ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1937. FIVE NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads. Phont 100 RATES Single Insertion, per word Ono week, per word- One month, per Hue..... J 1.00 ; itluimum cucrge ...... 25c '- Copy (or tell page will be accept ; d until 11 a. m. of the day ol pub- i Ucatloa. The News-Review assumes no ;,' responsibility for and In no way i guarantees tbe (tnanclal reaponsl i blllty or inlegrliy of the advertls ! era In the classified columns. Head I era ue urged to make full investl i (ation before sending money In re- eponae to advertisements. The News-Review reserves tbe " fight to reject objectionable adver ' Using. It further reserves the right ' to classify all advertising under the proper classification. Livestock FOlt SALE Two fresh Jersey milk cons, gontlo; one giving 5 gal lons per day nnd one three-year-old fresh heifer. Deer Park lull, , a J miles south of Cnnyonvlllo. Toil SALE 600 young white-face ewes, ngos 1 to 4. Must sen at once to muke room for cattle. C. S. HenniiiBcr, Winchester, Oro. FOR SALE Corrieilale bucks, al so yearling Corrtedalo buck luinlis. Mrs. J. II. Short. Phone 41F3. , FOR BALE One pig, one brood sow, 1 male hog, 3 yearling heif ers. O. C. Mathews, Umpqua Park. FOR SALE 10 months' thorough bred female springer spaniel. Spayed. 10.00. Route 2, Box 68. I FOR SALE Span of well-matched 3-year-old geldings. Or trade tor sheep. John Abeene, Oakland. BROOD sow for sale. Alfred Le- Dlanc, Myrtle Creek, Gazley Route. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 Shrop shire bucks. D. F. Doss, Glide. FOR SALE Fresh cow, milker. Wm. Herdlne. heuvy FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS GEE, IT WAS MICE OF MB. 1 HEAR VOICES? GABLE TO ARRANGE FOB J LISTEKJ ! SOUMDS LIKE 'US TO HAVE A FT5EE A STORY COWFER RUM OF "THE STUDIO EWCE .V r MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE ! CAPTAIW, I'M ASTONISHED TWO BABIES. BUT , WHA7, CAP1. CWKIK) ? f INVESTIGATED? KJnvJoS-JS f VfkZJil J THAT VOU DIDN'T HEAR J I WHV...ER, NO- I ORDER. SOU TO RETURKJ OH, MO VOU IJfwJlc Jr,J t,GEM ( ?H1 S".1 iP7 ' THOSE RADIO ALARMS l VOU SEE, I I THIS SHIP TO PORT SO 1. DOW'T PILOT.' Z S-SV- ' 3EE- V HEARD THE EMPOF i BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ' The Way of a Maid By Martin ' Sfl-. 1 WDOT j XOO 1 W VJt ,OR OOKi'T 6M . ' Tt OMVV SU. Vt fcVJW. WtVVY BOT. I rW.tO F VO t0t VEP,y.O OE.1' 1 'NONB 8HORE ) WORO OOWN'V rArWt V0M6 IVRtO , M-V eorAtVKOVi ,1 60RT WHW .tOWTOV MOSC . ry- pp WASH TUBBS 6,000 WORTH OVCHINCHILLAS AT A SINGLE MEAL -1AMV - IT'S DOWNRIGHT BUT EXTRAVA6ANC6, . IHEKe It V '.'V tLSE TO EAT. ... 1 i-Tf ' FOR SALE Reasonable. 3 hishly bred O. I. C. gilts, right age and condition for breeding. Kr?ger's, 1 mile west old Soldiers' Home, .Mulrose road, llox 68. FOR SALE Purebred 3-year-old lieu I'ullea Dull, st5. 