Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 24, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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iMiie Dallr KMt'rpt Kunilny by ttbr Co., lue.
Member of The AHOrlated Pre.
The Associated Pretw In exclusive
It entltK-d to the use for republica
tion of all newa dltpatchea credited
to It or not olherwtMt) credited in
Lbla paper and to all local nw
published herein. All riarbta of re
publication of tpetM dispatches
herein are alio reserved.
Entered as second class matter
May 17. 1920. at the Post office at
Koseburv. Oreson. under act of
March i. 1S7. .
Repreaentad By '
New Ynrk 21 Earn 40th Slreu..
(.'blcaK" 30 N- MlchlKiill Ave.
San t'mlicUi'o 220 Hush Strait
Detroit Hit blephunson Blcia.. !.
JnK'k- 133 8. tSprlllK Blr.-t.Si--
ttlc 6U3 Htewart Blreet. Portland
120 8. W. Sixth Street. Hmuuict,
0. l 711 Hall Bids., at. Loul
411 N. Tenth Street, Atlanta Jib
Grant Building.
0ubacI.Oa Itatea
Dally. Per year by mail 00
Dally. ( months by mail 2. J0
pally. I month, by mall 1.00
Dally, by carrier Dor tuunin eo
Small Difference Unless!
JUST what Is tliu difference, to
I 111! average pelBOll, between
government by nelf-ntyled libeialH,
ami Kovcrniiient by conservatives?
Wo should begin to ponder that
question bociiuiie tlio next presi
tlcntliil election will bo fought out
along those lines.
Tho liberal In the preacher of
chungo. Whatever Ih, In wrong,
and wliutovr bo may uilvocalo In
right Just no lung as It i differ
flit. The coiiucrvullvc, on tin: con
trary may he described as being
satlsritd with things as they are.
There are similes of opinion taper
ing down from oacb of tlioso op
Iioslng viowa but tho lino of clcav
ago I definitely murkcil.
Hut for the uveiuge man, in
siiito of tliu cheat-beating of the
liberals and lliolr Blioullns for the
"common people," a cIiiiiiko lo tho
government or avowed liberals pro
vides merely a change of big
shots. '
Wo have a liberal government
now not a radical liberal govern
llicnl because the United Stales
Bonato bulked ut permlUIng the
Iloosevelt administration to be
come that by taking control of Iho
supremo touit. Under Hoover Ihe
government was conservative.
Hut actually tho condition of tho
average man has not been greatly
changed. Tho only cliango Hint
will take place will come when
ono side, no mailer whether il he
styled liberal or conservative, con
trives to gel full control, full
power. Then Hie lol ot the aver
ago niau will change for Hie
worse. ,
TIiuiiUb lo Hie constitution which
Is tho lieyslouo of our govern
ment, and to tae good sense ot
our voler majorities, loo nuli'h
power has not yet been granted
any I'nctiou or parly. We came
near thu ctlge, It Is irtic, and are
not yet buck o-it of danger but
no have stalled back.
Keep Fire Out
IN a raging holocaust near Cody,
Wyoming, yesleiduy lo persons
were burned to death. A mouulnln
forest, oiico valuable limber, iti
How but smoking ashes. That Is
the way forest fires. When
a muull blao starts no man can
say what the result may be.
And yet a few days ai;o a dozen
or moio fires weiu deliberately
started in the forest in Douglas
county. It is almost unbelievable
thai any human would set a blu.e
to Hut virgin timber of this or any
other region. In our case I lie 70
billion board feet of slanding tim
ber, marly one fourlh of the Houn
las lir left in the t'uiied States,
is our giat natural resource II
means a future mid u continued
prosperity for (his county. With
out It mil counly would In pour
for Iho laud on which Hits for
est mows, k imt, In the main, fit
for anything oIm.
Hut there Is some one w ho
would with bis own hand-, peril
our future, endanger lives and de-
ulrny who kliiiUs mw UllU'h plop-
city. ,
The man who is carele wiih
flro while In Iho forest Is not mi
malicious but is jusl about us dun
geruiiM ics the tii sun w lit, Marl i
fires. ' ' 1 '
The forests of (he west must he
mtved from bolh the criminal (u
cemliarlst and the criminally care
less. Our slogan and our watch
word must be: "Keep lire out el
tho woods."
