ROSEBURC NEWS REV1F.W, ROSEBURC, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937. TWO RELIEF THIS SAI.KM. July 2. Al) -i-m.-r-nor Mil ri in ;ii!m;iIi-iI linliiy m I'lrsi-ltiit nort.'lt mul H;in Hi. Kilis. U J'A ininiiiiiMiu tm. to p'wik. ii rulf uhih Hm POVIM Dill' l UtlK'tnlH WMUlil I 111 "W T. (rut'kiim iiiHTiitioiiH own m ruin racloi-K, fai in'l, UK ImilltTK (Hid lllll'')'8. lie silttl 111" till''. Wllhll WOlllll vm into HtVn Aiimu-! 1. would '! lirlvu I'A tiiji f(liifis limn Ih'-ir H-'liff ii::lit 'Tin- kov.-iihh situ flu' ndi-i-rauis at tin n-qtM--! of .liii k Wautii'i', f-i I'-iary or iht- OrtTon Ti tK'knii:n'H ;itjsniiai iuli. Vai;n.T iliiti.'.l licit "Hit 1 oil tnirior vill m l all tin- busims. tiikini; it away from tin- pt-Didi' on n-liff. IVoplt' who will ci-t the W'I'A inu-ktiiR 'Jrihn tiavi- no htlsi lies iloiim iidirT woik." The fcovi.'iiior'H ii-lffiiaiii said ,t!ia an min is ol Hi" si Jwuri;iMnri. loiniid to provide work lor lliosc roll relief, "'hue iMilli'1 jotl 1 1-haimen in ronulal loim whh-h would 'throw the tniiliini: iirtivltl.-H open to rout racloiH and farineiK. "We liiftlHl that the 01 Hplrit ill the jo I he i-ont ilitled and that certified relief ease.i hr- iv fereiiee to tlie c-M In.' Inn ol otheiH. "We leinie.St eftective date ol letter . . . he witliln-ld until Hie letter of iwoii'diire ran he revis ed in iMeordiHief with the original uplrit of the Wi'A net. "At a public hearing Hie state board of control iiiiiinhiiminly con cniTi'd In this action." ted tk tety ELKTON KLKTON. .Inly H't. - Mims Loin . Kfiit of Caliloi nia. Ik vImiIhi; at the hoioe of tier niotliei. Mrs. An !nu Kent. Mr. and Mis. I.ainb. of Portland, arc vihIHup at the home of their daimhier. Mrs. IE. It. Wells. M rM. Vera Uydell and Men. An derson, of KeedHpoil, were Klk ' ton visitors Wi'ilm-mlny. Mr. iintl Mrs. Kmest I '. W'ude HIMMil 'ritursday iiiUt In Knurm where Mr. Wade underwent a Um ! sll oierui ion. Miss ;!uy lleiiediel. of Ashland, .left Tburs.hiy to vl:M at Myrih- Creek before returnini: home. I Mrs. Nellie Minder. I.eKoy Moj mantle and Mrs. .1. .1. Sawyers inn ! hired to Kuueiie Kriday to s Hie 'Oregon Trail pageant, Mis K. W. Owens is ill at Itosf- buiK. She was moved there Thins- iluv eveiilni,'. Mr. and Mis Claud McDonald .'ilnd Mr. ntid Mm. S A. Kenley mo- lured to Kituene l-'ilday eveninu lo the (ireL'ou Trail i:iiceaiit. I Mrs. .lohn McMli hael and rlnl- , ilren hit visiting at the limm 'Mr, and Mrs. I. mils Kmst i:m- plre. Mrs. Lena ItosMi-n iifW FiiM1 ' MtKtHen motored to Uoselnn i; Krl day 10 ('--I Kocer, liny d and Loyal 'lln'.iM- 11. wl-o lime hei n ittini: :H .the Claude Himnim; linim ; Hen Mii-miiiih and !Whehi were I'oillaud last Week. ,1 II. Itader. ol K. lh.KK. I'onalil isiloi s w as temiim; to husim ss mallei Klkimt Thiiisday. Mr. and Mrs. .loll 11 I. rnha'41'ii were Kimene isllois hr. and Mih. Clark family of San Kram i 'Hie Marietta Uaiins Saturday. Ciles and 10, were al iume Salui - dav Ml. and Mrs U. . Thomas and Law reuee Tliomas ret Hi lied home :.;ii 111 il.iy f 1 it; n a 1 1 lp aci oss 1 tie I'nited State; While mme Hoy visited manv platen 01 int-'iesi. Mrs Aliie Maine.