1 - I Oregon May "Fly With Her Own Wings," According to the State's Motto, but She'll Probably Get an Outsider as Bonneville's Boss and Another for U. 0. Prexy THE WEATHER If timidity R i. m. yesterday Highest temperature, yesieiday 87 lowest lemperatuie last night 64 Precipitation for 24 hours 0 Precip. since first of month T Precip. from Sept. 1. 1936 2S.29 peiicieney since Sept. 1, VSM 4.30 Partly cloudy. BONNEVILLE DAM Appointment of an administrator 1m the big Oregon Issue rlht now.' Oregon lead era ure split over a Soul lie mun, dp id slated for an-' polntmerit. Watch lor the outcome In NEWS REVIEW iiewa dli- patcht-a. ROSEBURC, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1937 VOU XLI NO. 318 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW VOL. XXVI NO. 08 OF THE EVENING NEWS 'mm t IFaCTwES I . Editorials On the Day's N ews pVKRY effort ought to ho made to got to tho bottom of this story I which fto far is vague and indefinite) about the disappear ance of W. K. Steffon, secretary of the restaurant employes' union at (irunts Purs. npHKHE are ugly intimations that Sleffen was kidnaped by Grams Pass business men and run out of town and told that II wouldn't be safe for him to come back. The whole tale, as these words are written, is sadly lacking in corroborative detail, but the Im plication is that Stcffen was un ionizing tho restaurant workers and that employers didn't like it and resorted to direct action. These intimations and implica tions ought to he traced down and either verified or definitely dis proved. f THE relations between em- plnyeH and employers there is no place for violence or for dis regard of law. If we tolerate these things we are heading straight for trouble, and the trouble will AF FECT EV ERYtlODY. THIS (Irani Tubs cplsoilo. wlint . over it ri'iilly Ik, lias disturb- HOLDS, F. D. R. SAYS SALEM, Aim. !l (AP) Presi dent Roosevelt telegraphed gover nor Martin today Unit the VYPA could not chinige its new rule opening contracts on WPA truck operations. The governor protested that owner-operators on relief would lose their work to contractors and farm ers. The rule was effective Aug ust 1. "The acting works progress ad ministrator informs me thai this procedure was put Into effect only lifier the most careful study and consideration, ami that it was nec essary in the interest of economy, efficiency and lair ne sr.." Ihe presi dent wrote, "In these circumstances, it does not appear that tiie new procedure should be mollified until it has had n fair trial. "After such trial the works prog ress administration is prepared to make such modifications or tne re illations as may he necessary to meet special situations. PORTLAND. Aug. 9. (AP) The Oregon truckmen's association bad filed protests today against 20 of the till truck ov. ner-operaioi s Kiihniittine bids for WPA contracts W O. Parkers, secretary for the relief trucking group, said they owned more than one vehicle anil culled attention to goverument re; uhitious limiting equipment. The relief owners refused to bid. Oddities Flashed Money Talks (My the AbocI:iIoiI Press) HIGH I'lilNT. X. C She aa II poi!'..ly ycims woman. nrn-slPil fnl (liiinkonntss. Bill, oh hnl n hiinover. In fart, ho coultln't Itilk. A lianl shake liy offlcda and hor mouth opened. Out popped six one dollar billa mid a nminlily of chaliKe. Jinx Party MACON, (in. Superstition will lie "doulile-dared'' by Henna Ar leete Hniltli. . Hernia, plannine a party for her Ktlh birthday Friday (which Is the l".lll. decided to have H cnests. who will eat a 13-candled cake. J'jBt for an added flout to the Jinx, the rake will have the fit!- lire K embossed In iclns. Fathered Fans 1 1 BKYTHEVILLK. Ark. fan tall j peacocks are baseball fans here ami thev know the pame. I'suaHy the ball park's pet birds! -"(Continued on Tnz 4) - . WPATRliCK POLICY Pii ff jail nrmi ? n i I 3 I PIT lUirtL JLI ATAUG. 