Editorials on News
(Continued from pago 1.)
than n week and whmo no WOHK
I'M knows u hei her he will HAtl-;
A J" It mure than a week.
Tho result is feai of the future
on the1 part of both employers and
Workers. Four ol Iho future Ih an
other term for lack ol eunlUli'uce.
Paul Jenkins
TO HAVE tli Unltuil
State h
Mint la hi Imckyiiid should
plcartts anyone. Tlieiffdic, A. J.
l dung tihoulcl bo
pleased (Hint ItO,
for he has fifteen
acri'M of II till
uliuut hiH yard, at
hiK farm In Itiv
eiHide. 1 ftup.iuKu
it's U. .S. .Mint;
anyway, 1 1 h
grow n in t li u
l' it 1 1 ed KtiU.;n,
whatever iin ov,d
.Kin. f
ion don t hc
much in 1 n t in
IjoiikIhh roiuily, do you?" lie asked
ni( an wo stood, yentiTduy survey.
in;; bin nop, wliirh Ih being har
vested, uinl thu dfKtilleiy. with h
Hlaudn on tho river bank under a
fine growth of tthado liven. I don't.
Offhand, 1 c.'iu think of just one
other planting, ut the prunent
linie-tliat of H. F. Wells, In
Setitt Valley.
'1 like thin mint pretty well,"
Mr. Youiik told mo. "1 luivn been
urowliiK U now for four yean, and
it hits retiu ne I u gotxl yield each
year. That Ik iiioio tliaii I ean Bay
for other crops 1 have on the farm.
None of them havo boon coiiHlHtent
yieldei-H like. that. IMunes, for In-sluiK-e.
'Ihe price of mint, which
has been low compared to what II
once wan, nevert helen ban been
such uh to return a profit ina
nmch a h the yield per aero haa
en very nallrifactory."
To a curtain device, and at u
distance, u field of mint in bloom
HoinewhaL reHeniblcH bloHHomlni;
allali'a. It Ik mowed. Khockod, and
hauled to the distillery while eln
hurveHted, where It Ik dumped in
IoikIk into great metal tanks whcre
it is Hiihjcctcd to heat, liming tho
mmiiiu ati.'aininK itrocess the oil
KcparalcH from tho plant and. hk
vapor, enleiH an overhead pipe
which leads it to u condenser, lion
cohl water Ik played over it, rduc
I ii K it to a liquid. U In then ilraun
otl into glats jars, and la ready for
A mint distillery Is u fraf-rant
place. If you don't believe it, emm
around I'lid Kinell my clollicH this
morn in I stood on tliu platform :
where tho old "hay" was beiiiK ro-,
moved from the tanks, alter having
been well steamed, and alter about
fifteen minutes of Ihls I would
have mado a koou pepiiormlnt bar,
if Homoouo would only huve paint
ed Home slripes oil me!
I have hsard that mint will yield
as high ua (io lbs. per acre - niay
he nmro. That, of course. Is not
sayiiiK Unit all mini will go thai
hlr.h. or anynhei'o near it. Speak
ing of individual yields is chancy,
and I think Ih luttfely the husincHs
of the Krower himseir. Tho price
this ymir Ih in tho neighborhood
of per pound. A harvested crop
of oil may bo Hold Immediately, or
stored indefinitely. I know of in
stances where flowers havo hung
on to It for many years. I can also
remember, fifteen or twenty years
a:;o. when 11 was so valuable that
Kiowers stored It In bank xaulls!
I .tick of confidence has always
been the predecessor of hard limes.
yiU'i opinion Is growing that the
Waguer labor relations act has
niado a moss of Industry. 1 tut. In
stead of profiting by the mistakes
that have been made, wo seem t
ho gutting ready to step on Into
NKW AM) MO 1113 Hit ASTIC legu
hit Ion of labor and Industry by
means of the lUaik-Connery wages
and hours hill which will give to
another jjojvernniont hoard more
power o.'cj- tho lives and fori lines
of bolh worknril find employers
than any set of men ever had in
this country before.
This writer can't escape the con
vlction that wit would do bettor to
uo SUAVKK In that direction, rath
or than faster.
IIuko (Hack may be tho presi
dent's while hope oil the Mlprenie
court, but ho made Heu-ral lellowrt
seo red.