-,, ol" Oakland, is visiiiiin al Hie Fram es Ma k home. Ml ..i..l Mrs I'ete MatiiMM. of 1'ortl.itid. aie iMtinu lit the IIcl U ley home Mr. and Mi. li. 1 Mill ins ami f.llllih . of Cl estt t-11, W el e at Llli ton Sinidav. Mr. iiml Mrs. llaiiy Sniitli. of Coos It.iy, ami houi l.evenhai'en, had an auio an I inohtrcycle wreck near W illiam Cinder's home I'l tdav niuM Mr 1 .ev enliac n i-; III the hospital with ;.t veral hiok i II boiie.-!. Hol ll Uiai hi lies Wei e ilainniM d l'la:i aie b.-hii: I nd lor a li' d Cross suii'iii'in t hind hy the hou;:!:!' County K-d 1'ios- chap ter (o be held at Klkten I'lie lt.s Sell hoS look tile woik at itnse bill U. .Pllllit While lib- there Miss Virginia H I'd home from Cii: tilt: hi ei al da s t heri Mrs KNu- Wells M.l ha . H ft Cottage i;ioe. were t Pit Monday (o iiltilid (he IUM"i,, .Mrs. Mster SmtHi. Mrs Paula Ande l'tg. has rehn lied CrofHnke when- -he maimers camp Mia. Matui" Selph V :is at Klkton tt J'iotieer since iibnie TPVMU.K. .lulv l"i Mk. Killa Tlahn Is Maiug at the home of Vr iiml Vri. Sam Moss and assist in i; it It t lie w or!,. M t s Moss, w ho Ti:is inhireil lo- a tall a lew weckl Huo is slowly iinproviiu:. The Coimnuniiy Circle met al tin home of .Mis. Josie Smith lasi Wednesday. July l?U lm.t' m' bet' of membeii mid severul vlsi. nn ki'ii1 present and u er n jn able ;tl tei noon w a spei In ioiting. Alter Ho btlstnes" f-ioii l!oe,e, Po-mmi passed the ! lite sa itm eaiintiai ion I l.oyal ami loival - Lossen ... .,.. cbaile, Hw.-U 1 Mis. C. A passed Hie mlaiti-ed MN.mimers " , " ;,. ,,,,, tl, h,u- 1 v 'I'11'-'' "i t. , o;,se ol the j t Inldien Pal , , ,. , t'i. ek la,t Wednesdn. iM,M,!l11 i-'" l':e t'"U or'jhara Ceor-e Low man. of 1 IspeiC ' tun, H,n, :im ,lauv:hter Aloe ':iM.-r l.a'.e lew a. on tb.e Nehias ! Snip Is doing .-onto painting on the new I VV).M1 lMl..,n,....; i-iioi- in llos, bm c ' ' -'''- " '-; tv,i'n,--,i t.b- to j r ii.-v theat.e j;ls, ,.,,. t.nM t:-e f,r, l,v I t !i-t -,':. Mis l.slel Sll.ilh. ol Koselun::, v , ,.. ,,,, ,,,, ,h, ' . I, ...... I Mi!l.S':'ll', .net -rv Mm'h!' '!;,: '" 1"il"h "" Mis. Smith, who a sis-er ol I ,M " " "'j,,1.',, "Vi! 6EWaiiCKIC"HISBBaWCB"Baiiai iM::M. 15 ' : W:,.,.,M.!!.,.V,,.. I u ' :"' ,l""',n T!:U 1M''"1, s 1 TCNMILE i -- ".''..: ' V'-.r:.,.? I I' OUR BOARDING HOUSE 5EE, PF.CFE5SCB, THIS Al "PART !M TH' v BUTTERFLIES 1 TTVTi AND TM' BEES'' 5CUWD5 J A M'l1 JUST LIKE AM AlP-.PLAME V IV-pl FLYIMG ALOMC3 A M.t-E Jyj W'' HIGH LISTEM.' I CAM M 'M ljf IMITATE IT OM MY Yh ''A ill FIDPLE SEE? THAT'S 4?yA AT IMITATIOMS ' Mt W mma Hitler Favorite a 4 v4 ! . ' l , " r' A I I K Iamii Licfetistahl had been aVhulHHl hv the report, later denied, that she had been ordered to leave (iennnnv because of "nc;i Aryan blood, the vivacious and handsome favorite of Hitler pnve no ol displeasure when this pictuie was taken recently in Paris. v lvTe she presented an (lvnipie tt.ones lilm to the Paris Lxpoitiun, Actress I.eni is said to be the only woman to enjoy the confidence of (lermany's dictator. 'l"ili'i,"- '"COUNTY WANTS NO b Mis. Ilessie Smllh. The net mrelini: will he held al Hie home ol Mrs. Hem m .av-g on Wed lies day. Am:iisl I. Miss Cauiilb Pell, w 1m has hem (U CllUelle .1! the hnilie til llel m.ltu-r. !f. ( , Vaiu:hn. h)r!-l e..;v ai.' the ia1 live Mrrks an.! took pari 'll:. ' ! .ie;.il '.. in Hie Micron liail pageant la-! m,.. ,.i Hr m ivk, has leMlWie.t l,i Hi.- Iiollle Ol' )' I' -p'Mi ;ll'!'' h. r . 