Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 15, 1937, Page 1, Image 1

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    Now That the U. S. Has Banned Shipments of Arms and Munitions to Japan and China, How About a Ban on Scrap Iron Going Into Foreign Armaments?
I tumidity 5 p. in. yesterday 28'.
Highest temperature ycMerduy P1
Lowest temperature last night 5"1
Precipitation, for 24 hours it
Precip. since first of month ... .'Mi
Preoip. rrom Sept. l, ln;i7 :W
J icfUii'iuy Binre Sepi. 1. I!:t7 .IS
Mostly fair; cooler Thursday.
ni outcome of the nnw flKht
Oftuliisl Jtisllee Hugo llliuit 1h a
lending (ucfltion of tho day. Fol
low developments through the dally
wire news In the NEWS-REVIEW.
v - i i Xki jm - h i' . i - -- m- mm m v w w
x3etri ixiTX dva.i - i - i w bbv KariR i an
II I ll!M7ir I lUvIL IIIL1L Hill
vv vr v r r vr
Carrying A
Roosevelt Edict Likely to
Hit Freighter Wichita;
Neutrality Act Not
Put in Effect.
Uly 1 ho Associate) Press)
Here is lli- unoflicial. but nu
thoritnlhe, Chinese and Japanese
reaction In President Roosevelt's
partial embargo on aims ship
ments hi tin' Far Fast.
(Ml IN A Pessimism, largely
because Chinese thought il was
departure lroni America's one-time
Interest in justice ami right;" be
cause tlu-y believed It favored Ja
pan, which has leu need nf arms
i in ports. 1 low ever, t he Chinese
little practical effect of the
i luburgo. China has established
her urms credits olsewiiere.
JAPAN "It means the 1'nited
Slates is determined not 10 be
come entangled," but, Japanese bo
lit ved. it will have nn great effect
on Japan. Smut thought it might
event nail v prove a much heavier
blow to China.
Maritime. commiSKion officials
worked swiftly toduy to carry out
u partial embargo ordered by Pres
ident Hoosevclt on firms shipments
lo China and .lupim.
The full commission was sum- j
nionoil to a special suasion to con-,
shier whether It will intercept the
American freighter Wichita, en
route from Haltitnore to China
with a cargo of 1U airplanes, as
the lit. si application of tin? new
The vessel, which nailed from (
linltimore on August 27. was ex
pected to reach San Pedro, Calif.,,
during the day for refueling. .
Mr. Itoosevelt issued the arms
Mail line, yeuieiuuf ",t nn uiuiuii
(Continued on page G)
Sept. 15 '
IAI'1 l'iuball devices were legal
again today after a two weeks ;n group of their young friends, mid
ban following action last night by; repaid loans made to them by
llistrict Attorney Hardin Hlackmer their companions. Paul Parsons,
rescinding his previous order' slate police sergeant, said. Their
against the machines pending a
ruling by the state supreme court ,
on a I'olk county decision.
Hlackmer said he did not wish
to enibariass tile city financially,
that Ihe l oik couniy runug cai rieu
iiiijru weight tlian an opinion ly j
the stale's attorney .on the legality ,
of the inaclnncH. and that he uount-
ct if a conviction could be obtain-
oil while uncertainly e.xisis regain-
lug Ihe slate law. ,
The city council had prolesieil
Hint outlawing the machines wotll.l
force the city lo return license;
fees previously collected.
Editorials on the Day's News
lly Fit NK JKNK1NS
r!C. JIM FAIil.KY, speaking in
St. Louis, declines to dsscttSH
the prospect of President Uoo.-jo-velt
seeking a third term.
Fair enough. He doesn't know.
NOIJOHV knows not even F. I. K.
himself. It will all depend on how
things look in lit 10.
AS TO Heinocratic piospeets. be
is optimistic I?e says ihey
are sure to elect a lH-mocralic gov
ernor In New Jersey and should
elect Democrat ie governors in j
Maiylati.t and California. (
Even Maine, he thinks, is pretty i
I'kely to go Democratic at the
gubernatorial election.
