1 I FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, RQSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY J tJtY 31, t937. Iiwucd linilr r-.j-ri uDilay by Ik Mena-llcvletv Co. luo. Hrmbrr of The Actated lreaa The AwBoeiaitU fiem la exclusive ly entitled to the ui for rpubllrn llon of all new tflapatchea credited to It or not otht-rwiat) credited In tbif paper and to all local newa published herein. All rljcbta of re- Eubllcatlon of aperial dlipatcbaa rein art alto reaerred. Harris worth Editor Entered second class matter May 17, 1120. at tne post office at Kosebur. Oregon, under act of llaron 1. IMS. New lork 11 Em. l 44th Street. I hltwK" 3t0 N. iichiKHil Ave. Han r'runt-laro 22U Uuah St row l br fruit J HP blephonsoi. Illd., l.nw AnaelcM 133 ti. KprlnK Btrtut. -aidebuS tilewart titruet, furl land bid & W. Sixth Street. Vamonver. H. V. 711 Hall Bid.. Ht. Iula til N. Tenth Street. Atlanta k Grant buildlnc. Saberrlpo nates DaJlr. per year by msil ..lino baity, S months by mall Z.Ju Dally, t months by mall 1-Uu Uaily.br carrier per month 0 Equipment Needed nrilHKB tlmea this month the lioseburg flic department has been cull Ml to givo assistance In drowning or near drowning case. The department responds quickly and tho aid given Iuih been ex ceedingly valuable Hut tho lioseburg fire depart ment Ih not iroperly equipped to res pond to such rails. Ouo of the ftrtiL needs 1b a boat. The de partment hart no bout available. It has no trailer on which to haul a bout when ouo is located. A bout und trailer Hhould he provided. In the boat should he keptull neeeasury equipment such UK ropes, grappling hooks, blank cts, oxygen equipment uhd, If pon slide some heat pads. Of course tho local fire depart ment Is forbidden by law to mako runs outside tho city limits. For cily drowning cuIIh tho light fire truck could function. For outside, calls the city could loan its equip ment to authorized persona, per haps to tho ambulance services, fire Chief Stephens estimates that all noeeHsury equipment cuiitd ho ohtftined for not to ex ceed &t)0. Whcti human lives aro in (lunger, lives that might be saved by- gelling proper equip ment to tho scene quickly, that is a small amount of money. Death in a White Tie HpIlK nuzi regime In Ciermuny has gone hack to I he French revolution tn adopting (he guillo tine h.h Its official quh tusagent. Modcrnt.ed, and for all we known, streamlined, this new re finement of M. (iuillottn's happy thought nf the era of Liberty, Kqualfly and Fraternity now re places tho cruder headsman's sword In Uermiiny. This comes as a bit of a shock (o Americans, though it Is hard lo seo how being tried to death on an electric grlddli; It) any more de sirable. The Intercut lug innovulmn in the new (iermanld final leave-takings Is that the executioner and his iwo asjiihtanlM wear evening dress, with top hat and white ft lutes. You ran almost read the engraved Invitations: "Herr Hitler coidiully Invites yiMi to u farewell parly for lien I'ugehotHum at Moabil prison ut 7::SM Tuesday next. While He." Editorials on News (Continued from pago 1.) know what be means. Heads, he thinks, will have to he wider and straighter. and in the cities better arrangements for parking will have lo be made. "HTIi:, .Mr. Kettering believes. will have to "spread out." Me foresees (he po.'slldlliy rf "ribbon" cities-that Is. an almost continu ous population on both sides of trunk highways. Mo lliitiks Industry in going tn spread out Into lhc country, as workmen of the future will find It possible to live as itiurh us CO miles from their jobs. ILLUMINATION will also be mi Important prohleiCor the future, as night driving k already three or four times as hazardous us driving in daylight hours. (ileal trunk highways between large cities will bo arllfhiull illuminated, but for hhmI of our night dihing for u long time to come we will have lo depend on illumination from the cars them selves, as ut present. Car lighting, however, Is cap ably of great improvement from Hit standpoint of s;.fety. fNK suggestion, he says. Is equipping nil cars with head lights eaimble nf producing a Hpr4sentd By providing windshield with