1 1 nis. V.i. .iiul Mi .-. jil :-.-::is .lnliti C. P n n. i ' i' ie- I l t 1 .Im'iii-oil, who has been a' r'l.ii's i. himii the elriaii ' hospital tor Hie p.M . laV-5 Will b- us. has i-.'Pl!tiiil I o li rh. luone nihil isni'iin ed in liealt li ; Mi. and 'h , , : I wl will i I'''!' spelld . , . , ,r..M. ii I Hie s M 1 i,M.'Vv',:!.euw,., ami .h.l.P.a I .tlZZ fi?? TSH I' lllcnb d lioi'v NtMlli: lo (KIHIKlKs I a !::; . .:. n' ........ i r. ivi. ii... g i t'i siivciuuiy i I h . II II. a.; ( .. ..- PW t III I IIIIIJWIVi ..m mill! .lUWlli with LEETLE COr B lrTBi ,t rih Nazi Emissary OUTSIDE INDIGENTS K 1 ! iiSI'l 1'' I . I . l ain'. .llllv L'S. el Mi;-e: ISulS llll.'lll- Uly :-d.'l l"d a' :e. .-b:tion to 'l.iy 1":it HI 'ive al i and rth v. iH !! Ml C 1 OTll.M that , v 1 - -1 V i. : v: - -,l W.I V. (: 41 I "S I , l i : .., 0 i I Major Hoople ACM1. YUST VEW HB ISS POIMK, GOOT AMTT DEP BEES, IW PER HEAD CCMES PER "FOOLI5M MESS MITT (MlTATOMS EASIER ISe IT TOP, TPER MEEPLE TO WALK TMi!OUoH PER EYE MITT DE CAM E L -" L MEAM, PEP. CAMEL. TO LOOK MITT PEP. EYE OOF PER MEEPLENJO-BAH.' PAT FOY ME IS-S PRIVIMK ME t. INC. T. V. Ht'j U.S. PAT. QFf, GAMING UP TO CITY, SHERIFF DECLARES l' UiTLAXI , July 2!l (AP) Sheiiif Alartlu J'rait advised John A. Jeffrey, district manager of the Tow nst-ml organization, that wit h i he exceptions oi Portland and (!n sham, Multnomah county was free from organized gambling. lie said I hat Hi esham'a ordi mince licensing certain types of piiiliall games w as "undoubtedly a violation ol the law" but that lie Relieved it " as the city's "own pai tit ular business." if they wished lo derive icvenue from that source. "So lai as Troutdale. Corbett and Honiievilie or other places in the county are concerned. 1 again say i here is no organ ied gambling," tiie slu-ilti said. MYRTLE CREEK . MVKTLK CltKHK, July 2S MrS. MadL-e (ialev and childieu, Plos sum. and Ituddy C.azley. and Mar ione .IoIiumou. are visiting lrieml.s and rtdatives in Portland 1 1 i i am St n it h rei nrned last I'ri Horn u weuk's visit at the H;w i in- home near Tiller. ' A. A. Whitney, who lias two col lates under construction, is being hi id up in his labor hy u failure lo i'.et lunilier. Ill lice Wynter. who is hniiding a house, is also having Hie same double Mis. l. li. Ady and daue.bterv i ifeil with Mr. Ady at his ramp o:i .ail creek Saturday and Sun da. and K port a rain of almost i Ki.i'li.niM proport ions Saturday i' eilllli:. 'ei lii'le rain tell in or near Mvitle Creek Inn there u as a good il- il ot thumler and lightning nin itmmig ii mil Monday torenoou. Mis. John P. Wilson was called lo Toledo. Washington. Saturday eiy serious illness of her moiher. Mrs. K. .). heaiie. Mi. and Mrs. K A. Kaston and i en. A rh ne and Shirley, ill1 Im ImI eail Snmiay morning lor I 'to i land They w ei e accompanied 'i Mis. C. j. Chrisletisen. Mrs. i s nioihei . h ho has been i 1 1 1 -1 Li here lor several weeks. M. and Mis. O. K. Hess of Pott i-iited here over the week end wil l Hon sou and daughter in law. I r. and Mis. O. U. Hess. i hailes M White, a tot nier v' ii. t:t ni : I ie CieeU bill w ho had In ",i in I'm t land tor many years, di d S.iti:rda at the Masonic In .in e mi 1- oret C,ro e. aed T . ars, I w o mitiiiiis and -!i days, lb was !mhii a; Ithaca. N. Y. He i- 'm;v.i b a widow and one s.a l let ii u e 'lilt i . o: I sw t-o. t Mi -Ml. Mr. White was a ;'Jnd Masnn an I Mis ilnir:!' AKer ami oil;" .Ii.. seem the w f.