Foreign tenuis players running
up airaiust America's I luvlt loam
I i lid that It. lulls lo HiuIko.
Wonder hnw iho Chinese feel
now about having Invented j;uii
powder? ,
rmrU;ht,' I!':i7, NKA Seiviee
lill. CilAltl.KH A. KDWAKD.S
In the nihlst or tui iiiueli thiil
rt'as wriipp and evil Ihe 1'topliet
I sal. ill luttl the tl'all:i. and
OleKned pifr ol being lllile lo wee
lopelui Itiinifs aheiul, anil of re
joiitii;; In a ilslmt nl' ttie beauly
Hid gonihiesB Unit bail never vet
lleen leali'd. 'I'hoimli the past
lajs hud lnen evil, lliere were
i:nnil diivs all I. Ilunii:h Ihev
IkiiI knoMi ininli ot illsiippiiint-
nl anil sorrow, lulfilllueut
mil sulisiarlloii were Mire to
nuiie Hi oMilin;'s saln::. "llrow
ild alnii with me. tile iiest sis
rt to he" was the philosophy of
Isalull. I hls gitt of InipellllllesN
is linly one In he culllvatci! In
rhe tinrst nml ( onipletesl way
povsihle We thank Thee, (I
iml. Ter Thv Mold, winch is Ml
lieh ill lis pioinises anil so filled
Mltl asMiianees or Thy good
ness aiul (ale. May wo receive
rolnloil lioin it and have trust
mid toiillileiiee and courar.e and
hope. Allien,
Wl , U&HTNIN' NEvere I sure wes in I H I I
t CO!. 1111 B fir LtXVlCt. INC.
the dark
KVNOl'SI.S: Neill, a young fed-
upend a week with Janet. She
won t nreuK. a oinner date with
I'rescott Fanning. So they quarrel
and part. Neiil. diHtrustinir Fan
ning, decides lo check on him.
Ho gelH acquaintod with him ut
lll Iwtl.'l hill- k'ulillitiir I'lvnu him
knock-out drops, searches his pa
pers aim Keeps a snapshot of
Janet. Next day Neill awakens to
find Janet. Fiinniiii' nml li'nnninir'a
yacht gono. A mystorious phone
can lens mm .lanot is a. board Iho
yacht In Absalom' Harbor uud In
trouble. Nell) buriles In Ah.
suloiu's by bus.
Chapter Kight
Murder on the Nadjl
Iteturnliig to tho porch of the
niiiwllni. ul,,r Volll ut ,1, ,
at Hie end of Iho line of men tak
ing tneir ease unit enjoying their
after-supper pipes. Sunburned
tishermen mostly, In gillnboots
and laded drill slihiH. Nelll learn-
lfl f lljll lisllftlir nn,l ,l
Iiollml nets were being set out in
Ihe h.'lV. Tile troll! hud enmn ontl.
ier Hum was cuslomary.
None of this was lo his purpose,
and he studied tho yaclu. Very
sin. in unit modern with her hign
.sides anil slubhy funnel. Some
thing under a hundred teet over
all. She riin-i,l lu iu ....
davits umldslilps, and he noted
nun ono ol l lii-iii wus gone. As
darkness gathered II seemed odd
lo him that no lights showed in the
cabins. The riding lights were tip.
i no man next lo Neiil was a
tall lisherniau wiih whllo hair and
a complexion Hie color of beet
juice. "That's u tidy little yacht
yonder," Nelll remarked lo Win.
"Ho you mlglil nay. She's the lat
est caper nil right. Uul ugly as
hull, if ynu'ro asking ine."
"Is she mvned hei enbonts?"
"Nnh! We got no toys like that
down here. We're working people.
New York man." He loll! Neiil of
the accident lo I lie yacht's engine.
"Is the owner aboard'."'
"Sure, he's aboard. "
"I see their dinghy is ashore."
"The crew Just conn. In 1,1 i,.
the movies."
Nelll grinned In hard sati.srae
lion. Owner aboard; crew ashore.
The Ktiiiiitlnii was working out lo
his advantage.
Anoi her man h Ing Hieiu talk
ing about Hie yacht, look up the
tale. "The owner was iu Iho store
leli.plionlng awhile ago. Klno
looklng, hlg slicker; lrcsh-coiu-plected.
llul surly. Didn't have u
nurd to throw- to a dog."