3 Uorrle tlale bucxs, X, 2 and 3 years old, 10.00 euch. C. L. Weber, ltob erlH Creek, Phoue 42F13. FOR SALE Reasonable, or will trade for other stock, a real work horse, 8 years old, 135U lbs. Rox 3ul, c-o News-Ueview. FOR SALE OR TRADE Three Shropshire bucks, one gray Itam bouillet and two Scotch pups. Asber Agec. Dixonville. Ore. FOR SALE Good Guernsey cow, milking now. 60. Also hai chop per. lO. Fruit Jars. R. H. Ross, j mile E. Sutberlin. VETERINARIAN Dr. H. II. Keilb, 322 E. 2nd Ave., No. Phono 54-J. TWO horses, kct. cheap. Owen's Mur- Miscellaneous Wlil DO fine watcn repairing at reasonable prices, a satisfied customer Is cur best advertise ment. Also sell tbe best glasses for less. Why pay more? Johns ton, Jeweler. TRY Iloawell Mineral Springs for health. The mineral baths com bined with a health diet will give you a new outlook on life.' P. O. Aildres8, Voucalla, Ore. . ' MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered dally. Umpqua Dairy. Phone 88. INVISIBLE hosiery mending, wester':; Shop. Syl ARUNDEL-Plano tuner. Pb. 18S-L. RADIO repairing. Rsbg. Electric. Wanted U ANTKl To runt o-room Iiouhc with 2 or more lots by elderly couple. Must be reasonable. Cook, llox ISC, Route 2. t WANTED To rent 5-room mod ern house. llox 302, c-o News-Review. WE'LL GET INOl&ESTION WHO CARE?? FROM SUCH RICH FOOD. ' C'MON, LE'5 GEB WR! b NOTHIN' For Sale, Miscellaneous ONE team horses, weight 1100 each; one Jersey milch cow; one 2-ycur-old heifer, fredh in March; one 4-momns-otd heil'cr cult; one llMllch Oliver plow; 1 harrow; 1 A. 11. C. power driven washer; 1 sewing machine; two Uxi linoleums; 1 Uuctteyu incubator, ISO-egg capacity; oat hay loose. 11. J, KecU, Canyouvhlc, Gazlcy lit. UNFINISHED breukfast set, J6.00; IraBh burner, 12 b0; Fox type writer, lo.oo; sanitary cots, 2.00 to 2.50; electric washer, i.bO; kitcuen cabinets, i-l.uu to Guns at hargum prices. Uurr a Furniture Store. HLI'CTItIC range, electric wash ing machine, combination wood uud gas all enamel range, 5o-gal- Ion waier tank, Ixithuib, wood range with roeervoir, coil spring iluy bed, 1' nil hand heaters, 3 burner cabinet komscno oil stove. Judd's Furuituro Store. FOR SAUC Cheap if taken at once. Kohter 1 5UU-watt automatic electric plant. IHrect current. Call at the White House Service Station, Canyonville, or write J. A. Hutchius, llox 110. CHOICB LOVKUIUOS Oregon bred, green, blue, yellow, violet, cobalt. Quality, safe delivery guaranteed. Flightland, 1028 E. ItHli, Kugeue. WH1TK sewing machines and Roy al vacuum cleaners. Parts and service and repairing for all . makes. Oross & llargiu. FOR SALE Cream separator, good condition. Kerosene range and dresser. Reasonable. 214 North .Main. SMALL Haldwin built piano, used only 6 months, $145.00. Ott's Pi ano Warehouse. FOR SALE CHEAP U-jposaessed refrigerators. Radio Music Storo. Ll'lWK; piano, fine shape, 7S.00. Ott's Piano Warehouse. USED washers and Rnd'o MubIc Store. used' radios. Of All IDOk'YAGREEilF i i I V HE MEETS THE GIRL'-'. "THIMK ' OKI A SniAvtWUE BUS:-rHEV rr will weakeki ought THE SEQUEKICE .' MEET rtt! --..' A Threat This is Only 1 5TART MftWN 1 TRAPS N CA6ES. FOR BALE 7 cow a milking, with the privilego of selling milk to the raw milk market of Koce burg. Also 1 McCormitk-Oeering big t mower; 