Bcrocns of theso same colors. Curs traveling north end east, for example, might Ijo required to use blue lights and blue screens. Curs traveling south and west would use (bay) orange-red lights mid acreeiiH. Thus the screens on each car would filter out tliu light from thu approaching car und the driv er would see only his own lights on the road ahead of him. TIIK importance of all these in the light of Mr. Kettering's pre diction thct in tho W xt 2f years wp fdiall have to provide roads for at least Go per cent more tarn than we now huvc. If that Is true, we're a long way from being through with highway building. EXPLAINS ABSENCE FROM HEALTH SUBJECT MEETING Kditor News Hevhiw: In an ar tide appearing oa the front nage of your edition of July HO, J!U7, onecrnlng a moctiiiK held by Douglas county citizens In the court bonne to disetiHs the question of a full-ilme health doctor for Douglas county, It was stated that I "was not In attendance" at the meeting. J want the taxpayers of Douglas county lo understand that I hail no knowleduo that a fneetinu ot unit kind was to he called. Had known there was to be a meet ing called In regard lo a full-time doctor, I certainly would have been present and Invited Douglas eounly doctors lo be there and explain why a half-lime doctor would hu Just as elficieut as a full time doctor. There have also been certain statements made by He vera I tax payers that 1, as one member of the county court, have refused to sign a deed or execute a lease ot certain valuable property belong ing lo Douglas county, to the slate highway commission of tin state of Oregon, Tho property in ques tion is Valuable to Douglas county In its con tit y-ft Ide road program. However, the tax payers and pr- Hons interested In the betterment of Dougtas county roads should know that I have been willing at all limes to give to the state high nay commission any reasonable concessions, giving to It the same rlghl as Douglas county has, hut to do It in such n way as to safe guard the rights of the people of laniglnn county as to g!tvi and i oiid building material. The protec tioit of the lights of Douglas cuun ty citizens Is my sworn duty. H. U. UOADMAN. Behind tho Scones in Washington By Rodney DutcMr WASHINGTON, July 2ti.--Her bert iloovr Htayed in New York on bis hint, visit far longer lhan any but bis closest lrietida ."-up-poed. Holding forth as an elder states man of tho republican party, he conducted a long Belies of cooft r encea with party leaders iroiu rat ions states at Jils tower apart meiit at tin? Waldrof. I him or itotmul support for hu early con vention ol anrne w hero Lei ween 2000 and l'J.OOn party l-'aders which would develop a conserva tive republican policy and .it Hu same time re-establish his own power and prestige. Fx. (lev. All l.iiitdou of Kansas completely Spoiled I lie whole piil 'V by Daily refusing lo attend any such convention. Tills was the latest episode in a Uiudou-Iloover feud which began. perhaps, when Hoover imide his speech at the hist republican con- en t lint, and the ltudoii leaders suspected he mis trying to stiiiteh the nomination from under their noses. I miing the campaign Hoover made Iwo speeches. Ui .don didn't want htm to make any. I.jiudou didn't even want to ee Hoover niter the nomination nod didn't, unit) Itoy Itohei-ls nf lhc Khiimus City Star persuaded him. I.audon felt Heover was bad medicine for the partv and Hoover felt Insulted at his altitude. Uiiidon has always been mote or less sympathetic to much or the New Deal, although some of his advisers led bint away from loich positions in the campaign. He would like a coalition of vol era lepresentim; demoerxtle lend ers or the iinfl-eourt plan fight. He refers to Hurt heeb r us ' that ureal libera! senator." Homer Is more conservative than ltmlon ami frowns on Hie i-oulflion idea, helievbm the republicans should slam reuulaHy at the New le;ii. More may be heard fiom iliis feud. Homer tan exert control oer a conservative majority of hi party miUorm! committee. I When Professor Plceard IrM his craft, shaped like an ieverlf-d cluster of k rapes, he found Mint bad luck oUen comes hi bunches. Nazis