.Neiil took hearl from this, if
things were going badly with Fun
ning, so much, the better.
"You're right he's u surly brute,"
said another. ThLs was a lanky fel
low with ail ilinocenl blue eye.
Neiil noticed that Hie others were
inclined lo make u butt of him.
"I rowed out there with it mess of
lloul, thinking ihev'd be glad lo
buy some fresh fish," ).'
"Hat wheii i come alongside Hie
owner, he ordered m,, ofi. 'del (lie
hell away from here,' he savs. 'I
don't want any damned fish!'"
"That was manners," Mild an
oilier, "W hat did you say. Jake'.'"
"I luy.i. 'Ho to hell yourself you
long legged Mvaud so! I'm u i-ood
a man as you. If you do own a
yacht. And If you'll come ashore,
I'll prove It!"
Thele was a general laugh
"All riciil." ihe speaker went
on. ' I told you before arid I I. -II
you aualll there Is some funny
business aboard that yacht, anil
we ought to Invest Igalo il !"
More laughter,
As if She Wanted Help'
"What iln ymi mean, funtiv
husimw.?" nkoil Neiil.
"Ill Ml you. stranger. When I
Ollle nliiii-Mi,. II,,. t-i(,..i i ,,u
sliiiiding up in my skllf and I could
look rifihl Into one of the port-
Holes. All closed they was, warm
as il is. Ami on the oilier side of
Hie ulass I seell 11 lieinitllitl vein, i,
girl Willi hare arms and neck' Only
seen tier a sih-oiiiI, tint she nnilited
her head, and heekonitl pitiful as
if she wauled help real had"
Nelll's breast w,9 sildilcnly
llghteiieil. .laliet was aboard the
yacht, then; ho had conic, to the
light place. Aud she waa not a
willing passenger, cither. That re
lieved his worst fear. He felt a
gimh of friendliness towards the
Ilul lie It seemed, enjoyed no
reputation for veracity among his
mates. They laughed him down.
"You're secdng things, Jake. You'ro
wasted fishing. You ought to he
one of these here, now, storyvvrit-
erB In the papers.
"All right! All right!" said Juke.
"Sonic nay you men will learn
that I'm not as big a fool as you
like to make oul!"
When it hecutuo really dark and
tho vessels ill the harbor were no
longer sharply silhouetted against
me water, isc-ill got up and strolled
away. J-.ach house along tile har
bor Hunt had Its little pier stick
ing out from the -shore wiih one
or more smull boats moored lo it,
and ha had It In mind to borrow
one of these without asking.
lie turned to tho right because
in that direction tho siioru road
rose somewhat. Jlero tho little
piers wero under tho bank, and
screened from observation. Climb
ing down Hie bank he walked oul
on a pier and found a skiff wiih
oars iu her. Ho got in and, linty
ing tho rope, roweii tiuielly toward
Hie yacht.
The water was as smooth as a
mirror, and voices came from the
siioru wiih starlling distinctness.
On tho porch of l.ongcope's they
were still talking about fish. Kvery
star in heaven was shining. io
moon. This moon was near its end,
Neiil remembered. Wouldn't rise
until near dawn.
When ho drew alongside Hid
yacht, he hailed her, not loud.
I'hero wus no answer. Tying his
skiff to thu ladder, ho climbed
on deck and spoke again. JNo
answer. There wux something
uliout Ihe silliness of the little
cralt that chilled his blood. Where
was Janet ? Ho walked forward
along the deck In the different
doors and speaking. There was no
movement, no sound in reply.
Kverythlng aboard was neat and
shipshape. Tho sllcnco "was not ah
soluie, tor soinewhoro below ho
could hear thu hum of a genera
tor. There were Uo deckhouses on
Iho yaclu. Tho forward house
contained a luxurious lllile dining
saloon, while Ihe alter houso was
merely Hie entiiinco lo a coiupau
ionway leadilis lo the quarters be
low. Having satisfied himself thai
there was nobody forward, Neiil
switched on lights iu I he alter
houso and went dowu tho olalrs
with his heart rising iu his throat.
His Instinct told him there wus
something very wrong aboard.
lie found himself In a miniature
saloon with doors forward and aft.
i he forward door admitted him
to a comfortable sleeping cabin,
empty. A man's belongings were
scattered about, running's? The
after door was locked. II was a
light door and, putting his slihoul
der mtnitiBl. ho burst il. In.