DIO JIM came out of the Vj?,r,
campaign with quite a reputa
tion as a prophet, hut Bince his
historic remark about "letting
them (meaning the opposition)
Japan Inl ' s to Settle Trouble
With China Without Interference
From Outside, Envoy Tells World
GENEVA. Sept. ! 5. (AP) Japan will refuse and ig
nore even friendly mediation by the League of Nntions in the
Sino-Japanese conflict, the Japanese minister to Switzerland,
Amau, disclosed today.
His statement came as the league pondered what if any
action to take on China's blistering indictment of Japanese
"aggression" and her demand for a league denunciation of ihe
Japanese military campaign
'There is no ((ucstfon of Japan
accept iog a temporary league
council neat in case she is imfted
in dt fend herself," the Japanese
envoy declared decisively.
"The question of eastern Asia
is to Japan a question of life mid
death," Anian said. "Peace is
necessary there, hut peaeo. is
t threatened bv two elenionis:
1 1 "First, the Chinese government
ami li kuomintang fChinese na
tionalist parly) have been carrying
out an j nti-Ja panose poll -y with
:inu-.rn panose education - among
children and soldiers
"Second, the communist move
nieiil In China recently was In
creased by Nanking's decision to
cooperate with the communists
and by (he release of communLl
"Wo fight for the national
existence of Japan and save
China and eaylern Asia from Hie
communist peril," ,
Annul added that. Japan would
settle hor difficulties with China
direclly and without outside Inter
ference. "
Koo Warns World -
lr. Wellington Koo, one of
Spending Spree From LoDt
Leads to Arrest of Two
Ten-Year Olds.
Inability In withstand the ti'inp
tat inn to I'Xliihlt snilili'it prosper- rni'i:u
in-,i i ii.n ..'i-lai ki
two lOycal-old hoys liy oflici'ia
InvtMiitatiliK Ihe rolilii'iy of the
Hugh Harrison guraKi' ln-r .Mini
tlay night.
The boys netted Sir. In the rob
bery and proeeetled to bay u bi-
cyele. financed a wiener roast for
spending spree attracted the at
tent loll ol state police and sheritl s
deputies, who secured from them
admissions that they broke u rear j
w indow, entered the garage and
empiieii ine casn register, rarsons
tine of the boys told the offi -
cers, raisous said. .that he opened
Ihe rush register hill only wanted
10 mice pari 01 tne money.
"Take It all. his lll-year-old coin-
pauioll was reported to have said,
this is a real robbery."
The two youngsters were turned
oxer to the juvenile court.
talk themselves out" about the
scheme to pack the supremo court
"and then we'll call the roll el
put It vor" he hasn't ben re
garded as quite so Infallible.
When the roll was called, ;hey
DIDN'T put il over.
pAULKV says: "There Isn't any
question but that whomever
the Democrats nominate for Presi
dent tin 19o) will he elei fd."
That seems trut enough at th"
present moment. Hut there i. con
siderable doubt, even this early.
as to whom they will nominate.
Shaip differences of opinion are
! arising amonn the Democrats.
1 1
party to pick up ;
strength. It is in as had n way nowjsttri, (.onr( tn )!:iys ,M, (-rt,
. eser to 3i) days in Jail, anil addi -
(Continued on page 4.) tlonally each wan fined $2uu.
' O
rplanes to China
China's most illustrious Maicim-ii,
and delegate lo Ihe leall ', wain
ed the Cnited Stales and l-Jinni
Huliiy tliul .laimn kiiiix iii-iy i.u-n- ,
am llifin biiiih.' ility it' lh"y d(i ikiI
HupiMHl China now.
ins main' inn wiau'ini'ni ui'dj-i-u
iimt ii-iisiii' unt-uiui.v III It llllfM-i in;.-,
illiliclnii'lit of what lie ralli'il .lap-
anese aggression.
The speaker, pleading for ur
gent leag'ie action, assert d (hat
"Kuropean and American interests
already are feeling th" -M
from occupation of Tientsin n?ni
Peiping by the Japanese mmy."
"If Japan should .succeed in hur
attempt to dominate Shanghai as
well," he continued.' "the end of
vasi commercial interests there of
Kurope and America could be eas
ily foreseen.