are uiLini; lacial segre gation on limns, and if tti.v pu--h the Issue (hey nee goillK to start a lirsi chiss dispute. Man a discnrraKed author w ill agree- that a rosy future for nv ally is Just not in (he hooKs. The path id progress inigjlt he lot eanier If women diiln t have lo worry every time scieme tomes along with a new wrinkle. I'here's only one Ihiim lacklni: for the Himp-hox orator who tires the tdiot 'huird round the world" Cu8iing station. LETTERS to the Edi t or BARBS X OUT OUR WAY" (f 11 WHUTA NH-OH, JIS Bl ME IK) TM' A&OUT A IV OFFICE FER? A TIME BY HELEN WELSHIMER CAST OF CHARACTERS JUDITH IltVINH, b e r o i u e, America's best dressed woman. I'HIUI' HiVINC, Judiths e.i- trangetl husband. .MAKTA JKXiKItS, Judith's rival. IlltlJCK KNMiHT, author, Ju- ditirs old chissniiite. iMILl.K'KNi' liAYNF, llruce's protege. Yesterday: Judilh sut'ferH her first auspicious about Phil am! Malta. They are confirmed when Phil telephone:. "I'm befni; hf tained." CHAPTKIl II Promising Phil that she would make his apologies, Judith held tho receiver of Hie telephone in a frightened hand. She knew that hu had no conference, no client, no business. Ho was taking .Mar ia Itogers lo dinner. She knew it ind jet she wanted to keen that telephone connection which hound her lo her husband. When It broke, bo would go back to Hie oilier woman. Phil didn't play easnaliv wil It women. His devotion nmi fidelity wero the talk of their circje. Maybo that very thing left him open to it scheming woman of Maria Itogers type. She made a hasty decision. I'm tired, Phil. I'm skipping the party, too." His voice w us surprised when he answered. Worried, too, but she could not tell if it was for her or because he fell compunc tion now about carrying out his own plans. "You're not ill? Judy, I I! skip the whole business and come home its soon as I can. That's uiint ymr want. Isn't it. dear?" Don't come until you're ready," she ausw ered. "I'll be lazy and rend." Phil preferring somebody else it was preposterous! Of course it would he over in a week, a month. ( )r would it V For six years he had preferred her. . . . Judith Irvlnn. you are acting like a fishw ile," she upbraided that still white face in the mirror over I he telephone in hie. on, very place she looked today there were mirrors! "No, ko walk home. C.rt so tired that nothing will look as good as n hot hath and a drey hair and a pot of tea. Huirv!" As she started up the avenue, pleasant voice spoke ut her shoulder. "Maybe we met on a walk somewhere!" she turned lo e Hrtlce Knlnht. She felt oddlv pleased. "I hate teas," lie said, lulling disat mtmily. "So do I," she answered. "Hut 1 go to hundreds of them." "Why Mlo wo do it v" She answered, explaining It more to herself than to him My hiishand likes them . . . Hie Geniality uflor Hie da.x's work. 1 Hk people hut not iu crowds. I feel that my IIioiil;Ii:i an lietui; stepped on Hut e you seen niv phi v et ?" he asked im esetit Iv. She shook her head, dark and shining under the simple blue sailor that mulched the hvaciulh Jacket. 'ii"svn sellout. We uiv o wait until we can get scats." "I'll send yon riel.i " A hoy and girl from Pittsburgh. walking lnv,( ther again. S h e thanked him as she turned off at the street which led over to the Fast river and her apartment. He would send t wo stats, of course, She had a premonition that she would be seeing the play alone. Mut she didn't call olf her en gagement, instead she left a note lor 1'htl and went. He came when the piav that ttdlownl the dinner was half mei. 