ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1937. Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER ' LOCAC author wins PLACE IN RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOK Dalton W. .Miller, 423 Pllzer etreei. Rose burg, is one of the wi tt ers whose work is included in the Yearbook of Cuiaempornry Poetry, li'37. a poetry anthology which ha just been published. The volume contains mainly the work of worth while but ob.-uuie authors who should receive renter recognition for i heir literary efforts, and the publishers ttiraiiKh this collection am introducing their writings to h lnrpe and iniportuut audience of readers throughout the country. For several of those included in lhe volume it may mean the begin ning of an outstanding literary ea rner and world-wide fame. Karly this year, in preparing the book, a nation-wide search for talented writers was conducted. Manu scripts were submitted bv more than 9000 authors, but the work of only 500 of these was selected for inclusion in the volume. The nub Ushers, pleasantly surprised by the amount of excellent poetry submit ted by unknown writers and by the success or previous eltorts, are now compiling a similar volume to be issued later this year. Again they are engaging in a widespread search for writers of talent who might otherwise remain forever ob scure. SOUTH UMPQUA H. E. CLUB TO MEET DAYS CRKKK. Aug. 9. The South Unipqua Home Kconomics club will bold its regular month ly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ar chie Ferguson Weunesduy after noon, August 11 with Mrs. Archie Ferguson and Mrs. John Ferguson as hostesses. The roll call will be "My favorite jelly or jam recipe.' All members and friends are urg ed to be present. Today's Pattern Be Sure to State Size When Ordering Pattern. IT'S SMART BECAUSE. IT'S SIMPLE PATTKKN 44H6 "The simpler the style the smarter the frock," is a good rule for the Junior girl to follow in choosing h e r wardrobe. A n sprightly Pattern 4466 is just the frock for late summer and early tall days. Just the frock, too, for the one who sews at home, for it easy to run up. Full-cut yoke pan els, flattering Eton collar with matching cufrs, and a suue-fittiug tie-sash are details to melt the heart of every "Elght-to-Sixleener ( hoose any of the gay new wi cottons for now; then try a ver sion in a cotton tweed or wool plaid for colder days, and per chance, one of taffeta for partie Pattern 4466 Is available in girls and junior sizes 8. lo. 12, 14 mid Itf. Size Id requires 2 5-8 yards 3b Inch fabric and 3-8 yard contrast iug. Illustruted step-by-step sew ing instructions Included. Send F1FTKKN CKNTS (15r) in coins or stamps (coins preferred t for this Anne Adants pattern Write plainly SIZE, NAMK, AD- JiltKSS und STYLE NUMHKIt, Make your own flattery! Send for our ANNE ADAMS PAT TERN HOOK and see how easily you can stitch up lhe newest smartest outfits from the esslest patterns ever seen! No mutter how inexperienced at sewing, you will want to make these lovely ait ernoon frocks, party styles, morn ing models! Variety ami flattery for rrow nr-un and grown up BOOK FIFTEEN CKNTS. PAT TERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWKN TY-FIVE CENTS FOR HOT1I WHEN ORDERED TOGETHER. Send your order to News-Review Pattern Department, Roseburg, Ore. flw 1 : MRYTLE CREEK BETHEL HAS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR MYRTLE CREEK. Auk. ! The Myrtle Creek bethel of Job's Daughters enjoyed a delightful evening Tuesday at the home of their guardian and associate guar dian, .Mr. and Mrs. liert Riddle. near Riddle, The evening was silent in swimming and in discus-j sion of plans for the annual trip to he taken this month. Those present were