14TH Operation of Devices Held Unlawful by Dist. Atty. Long; City Licenses Regarded Void. A ban on pinhall ownership and operation In louglas county, ef- leetive immediately, was announc ed today by District Attorney J. V. Long. All persons In iiossesslon or operating pin ball or marble games are Instructed in an official announcement by the district at torney today, to "immediately eeuse operating the machines and devices and to remove them from places of business on or before midnight, Aug. 14." Previous action against plnbnll machines, the district attorney Hiiid, has been delayed pending de cisions on injunctions filed in oth er counties. As injunction suits have been dismissed, it has been decided to Issue orders against the giiines in Douglas county, Long said. The official statement. Issued this morning, is as follows: The Oregon criminal statute provides, with reference In gnmb ling, playing at or conducting cer tain games, in part as follows: "Each and every person who shall deal, play or carry on, open or cause to ho opened, or who suan ondtict either as owner, proline tor, or employe, whether for hire or not, any game of faro, or any hanking or uny other game played with cards, dice, or any other de vice, whether the same be played for money, check, credits, or any other representative of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor For conviction, the statute pro videH that the defendant, shall be iMinished bv a line of not more than Sfiud, and shall be Imprisoned in the county Jail until tne tine mid costs are imid. The law furl her provides that miy person or persons who shall conduct, maintain, or operate, either as owner or owners, pro prietor, lessee, employe, or agent, or who shall play or use any nii-kMl-in.the-sloi machine or other .levlee of like character wherein there enters any element of chance, whether the same be play ed tor monev. checks, creuus. oi (Continued on page 6) MARTIN. MAHONEY BOOSTED BY DEMOS SAl.KM, Aug. . (AP) Ui'liw pratlr Mki'iH udvniH'i'cl Hi" muni's nl Vlllin .MiiLoncy of Kln mulli KuIIh ns ii iiiiiiliiliilH lor 1'nltt'il Slnti'rt senator and (iovcr nor Cliuili'B II. Mnrlin lor re i-Ihc-lion lii'iori' u crowd ol about 2.on poisons who iittwided the Marion county di-inoi ralk- picnic at Silver Creek falls park ye.il erilay. Warp-n Krwin of Purl laud urs ed Um nomination of Mahoney to oppose Senator Frederick Stciwer. while (leorge Mol.eod. Snleni, urged the le-clectlon or ' he gover nor. From Press Wire val-h sleepily from fiMice perelies is niilit nainea propreys. 1-unl liht, however, when the Hlatul rtakeil with t!ie tradillonal ev !nth InnlllK Rlielch. Ihe playem taped nl the peaL-oekj. The fowls had solemnly Htreteh d their h'PH. nprea.1 their hime ails, then aeitled baek in unison with the rash apertators. Smart Porker S(V)TTSM,rHT. Neb II. D. Heint, fanner near here. Ih look up for a ho Willi horRe ftenae. Hiintj: iiunliased the porker laid out hia tnileher tools and heated a lank or hot water. Then he went for the hoK. The porker jumped from lleintit tmek and disappeared. He hasn't found him yet. I c , . , . Stocking Up ' AI(a PA HOI-:, Neh.-The chain leitr f:id has born revivpd bv housewives here but its mechnn- Ism isn't exactly the same as it used to be. Tea towels, handkerchiefs and qnill blocks are being rent in- stead of dimes. Machine Ban -. r i r- mniir-nr- i nn . Standards For Oregon's Dried Prunes Adopted SALEM. Aug. 9. (AP) The state department of agriculture adopted today t-timdards for Oregon dried prunes, the order following u hearing 'here, last month. The 1K37 legislature authorized tho stand ards. Oregon No. 1 dried prunes are those of one variety which are ma ture, well-colored, properly cooled, properly dried, iree from moid ami insect injury, and free from dam age caused by burning, bloating, .splits and scab. Oregon No. 2 dried nrunrs are those of one, variety fairly well-matured, fairly well-colored. prumriy tooted and dried, free from mold, decay, insect injury, disease and serious damage from any causo. I nclassiiied prunes are those which do not conform with either of the two classes. The size of dried prunes aro as follows : Extra large, 3.1 to the pound or larger; large, hetwneii 4fi and fifi lo the pound: medium, be Uimi.1i 7n .,.! n,. i not huiuIIki' I hull 90 hit pmmil. 