-k-end list i:i M.dtord and al id the Woods at lidlowe tioiii; and mand a. lHiane and liar- St : mm. w etiT to Kittson i:s t he of the w eek whei e were ni"t tt Mrs. Strotm's 1 lotli ev w ho w oulil take III:- ,.m -n I'.. M- Ni.", in Po'H'ind F. D. R. TQ ENLARGE WASHlNdTON, July 2U. (Al) President House velt bus taken steps to expand the nation-wide program of intantile paralysis pre vention ami immunization. Th president's birthday hull conmiissiim for Infantile paralysis research likid today trustees of the Cenrgia Warm Springs foundation already were working tit his re quest on Hp; enlargement pro gi nut. Mr. House veil, a sufferer from infantile paralysis for more than 15 years, praised the agency's work. The commission's final report of I he l'.iV; hall show ed $211, WW had been granted for paralysis re search to 15 colleges, universities ;mi I other organizations. fhis represented 30 per rent of the total funds raised. The re maining 70 tier cent Is turned over to local coin muni ties to ussiM paralysis victims. New York university received the largest grant, $04,itin(. others included : Siuutord university, J.lit.tiiiii; Cniver-Hity of Southern California, .uTi.ihhi; I'lilveisity of California, Siu.uitu. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE COltVALl.lS, July 27 (AP) K. E. Kastwood Ac Son of Lewis ton, Idulio, and Charles McMini mee of weuttle will operate the old rischer Homing null here. The pio neer Heiiton county plant has been idle lor several years. COHVALLIS, July 27 Ktlwatd Ostrander, one time mem her ami secretary ol the Oregon public service commission, died here Sat urday. He lormerly managed the Oregon-Washington Lumbermen's association. MILTON. July 21 Belief that a "bicycle thett ring" is operating between this city, me neighboring city ot Kreewaler, and YYuilu Wal la, U ash., has been expressed hy local nut iion ties. Wheels stolen here ami in l-'reewater have been lecovered in Walla Walla, and bi cycles st filed in the Washington city have been recovered here. A dose ctieck is being made on move ments ot all bicycies between the cities. ASTOHIA. July 27. (AP) Five u anient uieti peisons escaped unin juieii wneit a log, three ieet in tiiameter leil from a logging tnich on tne Nelialem highway and . De molished the car in vvutcn Uley were riding. SILVLTtTON, July 27. ( AP) Trait ii omcei s just ignored a it nek that . as pai ned illegally ai Stivertoi: Monday. The trucK. was loaded with 1- hives of bee. SALKM. July 27. (A P) "Halo" hats, which are amou. the cuneui lashious tor women, are uok pio hihited for women attending St. .Icseph's Human Catholic cliurcn here. Hev. T. J. llernards, the pas tor, tohl hi. congregation Sunday. -1 he imtiii thing, said Father Her mints, is fait hi ul attendance at chut eh lervices, OllKC.ON CITY. July 27. (API - Appraiser. evaluated the estate of the late Judge .hitm-s I'. Cumin bell today at U.l txo;:. The cir cuit court ordered monthly pay ments to the supreme colli t jus tices widow who wiil mote here from Salem. YAMHILL. July 27. 1 A Pi An o ei turned lumber truck crusihM lo death Lloyd C. Griffin. -U, -.yes terday. He drove for the Yamhill Log A: Lumber company. SILYKIITON, July 27. (APi Stee Toinmaer. 