f ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1937. FIVE NEWS-REVIEW Clusif ied Ads. Phone 100 RATES Blngle Insertion, per word lc One week, per word..5c uuo monui. per una ou Minimum charge 25C Copy (or Uiii page will be accent. ed until 11 a. m. of the day of pub lication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility lor and iu no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity ot the advertis ers in the classified columns. Head ers ere urged to make full Investi gation before sending money in re sponse to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the light to classify all advertising under the proper classification-. Livestock FOK SALE Two choice Short horn hulls, 2u months old. Also Shropshire rams from prize flock. C. O. Garrett & Son, tllendaln, Ore. KUISKP for sale. Ono hundred unri fifty youug breeding ewes. Will sell all or purl. Box 635, Roseburg, Oro. YOUNG fresh Jorsuy cow with heifer calf. 50 Her 16-inch oak wood, 11.50 on the ground. Joe Steinbacher, Umjxiua Park. FOR SALE Dairy cow. Will be fresh about the loth. 1 mile south Edenbower school. P. E. Heaver. Full SALE Team young horses and harness. Mrs. V. K. McClsy, Hoseburg Star lit., Kellcy's Kor ner. FOR SALE 10 months thorough bred female springer siianiel. Spayed. $111.00. Route 2, Box 68. FOR SALl'l Few nice young calves. Roy Aispuugh, Myrtlo Creek. TWO horses, cheap. Owen's Mar ket. FOR KALE 3 does. $1 each. .Mrs. J. II. Kurtz. I llxnnvillfv FRECKLES AND HIS I don't wawt to bisAPPoiwr Tf-iE boy: So for that REASOW I WOMT SAY AMY- THIM& 'ABOUT A MOVIE PART UNTIL WE SEE WHAT HE CAM DO'. WASH TUBBS MYM.NRTSPECIAL NURSE A Serious Situation ' By Thompson and Coll I CT-rM1" W& JlS' AAWJL 111 I Cbo'AXl DSEE VVH AT O'l '! '; ; INJURED MESfc HAVEU'T A DOCTOR CCASH? stTW SOUNPEDN WAS. PEBMAPS SOME" JSS THERE f VOUD BE BsjWW LlRAGEDy CAP'W?.-- I AEOARtJ I'LL GIVE EM y IT fi LIKE SOME" BODY WAS HURT.' r3. SWEPT OVEEBOARD! iRt&glWa05H .MATE-ITS WOBSE I p'' gag BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A Bit Irregular, but By Martin BAU-VVV - HEY! I. ., .1 f C I Z (' VOWtC e,o ,i c, I 1 f FAMCy ) XOO OVO OARv.M6'.' H'6 F - ' TVV IS A SURPUlbC V I 60 rAtCTWG, W W. W T 'lfiiJ WM. - "... - ,- . y --- BATHTUB In good condition. 110.00; 50-pound ice boxes, 6 mu to 112.50;. improved fruit pick ing palls, 50c; electric motors, I3.5U to $7.50; circulating heat er, 110.00. Burrs Furniture Store. ONE good young horse, weighing 1200 lbs., one good logging team, harness, logging equipment for sale. Lawrenco Denn, Cuinas Valley, Oro. FOR SALE Well-bred wirehaired terrier, male, i yeur old. Uox 304. 'c-o News-Review. I V O young bulls for sale, Hero ford ami Shorthorn. M. P. Haw son, phono 33F21. FOR SALE Three Chester White pigs, 84 each. C. L. Spray, Har den Valley. FOR SALK Milking Jersey cow, n. ii. npeer, oui K. Maple, Myr Uo Creek. VETERINARIAN Dr. II. It. Keith, sa tj. 2nd Ave.. No. Phono 64-J, FOR SALE Shropshire rams, 110 each. I). P. I)HiiiflH Mpi,.. Miscellaneous TRY Boswell Mineral Springs for nenitn. i tie nnnerul baths com bined with a health diet will give you a new outlook on life. P. O. Address, Yoncalla, Ore. WE BUY old gold. Bring in what you have and get the cash for it while the price is high. John ston, Jeweler. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. ueuvereu daily, umpq.ua Dairy. Phone 38. ARUNDEL Piano tuner. Ph. 18S-L. RADIO repairing. Rsbg. Electric. Trade FOIt TRADE Two steels and three Jersey heifers for hay. Phone 453-L or 7031(2. FOR TRADE IUdlo for plana Oross & Harris FRIENDS T"v v 1 ' ' ' ' is , i . . . II RMD OUT IP HE'S iHEklb.vjoULDYou JB EaS3E3ESiS4 ( I -E?;rs3s:L: I , .r,-.,n.uNi iMt pNu duumno imi j okAY ! WHERE - J GOSH.THAT KID X , HIS WORD FOR IT ! FOOTBALL BACK TO ME ? u r,i i lur III ) r PLEKfTY OF KIDS WILL AMD GET IT CLOSE rr.'k -m u;f it ? ) JC.Z-Z ". ADMIT AWYTHINa , J Y-s 'H WN ' ' V . U C ir- t- W I r r-S 1 r-w- r I I I wrt -V. TT. L 7 whai i ii a -,, ,r- ... I l n m?k vm rsr m, s m i 1 1 I a - rJ gwi s . i a i ii -- a i i i J ii i yryimvw . . s hwsih i i i vi ' rri i i J II II 1 LU filrsi I Al JHl 1 I linnl l f.J n-,A a I C T tr- V ' I I ,TJT - T .' X WWM I For Sale, Miscellaneous AMOTION SALE AM BKLLINC AT PUBLIC AUCTION MY HOUSEHOLD OOODS, SOME FARM EQUIPMENT. TRAIL ERS. CHICKS, Kltl'lT JARS. MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO .MENTION. R. H. ROSS, PLACE J MILE EAST OF SUTHERLIN, TIME 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY. AUGUST 10. FOR SALE Leghorn hens, 60c; corn 10c dozen; summer squash, 2c lb.; carrots; high chair. $1.50: churn, 50c: saddle. W.oo; house for rent, SS.tM). Fresh heifer, no calf, SJo. Mrs. J. Mask, Unipqua Park. FOR SALE Two love birds, price Includes cago and 3-nionths seed supply. Also Whippet sedan cheap. 418 S. Stephens St. FOIt SALE Cream separator, re conditioned, guaranteed to do good work. Price reasonable. Roy Atspaugh, Myrtlo Creek. ARP Beauty peaches nil this week. Bring your boxes. Orders taken for later peaches. Cecil Fessler, Oscar Correll's place. FOR SALE Cabin and outbuild ings, located on leased land. Write Box 31, Dlllard, for lnfor mation. CUCU.M HERS Any size, for pickling. One mile east of Sutherlln. J. G. Miller. FOR SALE Set o( good heavy team Harness. Clark s Parcel De livery, S15 Mlcelll St. FOR SALE 3 and 6-pound tin top mill uispiny Daskets at Parklu sou's. FOR SALE CHEAP Repossessed retrigeralors. Radio Music Store. USED Tnor wasnlng machine. Call evenings, 431 Fowler St. USED washers and UBed radioB. Had o Music Store. Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton Adding Machines, sales and service. Roseburg Book. Store. Phono C90-J. Bull's Homeward WHAJ A COUNTHY? first, we WCOVER CHINCHILLAS, THEM (3Qj S' "' LOOK AROUI CEE wizimaw: (THERE'S SOME DIAMOND 40, Ji 5 Rentals 5-ROOM, unfurnished apartment. very comtortablo for small fam ily. Close downtown. J. O. New land. FOR RENT Neatly furnished 5 room house. Will be vacated the 15th. litquiro 223 E. Lane, pnutie 747. FOR RENT Modern newly kalso- luineu o-rooiu uuugalow to re liable parlies. Inquire 720 Win chester St. FOR RENT Partly furnished 3- roorn nouse. Jti.no, water furnish ed. John Uraughton, Miller's Ad dition. FOR RENT lleltonla modern apartment. Furnished. Three rooms and bath. Phone 116. KOIILHAGEN apartmonts. Strictly uiuueru. uu and up. 1'1'oue 650. APARTMENT Clean, modern. Close in, adults. Phono 615-J. COZY cabin, sleeping roem. 120 W Lane. Fuel GET your wood at Rnseburg l.um- uer li). my and groeu. 16-iucb and 4-foot. FOR SALE 200 Iter laurel wood. Perrln Bros., Ilrorkway. 16" LAUREL and oak. Phono 67. Wanted WANTED flood used baby hlgh- cnair. Phone 7l'3u. Norman Glassuck, Dixonville. WANTED To rent equipped farm on snares. Keith Coulson, Box 7SA, It. F. I). , Hoseburg. Tractors COME ONE, come all and see Harrrs Auto Tractor before you buy a small tractor. At Sartre Auto Wrecking House, 623 N. Main Rt - Eye Bound ITS EVERVWHfcli.e' WHVVVb CAM PAM A rMJCkETtUL TIME'. WE'RE RICH1. Real Estate FOR 8ALH 8a acres. Melrose ills- tricl: 41 acres cultivated, fulr buildings; S4500, 10' cash, less than 3oo a year pays principal and Interest on balance. Also 34 acres. 