1 -o- Hiker Plunges Over Falls, Four Others Victims of Traffic Mishaps. Hly the Associated- Press) A spectaeuhir plunge from high liorsetnil falls on the Columbia river highway Imtteml lifH from the body of Houurd Murrav, JTi-year-old Hood Ftiver hiker and one of the five persons to die in Ore gon's week-end tragedies. Joseph I. Kirch, Seattle mu sician, and Arabella Palmer, 21. of Vancouver, Wash., met death last night in a trash on the ht-nv.-v avenue fill near the interstate bridge. A hit-run driver killed Cunt Wick, fit), of the .M ultunmuh coun ty poor fn rm Saturday night. Coos Hay police held two young men In connection with the hit-run death of John P. Phillips, 7!i, Sat urday. Air. and Mrs. Ij;igh Price of Mil ton. Ore., saw Mm lay's body hur tle over the picturesque, L'iM-root falts east of Portland yesterday. Sht riff's deputies recovered it from the 15 fool -pool at Ihe base of the long drop. The youth's companion. Joe Jar vis, tin, of Hood liiver, told ofll cers he did not witness the trag edy and searched two hours he- fore descending lo the pool. Mur ray had gone ahead as they climb ed the trail, leaving the elderly niau to rest. On a previous trip Murray asked .larvis to hold him by (lie ankles while he pholograph ed the t(2o-foot .Multnomah falls. fiforgp Sorenson. North Bend chief of police, said he was hold ing J. A. Hitler. Hi. of CuqiiMle. and Harold (illlette, Hi. of Coos Hay. hi connection with Plumps death on n down town street. The boys gave themselves up after learning the aged man died of in lories. Mrs. K. Hrrala. 40. o( Pnrkdale. was reported near death following crash near Mc.Minnvllie yester day. ASTORIA. PRISONER FACES CHARGE HERE John 11. ard, employed here re cently as a painter, was arreHted Saturday night al Astoria on a com plaint Hied here cliargiug him with obtaining money by false pre tenses. Deputy Sheriff Cliff Thorn ion left this morning to return Ward to this city. The complaint was filed by Hay J. Freeman, who alleged that he received a worth less check from Ward in the sum of flu. Several other bad checks have been reported passed by Ward in Itoxehurg and iciufiy. Sheriff Percy Webb said. OPERATIC NOTABLE DIES AT MEDFORD MKDKOIH). Aug. !.-(API-James Stevens. 63, operatic bari tone, dlej here late yesterday fol lowing a two months' illness. He was in ill-heulih for 20 yearn. At the height of his career Stevens was identified wiili the St. LoiiIb Municipal Opera company and Shubert brothers theatrical enter prises. He was founder of the Medford (lleenten. and a similar organization at Klamath Kails. clash unit ofshanghai Barricades Erected to Keep Racial Foes Separated; Major Battle Nears at Hankow. SHAXfUIAl, Aug. 9. (A P) Japanese marines and Chinese airport guards fought a sharp skirmish In the very environs of Shanghai tonight, with a Japan ese officer ami Chinese s?inrv re ported killed. A second Jtipanese was missing. The semi-military Chinese peace preservation corps, which .Japan hlumed for the airport clash, at, once threw up barricades to bl.tek oft wide Chinese areas In north '""' ""J"""" w ........... These areas, however, are considerably to the northeast of the Hunajao airport, on the west of Shanghai, where the fight occurred. I oingbi h developments drew the spotlight of the Sino-.lt'paiieHt undeclared war away from the north, where the Japanese "pro tected ancient Peiping with a bri gade of It.iMMi men and where, Chi nese Nanking reports said, ft.oou Japanese reinforcements w ere moving up lor an asiiull on Nati- kow pass, gateway lo Mongolia, which Ihe Chinese still hold. This pass is northwest ol Peip ing. As usual, I hn Chinese ulld Jap anese told conflicting stories con cerning i lie airport clash. The Chinese Kiid one or I w.i .la: a'M'sc- and one Chinese wet e killed when a .Japanese marine truck, invading the ulrmr;. 