'I here were phot ogi n phers in the lobln during the inlet miss inn and Judith smiled and posed while her truck was heing photographed. Mcsi essed woman Phil stood near, smiling at her. Suddenly she became- await- that the old warmth was missing. He was giving her a ceurteous gesture. He looked amused, n little critical. That was the reason for the perplexity in her luce in the Pictures next day. The dress had photographed perfectly. It was white silk crepe with bands t gold and filter cmbnddei.t thai edged tho cope uud tho panels 1HA7 SHOW3 WOREV WILL EVEB.V EODV IS SO WORRIED ABOUT WHO (. GOIN' TO GIT TH' NEW FOREMAN THAT 1HE.W THIWK EVEM THAT KID, JUST OUT OF kKJEE BRITCHES, V MIGHT C.IT IT. PROMOTION FEVER onuin COPYRIGHT, I0S7, NEA SERVICE, INC. and me.de tho belt. She had arisen early to have breakfast with Phil and she smiled as she showed him tho paper. He looked at the pic tured face, ami when his eyes searched her own face they were troubled. "Are you ill, July?" " "No, Phil dear. Why?" "Would a trip help you? Parks perhaps?" "I don't think so." Oh, if you would only tell me about Malta, if there is anything to lell; It" you would put the cards on the table and let mo help you lace it. Please, Phil quiet. "Honey, let's lunch to gether. I'll pick you up down on Wall street He looked at her a little sadly. As thougii there was sonieihin she couldn't understand; as though then were something ho wished to tell her and couldn't. He was bunting a path lo reach her. Im pulsively she spoke: "What is it, Phil?" He started. "What! Ob oh nothing, nothing at all. I'm end ing up a business deal ut lunch today. How about tomorrow?" Tomorrow didn't matter. Not even if she had not made the dato witli Bruce Knight. She told hh:i about, t hat now and his iuteie.-tt quickened. When her telephone rang an hour later and she heard itrue 's voico she was glad. Here was someone who wanted to see her: someone without toman tic impli cations; that was over. "Was it today or tomorrow, or both, we're lunching?" he. asked. "I honestly forgot." "it was tomorrow hut it can he today," she answered, glad lo be taken away from her self. 0 Seated with ISruco in the com fortable, chintz draped dining room of the Cuioii club, busy vi;h iced grapefruit. Judith suddenly put down her spoon. Two familiar figures wert' approaching. ino was a small woman in a leaf green frock with a saucy hint of a hat on yellow curls. The other was a broad-shouldered num. tall and lithe, and he smiled down at tho woman as he talked to her. Bui Phil smiled at eteiyotie that way! Atir-r all. a man couldn't have a .set of special gestures for his wire. Judith looked up us I'hil looked dow n. Her may eyes, steady ami datk now. were serious hut her Hps curve humorously. Them w ere iul rod in-1 ions antj no one hut the woman who Inve I him knew that Phil was disturhed. Then he and Maria found a vomer table, the grapefruit was replaced hy . creamed mushrooms, and t he eoiiverat ion went back and f ir. h like a wel l-l ruined hound im ball. Strange how life changes one, Judith was thinking. Ten -an ago she would have gone home to cry. Not now, though. At 1,-a-d, she had a background of courage. So, when tlx. luncheon was over, In flung a smile, gay and devas tating, a! the two who loitered. She wanted to tauuh hecauso they had chosen sm it a discreet roont for their rendeztous. Life was so funny - so terribly funny. . . , Bruce !:t:gr,c:!crj the mat inee if his play w hen I hey were 'Ml the street and she accepted. She didn't want to go home alone. So It happened t haf she spent ihe afternoon w at clung the rnui who had taken her home that one night, long ago. bring courage ami taith and sacrifice to a tole. II 1 "as a great actor. She knew tli.it lll! money to spewi at tile couui now. She woiihh.'t leil hjm uhojlair. die was. She wouldn't si-e him junln She imM jn -I lluink him anil say bnndhv Vnit--s Irom lus dies-sing nim shut her (tut. even when the attendant had gi.mltMl ealianie permission "1 don't want to love von. Itrm e I hmie.ttlv .I.mi'i. ltnt I I can'! hrlp il"' That was MillnOni. faelng lite wiili ihe tiller i and-u nf the yniiiu. r u.