2v died from a blow struck in self defense by his brother John, a coroner's jury here mint. Tominger d'ed Saturday from a - ... : RIVER lll.l.M'l.l' VIIIKK- in in: l l mi: iii i n i t io, i . . t.. Traded a Puppy for Old ivAt.-i.. 11 Sra I i u if y - 1 1 -s- -.lAA 8 rfl Paintir-. o.:p - r,f an antique shop figured In the Oak Park, 111, drama of a mys terious little old lady who traded a small fortune for a pet. She wanted one of the spaniels Arthur Lloyd, Jr, raises as a hobby in his shop, and offered a stained and dust covered picture in trade. Later Lloyd discovered tho painting was a work of Jean Baptists Greuze. French master. Lloyd, painting and brother of the traded pup are pictured above. fractured sltnll received a week aco when his head struck the side walk in an altercation, testimony showed. KAKKM. July 27 (AP) An nouncement of Kiade end size re quirements for dried prunes, de cided at anieetinR here yesterday ot oO representatives of prow era and processors, will be made late this week, Frank MeKenuon, chief of the division of plant industry. said today. The 1!W7 legislature iiuthorized the establishment of the prune standards. HOOll RIVKH. .lulv 27 -(Jeoree Ladies Wash Dresses Reg. 69c 49c heg. 98c 7SC Reg. 1.9d X.fltrf Girls' Dresses sizes 1 to 16. Keg. 59c 29c Hey. 1.00 a9C. heg. 98c lC Children's Swim Suits n-g c S9c eg. 59c atf C Men's Suits Jummer colors. C5 Reg. 22.50 Men's Straw Hats Reg. 1.49 59 Men's Wash Trousers Sanforized, Afi Reg. 1.49 yCSW Men's White Caps Reg. 25c 1 9 Men's Swim Suits Zipper top. 00 Reg 1.98 Men's Swim Trunks 00 Reg 1.98 Boys' Summer Union Suits While they last 10c Boys Play Suits Short sleeves and legs. Res,. 45c JV Boys' Swim Suits All wool, 1. sizes 30 to 34 JtJi EXTRA SAVINGS Vdll xVt r-nnry !'fi you buy Wj- ! A t y it U t Urn 1 1in yu hnj- thOu(h tiC C!1oC Ortifr Df:-. Juvi ttlei''ile yojr ordt on nthif m h.t taloe ir it b(forj yott hjy Or, if you preftr, iut if? ' the t.tlji oiHcr tifi MKcn yon m m tht Moil. X J L S t mt-BMiii it i r niirii . ii . . , I 1 1 Holds any Blanket until 0 Wlttkoi anil Ills on, rlillng on a iik'kun. liHU'iied nith diritnuy as ihu motor stalled. An Instant later they leaped lor their liveB as the eatboimd Union Pacific slreuin llner hurtled toward them. They escatieil and the train was not Llama;! extensively in sulking the pickup. HOOD ItlVKK, July it lio' Hale, shootinf: rabbits, heard a scream and found his wife wound ed In the tliiKh. A bullet had ri (.whetted. She will recover. n-ci-'vc .iniv -rt tAl'i (lull A Perry, local representative ot the milk control uoaril, rnnuuiiceu a rise of one cent u quart iu the price of milk here, effective Au gust 1. Approximately 80 per cent of the increase will go to producers, Perry said. . ... m TI1K DA LLCS. July 2!!. (API Farmers utttndinii an organized labor meeting here last nigul voic ed a protest to a union il 'maud that trucks at loci terminals be unloaded by union members. Forty-five workers have signed up with the new union, wlilcn in under Iho Jurisdiction of the Port land local of the teamsters' unlun. T11K IIAI.l.KS. July 20. (AP) The city's antl picketing ordinance will not be invoked against the grocery clerks' union in its efforts to enforce Sunday closing, city of ficials announced after I.ii.