1 Molina plow, 1 BpiiiiHtooth, 1 disc, 1 spike tooth harrow, 1 Jackson hay iork, two 1-h )isc cultivators, and 20 H. I, hens. L. Wood, Rifle Kango road. FOR SAhK Springfield lleauty Bhoppe. For intoimatlon write or come up any Sunday. Shine Parlor, Springfield, Ore. ARF Beauty peaches all this week. Bring your boxes. Orders taken for later peaches. Cecil Fussier, Oscar lion-ell's pluce. PjLACK you order for cunning beans at Kvans' DlUard fruit and produce. 7UU block S. Stephens St. FOR SALK 3 and u-iound tin top fruit display baskets al Parkin sou's. FOR SAI.K Ice box refrigerator. 4i9 K. )H)imlas. Plume 179-U. Fl'RNlTURfcJ Lane. for sate. 120 V. Automobiles FOR SALE '31 Deluxe Ford roadster. Just being overhauled, Extra sport model. Reasonable, Rome 2, Rox (IS. 1M HUDSON sedan, excellent condition, big sacrinco. Percy Croft, 3T2 N. Jackson. 1929 INTKUNATIONAL truck. An exceptional bargain. Percy Croft, 332 N. Jackson. 1927 I'HHVROLET sedan In good condition. Writo P. O. Dox 162 or plume -I71-J. U1IS wanted on '35 JtOBOburg Garago. Willys scdau, Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton Adding Machines, sales and Bervice. Roseburg Book Store. Phono C90-J. Situations Wanted CAPAI1LE woman wants work by day or hour. OUO K. Cass St. People! IT'S EVI&EWT LTHEY HAVE TO MEET- SOME WAYTHASKTT AKTrOME A GOOD SU3GES- TIOM AS TO HOW THEY CAIJ MEET?,. the Bec;innine: gee! K DID LIKE 1 -rOL) TONI I HEAR A PEY',; THAT 7 TOKI ) voice?7 ii SOUWDED fp: .: 'j STORY . lJ DEPT. HOLY SMOKE! WATCH PKYJ I TH' CHINCHILLAS II C S . T i xf .: ..- ' -- RrfUX ' ",r ' x.' fcitTHpint iis lSwt-4 J , ',','';" ";h"r: . ' - ;" Rentals 5-ROOM, unfurnished aparttnout. Very comfortable for small fam ily. Close .downtown, J. O. New land. MY HOME for rent, furnished. Au , tomatlu heat, refrigerator, elec tric stove, lireplace. 541 E. Lane, Lulu H. Rose. FOR RENT 3-room modern bun gulow, furnished. Near Soldiers' Home. Wayside Shop, Garden Valley Blvd. Ft Ml RENT I -room motion, house. Inquire East Side Service Stu tiou on Dixonville roud. FOR RENT .leltonta modern apartment. Furnished. Three rooms and bath. Phoue 116. FOR RENT 3-room house, com pletely furnished. Call 30S E. 2ud Ave. N. after J o clock. FOR RENT Modern 5-room fur nished house. Electric range. Fine place. Phoue 12. Ftlll RKNT 4-rooin house, f S.0O. Inquire HI Wharton Ave., V. Koseburg. KOULHAUEN apartments. Strictly modern. (22.50 and up. Ptono cso. PARTLY furniHhed house. Close ill. luiiuiro 31 K S. Pine. CLiOAN, comforlablu front uiiart- ment. 028 S. Pino St. Lost and Found LOST 1 In-own suitcuse, initials A. M. G.; 1 black suiteaso and personal belongings from truck parked at circus grounds Thurs day evening. Reward. Finder return to sheriff's office. HOST Truck tire, 9.75x20, on disc wheel' between Camas Valley and Alllauf. Phono -1UF32. .(1ST Savings account book. ltu. ward. 131 Shoriduu St. Trade FOR TRADI5 Radio tor piano. Uroas & Hargit. VEEV WELL. CAPTAIW. BUT VDU HAVE MOT HEARD THE EMC OF 'THIS 76 IK THE VERY ) ROT HOUR! J ROLL what's the '':Yi&JkM0mA SSf MATTER WITH J ''if Wff 2W rUS this-? 