-iieratiou "Von u.iu'i-,.ii muxtn't - Milli- rem, ii's madness. I'm :ll, vou ve l!l . . . You'll get over il, Mllly. ll's nothing, nothing- " Two .wars oliler than I was 1:1 years nun. thought Judith. Mie would ask tlte girl to drop by so-ne alleliumn. .Mute she could help her. Suddenly she wanted lo help I her terribly, lntcusily. Shu was By Wffliarttt WHAT DO- WELL, HE'S JU5T TH' KIWD THEV D WAKJT, IF HE DOM'T &ET IT, AMD JU&T TH' KIMD THEV DOM'T WAKIT, IP HE DOES GET IT. being hurl, too. Were all women hurt? Hurt but walked on be cause there was no place to re treat. Millicent had been a popu lar debuntante hist year, feted at Princeton, Harvard, Yale. She had a stag line of football mars. Yet she loved Hruce. That night Phil menlioned Marl ti. "It's still unfinished busi ness." he hu hi. "We didn't get the bonds chosen." "Phil," Judith said, after long silence. "Vcs. darling?" His video was comfortable and relaxed. "I want lo talk. Lei's say pond by to the civilized world Fridav night and go out hi thu lodge and fish this week-end. We're too much surrounded by people. There are guests all the time. Maybe if we i bought cleaiiv " She ice. I something something quite voice less. "Ho on, Judy." Phil said quietly. (To bo continued) OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE KLAMATH FALLS, July :io i.w i tiie Klamath hasin'a rap idly growing potato Industry haa spread into the Ilutte Vallev sec tion of Siskiyou county in Califor nia, (.rowers have planted about ; acres near Dorris and Mac Doel. The development followed acquisition of large holdings bv n.u res hurray, San Francisco real estate man. WASHINGTON. July ,o The senate committee on Inters! ale and foreign commerce has report ed favorably on Ihe Knitted I ill bill authorizing the raising; of the Hood Iiiver bridge and the Bridge of the Hods at federal expense. PORTLAND, July :tn A fed eral court jury ordered the gov ernment to pay SMfio for a strip of hind near Mosier. It wjll he covered by water when Bonneville dam is completed. Selemi Merrill and others asked fur the BS.'l-acre tract. Kt'HFXK. July ;pi Lane roitn- ty truck garden operators begun harvesting une or the largest and host quality gtueii bean erotm in history Ibis week. The Fugeiie Fruit Hrnwers asso ciation said the volume will reach its peak next week. More field ha mis will receive employment than ever before ami wages will run in per cent higher, said A. K. MeCoriuiek, president of the as sociation. PORTLAND. July III) William (ia.elee, a low boat operator, dis covered Thursday near Swan island 111" hodv of Samuel K. Hoi comb, who jumped or fell from the steamer Cascade while re turning Irom Bonneville w 1th a party of democrats Sunday. MF.l'FOUD. J.luly :io Knlisl ineiit here ot Ray and Roy Ander son, t w ins. in the I'nileil States army constituted a potential case ol" the "jitters" for some luckless infantry commander. When dressed alike it is neces sary to lake ttnir word for which is Rat and which Roy. Major II D Bagim)!. Portland recruiting officer, bid they were the lirst twins ever sworn in t here. TILLAMOOK. July :it Mary Lu Bui bank, n, lost four Bug-u s on her left band yesterday culting chlttum bark. The child was earn- V SlllNi;T(IN. July :lo The 'X 'Ui-ral nian.mer of the tetleral j samms and loan insurance cor t,i alhm reported today the sav Mn;.'S of S'J:;,; dejMi-dtors in tllr ' ton ing-tVuiri loan assoi iat ion are iiou luolected up lo $:i,OMt. ' The Institution have !,cts lo j lahni; T.l I ." I I'l MiTI.AM'. July :w -Tin . n out bumper ot an auloaiohile Ii'racgeil I. Mill Collins Jr.. . to 111 jilt nth at St. Johns hrM night. Nellliei Ihe driver nor wilnestes ' could shv how the child became jcatigbt as the machine backed out of a dliewav. It was the citv's 1Mb traffic fa- 'tullty of the nollce ear. r7 T tllliV I " it El Local News Mr. Brown Here K. K. Ilrown, of Wilbur, spent yesterday in this city attending to business. Attends to Business T. II. Fan nan, of Drain, was a business visi tor in this city yesterday. Mr, Rowelt Here Churlcs How ell, of Tetimile, spent a few hours in town yesterday on business. Go to Portland Mayor ami MrH. A. J. Young, of this city, left Fri day for Cortland on business. Here Shopping Mrs. loa Con ley, ot .Myrtle I reek, spent yester day In Uo.ichurg shopping and visiting. In Towh Yesterday Hugh Kitcliio, of Harden valley, was in town attending to business yuater day. Mrs. Hahn Here iMrs. Charles Halm, of Hixonvllie, wa.i here shop ping and visiting fiionds yestur- daj. Fishing on Umpqua Mr, and Mrs. Arnold JO. Jurgens und fam ily have been spending re vera I days fishing on (he North Cmpqua Elkton Visitors Here Mr. arid ..irs. (ieorge Walker und Mr. and .Mrs. Orval Hockley, of Klktoti, were visitors