"It is clear thill China In vig
orously resisting the Jaiiauese
armed aggression l.s not only tiy
ing to defend her own leniiory
but in effect also lo safeguard the
rights and interests of -foreign
powers within her borders."
Ultimate Peril Cited
Mn appealed to the enlightened
(Continued on page (IV
Govt. Check for $130,988
Provides Compensation
for Taxes Lost.
Douglas county todav received a
check lor ti;ju.ii.s7.7 from the t -.1-
government in payment of o.
and C. grant land claims in li-ti
of Uvea for the l!i:i4-:i! tax ucH-hI.
Payment for three years, under
the terms nf the Stanfleld act. re
pealed by the last congress, re
main unpaid, totalling approxi
mately S400.IHH). Prom Ihe money
received today, Sst).25n.4;t will go
lo the general state and county
fund, while the balance will be
divided between special taxing
districts as follows: Special school
fund ;:t.S44.S, union high school
fund 5S.rt25.S2. non-high school
tuition fund $ln,:!::o.82, Port ol
I'nipqua $s.n:!G.ox.
Under (be Stnnfichl act. the
counties were paid each year an
amount equal to (tie taxes which
u ould have been levied had the
land been under private ov nor
ship. The how law provides annual
" union nign scnooi
..iia.nj, non-nigu scnooi
ininoii lunu iii..i.,u.s, run 01
L iupiiia j.i.u.m.iii. immt, slabbed his associate
Under the Slanfield act, thejand llien .sui rendered to the pnliei'
"iiuui' eie piuu eacu jrm an
amouni ciiuiii to t lie taxes which
ould have been levied had Ihe
mini n i i er privaie n net-,
me new iaw piovmes annual
pnynii'llls to colllllles Iroin reve-1
payments to counties from
mies obtained I mm timber
uues ouiaiiieii I ruin umnw sines.
glazing lees, etc. A perceinage 01
grazing fees. etc. A percentage of
I the revenue In rutiire years will
j be used to pay the existing defl -
Icielicy. alter which the federal
in futur
government will reimburse itself
lor money advanced In past years,
lost Ihe proper! v.
CHICAGO. Sept. IS. (AP) The The caplain said (be I::-::: !::!:!
price of callle soared to ilii. Id pel I the iwo lawyers respnnsiiiie lor
hlinilrndwelghl today, tin; highest ihe death of bin wife, which he at
in 17 years. tiihuted to wnny. Collins quoted
A load of choice grain fed steer Chiik.ivari ich as saying the allor-
brought the lop. which was ill
nts above the previous high.
In January, l!CJo. the cattle mar
ket lop here was $ lit. IT.. F.ailv In
1'tlif tattle sold up to l.r.n, which
stands us an all lime peak.
hcarcuv of choice graiufed cat-)
tie was given as the reason for lie!
ad am e.
lAir rn amh ciwcn1.... . ' ..
wA-.i j-ii ii i iiLjL
' iui iiini nejir rtiMiuu uuue in uie
Itaymond Kucene Cnteser. need 'South I'nipqua district of tiie Cmp
' yeais, and Harold Monroe ' qua National forest. Mr. Clam Is a
Aiuchton, 27. were brought to tesident of Canyonvillo.
I Ho.ehurg from lieedsport lant
tjielnliiht to serve penalties tor alleg.
iedly spotlighting deer. Houghton
n"m Dnrili.nni.l n tin. Il,.ilunn.l
Chinese Defenses Unbroken
in Battle That Brings
New Warning From
Alien Warships.
SHANGHAI, Si-l.l. 15 .- (AIM
Naal f-iniuiiuiulrs l tin' I'nitfd
stall's and Tour oiIht wi'SIci-ii
ihiu-ci-h ili'in Icil tmlay thai huth
nnicsi' anil japani'Mi' ami-airi'au
, ijnill'r.S LUKI! llll 1111'lliaiH hll'JIH HI
UpalH tin" liva of "Inniu-i'lll null-
Tiie urgent request of American
Admiral Yarnoli and th. other
neutral naal commanders went
forward while Chinese, in the face
oi uave after wave uf Japanese
attackers, lontl fast on their new
inland line ctivichhig 2(1 miles
from Chapel to Lluiio, mirth and
west of international Shanghai.