9 )m:JmM Real Estate FOR SALE 3-room furnished cab in, Silti-oofl lake; well, good wa ter; plenty of wood; oulbonfd motor; otf highway. Good fish ing and duck snooting. Cheap fur cufh. Leo Weber, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE 13 acres, 14 milos from Rosoburg. Good 6-room house, bam and chicken house. Small " payment down, balance monthly. N el boh Uios., Ritlo Range road. FOIt SALK Modern 5-rooin cot tago with garago.. Recently ro flnislioil insule ami out. Clone in. Bargain, llox 300, c-o Nowa-Uo-view. FOR SALE Suburban home In Edenbowor. 6-rooui new bou3, beautltul locution. Also oxtra home-alto lota. Jtoacburg, Route 2, llox b C. ItliAKY September 1st. Suo thoso new HHMieru homes on East Lano St. Terms like rent. Coen Lumber Co. FOR 8ALK Several ranches. largo and.smnll. tracts. A. V. Ady, Myrtlo Creek. Fuel 10" SLAIl wood. J1.U0 per tier in 3-tier lots. 1-foot. S1.75 per cord Phono 1111.'. Mill. Dixonville road, near county bams. GI-1T your wood at Roseburg. Lum ber Co. Dry und green, Id-Inch and 4-foot. Tractors COME ONE, come fill and see Sard's Auto Tractor before you buy a small tractor. At Snrff'a Auto Wrecking Bouse, 628 N Main St Help Wanted HOP PICKIOltS! Registration now open at tho HILTON HOP YARDS, UrnntB Pass, Oregon, for this seusou. Picking will slurt about August 16. Wood, water, commissary, etc., on camp grounds. WRITE AND REGIS TER NOW! By Blosser By Thompson and Coll fPHEM.A'S THE 'HESTER." U LEASES THE PILOT COAT BEHIND, THE CAPTAIM THOU&HTFULLV TIIIJW& TO THE LITTLE CABIWS OCCUPIED BV MVRA AMD DR. JASOM. By Crane AT 41,500 EAOUOBOV'I' THAT'S - LET'S A oiru all I lii FLAPPER FANNY -COP. 1JT BY NCA 8ERVICC. INC. rhi-fi-j-iia'iwftffrffi "The way tliat girl makes "Lots easier than making l'T'I.I.KR Brush Company has good paying job (or man with car in ltosolmrg and vicinity. Write !.co C. Stuart, Mgr., Ho:: 3G5, Eu gene, Ore. :an! i C.VN iplaco umhltloiia men or wo men In steady 'profitable Inde pendent sales business with bright (uturo. llox 295, News Review. WATK1NS has opening In Roso burg tor gooil man. Write II. V. Uordoaux, 4512 ilollls struct, Oakland, Calif. WANTKIK Piling cutters and peel ers. Within driving distuuee ot Roseburg. Long job. Phone 636-li. WANTKl) At once, mtlkor and general farm hand. Roy Al spaugh, Myrtle Creek. ; WANTED Woman for light house work. Call at 1117 W. Lane St. HOBBS PARTY ENDS N. UMPQUA OUTING Col. II. P. Hobbs and throe sons of Presidio, Cnllf., are returning to their homos today, after camping Hoveral woeks on the North Ump qua. Colonel Hohbs Is an instruc tor ot reserve officers for the ninth army corps area. The party has been camped at tho Apple creek forest camp, six miles above Stoam bout bridge. Two of the boya are driving home via Crater lake and Klamath Falls. Colonel Hobbs and the other son are taking the train this afternoon. KI(KNK, Aur. 3 (Al) Wayne it.. Mo rso, no it (I deun of the Liu vorntty oi OrtsKon law school, will Hi-rvo on an advisory committee lor tho Onhnmo Httsuclutlon, Inc. Tho rommUU'u will nuperviHe a nutlon-wldo Httuly of Htutu nud fed oral liintltutlonfl coring (or Juve nile dellwiuciitH. Poet of HORIZONTAL 1 Present day Knglish poet 12 Gout antelope. J3Tnxl. H Prying ncak. 1 B Reveres. 