iu this city yesterday. Here From Sutherlin J. l Francis, A. ti. Moore and W. F. rtuiner irn, mi ot Huuierlin, were vhdlors in Iloaeburg for u few hours yesterday. Back From Camping Trip lalo Stephen. Jr., and Leslie Kneel bavo returned to their homes here, after enjoying a week's camping trip on iiock creek. Visiting at Gsiretse Home .Mrs. itoy Wilson ami son Leroy of Myrtle Creek .e here visiting at Ihe home of- Mrs. Herretse on Washington street. At Hutton Home Mr .and Mrs. Burton Hut (on of Corvallis hate arrived in Garden Yallev to spend the week-end visiting Mr. tud Mrs. it. S. Hutton. Go to Coast Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Strange and daughter, Iyni Helen, of this cily, left today lor Silt coos lake to spend tho week end enjoying an outing. At Morrison Home Miss Jean Waddingham, of Portland, is spend ing several weeks In Koseburg at th? Fred Morrison homo on Chad wick street, as the guest of Nonio B, Morrison. Back from Riddle Mrs. (Ieorge Singleton and two sons, Gordon and Phillip, have returned to their home on Cobb street, after spend ing Ihe past ten days in Kiddle visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Houslee. Visiting Here Yvonne Kin cart, who Is spending the sum mer with hr maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, in Suth erlin, is spending a few days in this city visiting her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Fredrlckson, and also Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frodrickson. Leave Friday Mrs. (Ieorge ilolter and Miss Phyllis Anne Hol ler left l-'ririay for their home in Portland after spending the nasi week here visiting at ihe home of Ihe former's Inother-lli-law and sister. Attorney and Mrs. Uexter Ilice, on South Kane street. Attend Assembly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howe have retu.ued from Cicscadla. where they took their t. Wayne, to attend the ItapHst young people's assembly. On the return trip Ihey brought back Joyce l-anieteux, Katheline Irv tog -iiii.t Wanda Jurgens who had been attending the guild assembly. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Pinkstou and daughter, Thclma: Mr. and Mrs. J. Will I lourrinrfr, of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. II. i. Me. Kay of this cily. and Vr. und Mrs. lieorge Russell Wlsharl. of Stockton, Calif., spent Sunday In Hoseliurg as guests of Mr. Wish art's annl and uncle. Mrs. Kriylhe Florence Kelley und Fred hus sell. Leave for San Francisco It. K. Carr ami Mr. and Mrs. CltHrles V. Stanlon left loday for a week's visit in San Frnndsco. Mr.' Carr. owner of Call's Variety Mores, and Mrs. Stanton, employed in tho Itosehllig store, will attend buy ers' week activities tthile In San I't.iln i.-,' o. Mr. Slaiiion, ciiy editor of lite Ni ws-lievlew. is Inking a brief vacation. Vacationing Mr. and Mrs. Al len Hewitt and two dailuhlers of Seal'tle are vacationing here risit imr to)' former's mother, Mrs. J. A. Hewitt, and sisters. Mrs. Ivlwin Itoolli and .Mis. Iloyil Hubs, and Mrs. Hewitt's rather. Nap Hire. Mrs. Hewitt was formerly Jean- nelt Itlce of this city. Mr. Hewitt and Anion- and Pat Audrlls nf this rilv left WcdncMluy tor the North I'nipuna aboe steamboat losts-nd a few das lishine. Bend Visitors Arrive Mr. and Mrs. Ysinler Williams ami two suns. Ralph slid Jerrv. or Mend, lire, arrived here Thtirsdnv to visit ih,- former's mother. Mrs. Cora Austin, ami brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Phillip llarlh Mr. and Mrs. Williams hn yesterday for (orsi points and the two children remained at the Haith home Mr. Williams was former! with the Western Cnlon office here uud Is nuw manager at Beutl. Dailg Devotions DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS The prophet Isaiah was very sure that there was one kind of satisfaction and reward in life that no mull can be denied or go short of, and that is the satisfaction and reward of good deeds well and faithfully and honestly done. Life does often seem to have a way of playing tricks on us and robbing us of some of the good that we work hard for and that we think we iave earned the right to ex pect, but