A Dark Wet Stain
.Switching on lights, ho saw
I'reacotl running lying on ihu
floor at his feel, dead, i'hivrc was
a bullet bole III his forehead and
a dark wet stain wi.s slowly
spreading tllroin:h Ihe rinr 11 n.l.-'i-
his head. Janet m her pretty eve
ning (ireii.s was lying limply In ail
easy chair nearby. There was a.
crude smear of blood across her
cheek. A gun lay on the floor be
neath her hand, a nil a stale smell
of gltnnowder lioin; nn flu', tli-
I .Will's heart stood still. He ran
io ine girl mid flung his arms
around her. Her body was warm;
she hrealhed; there no wound
on her. I 'pint w iping her face, he
.saw that Ihe blood was not hers.
Ill' crushed her to bis breast, treat
Wing III ihe reaction from his first
terrible fear.
Leaving her for a moment, h,.
dropped lo his knees beside the
body on the floor. Fanning was
dead all righl, bin lo Nelll's aslou-
Ishi il lln re was still wannlli In
his body. Ir only he had mine a
few miuules sooner! He saw that
the hole hi his forehead was a
wound of egress. He had been shot
ill the back ot Ills head and Hie
S'lu had becu held so closo that
his kulr wus biuged.
By Williams
Keill glunced towards the door
that he uud burst Iu Its key was
on tho inside. All the portholes
wero closed und fasteneu. To his
mind there was only ono possible
explanation. Fanning had atlacked
Janet and she had shot lliln. iNcill
had no thought of blame for her;
he approved her courage, l.ucky
that she had tliu gun. W hero hud
she got it?
Ho carried her oul into the bh-
loon and laid her on a. couch.
there was a vacuum jug on a
stand. Ho sprinkled water in her
lace aud bullied her temples.
.Meanwhile ho hud to make the
greatest decision of bis life. The
trained .sleuth In him said: She
shot this man and we'll have lo
laco it out together. She'll be ac
quitted of course. Hut the man In
him thought ot hov; Bho would be
drugged through the mud Janet
whom he had always laughed al
and loved for her delicate wuys!
And how after acquittal, fingers
would forever point her out as a
murderess. I don't care what the
evidence It, the man in hiin said,
she couldn't have dono It. And I'm
going to keep her under cover
uulil 1 can prove il!
She opened her eyes and looked
around so wildly and senselessly
that Nelll feared for her reason..
"Janet!" ho murmured. "This is
Neiil. Won't you know me, dear?"
Itecogniliou came into her eyes,
and like a frightened child she
flung her arms around his neck.
"Neiil! Neiil!"
"It's me, all right."
"You've come!" she murmured
in a passion of relief. "I knew
you'd come!"
lie soothed her silently.
"What happened?" she usked.
"Let's not talk ahnnt It uii.
dear. I havo you safe!"
Oh, take ine uwa.v fi-nu, ti,i
horrible place!" she moaned.
lake me away! Take me away!"
Nelll and .Inn.f i--
' " nn. imo
the darkness, tomorrow.
(1,500 Kilocycles)
4:00 Editor Views the News.
4:15 Chamber of Commerce
4:30 Poems from the Tower
1:45 Itudy Valleo aud thu Van
li-nn Hnv iini..i..
6:30 Monitor's News Commen
tary, 0:15 N. Y. statu Symphonic
6:110 Organ Melodies.
6:15 Montmartre Farmous Or
6:45 "Knights of the Road."
6:50 News Flashes.
7:00 L. A. Symphony.
7:15 Ilnosler Hot shots.
7:30 Your Urab Bag.
5:00 Sign Off.
00 "Early Hlrda."
:30 News-Review Newscast.
is "Good Morning," J. M.Judd
So Alarm Clock Club.
15 Dixie Memories.
IIP Uis Angeles Uuuco Dand
15 Operatic. Echoes.
;00 I'lydo .McCoy and Orches
15 Morton Downey.
.".o -Old Favorite .Melodies.
no The Dietalors.
15 Movie Gossip.
30 'Radio Rendezvous," Copco
i. lloitieniakers Harnionv.
16 Variety Show of the Air,
: 15 Sol lloopli.
on - in Concert Hand.