Dortha Klli- otl, Marilyn Shaw. Beverly .Hart- Lllli loung, Joyce Ady, Mar- eery Alsiiautili, Akwjorle Sharp, June Weaver, Helen Haley, Eunice mist, Katie thill, Dorothy Moore, Myrnn Primer. Mildred Hamlin, Betty Mellor. Melba Wilson. Rose mary Kasper, Mrs. Victor Shaw, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Fate, Mr. and Mrs. Ermil Hriggs and son. Mrs. Ady and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. brank Matthews and daughter. Mrs. Wilson and the host and hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle. The group enjoyed a weiner roast and ice cream. LAWN SOCIAL IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR , GLEN DALE. Aug. 9. A very enjoyable evening was (he lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooke at Azalea by the members of the Presbyterian church, and the building fund was increased by $:tl, net proceeds from the social. The well lighted lawn was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns and flags. Guests enjoyed all the ice cream und cake they wished and the Ladies Aid presided over a table of home made candy from which $9 was realized. An impromptu program consisted of readings by Paul Eldredge. John Mcculloch and Mi's. Esther Hazeit; and Mac Olson sang, accompanying himself on bis guitar. About fifty guests represented Glendale and the up per Cow creek district. MRS. HUTCHINSON IS HONORED AT PARTY DAYS CREEK. Aug. 0 Mrs. ft & Mii.iro etui ti-u I '.) 1 : in in were hostesses Thursday afternoon at a surprise birthday party in honor of Mrs. Walter Hutchinson aL lier home, ginning ami visiting worn (n In veil d ni-inir t Im after noon, followed by delicious refresh ments served by the Hostesses. 'I'hrtuo innniMit lioiiilcR the truest ol honor were Mrs. C. C. Hill, Mrs. L. L. Weaver. .Mrs. II. L. spore. Mrs. Archie Feiguson. Mrs. Edwin Mather. Mrs. Frank Aivoru, Mrs. J. A. Rhoads, Mrs. R. A. Moon-. Mrs. Pete I Mum, Gem Hulehiiisou, Susie Hutchinson, Wlletha Hutchinson, Hetty Rhoads, Gene Rhoads, Leon Moore and .limmie Moore. ft W. C. T. U. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS GLENDALE. A lift. 0.- Mrs. f. K. oung was unanimously ri'-eiwr- ed president or the local unit of the V. C. T. V. at their 'egul:ir meeting held Tuesday - afternoon nt the home of Mrs. . T. bour. Mrs. Roy Robinson was re elected treasurer; Mrs. Harbour, lected vice-president, and .mis. n. II. Gardner, secretary. Mrs. Gardner led the devotion- als and Mrs. C. O. Garrett gave the lesson In alcoholism. Present at the meeting were Mrs. li. F. Mouchelle. Mrs. N. S. Fiscus, Mis. Dark, Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Young and the hostess. MR. AND MRS. CLEMENTS CELEBRATE GOLOlN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. David Clements, of Jennings Lodge, celebrated their golding w e d d i n g anniversary Thursday, August 5. Mr. Clem ents, who was born In Waukeegan, and Mrs. Clements, nee Em ma Singleton, was horn in Rose burg. They were married In Rose burg August 5, 1887, and except for a few mouths visiting now and then, have spent all of their mar ried life in Oregon. They moved to Jennings Lodge, near Portland, twenty-two year.