-.3 Celia Oavin. city attorney, held tho oidi-, i nance invalid. The II. J. Wilson store is being. picaeted. COKVAUJS. July 2!K I AIM CS V. Copson, city milk inspector warned today that the city fa es an I acute milk shortage when the open-) liiK of school swells the population I this full. I A combination of higher costs of I labor and supplier and a low re turn from their product has dis couraged dairymen, he said. P()IITI.ANI. July 2'J.' (API Reduction of the YV1W rolls by Suo.Otib persons brqvtiiht a protest to congress from the executive i committ ;e of the Portland central j labor council. ! The committee contended that many of the persons thus dropped were In need and unable to obtain pri vntu employment. THE DALLES, July 2!). (APi The city council scheduled a spe cial election September S on the proposed ordinance requiring food handlers, barbers and cosmeticians to take physical examinations. SALEM. July 29. (AP) Offi- rials of the C K. Spnnbtinir I. tun- AT LAST YEAR'S PRICE Fall Price, $2.39 Full standard weight. Top grade. Wool and l China cotton (next to wool in warmth). Sa- S teen bound. Full bed size. 70x80 inches. M 1.39 "Fleecydown" pairs; 70x80 in 1.08 Bonftetwtfi 5-year guarantee Fall price 6.98 All wool I 70x80 in. size. P modern panel border. 4" taf t fcta binding. 3 lbs. preshrunk. . t F1 I i V 1 WV Vr rS ! XU . ' .' her company said early opening of the plant, closed since vould follow announcemcni of appi'oval of a HFC loan souiii by the company. NOIITII HI0ND. July 29. (Al) (July one pilchard boat remained at Cons IJay todsv" out of the' Z here when llie season l.can. An agleemellt plovidin hi-ller prices have (iiawu the boats to Monterey, Calif., where tho seasun opens Au gust 1. I.AKEVIRW, July 29. (API An attempt at a strike at the Ad ams mill railed last night when workers passed through n union picket line, established iu protest to the alleged discharge of W. J. llrown, a delegate to the wood, workers' convention in Taconia. The union will discuss further action at a meeting tonight. HELP KIDNEYS PASS 3 LBS. Doctors aav vour Ittdnnvn pnntnfn 1 n of tiny tubes or libera which help to purify tin blood and keep you healthy. Most peopla paaa about 3 pints ft day or about 3 pounHa of hm Frequent or icanty paaances with Bmartini tnd burning shows there may bo tomethin. ftTong with your kidneys or bladder. An etcesa of acids or poisons ia your blood; when dus to functional Itidney disorders, may be the oause of nacginc backache, rheumatit pains, lumbago, leg pains, loss of pep and en rgy. getting up sights, swelling, puJfineas Under the eyes, headaches and diixineas. Don't wait! Auk your drurgiat for Poan's Puis, used Bucr-cstifuHy hv millions frr eve 40 vears. They give happy relief and will help tha 15 miles of kidney tubes Huh out prisonous vaate from your blood. (Jet Doan's Fills. Saturday li Maccabee Hall Featuring Frank Roadman and his orchestra Come out enjoy the evening dancing in a cool hall, good floor and with real music. Sponsored by Eagles 35c 10c ill ea. New, Sanforized -Shrunk BROADCLOTH I SHORTS 11 Full-cut and they vron't H shrirli! Fa5t coior patterns. i.j Lombed Cotton Shirts, i f NOW :ic Boy- 19c Sfiim. Sliortj. 16c i 1 315 No. Jackson St.