15 Sinning Strings, Radio Mu
sic '
30 Hansen Memories.
:45 News-Review Newscast.
00 What Douglas County
Thinks Today.
M Atlernooii Dance Melodies,
on -The World Hook Mall.
UN--Organ .Melodies.
15- ArtM Uecltal Concert.
3li- Jack Shllkret and Orchi s
50 News-Review News Flashes
0P--l'hil Lei ante and Orches
tra. 30 The Children's Hour.
45 "Milk Time,' Dairies of
00 Editor Views the News.
15-Arthur Tracy, street Sing
er. 30 Jimmy Luuicford aud Orchestra.
News of Douglas County
and Mrs. Harold IonaldiOi. und
son, Italpb, left Wednesday for
Jiocky Ford, Colorado. They have
been living the past year on the
Fhipps ranch up Willis creek.
Mr. Davis and two sous, who
have been visiting J. O. Fov-ler the
past few weeks, left for Colorado
last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Mooro and
children and Mrs. S. W. Variium
and Mm. W. T. Variium went to
ueedsport, Ore., Sunday.
iris itice, who Is employed at the
telephone office has been sick the
pait week, but is much better and
will return to work Tuesday.
Will liurks of Happy vuliey and
J. lozior of Portland wero vlsitort
at the Alton Hlee home Sunday.
Mr. uud Mrs. Jim Nichols visited
Friday evening with Jim's lather
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. French
Nichols, of itoherts creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Donaldson of
Melrose were business callers up
Willis crpek Tuesday.
Chas. Voytillu of Kent crock
called ut tne Victor Fhipps raiicii
Dorothy Whlttaker and Kather
Ine Hciinigli visited uith Iris It ice
Tuesday atlernooii.
MICLKOSIi, Aug. 23. Mrs. Julius
Sindt returned home last week
from a three weeks' visit with her
son-iulaw and daughter, Mr. nad
.Mrs. Louis Miller, of Ulwhulls,
Mrs. Mollle Newport of Clinton,
Ilid., arrived last week to visit in
definitely witli her brother und
family, .Mr. and Mrs. John Uich
ards und sou and two daughters.
This is Mrs. Newport's first visit
to Melrose.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fisher, ot
Troutdale, Ore., visited Monday
with the hitter's uncle uud aunt,
Mr. and -Mrs. c. O. Criteser, and
left late in the afternoon for Ore
gon caves, Crater lake and homo
by way of eastern Oregon.
Mr. and Airs. McGregor and turn-
5:00 "Melody Lane," with Wan
da Armour.
5:30 Monitor's News Commen
tary. 5:15 Victor Young and Orches
tra. 6:15 Montmartre Dance Revue,
starring Henry Busse and
Vincent Valcente.
6:45 "Knights of the Road."
6:50 News-Review News Flashes
7:uu Knickerbocker Syinphouy
7:15 Paul Wliitcmun and Orches
tra. 7:30 American Family Robinson.
7:45 Popularity Parade.
8:0U Sign Oft Hood Night All.
no "Early Uinta."
30 News-Review Newscast.
45 Alarm Clock Club,
la Vagabonds of the Prairies.
30 Full Gospel Church of the
Air, Rev. A. Harold Persing.
15 Sol might.
On Shep Fields in lllppliug
30 Ambrose and Orchestra.
15 Eddy Duchiu.
no Aielody .Mountaineers.
:15 Oiville Knapp.
;30 "Radio Rendezvous," Copco.
: 15 Homemakers' Harmony.
: 15 Variety Show of the Air,
: 15 Violin Concert.
:0ll Noonday Organ Concert.
; 15 Phil Harris, Denn-Gerret-sen.
::10 L. A. Symphony.
:45 News-Review of the Air.
ou What Douglas Co. Thinks
:3U Afternoon Danco Melodies.
uu "World Hook Man."
05 Chick bullock uud Orches
2::'n Hits From Hie Shows.
2:50 News Flashes.
3:00 lloswell Sisters.
11:15 Geno Kardos.
3:;tn Kiddies Request Program.
4:00 The Editor Views the News.
-1: 15 Dick aicDouuougu.
-1:30 Tho Con hands.
5:00 Glen Gray and His Casa
Lomu Orchestra.