-t ago. where they continued to reside. They have no children. BELLVIEW CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Uellview club met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lota Kester with Miss Hazel Kes- ter as joint hostess. Mrs. W. A. Pearce, Mrs. Lovelace. Mrs. Kes ter a n d M rs. P. W. Be k ley a re charter members of the club and plans were made for a homecom ing for all old members of the club. Mrs. Delia Kelly was voted club mother, taking lhe place of Mrs. Z. E. Parker; who recently psssed away. Guests included Mrs. Vera POETS CORNER (The following poem was pub lished in the July number of "Let ls Siimr," Indianapolis, Ind.) MARTHA Martha, sitting quietly. With her knitting on her knee. In -the oil lamp's yellow gleam, IVaises, for a while, to dream. She Ib growing lenn nnd gray, For her youth is far uway; Vet her heart is young in true To all the dreams she ever knew. Romnnre ever passed her by, spurning her imploring cry. Yet her groping fingers press A few sweet chords of happiness. Martha, sitting quietly. Holds a baby on her fcnee And the amber lamp lteht gleams Tpon the hero of lifr dreams. -Marjorie Hunt Pettit. SIDE GLANCES n.4 ! ..c..rf.iM- littw.rr. ' Mother and lather never seem old-fashioned until they get on u dance floor. New Show at Indian Wednesday Pat O'Brien, Margaret Lindsay which plays Wednesday at Hunt's llenrv und bahv, Mrs. Alva llunler anil two daimhleis. lloiothy und lOvulyu. und Miss Phyllis C.ilbreith. .Members eiijoyini; lhe nrternoon with Mrs. Kesler and Miss Hazel Kester Included .Mrs. Marjorie lil liniilh. Mis. Mary Walson. Mrs. Hiiilna Van Voorst. Mrs. Alma Lovelace, Mrs. Ilessie IVnrce, Mrs. Com Colllson and lleverly Jean. Mrs. Helen lleiidricksnn anil llar rv (lonlon. Mrs. Hell Huff and Holiella. Mrs. Kinnia Heckley and Mrs. Hobeita Kester. Lovely refreshments were serv ed Inter In the afternoon by the hostesses. PICNIC SUPPER ENJOYED IN FIES GARDEN SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Hnrrlo Booth and daughter. Harriet Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carslens und duilKhler, .lacquelynn, and son, Clyde. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. .-h.s anil daughter. Miss Kleanor. enloved a very delightful picnic siiuner Saturday evening in the attractive garden at the Fies home. Croquet, other games and visiting were enjoyed dining tne pieasaiu evening hours. FAVORITE RECIPES (Ilroailcnst by the Women's Ex change department nf KltNK und published in the rimigliis county cook book. Complete ropte- of this cook tonk m.iy lie nurehaseil ut the News-Hevlew office at 60 cents each. SUGARLESS FRUIT CENTER For Dipping in Fondant or Chocolate MRS. JOE L. M AKSTERS Roseburg, Ore. Place finest knife on food chop per and chop the following: cup sheliefl p:uu. 2 cups cocoanut 1 cup seedless raisins cup figs 1 cup stoned prunes cup dried peaches Juice of half a lemon 3 tablespoons syrup or honey Mix thoroughly. Form parts into small balls, blocks and thin squares. Dip in epg white. Roll In ehopped nuts or cmoanut. Or dip in dipping chocolate. PARISIAN SWEETS M Its. II. J. FRKTWKM, Roseburg, Ore. 1 lb. figs 1 lb. dates "'j lb. raisins 1 lb. English walnut meats Confectioners' surar Mix fruits with nuts. Force through meat chopper. Work, us ing hflnds. on board dredged with confectioners sugar. Roll into U Inch thickness, using confectioners' sugAr for dredging board and pin. Cut into squares i inch square. Roll each piece in confectioners' sugar. A combination of nut meats I may be used. By George Clark and Henry Fonda, stars of Indian theatre. "Slim,1 JAMES CONN CRANE AND VIRGINIA PRICE MARRY ON SUNDAY James Colin Crane and Miss Vir ginia I'rice, both residents or Iloseburg. were quietly married ill l:;,n o clock Sunday. Augusl ut lhe home of liev. and Mrs. Cluirlea lOihvunls ut 121 Solllll Kulli! street. Itev. Mr. I'Mwilfd: pei-l'oriueil the ring ceremony. Mr Hess and Murgnrel I'rii e were al- lendiints. H. E. CLUB TO GIVE DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT HAYS CRKKK. Aug 9. The South Cnipquu grunge Home Ken. mimics club will give a dance lhe grange hall Saturday evening, August 13, to which the public Is cordially Invited. Supper tlekels will he sold al the door, lllls be ing the only charge. BADOURA CLUB TC MEET ON TUESDAY nadoiira Cluh, Iiaughlers nf the Nile will hold u one o'clock no- hostess luncheon Tucsduv, An gust 10, at the summer rump of Mrs. A. J. loung on the North rmpnuu river. All members are most cordially invited. TENMILE TKNMILK. Aug. 7 Mrs. Ceo, Swift, who was taken to the hos pitul for injuries received to h knee, is able to he at home again. Mr. und Mrs. James llomoika Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Ho molka Jr. spent the week-end at Ponanza. Ore., with Mr. and Mrs Harry Adnmek. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Vance and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vance spent lhe week-end at the coast at Run don and Marshfield. Several from this vicinity a( tender) the ciicus at Roseburg last Thursday. A bahy girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. uladwell last .Sunday July 25. The little lady has been given the name of Charlene Adele. Mrs. (Jladwfl! and daughter are at the home nf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coats. Mr. am Mrs. Va!gomoth were ( al'.crs at the John Unw n home last Tuesday. Margaret Culbertson of Hamlon is visiting nt tho home of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jim (itirney. The members of the Community Circle spent a very enjoyable af ternoon at the home ot Mra. fieo. Kna'gH last Wednesday when they met lor their regular meeting. The next meeting will be at Howell's erove on Wednesday, August 1H. for an all day picnic with potluck lunch at one o clock. Cornelia Print has been visiting wlih Mtss Montgomery nt Iviok IngglusN the past week. Local News Here Saturday Miss Pearl Jnn"s of lllvprsdali- spent Satur day In this illy lilioppliiK ami vis iting. Glengary Sewing Club to Meet The (ilriiiiitry ShwIiik club will hold a iiim'tliiK Weilni'Btiny ni me home uf Mrs. Harry I'latt. Here Over Week-End Mr. nml Mm. John Younis, of Albany, upent the week eml In tills city vlBlllllB rela'.ivH und friends. Moves to Rosebura Mra. D. le Hlanc nf Canyonvillo has moved lo Hosehui'K to make her home, at 544 Towler street. Attend Postmasters' Picnic Mr. and Mrs. I.. I.. Winiberly drove to Winchester lla' yesterday to at tend the postmasters' picnic. Rebekahs to Meet The Ile beknh lodito will hold its reenlar hilsiuess session at eicht o'clock Tuesday evenlliK at the I, O. O. K. hall. Taken to Hospital L. U Wim herly. ItosebuiK poslmaster. wus admitted to the veterans adminis tration hospital here this inorniiiK medical treatment. Red Cross to Meet The reait lar monlhly board nieetlliK of the lied Cross will lie held at seven clock tonlEht at the Kpiscopai parish hull on Cass street. Attendlno Piano Classes Miss flludys 11. Stroiw, HosohurK piano teacher, has left for l'ortluml to attend tllo Hernuril Wuitness nor mal cluss for piano teiichers. Here Over Week-End Mr. and Mrs. Frank Register of KuRene snent the week-end in this city s t ncr Miss lla uiuuacn aim u K. Munsfielil on South Mam street. Here from Coquille Mr. nnd Mrs. CI. II. Iloxle and ilaugnier Unity ot Coi till lo arrived here this morning lo visit menus ami ae end to business lor a snort time Back From Vacation Mr. and Mis. lalo Stephens and daugliler Miiriiii'le. have reltlllied to their home ill Lulirelwood. after spend ing u week nt Lake Tahkeiiiteli va- aliening. Leaves for San Francisco Mrs. Ulnier Arneson has lell for Her home in San Krancisco niter spcnil ing (he past several weeks In this city visiting her sister, Mrs. W. M. Odei-ll I rk. Leaves for Stockton Max Short lell Sunday lor Stockton, alii'., where he is employed, alter spending lhe past couple of weeks new visiting ins parenis. mi. nml Mrs. Victor Short. Catholic Society to Meet