3 miles from Riddle; raspberries, Youngher lies and tree fruits; 2400, 10 cash, J 140 a year takes caro of balance. Also have severul farms for rent. Harvey R. Swan. 310 Broad-way-Oak Hldg., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE 65 acres. 20 acres tillable. Good six-room houso with fireplace, bath and built ins. Electric water system piped to all buildings. Chicken houses with capacity for 2000 chickens. Two brooder houses. Uaraee. Outbuildings. Near higln ay ami rauroau station, .Might uoncidcr trade for residence property. Price itoOO.00. Terms. Look over our huge list of farms and city properly. Seo G. W. Young & Sou, 124 West Cass strout. FOIt SALE A snap. 120 ucres. 1 miles from Rusubiirg. 10 acres tillanic. Family orchard. On good road. 4-room houso. Spring wa ter piped to house and barn. Chlckon houso. Outbuildings. Plenty of timber. Somo piling. Good pasture seeded. Price J1300.00. Terms. G. W. Youug & Son, 124 West Cass street. FOR SALE 1 acre on North I'tnp- uiiu, near iiiieyiu. i room mod ern bungalow. Bath. Electric wa ter system. Shrubbery. Somo fruit and walnuts. Furniture and c I e c t r I cal equlpinunt. Price I2200.VII. Tonus. G. W. Young & Son, 124 Wost Cass street. READY September 1st. See those new mouern nomes on East Lano St. Terms like rent. Coell Lumber Co. FOR SALE III houses. If you want in uuy. It will pay you to see ine. 1 houso for 35o. John Ilruugh tun. Miller's Addition. SEVERAL Douglas county farms lor salo or rent. Write John F. Kaufman & Sons, 623 Oak at Hroadway. Portland. aVWHErli.e I WE fit A I RFaDVYvVE CAMT VJA5TE ANVWAy, UL IN KjQ I RJCH JV, c,kp ALL PAV PANNING IT WAS A lCU y TO MECk. WITH TH BUCKfc IS OF lOT O1 FU VDi FOR SALE 140 acres, 11 miles from Roseburg. 30 acres tillable, balance pusturo and timber Nearly hew ti-rooui plustered house. All Ueccs&ary outbuild ings. Small creek and springs. 1 inly equipped with stock and machinery. Sacrifice for quick sale, immedlute possession. C W. Young & Sun, 124 Wost Cass street. FOR SALE 40 acros. All tillable. Good 6-room hourc. burn, chick en house and outbuildings. On main county road. (2750.00. Terms. U. W. Youug & Son, 124 west cuss street. Wilt KAl.tfKln,.l, ,. i, i ti.. Iml.li i. r'uiif muii .... rt.. county road. Some stock, 4 miles ii m-iiuui, iiiiiiieiiiaie possession Easy terms. Box 311, c-o News Roview. FOR SALE Modern &.-oom col tago with garage. Recently re fliilshed inside mid out. Close In. Biirguln. Box 30U, c-o Ncwa Revlew. Sf.ii mo for the best buy in a small placo in Douglas county Close In. W. It. Vinson (owned 235 Sheridan St., Roseburg, Ore Lost and Found LOST Hrovr. billfold at Macca bce dance Saturday night or on the at reels. If found, reward. Notify Edgar Nichols, Box 161 C, Route I, Roseburg, Oro. LOST Leather wallet, papers mm Hume ensn. f inder keep the money and please return the rest to It. E. Brown, Wilbur. Oro. LOST Billfold containing cur rency ami check. Reward. Re turn to News-Review. LOST Itallk bonk. Itetnrn In Douglas National Bunk, E. U Lumorcux. Poultry WANTED Colored fryers null nens. aiso veal. lloseburg Poultry, By Blosser By Crane Help Wanted HOP PICKERS! Registration now open at tho HILTON HOP YARDS, Grants Pass, Oregon, for this season. Picking will start about August 