there Is one thing it cannot take from us and that Is the great joy that comes from honorable and noble and unselfish living, that abides forever. May wo have a single ness of purpose, we pray Thee, O God, a great and compelling desire to do Thy will and to give up our lives to the good of the world about us. May wo know the joy that genuine liv ing for Thee gives to us all. Amen. Taking Vacation Mrs. Klltn heth Garrett, stenographer to At torney (luy ('union, is taking a few days vacation. Here From Portland Miss Jes sie I'yron has nrrived hern from I'nrtland to spend Uro wouk-eml with friends. Spend Day In Sutherlin Mrs. K. U. Dolan and Mrs. II. It. Slater, of this illy, spent Friday in Suth erlin visiting relatives and friends. Attends to Business J. K. Kruin. of tlii- Crown W'iilamcl te Taper rompany, Portland, spent yesterday iju this city on busi ness. Here Few Days II. I). Hr.rrls, of San Fraucisro, is visiting friends here for a few days on his vacation, after visiting in Kugeue a short time. Visiting Parents 'arl Simon. of' Medfnrd, urrlved here today to spend tho weekend visiting his parents, Mr. und Mrs. Harry Si mons. At Hehrtinser Mart I). W. Ilelliwell of tills elty has accepted employment at the new Ilenniuger Mart. whteli opened today lu the treason building. Visit in Oakland .Mrs. II. C Stearns anil daughter .Marilyn and Audrey MeKaehern spent Fridav In Oakland visiting .Mrs. it. L). Bridges and daughter Joyce. In Town Two Days Sidnev S. ueorge, ol Kugene, employee ol mo slate industrial accident colli' mission, was here Wednesday and I nursday on business. Visiting at Azalea Mrs. H. A. riums and son and daughter. Uilly anu ua, ot Kciliunnd, ore., are vis iting the former's parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. trunk Tripp, at Azalea. Visits at Camo Mrs. Carl K. Wlinberly spent yesterday at Woff treeli camp visiting her daughter canny 1,11, who Is camping there with friends for three days. Returns Today Miss Hu l.au bach returned to her beauty sho: in the Perkins building today, aft er spending the past week in Che hulls, Wash., visiting relatives. Arrives Here I.loyd Cilliam arrived here yesterday from Port- lam! lo visit for a few days, be fore going to Walla Walla Mon day to attend summer school. Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Hellows of this cily left yes terday lor Portland to bring their son. Hob, bark to his home here. iton nas peen attending camp inei e. Stop Here Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond stopped iu.r(. ,,u route home to F.iigene yesterday on their vacalinn. Mr. Raymond is nil li the Pacific Abstract and Title company. Back From Eugene Mrs. J. A. liar! and (laughter. Miss (lladvs. have relumed to their homo on South Stephens slreet. nfler spend ing throe days In Kugene vislling relatives and friends. Leaves for Portland Mrs. W. V. (ieorge has left for her home In Portland, nrter spending Ihe past three weeks lu this rilv vis iting her soil-In law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Sylvester. Back From Camp !.t W ill II. Hrown returned home Fridav hum ItOTC divisiUll Of the ll:ltl,,:,l guard camp at Fort l wls, when, he has been th,. past sld weeks. He left today for Silver Unite look. out to spend several days. SpendDak at Marshfield Mr und .Mrs. T. F. Kerr, of ibis ,i,.- made n business trip to Marshlieiii yesterday ami were i,.i by Mrs. I W. .losse ami u,. ltroadw-a. who sin-til tlo. ,iu! iting friends I here. Mrs. Ditchburn Leaves M s . T. Ilitehblllll of Ni.w- York nu lla lell lor Portland to visit t,n',. Msler. Mrs. Dunllev. after si ,l. ing Hie past month iu Ros,,,llrL as tne gu..sl n( Mis. J. K. Ilarker on Fast Lane slreet. Go to Walta Walla Miss (ilea Whither ami Miss Frances How lin. nurses al the Veleran Admini stration facility her,.. ,iMI ji llowlin's mother. Mrs. Tnvlor ot Slonx Falls. South Dakoia left yesterday for the Walla Walla Wash, t ctcrans hospital. Spends Friday Here II R Campbell, advertising manager of ihe Shell Oil company f,. M, Portland district,, spoilt vesterday at tlte local oflice conferring wilh Fred Morrison, manager Mr Campbell is en mute north to Portland, having completed a scout trip along lau cousl. KRNR PROGRAM (1,500 Kilocycles) REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Jimmy GiU-r. 4:15 .Modern Vocalists. 