Far to (he noith ihe u hop might
of 1 15,000 Japanese troops and
their modern equipment was
thrown into the long-hogg.d of
fensive against a luu-inile battle
line. This campaign, aimed at sub
jugation of tiie rich provinces north
of the. Yellow river, holds the real
ui me e iow river, nou s uie reuij
niu.iary importance or ine. wnoie
undeclared war
-On the. altered Shanghai front it
became apparent that the Chinese,
had succeeded in three days of or
derly withdrawal in establishing
well prepared positions thai have
halted the Japanese advance jiut
uiian.i. from the mail) city.
Itul a Japanese army spokesman
announced that his forces now
were preparing a general attack on
Chinese positions along the Ticnt-sin-Pnkow
and Peiping-ilankow
railways, the most important lines
tunning from the Yangtze valley
lo ihe north.
Warning Repeated
Yai net) and the other foreign
commanders repeated their strong
warning to the Japanese and Chi
nese in mies to ceuse the reckless
firing over foreign wurcraft In the
harbor that is endangering not on
ly the li os aboard the warships
(Continued on page fh
Chicago. Sept. IS (API A
-.(l-yearold man fatally shol forme
Municipal Court Judge Kredei ick
Captain Patrick Collins said
I (s(.rB,. ,. Chiciiavari Ich walked
nt , ,(.sdaine s si reel slatlon a fe
I minutes after Ihe Iwo lawyers hail
i i u assaulted anil said
"t jusl shot Judge Klliotl : here's
tn KUM xiif ciiplalll said Ihe
mall (,i,., lt ). Mil, stabbed
(jeorge A. .Mason, an nltoriiey and
1 associate or Klllolt In a suit
; ucalnsl Cliickavai-rii li.
Capuiln Collins said the prisoner
hlained Klliotl and Mason for Ihe
I loss of giitl.llilil in property. He said
I Chicliavari ich told biiii he retained
Mbe men to represent him In lili
jgalion in IICll hut evi'litiially he
neys also alli'inpled In have hi.
u ifo declared incompetent ami
placed in an asylum.
John Clam, government hunter
lor Otalgias county, as brought
to Mercy box pi i al this morning.
u-ith l...... l.-..;. ...i i..
i wus iii ju leu iicii ins norse i-u j
i It was reported from the hospital
that then- huh no apparent frac-
i'iit- or ire hones or the legs, but lint h L'lwmo u.-i.ri u. l.u.lU'
hruise.i tliat he would p-olaibly he
1 conrined to his bed for ccveral
' days.
Br ymiFNCF
Captain of Lumber-Towing
Boat Thrown in River;
Riders on Log Raft
Gun Targets.
PORTLAND, Sept. l.j (AP(
Violence flared again last night in
the CIO-AKL dispute Involving lo
cal sawmills when the master of a
tugboat reported men hoarded
his craft at oceanic terminals and
forced him to return a barge of
lumber he. had towed from I lie Iu-man-Poulson
Mar hor police said Captain (!.
W. dill ol the tugboat Star re
ported the men threw him into
t lie river until he agreed to re
turn the barge.
Knrlier In the day. police search
ng for two men alleged in have
fired toward three CIO sawmill
union members mi a log raft at
v(.M Oi-con mill at. I.innton
reported finding a number of emp
ty rifle and revolver cartridges on
ihe hail U of Ihe St. Johns side of
the Willamette river.
AI-'L picket boats were in the
river at the time, but police said
the bulle's did not come from lliein.
Tho Plyloelt cnrporatoifs big j
plywood plant closed, tollowlng a
vote of (be employes to affiliate
Willi Ihe CIO.
CIO Askt Showdown
Tin1 CIO lumber unit, provoked
by its failure to break an AKh
blockade of lumber and log aelivl
t ion in t he harbor, called for a
"showdown" today wil h Ihe fire
men, oilers and water tenders tut
J Helinick. regional director
, f ; tl;, r0 international Wood
workers of Amecea, said tho marl
lime group ordered itH Ihree fire
men and three oilers from Ihe lum
ber schooner W. It. Cbamberlin,
Jr., and balled loading operations
al (he West Oregon lumber com
pany. . AKL spokesmen warned yester
day the Cbamberlin's crew would
not work ClO-uiade lumber.