The Catholic Ijidles Sewing society will hold an Important ineeling nl two o'clock Wednesday afternoon it the home of Mrs. It. 11. Wlllell on Norlh Rose street. Spend Day at Drain Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. lllaclr of tills city and lhe former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Illack, of I'ortland, spent Sunday in Drain visiting Mrs. Anna Drain and Mr. anil mis. Ira Wimlierly. Back from Crawfordsville Mr. nnd Mrs. Kllon Tollman have re turned lo Ihelr home on West Kil'Bl street lifter spending a week vacntioliing In lhe Willamette vnllev where they visited Mr. und Mrs. Chillies Sclnllzc al t rawiorus- vllle. Chosen for Choir Miss Mar guerlte lllnkley, formerly of Ilose burg, has been chosen as one of the fifty singers lor lhe Pasadena Civic choir to sing this week nt Hie civic auditor urn in Pasadena Miss lllnkley Is a niece ol ."is. Charles Doerner of tills clly. Attend to Business O scar niatch, construction superinten dent of K. C. W.. Kuleiu; Al Mil' son. project superintendent, Camp McKlnley, und Mr. hrlcsson. pro ject superintendent ul ( ump liner on the itogue river, were business visitors here this week end. Return to California Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge Williams have left for their home in Piedmont, Calif., after spending their vacation here visiting the hitters mother, Mrs. W. C. Tiplon. and two brothers. C. T. and Alvin Tiplon. Mrs. Wil liams was formerly Miss Vera Tipton of this city. Leave for East ivir. and Mrs. Rernard Young, of Ibis city, left Saturduy for Detroit, Mich., to purchase a new car und will then go to Chicago, where 1 hey will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uirry Krench. Mr. French is a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. Mrs. French was formerly Thelma Olm- stead of Hoscburg. Kn route home, Mr. and Mis. Young will slop In Wisconsin to visit rela tives, 8top Here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. Wade of Oakland Calif., slopped be -p Saturday for a short visit with the latter' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, en route north on their vacation. They will visit Mrs. Wade's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Porter Sr., in Ku gene and 111 spend n part of their vacation on the McKenzle and a few days on Puget Bound fishing. Mr. Wade In a traveling representative for Montgomery Ward company, with headouarlers in Oakland. Mrs. ade was former ly Miss Rosliia Porter of this city Go to Marshfieid Kdwin Bus- enbark, Charles Hrowll and "Hud" lilaafl lefl Saturday for Alaitih- (leld. Back from Portland K W. nuhl. locat taxi driver, has return ed inim a nusihess trip to l'orl Innd. a Send Sunday In Reedsport Mr. and Mrs. II. F. I'atlisou mid dilUKll- ler Hetly ami Donna ('aniphell spent Sunday in Kcedspnrt. Home for Two Weeks Miss Cenevieve Ness, who Is employed ill KoKeue, has arrived in Hose burg lo spend I wo weeks vnca tiouiiot til the Ness home ill Laur el wood. Leaves . for Visalia Meredith Wilson, son of Mr. und Mrs. H. 11. Wilson of HoseburK, has lel'l by bus for Vlsnlin, Calif., to spend a inonih visilluK bis aunt, Mrs. t'. i:. Hill. Returns to Marshfield T. II. N'ess. inanaKer of the .Mountain Slates l'ower company at Marsh rield. has rcturwil lo tbn coast af ter spending lhe week-end at his home here. Back From Neskowln A. A. Wilder returned here Krlday from Neskowln, where he has been va cationing. Mrs. Wilder and son, Carlton, remained there for the rest of their vicalioll. Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ermil Hrlggs. of Myrlle Creek, brought their son, Webster, to Roseburg yesterday, where the lat ter joined the group to go lo tne 4-11 club camp at the coast. Stops at Institute Karl Henry Faulkner, son of Mrs. Klla Harris of this city, stopped over in Chi cago recent v to visit the Moody Illblo institute, en route to romnti where ho will be stationed as missionary. Attend Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carstens and daughter, .lacquelynn, and son, Clyde Jr., of this city, and Mrs. Cnrsten's brother, 1)111 Shields, of Kinplre, attended the poslniiutcrs' picnic at Winchester Hay yesterday. Make Trio C. II. VIph nnd daugliler, Miss Kleanor, made a trip lo llrants Pass and over to Crescent City yesterday lo bring Dick Klefl home for u few days' vacation before lie returns to bis work out of Crescent Clly. Enjoy Week at Camp Mr. and Mrs. Sum l.iindubl and Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Johnson, of Itoseburg, und Mis K M. Hcese. Mrs. John llilsenburk Jr.. Mrs. C. K. l''ors- Intnl. Mrs. Carrie Tison, Miss Until Tison. Miss Margaret Kins laud and Kdwlu llusc nhark, of Melrose, spent Inst week lit till' liar View camp al Umpire, Back from California Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. (Jeddes nnd daughter MIhh .lean, havo reUlrned to Rohi burg from Sun Dingo, Calif., whero Mrs. (letides has been spending the past month with her sou, (ier- uld Cedtles, and family. Mr. tied des and Jean went down lust week to Sun Diego to bring Mih. GeddeB home. They arrived here Inst eve ning. Back From San Francisco D. K. Can nml Mr. und Mrs. Charles V. Stanton returned nighl from Sn n l-'ranclsco, w here fti r. u rr uud Mrs. Stuntou, of Carr's sloro In ItoHeburg. have been spending n week ut tending buyer's week, pur chasing merchandise- for lhe Crr system of variety .-'lores. iney also were acronipaiiled by Mrs. Viola Spencer, nuiuager of the Norlh Ilend store, who la return ing to her home today. Return Home Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Klllott, of Klamath Kails, came to Roseburg yesteruuy to take the former's parents, At torney and Mrs. K. U Klliotl, hack to their home in Klamath Kails. Th latter two have boon here the past four months at the homo of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Motschenhacher, on South Main street. Attorney Kl liotl, who has been very ill, is now reported to be Improved. Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS The Associated I'l Cm.tpilf.d liy ,iik. !): 30 ir 15 110 India lilt's Ufa Sfka Today 1IK.1 39.:l 43.8 U 6 I'lt-v, day .... K7.0 30.1 43.2 00.3 .Month bku .... H4.4 41.0 12.2 07. K Vi-ar ano 91. B 41.0 63.4 1!I 4 193T lilull Illl.f. 39.!. Ol.ll 7S.3 1937 low X7.9 30.1 39.1 (12.(1 1930 hlKh 99.3 43.5 f3.7 72.8 1930 low 73.4 30.2 43.) 56.7 BONDS 20 10 10 1(1 lik'K lliil'l.i I't'H I-'kii. Today Kid 1(13.4 9X.2 73.1 I'ntv. day .... 91.1 1(13.2 9S.2 73.5 .Monlh aito .... 93.0 Ill3.ll 97.(1 72 9 Yi-ar aco ... 91.2 103.3 102.5 09 I 1937 hiKh 99.0 llll. 4 I02.H 71.7 1937 low 909 102.2 II5.S 1930 hleh 912 llll. I 103.1 7311 1936 low X(i.9 lol.S 99.3 07.0 Schilling pepper Tho opening of lhe new quar ters of the RiiKchurg brunch of the Hulled Suites Nullonul bank wus featured by ninny nice Horul contributions, iiicitming sumo from considerable instance from town. They included three unusunl oifer- !;tirc f,.-.:.i iiw.m L.-i-a ,-.t 1 1... A.ii club corn growing group, which consisted of several exceedingly long stalks of fine corn. In town for the occasion were l'uiil S. Hick, president of the I'nited States National bank, and Waller Cook, vice-president, both of whom Journeyed to Roseburg es pecially for tho uvonl. They ex pressed tbemselvos us highly pleased with tho completed build ing, remarking upon the fine work, much of which had been done by local contractors, Includ ing the Douglas Comity 1-arm llur- , Uilmaii IMiimhiiig Co.. and the Kelly Sheet Metal works. An interesting feature of Hie opening wub a sliorl broadcast by direct wire from the lobby of the bank through radio station KHNR. As previously announced, Saturday, banking quarters will bo open to night Irani 7 lo U p. m. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSE Ill'NTl.KY - KO.SK James Franklin Huntley ami Marguerite .muse Rose, liolh of North ilend. CRANK-PRICK James Con n Crane nnd Virginia Price, bolh of Itoseburg. BORN CIIII.nKnS To Mr. and Mrs Cieorgo Cbllders. of Iliidge, Ore. at Mercy hospital Sunday, August a daughter. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Auk. ! RUTTKR Prints, A kmmIi, H4 3: in parch ment vrupitrs, lUikc In cartons It U ru tin JKt-lc In purchmt'lit wrap pers, ;H1: in cartons. lU'TTKRKAT (l'ortluml tin livery, buying price) A Ri-ado ! :i4-U4ie lb. country st til Ion; A grade 'A'Ji-W'Zlttr, 1( Krmle Ut; teas; V, gruo (It: less. K(J(iS lluylntf prlco by wliole snlers: Kxtrns lilc; Htniuhmis 10c; firsts IS-; niPilium 11K-; n led in in firsts llic; tindtM'Kiude 14c dozen. Cheese, eoiinlry nieuts and live poultry uiichiiUKed. I'OTATOKS New crop Yukl mu (lems $l.liu..t;r.; Ynltliuu White Today & Tuesday Wednesday Only! A Fine Cast! A Grand Story ! Loads of Action! 0DI1IEN HemFOriDA Margar.t LINDSAY STUART 8how 2-7-9 p. m. Mats 25c Eves 35c Kiddies 10c KoiDsannl Cl V mi mult-ilk mofM ,TtT v . km tax iuti rmi . nuitx 1 Gn V n.'sr---i a 1 comedy Ij JrJFi H C7 Bank Night $400 Rose $1,351.40 cenlal; local f 1.15 1.2. orange box. Onions, cantaloupes, wool, hay. hojis, mohair and cascara bark uu-changed. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Aug. 9 (API (V. S. Ilepl. Am-.)- IKKiH Mar ket opened Id cents higher, closed steady on driveius, Ian. ...i good- bolce li;r-21ll lbs. driveius, I'-'Iill, arly sales!, car loittl lots,.i:i.mi, sm-sks lb. i 1.7.1- fi, few from car loads 12.50, i:!ii-n;o III. I1.7ri-I2.2.r. packing -C-.VH 8.7.r-9.00. few leeder niert u. 2.1-1 l.r.n. t'AT'l'l.K Steers strong to 2!i 'ills higher, she stock 2.r centa above, strong with hist week's lose, bulls and veal strong, bulk grass fat steers 9.llu-!l.7f. few loads lu-in.l, bitter ne wbti;h on grass i'rop, common steers 6.011-8.00, stocker and feeder 6. 00-7. Ml, com mon-medium lielfers 5.5U-8.f0, load heifers S.Kf, low cutter and cutter .75-1. fill, common-medium 4.7f .7.1, good beef cows li.00-li.7r. odil head 7 Oil, hulls 8.50 6.2.1, beef up to li.Su, good-choice vealers 8. "n-u. .in. select 111. 1111, common-me dium CUDS. no. S1IKKP Market active, sprint? lambs 2r,-,1 celils higher, older classes 2.1 cents higher, hulk good spring lambs 8. 7.1-9. no, top 9.2.1, common-medium 7.011-7.50, medium good ewes 3. 00-1.75, fow yeurliugs WHEAT PORTLAND. Aug. 9. Open High Low Closn Sep 1.01 1.01 ."191 .9111 Dec 1.011 1.011 1.(101 1.00J Cash wheat: Ilig Ilend bluestem bw l:l pel 1.041; 12 pet 1.0U; durk bind wlnler 1:1 pel 1.111; 12 pet 1.1"! ; 11 pet 1.021; soft w hite, and western while 991: hard winter and western red 1.001. HELEN KELLER QUITS TOUR IN WAR PERIL TOKYO. Aug. 9 (AP) Helen Keller, deaf und blind educator, de cided today to give up her sched uled trip to China because of the Sino-Jupnnese crisis. She will suil for San Krancisco from Yokohama Ann. 12.' .Miss Keller has been her on ft three-month ledum tour of Jupun. Koreu and iManclioukuo. Washing Machine, Radio and Typewriter REPAIRS HARRY SIMONS Roseburg Maytag Store Phone 132-J 111 W. Cass St. Bank Night Wednesday $400 STARTS TUESDAY Plus on the same program C3 ROBERT WILCOX Nan GREY Edward Ellis Shows 2-7:15-9:15 p. m. Mats 25c Eves 35c Kiddies 10c ENDS TODAY a two that wrt ko,n Im T Pirt ky iuiI IT Also