4:30 Tea Time Tunes. 5:oo liorspy Uros. Orchestra. 5:30 Monitor Viewi the News, 6:43 Hrooklyn Symphony. 8:00 Victor Young. 6:15 Montmartre Famous 0r chest ras. 6:45 "Knights of the Road." 6:50 News Flashes. 7:00 L. A. Symphony. 7 : IB Illng Crosby. 7:30 Vmir Cinih IIhb, 7:49 Texas Fiddle Tune Twist. ers. 8:00-Sigu Off. SUNDAY, AUOUST 1 S:30 Sacred Selections. 9:00 Veterans Facility Program. M::l0 Arkansas Log Hollers. 10:00 Montmartre Famous Or chestras. 10:30 Pearl Rose Robinson. 11:00 Sunday Heipiest Program. 12:00 Organ Concert. 1:00 l.os Angeles Symphony. 1:15 Roseburg Gospel Messen. gers, C. B. Hays. 1:30 Phil l.evanto and Orches tra. 2:00 Artist Itecital lluieatl. 2 : 1 r, Piano Recital. 8:30 (lolden Voices. 3:00 Sunday Afternoon Dancu Melodies. 3:30 Sunday Varieties. 3 : t.ri Hawaiian Serenade. 4:00 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwards. v 4:30 Salon Melodies. 4 :l'i Symphony. 5:00 Sunday Kiddles lleimest. 6:30 Ding Crosby. 5:4", Organ Reveries. 6:00 Slip Off. MONHAY, ACUI ST 3 7:CC "Earlyi Birds." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:45 J. M. Judd Says "Good Morning." 7:50 Alarm Clock Club. S:lfi Dixie Memories. 8:30 (Men Cray und His Cusa I.oma Orchestra. 0:00 -The Homey philosopher. 9:1. -..Mills llrolhers. 9 : 30 Hudson Del.unge. It: 15 Klliuglou iu Harlem Har mony. 10:00 (lolden Voices. 10:30 "Radio Rendezvous," Copco. 10: 1:1 Homemakers' Harmony. 11:15 Variety Show of the Air. 1 1 : tii Marimba Melodies. lkt:00 "Time Signal," Knudtson's. l'i: on Knickerbocker Symphony. 12:15 "Singing Strings," Radio Music. 12:30 denial Jan (Inrber. 12:45 News-Review of the Air. 1:00 "Odds and I-hids." 1:30 Afternoon Dunce Melodies. 2:00 The World Hook Man. 2:07- Patsy Molilalia. 2:3u Hits of Yesterday. 2:50 New Flashes. 3:00 Tho Westerners. 3:15 Art Shaw. 3:30 Kiddies' Request Program. 3:45 "Your Hi Hoad to Happi ness,' Dairies of Rosebig. 4:00 The Editor Views the News. .1:1.", Ray Kinny. 1:30 Khylhm of the Raugehtuds. 5:00 "Melody Lane" with Wanda Armour at the Indian The atre Organ. 5:3C The fflonitor Views . the News. 5:11,. A. Symphony. 6:00 Hansen's Memories in Mel ody. 6:15 Montmartre Famous Orch estras. 6:45 -"Knights of the Road." 6:50 News Flashes. 7:oo Manhattan Concert. Hand. 7:13 -llitss Morgan Music. V I'M The American Family Rob inson. 7: 13 Your tJruU llag. ts: 00 Sign Off. TUKSUAY, ACCl'HT 3 7 .HO - "Karly lllrils." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:45 Alarm Clock Club. S:15 -Vagabonds ot tho Prairies. s:30 Teddy Wilson. s: l" - Roy Smeck. 0:00 Richard Crooks. !l:l'p Municipal Dane... Rriud. 9:30 Vaughn DeDealh. 9: I,", Accordion Caper.:. lo:oil-.tbnny Johnson. l'i: I.", -Piano Palter 10:30 "Radio Rendezvous," Copco. in: la llomeniakers' Harninnv. 11:15 Variety Show of the Air. 1 1 : lu Spanish Setvnade. 12:00 "rime Slonal." KnbHtr.nn's. 12:oo N. Y. Civic Oicbnsir.-i 1:15 Phil Harris. Ornn.C.rrrrt. sen. 12:30 - Itorsev fb-ns. 12:45News-Review of the Air. j. no 1,1,1 and Knris." 1 :3'i Aflcrnoon Dance .Melodies., 2110 "World Hook Man.'' 2:07 Organ Interlude. . 2: 15- Madrigal Singers. 2:30 -.Melod.-- Alount.lincer.t. 2:50 News Flashes. S:uo-Lopez and Orchestra. 3: 15 -Ambrose and Orchestra. 3: Ki,lli''s' Request Proclaim 4:00 The Editor's Views of tne News. 4: 15 Chamber of Commerce Pro. sran. 4:30 Poems From Room. the Tower 1: 15 -Ru.iy Viillco mid the Yan kees. S:oo -Oily Ismitvinln. 5:30 The Monitor Views the News. o:i.i S. V. siato Svniphouiu I l.i .1 . (i nn -Organ Melodies. 0.15 Montmartre Famous Or chestras. 6:50 News Flashes. I '"' '- Symphouv. li -lloosler Hot Shots. :" - our (itali Hag : SIbh Off. Arrives Friday - li,. A. P. Tie or of Chi,.,,, talii.. who Is teach it in the Souther,, Oregon Nor mal s, iol summer session at Ashlaml. arrived here yesterdav to ( take Mrs. Taylor back to Ashlaml. I lie latter has ben spendinir the past w-,-ek hero visiting her broth-"j-in-l'iw and sisl. r. .t,-. umi .jls. Homer (Jrow, 0u .Mill streeL