1'aiU d to halt at a sentry's command. The Jai:ii'. -v .iiir.oiiuci'd a Japanese nuval officer was "brut ally shot down and killed" without provocation and deiiiuinh'il llial ihe Chinese authorities "bear respon sibility for this illeg-.il act." From Nanking, meantime, Chin ese reported further indications that the Jupanev, were preparing lo assault Nnnkow pass, the unte wav to Mongolia noi l Invest id" Peiping. The advices said Japanese were Contluued nn page Hi EXCQW CONFESSES NRV YOltK, Aug. X. (AP) A l!-year-old married hospital order ly who baa spent more than a third of his life In prison was charged I w.th murder today as the straugler- ! ravisher of Paula Magiigna. 8, fourth ltrnoklyu child in as many years to die at the hands of an at lacker. The ex-convict. Hawrence Marks, released from Great Meadows pri son two mouths ago, broke after police shattered 15 separate alibis he gave during a Ht-hour grilling. He confessed to choking the girl lo dcnCi with a cord and mutilat ing her body in the basement of her tenf merit home July Al, Assist ant District Attorney Kopff an nounced. .Marks was arrested Saturday af ter Mrs. Miriam Saratkin. who has an apartment in the building where lie lived, complained he bad mo lested her ft-year-old daughter An gii".. .'I, three days nfter Paula was lam. Marks' record as released by po lice pIicwk he was convicted of grand larceny In HUH. rape In 11)4 and impalimg the morula of a minor in llc7. SPUD HILL FOREST FIRE UNDER CONTROL VANCorVKH. Wash.. Aug !i. -(Al K. P. Cecil, supervisor of the Columbia national lorest. said today the fire battle of Spud hill was won. The 2.1fi fire fighters, com pletely circled the two fires which burned over an estimated linn to 12! acres or timber, Cecil report ed. The process of mnkln tlw "hot Ppots" fafe was being com pleted. lumping fogs and cloudy weath er aided tho men In conquer! ok the stubborn blites after 12 days burning Only a skeleton rrew was kepi on today to patrol In the event an east wind should arise. Hits Douglas Innnnriin -rn Iniim nitmnn nUUbLvti b HAND SEEN EN MAYOR FIGHT Reported Support of N. Y. City Rival of Copeland Evokes Charge of Dictatorship. WASHINGTON. Aug. 0.- (AP) Senator Copeland, 1 1)., N. Y.), conimenling today on a press re port that President Roosevelt had injected himself into the New York mayoralty campaign, said "at least we huve in the l ulled States personal dictatorship If not poli tical dictatorship." Aroused by published reports Ihe president had thrown "tacit support" lo liis democrat i-; rival for the New York mayoralty post, Copeland asserted in a statement to newspapermen that "Ihe presi dent himself does more In . five minutes to destroy democratic harmony ihun can he re-establish ed In a general ion by Jefferson is land picnics and peace dinners. Copeland added if pres reports I bat I be president had ( brown "tacit support" to Jeremiah T. Mahoney, former New York su preme court justice, were correct "Ills Interference is gratuitous and undemocratic," "Franklin I). Roosevelt Is not a voter In New York City." the New York senator, who Is running for mayor, asserted. "We aro it of In terested in what his private views may he Hut why shot Id Presi dent Roosevelt attempt to dictate lo the democials of my city what they should do?" LaGuardia Talking informally to ui-wspaLM-mi'll, Copehuid asserted Ihe presi dent . acioally lor re election or Mayor LaCuardla. Me said I. a Cliardhi was Cue culididale of llie communists, the soct::li.