Oulv three sawmills affected by
(he CIO-AI'L tight for (he control
of the Industry operated today.
One other mill, however, hoped lo
get a night shift on the job.
Coos AFL Increases
William V. Wedel, former CIO
uion official who staged a one
nian walkout Saturday night, said
other sawmill workers were apply
ing for re-enrollment In the AKL,
reporting a number of "relnrns" in
Ihe Coos flay area.
He said the Monro mill at Han-:
ilon, employi'iK l-n inn; the ,
Smith Wood Products mill at Co-
tiuille with a2U: Mill 11 al Kmpire
with r.m, and nregou .Mills. i,m.,
Marshfleld. .w Ih !M men. have
signed agreements with the AI-'L.
Wedel said the Powers local ol
the sawmill union, with 2fin mem
bers, had voted to return to the
AFL fold, and that the Coos liay
Lumber company was rady to
sign an AI-'L agreement when lift
ing or the San l-rancisco hlockaue
penults resumption of operations.
Two thousand members of the
Maritime Federation of (tie Paci
fic, In a mass meeting here, unan
itnouslv condemned Ihe slow pa
ralysis of bay area shipping aH "a
raiding attack" by teamsters' un
ion officialdom on the I LA ware
Itelusal of teamsters to move
dock cargoes until CIO longshore-
men give up the warehousemen to
the AFL "shows clearly, a reso
lution declared. that teamster
heads "are out lo- wreck tho pro
gressive and militant labor move-
(Continued on page 0)
mtto I'ltnT AC
iviLV-nrtiiv- i tun 1 A3
It. K. South, 12, local automo
bile mechanic, employed by the
Hansen Motor (-iimpany, suffeied
severe internal Injuries Ibis morn
ing, when a car under which he
was working slipped from Us sup
port and crashed his ahihiim-n. H
was removal to Mercy hosiiiial.
where his physician. Mr. C It.
Wade, rep'Heil South would prob
ably recover.
A buiblim: permit for construc
tion of a church ImiHing to eo:U
2.iM(o was taken out loday by the
AsHcmbly of (iod. The congrega
lion It a- rettortetl. has securefl mas died yer.torday tm the result
a site at Commercial A (5 , and of burns suffered when she tit
West First street, and will start tempted lo extinguish a grass fire.
count rtimoti of Hie building there) he hhie started from
ku tint near future. power line.
Only Knowledge of Affair
Gained From Press, Says
President; Direct
Queries Dodged.
President Uoosevell has la ken
note of Ihe flnreup over alleeai ioiit
that JiiMllee Hugo I., ltlack he
Iohl's (o the Ku Klux Klan by do.
elarlng he received no such In
formation from any source before
appointiim the Alabama .senator
to Die Hlipreiue court.
The president told Ins pre.t t
conference late yesterday lie did
nol know whether Ihe justice do
parlment had Investigated I Hack's
I nt 1 1 Ihe new justice returns
from his Kuiopcau vacation, .Mi ,
Itoosevelt said, "(here hwuo fur
ther comment to ho made."
Jusi Ice lihiek himself refused in
London to discuss the allegations.
He left for a trip Into lit- Knglish
countryside after complaining to
Hie manager of his bole) about
"lack of privacy."
The revival of charge liisi
ltlack holds life membership in
the Klan prompted Mr. Itoosev H
issue a formal statement at hi:
semi-week l meeting wllli -e.
Black's Return Awaited
"I know only what 1 have read
in (he newspapers." Ihe president
read from a lyped sheet of nolo
paper. " note ihat Ihe stories
(about Jusilce ltlack) are running
serially, ami their publication is
not comtdeie.
"Mr. Justice I Hack is In Kuronc.
"Where undoubtedly he cannot get
the full lext of these articles. Un
til .such time as he returns, there
Is no furl her comment to bo
At one point ho smiled and lit
lorrupted his reading to conum nt
thai he bad not said tho stories
wen. 'runnini; seriously."