17 Severity. 19 Doves' homo. Answer io 20 Welsh measure. 22 Nullified. 24 Morindin dye. 25 To dcvoui1. 26 Form ftf be." 27 .South America 211 To handle. 29 Emissary. 31 52 weeks. 34 Snaky fish. 3d Kashion. 38 Unoccupied. 39 Unll. 40 Babylonian deity. 41 Varnish in. Rrediont. 43 Mubical note. 44 Hangers-on. 49 Father. 50 To help. 51 Fence rail. 52 Witticism. 54 Sea caglo. 50 Affray. 58 Sage. 60 He is poet of Britain. 61 He wrolc the coronation s. VERTICAL 1 Gem. J H I 'J jd15 A U R Afl A D I It UllCJA N I C R AjMllS AtTALllOy J. S R elGIEjNTaYHP L Wnie it s 2 tWHeL , ntfeiElN y JPIEAL M,,,, M I rflf IJslIlxyTW r lTe. yflo & t ErstlR p v E are sllb i anJaIJamen doWTlmATdTToTprElRilA Tv5 pffi'-on r" W7"- LJ a j . i'mm Hh" kari '-"tWi 1-1 uj pa By Sylvia t. M. RtC U. f. PAT. OfF- a fool out uf a man. , , a man out of a fool, kid." AT DIIll LAKE In h letter addressed to tho News-Ucvlew Btinday George L. Howard, manager of the Diamond Lake lodge, roports Improvement In fishing at tho hike. Mr. How ard'a letter follows: 'Fishing iu Diamond lake has been steadily improving during tho past week. Though there has been no time this season when experi enced fishermen failed, to'Uiaka catches, fishing was -spotty1 lor about two woeks. Several nico . cutches were made last week, with the fish conttuuiuft to run larse, The best single catch ot the woek weighed 10 pounds and wus landed by K. A. Hatty of Los Angeles. M. I). Morriman of Gold Hill, Oregon, has been campt'd on Diamond lake the pant mouth and Informs the writer that he has never failed to got nil the flHh he could use. Dr. (J. fl. Wado of Koseburg ad a very successful wook'end with nico catches cHCh day. Klmo Oleson of Taft, Calirorulu, left after a - two weeks' stay during which ho caught fish each duy Including sev eral limits. Considering the Improvement of the past few days, fishing should ho up to stundard or near stand aid, with the change of the moou this weok. Trolling with upiuner or trout ore no is still the best method for the lake. They should be taking a fly In n few days. Fry fishing In Iako creek and the . North lrtnpqua Is very good, 'with limits for almost everyone who makes tho trip. Kit her muy be reached over good dirt rnuds and a short hike. Mosquitoes, which re mained late this year due to wet weather, havo all gone." Today Trevloua Puzsle government. m. fcn 17 rtnricnt 18 Note in scale. 21 Beam. ' 23 Fuel. 28 Brain. 30 To scream. 15 32 Domestic slave. 33 Fruit. 35 To Jump. 37 To guide.' 38 The same. 39 Bay window., AO Mtlitnrv 2 Native metals. school student' 3 An inn. 44 Breakwater. 45 To instigate. 411 Auction. 47 Wrath. 40 Scattered. 50 God of sky. 53 Baking distC 55 Sun god. 50 Mother. 57 Electrical unit. 59 Compass point. 4 Northwest. 5 Sour. 6 To sink. 7 Black. Exists. 9 Placed in , camps. in Booty. n Loves execs- sivcly. 12 His Is paid by the I' I P J br" IO II