-ts. Ihe ra dicals, and labor, and "it's the same vroup that Is ha -k of the prcs!d ul." "The president ." be lidded, "Isn't going to do aiiythitu to hurl l.atiuardia. If 'he white house fel' I would he a w i'ak candidal. against I.uCuardlu, I would sup port me " Al ihe same lime. Copeland mir- (Continued nn page H SPANISH REBELS LI (lly the Associated Press) Spain's Insurgent northern army launched lis "final offensive" today against Ihe provinces of Asturias and Han lander, last government slrongbolds in northwest Spain. iiisurgeni planes and artillery combined in an attack on govern ment defense positions as deadly as the firo poured onto the iron ring of fortifications protecting Hil bao before the Itnsquc capital fell lasl June. At the same limn, Spanish gov ernment rorces pushed their Al ba rrmi a l ues in northeast Spain forward and dug entrenchments lo block an insurgent threat to tho Ciicm-a Ternel highway, key to I Madrid's communications with Ihe I east coasl and Valencia. i Internal fighting was reported on both sides. (iovernmenl advices declared hundreds of insurgent liven were lost in mutinies at Toledo, (Jmn ida. Abulia de Cumpu aiitl other places. insurgents reported hi reel hal II s between unnrchlHls and mem-le-rn of the p. (). 1 1. M., dissolved '1 rotrdiytsl organization of Spanish ommuui Ms, in Harceloiia. MRS. LEAH BARRETT OF RICE CREEK DIES Mrs. l.e;ih ) turret t, 7. died 'it the home of her daughter on Rice creek this inoillitii; after a iiioit illness. She was born July 7, lH.'jii, nt Franklin. Pa., and was married November 2.1 ls7i. to Henry .M. Hatred, who passed awiiy several yeaiH aeo. At the age of 20 years she became a member of (he Pres byterian church. Mrs. Harrett lias been a resident f f Pico creek since 1M!, She Is survived bv u daugh ter. Mrs. Orpba Smith. Itice creek, and neverul grandchildren. Tic body has been removed to the Houglos Kuneial home and service:! will be announced later. NIVAL li f h COiTlEIR Oil Dl ISSUE Martin. Opposing Ross for Administrator, and Those Supporting, Summon Followers. PORTl.ANH. Aug. fl. (AP The llonni ville dam power situa tion drew embattled attention from three fronts todsy. No sooner tiad Governor Martin Issued invitations to "Oregon lead ers" lo meet here tonight "on a matter of vital Interest" (hail Rep resentative J. V. Ilosi-h of Rend called a public-ownership support ers to a session Tuesday night to offset Marlin'i fight Hininei Hi" utipoinliiicnl of J. 1). Ross of Seat tle us administrator of the d:nn. While Ihe governor did not st'ilo the purpose of the meeting In night, nut bent U- sources revealed it was lo unite nn an Oregon can- tiilaln for the administrative post. Meanwhile Will i s Mahoney, lemoerulle leader, scored what he termed "three-ring circus" politics in Ihe Itouneville fight. In an ad dress at l a Grande before the Cn ion county deiuorralic meeting. Outspoken against Ross as ail miiuMlrator. Coventor Martin has lei It hn known he would favor an Oregon man to the position rather than Ross. His Invitation slated the meeting' was In (ho in terest "to (he welfare and develop ment of the siale. requiring "Im mediate attention." Hosch Backing Ross 1 1 ouch, a supporter of Hoxh, called the Tuesday conference to bring together members f the Ore-mi legislature favorable to public ownership of hydroelectric "ower to fight what he termed Governor Miirtiu's alien ml to gel t llonnevllle boss "fnvorable to the private utilities ami oilier etie- (Continued on page (!) ASTOItlA, Aug. !i. - ( AP) Fire stroyed the Pacific Murine Pro ducts corporal ion plant early to day at a loss est limited between STimhhi and SHin.unu. The blaze started In a dryer and spread to thousands of gallons of pilchard oil stored In J II huge tanks. The oil-fed flames com pleted their destruction in half an hour. The plant Is on the Skipanon river between the Prout !,iiiiihcr mill and Ihe Young's Hay Lumber mill. Kalu hist night and n heavy mlsl loduy prevented tho fit o from spreiidlng. The plant was operating at the peak of ihe season with two uionihs to go on Ibis year's out put. It operated between ihree and seven pilchard boats and worked Iwo :-man crews. Joe Anderson, vice-president and general manager, nit Id Ihe plant win lie rebuilt. CAESARIAN INFANT FAILS TO