The president declined lo an
swer a quesl ion as to whether he
thought the senate had ccivised
Us lull responsibility in confirm
iug Itlack's nomination lust month.
He described as an "if" question
an inquiry about whal would hap
pen if il should develop that
ltlack Is a Klausman.
I hiring senate debate- over
Hlack'M nomination. Senator Month
(It., Idaho), said the Alabaman
(Continued on page (!)
John D, Lewis, chairman or the
committee Tor Industrial organiza
tion, said alter a white bouse tall
today ho had "a very pleasant
conference with Hie president."
"We la Iked over a number of
matters of mutual Interest to (he
president and myself," the labor
leader said.
Asked whether his r e c e u t
speech, iiiKMpreted by some us re
buking Hie president, hail been
mentioned, Lewis said he had "no
further comment."
In an address on Sept. It, Lewis
as.Herted (hat "Il 111 helmovcM one
who has supped al labor's table
mil who has been sheltered in la
ho..H hoilH , ,.,.,,
vor ami fine Imparllalitv both
labor ami Its udvci sartes when
they become locked In deadly em
brace." Prior lo bis lalk, Mr. Itomcvcll
bud used the Shakcsperiau (:iota
lion, "a plu gu fin both your
houses." with reference to extrem
ists in the summer's steel strikes
in which the CIO was involved.
KI. CKNTIIO, Calif., Sept. t.V -(
AP Imperial valley's 21th heal
fatality, and Ihe fourth during the
presetil hot spell, was I ccoi tied
here loday w hen I tje body of
f u.n r. i .,
I riiiiml in hi.. I t.t l.ia I
Mepuly Coroner I luhe xahl Ned
son was a vietim of heal prostra
OltKCON CITY. Sent. 1 iV (AP)
- Mrs. Anna Koch. el. of Clacku-
m c g
Chosen to Direct
Census of Jobless
. V , ' J ;
ifi , ,3s
- I 1
John D. Biggers, above, glass
manufacturer of Toledo, Ohio,
has been requested by President
Roosevelt to direct the national
census of unemploid, authoriz
ed by congress. It has not been
announced whether he will un
dertake the task. Biggers is a
republican, but not active In
party affairs. He Is an outstand
ing leader in business activities.
Mercury Ascends to 101 jn
Koseburg; horest FireV.
Hazards Created. i
maximum temperature readiiic
of 101 degrees Tuesday'set u new
Heasonal record at tile." Hosebuig
lift ice of (ho 11. K. weather" bureftti-.
hlle I here have been warmer
days In September, none has been
so late in tin month. The previoiiR
record was 101 degieeH September
ii. I he blgheHt September
temperature ever recorded was
104 degrees, September 2. 1H.1I.
Yeaterday'B reading waH the high
est ror the current year, tho neur-
est approach being degrees,
June 2S.
( My lint Associated Press)
Mid-September sun took a rest
today after cracking Home all-time
heat records in Oregon and creat
ing dangerous fire conditions In
the northwest forests.
Woir Creek on the Pacific high
way turned In one of the hottest
days in Ihe nation yesterday with
a maximum reading ol 1114 degrees
Med ford recorded 102 degrees and
Koseburg lo).
An overcast sky ami a breeze
cooled Portland after yesterday's
H7 degrees. Hit hottest September
day In history and the high point
for thi season.
A longshoreman working In the
heal collapsed. Hop pickers quit
when Ihe sun reached ItH peak
near Salem and u cannery shut
do n.
The fire warden ordered logging
operations suspended In the coast -
ai disitict near Astoria.
Oddities Flashed
Hobo Hooelcsa
fltv Ihe Associated I'ress.)
HCFFALO. N. V New-siyle rail
road trains are creating a problem
of slate lor Jeff Mavl., self styled
king of hobies.
"Few of ihom have double Inake
rods for my subjectH to ride," he
complained during a stopover here.
"Kveii those w llli single rods are
disappearing, lo 10 yi-ars It's go
ing to be tough."
'Sit Down" Pays
CINCINNATI -A 'sil down strike"
against one of (heir playfellow-
brought dividends to a group of
(Hiy Welfare Supervisor Albert.