16. Wood, water, commissary, etc., on camp grounds. WRITE AND REGIS TER NOW! MAN Operate soap route. Start immediately. Up to 115 first week. Car as bonus. Write Mills, Ills Tenth St., Oakland, Cullf. WANTED Dependable man for dairy and farm work. Year round Job If satisfactory. Roy Al- spaugu, Myrtle creea. GIRL or middtc-iiged wuniau for light housework Tor elderly cou ple In country, 110.00 per month Box 271, Drain. Ore. WANTED Clerk, clothing and fur nishing goods. Must uuderstunil window trimming. Phono 217 for appointment. WANTED Girl for general house work. Must be neat and a good cook. Box 331, c-o News-Re view. WANTED Blackberry pickers campers preferred. Wrllo W. A Firman, Star 1U., Roseburg. Automobiles I'DIt SAI.K "S7 l'ontiae eoupo. llooil eoiKlltion. new llres and new Imllery, 75. lleneral l'o Irnletini Station, Itose & Oak Hts. KOlt SAl.l-: i'l Deluxe Kurd road ster. Just hclmt overhauled. I0x Ira sport model. Ueasonablu. ltoutc 2, Uox Ii8. WILLIS CREEK WILLIS C'RIOKK. Ainr. 7 M,u Alton ltieo and tlaiiKhter Iris visit ed Sunday afternoon with Miss Kva Hlie of Dlllard. Miss Lva Newnort bun h,.,.n stayiUR at tho Hill homo in Win ston while .Mr. nnil Mrs. Hill were vucatlonliiB In Washington. Mr. unci Mrs. Leo Clement mnl baby left Tuesday lor Kalom where they oxpoot to iilek beans. Sirs. Kadlo Sheridan weuL to f!o- nuiHe one day last week. Slio Is visitmn nor aunt, .Mrs, Will. Gugo, who Is very sirk. The Ahner Itlee funillv anil Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Huithes, Dale .Moore and Mr. mid Mrs. Alvln Uosworlli were iilenickliiK on the Chas. Voytilla raneh up Kent ereek Suuduy. Mrs. Minor Cross and daughter Klizabeth are surferlm; from a se vere attaek of poison oak. They are newcomers from Arizona. Mr. Cross is working with Mr. Krlek son and Mr. Kowler, who lira building a suwmlll up Willis ereek. Jurl Lucas purchased a car In Koseburg Monday. K. L. Moore has been helping Victor I'lilpps In the hay tho past few da'B. Stella New purl n vlnltlng homo folks for a few days. She has been working in Myrtle Creek. Mrs. It. L. Moore was a caller at the Austin Uruun homo In Ilusu burg Salurdiiy. Mrs. Ah It I in and Mrs. Charles Hughes were business visitors oil Kent creek TueBiluy. NOTICE Ladles of Kugles' uiixillury! There will he a mooting August loth. All drill tunm girls uro re quested to bo prcsont at 7 : -15. Adv. Composer HORIZONTAL 1 Elizabeth . lost century poet, 14 Herb. 15 Genus of slugs IS Asvam silk worm. 17 To value,' 18 Loans. 19 Lumps. 20 To choose.. 22 Auto bodies. 23 Half an cm.i 28 Child. 28 Peruses. 31 Heavy slcr). 34 Social Insect, . 3S Bronze. " Answer to American . - treo. E4 Genus of auks. 85 Coral Island. 88 Raccoon, 57 Tho husband of this ' also was famous. -88 Her to her husband arc widely read. 136 Perfect T ' pattern. 88 Bell music, 40 Myself. - ' 41 Weight 42 Ovcr-mode3l, womcm', 48 Carriage. 49 Implement, 80 Lassoed. 12 Central JAi.CMjtiSLJBOiA.T WIAINI l A t SjOBA eTrIpHo g y P i , RAP BE 5 NBW 6 O 5 E 5 2? E N SlUlR Z SnIMB I 5 flit 23 lORAH I TIE SBmTe 24 PEACHES Dp J. p fn I ahjr 27 jsjUoPsBc hiMaIsb IM A M YnP Cl F tM S 30 PUnSl I N S BfEjE" R JBRj 32 ABBLQjE"tH5.yJC NB(ciylR AIM! YlG iDTAlnDlS TIDIcjWInIy) ' la I3 4 I P f V P P I l' I" l'a i13 3 TTi5 " "TjiS ST P" "i.il u ro vp TT f-J'S "-srs w j,a OREGONIANS CLING TO ANCIENT AUTOS SALEM, Ore., Aug. 9. (AP) Automobiles ot ancient design and outmoded mechanical featuies ap parently have an appeal fur somo motorists just aa olu furniture bus lor collectors, registration records In the State deiiartmenr twvnalj.il today. A recent cheek of registration records shows that in one counly alone there are several hundred cars from 12 tu 21 years old now being driven. They include ono 1913 automobile of popular make, three lain, seven 1K17, five ISIS and numerous curs mauutucturcd m tho years between lulu and MELROSE MELHOSK, Aug. 9. Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Anilerson returned homo Tuesday from several days spent al limpiru unit al Marshfleld visiting Mr. und ills. Itoy Cedar si roui. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Iioece at tended tho pageant at Eugenu Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Klnyd Pierco and two children, Kloyd Carllon and Sharon, arrlvod last Saturday from Klainalh Kails and visited over night with Mr. und Mrs. E. 11. Lutnutu. Tho former returned to Klamath Kalis Sunday, but Mrs. I'ierco and children will spend tho summer with Mr. mid Mrs. Ltil mun. Miss Luulla Woodruff of Hose burg Is visiting this wuek with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodrulf. John Iinrslk usKlsted In C. K. Ileece's store Salurday while Sir. Iteeeo was away lor Hie day. Mr. and Mrs. tienrgo Carey ot Tenmlle woro Sunday evening guosts ot Mr. und Mrs. I). E. Me lut ire. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Rico of drums I'uss and the lalter's broth- or-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. hoscoo t onii, were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mra. An- draw linrle, and on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Hire returned home aft er spending Wednesday night Willi Mr. und Mrs. Colin. Mrs. Kico and Mrs. Conn uro both sisters ol Air. linrle. Mrs. Culherlno Horn went lo Myrllo Point lust week to visit In definitely with her uncle anil aunt. air. aim airs. A. I,, llushncll. Edward llusenhark returned homo tho latter part of the week from tho pust two weeks spent at Marshfleld where he wus em ployed. Miss Allco llncklund Is suffering from a broken hone In her loft foot und also a sprained wrist. .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simpson left Wednesday for their homo in Cali fornia, after visiting for several weeks with tho former's mother, Mrs. James Knlilen. They were accompanied home by ho former's brother, Hay Simpson, who will remain in Cnlilorniu Indefinitely, Iloverly Jean and Wade Worth Ingtnn Jr., of Canyonville nro vis iting this week with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Conn. Oeorgo Felt and his son. IToyd. took the former's daughter, Mrs. Jennie heeloek, and small sou. Dole, lo their home In Hulfwiiy, Oro., Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Wheelock and son have visited her parents for the past two weeks. .Mrs. Carrie Tison and daughter. Carrie, und Leonard Munson of unipo.ua returned homo last Sat urday from Chicago, whore they have been visiting the former's sister, Clara, for the past six weeks. of Poetry Frcvlous Puzzle To nullify. To press. CofTco beans. Fuel. Stored fodder. A cetacean. She was qulto - In health. Untidy. Finale. Dined. Stream ob struction. Driving command. Talisman. Baby bed. Fly. Game played on horseback. Part in a drama. Epochs. Drunkards. Hades. Instrument, Heath. Spigot. Italian river. Being. VERTICAL 1 Fence rail. 2 Sound ot sorrow. 3 Fixed routine. 4 Wound. 8 Powder In gredient. 6 Weight allowance. 1 Flour box. 8 Wands. 0 Beginnings. 10