SURVIVE rilll.AOMHPHIA. A iix. .1 (AP) - Homlnick ItocrasHinl, stunned ny tiauedy, prepared today to bury hi dead his wife and the tinv daughter medical helen"" was mi abb lo save. The Imby. Prances Mary, lived It) hours alter she was delivered in a posl-morteni Caesarian opera tion at the Philadeipnia tie ne nil hospital. Weakened by choking al tacks, she died Miorlly after midnight Sundiiy morning In a scene simi lar lo that two days before when Hr. John Cotbit, chief resident oh f ttetrii -Ian. delivered her one min ute alter her mother's dealh. Dr. Corhlt said premature birth was the cmiHe of death. TAXI DRIVERsTlELD AS LIQUOR SELLERS PORTLAND, Aug. 0 (API L'fjuor control commission InveHtl L'ators nrrected nearly a. score of Pro l land taxi drivers on charges of selling dO-cpnt liquor for t'l to ft't a plnl. Two paid lines of S3,rt each a ml the others demanded Jmy trials. BONNEVILLE BILL PASSED BY SENATE WASHINGTON. Aug. fl.(AP)- Vbe senate approved today a bill setting up administrative machin ery for the $75,1)110, mil) Bonneville power and navigation project on the Columbia river. The bill goes hack (o the house for concurrence lu anietidinents. . Senator Pitt man (H Nev.) avert 1 an expected controversy by an nouncing ho would not submit n rider lo authorize u study of Moul der dam power ralos. Senators of upper (Joloi ado-river basin stales had announced (hey worn prepared to oppose the amendment. The bill provides: 1. A JflO.biHl -a-year power admin istrator to be appointed by the in terior secretary. 2. War department supervision, of the dam. powerhouse, ship-locks and lishways. 'A. filiform rates or I at en uniform over prescribed areas. 4. Reservation until 11141 of f0 per cent of the (tower for public bodies and cooperatives. f,. A $r,iH),iM,0!i.imi) com Inning fund lo start, operation and dhilrl bulion of power. The power commission would have final aulhoilty ocr rales. Jc'hn P; Phillips Dies lit North Bend After Blow From Automobile. John P. Phillips. 711, former Hose burg resident, died at North Itend Saturday night from Injuries suf fered when he was struck by n hit-and-run driver, nct-ordiim lo word received by relatives here. Witnesses of the accident report ed thai Phillips was Hlruck by a Huhl sedan, which sped nway after knocking him lo the. pavement. Phillips uus taken to a hospital, hut, was dead by the time hn ar rived there. Ho came lo ltosehtirg In liHO from Missouri, and was employed here by (ho California Oregon Power company, until his retire ment about ronr tears ago, when he moved to North Mend to make his home. He was the father of Hoy Phillips and Mrs. Uraee Hayse of ItoHehurg. He also leaves a wid ow and two other children, Mih. K.tlclKh Wood of LoiikvIcw, Wash., and Mrs. Heorge N orris. Mrldge. The body Is lo be broiiKhl to Ho'icburg for funeral services which will be held at 'A:'Mt p. Wednesday at the noughts Kuneral home with l(cv. C, A. Kd wards of' fitl: 1 lUK. Authorities al North llend are holding Arthur Hitler, Hi, who Is reported to have surrendered lo the police, admitting that he was driv er of the car which struck Phillips. inner ami another youth. Hen Ka.xel, wero reported to have bor rowed a car belonging to H, (1. Mi chael, crippled pencil peddler, lif ter laklng him lo the section where ho plied ills trade. Kaxel was not held. Oilier Ik to be given u bear ing in the juvenile court nt Co-qulllc. Gibson's Arrest at Loon Lake Said to Have Cleared Up 22 Bank Thefts WASIIINHTON. Aug. 9 (AP) .In dice department officials said today tho recent nrrest of CWr Hulph OlbHon. 