W. peesok said one of a group of
boys fiver which he prosit les hud
been borrowing dimes from others
in t he crowd and not repaying
1 hem.
Last night ihe entire gang called
on the boy and s:il on his doorstep.
The youngster's mother paid oft
MKKIMKN. Conn - Police sought
a burglar with "X-ray" eyes todav
in the theft or f::i?n from John
Hoc co.
Socco, not wishing to carry the
money home from his restaurant
late at night, divided It into three
piles and secreted It In throe hid
iug places.
Anti-Piracy Patrol Elates
Loyalist Government of r
Spain; Assault on
Madrid Futile.
Ily the Associated Press.
French anti-aircraft batteries
opened fire today on a Spanish In
surgent bombing plane after tho
plane had flown In menacing
circles over u French freighter.
The bomber first dropped ne,v
eral bombs Ui the Portbou. Spain,
area of the Hlspaiiu-French Medi
terranean boundary.
Then It swept out to sea and
flew low over the French freight
er, which was en Port
Veudres, Franco.
Coastal defense - batteries at Col
llottre. France, fired four shells at
the plain. None of them hit.
The bomber Immediately canm
inio shore, to ho driven away
again by four Spanish government
bombing planes, -
The Incident disclosed that all
coastal defense units in France am
under orders to fire on planes
which attack or threaten French
200 Warships to Patrol
Franco ami Croat Britain have
mobilized nearly 2(Ml wnrships In
ihe Mediterranean In their hunt
for marine marauders.
Organized on a full war Um
footing, (he combined fleet Is to
reach lis maximum strength with
in a week when all additions or
dered lor fialrol duty arrive. , ,
Working ih. closest collaboration!
commaudurtt of. Ihe Hellish ami
French warships'' have laid plans
to shift Ihe put ml fleet's weight
quickly lir, an$' section - where
trouble might arise- thus back i fig
with arniod might the nine-power,
null-piracy -agreement reached nt
Nyon, Switzerland. ' -
Loyalists Elated -
The Spanish government press
flowered loday with enthusiastic
pruise of .tbti Nynq anti-piracy pant
as a "government victory."
KI Soulallsta' said Ihe food
blockade. of government Spain had
been broken. Other newspapers ex
pressed hope the League of Na
tfiHiH council would turn to active
aid of the Madrid-Valencia regime
against the insurgent.
The Madrid press called for new
offensive on the government's
hut lief routs lo supplement the
"Nyon victory," and official com
muniques rofiuesled a stiffening oC
military resistance.
Two Spanish insurgent columns
(Continued on page 6)
ItOANUKK, Ala., Ri'pt. 15 (AP)
Hoy lliinnei-K, so, Ih oiih of Ihe
mittoil'H (list football fiititlll tea of
lliiiiiii'i'H. a hi mien t nt Woodland
liitUi nrliool. fi'll Momluy wlmn a
Kl-onp of foothiill player ran to
wel linr. He jumped up to reaume
I lie Knine Inn kooii coinplained nf
a lleadiirlie. He died before a pliy
Hlelan could rearh the field.
From Press Wire
Someone who forced n rear door
during the night found all three
caches and took every cent.
On the Pan
HOLLY WOOD Wallace Heery
won't get hurt again if his friends
can help It.
The film actor Ih Iii a hospital
wil h wounds suffered when he
-hot himself wilh a bluiik cart
ridge during a cowboy movie ace lie.
His fellow actors sent hint a huge
box lontalnliiK a toy lariat, a box
of Jacks, a red bandana and a
cap pistol.
"Sure It ain't loaded?" rBery
asked, Inspecting the pistol la
mock alarm.
3-H Club
otiMKN, Ctali Three H'a
hooch, haste ami huggin' cause S5
per cent of all uulo accidents, Citv
Judge Itelnap observed as he sen
tenced a man to 3" dayn In Jail for
drunken driving.
One Way to Reduce
LINCOLN, Neb. FreshmnnJ
James DeWolf of Kearney, can tes
tily to the rigors of "rush week'?
at Nebraska university.
He stepped on n scale and found
he had lost 111 pounds In three
"My gosh." he said, "and I haven'j
got a pledge pin yet cither,"