5:30 The Monitor Views the
5: 15 Manhattan Concert Hand.
(i:on- Match Time.
6:15 Montmartre Famous Orch
estras, 6:45 "Knights of the Road."
6:50 News Flashes,
7:0o Girls of the Golden West
7:15 KRNR Little Theater of
the Air.
7:30 Grab Mag.
S:00-Slgn Off.
Community Fair
Dates in Douglas
Lookingglass August .27, . I
Canyonvllle August 28, .' '
GlideSeptember 1. ' ;-'
Silt hprlln September " I.
Drain September 17-lK.
Closed Saturday afternoon ex
cept by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon
311 Medical Arts Bldg.
Office phone 115
Residence phone 272
tly left Sunday for Granta Pass,
where Mrs. McGregor and children
will pick hops. The former return
ed home Wednesday and left Thurs
day for Grants Pass to bring hit
daughter, Mrs. Velina Hliiing and
children borne. Mrs. Strong was
taken very ill after going td
Grants Pass and had to be taken to
the hospital. Ab booh bb she IB
able she will return to her home
In Washington.
John llusenbark, Jr., Is building
nn addition on his already large
chicken house.
C. J. Anderson left Thursday for
North Dakota to visit his old home
place. It has been thirty-one
yeare Blnco Mr. Anderson moved
from there and this Is his first
visit since leaving.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Fulmer return
ed home the first of the week
from a business trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Class and
two sons arrived Sunday and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Glass and throe
children arrived Monday from
Strawberry Point, Iowa, to visit
several days with the former's sister-in-law,
Mrfl. Gladys Glasa. The
former is a brother of Ed Glass and
Harold Glass is his coubIii. They
arc making a tour ot tho western
stales and const points, this being
their first trip to Oregon. Tho party
all left Thursday morning for Mod
ford to visit with Ed Glass, who Is
employed in picking pears there.
F. A. Flnley of Hoscburg made
a busincs strip to Melrose curly
Saturday morning.
Mrs. Algol Anderson and duiigh
ter Iloverly Kay are spending the
week at Drain visiting Hie former's
mother Mrs. Henry Alford und Mr.
Alford Is at Melrose visiting his
son-in-law Algot Anderson.
The KlgaroHc-Mclrose Townseud
club and the Elguruso Comfort
club will sponsor u dance and so
4-ft. Green, per cord
4-ft. Dry Slab, per cord
16-Inch Dry, per load
16-inch Green, per load
Mill Ends, per load
2-ft. Green Slab, per load
Sawdust, per unit
.nUUttl nil
:: Y " : XTT
Today's panorama from Nob Hill sweeps the great Bay Bridge and the riling
World's Fair "Treasure Island". Today's luxury distinguishes thfe Fairmont
spacious rooms. ..chic Circus Lounge and exquisite Venetian Dining Room.'
The smartest, friendliest place in town to stop or five... with all its historic
charm intact! Shops and theaters four minutes away; garage in the building.
Rate from $3.50 per flay. t
The cost is low; attractive discount rates to many
points are in effect between 7 p.m. and 4:30 a.m.
and all day Sundays!
Phono 71
cial evening at the Elgarosa play-
shed Saturday evening August 21. A
good time 1b hi store for all attend
ing. The proceeds will be used
tor the benefit of the new kitchen
and for tbe benefit of the Town
Bend club.
OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 21. AP)
An order today, closing seven ceu.
tral Idaho national foresta to smok
ing and building catnpffres except
under prescribed conditions, waft
issued by Regional Forester It. IL
The order Is Intended to enforce
precautious agaiiiBt the two most
common sources of mau-caused
fires, he added.
The forests affected are Iho
Doise, Salmon, Chullis, Payette,
Idaho, Sawtooth and WoiBur na
tional forests.
Using wliBt might be considered
a -virtual junk pile, the city ot
Dixon, III., built an airport hangar
by using lo.utio feet of old street
car track.
Mrs. Victor Short of Drew was
In ltoseburg today attending to
business and visiting friends.
Singing and
Dancing .
Plantation Inn's New Swing
At Coos Junction
- -
1,r" "'" ?,.
SMITH. Pruidtmt
AHEAD and plan
a trip
To call homeward
and "be" with your
. loved ones
To close that deal
at a distance
121 So. Stephens St.