31. ut Loon Uike, Douglas county, Oregon, had cleared Up 22 bank robberies, three alt em pled bank robberies and the hold up of nn Ohio Auin Finance company. (libsoii, alleged leader of the no torious (illmon gang, uud Violet Hriiss. a girl companion were ar rested July :tM by a federal agent ami state and county officers nl l,oou hike. Cilion has been or dered moved to SI. Paul, Minn., lo annuel- Indictments linking him wll h robberies of the Stale Hunk of Cold Spring and the Farmers Slate bank of Kyotu, Minn. .Director J. Kdgur Hoover of the federal bureau of invest I ui Inn said (iihsou had confessed roube' lc totaling $H7,u00. He also had been sought In eon neciion with the slain of James Zrostllk, killed when members of the tllbsoil Kan fir commandeered his automobile while escaping aft er a biink rohbery at Conncaul vllle. Pa. Hoover said (Jthson told federal 80,000 GET VIDEO FROM 0. 1. 0. Union Contracts, Improved Labor Conditions Asked; . Plymouth Strike Is Ended by Pact. PATKHSON, N. J., Aug. 9 (AP) A CIO strike call to 60, 000 silk workers In Now JerHey, Pennsylvania, New England and New York mused thousands of men and women to leave their looms today In an announced ef fort lo secure union rontraetH, Im proved labor conditions and sta bilize the Industry. The only disorder reported waB at llazelton, Pa., wbero a picket al the large Huplau Silk corpora tion mill was stabbed in the arm. His alleged assailant was arrest ed after being almost mobbed by. a crowd. Karller, four sheriff' deputies were Hent from Wilkes-nnrre to. aid nine city policemen. The I)u-' plan management said pickets," some of whom were recruited from the ranks of anthracite mine, work ers, lammed so lightly about tho gates Hint r.ome of tho 1100 work-: rs who pushed through the lines merged with torn clothing, lleiiresentalives of tho. union and employers disagreed aH to the extent of the HtrtKe in rennsyi viinia, where morn than 40,000 normally work in the silk and rayon Industry, but New JerHey spokesmen for both sides agreed the walkout waH "successful." - TWOC leaders In Boston said 9R per cent of the 10,000 New Kngland silk workers would remain nt worlfL, . under contraids already signed."" A spokesman for the Silk and Itavon Manufacturers association, a new organization of the larger mills, said the association, which has given passive approval of tho strike, was waiting to see "tlin actual strength of the union." "If they are able to stop com pletely the Industry, wo will bo will in negotiate for a stnndard contract," he said. PLYMOUTH WORKERS RETURN To JOBS UNDER AGREEMENT HKTHOIT, Aug. 0 Twenty-ono ihotiHiiud automobile workers, idle since last Wednesday bemuse of (Continued on Pago 0) ' cnKNOALK, Ore., Aug. 9. Con solidation of school district No. tt with (Jlendale district No. 77 wnM voted almost unanimously at n spe rial election Saturday. Only two voles, both In district 04, wero cost In opposition lo the proposed nier ner which will bring 17 students into the Olendnle grade school anil eight students to the high school. District C. 1 Includes tho terrltoiy lo the summit of Canyon creek pass and eight to the Johns ranch, taking In till of the Qulnea creek section. Authority was given by voters for the purchase by the consolidat ed dintrlct of a new school bus to be delivered through W. 0. Meiss nor of the (tlemhile garage. agents he "could not recall' all of the banks his gang had robbed nor the exact amount of loot, hut the director said he admitted par ticipation In robberies of the Farmers National bank at Con ncaut ville, November 1, HUt't; tb" State Hank of Cold Spring, Minn., June f, PW!; the Fanners Slate bank of Kyotu. Minn., No vember Hi, 1 1)3(1; Ihe Curpenior Savings bank, Curpenter, Iowa, Annus! 17, 1 1131 : t lw Farmers State bank at Merrill, Iowa, Juno It. PKlli; uud two robberies In Ohio, (ilhson estimated his total loot at fi".ooo, exclusive, of $211. HMO ill non-uegol fable securities taken from tho Carpenter Suvings bung. PORTLAND, Aug. 9 (AP) Accompanied by Deputy United States Marshal Leo McLaln, Clulro Ralph (ilhson left Saturday for St. Paul, Minn., where he Is wanted on two Indictments charging bank robbery. Gibson was arrested ten days ago at Loon Lake, Douglas county, by federal and local agentB. Vio let Hruss, fli rested with him, will be tried hero on charges of har boring a fugitive. i