggs of this city. Because fairies are supposed to run away with male children, superstitious pu rents along the C'onneumra coast of Ireland dress their hoys in red flannel petti coats so the fairies will think tbey are girls ami not molest them. Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651.J R. R. 2, Box 22 C Roseburg, Ore. AND THEY'RE PROUD OF CALVERT'S KcnTiickij VuAc 85 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 90 PROOF Cope. 1917 CALVERT DISTILLERS CORF., DIS TILLERIES: LOUISVILLE. KY..AN0 RELAY. MO.. EXLCUTIVOFFICES;CJIRYSLRBLDG..N.V.C. Mnrh- Medh i.nli.t.. Wii M .'I t II . .Ions id. h. St.- .1 Is V Mil nl. h I Mil I.'. Ashworlh, I'ol.H. es: holiK hile 1 (. Heed i 'llllll. ' Hound u Hit.- 1st. At Ihur Ihili.l: in-l. lien. Mi MmukiII. . Isl. Heed I'i.llll.. I'ept'i'ts Ul'eell s. l.. isoll. i'lld, I'l. H. Il.e lloff. riirnnkin-: Tahl. -- im. H. cd I'allip; 2tid. Vairl find I'ora W ..Ift, 'iniish : ir 1 3M..i nmp; Ciiil, rh-ld --1st, la--Tilt KriiHi-, NOTICE We Are Paying a New High Price for POULTRY Bring us all you have right away, Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products PHONE 210 21 1 SPRUCE ST. Retailors for Alhprs Proven Feeds w h jmmM d & RIME R S LD fiyfnP Wards New Models j pPP1 with any Na..n,.y AUTO IlEAUHS NeW Standard Quality Heater 25 Wards New Supreme Quality Heater Extra for Defroster and Tube Kit 79c m.w deigned! Ward- exciusWe .eature.l Com pare with heaters up to $15,951 3 ! With Delroster '1 i IMSk complete 1 1 '1 "'.ly I I LJiiiJiiuj'f Wards Com- f j V 7 mander. Full j SC ; 1 N-SSS in qualities. Qt. . T 1 tic qt. Fed. tax.) I . ' " - . ' w,...i.. IfTirnfrOTTTTTnilr . . : mmimmm Special ! Sunfast canvas i 1 i top, hardwood 1 J frame. Fits eas- ZC FiJ' i Hy in the car. . We Have An Eight-Minute Story For You If you'll come in the store, we will show you such proof of quality construction that you will KNOW that River side is a safer tire. There are eight big reasons, and we'll give you one a minute! You'll learn, too, that you don't have to pay a premium price for premium quality in a tire! Remember Riversides are guaranteed to give satisfactory service, without limit, as to months or miles! Liberal Trade-In Allowance Monthly Payments Guaranteed lU-Moiiilis ! 39 Plates, PJ.35 Exch. 3 . Wards Standard Quality. Plenty of power I Latest type materials. WAIDSJ0Q PURE PENNSYLVANIA 78c serviee! H"c a ! ti-over 5-Quart Changs (Plus Tax) I.MJI.'I.' d.-t.h. Sli m ninn ftiiiil il v nl. premium ntd Quart 1'hunne, or , 15c per qt. 8 Qt. can (Add le fp. Keil ...1.28 Tax) PAINTS-ROOFING Super House Paint Hexagon Strip Shingles In 5 gal. cans, 0 ,33 Gal. Unexcelled in coverage, dura bility and beauty. 5.85 Coverall House Paint l'85 In 5 gal. cans, Gal. One of the best low priced house naints on the market. Out lasts many $2.25 per gal. paints, 1 Square WciRh 168 lbs. 'Non-fade colors. Square covers 100 sq. ft. Asbestos Roof Coating In 5 gal. cane 9.20 Gal. 3 Saves et'ensive repairs. One H seals and waterproofs - oin and leaky roofs! A hit h rIoss mirror-1 i k e finish. Dries in 4 to 6 hours. 1 coat holds. 9Sc Qt. Reg. l.tS j Special BROOMS 9c Value 29c Four sew yrcen straw. Standard size. Savel Sove Money ot Wards on Your Gym Outfit 25-Yr. Quality Men's Sweatshirts, r 89c Cotton Gym Pants White (Mil; 2Qr fly from 3 lV White Gym Socks Snug ulihed tops Supporters :i-in. hand; elastic 50 ft. Strong. tiRhtlv braid ed line that will give Rood service. 19c f Reg. 25c l- Swingle bit. Seasoned straight grained hickory. 25c ; Reduced . Wards "Pom-Kralt" I, A T II IS Action W Turns work up to 8 by 27 inches. New feature . . . 4 x ' j in. grinding wheel. Precision built. i Builders Hardware Inside Lock Set I Hill ht ass ttntsh. lieei-edi' ; !.'.! Aer fSi'iitelteoii.4 w 3U31." Door Butts I Mill ln aif finish. Heavy cv, Pr. Electrirai Supplies Rubber Covered Wire Hint k. Iti-tter than I'nde-. r wilt.-rs fpeeiiy. 4.05 : No. 1 1. IVr leu ft. X Duplex Receptacle Humble haUflite. I' inlet-wilt-eiK lifted. Innihte 4 Am ' m,, IOC 25c .. 27c I 29c 4 1 Compare with furnaces selling elsewhere for $15 to $25 more! All cast parts are long-life Ward co Iron. Has latest type, easy action grates. Full size firepot tapers only 1 inch . . . holds heat longer. It's bigger than most fur naces in its class . . . has greater heatcapacity. Save at Wards. Free Engineering Service 12-in. "Powr-Kraft" SAW Precision .95 Built 4 Extra rigid frame. Torsion-type spring. 81 " table with ttlt gauRe. Smooth, long-life mechanism. ards trained experts will '! give you plans, estimates, advice on your healing i and plumbing problems. ; 1 his service is FKF.E. Please send expert to ad j vise on ( ) plumbing ( ) heating. 1 Name . Address . City SAVE IN THE U ADnUVADC - , . . r . ,x r.nni, Phone 95 COMPIETE STORE OF 315 No. Jackson St. Ihitmna Ist. Mhiv ' m.